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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1938, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE C.\N.\DIAN STATESM.\N. BOWMANVILLE, ONT.\RIO THURSDAX, MARCH 3IST, 1938 I bc.y that has .sny books from the I Library Io retura thcl. ent C.G. I. T. met at the home of Enfîeld Y. P. IL vîsited Zion on ____________________________________________________ Tuesday. Afte:< tlhe opening ex- M.and Mrs. Geo. N. Bull. To- Gleam." and then marched on out prograrn. Lunch was servedi and ronto, visted their summner home into the Sunday school room11. a social time cnjoyed. on Sunday. Miss Barris was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Giflord, A number f rom Newcastle and two other Oshawa girls wvho aiso v1i. Bill Bell visited at Mr. Frank vicinity attended thseNtina took part in the serv ice. Bell's, Milliken. Flower Show in Toronto. Mis. Leslie Warren. Bernice and Messrs. Geo. C. Wright and HO O E O Y0 ais iie.i oot nSn Geo. Gaines were on jury duty ai dO M M R O arls iie n oot nSn the spring assizes at Cobourg last CITY TEACHER ay week.I____ Mr. and Mrs. M. Prout, Bow- Daylight Saving. by vote of the j Native of Newcastle ltons. Municipal Council. comes into ef- f ect in Newcastle on Monday, Before a large gathering of' Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore, Ennis- April 25, thse sanie time as To- scisool trustees, ratepaýyers. teachi- killen. visited at Mi'. Frank Pas- ronto. ers and visitors a large portraitcoe*s. Miss Almeda Couch, BUffalo, of the late Mrs. Frank Walker Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pcrkins camie over for thse funeral of her (nee Winnifred K. Henry of entertained their neighbors to a aunt, Mis. Thos. Coucis. and was Newcastle), once a teaciher at progiressive Los.t Heir party on a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ji. A. Pape Avenue Scisool. Toronto. wvas1 MSau esday nG. l neran Awde. unveiled on Marchl 8tlh. the cere- ' i.Wse iapletran Wm. Bromell. formerly of Bow - mony being perforîned by her cd somne of thse W. A. ladies t.o a manvlleandnowwithMr.and1 husband, Di'. Fr'ank Walkeir. trus- quiling on Wednesday. ManvCilan nw i M.and tee for Ward 8 during 1935-36. Miss Mary3 Cameron has hiad a Mr. yrl utanhas enrolled, badly sprained ankie. as a student at Newcastle High, Following the unveiling and S&hool.. dedica tion thse portrait was pre-, Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball and Mr.1 sented to the Board 0f Education Danny Hill spent the weekend at i and wvas receivcd b3' Dr. John : LONG SAULT t 'Barris Lodge." Newcastle -on - Downing. chairman. on behaîf of, t.he-Lake, and called on Miss Ma- the board. and later it was pî'e- Ms aln rsi.Trno bel Foster. sentcd to Pape Avenue School and:. isvs PuieFaeTrno Miss Mary Chaplin returned was received by Miss Grace An s iiting lier uncle. Mr'. Barry last wcekend f rom hier visit inr thes, assistant principal. Fraser. SMr. M. O. Tyndall is visiting Wilmington, Deleware. U. S. A., Many speaker~s eulogized the with friends in Toronto. with hýer cousins. Mr. and Mrs. work of the late teacher and tise M ar sri oefo Grant Melbourne. Rev. Williami Miller. a personal Toronto feeling much improved. Miss Mary Huf. Peterborough friend of Dr. and Mis. Walkec. Be is taking tî'eatmcnts for trou-T Normal School. spent the weck- stressed tise point that too littie1 ble in hîs isead. end with hier aunt. Miss Mable