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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1938, p. 3

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'-HURSDAY. MARCH 3iST, 19,38 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIMAN\ ILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE This Side( By A. C. LI (M ember Stor iity ot the fruit. 1KULO Sprays and Dust spread a film of protection, only, on leaf, bud and fruit. The leaf is free to develop to the full, unhindered by any tendency to blis- tering, curling or stunting from chemical action. Full-fledged leaves feed fruit and latent buds. KQLUDG KQLDFOG WET-TEX IÇ0JLODUST These are the Orchard Protection used by Experienced Orchardists. In an official test where there was an 89.2 fungus and 34.3' insect infestation, Kolofog Wet-Tex reduced these to l.9?à, fungus and 3,2 ý insect damnage. a . 9 :à l E fd0 I -OJ,7 Výl:p R.M. Cale am Bowmanvillel Ane%'C? br1t £5 5le ls M .5k> b1141 > ou may cross ta your beautiful wo'rld, Anne." The girl 'sas sulent as tlie3 stappeti at tle gaIe. "Wbat I mean." le cantinueti. "is that a girl must- - - ". His î'oice madulateti. but with a gro's- :ng tremor ai excitement in i. brake. "Anne," le lad pleadeti abruptly. "I lov'e you."' He drew lier ta himi anti lifteti lier face. "Do you lave me, Anne?" Slie lad answered qu i et 1 '. thaugli lier heart 's'as beating so tIai lier breathing 'sas difiicult: "Yes. Jim. I lao'e yoii." Anti ale gave- back île kiss oailber oniy laver. He îsas as a paci in liis neîv strengti. -"ie-bridge is buili. Anne-." lie liad sai. "fou' us ta cr'oss your enchant-eti îvau'd." lien, ta his conster'natioan lie liad fotnd lies' c'ying. "Wlab is il. Anne?" le lad qîsestianeti gently. 'I can't go isitl you. Jum.' slie lad ansîseu'ed. He- realize-tiintuitui'e-y, is'y. "Your failier - -. "He lasn't many 3ears lefi, Jîm; I coulint leave Iiini abone." lien thunder lad i'evcrbci'ated along the î'alley. îs'tl î'iîid lglt- ning. Hea'y uain falba's'ed. Next maî'ning île- sky ivas cloude-t anti Anne listened. Faintly acros the valley came the rattle of ca-el-Pîllar tractar and the ruibli of wagon wheels. The noise sLfjcl strangely aver the quiet land. scape. Anne miglit hîave been forty Perliaps a few years less. Hei l'air. crawn straight back, wa tauclied wit.hi grey, and lier feat. ure., expressed the composure a] a kindl3 voman. As she stoo( xoandering the cause of the com« nio* :011 there came ia lier eye., aeager liglit. But she smile< evand iulled the hope thi stirring. Paralleling the plain wire fencE t!ha: boundei lier flower bed and l;nta the south of lier big white Iliuse, a gravel road woundcdown- ward in sweeping curves into the~ valiey. Perhaps a mile distant hpIf raad lifted ta the opposite~ Want to Know Why You'reConstipated? WoW.d you give a million ta shake Off that dul, dopey, played-out feeling that often cornes with Common constipation? Then stop a minute and think. What have you haî to eat this week? Just meat, bread, eggs. Potatoes? Probably the reasan You-re cofstipated is jou dont get cnough 'bulk." And "bulk" doesn't mean how much you eat. It means a kind of food that isn't cntirely consumned, but leaves a soft, bulky mass in the intestines whuch heips a bawel movemept. What ta do? Eat same Kellogg's Al-Bran for breakfast every day. This crumchy toasted cereal is not anly rlch in "bulk"-it also contains bath the intestinal tonjo vitamin B. and iran. Eat AUl-Bran every day and drink plenty of water. Sec if you don't get Off your heels and on your toes' Al-Bran is made by Kellogg in London, Ont. wliat t-le ideal state miuai be. Itbttise tuit. I è lie csil îdei." ias thougli îse liad ueached t-ele 'iseaker stit-a..îîsiceîilusIFIEYUINUECOSL &v'er lapedti t learn anything clis:iriiiisi of tuie llectilig. CG'a. I.. iurihe'. Tle- lais'ser's point ai Daviuige extiresýsetl tise cliîls tliiîk I'!f vie-si is traditianal anti listoricai tatlise speaker. O F D R TN LU andtisith îe point ai vie-ai \ f Afatiîre of tlise luetilia l Ste UEAD o rvxcm AS S CI 6 I 1 * - ~~A tIc democî'atic anglo-saxon it'a- lîî-.îailatjasi of Loriie .\iliîî as ;a lueir *yg0a 3T OSO 0T dition; this is t-lai the ss'aîld is iiseiiiiîer af tise club. He- tas liiira- 4087 H~ ~' C ad ant ilas been going a long titîceti b v ice-Presideîît AIex NMe- time anti 'silgo a longtIlme fus'- G*rezor-- ami IfSliIIe Miuoei'~i IIU'La IIm ulegý) ana m ceren Vntes treLco- A afforded a clear view of the va ley. Slie saw tents beiaw. ar O f A Bridge " men and liarses at work. A ne .IVINGSTONE bridge wa~s being built. r elr'Club). The s-anie nighit Anne t.alkE y lemiers itli lier father about the bridg builders in the valley and hie lh 's range of hlIs. thin and white on teased lier - for hie was a bookis a the far hillside and ascenciing to man - about the need af a quic le the crest where it bast itsclf. mendingý