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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1938, p. 1

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- -~.'--- -~-.-------~________________ ..- --r~~-- -- Circulation 3000 This Issue ORONO NEWS SECTION On Page 11 VOLUME 84 BOXVMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH l7th, 1938NMBRi COUNCIL RETURN$ SCHOOL DOARD ESTIMATES AAIN Board of Health at Stormy THESORAD Session Appoints Nurse for ~ Remaining Part of This Year Resolution Sent to! BOARD RAS MANY Council Asking that NWDTE OD Matter Be Put to The newly appointed Board Vote of the People lowance, Old Age Pensions ~4 . Bef ore Any Further Action Taken and ensonsfortheBlindin Durham County succeeds the former board which admin- istered these pensions separ- At saimnysesin a Bw- Board is cornposedl of =r. @ý mnanvilleS Board af Healtir ril-; A. L. Nichalls. Bowman'ville, day aiternoon. tîvo mottons wcre passed. tire f4rst appanntîng tire Reeve A. L. Pascoe, Solina. Hea' 3r. V. Hunter. Cavan. Mayo Pubic ealh Nrseuntl te ed George Bennett, Port 1Hope. af the year. and the sýecond ask- an r.JR.CoeOn. ing counicil te put thc question of'and Mrs.J.Per.y Co o, ona retaining tire nurse te a vo-te of, Ex-lllreeve seretns on aie W. N. 'rîlle3', IlC the1Boran a lobe p pople and te take no c- Mlbok sS1ear-a b Outatandîng Corporation law - în:te action until aiter a vate irad ,Boarnt d eheasyofalso benap- ver ai Canada and prominent l been taken. pon1 Drea3 fa iia urliam County Bey w-hoc, c- M. O. H. W. H. Birks q u o t le d Board for Northumberland b'tdhs7t ntra nSt fi-oi the Publie Hcaitir Act te outyrtday. Mai-chrl2th. The occasion tire effecet tira:t te trea-.uren af was markcd by bus affice staff in: there muicipa' *y shahl fortivîtir'Toronto prelz enting thet irci' u;pon demand. pay thre ameount of REV. W. P. ROGERS :v:ira iruge bouquet of 70 beau- at:v accotn'foe- services perforiti- SPEAKRil tful roses. In iris usual tirouglit- cd' under the direction af tire1 SP A E AT NO. fulnes.s and devotien tovaî'd his Board and tirat tire ceuricil o ai a motir. Mis. WV. E. Tillcy. Baxýv- ci-,. teovn. townshrip cor vllape oai' 1il liii liSiii t ' lt ranxille. xvio celebrates het' 89tir a local boarîd iay appoint one or Niiiilttxihhn îivî i ii ho. birtirday next June. Mr. Tilley mlore publiecirealtit nurses. Dr*. ltvf"îe uîeîiîîg v'vîci> -'eicti-, 'i ared witir irismother Iiis bi'th- Binks stated irelirad been tal tire:ix gi i i lui: Rîenla o-i day git and tribut-e by sending /departnîen' concerning tire mat- 1 ita rnit i--i ahem' a generou pceîton of the ter and irad i-cce:ved advice tha l \xcai - x.'i-îi.iuîLi bt lx ragrant t'oses aver tirev.-eekend. council wa.s farced to, pay any ac- Nr.aiîiGiiî-uii : rneixetra e--_____________ counit whicir iad been passedi by ecutI il:lat duet 1m i -y Niar- tire Board ai Healtit. This would _,aret Puarce antd Reita C'e a ATTEND GET-TOGETHER include tire Public Healtir Nurses 1e-at tlav va: ptilt )i,1w livias. 1 salai-y. Gluie.Chris Earchiard. Liii Bar- Messrs. W. L. Paterson, man- Chairman Mayor R. O. Joncs cliar nietitied 'lie Little Red NýIare ' ager aofte Dawnham Nurseries,ý asserled that lire toc, had received xx iicli tivsi erv iuti ~i Bowmanville, and Jim Coyle ai legai advice on the matter andl Rýx.XW. P. Rogers. Bxx iatîxiiie. Bowranville joined wit thtie sixty counicul was not loi-ced ta pay andl gave a verv clijovabie talk eut 'Lei- employees ai thc H. C. IDownhiam tirat caunicil doesn't intend ta i .ilre lutte." xiticlt prcved 1 etteficiai Nursery Company recently at a advance money for the nurse's: tii f11. Fred WX. Boîveut iiîied a Idinner and get-together in Stra- salary unless farced ta by tire! ieartx lite cf tliaitk- ti ah x%0ii throy reccntly. Il was pointed out courts. "Wc do not wish ta dis- 1lîerfoiiited. 