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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1938, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CAN.\DIAN STATES.NIAN, BOWMAN\'ILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH i7TH, 1938 Real Estate For Sale Pianos For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE - S O L I D FOR SALE-TWO FIRST CLASS The New castle Independent good locality, desirabie home, minnpiano case organ. allil bickhmousernon Cenrieet jr. seid coeitiomn. pios.D-: Imm besold very cheap to close upi lowlees, Centre St. Phone 862. Mrs. R.T. Rutherfordi spent throughi northern Europe an an estate. Apply A. E. Bellman, 1- the eeked in-Tornto.King Street West, Bowmanville. th eeed n.Trnt.Asia. Shie alio3 showed sanie of1 Phone 526. 0f Mr. andi Mrs. Geo. Walkey.ý the articles she hati broughit home itnLs Newtonville. visted her father. 1with lier. Mr. Orville Osborne FOR0-tLfORitten- Lost Mir. Thos. Moffat. 1favoured .vith solos. Mrs. Bate- ICLASSIFIED RATES FOR SAE. ORx REnT.- RICK'LST-DR RE ESA Miss Sara Moise, Oshawa. speut iman antd fr'end. Mrs. Brown. I___ IN MEMORIAM f!os oe oneine.o kitten. haîf grown. Phone 867. the weekend with her parents, w'ere tea guests of Mr. andi Mrs._____11_______1__ Mr. and Mrs. B. Moise. W. H. Cooke. i one cent a word cash. eacîi Liberty St. N.. garage, heu- 1- John Quigg reports sales of The J. W. Stem-art Faii en insertion i minimum charge LYMER-In loving memory of houses. fruit.Jamessi A rni -____________Case__For__Sale $1000 orh c Gadiliroute by teami and metai covereti 25.Chrgof 25e extra is dear husbanti anti father, MosesApy Jms baa.Dsla aeFrSl bulbs threugh his first *a"atin w~ \agon from Watrous. SaŽ k.. ta FOR SALE - DISPLAY CASE.t ox'r Mntral Qu.. eahet Ne- mti whu avetismen ~ Lymner, who passed away March BOR SkLE -, Ont. 1CA-3 The.SJasm. ot ndsse. Mis aton ritiaQue.yafterno New-ch not paiti samne week as inser- 21, 1936. Jtes r poahr. 8Af.rasonable- Mr.Jas Boadan site. Msscasleon riay ftrnonMarli tion. Extra charge of i0c What would I give to ciasp his Baby' ChickstJo uBothr. '8 ft., aso coun- H-attie, Rossmore. andth îeir niece 1Il. andi stopped for refreshments when repl4es are directed to a hanti, R .P IE AYCýCS ofracpe iw edsa Miss Eileen Clark, Belleville, vis- antd a î-îsit with the citizens. S ta t e snian box nuniber. His happy face to e. .P.SRE ABPhCS oe ace22. a wene1ispce Farmers. learning from phone i To hiear his voice, andti e his for Aprîl delivery. Barreti Rocks'Pon 32.11 iteti Mrs. Merkley Clark. Birtlîs, deaths anti marriages aie 12c. White Leghorns 10 12 c. Or- Mr. Frank Miller is steadiiy. holders along the King's Higli- 5cec.I eoim,5esie e o.PrsPutyFr. W ne oR n impovng ine cmig lone ay No. 2. on wlîiclî tle Stew:arts SO al.I Mmras O That meant sernuch to me. te o.PrsPutyFr. W ne oR n frm ositlani a owale~ er taelin. loktiî. t : for notice, plus 10c per fine WANTED TO RNT-H.U1E.3 getm aita niîy witîî arutries. tesee theni. While tmwo of the f or verse. Classifietiativer- -adly' miseti byWife a i Whiby. On. 