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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1938, p. 5

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THURDAV MARH ITH, 938THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, I3OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO > N_4 l mari of Cleveland. 0hioreceived I WEDDINGNews From Helen's Notebook Ms.P..McLaughhn ore d tengas ttnfo heSats Ives-Cornet!I0.Mllen ore1e an r.J. R. St.utt served c Jessie Allen Brown Themariag tnk pacequîîîy Mr. and Mrs. W. I. MacTavish. bridge in the Round Room 0f creani. Tea assistants were Miss Temrig okpaeqityToronto, spent the weekend wth Eaton's. College St. Among thei Belle Galbraith, Miss The peakeGal-s ron l2t.h. in o- ier mother, Mrs. Fred J. Marin- gues:s were the following former braith, Mss. Jos. O'Neill. Mrs. J. cnlyIwsatamein _E r2'TA, ir4L./ $4A,/E,.g4 -A MAr.Is Go'pIro AF-rEP--ruar Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Corneil of îng, Chiurch Street. residents of Bowmanville, Mes- J Hewitt and Miss Dorothy Bon- ReenlyI asata eein -=N Pî utSEDC>I- KF-p up-roA>( Toronto, to George A., son of Mr.of I dmes Rgîal eNco.Ad ,pnycastle of Bowmanville, and Miss a1 hyha h pakrfrt HAs/E. Ho\/Doyou GO-1-roKFEP0iON $~and Mrs. Arthur Ives, Bowman- In the recent Conservatoryof odfsy Alan Campbell. J. C. Marion Keit.h of Toronto.1 and the business came after. This KEP FLO r4 E.LA."S>,1i1 ville. Thie ceremony wspe-Music exams. Miss Louise Pearce Cavanaugh. R. Elliott and C. H.,.i tesnsbearagmet ouirDSO GGr LO -k610E LPÉ SA1i -T- formed by Rev. S. C. Moo reA- in Grade II Theory rece:ved 1.,t Anderson. - tesnsbearngmn.YuI lcr=295 iE iM AALL-SF tedatswee is MBttorer lsshnrsAot- s upl0 Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Neill have have ail been a: meetings 'when bendntswhavinsgBeta o!kerdeli hootf Louse sAaLup of $AT- A1-q<5- rWe'"L.s ndM'Edad ipre.M.Miss Ada Annis, Ebenezer. Fricnds in Bowîîîanville of Mr- bride artga ies.A of eihf0iiie pano s :htume was taken up byIl and Mrs.Leswr i re n rT-..and Mes. Don S. Linden 'big arnec ovlpa f: L-e1-ý \i and Mrs ILesuise Hanson.n Te-'Palmersonscoring x'.as one of the feature: 'ltr-":ng business that by the time ronto.Louisanti Mrs. J.5R. Ptlmerener ron'o'11rtainea:dinne1.J.R. artie nTes- Bîx d.. Tor-onto. -wl regret o!ofthese enjoyable social events. tl.o speaker starteti.there 'vas daaind a, inesdpartieveoninus- lanta e.Lne e Ianstead of the usual :ally cards n:he sufficient, time left. nor 'Zs/ da~:xek.Teewietv!e u oo c:e:o e guests %vere given a eut-out card la2Sthwevhile crorenwBleorxS:. ai ofua miniature horse*moun ed . enerLy te lîsten attentively. 1: is W SILVER WEDDING 2gJehie rosznga:or ieaiofalinatueiorener.e o ______ Chîre S: wlon h~'frot fn-a peg wit.h the narie o! the heorse cout :csy to ilhe dercf ca thewhimup eaî~tandi the couple number and table .-peakc:- to gîve A nuinber of relatJves and fri- - :s Mo:ra Diniw2ll Wvas: a :nis.e He hati a fracture dcadonte ar.Boehi te t , en gthrei t hehoe f *~happy l'itti hcstess on Frîday ,lie uîanicn -io n takin, your place at the table îekad n - andMr. ac Glnvll~.Elgin ev' W-,o aiolly party she gav e boeabcdvselu et.yupegged your 1liors2 on the uii*'2,ýed audu- St., Bowmanville. on March l2th.t Hu ozn0 e-gilfi -e x'-,as :îîthe hospital for some starting uine of a large board enoo le celebrate with thern their 25th eds. m-ie bu' !las matie a remarkable, eentraiîly locateti on the fireplace jzpeaks wto wedding anniversary. Mr. Si Lit- ;.,recovery anti is now able te take natl mre uIsmwaîa-hn.erasp1e tle calleti on Mrs. Marjeerison Just talk as you woud if you up hc-s choir %work althougli lie, tee the style o! a cribbage board, o..ii who read and prsneit ewre at hOme.