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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1938, p. 11

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THURSDAY, MfARCH 17TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAELVN Chicago Subscribef Sends News 1OSHAWA MIDGETSTo nte Conefin Kn Z ' AbaiaLESKARD SCIL NDPESOALDOWNED 1BY LOCALS e fiWOMe HomeandSchol CubKmtngon-o·····---------... On 1Saturdlay afternoon Oshawa O ane a c fU v dR a 45 d Sday nighit with Clarke Union Club The top of the mornin' to ing the affairs in Europe. We Midglets, anagd OoboyrJon . 8ýams Street, ow Dceb thmattendance. The programi conduict- youse. understand Fred Sissons and a Bcly nodOooby n Chicago. Ili., w.inI)cter. te gras., e yArJms io ossedo eo hOrono Midgets played agod Several matters of importance, Der i Jme.February 26, 1938 noizzeira itsenmarketkst a violin solo by Cran Scott; rct-a eln nmu i rmeG asaot o egm o okyato g h ce came up at the monthly meeting M DT R SB T Afay I offer %you this article,aknanlmelons grown ouitdoor, and tle etior bv Bern Cln vi ; i and a Old friends have been delight- suggest helartng little er enguit 0 r asha , h a of n htamdr efreClaime er IT ERB TL from a letter which we received at! reis full of roses as, well as piano duiet by ANir. Rosboroughi and ed to renew acquaintance with the nearestrsarey to fisk. n Pearson was referee.1 as too few members were present Cn hristmatie froma TornoNr-ler-iss Galloway. Guest specaker was oM r. tesn ore eietStilla few others are almost pack- Goals were obtained in the first1 to deal with them., emnscnesofte at s endwh marid lstsummner and WVith the roads, it is a choice 1 -- lr. Roshoroughi who spoke on "Co-ofOn. ed ready to join in the fray at half by Patterson, Case. Cooper,l communications were read from ualp rigacuclorople went to Albania to hive. The con- tween the blinidinlg dustv ruts of the operative W\ork." which wvas tmuch . .Mr. Oscar Scott made his the earliest opportunity We Mercer, Tamblyn and Patterson; Prime Minister Mackenzie King e, u eesasoy:htwl tare interesting and pertinent summtrer and the almnost impassable enjioyed and very, instructive. .lssitial trip uptown last Wednes- wouldn't be surprisedi if 'a few and in the sec-ond half by Patter-j and from local member of Parlia-henodbyalIcintlyt 4 this time whien Kmig Zog 's ai)- mire of the momnlt. Or should I Gray conducted smcotts. Lunch day, getting along with the aid of have not already written to fri-soSalsndTmy.Th ment, W. F. Rickard, acknowledg-!sos htbosofteprsn proaching mnarriagisaknghed-sa that in Albania the roads are was served and the evening concl- crutches- ends in England for reservations. play seemed always to centre ing receipt of a resolution in re-ayrentmcmoemhiv hles in our newvspap)ers, andAban never a miatter of choice. ed in dancing. Wild geese were seen flying The mnany local friends of Mrs. around the Oshawa net and to-1 gard to issuance of railroad pass- ious antoefthtiec- is much written about a, pt-h~Abnahsisdiyciai f.Fe rl' aewswl north last week and crows have (Dr.) Haddow. mezzo -soprano, wards the centre, and the gcaties es, discussed at the last meeting. en minte nes. TanmI)utu eauites>. Radiaint moons over dark attended Satuirday wvith ev-eryting given their