11- GetaoeniRul Mision Bud i os utet ronisehg i- tisemnents accepteti up until Fml.BABY C H 1 C K S - OUR S. C. te 8 room-s. Apply M. Breslin.: holdenitRumei ionuBthe U.C.S.S. t urs lîedfanîy nt ei oti n t i 6 Wedne5tiay. STAPLETON-In loving memor-3 White Leghorn C1îÉcks are sireti1, phne 436 or 854. Bowianville. hal ou turday afintenoo.CMar. i aaher;ng donations Mr. Stewart i0f Thomas Stapleton who pass- by R.O.P. cockerels from Fishier 1l-1 19 Lntr sids ij e hon helti the attention of a large au-. ed away March 14, 1929. -out--Frn.-Al-ir-sar Mis eln icari.Teonotience as lie talked flueuîly of BIRTH. The eveniug star shines er tlhe bnetFntolodtettib spent the weekenti with lier par- tIileir trip anti answ-ered questions t grave oenetIsetr.Aleg on ent, r.ani rs.W.J.S.Rik-bearing on it andtihte family's 0f one wve loveti but ceulti not set weight 24 oz. anti oier to1 FOUND AT MARTYNS BOWL- lerd. Mr. Ran rti. iiWth S.Re past experiences. Tlîey have HEFKEY - At Belleville General save. tiozen. Place your ortier now in.g Alley. 1 pair men's golti tlroat, spent the ilweeeti in be ed niore leisurely tlirough On-' Hospital, on March 12. 1938, te And while he rests lu peaceful anti get. your chicks wvlîen you! rixnknet -lasses. 1 fouiitaîn peu.i Mr.A. . Clwil hs nt ~n ario te date than tlirough any! Mrandi Mîs. I. G. Hefkey, 240 sleepwathe.Poe23.HJ. so A Ael. Cantillrs. He:beerlngowu other section of tîe lu rue Bridge St. East. Belleeville, a His memory iwe will always Brooks. R. R. 3. Bowmanviile. ____ has been in attendance as nurse, anti appear in neolîurry to leave son (stillborrni. keep. 7-tf Advice On Singino' asstiu Mr. Cytirma . The ,Tlîe lke Ontario so well tiiat! ______________ -Ever remembereti by wife antid__________1_____ dctorllias been in atteniance lif tliey dont succeeti Qee family.Fed orSlFEEAVEONY RSNG daily. where Mrs. Stewart w-as boru! DEATHS . WOOD-In ieving memory cf a FOR SALE-SCREENING GOV îgvieb îîeprect Mr. Stanley Grahîam i'eceîveti a;:tley are coming back to this pr'o-!der ife nti tevoteti mother. emument Certificate No. 1 Feeti. singer anti professienai teacheî nasty kick in eue leg by a cow vne RC Georgetta Emma Tucker, wliho rvngaotMi' 2 3 o f years standing. Phone 313. andi has been incapacitatet f rom -uBwaviiMn passeti away March'16, 1936. tx'ack Burketon. Phone Port 11- work. His cousin. Mr. Haroldti United Church W. A1. day. Mardi 14, 1938, AbigailuI oui' hearts your memiory Perry 191r5 or Bowmianville Vauplew. has been hepinîg eut in1 Mrs. Jerry Brown wlio returu- Louise Brock. witiow of the late lingers. 23.Nwe alr&um e wne lais steati. 'edtt lier for-mer homne in Browuns Henry Breck. age 84 yearis. 2SensN-wton Taylor & Sons, ____________ A.lenPolar, ibe: ea c clool sect'ou with lier son Arduie Funeî'al f rom her late resitience. Sweetly tender, fend anti true. Burketon. 1111 fMBRANED -iUAE Aldn olar, lbrý Pare -There is not a day. dear motlhex', __________________-__SQUARE anti Jo.s. Quigg atteudeti a box anti her son-iu-law anti tauglîter. jClîurclî St.. Thurstiay. March Ta.w ont hn fyu timber. any iength up te 50 feet, social party sýponsoreti by Mr. Mr. anti Mrs. Woodleck. in 1936. 