'by the president, Mr. H. C. Down- pose ai tire nurse's services, but. - __________ iah. tirai wien the Company f cl tirat tie way tire salary is started aoperattons in 1923 At iad paid ia unifair to taxpayers. Lessý Trinity Men's Brathei'haad and a total turnover the iirst year afi tiran 25 per cent of thre popula- 'Vite Young Men' Bible Ciass are oniy S21.000. and tirs had grawn tion arc directiy responsible iornI entertaining tire men af Trinity until tire company noirad 18.000 tire taxation. We wauld like ta United Chiurch on Tue.sda y. Mar. customera in tire province ai On- Ilcpthre nurse if lier salai-y cold 22nd, ait 8 p.m. Dr. Mii sn of' Mr. Paterson who manages ire collecled in samc atirer faireri Welcomc wil be thre guest speak- thre Bawmianville nursery, tegeth- way. Council icels tirai îitey must er. A goad p-agi-arn and refresit- ci- with John Smithr of Strathroy, check up on these expenses which ments are bing arranged. Al bad tire longest record ai service, axe foisted uapon tire people.*' stat- men ai thie congregation are spe- itaving been wit thtie companly 15 cd Mayor Joncs. cially invited. years. 'The trouble is." added Coun- ciller B. B. Furber, 'that tire gov- ernments give gianis for the pub- tl ieeld inusegraing thcy alie C ouncil to Request Health Board liechalth nure andthen liren from. ta T oConsider PartanTmt dispose ai tire nurse;t wc dont T o sd r a Pa tT m Nurse want ta seecirildi-en die: but we +___ do abject ta paying ail tire mon- ey.- HOLSTEIN NEWS Also Suggest that Board Hire "Thegran wasnetcul off un- rdaeo Bwm vil i1treeasao"said B. H. Mi-. F. L. Heilman and Sonai rdut ofBwmnil Mortlock. "and last year counicil Cleana. P. A., irave recenîîy con- Hospital - Matter Dis- reccived a anc milI subEidy, pieled tbc purchase af 16 hea.d of11 ussed at Special amounling ta $2200. front the;. purebrcd Holsteins in tibis section Council Meeting governinent, far more Ihan u'e!of Ontario. Those contributin- ____ ever previausly recei-ed as a 1f ranithlitmmedtate district are Tcqusina rtinn a grant. We certainly can'î say the i Noble I. Metcali. Bow.ýmanville, 'ubicheauetionuofrsetaain caine govcnment ta nat doing ts part." iand H. E. Tink and son, Harnp- 'Pblir elmeliNtrsen Cou cie Counci ba n sa inbit c- ton. A cansignement af 28 hcad Tuesday nigirt voted five 1e tire penditures of Board af Healtit," ivas rccently siiPped te Coos gisafultm nre.Ve riterated Dr. Birks. -Anyhhling iCounty Farm at West Stewart- againsi a fulitrnenusoeVoe %ve spend gocs ta the treasurer town. N. H.. and among locslawed Reeve Modrisnd toune De- and must ire paid." -siippers were J. H. Mo'ianCucilr '*CoNoble IrtMeteallas Bhemani'ileAbernty in favar ai a full urne NCounciI certainly hasathelpri-nurse. The vote was taken when vilege tal refuse te pay maney." Aichie Muir. Caurtice, and A. T. D returned Chairman Joncs. "My Stainton, Hampton. There ta a t Dpuly-Reeve C. G. Morris asked solicitor said counicil bias full con- present quite a movement ai Hal - for an expression ai council on trol over expenses. steins ta bot the United States tire matter. I wauhd suggest that the chair- and Great Britain. r oliowing the vote. Mr. Marris, man aîîow lins