- :aid the jutige te canno: do any singing for a while. with 16 lanes or runways at the 't'Ille in prepar- and Mes. Glanvîlle a complime'nt- a female comp'ianant. The case! top o! wiich was lie name o! a ation, T lie r ary address. The couple were is stifl procceeding. Det i ia:io rhehorse coresponding to yous tally miay notliave then presentet i wtl a slveî' tea *Ptesn rmnetyugpo ad.A yo ai onsYOU been the nec- service on a tray. a silver cake Me. and Mes. A. N. M:cel Iswrs î otHp lenoved youe liorse along the ira- ess:ty O! hunt Plate and a bouquet o! carna- Toronto. are liol:tiaying in lEul le- Pre:byîerin' ont Popee 0fagnary ~herse track wliich createti ing uti newnma- tions. Me. Glanville replied. ex- ýope anti a: present are in Italy :,hat town. wlio weree 10 have been t intae. -est a etîsiaof 1therias, bu t uBrowe lln i i pressing their grateful appeecia- accrdîng to a Jetter rece:ved by iguteus o! St. Andxew's Younghtliesgame.Thie naide s o e mus:ies entet ra o userE. lion o!fIthe kindti loughts con- ber moîlier. Mss. W. E. Tilley. ii Ppl. were unable to corne on Lrss nLhisBrdg Suep i0slet.igr>i mteraltous eydb hs it.Sotsec-istakes. whiclî also caused consid- and in arranging it in logîcal se- 'E..,OOD ~ 'UAII~O' 5~ xeyed bytlise gf:s Shot seech . onday niglit. The Young people erable meeriment. included Blue quence. Then too. a busy speaker 5O~'Gt!A"P C-,UtAPE" es wre mde b Wm.Yeo.Sani Heees on a Rtarin set inhere liowever presenteti their Pro- Bell. Wild Fise. Mes. Simipson, may be able t' leave af ter lhe has /45 p eEro I Glanville. Mrs Yeo anti Mes. for this column: It was explainetigr-amian heardan .tdeso Maggie. Toots. Angel Face, Win- finislied and not have 10 sitO. OKL< L-R~.u~ ., Prot. heevein wa aentinas follows why the driver o! a "'Co-operation"* by Mr. B. E. Ing- 1 ir ikl.Bak euy Duke theougli business which is o! no ")4E /0MeA!PUrMOt4-4.E ca.rds. checkers. etc. Delicious re- 1lîandsome cab sits on tlie back: hianio!fIlie higi schoolstf.o Widr, pakPu T einrs ohm rsmblte freshaients were served. aftee "So that lie superoe in the in- Jean Logan was licard i inu.Rdor ark Plg, Stan ueine s h resuablhe tie-~ whiih everybody jineti in asn-. eio hud o eete .otro nme. n onl aeron i rtty Boy anti Snow BaIl. ker. or they would not be there. song led by Sami Glanville. with o! lie inferior on tic exterior. 'instrumental solos. Preï .. If too muci lime is taken up by.I Betty Pinglie anti Maeion Glan- .. . e . ..Warts from Toads an Exploded business. they are too tiredt o lis- H No JO ville at the piano. Mys. L. W. Dippell and Miss Rdi you know that tiuring the eatn eprl ati ay, W P'JOi The btiaeatetgrobyofthe latcnYvoss Mo! elierainede cue 1l brie nt goo o 2 yar Ydel Tgeetr.andS. winter montlîs f jvecar loatis o osnof aseasigehoue. eWlientthe businessstiondte .12te~O2tpÉo ago also receiveti cards o! con- deigiî!ul bgridge aithli formee'sl Bowmanvillc