17, at 2 p.m. Interment Bew- Tla. ed ntthuaf e.ators For Sale eu1ot qar. Wieo Mitrk Turner. hockey manager. 1olti the menîbers of tlhe W. A. of manvilie Cemetei'y. Husnlyrmmbdbauiat an oOnAE- UBR0 R- Bwvle. s Phare 2315. 11-1 at Mr. anti Mrs. Turner's home,. the Uniteti Church a t.hrilling pO AEANME FR-1Bwale hone .5 1- Oshawa, Mardih 1. story of Pioneer life in Aberta iBREEN-In Newcastle, ou Wed- _______t_______ built cream separators. incluti-_______________ Tlîe Stanley Riekarti Orchestra at theiî' meeting on March 10t.î. nesday. March 16. 1938, Jere-SA E ing DeLaval andi Renfrew. ais eL o Sl playeti at No. 9 Home anti School MrS. .H oepeieiat h îhBen uhstîya. AucTiON S L Stwo acatio ccok stoves. Apply 0. .,esle Club meeting on Marc . e boar'd room wliere the meeting husbauti of the late Jessie Cepe Hylanti. Burketon R. R O AE-OECMLT Rev. W. P. Rogers. B.A., B.D.. was fieldiwas fileti. St. Patrick's anti fatheî' of Mrs. George \WiseFO SAE- NECMLT Bowmianville. tieliveretid a though,:- Day decorations remintietial that anti Mrs. E. T. Quinlaiti. Mr. Ronald B. Scot will se:! by _________________ Tlreshinr Outfît. in c 1 u ti i ni g, fuI address on Leirure Time. Maci 17t.lî was lunhie effing. Funeral nms at St. John's R. public auction ou the premises. GriLo aeGaisn Sepaî'toî' 28- 4. Caeve Art:e Toms-,. student in thie hî:gh M~ H. C. Aluin 'ead the s .Cuch ecste t9 r. o 7 ocsso .Da'igo achol sflrei ~ver hme- re1ese ani rs Je.Doa- Fritiay. March 18. Intermnent (1, mile east of Tyrone antiFRSLE-ERY LSA Mill. anti Mssey Blizzardi. Rea- e-laS led in prayel'. SPecial mnusical a:Pr oeR .Cmtr. sul' amsok. inîple- ani aneQas NC sonable fer cash. Alpply George rhage last mweek anti iadti o rYeladcwlne.Lw. Nwcasle RR.N. 1C- mai'n out of school. He ivas Saine numnbers were a solo. Tlîe Wear- MANN -nBwanio ment.s. potatoe.s, antiomne lieuse- elwes R. R. 1. Enniskiilen. Law.__Newcastle__R._R._2.______ bet:er' over zhe mweekend -wýlîe îsîgo eGeen. byMis. .iA. aN'-l. Bwavii. nloltieffec>:s,. ou Fritiay, March 25. Phiene Boxxmauvile 2260. 11l' , o te ree. y rs.C.A. Tueýd a. Mardi 15. 1938. Julia ia: 1 p.nî. Termis cash. J. D. Ho- Gander____For__Sale_ brother. Mi'. \Wi. Toms. ua-sCowan. accompan:ed by Mrs. H. A. Manning. wvife ef thie late I artli clerk: Elmer Wilbur, aur-FRSLE VCOYSEED G nerFrSl home f rom TL-ron*to. M. Allin, anti a vocal duet. Fol- John George Manning. age 841 O AL IITOYS C. G. I. T. met Fr:day. March 10wv the Gleani. by June anti ýtoneei'. 10-2 Oats. E:mer Cox. R. R. 4. Bow- FOR SALE - 1 GREY GANDER 11. Kathleen Toms ied'in tievo- Glenn Afin. Mrs. A. W. Glennev's years. Mna.Mrl 1t ib avlè lce2à. 1-* ad1boz on o uky gopsreluc.Funeî'al froni the family î'esi- BohM s o ttiy 6MadiConcess b~ nion. 2. 