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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1938, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIMANVrILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 24TH, 1938 liad a verv gond band of '-ouug me KNEES WENT STIFF COMPLETES 20 YEARS Here And here Andand ldeathothers, and todav 1k Her An Th re nd veywh re th Arivi: doirugtheir best ta formnI I LE By D. 31orrison, Sr. a1lraud 0 f eCxciew xxxplaxers ta ____ hujiii te ,,)dwok.The Salva- AgonY to Move Them When tiq n vmanufacture their oxvn I ixc i l w th pi an accorripatî- iC' .iupie their oxx n seecti"ns as there 'For three x car,ý. xx rites thri1 I tntrenmark-able the stride that men t in apli as*iliur mannli Ii are mauxandompîad nûvma.'r u frdxrtpan' Is it flot1 bhat I dxa d iai v ol 'il ts. wb iclhacross tibe luwer part of rn'y back. SaIx'ation .\rmxi bands have made Jru st rmusical iiumiber xxas ibat gi 'xl makes it a t urce to hc reck-ouied %vith. Int'emril.Iaoewt ne in hiscontr siic th .\mx oilScottish numnber '.\nuje Laurie**muiwicallx as wilas spirituialiv - - tilthtil was agorix' to max e first foot il, this Dominion? This w hidi %%as a gemt of the first xxater itaxvthexgontgrtrtig"itiiî.pealramntwud ak thought cm touasexermbeuiuixrîdrd Teiane texxebjig of the commumiintx at the pain a littie casier - but that the Opera Honse ast xeek aithtîe tlîis artist is Ernîe Parr. artidlls large. xxas aIl. Vieil a fricnd recammend- SalatonArm Cncrt an î.tu-accorrîplislied accamipaîîist xvas- Ni's __________________________cdlKruscherj, wbich nv doctor said Saing to the eeconcer.1 ndw the slîxvaplli)pToronto. 1i ligit take. I begail with about W'. "r"Edger S. A. Band. This iýs a fineîx balane- The trombone saa Ix a iii bcr OBITUARY a oiesonn is hn nte 0 h ecads itribu- ed oraiaitall brass. a- a rileî ote. îb siawva band xere lna e;s _____________________-iorning. To imv surprise i fourid tion Department of the Goodyar orgv avenizton. mntumnsvs ),,slz ihpainac>11)Iltll't-rheunmatic aches and pains dis- !Tire & Rubber Company. who re- have Mjitarv bands but x bat a Takiiiuc ail rouind itxxas a great E. Thurber, Port Hope appearilie. I kept on xith Kruscheui. cently cornpletedi 20 years service whole brass banc! cari do -i mui iiscal cx ent. 0sliaxa certainlyi, î~ Wr a ecie stwe and althouigbi 1arn imure thian rnid- 1 with the companty. Mr. Edger. a finelvwiieiil Tk si Salvatir'n .\rmnv Band. a dl-agcd, 1 haxe been f ree f roma pain who has been actively identified. icetanxxoern.Te ul crecit to tie toxxn ad the C,, " fl from Cali fornis of the deatia of for txxo i ears, and. able ta go to xith sport in Bowmanville for Old Court rx bands as the Wiîîgalc îxa lre..E. Thurber, Port Hope. on March mx office exerv da\."-A.W. many years. is better known amn- Besse 0' e Ban lac hte xxii%-Iilate. heBîxmu lela. flth. xxho. with lais wife, was lRinmatic concltions are often ong the sporting fraternity as Beses ' te Bril \\Iir-e\\ýII hiýlile owtitiill lis ii spending the wifter in the southi. the rcstult of ait cxcess of uric acid *Ginger.' He was both a base- you get anxv fiîîer or more mu.iica. rtlîe Past kePt trace t,leralriî xx-Lii but ýMr. Thurber lias been in il!- iii the bodlv. Two of thec ingredients bail and hockey player and until and what is the rea.on? Steacîx ai "" lait.- "r acc 'îii1t n ' ' IltuIj)rîiir*ml'ealth for the past tîo years and. of Kruscblen Salt., have the power recently officiat.ed ait bath these constant practice. bxth at lione and tii jrassint of the blxx -1iax ix cr- just a few days ago, fell and of dissoix ing unei acid crystals. sports. in the band roomr. 