racuous caws - two will be interest.ed in a recent To-' had to look lively. Altgte r icadepandteposi- I em ta1on rsrn - pas avos. . . od. olve goves:sunsts ofameti briginga fai prie. sue sins tht sping wll son roto rcitalrendred b theit wa a ggodtgae.aaddonewelltion f th govenmeneon te dws goig ovrototleneg on lous ppecatel• -t, flamle, gold cerise and truos Nlr. Lloyd fTrull and lady frienlb ee fiilysrn oe itd igr obndp OsorhaseeinG.aBrc ane matter. The letters were received hdecddtiaoreyos n 1-rances A. Someri flun out over the: souing sei.L a: ofFeln Falls and Edith Trulli next Monday. gram had been arra.nged for Wed.. Ohw:Ga, rc adr and fyled. o1a aePt ( Ars.D. 1.) blue mnists, that seemi to draw the!visited their p)arents. Women's Institute are holding nesday evening, Feb. 2nd, with defence, Don Lander and Cliff Hydro purchase was discus-sed McConciavst.Peatht momtiitains eerily nearer: · uddeln their annual Irish night to-night MWiss Anna Macdonald, pianist. Brown: forwards, 1st line, Ralph briefly, but as there had been no' imeliewh'eRb.Rny t is sard (onl good authii thaelcctrmhat atwh>th a |IAr. Herbert Cobbledick hsbe (hrdy>inaitesfMs.Hdo. aigCok.DnDamde eihGr frhrinomto rcie cn o lvs rivn hretego thepocet ingom f Abana wllt istatfolI a andltelv-ll 1th e frth omn va h hrrins ee lasd ose art. Owinto illes. Mrsdo.Hd-rion; 2 Dn dleDugClkete- u- cerinfNewastlo e'st ill tead fhehusoolnJh-ta becthtsceesce theenxtfErthen schel' onlygood x-teniBLrlIHiling to akekte t lce pl JohnBuckey'adsfrind igtowtdow assoligeetolpstpoe ghe geneWale..Rot. Hes:H3dslie, mater as lft inabeynce. ete ws ou bynhe ban, s Joh war. On the outside thatd X-tt:anll. Mr. Arthur ll %who ,is leavingth St doffering until later in February. Bob Thickson, Dan Webb, Bill A commnittee, composedofO .etffosehi.Hrte possible, for Albania i, the bottkle- Cani olt\nlyakec the most casuial negbuho.aturda Wlh e h while iss Anna Macdonald con.- Tompkins. W. Rolph, W. E. Armstrong and:hiredma pone ouwhr ck f te Ariticandth bufero ervtios n tadem lana. A inumiber attenided the hocke\ -kr1s.ta e n tinued according to schedule. Ca- Orono: Goal. D. Goode; de- W. J. Riddell. was appointed t eewabnoin frsii bietween Italv and IJugoslavia. Fromt ornlts are chiitlv eg'.'rwhids. amein li0hawa Mnday niighit be- sic .R seh ait uine ahrda Ma- fence. D. Patterson and Ross Mer- interview the Highway Depart-tubn.Jhtogthedav th.nsd -otigseemlss lý ikeI*li gram and cartrbablyfound pr tweevn haaand Guelph. R. Kesrs. H. Low ,ad Mus. loney's Galleries where the two cer; fo'rwards, 1st line, Don Sta- ment through the local member soe fn ohecrfllrpr so few eveni knowni that wasaeIay mot r o h tartida.mea W. H. Rowery anR. Best recitals were held, and press re- ples. Bob Cooper, Doug Case; 2nd concerning the unpaved portion te u ahad lme po being %waged in Spain adCina lziir"1 e m \an ir a a ned heOntriePrhiitisnports are warmin ntheir pas fline. E. Middleton. G. Tamblyn, of the Newcastle-Lindsay high- ea t ieabat 4° e dvlicpece f lbniaiswhre, ulst quietly pult thelnum u fi STARKVILLE Union convention in Toronto last hss u s iss Ge C onh usKr lnof, .t lf o t eyea victim.Hwvrhusse disturbed only hv occasional unh)lea- Iltce o hei fillilra Mission Band met Monday af- copnstfrbfrebigpae n n h n help