28.B-u~ani brone. yountom îPui ore tionai. Patsy Fenton gave a i'eati- gopsretduc.tence. Concession St.. Tîuî's-Lo 6.Cnesn2.Bh Wte Cutie Phone ing. The girls are going 10 hoit a.Mî u Clarke, (on Highway, 12 mi east FOR SALE-SEED BARLEY AND 165r3Oshawa. h- a cantileight service -iu Unitedi Group Album in Newtonville 'emo omuileCeme f Newtonvil.wl elb u- Tmohyla' pl .B u-1 Church, Suntiay night. March 27. i Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard's greup 1 îery. licacieterfîmsokat uBwavle hn 10 NOTICE There will be special speaker anti of the Uniteti Church W. A. pre- implements. Sale at 1.30 p.m. 1- ______________ music. sýeuteti thîeir pantomime, Roctures McDONALD-In Bowmanville, on Teirnis cash. Elmer Wilbur, auc- Water runîng on the road.s Tlîe W. F. Rickarti famiy en-1 Olti anti New, in Newtonville ou Tuestiay, Mamch 15, 1938, Mar- tioneer. 11-1, FOR SALE-ALFALFA OR TIM- causes consitierable damage antic joyeti a re-union last weekenti .March 8th, untier the auspices of, garet Annie McDenaid. witiow Monday, March 21 - Mm. Ed thy ay1ApR R. Kinil. Braggexpeuse. I insist that my roati when Mr. W. F. Rickarti, M.P.,! Unitedi Church Y. P. U. Mm. Siti- of the late James H. McDoualti, win Ormisten will seil by publice . .4.B1mnile Pune foremen pay special attention te anti Mrs. Rickard were home from Lancaster. president. welcomed lu hem 77th year. auction ou the premises, Lot 30, 205 12 tîîis kinti of work. Ottawa. Miss Doothy anti frienti. the Newca.stle cast anti other visi- Funerai from the resitience of Concession 8, Darlington, h i sl Thos. H. Richards. Miss Hotigins, froni Peterboro,' tors anti thien turneti the chai' hem son, Mr. Bermuda MeDon- farm stock, impiements. f eed, 1 Vegetables For Sale Roati Superintentient, i Miss Evelyn anti frieuti from Port,. over te Rev. S. MacLean who iu alti, Liberty St. North, Fritiay. lumber. anti some householti fur-! Township of Darlington.e Hope. anti Miss Jean froni Oak-'humerous strain explaineti the Mamch 18. at 2 p.m. Intermient nitume. Sale ai 1 p.m. Ternis cash.: POTATOES FOR SALE - IRISH 10-2 1 ville at "The Grange" wîth Mr. whei'eabouts of Newcastle anti re- Bowmauville Cemeters'. Ted Jackson. auctieneer: J. D. Cobblers. growu froni certif ledt John Rickard. c ounteti some of thie thinga for- Hogar'th, dlemk. 11-1 seeti. Frank Aldswomth, Cour- Personal1 The souis like cannon shots vhich it ta noteti. As in Ne7castle!TOMLINSON-In Bowmianville on _______________ tice. Phone Oshawa 1652r5. hearti after noon on Tuesday the 'Album" was set up on the Fritiay. March 11, 1938. Helen Livestock For Sale I 111 MEN! TO GET VIGOR. VITAL-. were net the begiuning of an-'stage by Mr. Wmn. Hanua whiose Divan Tomlinsen. tiaughter of _____ _________ity, try raw eystem invigoraterst ote wr heBideCuv ut:ýgeuuity anti haudiness with iMr. anti Mrs. Sidney TÏomlin- RSL -CYD GE )G CARROTS FOR SALE - CORE-~ anti other stimulants in Newt FORerSAaLETheCBridge. Culvert less carrots. 50c a boushiel. J. A. OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Toue1 anti Watemways Department of, tooils as well as his willingness to son. age 5 years. Interment rising 3 years. bay with vhite ont.Buko RR.1 the Municipal Counicîl anti their speuti nearly another haif day on BwmnieCmeey markings. sireti by Civic Chief. 