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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SIX SNEwTrONVILLE Recent Vsitors: -Mr. anti Mrs. A. A. M\artin ail famiiy, Brighton, with --\r. and ir George J. Stapieton. MXiss -Marion Samis anti frieni( Bowmanviiic, with Mr. and MNrý Bert Samis. Mrs. S. G. Haiioweil, Starkx iii anti Miss Beuiah Haiioweli, Torot to, with Mrs. Chas. Rei. Miss Annie Anderson with fri ends at Ciairexille. Mr. and Mrs. Ruief Behee. Cali ton, with '.\r. and M.\rs. -T. E. Ander son. Mr. anti M\rs. Wiilis Toiles ail famil wîth frientis at WXarkxxorth FREE With every room lot of W ail- Daper purchased at our store we will give 1-1b. Stickfast Dry Paste the best cold water paste known. Just mix one pound to a gallon of water. NEW DESIGNS RIGHT PRICES In Suntested and Sunworthy Wallpapers. Special prices on discontinued patterns. JOHNSTON'S Book Store Phone 651 --Bowmianvllle Swing Jiggers Dashing swing - back jiggers . . . Spring's youngest, inost wear- able coat! Shetlands, :fleeces. Solids, plaids. THE EVLYN SHOP Phone 594 Bowmanville WE SPECIALIN PLAI Nickel or C Buinpers- Head Lanips Golf Clubs Boat Fittingi PRICES ONA COULTER MFI Phone 255 OSHAWj Wheo You've i You KNI ]Phone 4U8 awull find the best protectici IIGHT'S TRUCI rery Load Insuredf (NIGHJ'S1 SERI THy SA 0 AC 7T,13 Along Canada's Mining Highway _lss Elsie Wallace witb '.Ir. at rear-T .Bisn i vethe estimates. there should be * M-. eore \alicc.Bîlexile.MAPE G OVE Social-Le-lie WVarren, John Stain- :action as soon as possible.' saici Dr. lilI -on of Welcotme. xiii ! enr Bal.Deputy-Reeve Morris. lecture iii Comninîxnitv Hall. Match I î\r. anti Nîr-. Charlie Sinith. Mr. 2-fit,unuder auspices cf C ro)"Ied \Ma-ter Bobbie t '-.ens I t titeanti Ni rs-.Ken ek nt ao id rek -lrn atiScoo Cuh w~',ui with ii ii \Xferspcnt S undax at NMr. Howardi \Von- >BASKETBALL Mr. Xrn. Andrewvs uiderwent anil k nliau. iîtx acmtt -. Dixie. operation in Oshiawa H-p)ital. lie 1fiýze Bett\ Sn twdten ai i! Greta Mýiss .\ta *\imiis. Ebeitezer. , - i aie akiala <j.i-prore-in fvorbl. litia\vattendedtheficSk-xi i, Carn- Vera Power. Niessrs Jini Haîicock Higît itue zvnîiiîa-xuini ritlâx Mý\iss Helen Dairiiiigteinanti Mr. .ix ai. Torontto, last xx ek. anti Clare Allun Boxvîianviile, lat'.\r. iietc tic i iteti w i tiiflc. thfe . - jack Gl,,ver matie a trip to Dam Mr Jac Deiip tv, Licagoi 'e-ltx tr xin gteliio it C. iltoii. 'pciît fi ,ckthe i at Nir.L. Nr dit Lxe Xitbv. ai '.