motion ta appoint who la also a member af tire Board the liealtit nurse until tbe end of ioa Healtir, laid iris resignatian ta tire yeam'. ta go tm-rough and tiraI Mr. F. A. Hyland, Nestîcton. cx- ihat body an tire table, feeling lire gets a writien report f ram bis Reeve ai Cartwnigirt. writes"-I tirati ie could net continue taei-e- soirciter before caunicil decides was somnewhat surprised aI The i present counicil on the irealtir tbc fight in tire courts." dcclaî'ed Sialesman publisbnng that War- board as iris views were opposed Dr. Birks. den J. F. George was the îiî'st te tiratir te majority ai coun- Tire motion iinally carnied ai- 'Warden le be elected on tire first Cil. ter considerable more discussion.: vole witir thi-ce in lire fteld. In Later'. whcn a motion carricd iirtire M.O.H.. Mr. Moitiack January 1930 Herb Nelson af thai the Board ai Heallir be re- and Couniciliai' C. G. Marris vot- Pei-cy Tp.. wiîb N. R. Hartt and quested te consider tire advis- ing f or tire tuasure. making a Gardon Par'ker as epponients. was il abiîity ai employing a part tîme u:ajerity. eected on tire first vote wvili nurse. prcierabiy a local nurse. Councillai' Morirs ex P 1 a i n c d about the sanie vote given Mr. Mr-. Morris statd lire would ire 1,a r idnti-si aatcn George.' We stand carrected Mr'. willing te remain on thre Board ai liedidnotvslito ct on Hylând, and tiîank you fat'lis Heallt under ihose conditions. ldontinued on page 7) information. No action will be taken on iris i-e- --lsignatioti for a montir. Mayor Joncs brauglît bue me- Varity nterain ent eat resport ai tire Board ai Healih ta Varity nterain ent eat resceunicil. stating Iliat a motion lîad benpassed appainting tire Pub- lic Healtir Nurse until tire end ai Third Form Pro gram at B. H. S. thei year and a second motion isugestng hatcounicul put the niatter't a vote ai the people. lii ulF ii imn-.-l mi t. Lt e fri 'vn i ti-ig aveoutitl ite Several menîbeis ai counicil ar% Prgraliin l, il.S.Iselll)ý 11 oriisliti %riten I)v '%arv Jir% stî-cssed tuait tîey u'cie net in ar. nigauitut l. I. S . - ntti inît ndi xvrNibbîîl i mrilrrx favor of doing away witlitire ser- lit.ui ioni X-lri-a ,t. 'l'in i mrun atdKix-lNi etietîîe fvices ai a nurse altogeiher, but prescittei arr original andîîiîterestitng ix urs lDax- '. a Tloliday tîe-tîei could nat sec why a local nurse grop f fatire.flic tiird forirtien c.eitent couîd nat do thre job just as well grolu aifeatî axerage scitool lai'. sarirîg cff and be employed only part tixne. lite programi started xitb a double xitlî a literatîrre period antd a pire- As there is no government grant, quartette sitging "Heigit Ho,' witlu -eniîbbou of a scerie meut "Tîxcltlitste could be called a achool nurse jeant Legat. Filcen Tbaompsont. Betty Niglt' witi tite floowîntg chiar- or anythlng elsc desired. Emnmncb, NMari' Juryi, Dont Masonu, acters. Harold. Casbeurnnt as Sir "Bowmanville listire only tawn Bihl Brown, Dergan McIllvecn andl lobyt BMaint Elliott as Sir Andrewx':oa its size in Ont.ario wîtir a full Johnt Grainant. One aifte main at- Allani Partridge as Fahion t Evelvîn tue Public Healt Nurse," de- tractions ivas a tplay entitlcd "Btriduly larudet as Maria;t jean Logant as clared Mayor Jones, citng Port Buys at Orclîid" witliîtire fellowirtg Olivia; antd G. Scott as Miabohia.