1outx.BrktuR .1-2* uyswmn, exhat elti, wenti explosive experts were blasting ice the job absolveti the ladies of oe weighs 1400 ibs. Apply W. S. ____ e2ssn. f nt e lihefud ith, below the Mill St. bridge ai Chap- 'worry. One page shioweti a nexx Moffatt. Orono. Phone 15r17. rsls ae eutspie lnsadb hsmasoeigpicture net seen lu Newcastle. a; A DOFT A KS1- Bulbs For Sale $1.25. Yeu risk nething. CalM the chiannel te relieve the pres- i picture of the prini anti pepular ________________ _________________ write Jury & Loveil. 5-tfn sure cf peut up water anti ice sdhiool maai with high lacetii FOR SALE-4 YEAR OLD PER- BuRbSA LcEach; naeti arieteM N tcet Chitr cakes in front ofthie bridge, boots, pointer anti pince-nez - Mr. anti Mis.Geo C. Poster antid hroBmreinfol eihi 2 c doen: s nmllPiardy" And'Ntice th Ces or A famiy re-union took place,. Mrs. Haroldi Coucli. As part of tiaughters desime te express their about 1450: three year elti Per- 2500eoia$,0 o hn Qual "ig.Ne- N HEESATE 0f arryF lasi Sunday at Mr. Isaac Selby'sithe supplementary program Mm. grateful thanks anti appreciation cheron geltiing. weight about aeOti 0 fP$.0.Jhn Clarkew-12N. TdEeS Ae o aryFrl when he anti Mm. anti Mrs. Carl!iGeo. Waltou coutributeti two vo- for floral offerings andi messages 1350; aise registereti Yorkshire cate n.Phn lre1120 eeae.t Selby anti childre hati as guesi cal numfbers iu lieu of Mr. Jas. of sympathy from many frientis bear. six monihs olti, Wehdwood 11-_______________ AIl persons haviug c 1 a i iniSa Mm. Selby's lhree sons-iu-haw anti; Hauceck who sang lu Newcastle. anti acquaintances. breetiing. J. T. Brown, Kings- againsi the estate of the abeve daughlers, Mr. anti Mrs. Sam! Miss Jean Hanua appearet Iin a tnR.EG nieB ran etoe h id h onc Powell anti daughter Doreen, Iduet as one of the two nurses * In J.;E 11-1' eun agis mnint h it tteTw LateSor:Mm nt ms rl inîn orD.1aoeatitf fBewmianville lu the County of i WLkSh ore;to ant. M a niMrs. iQuiiinsflu place fois argarhet COMING EVENTS i FOR SALE-SOW. AND POTA- GENiJINE BARGAINS - Y OU Durham on the 4th day of De- v Wick, Tront, ad M. an Mr. QInt___inplaceofMiss_______* toes. Apply Dan Kube, Mapie cari have any of these appli- cember, 1937, are requimed to file s Nommian Gartshore, Pickeringý. A, Harris. The Newtonvilhe youug Greve, R. R.. 3, Bowmianviile. ances Simpiy by paying a few proof of saine with the untier- P sumptuous iurkey dinner was en- People seîw'et refreshmenis ho ev- A play entitleti "Au Olti Fash- 1-* cnsec ek-Wsigm-sge no eoete9hdys joyeti by ail. AIse uunbered erybody, entertainers anti audi- iut ohr iî~peett chine. eilectric or gas englue, of April, 1938. a among the guests were Mm. Fred ence,1 after the pregrani. inl Trinîty Sunday school rooni on FOR SALE - SIX WEEKS OLD Ii'oning machine. V a elu u ni After that date the Public Dempsey and Miss Minnie Pearce, Wednesday, March 3thî, untier pigs, aise boar, proven breeder, Cleaner. Refrigemator. Radio>. Trustee will proceeti to distribute d Toronto. DIED auspices of the W. A. 11-1 reasouable. John Mihis, Hamp- Aise numerous other bargains thîe estate, having regard only to Young People's Union met on LTBIG ý nBwin i. ton. Phone 2587. 