\r.Sur riri< gaines bx' larize nmir- MNr. anti\Mrs. Stewxart aini fain -i oxvuii Geo rge \\Vlîite*s. gIýi. 27-7 anti 22-11 rcepeciivelv. ilx'. Watroxix. Sask., %w ho arc traveil- M.aîiM- elnCf raîisi. Congratulations to 'Mr. andt Manti Sevit i Boxe f -tirIle-, 1 ior lue wvithi their teain anti wagon to T,,n(itto, -Dent Siiiidax xx ithiî rienî1.W. H. Wetiake who celebratedtihte atd.Seioi 25-25.ueý 3-2 Nlontrcal, stax cd Friax'îiiîht at Mr ' tlianivxerzarv tandei ara28-2;.li tntîx esb 'iloi San miii.St. farîîi. Mi- arv Cleinrîc. itxe onîîNiarcli th. '«c hope thex' xiiiinDe .tli tha leliv - siobgn -ior -Nits R itiieti' rti celeltrafti .- fî x l ierBete clelrate llatîx' nore aliiix'e rsa ries affer fixe o'clock iiithelitc fin idth S(irtiî avi tîietîx Mtns. i . th.C. Sîîoxvteîî att îeite M.W-e'Wrx pîtfi ekant i tîic îot cond te tmail ai îiîo-t mii xi i - a ci aîi jrei i. alî î , it'ix Sat tirtlax'of lie r cousin. utdiniiiToronîto. tn ocok Ch lathîamî. ei-ifti dNr-. Rinfhu'ii. M r. IH. i aîîîîîîîîîîî. 0liaxe-a. xxlit' Mlr.. L. C. Sitoxcîlcianti'.\r. Bob ITelclgr~ xh ixegiiu M.ýr. atîui Mr-. CîlatîtiLaîe x i-ittti xxa- kiliet i iIi u.tor car accident. Su. tx tli, iaitie Grox e. at Mr. T.' a rt pu at ioil asfile be-t i'< uc eiii NXrs. XVîIi. .Andirexxs iin 0-iaî a H-- NIr. D)vii-Pickart l Iîailii- ton-il- ae- i u an.cnealxi ir pifai. S ilal io d ix B txxiatîx li: HcIoputal. Xi r. ai'cd W- 'alter Parratîter .x hu thtir tail. iaiîkx' rivais frei Xi r ant Xj-. W Biîti.Dal . x-- ii--Hiltia Richard- -peut Sutudax andîlExeixl a r lIiBune'.'i - eaîifiî oeat ifedl-\Ir. anîdiNMr-. S. R. Icm -' xx îîlîrelatix e- iîî Totetito. Bxîîîxil.etr lx ut iei-etfr oît Oit Til -lax v îiî. XIarch 1i. i' M- itt \tlfolToronto Nir. atîlNMrs. M\airice Baker anti Theodore G. Montagme de-ea dmtiv et tîc al ecutîreiîi Ni xc-tepeople put cou tîxeir pan- He -pifai. We-toiî. anîd hcr auitt. Xrs. latticeoic NMr. Jack Bak-eet f' eBrdnCr-xl. 'futl at tCbi ader-arx'liHoxx t. tîlace "ficttre-.(ii tt i x'Niiart'xx Tir nt -eut xxeekendR.pany. whose annual report this e t otfi oa eii ipa t inplceûf<'irrultar LeaLcixe neet-.x i fx ile-noiir i'.R i- u rîxIa Xlloxxlees. Toronto, arsow rois f$13p rieîîf hofhfiloanca it aIl itloii-d im- Ai wec dligite \\il, tjiýH. \n-to%.xit Nîr. anti Xir- N. C. Yelloxx' ersosprft f$,3pe lt-o izi n bl iîîre com. rii xx ere1cieli g oitetitxxutilt tiiti ix'v .xiprottrain t wx xas t eil lîtier ,ye. ttefr.-sar. Icompstaed wthtthSin-ls otiitbx'oitttie i i iani attici pateti. N xxtouii:t ,ru Miil'\r. al] \r.Cecil Bush antid a.I~t tte ta h o-pa t trx-(t.tii iîtcîx andtihîe lx g'x SALEM Daxvid. Citîtubis ,w ifix Xirs. S. pany was unable to obtain any j et f the mîale ixfttrt -xx . e i__________a____________rofiton____totalalesi___ cf exciteniettatîtigotti ha- euxongiaatuclatfiniefog. tlI.t. Lt-lî. markets of 780.000.000 quarts of ktîxi. xith