0f co-urse the il, t rtuelurie i i a fT' uîld fractured his hlip, thzs severe in- Otlher ingredieut. Nature tn Art started with the Durham abox'e bancds are ail ini theetlo of f 'r the carrx iurz i1f ti l.' ' i ~jury doubtless doing much ta las- expel the dissoived crx.tals throutil Rubbe r Company and after being institutions wx-ere tiîev are explectedj Baud. Tliere is a tlli it thij" ic at ten his end. the niatuiral chaninelý.. axay a short trne returned with ta attend xx eekv relîarsai. and their treeiit.Il x e erît ItilrC i x Manager of the Nicholson File tlae Good year Compan~y. He is not job depends ouI that: to a great ex- c, 'lI iclt ail riglît. l'oilxtu ileComa spata otHp o actively engaged in basebal and ten. Tat s te casn te bnd live bad wl ls' 'I l nearly thirty years. until lis and Orville. ail of Oshawa; and ihockey noxv. but gets his exer- of the S. A\. haxvenmade snicburo- bauid 'f at iea.t 50 x 'irZ crp iliealtla necessitated lis retirement William of Cleveland, 01; andcises mainly fromn golf. Art is the zress. Aux% other course, stich as xxhicixx'nrIbi: a wrr xax t-' brin- r ome cxvo years ago. lie hlad a wide a sister. Mrs. Wn'. Fields of Oshu- fathier o! txvo girls and one boy. corne and go xMienî xon arce pLease(laoucxraigti r t take the place crcle of friends liere while le a wa. Dorothy. lis oldest c>ild. is an ta do so brings resits that c!" ") ý-Ivr tienand îl p th raî:k sfi- enjoyed the respect of every citi- The funeral was laeld Monday accomplishîed piano teacher. Bill. amutt ic.oil i nrire W hr i( i with Rev. G. C. R. McQuade of!jthe onily son, is like lais dad, quite outlook froîn a musicali .taîidp)oiîît. Ilitl t oti"" tro.d aillii"v lts t" ' ia addition t.o his xidow lie Centre Street United Church of-r a sportsman, being fond of bot.h That x oa nc reason that the ocr id uclînitititi"i.. Thex bIse t' i hcr. leaves a son and dauglater to fic:ating. Interment was in thf basebal and hockey. He is alsa time band of the Dominion Orgalî aind se a bandclOu parade and al 'mou.rn his loss. while other rela- family plot, Union Cemetery. a Boy Scout. & Piano Ca., lere had sticli a jiîîe that .a "n as it ceslie't cost thîcîtif tives live in Providence.,PRhode organizationa xxhicli xxax a c redit to aux tlîîîîg, but a fraction irx a iil Islanci. wlaere his remains were WVilliam Vennîng, Blackstoek the ompti% an liewie t th ',il heirtaxrat zies hen a pai ýitered.sons, Newton a! Burketon, Tai- then comanvaîîd rh ikoeai5e tad- tue "i thre ir rt ix-e teîî p iitre.On March 7th there entered mage of Enf'ield, and Edmond of vetisn eiuas x'the ore an d- Inta rit. nCive ti ear ht faltîequietîy into t-est at the home of West Holme. Britssh Colunmbia; locality than could lie Camrpted in xrr r naî: ni'am lo' roxvý R. 31. Lethbridge, Bowmianviile lis son-in-law, John Rahm of three sisters. Mrs. Martha Mc- dollars and cents..0f coursee flin"î îiiiilberrv trees. Banc! Or trix Caesarea, a respected and practi- Cabe. Mrs. Samuel MeCabe, and managers of the Piannr Co. xxerc ail ather îij-iic. cxcii jazz, las t'abce Fromn Port Hope Guide) cally a life long citizen of Cart- Miss Loule McCrea, ahl of Lattus. musicalîx inclined and tre ie membex. pladifr and brur.ihave tro bc ;petit His many Port Hope friends wright toxvnship. in the persan Interment was nirade in Caesar of the banîd, xitln fexv iractice. or sboxld be. Banîd hîi-xill iearn with the deepest regret of William Venning. He was a Cemetery. and t.he pal! bearers were emplovees, xxhicln makes a tics-,tiean.,xork and il is tiot al f Of tlae deat.h of Richard M. Lth- son of Mt. and Mrs. Robt. Ven- were Messrs. W. A. VanCamp, wonderfnl differeîîce. Just the saine '.kittles anîd beer. andclaux 'nre xii bridge, a former resident of Port ning and was barn in Haydon on Wesley Bradburn. Edmund Mc- the mnîhier.xere enîlinsiastic in jrailt. a lfliisical orzanizati"ui xxbeLtIîerf Hope. wlao died at tic residence May 25. 