val, amiy eud ad i rumors. p1repa,-re to miake camp on the wharf Robinsý have i een een and hecard ternoon. Mrs. Haddow who retains the mentime no work would be done dw n eadtemdbt which are often deadIly nuhvo the cusýtomIs officials wvill >a' in this vicinlityv. Rev. S. Littlewood, Sunderland, namne of Jean Macdonald in her REFEREE RETIRES osaah om e ilsg arriveducrmnosyo o Harmonizing vith the genltiv rollin t-mrro,"which imay meiani. any\- Rev. F. IBeech p1reachied .a good will be the guest speaker at Park rfsinlcpct.FO REF RALÍ h enieb rof poo ee We h to1a se cas o tge. iaic, stanid the me. Salt, g4inger ale. mlatche, sermlon ml Shiloh on hunlday to a St. Church next Sunday at the ï The central e om m i tt ee in recovedanPeehdgtbc attraciv uih 1sa teNerEatcards, tobacco etc. are hnndi a ltvit.dconigregýationi. 1mornmg service. r Ofthechare f hisewindnJohn thought he smel Founidation .Agricuiltuiral S c h uhre is uiinpurified ungrounid and 1Younig Peofle's lheld a St. Pat- Dr. H. Manning's father is ill OBITUARY s úued Tstueo hei oo uag rtonsulphr, s atl okt i which houses 75 luckr. lustv bov ueaabe.rick*s 1Dav sociail, NAlondar evenn. with pneumonia. Id heelswihtevcminhtpr r sithe school is thef lr iin ,-!On clothes and g\ psiu> I could - "(logambloweihlafinle lSympathr andextended to Mrs. ¡ Feeiciae Eas NThfrtnd etmllb hpas eadteue ee si uigeoun agae tsiiiaii,(w %riteý a book. Our beautitul little ·Syou n rs .Symu rdeikJmeIvn gets but the later could not comei Commerce. Nothing concrete was ooawta hhoud' ga.stimer ter iI ,hiiîzborvat.Zhyraz, %was turged to \wear . \ ko.R lloelý-l attended theon th death of theirmother.out Following a car accidentna oNewcastle just used the time done due to the small attendance, keep i ps eddf. h er dd half hoesbý'.. T1hey musit bhe heelless, as all tunerl a"t her c'ousinl, Ar \ue Toront.o on Saturday, March 12, to practice.A m eigwl ecle nteIbse hr eew ud ntf r ottri\-i(lhlI.len mon v sy irls aefride<owera anigo. gi ftrhrilns.Frederick James Evans passed lMillbroolk did not comne either' near future to furthier discusslthe frfa fbigsme.Hr o ive-cowne .Ka n a e u els. She weore hier >hoes ndo ,.lr. and l r '. Orme Falls spenit a, Mrs. George Seymour hasre away in his fifty-fifth year, ati so the second game between Mill.- Orange walk and to formulate Johngohibrahndlsi- as l r ne 1 btiriv \-ii I a et!are-oo o t ett t a i ter> . Ar neto Tor-ono nwheretse sh Christie Street Hospital, Toronto, brook and O. C. S. developed into complete plans. vnted hae"l' elta bizarrely-painited combinla1tinsevat d idnt IuSea Ar i rmwtihrsngadhl.NnySget ho! on Monday, March 14, 1938. a game between the O. C. S. and mIosquiI and school is theneoca aernetohshsadhe\retTrn is ill. Mr. Evans wvas born in Eng- Orono players mixed, the one' centre had one at homle. 