the teatîl- as ctx' itix Mi--e- itce Bîite -,-andl tlA goccd'vnunabet- a*tended the GCtrttîlnatos f0 li Graelma îuid milk. This contrasus with a tlixatcietl as- e ecoîtîid iý-iitr. In Chuxrchîill xxetc lric ie. f rcl srvixx onkeixîi A -Giibcorf xixam ti lieûr Grde profit of one-ninth of a cent a the Senior gaule. in-teati of rezîiar irBHmtn ey. A. W. Nlarch delivered a xery . Nin-. R. J. -IcKîe.sockatiNi, quart. tn 1936.-tlfixie.te uiorrftîteie Coktg Sho'rt Cour-cse 'lFt fine sernmon on "'Liberty andi Rtitli af Nt- ExcrcftEliot* -l-the frax- for B11-xviîatîiiie anti gave day liax ic becîx 'extic --itl'x iFreedi." awxa. au ecci lit accoxîitftt tietîxcc- ait attentiance cf 10. Y .U etn ac t a Y. P. C .rmeetingc Mae -chii9thheAs xrx -ttccc-sjtîl pie social anti NESTLETON l'iii Broxei iclaiingte i ak-ý. For Ni-.C itie i brn j' iiui pened by the Pi-esi4dent. ReV.. datîce xxa- lield iniithe hall. Fritiax the Setiiers, '.îk .-tirt tx liuspitai. March led in prayer and conduct- exetin îter auispices oif the riîik. flic applatise o'f fliccre.x cibx' takiiii. NI r. andi Nir-. Arfthur Rîkiaîetia membershup serv:ce iwhen Nîr, C. \\iibttr xva- axctincer. Pro- 1 Nit. Pari Durre. llliatificti'thles itiail fratîle and i thtbail ,ixx-aatndi Xfred -friuf ithe x' .ii twelve took the piedge t.o become et-ttrxSSl .ttx't" ci lifoot. Ail wxx <t iiitiij iiopongpatriifiaa- members. Mrs. L. Squair. a -pceetix' rcoverx. ci ac _______________________-- :ssi'xaryv:c~ tek cargîofi Nr. D. J. NîcLeanî(,j Tototite. *For B'xxnîatxille TJuniors: Girls- the pxopaa. Bible passage-- were CA M Sra traeyadMr.suî A D N-î tthe xxteîîci xx \ith ix lifaîiix . Paie'ticDiacl itx liettlu..- Top:c N lenal adMs.Suar'Ir. JllitxGrieve cf O-lxaxxa. Harîtîltîx,Ni . Sttettctr. Kîtîx read con1men:.s on saime. Txxa- at Nir. CeciiVa.f' i e Stti.B.Enmtî.DFa) . 1. xxas taken from Nellie McClung's uv.ketij. \the ei. EXi. Ste. i il '1)i Nir. antid r.Ntr iiX itj'book. "Before They Cal' and was IiiitXsTr wia is viMGllsetafw(i-1i speiit Sttu.av iili îtier ixule axti 'read by Mrs. E. Doxdge: piano \Ir. A rthut rxii t'kii Nr-. Levi-N*eGilI spetit a jeix' clix -\lite 'ýfr. nd Wil Saiii:llý. olo. Ms. S. uttery rStdniiiMr 'te.Girl- oo v.sGiat hx 11tc., G.n Xlii 1 ainii Ni. \ f rs 5M . ttnci .tbît --ftî îC . *clieli. 1). Ntitcliell. D. Ilartideii. G Nu'.icien. îr. tii Bt.Saxitii. soo. uttey radxn. Mr. atîti Irs. B. Glover anti jarn- M- ae ce.NcxxYûrk, Wazar. j. C,îv-erlx . .Scet. F. F. Blackburn: mouthorgan iv. O-iaxxa. Nrs. F. Tionipsf G.r.'xx xi, To- Itien. Mu-. W. Darch. Tatî \Ir. C. Crct-smaii.s. X r. at'er Xcee. ihle ie.Hlii r'ntnt. -Ptut flie veîkendîtixtlî th, Mi&ssM. Irxinand Mr. W. G. r.; loxt .Xhte.t Rt-s tît Rou- Jtutt' ' Bovs-XcIlveiI. C"!