recognition hiad been given tise M.Gog rwnadM. m Foster. Mr. Tiseodore Foster. classroomi teachers ai the:î' le- Brown took a trip to Oshawa on Bloomfield, visited his sister. Miss tiremient aftei' years of service. Saturdqy Poster, on Friday. Ernest Whatc playcd Mrs. Walk - Mss Grace Smit.hi spent a few M.". Edwin Hancock. Doîland. rs favorite piece of music. -The days with Mi'. and Mrs. John came up to attend thse funeral of Londonderry Air~." Cook, Salem, his grandmother. Mrs. Thonas Princpal C. M. Rawson and his Mr. and Mis. Cyrus Kennedy Couch. on Friday. March 25. and staff welcomied the visitors. whlo and Helen. Por't HoPe. Miss Hazell spent the weckend %vith his par- incliidcd Di'. John Downing. Trus- Woodward. Bowmanvillc. were ce- ents. Mr. and Mrýs. H. E. Han- tees Dr,. Gordon Armstnong. Dr. cent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. cock. Alex Stewart. Mrs. Das îdson. Dr. George Smith. Mrs. Hitchian. Ottawýa. mothOr Frank Walkei, Loftus Rcîid and':New Park Home and' School of Lionel Hitliman of the Bc.;- Lorne Trull. Club are having a basket social A ton Bruins. is visiting hiec daugh- The cenemony %vas arranged by on. April 14. A good pî'ogram wîll ter, Mirs. Chas. Rogerson. M". lier former coleagues at Pape be provided. and Mrs. Rogerson and family anc Avenue School. Thie cups and Congratulations to Mi'. and rnoving f romn the Slby farm into saucers used for a tea. gîven by Mrs. Oscar Adams on the arrivaI the formier Wm. Sainsbury home the present staff to former tea- of a baby girl. on Baldwin St.. chers who were colleagues of Mi's. Moving scems to be the ordei The Trail Rangers iso hold Walker. preceding the ccrcmony. of the day. camp in the dcpths- of the com- wcnc hand-painted by hcîr in pale Mi'. B. Penwarden is moving to munity hall every Monday even- blue and ivoi-y bearing a gold let-, the late Win. Brown residence; ing under thse leadership of John ter H. A tea clothi and serviettesr Jim Adams to Robert Adams' Rickard and Brenton Rickai'd. are vihttting and. embroidei'y done bhouse: Dave Gatchell to Burke- conideingbuyng ne baketby her artistic hands were also on ton; and Geo. Smith to Robert baîl as their present hall is show- vicw. Hodgson's. B: îng the wvear and tear of tise wîn- ter's vigorous playing. Harold' Quotations were made from the A small attendance was at Hoar's team beat Cisarlie Bona- two books of poems (172 in num- church. last Sunday evening whien than's by a small score in a fast ber) which Mrs. Walker wvrot.e and our pastor. Rcv. A. W. Max'ch, de- and hard played game on Mon- selected. while teaching at Bcown's lvrdafn emn day evcning. School, but wiich modesty f or- bade hiec making public. Besides Even whcn thcv have notisinýý C.G.I.T. Candie Light Service the cisairman and local members to do some fellows cant do t well. The C. G. I. T. lield a candle- of tise Toronto Board of Educa- Riches may not bring happJ- F light service Sunday cvening. with ion, Home and School officei.s. ness, but neither does poverty. tise girls of tise Cano, ropa and representatives of tise To- I o aet atfray ntongrou asnonto Womcn Teachers' Associa- fYuhv ovatfray their guest.s. Thse girls marched . inadfme'ppsofM. thing keep busy at it hlyu mb he huris.eac caryîg aWalker. W. J. Bragg. formier are va iting. candle and singing the C.G.I.T.PPfr uram an MssMl l'ymn. Reta Powell led in tise'dred Lawrie, formenly of Bow- Farm For Rent repeating of the Purpose. Collcc- mnilwceas1reet . tio bvRýitâ (ank nill. wreals reuznt V(I Trr~LCfM t fU Patrîcia Peance. Reta Powell and Kathleen Toms. M-s. A. W. Glen- ney introduced the speaker of tiseZMON evcning. Miss Velma Barris of' Oshawa Sise spoke on tise important tiing, in the svarld -.Thse pay entîitied -No Account. Lighit. and bold a very interesting Davd- was a good -success on sîory. MiLss Hazel Reid, Newton- 'Friday nigit. Pi'oceeds $20.60. ville. guest soloist. sang -Teacis Each anc played bis or ber part Me to Pýray.' Pauline Deline sang> well. 'Bicatise on Me. Breatis of God' Mr. and Mrs Robt. Kilien en- at tise conclusion of tise talk. tertained a few frîends ta a dance i Tiseliîgits were tisen put out and on Thursday. Misses Emma Kil- tise candles wene lit. Mrs. Glen- len and Violet Sears. Oshawa. at- ney expiained tise meaning of tise. ended. ligists. Manching around t hecTise Library Commttee aI tise cisurcis. tise girls sang Follow lise Sunday Scisool would tîke any-', ai ATTENTION--FRUIT GROWERS A meeting will be held in the Community Hall NEWCASTLE - ONTARIO Wednesday, April 6th at 8 p.m. under the ausDices of the NIAGARA BRAND SPRAY CO. LTD., BURLINGTON An interesting Moving Pîcture will be shown entitled "Niagara's Road to Profitable Crops" After the movie there will be an informai discussion on Spraying. ALL FRUIT GROWERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED p. ______ Attention! B3EFORE Let us suggest it would be to youir decided ad- BUYING Clover, Grasses, Field Root Seed, and Seed Corn, as our prces are right and ail our seed is fresh, choice, selected tion and purity, purchased f rom one of Canada's most reliable se Standard No. 1 Grimm Alfalfa, Ont. Variegat.ed Alfalfa, Ont. Gi Clover, Alsike, W. B. Sweet (Jiover, Y. B. Sweet Clover, Tlmoth3 Dwarf Essex Rape, Lawnseed. 65 acres. Convenienîîy locatcd in Oshawa with city water1 sup- ply. Ample buildings. Immed- iate possession. Apply 10 Con- ant & Annis. Barî'isters. c. Os~hawsa.13-tfj Auction Sale Es-tate of the late LILLIE PENFOUND in tise Village uf Tyrone will sell on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6th il 1.30 p.m., tise foIlowing house- hold eflecîs. and 14 acre vacant lt- Kitchen chairs, îo ck in g chairs, dining room chairs, disises, extension table. drof leaf table. small tables. davenport, couches, wash stands, dress-ers, be ds, springs, mattresses, linoleumi rugs, c.arpets, bed chamber sets, lanips, pictu.res, cook stove. heater. pipes, numerous other articles; also a 1.ý acre vacant lot. Ternis cash. El- mer Wilbur, auctioneer. Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM-CENTRAL- ly located. Apply Mrs. F. Mc- rIndoo. phone 894, King Street East . 13-P* Rooms To Rent ROOMIS TO RENT-COMFORT- able, and central location, also garage for rent. Phone 738. Bowmanv ille. 13-1 Tenders CLASSIFIED RATES One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made wiscn advertisement is not paid same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of loc when repLtPs are directed toaa Statesmýan box number. Birt.hs. death-s and max-nages 50c cacis. In Memoriams, DOc for notice, plus 10c per lune for verse. Classified advcc- tîsements accepted up untîl 6 p.m. Wednesday. CARDS 0F THANKSý Mrs. McGill and family. Ennis- kîllen, wish to thank ail those who contributedi in any way dur- ing Mr. McGill's illness Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-BUNGALOW BRICK iveneer, 5 rooms, h ardclw oo d f loors, furnace. gas, electric, 3- piece bath, ideal location. Own- er, Forrest Dlling. Queen St. 13-1 DEATHS BOUSE FOR SALE - BR IC K _______________________ iouse, isardwood floons. ihot waber iseating. all convenitxice,, DOWNEY - In Bowmanville, on good location, amaîl ganden. Tuesday, Marcis 29, 1938. Wvil- Apply Miss Evelyn Manning. liam George Downey, in bis Concession St.. Bowmanville. 