Young ladies. some bumpdoblisterlieahands o! ihu- -r gratulation, a walnut china cab-1 home on Mardi 2nd, in honor O! )ogear ooigovrt fe tesekr i ssrrsigt h9 Osaw Tesua ad ~îr.clymans wlio pick tliem uP. Violin- iow mucti quicker it is dispateli- 1 nase. lî. X4x eut glass sherbet glasses anti! Bagnell. A feature o!fItie even- . evenings taking the sewing anti isîs o! oltien tiSys knew tlins. for cd. People want to gel thlirouglin dafoil fro liistiugitring wm a kichen sliowcr wlien cooking course aItlihe Collegiate Ire !Ihs u ni e oeatiwl o adst Helen. anti a silver crearn andti te beide receiveti a grand array aniVctoa eol.Tsi iin efni od eoeg-mucl ime. If you are not alreadyoi sugr st ron Mean i Ms. o! gifts foe kitchen use. About just another argument for builti- îngraon liese to playanlengJuinongtlhee tu arangeentant Tîmson. Toeonto.. forty attendedtihtic bridge at ing an addition 10 BowmnanvilleporaipTeo ui in ernee.fyud o hiki sabl ____________________wliichli te hostesses serx-ed tiainty i Hih &hool for tiese new courses livei. ia Onetaario.poso te ne refresliments. which are to be tauglît here. givn o! bylieglans htitinbi I th le loatis warty lîide was gooti Ftoos Joys v l Di'.ant Mes C.W. Semo ani Ves' ftenma~ed l! mtiefor their supple fingers. convine- Aietru by aeawy BDrE O Kil. adMrs. . ani es. Ch eyofe arilie ade cd tlat the fluiti preventcd thc ioamed t.le world anti worked a, MaonaniMr. . .MelvenuUo amitre o! joys anti 0r- 1sweaî !orming on their hantis wlatcvee they coulti !ind Ts'.~ - ate ndliesutien.t presenio rows. s0 just in passing lieres a during thie work o! playing. Soi era is the f irsl where girls have * '! le Gledte tuant rsullentOai reciPe thiat came our way for a you can be sure Iliat. lie toati's been able to do lie same thing. ___ _______________ ofteGletaniulvnOe app hme1.poison is iarmless le humans. A New Zealant irldecided 1.0 D E C O R A T E ieMkao ti cl The ornanient o! a homeiS _____________* teaci lier way around the world. il îs a v.ase o! im anti money.e, li wl pshte grass along4 Besue nHaelaleti-at Ithe Ontario Agreultural cleanlm.ness. Sesatdantine ntesfiintyt hk u oto atesurem us.d1ean esave Colege. Guelphî. on T ul e s di a y Thie ionor o! a home is hos- Varnlshed Wowoktiese offenders. The first culting atfomnuy. W a ae nigt. Boyd Slemon. sonl of Dr. epitaity. îahoei B R 1 D G E Stte, ecn in a i a a te If yk ou have arnislied 'wood-o iegas smti hn bu leading soles, liaI o! "Nanki- piety. sînce liveti in Eastern anti West- poi u main h ulapp earen itireincies higi anti shoulti be Poo". wiile Bob McIlveen w li iapeso a hoe s continued !rom last week) een Canada. A nurse anti a mas-poneinled11aernc coexitavrysapm er memer f he hors.contentment. Cue Bidding - When 1 bidmy 1 seuse, Englisi girls. wanîe e dias a erilaben of ash cilTiFrequentnrolhinglawienwlieggrounti ý J. H. Abernethy nenub ! le -horus. opponent's suit. I am assuring my 1IWoi'k thefr way arounti the worl.ti. a d in a ftaleon ! en sdo 'i 5s!tat rghrmoigisai Phone 431 - BomanvilleWo!I.omavilî. gveaoorioasntuodra.spartner thiat I will not Jose a trick 1Thcy have prctty well managed il (matie wtî a milti soap), anti you;I Si hudB rm Phn 3 oiavle formel fB' wnvl.iavea îîin as you îîea ! in opponent's suit. If partner lias anti now thies are on their îast Eagcelesdwthtesen fi SilSol