1 gave eu oe i mHlo lierr. Ms oAmsrn svstn land, and married there. He came side's goalie bigMjr h O T R G A T is particular scho>l daunit-, -tb lsaîet\ i.butl i >e c fromt ase\vere cold. eliim n er mother, Mrs. C. G. Arm- ito Canada abu fifteen years ago ohr list11, re GIVEN AT UNION lya ndsnrt"ohtea ba le. loored A-ul liss Atgn, nSt everail fromt here attended E1. AtlePaSChrch venng e as p redeceedby hshawif enwr had43 uta hedoGod koseeyhn.Iko of our' staff, chargeupterci-Teosmes of the wrcpýTec.tte fteýealthy are Tul aeo audy srienx udyrpr. wil about ten years ago. He is sur- the gamte the latter was winner Rev. C. E. Armstrong gave a ntig er hita. h itouIs path 0on a white horse to wag wonerful to behold, houbther liýssNormna Hallowell vpsited her berie neofthe nt rohitsinl vdb w agtrMs -4 ero a oe t e eyenjoyable talk to the young professrhdasns fhmrs wr n aignosrance am ucthild- k lmve adopted European dress forunc>, Alr \\ illRHenreewcaste.Union convention. Mayo, of Harold, Ont., and Lily ing referee, but it turned out to people of Park Street Union Mon- wihhndbakteoyppr ofrenias n ered mirkem thendwork 1ordinary occasions. The men %wear Nr has. lRidn . R. Gree it Rev. C.Armstrong pnt the Evans of Oshawa, and one son, be a free-for-all rather than a day night, in which he outlined th holoig eakort of cat r, pastre d aet tendos ing·anthinig from the tighitest-le&gged ir. Chas.Re id a ntvk. weekend with relative in Tyrone. Fred Evans of Orono.' game. It may be that the play- a Christian Programn for Youth. tno t Gdgt 0% o -~~~~~ orcnpoietesevswt ok agyv-seated breeches, muich braid- Ar alTdhdansyac-Rb h beT ers got out. of the wrong side of Youth, he pointed out, are not get nohn.HpyNwYa" and rubbers. Mfiss Antiione also ed, to full ballerina shirts as in the dent while repairmgz somle imachinery Rbis ave ben seen. 1 Th e luneral took place from the bed or it may have been that all atheists by any means, and if Rev.Amtogcnlddb mixs trmig wth eacmgforatsouh. he ome wer tousrswhen hecult one of his finigers. Sheverad times ltey vilagers te parlors of Luke Burial Com- they were plain ornery. At any one considered Canadian churches emphasznhtGoslk recess she tends a suirprisinig little fullove-t% edtigNhpdon l.Ar. Rob). Farrow, Port Hope, vis..havk adt oassist inn eting a nry,hOshawa, on Wensartbohrllve ndgdhdsmlauicsheeto-cpanofahpwolokatr garen hic stagges etwen he t terakls. Sfequrin nsel caps nIvited his son, NMr. Howard Farrow' Watr Calt on astr uy nit eMCaret , ermetrinUnio spotsmnhipweroelakng-or d that h attudendedsahurchntineerncllthptmtepeial grave-stones of the mosque and tetke h paeofvil.Slideolal)s IoIlis dauighter, AIrs. J. Clysdale. dlte frleo at rt of t emetery. a es ethde.PnlisUSA hr hr eesxin tintieofsr. chidesse-.Tebildingsof oin ar-fesoond oerhe ample Ai. Earrofisoinshsa80th ear. Cobledick'wten onple were meted out about every five the choir and five in the audi- Folwnthspediadrs the Near East Schlool harmnomlosoms. The! poor folk wear black - irs. Arthur Dunn h las been visit- wr. .hlei a t hphpl minutes. At one time there were ence. He did not ·think that youth an oper ou a hl nih th the suroundacing.uty od"cohsNit htIrblc edm rns Jnco halweia. be A number attendec ur . F. FRDYS AM five in the penalty box. That ha'o hi es o iig or subject fteCrita' i themehod o techg.cloths for the wvomen, long, shape- INs.JaobHaloel hs ee Tul'ssae atrd would not have been so bad if al! there would not be so much en- tudeton-cuhgerad Bos retugt o t ue o- es edordrbdrsssfor the girls. li pwt a odbti u ldt e rOcrSot I OTSEE the players had taken their medi- thusiasmt for the "isms." He in- World pae hs icsin erni equtipmiet. both mental and The men wear white fez. and even agam.