\xilie. Natrýprit,'Ir. anti Nr-. I-aac Werry. whio have been li, are im-1 alti r. H. \Verrx' at '.Ir. J. D. . auuti Nir-. Gr-anttTiiî-.t rxu.Croûk., Jackmnîaî.\\i-eiîauî. Mr.Xilt.,îi Sleimn. Hax de'îî, i-- Mrs. Wmn. Halfacre is visiting îr \n n .Ir.. \F Coxvîjng r llo axe. SeuxpetSuda t eie-(« i' 'r aBov--Xtc leiinloaiin. iteti at -'Ir. anti Nr-. J. E Eiit' her sister. Mrs. J. Luxton. . adýr.F oln n ansus us n a-~n- Bjacksock. at '.\r. R. '\ie- Nir. Ivan Prouft. Black-st o ck.-, uî t. Dîîtît. O.Fagaut. laine- recelti - v. Mr-. adMs us n a-Ni'.ýütSna vt i aeiý clrirc-o ih n The CatrItscongregatic'n xx'e ily and Mrs. Moody. Toronto. and \i'.'tet xuîa xutii aet.Lcirtre-o ihl tt tieaet i;xxeloe ev H Iv elrM- .Pecot rn.wr u- Nfr. andti NIrs. Earl Stephenson Nr. andciNr-. \Wc-iev Canmpbell 'xvig fie gaules tdancing xxa- ple -ýe( t we Corn Rv. . I. el Mr N Prsctt.Ornowee Sn-anttibabe, Boxxmanx'iile, with 1Mrs. entertaiuietia nuiir cff- rueitt- oi hîlîlii inte a--eniv hall. bý1ack to the pulpit aftcr hi- rtceuît day guests w'th Mi-. and Mrs. H. F. Atiams. Tite-tax night to a bridge partx, lliz.H rahdon the lov'of Gid thîe Chri-tian religion. Mi-. and Mrs. P. Conlin and iMtszes Freda Bradie andî Ada îîxe tajbles binuug tlaetci. -lis, Cora PII Goats, Birds and Boy Scouts Xli ani Nr-.\Vinxn Ftze Mis fiensOshawa wee Snda1IBeech ait Mnf.F. Ashioni'-. Toronto. Crozie ndattiNir. G .Cr' 'zier xere Doris anti Nfr. _Nlarloxx'Tiiomp-ýoii callers at -The Mapies.- anxd attenice th ie Skatiuig Carnival at te utiîckv wxilîîî s.' Simultaneously appearing news- puli the evcniuîg xitl Nr. and ciýae soiso OYSot n Ir-. Mrs. W. Moffat an-d sons. Or- \tapie Leaf Gandens. Xi-Floretnce Fair -'f-Jauîetxiic. prnaprstois0f BoSc otanda _Nierx in '%lountjox' recentI'.ofo. Mr. and Mrs. K. Squair and '\Ir. andciNirs. N. Hall, Mn\f. andtis i) 5t-idiig set imîe x tii lier axulttiuaa i. otga n TheHom ani Sîtol Cub f May Jan.Tow. M-.indMrs. N.Irs. F Keninedy 'anti faniiv, O-lt-,- r ir-.Ju-. Forcer. Fi,,ntce s îrienti wounded birds wouid seemn to bear Thaeod' SHom mndt hast xlubxxithMJrmy teeMs an. Twnt. NIr. D. _Graixam's. xiii bc pjcasec f0 kuîoxx'shite inucit wtness that the boys are Iiving a o grtdcattendance. The -peciai Wolf Island. were Sunday visit '«A. me a«etinsîjax a Ml-s .cia xiipre'vca spekee frk-eevrxigfoarNr.trshtth Btch- xihIreitinorss.E. X ititthefrun li cînxuitv hsome.ed e aimis"Whnd '«aiton of Baktc.xii uk us Jr.n n .osn aeiBradile vini charge. Bu le reading aîuteithe iîockev match inO-lt- Young pou-ker ;çriggled out of a on affairs lu Europe. Tîxe uoiioxx- been visiting her