83rd year. 13-tf Funeral f rom tise residence of r- 1-sis daugisten, Mrs. Tisos. Gould. FOR SALE - BRICK BOUSE. 7 Liberty St.. Thursday, March rooms. 12 acre land, smaîl bar'n, 31, at 2.30 p.m. Interment Bow- fruit tnees. 2 miles nortis of manvîlle Cemctery. Bovmanville on middle road. Apply B. McDonald, Manivers THOMPSON-In Clarke on Wed-, Rd., Bowmanville. 13-2* nesday. Ma'ci 30, 1938.,xvil- liam Harvey Tisompson, isus-,HOS FOR SALE-IN ENNIS- band of tise late Elsie Jane killen, six rooms, woodshed. Mercer. garage. one quarter adire land. Funeral f rom Newtonville Pres- Sec Elias Ashton for key and byterian Cisurcis on Saturday. particulars. 12-2 Apî'il 2. at 2.30 p.m. Interment- Nec, tons hile Cemetery. BHOUSE FOR SALE - SO LI D IN MEMORIAM MNNIS - In las îng î'emembî ance 0f mny darlîng motiser. Frances Holden Annîs. tise swectest mio- thei' God ever gave. wiso lef t us at tise Eastcc season. Mardis 30. 1937. Cauld I but lay my tircd head on lier bosom- Baby Chicks FOR SALE - BABY CHICKS. White L-eghornis and Barred RockLs. f rom blood tested f locks, bred f rom R. O. P. èockerels. Phione 2433. Aibin Clemens, R. R. 6. Bowmanville. 12-tf R. O. P. SIRED BAB3Y CHICKS for April delivery. Barred Rocks 12c, White Leghorns 10 , c. r der nowv. Perks Poultry Farm. Whitby, Ont. 11-31 BABY CHICKS - OUR S. C. White Leghorn Chicks are sired by R.O.P. cockerels f rom Fisher Poultry Farm. Ail birds are banded and blood tested by Government Inspectors. AIl eggs set weight 24 oz. *and over to dozen. Place your order now aed get your chicks when you want them. Phone 2636, H. J. Brooks, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. 7-tf Grain For Sale FOR SALE - NO-BARB SEED Barley. Apply Mrs. J. E. Allin, Lot 14, B. F. Phone Bowman- ville 2595. 13-1* FOR SALE - SEED BARLEY rnixed grain, young pigs. Also Berkshire Boar for se r v ice. Peter Stackaruck, R. R. 2, Bow- manville. 13-1* FOR SALE-RED CLOVER SEED cleaned at B. T. r3. Cleaning Plant. also a quantity of O.A.C. No. 21 Barley. R. K. Scjuair. R. R. 4. Bowmanville. Phone 2210. 13-1 FOR SALE - VICTORY SEED Oats grown f romi reg. seed: home grown Grade 1 Timothy seed. present price $3 bus, de- liveredt~ wn rowed Bafley W. bi'ick on Qucen Street. J"LLeask, 'Taàunton. Phone u63r13 close to Higli Scisool. six rooms. Oshawa. 12-2* rsl conveniences. h a cd wo o d!r________________ ifloors. \Vill be sold at a bar- SEED GRAIN FOR SALE-BAN- gain. Wmn. Brock. Qucen Street. nec and Victory oats; O. A. C. Phone 2628. 12-3 barley. Wv. J. S. Rickard. Bow- manville. Phone 2218. 12-tf FOR SALE OR RENT-85 ACRES1 good land, plowed. level. spîing Vegetables For Sale creek. large harns, fi'ame house, near school and cisurcis. A ban- FOR SALE-WARBA POTATOES gain. C. W. Souch. Hampton. ten to founteen days cachier Phone 2564. 12-3* tisan Cobbler. growvn fromn certi- __________________________ fied cme rîeas, lax- And- dceam myscîlf in heaven. BOUSE FOR SALE - S O L I D! safe in lier love, brick isouse on Centre Street »i-' -Sadly missed by daugistex' good locality, desirable home Floenc an sn-i-la Fank. witis modern conveniences, il be sold very cheap to clos u EECH-In loving memnory of a an estate. Apply A. E. Belîman, deam' wife and imother wiso nassa1Xn etW-st. ..ivnanu',ij11 cdaayAril .12.Pisone 526. 