- -w alc ine cheerfully but the referee's timated that the church did not wr e yRv rsrn n material, for the age-old business of in the hiottest weather a villager NIr. and NIrs. Chas. Ville and son' PasabeSt ChuoccuS y or t i A is for angry - in other words decisions were met with hostility challenge the youth and ýthat at proved obeyhlfl farming. The bovs doni't l'ecomle wars hiis heavv black wool iring- G'eo)rge. and necice, little AlIiss B,ýParkfiSt.mesicehisufalorth mad- and he had to literally shove them this particular timte it was hard Otherieso h rga ssatisfied with their lot back home, ed'cnebgjackewihsstl bara Barclay, Oshawa. with hier r. Wtilfed W She1wfint et B is for Bill - and he's quite a into the box. As one bystander for themn to get established in life. were: Srpue yMs ae at erlywih heprvetalethctadtional mourning for til-parents. Nir. and \Irs. \ m. Saverv. er Clle Gu Selphwihoe- smart lad- expressed it, "Fuzz needs a shot- The speaker spoke of the spirit- Wintertwseciosbavcl ire of it theont trefore. banianthe edievoal ihero Scandrbeg. AhsMHazelalls visited ANs oerxle e e h, was hm C is for Carleton - busy as gun to put them into the box and ual, moral and social problems of trio, Msr.W.MthlR eave homeeafterlechoolebutreturn Tluzs tGwen Gilmer.could be. Walter a machine gun to keep thethday ýiwhich confronted the Sutton n .Tyor ihMs to, bulild better farmnsteads .and fim em prý1()lt iestalwatrgaze\Ir. Ross lHallowell sold a f inc e Quit alare nuwmereflog D is for Dick - a fair player is them there." Finally Pearson quit youthOur land. R. H.,rw ttepao n ilis i a andwhre griultrei ea>ot, us tz andwhatore-horetoamanIr.TinFPort Hope. fare at Art lln sm illredy e-in disgust, and for the last six Ithspri-tual life, he said, titled"SedAa"ndIHar thebak-on of thle coun'tr\ to tIh k oitriest at ir - a nd \'ir. StTo ln Fallsaa. or awi McIonald s visiting in E is for energy - none of them minutes of the hour and a half we should develop Christian char- the Voie;adgme<e yRv extn f8%ercn.,n heeuin1rad n1 erdudrh n<r.m in. aa oot slept. gamte Major refereed and played acter ourselves and then go out Armstrog familles are the real unit of .societ er. ihcrwe htad al Ar. I L. Trim wvas, in Oshawa. 1 isiIze itrha eun F is for Fuzz by whom order? goal as well. Nobody blamned and win others. MissBar& ampeie and governiment. Ibridan. • ed fi s hzlWne eun was kept. Pearson. In fact, many would In talking of the moral side of overth mein adtakd Ini his speech for the 28thi of Nt,\- tsi rttei1eno isNeb huk.Necolefo hs Arciedta G is for Gordon - a brother Of have walked off before. the question he intia ht Rev. Amtogadteti o embr el!rtinsofAlana' fee-laia touh ot Cthlis n wand omt. Om al vt ,- 1Mrs. Helen Clement, eldest dau- Him.orhckyIt juam re ast looked s icf rue nce rue ee eryaoeawywihtei pobeaffhrsl domt fromt the Turks. King ýZ'9 a il- raýtestats >cani be foun 1 edsAnlr. noir. Omgalswtht i ter of the late Dr. James L.Hi o1oke ae-Tmb.reGmb'sissec o readw had to follow tour con- adprnr a en.Drn pealed- and hie klnows how tO a-- ed n rno. •H hsrotd- lyn's did win. sportsmanship of playing the science. He went on to tel, Of the busns eidi a n pe ircl t h ruhofte lhe .Albanian is fatalistic 1tromn \r. and Nirs. \\'ilfred l NcKav ofHNgew , YorontMr h 8th away in I is for ice on which it was game had "gone with the wind." various rules and resolutions laid nounceththenxmeig ilet1 o hevoit " tethe verv nature of ting. He dilesni t Newtonville, Nfr. and Nfrs. G. ANlor- - oko Mrhfh played. down by a group of young people would b ncag fMse la Hementthe girls adas eCli aS owmul 1Lch. texptc it svrvtn Sixth Line. visite r.Jon MsA.Balyhsetned JNilfo.Jm.