11-1 in useti appliances. We have the dlaimis of which he shali then March i4th. Prograni Lin o ERDE- lu Bowni.a16, 19e8 Crooketi Creek Home & School -thîe bargains for you. See us have hati notice. chaRichardMM.sLethbridgeandhua- Club wiil helti a concert anti lec- FOR SALE - HORME. BLACK before you buy. Our prices save Daieti at Toronto this 9ih day son. Thie devotional censisheti0 ad of R thr M etie JeieIut- ture in the Commtmiiy Hall. New- Percheron, 3 years ol broken; you many dollars. Generous ai- of March. 1938. scrptreredig y atlen:bridge, anti father of Mrs. F. J. touvilie. on March 24. Rev. Dr. aise 12 yr. il bay herse. Apply loiwances on olti. Our afim a A. N. MIDDLETON. Tosemitur readings by Kis aen1Hre g88ya Milison of Welcome will be the Abert Souch, Concession 5, squar'e deal te ail. Don't delay. Public Trustee. Terosanti Jeanii.ugs by Ms ialln-. Home, age 88 us-Osyearsall dersn ati eanBonahan Mr. IFuneral f rom the home of bis speaker. Admission: Aduits 25c, Clarkte. Phone 16r20 Orono. SeI hîfednwa u-Ogoi al Evelyn Bateman, Oshawa. spoke tiaughter, Mrs. F. J. Homne. chiltiren 10c. 1l-V il-_1 tans Hdwe. Phione 774. 11-1 Toronto. 10-2 very iuterestiugly on lier trip Church Street. on Fritiay. Mar._____ ______________18. Service ai 2 p.m. Inter- ment Union Cemetery. Port - Hp. T Tl ______~&o (~iu Ivw9<hèpeD Nervous Fears Fear, worry, anxiety roh yeu of rest an ,see and halîhi. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food will cerlainly hel p you te wvin back health, viger anti confidence. Use il to-day. Dr. Cha»s' VERVE F00» T. E. FLAXMAIN Builder and Contraetor Lovera' Lane - Bow manvîie Phone 318 Miscellaneous WEST EN]) GARAGE AN]) MA-, chine Shop - We speciahize lu miachiueî-y repaira, generai gar- age repairs. welduîîg, towing service. J. L. Demerlîng, Pro-_ prieh-or, Bowaunville. P h o n e 781. 23-tf r Pay the regular price for one article and gel anoiher one jusi Ilke il for only ONE CENT 25e Box BOOTS, MELONOS For Coughs and Throat TickIe 2 for 26ci SPRING UNE Hay For Sale Clocks Repaired FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F OUR TRAVELLING CLOCK RE- Tnthyanti Alfalfa Hay. azo pair man with bhs 18 yeams a '27 Chev. sedani. Appiy R. T. pmactical expei'ieuce is wiUliug Gimbiett. phione 2133, Bowinan- te c.all anti put your timepieces ville. 11-1 lu order. Let hiîm kuow so he ------ -- - may include you whîen in youm Notie toCredtors district. Senti or Phione to C. E. Milis, Hampton, 2689. We have Iu the Estate of ANN MARTHA excellent î'eferences andtiiesti- JOHNSTON. tieceaseti. moujls of satisfieti customers. TAKE NOTICE tliat ail per- Mdaepie.1- sýons having chaînîs againsi the ttesFrSl Estate of An Martha Johusi on. PotaosF rSl hate of itie Township of Clarke. in tu onyo uhn.wte FOR SALE-NO. 1 IRISH COB- ,,deceaseti. wlio dieti on or abotu bler Potatoes. gocti fer seeti. , the l7th day of Novenîbeî'. 1937, Appiy H. Redhriath c o Geo. !in the Township of Clarke, are Law. Newcastle R. R. 2. Phone iîhereby netifiedti t senti in to the Clarke 2540, 11-V* undersigueti. or thueir Solicitor.