40-tf A faiîisfuI motser, one of tise _________________ best. oR n May God grant iber eternal rest.ToR n -Eve r nemembered, Busband and Family. TO.RENT-IF YOU REQUIRE A nîce cosy apartment at. a rea- ARRELL-In loving mcmory of sonable cent.,sec J. B. Martyn. a dear wife and beloved mother. Bowmanvîlie. 13-2* Elizabeth Jane Farrell. wbo passed away Marcis 28, 1936. 'FOR RENT - FOUR ROOMED Friends may think bisat sve*ve, house on Division Street, new forgotten t1iree piece bath, ail newly dec- When aI limes îisey see us smile orated. Phone 2433. 13-tf But they litîle knosw'tise heai'- ache FOR RENT - NEW B3RICK Tisat tise smile isides ail tise bouse. Apply Mrs. S. McKnigst. wvhile. Centre St.. Bowmanvllle. 13-l' -Lovng-ly -en'.einbcred bv r BOUSE FOR RENT -ON KING Husband and Family. Str'eet. 7 rooms. Apply Allan IOOEY-In loving memo'y of a Kn'gist. Phsone 448 or 630. 1- deai' iuzband and fatiser who 1- passeci away on April 41is, 1936: 1TO LET-NEW APARTMENT, 4 Loving and kind in aIllisis w~ays. rooms. ail conveniences. in tise Up'ight and just ta tise end Cosvan Block. Phone 870. 13-tf of isis days, _______________ Sincere and kind un iseant andHepW n d mmnd __________________ What a beautiful memory lie;* VATE-EXEIECD lef t beisind. WNE -XEINE O -Sadly m.issed by Wif e, Roy~ man for hotel work. Queen's and Burney. Hotel. Newcastle, Ont. 13-1'_ __________________ MAIDS WANTED--COOK GEN- cral and dining rooma girl want- COMING EVENTrS 1 ed at once.ApplyNewcastle I 131il TIsle Women's Institute will isold an af tercoon tea and sale of home cookingý at tise home of SLivestock For Sale jMrS. Edxwin Wood0, unurch Street, ri GELDING FOR SALE-OR WILL on Friday, April 81is, f nom 3 to 5 excisange for farrow cows or p.m. Afternoon tea l5c. vry stockcrs. Durhsams prefcrred. body welcome J. L. Metcalf, R. R. 2, Bawman- STyrone Y. P. U. wilî present ville. Pisone 2311. 13-1 tiscir splendid play "Tise Roadi FOR SALE - TWO PUREBRED Back." aI Salem CisurccisridayjHefodBisnayore- evening. Api-il isI, under thse aus- vie.ef'Panams a'nd'y Lade pices of Salem Y. P. U. Admission ibcedi"Pnambosarend1"wyLat 25c nd Oc.blocky type and goo>d dark col- Companions of tise Forest Rail- our. For particulars apply ta way Eucisne Tisucsday, Marcis 31,! M. W. Cornisis, Orono R. R. at 8 p.m. in 5,0.E. Hall. Good 1 Norths. Phone 51r18. 13-2* prises. Admission 25c. , FOR SALE--SOW AND 9 PIGS, Farce Comedy, "Look Me In lisei also sow due in May. Phone Eye' by Mesdames Brown and 2338 Bowmanville. Talim ag e Rutherfords groupa of tise Unit-1 Taylor, Burketon. 13-1' cd Cisurcis W. A.. in tise Commnun- i iîy hall. Newýcastle, Wednesday.!FOR SALE - YOUNG TEAM, 4 Ani-i 97fr i nd 6 year.s oh.1. 5 young Sealeci Tenders are' hereby caîl- prl2in ed for- dJgging a well at Enmiskil- I.00OF. Euchre in Odd Fellows len School. four foot round well, Hall. Wed.nesday, April 6th. Last give PrJce per foot,. also give price game of the series. for* a fo'ur inchi drilled well. Ten- ________________ dens. to be in by noon. April 8tl.' 1938. Francis Werry. Secretary- AUCTION SALES Treasurer. EnnLs;killen. 13-2 _________ Monday. April 4th - Mr. G. W. Parsons. Lot 11. Concession 5, Carlington. wil! sel by public auc'îon hilustsock. implements. feed, and houselhold etlect.s. Sale at 1 o'clock. Teris cashi. Elmner ~ f W.lbur. auctioneer: J. D. Hogarth, ,clerk. 