1856, camning ta Cart- Crea. William McCabe, Narmian matters musical and that beiîîgz the ai, 'rche.tra. bandl or chair. ir'îîîr !lis daughter at Bawmanville. x-ight at tlae age of t;elve years. Taylor, Fred Taylor. case there cotiltI be nuo d rujbt abouit îîake lit) their îîîiîîd that ilis.,i,,,,Wednesday. Mardi l6th. Funer- About a year ago i11 health forcedý Amang her favorite poemns was the restuît. t" ire a .uicce., r far as tii x- are ai services xere conducted at the him ta give up lis own home. the foliawing: At the Salvatirani Arutax conîcert c' riiecruierl. that is. if t!he. ýIrax e it,, residence of his daughter. Mrs. scuth of thae village. and ta spend Tlae clouda of my eartly horizon mentined ab.rxe thte PriLzacier(T- ahiltx. ifiliot thtex\-are auIt ii:tri-:F. J. Hote ovavieWnFr-hsdciigdyswt asdul-Xiii fat appear in my lî ronta). hrratîlit cîraxx u a -rareicl eraîxce. day afternoon. xith interment at ter Lillian, Mirs. John Rahm. wao . sky. musicallv spcakingz. ai E Fiat cntarlît .At ie turile ii tIR iarv lxiiztr 'iPor'DiHpe Unas nhe xvasfaî. iycared for lina xitl loving care. For al xvil be sunshine and glad- soloist. xîaaI.'a plax cxl xiîiîthe "f tlit- S.. A. i tIis trxxviithe t.rîr . noxvn as h ntuate fa rid Funeral service xvas held front, ness know tohis ntiate rieds.lier home and conducted by Rev.1 With neyer a sob nor a sighi. xvas the oldes: member of Dur- C. C. Harcourt af Blackstack. His Sometimes 1 get homesick for riaiam Lodige. 100.OF. and ifnlis remains ivere laid ta rest at Cad- heaven ~ 7///vy/ ' ' $~ /~.»ax/»4. eax'her years was quite active in mus Union Cemetery. Pal! bear- Anad the glortes I tiien shahl be- its vork. For many years lie re- ers were Messrs. John Larnier.' laold: sided on CarlsStre.Hs f ames Bca eleadLuh Watajythat wil be when my predeceased im a niumber 0fr Mauntiaoy. Creiglatan Devitt and! Saviour I see, years ago. His dauglter Marian Fi-ed Willan. In chat beautiful city ! of d ixas a valued member of the pub- He leaves ta mourn his passing1 lic sclîoai staff until her marriage. four daughters. Mrs. Wm. Blake-,r f when Ehe moved ta Bowrnanvihle man (Margaret' of Toronto, M I CLARKE UNION where Mr. Homne carried on a W. Rockford <Mabel) of Tarontoý C ýuccessfu1 jewelry business. Mfter Mrs. E. Hale Alice) of Tarant o. lier husband's death. Mr. Leth-,Iand Mrs. J. Rahm (Lîllan' of! Mrs. John Wlite, Mrs. Isaac bridge made lis home with lis Blackstack: and four sans, Albert'SakadM. ae tko rdaughter in thie western towvf. off Toronto. Hart-y o! Daysland r Starkviand Mr. Jamles Sutar o Possessed o! an amiable dispasi- Aberta, and Charlie and Orr o Strkvuli visitedoer duhtr tion. lie was aiways delighted Blackstock: also one sister. M. r Mr. BGaron Power. h on ivhen any of his aid Part Hope Ida Crawiý-ord, and one brother Mr. Breverly FBogg anvilaisn- fiends calied ta see him. He had Tom. bath o! Biackstack. suS reonMod a omnileHs been a member o! the Oddfellows Miss____ pîlin on Monday, frsm,64 years. He was a car- Mrs. Ida Caroline Taylor ss dAa irhomelingwor l.spn ________________________________________pentet- and cantractor by trade. Tedahocre nMn Miss Eileen Souda spent the ____________________fW. C. White, Darlingford. Man. day, March 7th. o! Mrs. Ida Caro- ekn thm.acmlne u1ne Taylor, at the homeo!f her by Miss Clara Williamnsan o! fThe many f riends Of Mi'5. W. C. dauglater, Mrs. Wilfred Wiliams, Harmany. 