father, M- v-xt vMrr. W.,t -cdada xu-jv îgh.Osxx'ansu ag bdI ýre hind e an Aylm e nt.,but in rgrmwsRie:pin o.:.Glan.Ms.Jray agtthe chapter of "Croxx'ceti Wavs-' bx'Guîelphi. Thev euîj oviagoî aitî'le r hp ewspruddw ingpngra xas îxn xpinci.tlen Gol h. raS lemytauhtn rs C(aad. Prograrnixxas in -cire beiîg 5-1 ini fa'oîur if u-x' ý dstreet.s and over an.d under 1is.D. Wilson: neading.Xii elnr eoo er ndSle rin s. Chag .f lisA daBel xnaiu- xa ade ecs1n, at.rdb Foxx'er: solo. Niiss Birdie Gibsoi -were glad tb meet her again. chabe o \irs TBec: ediz aa music b \Nilss Helen Foxler aiiîd Sympathy is extended to the Ir N..Cowing anti Nirs. . Rex'. H. J. Bell wa- xx llciil î.îiî Scoutma.ster and Scout, and when Gco Fexxer uxt asol bvNi-. elaivs 0 Mr. . Bockwh Cno..sman; piano solo bv NIrs. A t,, coniiuct service., ait ail tjureei an aPparently homeless goat '.an- anda slthv Xi B'lrIatv' ofîrsa--i-t- ç hodered the streets of Moose Jaw, Harrv Phiip. A dance at lack «Passed away on Monday. MsRead; patter on 'St. Paîrick' xvas change-sxxit .rs. B(5 saile ýit Sask,it was a pair of Scouts who sokCommuixitv Hall on Fridax !Brock tnee Miss Ebbie Clemens) given bx Is. T. Mouintiox. Re- alîce on u Sutax i muvriu wsplatunetianti a dici-lunch was a native of Salem in her ' freîlxmeits xvene seneet andi a social are tueaseci that litla., r'ctixeredth efrolendstuatin t to A hcmut ienjex etil be al, youth. and a very faithfui attend- ' jafif leur spent. from uis receixi ilesl, teroce saine she t couta ant of S.alem Church for many NIr. Bill Grant. Nuis- UrstiNIc- Nestîctiti Chuircli League mxet on Iatr0 h aeSsacea years. ~~~Nei ii" Jeanî Nîoore, Toronto. ait ' iî~a~ 'iatîîîuc~citY. with the help of his boys. years. has for sorte time been operating ZINHeeken. brother anti nepheve of x natxi..exctîedti 1\fNrs. XW.etier.Tuet: re-itheut 1 a hospital fou- bird.s by ai'a flying into wiu-e fences. and num- Mrs. C. rolxaru. visîteci Mr. and T ' ... inthe î'a-sinz (Àe.,r i'îh 'bers wokýtck ad ad Tuhe .~cluîb "Tc'ndxxaitta-' Mi-s. Pellard and were mtoring 1tîciIer Ni.. NcDottajtj1itiTueija n tisu- .eague- are t' bceiietaixî nddbyhntr. w a cr -tct-fîul pte ' -c icI ' tilieon to Torono:Mu-s. Poilard went m'tiiig c i Xî l l't.NareNan a.F'anklxn gulîs with pernanently Sxîîi choe,jireoni(cil Sitrlx xith thent. Mr. M. Heeken is the Chitrcli service îxext Stuiijax' t te ible -xuhi xF fuî n er.u ateipe ig aebcm 'r ixthi T:e uttvfxiuxîhejIl ýon of Mr. Norman Heeken who .3 Put. 5atii'i Nira lr ftu ax tîurcîlciever pets. xxitli a - .1 i htîxietlitre. xî.