13-1 Tliursday. April 7,11 - Herb I Bradley, Lot 22, Concession 7. Darlington. will seli by public auction lits farmi stock, imipie- ment.. and feed. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cashi. Elmier Wilbur, auc- stock, tested for high germiina- ýtioneer: Thieron Mountjoy, clerk. d homses. We offer Government 13-1 irown Red Choyer, English Red Y, Timothy and Alsike :Exture, GARDENERS - DEMAND THE BEST - ~ ~ Buy your Garden Seeds in bulk, any quantity, large or smaU. We have an entirely new, complete stock which is carefully selected, tested and graded. Bring in your list of seed requirements and check our prices and quality with any other. You are under no obligation. BE PROUD 0F YOUR FLOWERS Wc carry choice seed of the popular varieties of fluwers in bulk. BIJY BULK SEED - KNOW BEFORE YOU SOW II0W YOUR SEED WILL GROW. Se STIEWART Phone 577 Seed - Feed Bowmanville Frîday. April 8thI - On thse prenuses of Eirnc..t Wei'ry. Lots 17 and 18, Con. 9. DarIýngton, 1 mile north of Enniskillen and ~ mile of p.ighwvay, 15 head of real good young work horses, consist- ing of matched teams, geidings and fîllys, 50 hiead cattle consist- irg of cows with calves at foot, a niumber of grass covs, also two 3 car olds, and yearling heifers and steers, a number of pigs, a quantîty of seed oats. and Colo- rado wheat, 1 Inteî-national traC- toi, good working condition» Other articles to>o numerous to mention. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Ternis; cash. Ted Jackson, auc- tioiieer. 13-2 shcep. Apply Tom McRoberts. Tyî'one. Plione Onono 54r17. FOR SALE - BROWN CLYDE mare. 9 yis.: General Purpose mare, 12 yrs.: Grey Percheron gelding. 5 yrs.: good work horse cheap: 3 yr. old heifer, jusî re- newed: black cow, 7 years oid. due Api':l15. xv. E. Sanderson. Ennx.,kilien. 13-2 FOR SALE-l GOOD. STRONG, svork mare. 12 years old. about 1400 lhs. AppIy la A. Richards. Lot 16, Con. 10. Plione 2574. 13-1* MER CHRONIC BACKACHES GO Another Womnan Ends Long Siege of Trouble aches, dizz, beadaches, sa aurely that fok. are astonithcd. Mr&. S. J. S. Gait, writea. "Back- aches and headaches bothered me fora long ime until shordy after 1 started Fruit- a-ives. Then they stopped entirely. [t'a sur- prisifig how completely this fruit, herb and tonic remedy clears up constipation, sluggish kidneys, and other causes of back pains and headaches. Leave pinskand il-health behind. Try Fruit-a-tives. QIck, Sure. 25t. and S0c. FRUIT-A-TU VES TABLETS ton progress. Phone 2647.Fe Battle. Bowmanville. 13-1 Pram For Sale FOR SALE - BABY CARRIAG1. cream wicker. Phone 326 after 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Gordon. King Street. 13-P* Bargains USED AND NEW BARGAINS - Befot-e you buy see our com- plete stock of 1938 models of Washers pr:ced from $69.50 and up. Used. Washers. recondi- tioned, from $19.50 and up. Guaranteed. See us - we give you better value for your dol- lars. Gas engine Washers now offered at a new 10w price. See them at our store today. On any of our washing machines we will give you a free trial. We have demonstrators for this purpose. So see us today. Our aim a square deal. with gener- ous allowances. Se-e I. White- f ield now at Dustan's Hdwe. Phone 774. 13-1 Permanent Waves PERMANENT WAVES-EASTER Special - $3.50 Oul Permanent Wave for $2.50. Other price Permanents $5.00 - $7.50. Iris Beauty Parlor. 