-Hope and Cobourg as places cliaracters. Doit Maseni as Buddy t Ncxt carne bite composibion perind whcre part tirne nurses were cm- Editil Rackltarti as Mn.. Bradlcey;t xitb a cagev arabian hi Bill Brownt poycd. Diaita Xlteler as Olida t Dot Tap- giîntg bite Personalties of tird fornî "Haw mucit mancy do they pay sert a Blle aniisn't x od in rt- i ot n-lnvtIiînn, rarttlintg ro- in those tawns?" askcd Reeve G. as [illi.andîul-xa. uiretî'd Ix Jout tationu. Finauxi- came tbiteiLatint ien A. dmondstanc, wiro had. ari-y G~~~~ nntal.)îui1 N-ti tv" Caesar. "Jttliîrs" ed at tite meeting a feu' minutes lit e litilc quartette- tuent gave P Iartni . 'Aurgtistis" Raekltanit anti priai- te lte discussion. "I dont tlieur lversiont ai ite i îuuar Tvie iîrus anîîîlt siiguig tire latest think Il cast.s us much mor'e tian ballai! "Loch i .ertiiti" follo\xed l iv trans"latiorn if tliat iver potinar l<vi they pay." ite girlsttarette inîgintu"Sxiîîinballad 'Clcnnîentiîîe.' arNi vans nd l"îamn ifavor ai a part time iii bine ('crut." Lilliut Naxlor santg ilhttN- llntctt irent gale a ballet nurse fi-rnaur ou'n town." stated lu Iae i u andiifonrnain encore sngidanîce'andti! ite urogram coi utlirdedl îobudo ae7 Request Both Public and High School Boards to Cut STheir Estimates Stili More INTERVIEW PREMIER Mayor Plans to Resign and Ask Ratepayers' Approval 0f His Announced Policies. Council at Special Session Agrees to Ask iRC . A EO Mayor R. Jones Inti- Further Co-operation from Sehool Boards'iFINSTHBABYHORmaesIatTALW in Reducing Tax Rate iNTE OPIA Carry Thrjough IIi s Bruce Ciark Camneron, so Program and Then of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cam- Theof xi)ndiure fo 1,(tieiflicvouingto uteron. was the f irst baby barnI Ask the Approval of hot thIlv l nand o f c li o r or e ,ii,IIIi îtdea vouinllts -,Cli îixî i in Bowmanville Hospital, bis the Voters viii aLzaiiîî n tiirnied b d'ose Thev Statesinati vere somux' bat mis- loth, 1913. His given naines I)l aI i xti h eet, ifor fîîrther c .siîîî as in the Roads andi ý;treets were after fialathebs re:ilKtt'ii it wa- dceided at a specC- tîlîate. wiîere it sbioxxcdN- <i < ipial5ofiias L Bees Mayor Reginald 0. Jones start pia.Bruce, for MINiss Mabel id ~ ~ I îî iîizof winativilie tiîxvf tilîlate this var anîd $45W lia.t -car. Bueteled caunicil Tuesday when he an- of rue, he superintendent, rounced an intention to resign C"ilii îucix\tilai that COlrinfittCe iast xCar and Clark for Dr. R. W. atrteetmtshàbe The 1'iblicScliol 13-ard' -ulit 6100.$a6001er1theaiestimaCark, headtebeen 11 Pblc coo Bar\esti- ivî 60.$61 oetîî siICak h tedx physi- struck and the proposed changes a il - e 'd aîî reeîted iîîei h aueiod odtrclan. Bruce is now married canied out, and ask for a man- slioxxeî a rv<iictioniinu opratln9g '*'ceînteterv ami other collttees. Rt. Hon. W'. L. M. King to 'Miss Etta Brown of Osh- date af the people for bis re- le\ipleo ~',,350 ami aiso S4'00 i-t1lîîNIaxvor eoîtintied. Pime Minit er of Canada, %whac awa and resides in that city election. eiîed a, a c'nbîl('x,1rh Hxcxe eîalvax-xa- t hanoried weekiy newspaper edi- br ei mlyda ti'îiuliîc Iieîliî Nîrse'ssaarv but iî'"xicli the scltool har- pend9 tars w th a one hiour interview at Skinner Co. factory. T he theîstands I hjvetfieducin tax-n acîîîix îi alxi kkeîiîiiCltr. i-'x C'îîîji' B B Eîrer Ottawa Iast Friday. The Edîtar frt aint ta enter Bow- Tlîv ~ý)I ilgtSlc ada eport- Nix 1, ai adxjee istîa xe oaC The Statesmnan had the privi- mnil optlwsM. ation and feel, after much (d îîî ced prix o-at xxv' i %si behalf af the twenty Directors Of dence. Perhaps it [s a happy prepared ta go ahead and put it SIii C' ioîî~iv a-ked trepuinît leu tIlle xn i the Canadian Weekly Nexwspaper a men tixat the first baby and truh n hnrsg n s o,1ii sîCi litllC 1ilice sltoiis I ý 11.