- -Xli1 g Atx \if .Xvre anti Le-lie XX'cr.iî met wtth such a serious accident î 1î.rî ue niii e rýa littii i votn entua thu ceui a alefitiier~ Ite,l. v, chie duck huntinte last fal and No one lias ever been abe f tti-.'ia taik.aîuoberto.utaassm- texcî 5 lt>am 5.0, hoc-s n sr.xx- on:toninshoxv that any change in thc lacs Thue fîtîetai ut the lait'Nli,, iar- thing inîeî'esting is coming along.i Xi -nraneitrtin( Touonto hospi-a. Ho lias aimost of nature xculd be fou- the bet- tua Rxttlhuxa- Iî.idlfrIiflic](- _____________________ r. Xi Niîge tttaitt completeiy recovereti. iter. i. ic ut)itlir -iter Nir-, R,,! crf i \e- r. XX.1.X. aifi aett1tîttxj Mr. M. Marchan' and Mu-. E. ((IiFda Narhll.lelair - a J. X.inzi er taxu-- i. \.DoxdLce. c'ho met ;x'i inor acci- KcetFujxNactili.Rx uiuuiuiiigdents in the \x'ocxs. au-e well on C._________________,_____._________ cnXXcile da .the %way te uecoveu-y. Incti mt itiili madeutixuttnit ex xx'îlîliu- arnts Ni. îtt Nr. Xoran'. Ar-ocxa:lion nmet on ~hicitt xa tai i ic-' vit lir arets Nf. nd &ý.T.Thrtrdayevnin ai Ms. ileXttAglicantt (eliteterx. ixîlIls. _Niartiti. Tx'dX eeiga Nr. î'.e' xrc ît -r- t'. XXiliaI,îîî- t lc Nf.Fak Pso'n ai-isvtih 22 ladies pueent. The open-- Nfir. Fralxk Pascoe cutirtad ,tters, rexer*cuses 'xex'e condueteti bx iyt ii > Xi-t Xli--Ireuo PacoeNîr.aj Xl"' the Pre.sident. 'vti.Mts. Ba,-ne ii.Sit. . i-t - T. tri ~~~~ takinz !,e B'ble .cs-on. Mis@3 i -iLt'itt itrit e ttt Jako f Bwxn.tcfavoretiI .1 Xi-i, httiiutjrWx.i.'i e'h evera' xet:î.afte.'*x'vhich n' ttî»uxînx rx ..S uiDxt cxi Mcl I Ou iîit<tl.'x. . <.a vocal duc-f ,va. nJr:e'e' ixen by )î uttx-rxii tii îîii-t '.u.tu' (î cx , Xi'tti tit O.sXVnn.e Laný-.treu- and Mr. n îI.î.ctiîîtt-t.retx i S. BterC. Sort eens tvu-e- Fri. - Sat. pa-.t'r. i WeiX. X'k'er. \Ir XX'. G. %Uer Stockt.aking Odds & Ends Frozen Vegetables ucad by Mu-s. Heiierc,-on and Mrs. MARCH 17 - 18 -.19 'i't'xc.îjue.ituehet triee--ii--- Hone. Axci ineu-stxg ani ih ) tn tu xîîîand ira l'rteî 't- ute A.paragus, beans. cou-n. peas. tollcy.very ape r o>n Nlîx c xxandx ' uin--it.îxlx i an pi-chwre hepini-a The BgBroa ocast in FR\ 11e Iftl xxn ~tinah te pincpalC 1ing'3 'txtxnLz ;x as given b, Produetsn theu-rzenvegetable ilutsc-lxe-4ilr. ii lo atiit n i. Pack in Canada in 1937. L4ke the Mus ux u iouancnof 1938 u"i ii Jti.tiuiî uit l Cncinfoe r'pak hyvener. Mu-s. Lloyd R t ch u i (.fttl-iiîtrfxtr îx ixx Aafrwdya aending f-e fut ac.thythankedti thse exîo lxad fiepdo tarigaccitttt.alix iuîg lecture reat Iiv A tyes yardsF au-e intiig a 'eads riia-keîin C.Tht .tiit.iii i. jack \Iarl-,muh the hotel andi restaurant tuade. tuie prograin anti a social lialf W.C. FIELDS, M.