B rml y' lrge nti ieliilfu lunheenanti xee oe riî ert so o btishesm a ni-lap. Ticy have been across Eu- w l b leseiwii hesce 0rgardeners are warnecl -r -- Were rneantilsemc ret sot !oi'matory double - simply killing rope. Africa. Asia. Austealia anti 3'ous varnisieti woodwork.y. I Ani.lete reti semy. two bitis withî one stone - show- are sîortîy îeavîng Canada 10 sec Nuggets agins: upweng so itoo elarl. ta Ad. Ilredani o îng thie sîrengli o! 3 honor tricks thie Unitedi States andti len home I hiave been askedt 10sciaat this cake intoliard lumps. If when 'N \VlieM-y doubveanti fro aene.ati einomaotdobein 0Englanti A Canadian dietitian recipe. Thîis kihîs :wo birtis xithi walking oves ones boots become WherCAN HAVE and keap arplace s1 t. h nomt-r obei cating no îosing tricks in op- lias worked lier way over moiatfo! nc recipe as it fils in with lie muddy tien tic lime is not yet. Williin youVE kepa lae hîart onntciui. y arîner mi Canada anti the States. He chie! î'equest for more Party recipes. Soil fit for cultivation shoulti ~AI~~IEFi'tie tu ieaab o! responti, if Ilîcre is no interven- assets were a willingness te work' 16 marsimalhows crumble when squeezed gently in Fo -Loul de ise Drise!" biti. aceorcling to hus honor at anyting anti a valuable ring 3 tablespoons creani tic hanti net compact mbt a baIl. -oieDiol counit. If my partiner bids a su- whichî coulti be pawneti wien neoaHcup dates U EMsLonT. MLugln.a I biti game- on tic othier hiantil work coulti be founti. Il w'as ' cup waînuts Hot a are ubcds feayL IFcUAL A SU Ear.rn hTostesaug n S atuda if lie bitis no-trumP. I know lic pawnred several limes aI Iliat. ~ cup gsa.iam crackerWînalagnmbrocay holtisngless han on Sahonor coun:. Once sic wa.s fireti fer being7 toe crumbs plants are needed.ti.Iese can be 1 aflenoo aIa Iveî afern o s e ss ti nîy1be ,à suit r nti aite ooifrhe o.The enly job Cut nialshinallow's in piecez. starteti from seei in a liot bcd. A teSa'a* lie:'honme on Concession drops il. If opponents biti ganie. slîe coulti get was tiishîwassher ini atit thie creani andticIstand an . Tic lat ter' is usnaîly prepascd Sircel,. w'ieni eghty-five guesta s cndobe i. a onto 3~t.ea-r0oif. Sic uceket i a it. ver-heur. Stîr in dates anti walnuts. in early Mardi. Il consists o! a ,. were n altendnce. Ticreceptie '10 setIlieni. ilingly as working conditions whucli have been eut in pieces antid o es iremnrwîc IÈooîsani"I:in -ioni were gayF wcre gooti. Sic likedtiie ciîy andtihle cracker csnb.e~eig~sple i ct bu 8ice rowii lovly sprng eins pn ' ocing Bis are basetisrcl lantuosayfrawîl aîef'mcenb.RUIi xture in- deep. On tiîs two or lirce inchîes Y,*..* carti.h oneys.pinaptloiagns antiuo hoo tik.Thie onîy aide ~i o irjb etfr lier 1 oballa anti rol îem in lie î'e- o! fine seil is placeti anti a! terlie yellow' f esia. Mss Alice Ecker- o!thie table thacan forsec tic thîîngs ant ieattled clown. Sic just served crunîb:. Do not cook. bcd la heateti up anti thien cool-e game biti i rac en cie bdie i out oto'four tisys) the seeti is sown in lh idew . i'owsebi- ee leraySoneThsie as 2 bcdsua sîd.Wen y atic bti lirpenssuaris protecteti by rougli boartiing Wlîn y arneropn. o muci abeve lie job tlîat sie 2-3 eup wateî' along Ilie side anti on top anti wihaone suit biti. andti tere us hrwli ,cpfnl hpe ne intervening biti. anti I niake a