-: iîvîîiCxalîî i ot', 1Association who were pre.sent. the first patient are bath for a mandate. I feel there have I.,S;ilan IleI. * :oo b 11.:îîxtheut. the alatia ucal 1adwe to-day. The Ibeen certain things shaved onto Max r R ). îte-aga1t1pjîttri x M îe îîîi t 1ieiîx laIl- l-e I L C LBOaulic is and wllinitd o the people in the past." lhe de- s R.0. a!ý t) IlIp i, cn- SXTY OCALBOY ute 25th Brtdiay iPareta of ciared. 'namely the Public Healith 'lit t ýC iîîîîeii tiat Ili'îîîtî'-sCordi 'did tiîe 0-f fairs (ifte t'xii tîi S OUS1TT ND the lospit exay Parteyealtiesfntl1 tî- ikvî ux tIîî.lîltt faxîwabIei!t' i thi. - COUTS ATTdN the Hspitaîhi' Thursday. 'Nurse. which was defeated by v: fo e 'îîîiîe lar. xxii Getîrai I\,,iiillld %, ii xi toi 'ts eaîrivui t HOCKEY FEATURE See page 8 for details. Baard i eal t as apnted Nito- rliT ed - ls ut of 40 I rt htu -butate t' the-ci' iand the nurse appointment pass- 1'Il n i i'i iid i gi i g thym iitpro.- i'aIll -uîgte l I ) ije cl]"I i 1, Iarge contiîngent.aifBow man- ed. while council sat back and eivi(t fl'rlfîuter emîîliiîx nt ututtîl r i arodîctioîî of S250, ail(][thec vulle B<oy Scouts and Wolf Cubs BIG GTH ERING took it. the Itxerodels Caile ont. Thisi. xvil i dîSeiîoî ifor $500.,e-timiate- ti were guests of the local Scaut or- OF ROTARIANS IS 1,"It as appeared to me when auffect ouîr local Goodx ar tlatît and bi rtîriîvd to) cotrueiIx%-F rîdax. ganîzatian on Saturday nighit at BENGA RA G D tihf cames up in counicil that îl f -vattljindication(tof It'usines Nlari 1Wtli. Nlavor Jonc.. almo sug-1 the National Hockey League game, B IGA R N E there is an element which wishes tretnds tiîrottghout the courtrv. lie ge>tti tat the board be advised of between Taranto Maple Leafs and ta down the proposai and brings aid. l'axroii- villii uîîotrteiv be the fîrrther lav-offs tir firms af- Mantreal Canadiens at MapIe Four Hundred Expected tao Attend pressure ta bear upon menibers. eonsiierai)lx reduced antd I feel that futinît Boxxrîîarîilie peotple. The Leai Gardens. Ta many ai these Ladies' Night at Newcastle The resuit is that men will riat f the boards shotild do their !ttmost un tiotîs earried uîtanimiot.Ix. De- lads it was their first visit ta the take these jobs through fear. If ta co-operate blv cuttiîîg titeir ex- i'ty RexeMrris, xithdrcxv a pre- imrpasing palace ai sport, and Arrangements are under way Cniudopae6 5penditîrres te a minimum, as wc is îî. motion thiat the Public School their first glimpse at big Urne for the holding in the CommunitY , Ctiednpae6 i are tr\ irîg to do wxith the rest ( if iiutates ic accepted and a letter *p.o' hockey. and ta say that they Hall at Newcastle, WednesdaY. i _____________ 3te t((xu. xpnss.i vîi xpeCi regret that B3oard were thrilled was putting itinrild- ýApril 20, af an inter-club Ladies' penserx detîrmeto bctandd itsCit t e k uie e ly. If yau cauld have watched the Night by the Rotary Clubs of Ca-FNEP O AM T tthat evîtîtteil bas control over bas ilictin-i. 1 boys when a Maple Leaf player bourg, Port Hope, Peterbaro, H MEA DS O L tailied. you would have seen en- Lindsay and Bowmanville. Invi- H M NDS H y 1tlîusiasmn in its xxildest state. In tations will aiso be sent t.o the 1 1i iact the crowd immedîately be- clubs in Trenton, Campbeilford, 1 The March meeting of the Bow- fiNewspaper Association Directors hind the Bowmanvill: delegation, Oshawa, Whitby and Toronto, manville Home adSho s Receivedby Prime Minister