2 doors East of Bowman House, Bowmanville. Cleansing Tabs CLEANSING TABS - A COM- plete one-minute facial in one small puff. 100 with purse size compact. $1.25. Iris Beaut y Parlor, 2 doors east of Bowman Bouse, Bowmanville. 13-P* Haitchinig Eggs FOR SALE - BARRED ROCK hiatcising eggs frim blood test- cd liens . Apply S. Hockada1Y Hampton. Phione 2182. 13-1 FOR SALE - NEW HA'M.PSHIRE! hatching eggs. 35c a dozen Phone Port Perry 191r5. Stane Taylor, Burketon R. R. 3.13* Stove For Sale FOR SALE-GURNEY CABINET Gas Range $12. Gas fine grate $9, 2 slot machines $15 and $6. ail good condition. Boustead5,, Fish Cafe., Bowmanville. 13-17 Skiff For Sale FOR SALE-SKIFF. FOURTEENphn78 Wmnle foot, weighit 66 Iba. Boat. foui'-______________ S teen, with movable seat-backs.- Notice to rdti both fitted for outboards. Six - _____t_é________ofthe_______of teen foot canoe. Jermyn. 416 I~temte fts sae0 Centre, North, Whitby. 13-P* Williaixs Sainsbury, late of tise - Village of Newcastle, in tise Coun- Maple Trees Wanted it,;of Durhsam, gentleman, de- WANTED-MAPLE TREES. ONE Notice is hereby given. pursuant hiundred and fifty. also eigist ta the Trustee Act in that lehalf, foot cedar .stakes forý saine. tisat aIl creditors and DIbo1'ý hav- sharlicned and not less than 2 ing dlaims or dcmands ag.11ainst incises at top. Truck wou.ld caîl tise estate of tise said William for all or any portion Of th.isSainsbury. who died on or about order quoted on. Apply "T.G.' bbc 141h day of February, 1938. Canadian Statesman. Bowmian- are cequired on or before tise Sti ville. 13-1 day of April, 1938. to send by post prepaid or deliver to tise under- Radio Repairing signed adminisîrator or his solici- toc full particulars in wvriting of EXPERT RADIO REPAIRINO their dlaim, a statement of their Reasonable rates. Phone Osh- accounit and the nature of tise awa 1827r23. reverse chiarges. :secuirity, if any, hcld by tisem. Robert L. Hancock. R. R. 2. And take notice tisaI after sucis Oshawa. 13-3' ýlast mcntioned date tise said. ad- iministi'atoi' will pcoceed 10 dis- Gardningtribute the assets of tise said de- ceased among thse parties entitled GARDENING AND LANDSCAPEItheireto. isaving regard only to work. C. Hilderly. Odeil Sîreet.1 tise daimis;0f wisich ie sisaU then Bowmanvilie. Phone 2318. 13-17 have notice. and tisat tise said ________________________ admin:sti'atoi' vill not be liable Orono Creamiery r foi' the said assets or any part ___ --! thereof to any person or persons Prices at Orono Cieamery tIbis of whasec daim notice shaîl not wcek are: Special 42c; First 40c: have been received by htm at tise Second 38c. 12-tf time of sucis distribution, _______________________ Robert Sainsbury. Clocks Repaired Port Hope. Ontario, __________________________ Administrator of tise estale of OUR TRAVELLING CLOCK RE- William Sainsbury, deceased. pair man with bis 18 years By bis solicitor, practical experience is wiUling W. R. Stnike 10 caîl and put your timepicces; Bowmanville, Ontario.~ in order. Let hlm know so lhe 12-2 may include you when in your district. Send or phone to C. E. Mortgage Sale Mils, Hampton. 2689. We have-- excellent neferences and testi- Under and by vi-tue of the monials of satisfied customers. powers of sale contained in a Moderate prîces. 