'Whaite. oniy dauglter o! the late Caesarea.Awoa o!dou Miss Archer returned ta school JV 19 RO F I , - X P jI. L. Brown. Hampton. wççill 1 C sta htactese ~ b on Monday after spending a week RFsorry v $ I F- R P.?ta iearn of her recent be- rnised by lier many relatives and eat.sholnesso s omo!hrat i- her husband. William Carruthers Cartwýright in 1857. in 1881 she Ms wnoy enn.du WhtaPioneer settier ina the nîarried the hate Thomas Taylor, gMissofMr.endyn Tenant. dau- Darlingfot-d district in the Pt- and with him. spent several yearstisant, was cperated on for mas- vince o! Manitoba. The Winnipeg i Manit.oba, bef are ret.urning ta odi t ihe' optl Tribune o! Mat-ch 4th pays the 'Cartwr-ight. She was a life naem ti nS.Mche' opti M 'r Efollowing tribute ta lis memory: ber o! thae United Chut-ch, and Toronto.J The funeral of William Car- liher kindly thouglats and actions Mr. RBoy SctteHotuaed hoe ruthers White. 79. a Pioneer O! were always an inspiration tan pra Bo-nafonvle Hospitl !te M E A O F N his district. was heid f rom the those around her. anopraio or appnict d United cht-cIa here ta the local Rev. Clarence Fergusan, B.A., Mr. aidnd M r ha Reesr ad cemetery Friday a! tet-noon, Mat-ch Betiaany, conducted the f unerai w hlrn Mrhm iie À 4th. The service was conducted on Mat-ch 9th, which was lanely her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. by Rev. J. S. Leith. Palîbearers attended by hasts o!f tiends. Cain. were f ive neplaews and C. M. Rab- Many beautiful flawet-s were a bins. sulent tribute ta her fine charac- Mr. White was heid in great ter-. Thase le! r to mourn hier World'ls Renowned esteem thrauglaout the commun- passing are: Tht-ee daughters, Herd of Shorthorns icy and a large cangregation at- (Pearl) Mrs. W. WeatheriltB Fafling sparksta, driving rain, swirling snow-they'll ail roil off a Council tended the service. ( Ruila) Mrs. W. Williamis, and Being Broken Up'rt-LaM rof like water off a duck's back. It iB good for a Bat-n in Port Hope, Ont.. Mr. (Matilda) Mrs. F. Toms: three lifetime and i, .fd by us with a 25 year guarantee. And this Comnpanyr White came west at the age a! 22 _________________ The breakiuîg up Of thic xxrld', is well able to ive up ta every clause in that guarantee. Ask your banker. and settled li the Shadeland dis- ______________ naost r' uîonc<el hcrd of Slîarthrrii. STAT1 You will find Tite-Lap the best roofing value yau rîrici. south o! Darling-fard. where is bilrinexxs %xvlerexer thie cuIt O f NTE can get. Yucenl a pti n rnht over your oid lie resided until his retirement 11 thie 'red. xxhite, andI ro-an" i'. urac- Lad - H d Na ils roof. Itcambines strength,durability and weather yeat-s aga when he came ta reside tised, and hence there xxillira) donibt These modern and fireprotectian. Cames in iar ge, easilyhandledrat Darlingford. 3A /bc keen t iterest inithe Okauagalî drive - h-sIrew sheets. The jointe fit so closely they're practically 1 He experienced the hardslaip o!f '0ii tle facitînhat T. Duiihie Webster. etandtentimesinvisible. It is made in bath " Cauncil Standard" ýp .oneer days - fat-ning with ax- 3 / %n oiiiAedesic ct moresdrawsng '\ E and "Acoru" nuality. Send ridge and rafter en. and driving in sub-zero wea- 0irne, ri anid. is i;ti Spring dlispcxsîngi of lus forditnanybab measurements forfree cast estimate. All Cauncil tlaer witla a horse and cutter the animals, and closing a listorv- droofing Standard