King rnia .y.Topo' thydid aut ai the garenietae.. Princpal Ad.MTopst o' s___+ Youthiul Allan Strike, f or in-1 It was announiced at the meet- rem wapcedt pcty o stance, who tald us that this was ýing of the Bawmanviile Club Fri- hear an especially educational Premier KinS Surprised When pribliîs certfront tItis Domninion at his iourth Major League gaine,; day that a meeting of the organ- programn under the able convener- Deputation Did Not Ask for thec pre-elit tinte. President Geo. \\.i had talked aIl the way ta Toronto ization cammittee has already ship ai Mrs. Frances Clarke and lmes ru erred to titis fat arnd as,,- 1 about a drink ai Honey Dew, for- been held. Ross Strike, President her group members. Somethiing - Statesman -a got ail about it while the garne ai Bowmanville Club, is the chair- The meeting opened with -the Editor Meets Bowman- ditPruirfosraetrsase was on, and gai sa hoarse shout- man ai the committee. snigo aaa ie hc vile Pope o 'rip how the weekiv Press uttîglît I est ing for the Leafs that he denaud It is pla.nned te hold a banquet the Lord's Prayer was repeated. CalePepl n ri erve the D)ominion. at tue preseutu cd a Honey Dew ail the way bon mcrmencing ai 7 p.m., which wrill MIS. M. J. Hutchiflson, president, to Caia tiltte. '.\r. Jamnes made a practicai ta dlean up the hoarseness. When 1 bcefiooe by a concert by To- was in the chair. Mrs. Hutchin- Suggestionl as to l1mw bulletints trortt the Leafs scored Alan, along with 'ronto talent with a dance later in son, at the requesto!MsClke the varions departmnerts miglit take Bill Edger and Billy Morris and a the evening. kindly consented to, act as chair- The editor*s recerît trip te Ottawa 'a farm tîtat xxouîd bc more effect- hast ai other smaller clha, lit- man for the following programn: xxas îpriniarilx business when twetb iv e utinrformtirgthebb people of ruîral erally ilew out of their seats and "Onte of aur pacts - which isiteLdItih G legn Gson thaue- Niewspars'of\te Cadiatt eelznut- ad regarding te Domninion aînd hollered at the top ai their vaices speaks of an cx'cr-iasbing naw." dience she passessed talent as a 1iutz practîcaiix everx province of te xpu~abi sertice uthebcreirta Cniudo ae7 Cryedancer by her interpretation of Doîminîionî. t fora two Cas'ctt- xvas irforrtîed b ite press execubix e the Irish Lult.A conilcal dialogue ferenceAil agentda of rtearlv 3(.[1iead that te deîuutatioît was luit ask- 11, l P. I u 1 " Capable Servant" by tbree bopies bearirtg riute tiblicatioii ocf1ilg for arîtiing. Hout.\Ir. Kinz »owmanviIIl riost Tis W eek-endl well dressed gentlemen, Mr. Dud- xxeekl -v te\spap)ers were disc..csedseeitîed at first iicreduia, 'Titis ley Ashtoin, employer (Mrs. C. ut was a rtecuirperieice ta receix e * -LHall), the colored iorgetful ser- i1n u Kton C ut it s nite."ie said.iîet erritgbiatTo Central Ontario ScoutL eaders GacelSm (rs iîget rese matters aitiotugthbt a eputtiort wbicit did rtct corne _____ , ___________________ vant who created much amuse- ereaders and advertisers are irîdirectIýix witit its bands cout.18, ment by changing bis sex ta inake liutrested hecaurse te subjects 1au Premaier Talks with Publishers Moeta OnHu re De- Schoal for Boys, and the other ta an impression on Uncle Jermiah eitad tii dii witit imptîreviîtg papiers oetanOeHnrt ee Mrs. Clarence Hall), the rich but eardthe tiiserxice tex- rerîder. lThe Premîier spokle irîtirruateiv. re- gates Will Attend Two.Day the Goodyear plant. At il eccentric aId relation. Mis sketch uardirîg tite xorid