11-4 certain Mortgýage wisicis will be pnoduced at the lime of sale, Implements For Sale ibene wîillbe offered for sale by FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE lic auction. on Friday. April lst. 12-20 Massey Barris Tractor: 1938. at the hour 0f two o'ctock ne-conditioncd seed drills and in the aftcernoon at the farmn of cultivatons: set spning tootis Russell E. Oke. Bowmanville, On- hiarx'ows; spreaders: cream sep- tar'io, tise following property, arators. W. S. Staples. Massey namely: AIl and singular those Barris de-aler. Phone 781. 12-1 certain pancels or tracts of land __________________ _- and premises situate, lying and Personal being in tise town of Bowman- ______________________ville, County of Durisam, being MEN! TO GET VIGOR, VITAL- Parts of original Townshsip Lots ity, try raw oyster invigorators Nximbers 10 in tise Beoken?- t and other stimulants in New and Firsî Concessionsof OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Tone Township of Darlington, r - up worn. exhausted. weakened particularly descnibed in Mort- system. If not delightcd witis rage No. 9039 10 tise Agiultucal results, makenrcrfunds price, Dcvelopmenî Board save and ex- $1.25. You risk nothing. Caîl. 1 cept tisose parcels discisarged by wvrite Jury & LovelI. 5-tf Partial Discisarge daled June 30. 1931. and Partial Discsa-ge dated Trucking Max'ci 14, 1931. On tise said farmn -tisene is said to be erected a dwell- TRUCKING - WE ARE PRE- ing house witis suit-able fax-m pax-ed Vo do ail kinds of truck- buildings. The lands will be sold ing. Richard Downey phsone 423, subject to a reserved bid. Tex-is Manvers Road, Bowmanville. of sale, 251; of tise purcisase mon- 12-3 ey' Vo be paid down at tise t me of sale, tise balance Vo be seculeby Miscellaneous a Mortgage with interesî aýt 4% per annum. For furtiser particu- WEST END GARAGE AND> MA- lars and conditions of sale apply chine Shop - We specialize ir, 10 W. Erie Stewart. K.C., East macisinery repairs, gencral gar- Block, Parliament Buildings, To- age repairs, welding. towing ronto, Ontario, Solicitor to tise service. J. L. Demerling. Pro- MoctgaLgee. prietor, Bowmanville. P h one Dated at Toronto tisis 9th day 781. 23-tf of Marcis, 1938. 11-3 SINCE 1856 OUR POLICY HAS BEEN WE WON'T BE UNDERSOLD CIJTII NAIL POLISH " Won't chip or peeli1 " Resists thickeningl " New "Smoky" shadesi 35C NOWI AqMAZ/NG NEW, SHiAMPOO IDRENE FR FORQ.NORMAI DRY MIAI OR OILY IR 99C That 's Your Guarantee of Lowest Possible Prices Year in and Year out Woodbu.rv's Facial Soap New Prices 2 for 15c - 4 for 29c Easter Novelties Smiles'n Chuekles Also Boxed Candy in 1/2 lb. - 1 lb. - 2 lb. boxes 50c per lb. 25C The Home of Rexal PRODUCTS YOUR KODAK la it ready for Summer? flou't wait until Suinmer and find it needs repairs. Brimng it in now for a thor- ough check-up. A minor adjustm-ent now may save ,you dollars. Complete stock of Phnto- graphic Supplies FOR TUE Box OLIVE CIL BEAUTY SoAP 3 Bars 17e Jury c& Loveil When We Test L.yes It Is Doue Properly PHONE 778 WE DELIVER BOWMANVILLE Awnlings For Sale AW NINGS FOR STORE OR Res:denCe; Venetian Blinds at special prices. Northcutt & Smith. Phone 668. 12-4* Labels Wanted WANTED-THE WHOLE LABEL f rom, Gillett's Lye tins. Leave at the A. & P. Store, Bowma.n- ville, and receive five cents for each, ending April lSth. 12-2* DE AFNES S We have been appoirited agents for a marvelous device for aiding people to hear. Thousaflds have recelved wonderfud resuits. Our stock will arrive abo ut May ist. Write for in- formation. JURY & LOVELL ý 1 THURSDAY, NIARCH 31ST, 1938 PAGE TFN THE CANADIAN BOWMANVILLF, ONTARIO 1

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