-inbiggol pdsof .SA. Whendthey met in con- ThelmaMesndOieBo. ti sthoo lere theie 1 lizattion genrouls. spcially towayfre.AcavSna.MsAornr- from waiting on Miss I. Cameron. aryevntoM.J..MloCokdOrk th we ave for womnen s mkt- ith whiat little hie ha>. lHe farms ma ýining ii over for a few days. ifrs. M.J .Mlo lades K is for Kells - who is Billy to REV. C. ARMSTRONG Whern speaking of the social will beges pekr te gr iare tstaen iventhe steepes!.t slop)es adIsl.Hrl arro\yclouigh having retuirnl-thParEvertoe wlonn eMonday you. SPEAKER SUNDAY side, Rev. Armstrong discussed Contetrslse 0 ht if unpjrogressively. and smuis ait hi> ed to W\esleyv\,ile.• L's for LeRoy - he's a good the use of leisure timte; the po 15, Blue23 Il.ile ltt c inmr w ivd,4,ork. I have yet to imeet ant Al- AIr. Bert Triui visited at NIrs. Oth iyafen lMarch 1., player, too. Rev. C. E. Armstrong of Court- per attitude towards other races, TheExctvmeathecn inhtryinglto iprovsthe, llti>anan wn thees no sinu- l.aSilerhse.l.teeeosParnSthWA.r mtlinthe MislfrdMaorsh-whoaalledrigh wasguestspeaer atParkanddoward tho whowere rift cluson odtheregulr meting mnouriul wails -- to the accompan- NI rs. Ralph Bouigen visited hler te•fPakS. •A mti themenselves Bro- hStrndtin into sin; home and marriage. h noneen fbsns Lntl ow th by as ee fvo imntofa seper'sflute or a mnother, AIrs. John AlcKay's. bsmn fte hrhadctN's for the net where the puck Stethurc nusevay. gvepeace; and unemployment 'tasce il egvnltr ed from birth and given the )roitec- native drumi beaten withi ironi. Afr. Ronald Burley, Newtonville, cut and pieced quilt tops for the sure did go.At.hmongsevcheae These things could not be t oos (it ay we avalai Oneimusit inot overlook the imn- took part in our St. Patrick-s pro-tale anenjye -me0uperOis for order which Fuzz could artak o A th e a e1h th srihenduerth rga adteor u-iiiities. hw ius rt imprtanice of Colitee lin the philosoph«. gramn on NMonday eveniing. r ila .Fw- not keep.whlilurangteak with followed without the aid of God, "Be js n ernt e l h O n e adthrl ot riin orhe adleegt Alam.fsdehee Mr... .aRid shipe a.rukWeiofPeerb roviste th iraun . P is for pe altes - ternsuelteiidsf pice of ea t, nduhe spe kewstte.eedsthoeai eseatbethy co ntr's ti -1andgilsti t rdig >nairn oe. candied fruit, sickly eclhes loa< of stock this week. e fM ebrs. as Eglsn ec tetlynt was a heap. also a glass of water and a drop He went on to tell of a college thy Godsc n rt'. t igtesiaind e rie.Thre Ns ianIl anid pIenty of gossip are servedwNith Ms asumerateree the show torthe query - a game or aofnkrmhifunanpad boy who at his Christmas exam--Shkser the childreni. The vei].s have been th, laring11ouseand lutb for nmoiDI:M AND DISTANT atBw nvlehiwek R is for Ross - as a player he's spointing ot theat a little nwl lifted symnbolically and actually it isas cGlad to see Mrs. W. J. Stutt, sprih odiluewhoe alife n ltl true. but