situtibonrarnl CnfrneOpnnd the conference sessions will re- poe htgo e oe lThe igh i igit of te te rnîclî rovenwhatgoodinenwomn rOttaxwa va, ait aurdiernce te editor- i"tcl'tedhat lite said. eauntrtetie re- canvene and Principal L. W. Dip- can make, when it is a necesslty. eîa viti te Prirme Nirister. Hon. et.Orte siîouid realuze for rr- Friday - Torchlight pell ai B'owmanville High School The rendition ai Souvenir de W.L. Niackcîie î<irg wîticîi lasteil .tartce. titat iii certaint eouttrics at Parade on Saturday and Principal W. H. Jordan ao Russi on the piano by a youthful tir xeIl (sir anitotur. Nir. Kiriz i_;eire-dt ite Canada- ttîîrd Port Hope Public Schools will be musician, Miss Helen White, was Il aî x1 tilutttttheeo ii auet. tî îgxx eiel o.e x nnJpaheartily applaudecl. hatturtitrs l-iii.i tas. Dtofîi. cliiontii. -"Ï""iir I.a rîr iet Frîday and Saturday, Bowma.n- telcues iiiises lu hs uiig in.lrIlýlctoei,àgopln Four members of Port Britain T. G. Gardirner arîd Hoît C. 1). Iiix oit fOitinztii trouble. Stitttaîsi.uig ville is te be invaded by a smiall In the aiternoan an intensiveAsoitnpu Illreortngths vrvintretlIlL ln-that at the tîreseîtt terî.c îtorîltiarrny ai Boy Scouts irom Central pragram îs pîanned. Lecturers om antdachl associtonput îeriex xe utoe rort ditirî.îrîe rîîxregtitioi x'ee ta-edbvOntaria who are meeting here for will include Scautmaster H. Van Biaa"itdyPa"witnb 9 ex rpit i rt t. 1ar e our unirineî f coinionsi relatiuîg ta a two day training course. wiîh Everdingen af Part Hope. Assist- celebrate the 20th birthday of the -utal-.\urgt i h S.: r',. u'llapaîtiese immtuigratioin tii Cantada the local Scout Troops as hasts. ant Scoutmaster Ken Brown of Home and School movement and 1 xiticliî tuiglit l.e ei)ittrlted 'as iurt- The delegates ta the conference Peterboro, Scoutmaster H a r r y dcdicated ta the men and women llie lPuerîier loiked ulv tirîiutiix. Ntit-se trîîîrble-îîîaker. xxould1 wili all be Patrol Leaders and Rigg of Oshawa, Scoutmaster Reg wha founded it. This play was coiîutilg int froîn te House andtil 'lv tir Ilp ait i:i.îtC lt ifilxe agaiu.t1 Seconds, and will came fram Osh- Terreti ai Oshawa, formerly oi weîî periorxned a.nd taught the \Vais rviriided cf the creat Ctu ii ,iada ut iîtt aiii>t 1E-iigzaiil. -The 'awa, Whitby. Pickering, Highland Bowmanville, and Assistant Scout- BoiemanviUle members that when uiuîier xx iticlitgexeruiurîeutb leaders arie ';Creek. Lindsay, Port Hope. Ca- master Tom Hooper of Peterbora. mother and teacher become ac- xxirki tieaite ttresert t bute. Sciolii- (Cofltiuiued on page 7) bourg. Campbellford. B e w dl1 e y, Another feature ai the aiternoon qane n ii terpoo ________ -Gore's Landing. Peterboro and session wîli be a demonstratian l eins togetlier Vhey acquire a bet- e ~~~~~~~~carbora. At tire time af writing Court of Hanor by the 2nd Bau-'-e n redirattd o Jeh over anc hiundred delegates mianville Troap under Assistant erand ithriendier atitudTe at eM ust Preserve Freedorn of Speech Sad sent in recgistrations to the Scotiaster Bull Calville. Thru- was as iollaws: Mrs. Jones -Mis Iocal billeting comnmit.tee. out the af ternoon games perioids 'W. E. Nicholls; Miss Rank - Miss Sc o l_ rncp l lei Lo s lb The boys wiil be billeted in, ilb conducted by Eda Tj Brand; Ms Smith - Mrs. E B owmnanville haines for bcd Fn- oe1Fîl âreayfr at arcaurt: Mrs. Founder - Mi-s. -iday night. and breakf ast and din- ern Ontario, who is the Confer- Carl Dickinson. ie nStra.Spe ohec ietr Mrs. Joncs, a mother of six Pricipl A E.O'eil ofOsh atonslid otrihe intheword.Friday and Saturday nighits wili 'Ai the closing, banqutet Troap c.ildren, who works for mrs. 1 awa Collegiate, Says Re.