trmingso ridge caps and bip caps at-e 140 miles ta Brandon fat-supplies. makirig cluahter in tlue anti ao mails. Aak for now hot-dipped galvanized after forming. This In 1885 lis new home wa-s de- 0k! Grtiitrv livestock breeding. thein by naine, gaves extra durability. stroyed by fit-e. The buildings Aie galiInvestmrent for Thc hierci. coiitine aof 80 t'a 90 Manufacturera of the ...... were rebuilt o! loga and are stil i eunales, lias beeni sold .to Sir Ber- fantous Preston Steel nneo e ifa-TutunsarIrenxeaiSre.xîaxvl Tmg, HBans,. ite-Lap i u. o teold nir.Trs udnadGel\loftievwh i moeal rooting and - In 1897 the Shdldcon a j.Svsnnite nN 1 JauimenLPrwon Ot Meh@ICdTeOf@ naunitv buir. ,the Zion Metlaadist Unconditionally Guranteted TIntuthe regret af Old Countrv Eqlmn.chut-cluan his ptoperty. and lie ________caitle fauicirr s i. tenipered hi the nese, sot-e feet, aches, etc. Sales Aaents' Harold F. Ritchie Ce.., Lid.. Toronto et 'Wiffiam Petre, Oshawa William Pfire. lanisband o! Jane! A, Chav. pa.s5-cd axxay in Oshauw ,Mat-eh 181hî.un lis 7ist year. Mm Petre wns boni in Whitbv: andi for theleist 69 years laad been a t-es ideni o! Oshawa. Heý Sw-a3 rîarric' iun O..hawý. Hevas, Ian active mninbpr-o! Ciiosen Fmi-: Besides his wife. Mr- Petre us strviveci bv his eleven cîtildrten: .s. E. W. Janmes <Florence>.ý Martha. Mus. Hawkins <Ehia ,ail o! Oshaawa: Mis. Cot-n;h (Mýar- garet>. o! Bowmanville: .Jack, Ar- thur-, Nor-man, Marian. Gardon faînecrf îte uiaiu trd. Thne average- Inax alxxax * iseun higli. To r rlie rvaer . tu c ita x apîea r IxhîcCIrat - ciai. lui 1919. f ,r exartpie, 24 h iii cal- xc. axaragud a. rîtuicli a. £5.565. Priee, ih iiuct r-cdi tîtat level at tîne iiirat receit salc, luit a top ai £900 r. stil gond erntîglitotaruakec uîrws tuie xnrid arotînd. Two riters rruiglît £560 cadli. TVie averacge for 20 bi nard 20 lîifcr caîxes ivas £119. Anithte gra.s for the sale xxas £4.782. People xxlo iniderstatid xltat it Iîteanîs ta rear anîd brirîg togetiier- a lier-c ni cattle suclu astItis. canrît bunt appreciate thre Iigli qualities of the fainily responsible. essei GOD BLESS 'EM! date The put-pose a! lis Britisi gov- TI ernment 10 make a rension allaw- .. ance o! ren a week ta i i spinsiers o! 55 years and over, is cos aIl ta the goaci. znd the world's heariiest approve' is with the de- mand o! the oaid girls chiai the amaunt be doub'ed. O! all thie vaieci graups in the humata !mBi ily, there is nanc more xxarthy a! the cauntry's consideration clan the ehderly unnaarried xxauaaan.r How many are cheme m-hî kncw,.' or ever lent-eo! an elderly barla- MOt char maici wlao is foc an ange'. a! mcrcy somewhere. filling lier loneiy but uncompiaining cisys wxith hîelpfui service ta ungrateful neu glibor-s or- clou-htie-s iela- ties. cat-lue:- puoduct*iv-e ycars have been devated ta the care a! înval:d parents or vdow-- cd srster's children. Thie aid nîsic and well-candirioned. S wine Clubs, and wel- he Bank of Montreal cornes the opportunity n:erested in such to discuss their require- tructive efforts by ments. A1NK 0F 1MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 11, bank where small accounts are uc/corne" DERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE .*... the Oauome &J 120 Yeari' Succe.sfa/l Operaton 3ownmanville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager t, "LET ME TELL YOD WHYV I PEF. TE *SS *RO IE AVE IHE E HDALo I KNE- AL-IEN N-ED ;iRFT TPTEMAI BRA ES ACION * LLSTEL ODES NGEVENIL TI Nl i'C "IWE LOOKED at ail the low-priced car;.., but one ride in the new Chevrolet and the whole family agreed, 'Here's our car!' "0of course, we ail fell in love with the style of it at a glance. Inside and out, Chevrolet for 1938 changes ail your old ideas of beauty and luxury in a low-pniced car. "Before we'd driven a mile, my husband was thrilled at the way we could flash ahead of traffic, yet pull Up in a jiffy if necd be. "But what thrillcd me is Chevrolet's *Knee-Action gliding ride, so smooth and restful for back-seat passenger- . . . the comfort and safety of the Al1.Steel Fisher Body with its Safety glass and Na-Draft Ventilation. "I could irame a tiozen other advantagcs wc founid only on Chevrolet. But îny thp o you is ... go sec your Chevrolet dealer, sece and drive the car for your- self! Chances are you will decide as we did, 'it's Chevrolet for us!"'" *On Master De Luxe Models. /5. TH-E SYMBOL OF I PRICED FRýM $820 (2-Pass. Master Businsess Cou pe) Motter De Luxe Models f...oM $892. Deliiered at factory. Oshawa, Ontario. Govermenti tas. freight and license extra,. Convenient terms nnay be arranged through the Gentrali Motors Intaiment Pleo, F AI,LI-f c-be, ROY NICHOLS Phone 25 10 Courtice e does not soundly protect your business and- property. For sound protection you require insurance that is comprehensive - ask this Hartford a.gency to plan J. J. MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phione 681 Bowmanville 'k. l' 1 40W m bAVINGS i, neyer seen pamading ,ih i asdr ti airo l-age j LON SAUL j "nemplyed"and cLai _etaernsians. let it be hoped that the LONG_________________ xvrl we era 1iin.When it 1liai begifs xitli thi3old mald.- cames about thai Ottawa really Es*evati Metdut-y. (Tra late for last xx ek) ________________________________________________ Recent \'istors: 'Mrs. Robert Martui. NMeS.r.. Sarii Martiun,.Ar-t Stoand\VsudW. Walacc, Toronito, ixitluix'Mr. arud \r.. Huugli Mut-phux. 'Mr. arîci Mrs. Heuîrv Hilliard. Euîgîcxxood, xithi M\r. aid Nîrs. Frerh Siiuitli. Miss Stisie Vari Carîîp iii T routa). Mr. Fari Tre"in, Havdrxn. at 'Mr. Lutîter Hooper S. Mfr. arnd Mr-s. Fred Partruer andc fauîîiîy with INr. and Mxrs..haute. Darclu, Nextonville. Mr. George BrowxniTx t-ail, xxitlî Mr. auîd Mts. WVm. Broxwn. 1 \'<e isiî for a sraeedv recoverv tMiss Rubhi-Hooex vlabo lacîau operation ili, Boxyniarîxille Hospaital. Rturîîours are goînîg aronnid abut a ixilc cat iîî tbe îicirîîtv.DU R W NG F R P O I auîd School Clb nîcetirgnlarcOFI 80i. Bible readiuug xvas guveun h1), Nîrs. Fred Partrier: scriptuure hr Ig)v/<74Jsf4 -Mr.. Robert Hodgsout. Thi.tira- lm grain x %as gixeru cliri., 1ix tue-7 9"a scIoai t recitatiarîs liv Mrs.. IC r ait ilîterestiuîg talI-SvhaRe.. Prfiable oe tosinathe diye.Orbac ai Mardli an Cad Fisluiui \rruiît Poi prtin armn rnhmn Granud Baniks ofNxxoudlî e dairy business largely depend agers, familiar with conditions srîig-. bv Mr. Franuk Shîa: a dlia- uowsmngmn.o- adrqie et fti lague ivas giveîî cutitled îlc ecel- pnwsmaae ntCo- ndrqimnsin hs AoI"lv.lice Partiier. Nrari' 'il'art- petition is keen and good important industry, welcon!è lier. Mac Gibb, anîd Harvex Part- managers will borrow at the applications for loans, t o rer. A te o ai lîks iva. gixei t'a ail 1xlia taak part. Lîuncîî xx*a2 Bank, if necessary, to improve finance improvements. ser-ved. Next Hoitie sud Scitool Cili and maintain the quality of The Bank of Montreal is ineeting xii! be April l2thî xxita'.\Ir- Rober-t Hodgson calveriar. A e the herd, provide for scientific also interested ina the organi- poiliiîbehed aie. biî feeding and stabling, and keep zation and operation of '.tileq*pmet-- o-- _jsan r .147 .ui Au

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