ýARITHA RAY ifte)ratdtht te latîterut. ______more. but au thy rquie atemeraureheur wvas enjoyed, A heau-ty vote an O TH UL UR but asthe reuir a empratreof thanks; wa.s extcnded te Mu-s adDRTYLMU. ________ of about zero. tley cannot be of- fered te the genou-aI public unttl Silver fcu- heu- lospitali'X'. ___ __ ___ __ _ RVIALMAYOR R. JONES L able in the retaxI trade. 1i I 0.5p..PLNS TO RE 1G i2 i SO INAFriay 0.4 p.. fonttnued from page 1) Pabric andSi ranges fre \V. 1.tîxet Titr < i l tructttWings of the ,we belue'.e our ideas are sound. Odds and an.Gy. ~. . -~ x uitEtctu ti Xii.ixhe saîd I say c shouldstand- ilT'e ti l t' l e lii' - " - giali.C' kloîx'i as Iî l .ii 'k. - ititis ihi ift ic-t-pJ C r s s h î - o p ex c f-'î y . l t tt it i -iit ih i i g c a n i p x i g l . Sw a'.ika a fe Iiles lf.i lut' Barli t JLa der shaft is dow li ce t of tt' unkait a e i. (ml te liin rcd feet. N c,- t C at uii . i tip o ttt ti i t, d t ' l i o n tth s ît ho u l h t n g r e p o r ts n o , oping in i o tant ut' iî in i g ît ist iude rg ound o ue dev.e ]. grad an Imgrae cins olxfnîits. Kerr Adison npli u n d e r g r o ndt' oîi i l i î î ' . P oniî î îî . ii î c - I i o n . i a M n a n Strinetioîflis îxelI i -i i. i'uj Minies inCadi]]ix e Toî'at'i'li Laxrder II.< ii"'T i-iji.Qiuee. reports ex- 15a niv ix' lrporatiofi t0C've- ollîîît teptlt resuIt.s. iiîtrpîopert't lesinothe w'"isîOf'î.îa (olul Mines hi Ta'.- ()îcxandxi ilittu-i-titi 11 it li-e t-il i ' ctnslîiux outinu os to tî;îiuof Tautl ct-Lku-.Adfît' olifa itifa '.ouur-alresuits il, its' 1.-c-îxu-s tffeffort. utuxi -. uts stiali eJtî tt iil i r xli 1 x'it' ii-cc-ut ixbruoiitt.-play vca altie, of deepeuîing the getîtP.IollninriG adroCI istiCuîft ft'uithfic-pic-sent 250 foot at ontieetriedti tentitei' l i ic-pthand to allow' for a satisfa î'to' ' <al oeat id.. acr"".'.o ltiidetgrûtittildc-'el- fliec-01e'otilfflxtiouî. î.î.uîîtît w il] lie itîstalleti stort- îîîîiîudgotigiate t(îA 'r COWLING SELIS THE BEST And Serves You WeIl In no place in life can quality count more than when caring for the sick. For this reason it has been our policy to re- commend only articles of proven worth. Giant 10 Cakes Kruschen We Advise These Castile 69C Wampoles Extract $1.00 25C Nova Kelp For a Tomie Scott 's Tablets Creophos - - *- $1,00 E~o 79 - 1.39 Stops a Cough Euso $2.79 Laxacold Tablets - - 25e 53c - 98c Break up a Cold_______ MaSon 's Nyal A.S.A. Tablets- 25c Buckley's "49" Stops Headaches Mixture 40c - 75c 40c - 75c Specials Dodd 's Pulls - - - 27c Vacuum Botties --29c 50e Kkovah Saits- 39e Absorbent lb. .-29c Fellow 's Syrup --87c ç 0e0ll 100 A.S.A. Tablets 19e 25e Noxema . . . 