- We hiuntanis have certain fears taire the f orm of banquets in st.i Leader John Graham will be F ounder, providcd the .comed.y by and certain wants. We want John's Parish Hall. chairman. and the guest speaker ber speeches, actions and ideas pression Brings Only paceadlbryadfedn ilb alCniga.Pyi pec n lbryad edm Through the couitey faithe wI eEr tnigan hs-along the duties of teachers and i Trouble-Speaks on and securrty. We want theimn but IHigh School Board the Confer- Cniudopae71 (otne npge9 e '"The Astonished we are afraid af somethîng, and ence sessions will be held in the Cniedopae7i (oniudnpge) Ostrich" that fear us a change in the e- Higli Scitoal auditorium. and pro- anomie systent. We f ear this minent Scout leaders iii be pi-e-i ihing and Iinde aur heads and lase sent te take pari in the trainingM n' W a d tLo lH sptli Ttc maintenance aif free speech the chance ai meeting the things course. M n a d a o a o p t li tas the anîy means af securing that deprive us ai the tlùngs we The conierence ý#iIl open Fr1- peace. liberty and f reedom, was 1rnast desire. day evening with a banquet atCo p et y R fitd by L ns lu advanced in a splendid address at1 Why is it, lie asked, that we witich approximately 175 will sit Co pe ly R ft db L ns lu 1thre Lions Club on Manday niglit, are airaid ai disturbing te ec- down. The guest speaker wilh be witen Principal A. E. O'Neill ai onomic system? It is because we Mr. H. J. Carmiichuael. Vice-Pi-cal- éOshawa Collegiate Institute spake are afraid we migitt do something dent and Qeneral Manager af Completion ai extensive in- cmn hospitals, the proper type on the subject "The Astonished te maice things worse than they General Motors af Canada, a provements ta thre men's ward of mattr-ees ta go wlth these beds, Ostrich." Thre principal's acldress are. We refuse to believe that member of the Provincial Council Bo% ranville Hospital was an- and new reading ]anps for each was a brilliant commentai-y on they can be improvcd. of the Boy Scouts Association. nouniced by Secretary F. V. Ott bed. In addition the latest type current affairs, and It sharply re- You can't do ar.yone any good The chairman o! titis banquet will at Moniy' meeting o! the Lions ho6pitai curtains, ta give each tbuked the apathy ai the people unless you improve conditions for be Troop Leader Athur Living ai Club. The ward, henceforti tot be patient the pilvaiy of a private stoward a change in the present thre whole masses. We have trled the lst BowmanvlUle Troap. Fol- known as the Lions Waxd, has ward if necessary, have aiso been econamic structure. ta contrai faring, but have fin- lowing the banquet the confer- been campletely renovated a.nd installed at a cost of approxim- When an ostricit sees or thinks ished Up by plawlng under the ence will repair ta tire higit schoal refitted ai a cost ai over $500. ately $100. ai somnething t icars it buries1 over abundance ai the crops we wihere tire delegates will be organ- The wark was cai-ried out under The work has now been coin- itsý h-Ad niesn ogtigIhv s i-z',cdA Ainte a.Scout ra, -..Adthe a cQarmmittee he.Aadc lioTWi_ lr _--e, n adfowt h x I With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News 1 - 1 ;11 1 > ý , 11 g, s ;Il 1'. Vv Il 11 fle. 1 M, , 1% M] itll(>Ilicl- N (:I M, 01 1 lq-igil 1 ijý ,

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