now one cani see that youingasucession of coffees cani pass a HAPPENINGS who recently underwent an op- Sall frihtncgoo influene a life w\onien art, married t, -old imen wholc- e e dn. it" miý>ay he tat exc.eration, out around again. S is foslne -o hi hr After expressing his delight in whIomI ther %Il probabh- survive In toii k From The Orono News, of Mr. and Mrs. F. Lycett and T! ognss-alpae again being able ito be in the dis-UU so)ite of the , revatlenice of diseae un"I ad'otil for î cent> worth o uk March 6, 1913 babe.Ohwwr nirn n hdsm trict where his parents spent five deicatism. h cof fee ~Sunday. .Usfrteuio aln f1 happy years, Rev. Armstrong gave e oa Now, for the fod. othinu cmul lle , liilIiilaci Mr. Wm. McLeod hias been on Miss Betty Winter visited her ··Boo"' a splendid talk on "Accents." mor sriinee nsanc te p-sde lhe \lanan mgag iscoil-the sick list. grandimother. Mrs. I. Winter. iV is for vinegar _:éý-set of Telling how fIeter's accent be- peed" eanswecred, myt qe." rane 4, K. Staples 3. M. Barwell csl em or lydgaethat the present age should adopt This is the dust fr fKlfg s ti muthvedn smtin1rn 3. M. Reid 3. P. Winter 3, S. Mof - for Orono and Quigg for New- as theirs "World Brothemqood." ,U D U 1 T HE A MO S e aid hs ege.,lon it. ce e fM. at 2. H . ap .M li .castle. The latter got a nasty Ihit Pointing out that it was not, rainy weather aipa ie.Sa ped RUBBIN tenig wit e f fort ht no.he b M Waddli 1.meant for nations of people to in damp weather. Kolodust sticks and protets hnmsedd RUBIGwith the puck right en the fore- live by thiemselves.Re.Am LIb n-pMEnT in& n> i IIar ili% iIi la head, the puck bounding off and strong went on to show that there L E "F h -oooc-ie Rub-o-paingone Thank God every morning that going clean up into the attic were' economic, political, racial U to UG ETTE Gethny iewAlsoargecnl h uet liuue it a n rdtoyou have something to do that where it was soon secured. For- and religious differences, and wt igr reaeo abeiomy siz . elso avad. speech, w but e ier anno teot day, whether you like it or not- a tunately it was the flat of the that to some extent and in some Lead. It is a complete fungicide and isciie able smaler, rgularhave orbec m etilIe tu en oce owradfre puck that hit him and hie was places these were being lessened. sie to ctso tto do your best, will breed in you able to continue playing wvithout He pointed out that most of the tepracaadslfcnto,.ii any more serious damnage than a conflicts between nations were 1'9 a nJ ri gence and strength of will, cheer- probable headache. It was cer- due to misunderstanding and ex- fulness and contentmnent, and a E BA tanly a wild game. At one time pressed the hope that in the fut- "KG DFPA ". hundred other virtues which the 0 0 s • o-r ASr five men were all in a hieap on ure world peace or world brother- i-o od hiath niot given uil the idle never know. the ice due to one mian taking a hood w-ould become a fact. spirit of fear; but of power, and "Evenl in war moral power is toý tumible and as no one was hurt At this service the choir rend- • of lveandof sond ind" pysial s treepars ot o for."this created muchi amusemnt ered "Declare His Grace and -11 TimiothyV 1: 7 -Napoleon amiong the bystanders. Glory."

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