ohselei't arîir~vsî acp!ieycopt opi'ng towaeds tic seti about 1c 2 n-I'um bd tîisis et~ing tisies. Slîe realîy w 'p 0 i - walnuls 10 te 18 inclies above tie bcd is 2!org biti - thiass o a -set about it anti distresseti liat îl'S cupa beown sugas hct itowss elgas !focin bi - t i a trog ivi-slie coulti net give lies anotier pae idwss elgas lational bii. and belter job that sic fireti lier. 2 cggs d (continueti next week) th3hi il aiet ie 'es ponsa lu l heti th e plants have develop- fe. Shte gî'ieltcamto me '2 easpoon sod al dere second set o! leaves lliey Yes.Sli iSmarred oc.Iý easpon odaarethinneti eut anti befere being Hereditary Baldness i Cook ilie dates. sugar anti water ;ti'ansplanled oulside lhîey are TYRONE If a girl does net want 10 have. until lhîick. Atit nuls anti cool. hartieneti in a colti frame wiicli ___________- althiusa nt.sic iati better'Creani tic butter anti atit sugar is sinîply a hiot bcd withîout any Mis Dooth Wakcî. Mafoti.have a look at lier boy frienti gsadually. oreaming wcll. Atiti leating niaterial. Very early rati- visited witli Mss. Jas. Stoî'ev. lather anti uncies. if îhîey are, well-bcatcn caga.CilIioug-si anti leaf heltuce may be plant- p iC i L DMe. and Mira. Gus Resevear, balti. ale can b ahinîost certain1 ly. Divîde thie mixturei'e mb wO cd iii tic hot. led anti uset iri- Lai"y ntiAx'ene wili e at lai lie w'll be tee. Tic onlv way ipar'ts, roll ecdinmb a rectangle eetlýY fro i il Mes. Etia r Roee, wPo r Hopeislie can aveiti it. ta ne:te nimarrv ýabout '-àdihtlick. Spreati witi Wlîee c cea p electricity is avail- MsstEdgaidRoeeAnni, nrs oe u.tiena.Badss s ectiaydate mixture anti roll as for jelly able special lieating wires are tr'aining a: Wellesley Hospital. anti passes froni falici' te sol,- rol mb two long raIls. ChilI. Cul used in lie place o! manure. Toronto, spent the weckend a ithe womcn escape it.Al tic c- imb 1 4 1mcli lices anti bake ina hec atirsMe.A. . Ais. ecîrie treatments andtihle apecial motierate oven o! 375 tiegrees for Next Week a lazy man's flowes es. ars. A. s is lnglair-rubs are o! ne thle about 15 mi nutes. These ieut witi garden. nu.rsery stock, first vege- M'hirs asîe. AMlr. a.rsVeySîrone scienlista Itelus. It is an adulîtlie grealt 0! cfase if t ~atahese-CaadanSetiTeate lierni. maie tribullion.aCviytisen ani a-'-_le!: oiesbnes.t i Association Mre. and ivisa. Edgar Rftevear, Port Hope. at Mr. Gussie Rose- Jvear's. Me. ant i-s. Pied Goodman. Port Hope. Mi'. anti Mrs. Clar- ence Goodmnan. Bow'manvi:le. Mr Fan Goodmnan anti Miss Strî.'ll- i mainTeronto. wiîh Me. anîd :' Luthecr Goodmnan. M&rs. Wnî. Lake, Necas'Ie. w'i:i ici' taugiter. Mî's. Ha:roldi Sk:n- ner. Me. anti Mrs. Fhoydi Dudley. Billie, Donald anti Jean. wiîli lier parents. Mr. anti Mis. W. J. Tur- rier.Markliam. Mss. Donald Davcy. Keilli, Ray anti Owen. Long Sal. withi ici parents. Mr. anti Mr. R. Mc- Culloughi. Mbsionar-y Program a!ter S. S. w~as in chîarge o! Mr. A. H. Brenî. Tcîîperance Supt. Miss Helen 1 Trinilelti a aîory. Mr. Cran- sten Scott anti Miss Agnes Scott rendereti a piano anti vielin selec- tien, anti Mr. A. H. Brent gave a tlk. A financial genius is one o spentis thîî'ec quarters o! his ife! in tieing tiings tiat. lie tiosn't w'ant le do. in ordti'Ihiat he inia sonie day have thie lime anti nioney te do thinga Iliat hie willi prebably be 100 tireti