* on eî' before the llth day of April. Position Wanted 1938, full particulars anti proof -!f thueir clainîs. Iinnîediately af- RE L IA BLE WOMAN, WITH 1ýer the hast meuitioneti date the chuilti 3 years olti, desii'es housjj asesof the Estate wiih be distri- keeper's position in gooti honr«"' buteti aiong the paries entitheti Apphy "G.C." Drawer B, Bo>1/ theî'eto hiaving regard 'ouly te the îîîanvilhe. il-le dlaims of whiich tlie Executors shiah at that lime have notice. Help anted Dateti ai Bowmniivilhe thsls hl___________________ day of mardi. 1938. HELP WANTED - GIRL FOR John Wilson Davis (some- general housewoî'k in modern limes knowu as John Davis) Torontoe home, four cildlç. St.. Cathiarines. anti Five diollars weekly. Appié Evely-n Graham. Peterborough. E." Drawer B. Bowmanvihlit. by îlîeir Solicitor.11- Lawrence C. Mason. ________________ Bowmanvîile. 10-3 Car For Sale Notice to Creditors CAR FOR SALE-1927 PONTrIAC sedan. gooti engine. uew tires. Ahl claimants against the es- Bargain. Hickmau, R. R. 2, taie of THOMAS PERCY. laie o, Bownianvihe. 11-V* the Town of Bowmanvilhe. in the County cf Durhiam.. luthe Pr'o- Cattle Wanted vince of Ontario, î'etired. deceas -________________ et who diet il the 9th day WAN~TED- BUTCHER CATI'LE, November. A.D. 1937. ai the saiti îeîteeo heavy. Lairti Brothers, Towu of Bowmauville. are iîereby plione 2109 or 2128. 11-2* requiredti t file thîeir dlaim duly verifieti before the 28th day of Room Wanted 'March. A. D. 1938 with Harley __________________ Wheaton Percy. Executor whIc R OO M WANTED - GENTLE- ivwili forthwitli afteî' that disti nian*s furnshieti ioomn with con- bute lus estate. having regard veniences. Write "D.H." States- oniy te the dlaimis of whiici lie îîîaîîOffice. i- shalh then hiave notice. Harhey Whîeatou Percy. Mortgage Sale 486 Gienlake Ave.. Tor'onto,_____ Executox', Undeî' anti by virtue of the by luis Solicitor's McM\astei Ipowýer-s of sale dontaineti in a Montgonmery Fleury & Ce.. cert.aiî Mertgage whiich will be 902 Temple Bldg.. Toronto. .pr oduceti a: the tinie of sale, Datet ihîs ls dayof .tiiere wilh be oflereti foi' sale by March. A. D. 1938. 9-3 Elmner Wilbur. Auctione-er, làpub- hic auctin. on Frîday. A. li Notice to Creditors 1938. at the heur of t.wo' X.!1ck i ilte afternoon ai itie faým of Iu the malter of the Estate ofi Russell E. Oke. Bowmanville On- Elizabeth Elhen Haycraft, la e of tarie. the followîng- property, tlîe Town of Bowmanvilhe lu ibm nanîely: Ail anti singuhar those Couuiy of Durham. Spinster, de- cer'tain parcels or tr'acts of landi ceaseti. anti premises situate. hying anti Notice is liereby given in pur- b3eing in the town of Bowman- suance of the provisions of the ville. County of Durham. being Trustees Act lu that beliahf îîîat parts of or'iginal Township Lots all creditors and ti ters having Nunîbers 10 in the Broken Front iainis or demautis againatthe anti Fiî'si Concessions of the iest-ate of the saiti Eizabtli Ellen Town;-hip of Darlingion more Haycraft, who