15e Pinkham's Comp. - 87c 15C- 59C- 99C Our OPtometrist bas had Haliver Caps. --79c-$1,39 Over thirty years' experi- Aiphamettes - $1-$1.85-$3.50 ence in fitting glasses. Oatn 8-8-8 So when your eyes trou- Oatn 8-8-8 ble yau consult hlm at Bile Beans---- -----47c once. Vitalis - - 49c-89c Let us do Your deveiaping and printing. Art Border pictures cost no more than ordinary prints. DDhone Houfr.nrnie 695 P. R. CO LING, uggist .59 ,KE - TPS . IEà \ýND ENDS SALE lhave been gathered together and are offered at reai savings. ~LLNG ýc yd. ,ech of dîffereni Ilung. ail worth )VES le pr. Bik Gloves from e 1y worfh '49c. Browns. Black, KEES c pr. torted b rtigh t ze ranges. gef 2 iorf t. KIES S 12c ns from- regular ck up no W. [ELETTE c yd. and biue strîe ing or chîid-eni's PREADS 2each S2 Kr.nkie 'nd iited, sie 72x 90. ýA NAPS r 12 doz. Nýapkins. stze 11 nrches. Good :es t, cheap eryday. ITEMS N CURTAIN NET 12C yd. 36 tnch Ourtaîn. two Patiterns to choose trom. Suitable for mosf anly room. BEITS 12c each Black Beits. Brown beifs, and Pastel beits in different wîdiths. Ai marked fo ciear. SWEATERS 32c each A group of formeriy differeni priced lots, but prlced s0 that you can use two or three te finish the season. BATH ROBES $2.92 These were formerîy $4.9 Robes. we have different go od coiors and a f air suze t.inge. 7 oniy robes. SHEETING 42c yd. 72 inch bieached Sheeing, but tr ony 8 yards. Other items flot tad vertised of etiiu«Il vatue. LUNCH SETS 62c set Cloth 36 x 36. and fouîr Nap- kîns to tma.tch. To, b«td we haven't more at th 1 priete but there are 4 sets from" brokeit ranges. CHILDS' SETS $3.92 set Chtnchilla Sets that soid at $6.95. Have left Greet i sze i and 4, Sand s ze 2. ad Blue 2. 90OT ADVERTirSED iifi îcc- ilîctet i, tirctiuit hircio- not given them anyfhing tec-ou-kI tit v:îîe1l t re'h e . i-.ijitiFeFr. at froni. The commxîttee ivas dis- '"-~ 32c per' XW. Pu Ru]ktaitxi i' ietî i in solveti anti reappeinteti w i t h -_____ X cu-ir-îleut X -.- Vi Couincillor Bickle an addîtionai ' Real Madtera lîxiiii': Serittu X5. -e-e,':member. They c'ere urgeti to enough for be MIE i1.îlîx. ,iii. Preigiaux .Pee:.1, rybody Sn sedu hi ciiis Ablw O d n nuhfree ('nide rîiaut: Seicial G. .X rixîtuir, XX'. Ee used in Whitby for the appoint- eog o Bowmanville t'raig. .XIf. RuuutuleFI.ltatl.Plieu WITH JUDY GARLAND, ment of a solicitor will be usd Ends Sage OTHER grain- XV. R. Xestlake,X'elc ALLAN JONES. as a basis. XXerny; Social - jack Reiot. "This de]ay has helti up the Bruce Tink, Roy Langmaid; Zion x___________________ couancil and as we want to strike Odds and Ends Sale Odds and Ends Sale Ends Sale THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, -MARCH 17TH, 1938 Tl- C;0O Mille. y) Ç'racle ore over 1

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