or 100 olti te do. BABY'S f TEETHING FEVER S'O writes Mrs. B-, of North Syd-t ney. Then a Toronto mother says: "It used Baby's Own Tabicts and thea babies were alwavs so good. No crampe,r pain or trouble when teething. In fact,v 1 hardly knew they were cutting theira îeeth as they neyer were any trouble at C night."F And so the evidence pours in from thankfui mothers evervwlîere, who praise Baby 's Own Tablets also for thee re-lief of simple fever. diarrhoea. upset f stomach, irritabilitv, simple croup, colds0' and otber ailments. Speedv and effec- tive in their wvork. Safe and harm less in thecir action. S weet-t.asting and casy to1t tke. Contain no opiates or stupefyingR drugs whatev er. Can be given with ýýifcty to the most delicate baby. Ana- lyst's report with evûry box. Trv i3aby's Own Tablets. 'our nMorley will be refunded if v'ou are notp satisfied witb the result. 25 cents. t As any rusier o! a lawnmower shoulti know. grass makes its, niest rapiti growti in the cool1 '%%caties o!sçpî'ing anti faîllOn1 îlîîs account lawvn work o! a new1 or scpaiî' nature shueulti be car- i rieti eut just as soon as tic soil is fit te work. Af tee digging thîe grounti shioîlti bce allewed te lsettIe fer a feiw das's a: Icast, anti then levelled agaîn. Il b, ativisable te repeat this process severahl imes. Thîe top soil shieulti thien be raketi fine anti the grass sown at a liberal rate, once acrss anti once lengli- wise, Thîis double sowing masures an leven distribution. Sceti is sown on a day w'hen Ihiere is ne wbnti. For per'manent lawns o! deep g-reen coloî' anti fine texture, geoti quality package seeti is ativisable. In coveruing tic gartiener ils ativis- cd te î'ake oeaw'ay onîy anti then firni thîe soîl with a lueavy seller or pountier. Unlers lite gieunti lias beexu througlily cultivaleti anti thct allowecl le lie itile the yeae lie- fore Ihese is botîndti t le a gooti tical of weeti secti in thie seul anti soinco! tlîis will germinale afîci' the lawn la sown. Such weetis shieult be renuoveti constanlly, es- pecially in tic cashier stages, Af- ter thiat a gooti lawn ferlilizer ev- I y/u uE1r1 A0DISIoe1r PROVIDENCE Fridav evening 35 members of Providence Suindav Scbool Ladies' .\id and their f amilies were enter- tained at Mfrs. A. Quinnev's. Mrs. J. Burdett ini the chair. Programn inicluded: chorus bv' Wight sisters and Quinnev sisters; recitation by johin Wight; piano solo-bv Dorothiv Qtinnii\ vocal selection by Mrs. G. WVight accompanied by her dauighter ; piano duct 1 y Beatrice and Dorothy Quinnce* recitation bv George Wight ; piano selection bv Catherine WVight: vocal solo bv' Normani Bru- ton; kazoo band bv Wigbit sisters andQinv sisters. Guests were grouped off for a contcst conducted liv the hostess. Miss Catherine \V'igbit* group won a box of home 1a'e cand .\A bounitous lunch wîas sux.M isses Esther Barnett. Dor- ithv Swin ford. Catherine Wigbt. l)orotliv Quninev and Nlaude Ruiiter gsiîn the hostess. 'Mrs. Barneit offered a vote of tbanks to the hosl- ess for opening lier home for this o;ccasioni bringing to a close a very ýdu Iight f uI evcning. "Justice i., the constant desire and effort to render to everv mn h is duci." Juistiniani PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, NIARCH 17TH, 1938 Aý 1 ' lm

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