tiieti ou or about particuiarly tiescribeti in Mort- 'tie lStlî day of December. A. D .gage No. 9039 te the Agricultuma 1937, at the saiti Town of Bo- Development Board save anti ex- manvilie, are requimeti. on or be- cept those parceis disohargeti by fore the 25th day of March, 1938, Partial Discbarge dtiaet June 30. to senti by post. prepaiti, or de- 1931. anti Partial Discharge dateti hiver te the Toronto General Mardi 14, 1931. Ou the saiti farn Trusts Corporation. Bay Street, tiiere is saiti to be erecteti a dwel- Toronto, the execuior of the iast ing heuse witli suitabie farL.. wiil anti testament of the said buildings. The lantis will be soi~ tieceaseti. the full particulars. lu subjeci 10 a reserveti biti. Ter- wriiing of iheir dlaims anti the of sale. 25'ý of the purchase mon- ýnature of the security, if any, ey to be paiti dewn at the time of' he'ti by them. sale. the balance te be by Andti aIe notice ihiat af 1er such a, Mortgage with interest at 4C! hast mentioneti date the saiti ex- per aununi. For furtier panticu- ecutor will proceedti 1 distribute lars anti conditions of sale apply the assets of the saiti deceasedti eW. Erie Stewart K.C., Est among the persous entitet here- Bhock, Parliameut Buildings, Té- te. having regard oniy tb the monte, Ontario,. Solicitor to, the. cîainis of which it shahl then have Mortgagee. notice, anti that the saiti executor Dateti ah Toronto this 9tb day wvill net be liable for tie said as- of March. 1938. V 3 sets or any part thiereof to auy________________ persan or persons whose dlaim sbali not have been received by it DEAFNESS at the tume of such distribution. We have been appounted agents fu' .Daieti ai Bowmanville ibis 2nd a, marvelous device for aiding people day ofMarch 19t8 hear. ThousandS have recelved la 0 Mrc, 93.wonderful resuits. Our stock wiII Toronto General Trusts arrive about May lst. Write for in. Corporation, formation. EXecuier of the Esiate of JURY & LOVELL Elizabeth Hayerafi. Phone 778 Bowmanville tieceaseti W.' lisSoltor , '1'h., lîoînt jaflowcr tee faim W. R. Srike. d brieî'."-MJoorc Bowmanvilie, Ontario. ' I.îuv,. d ki, c, denit. -Gladstonîe Pay the regular price for onc article and gel arîothcr one Just like il for only ONE CENT 25 rTb KLENZO DENTAL CREME 2Tubes 26C ~i3I.LiAT-THE ~z DRUG STORE CiJÉLtik WEDNESDAY m THURSDAY - FRIDAY m SATURDAY NEXT WEEK March 23a24-25-26 NEXT WEEK West Durhaan's Diggest Shopping Event Hundreds of items to choose f rom JURY PHONE 778 & LOVELI BD WMAN VILLE SUMMER SBIG SPECIALS Samples of Nelles' Low Prices Libby's Spaghetti ........... 2 tins 17c Lombard Plums ............ 2 tins 17c Peaches.................. 2 tins 25c Pears ..................... 2 tins 23c Golden Bantam Corn ........ 2 tins 19c Peas, No. 3................ 3 tins 25c Catsup ....................bottie 10c Oranges ...............doz. 19e 30r, Fe W. NELLES Grocer Bowmanville Phone 596 When We Test Eyes It lB Done Properly The More You Buy The More You Save At The One Cent Sale - - -w -i . J-1-1 'Ivid3c(l 1,

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