of the break in the gr2 .k The gravel raad was ald. Anne vel roacl that led ta lier far-o - as a littie girl liad remembcred world. Remembering still. sl i it: chidiike haci creatert a gypsys thouglit of the house ai ter sur world for it to traverse beyond down that niglit. wlien theo thie fartlier hilîs: an unexplored lamps were lit in the house; whe ,s paradise af verdant landscape. heavy faotsteps were unexpect,.e -singing waters and sunshine. NoÀw, ly on the walk that led to tt ivlien the summer sun was higliktcedo.Anesahrh cin the early afternoan, wlien wild been absorbed in his book bu -canaries darted amang the pop Anne had heard. She lad caUl Slars. and bees hummed tlheir to him ivlen the knock sounde d drowsy sang. Anne sometimes and hie had slowly punt aside hi ,t caught a glimpse af that beauti- glses and gone ta the door. fui world and was stîangeîy rnov- In the lamplight that fÈ eed foir a passing moment. Ilirougli the doorwaýy a man liý d Ofcoure Ane kew eerystood. He was under thirty. an, eyard af tlie gravel road for- fif- ',Are ridingý breeclies and mu, - teen miles distant: knew the nor- stained liigh boots. e mal landscape that iay bcyand "Sorry." lie liad apoiagized. ,t the opposite range af hilis.' but disturb yau. I am Jim Walker i efactual knowledge did not spoil, charge of the bridge gang bela'ý entirely, thie beauty that she could We'll need freshi milk, butter ar4 1" read inta the paradise ai lier eggs. It's thle cook's job toa a childhood dreaming. range these thinga, but I was aou *Tliree hundred yards irami for a waik and saw yaur ligi wlihere thie gravel road curved out and thaught I miglit txiy my ski] af view belaw Annes house. it as- commissar3.- stretched level for a d;stance of Camne riglit in. sir," Annes fa hall a mile along the floor ai the ther lad invited cordially. vailey througli whicl f lowed a suppose you have lad your sup small river. A wooden bridge liad per?" spanned the stream ta give co,>n- The big fellaw entered. Y tinuity ta the raad ber-ween Ile tliank yau." two parallel ranges ofai lls, Annes fathers eyes had twink And as Anne lîstened tao the led. "I'm Johin Carm-idhael," i increa-zingý rattie af the tractor Said extending hîs hand.'"ThisL she was recallîng sketchily wliat my dau.liter. Anne." Then, wag. liad happened in the year.s that gshly. -Anne's been a bit wor. 1 had passed since tlie .pring- ried about that bridge." ýf:ooded river lad torn lie Wd-ý Anne expiained hi u r r i e d 1:y en bridge fram its maoorings. hart I Wlien I was a littde girl, Mr broken tliraugli thie ribban ai1 waker, I used ta imagine thal ihighway that. led ta the hilîs be- the gravel road acrass the bridgE yand. led ta an cnchanted waî'td hid- Thai 'vas mare ilian twenty den beyond the hilîs. Father stil Years aga: Anne well knew the -eases me about it." exact number. Wlien the bridge '"A very grave situation. in- swept away there lad came!'deed: Annes paradise ànaccessiblE the sound af men'-, voices. af with the bridge gane." The old clank:necdha:ns. rieig ighre an led the engineer inta ilE and tle pounding af mallets oniane untîdy raom oi the house stakes. lIa: ian, ago afternaan lus den - in whicli Anne neyei she lad hurried'her liauzework ivas able ta mnaintain any degree aiOforder. 1Anne'*, part in that long ago evEning's conviersation lad' been a minor anc for the young en- IAVE girseer lad rcvealed a taikinýg ac- - quaintance witli literature and John Carmichael hiar engaged )RS him deeply unmindful af the'hour grown late. Finally Anne liad ex- us ~cu-zed herseli ta set out a bite to eat. -How lang wvill it take ta re- place the bridge?" John Car- înicliael lhartasked. Twvo weeks. any-way." "Ihen came back aiten: comi ~ ~ ~~Iback every nîght whien your day's £ ' ~ work is donc." * Idont want. ta wear oau,: %e:come." the younger man lia< _________________________ augled. glancing in Anne's dir- ection. -We will be glad ta have yau.- -Nshe lad confirmed sîmply. 7 . Anne and hier father hart stood at theintedowyhe m Walker came back ta tliem out of the darkness. "I forgat t-o get yo'u answer abaut the milk and but- 6":WIS HOTELter." lie laughed. "Annes the boss," Johin Car- 'IN TORONTO michael had answercd. "Can we supply what rhey need. Anne?" n outside room, high. "I what quantities?" she hac îod size. Each room Again the bayish laugh had y and tiled bath and came from beyond the gate. "I 1Attentive service. wili have ta ask the caak about, 'e service available. that." He lad came back cachi riglit: and noise; yet only and an lcaving lad taken witl: ,on's College Street liim what fresli produce was re- tes how quickly yTcu quired for tle camp. And lie lad came anc hot night thàt înarked d theatres. completion af the bridge. He ask- uble roomns, suites ed John Carmicliael if hie would tand shower lîke ta sec the work of t.he bridge builders. but Annes father hart .00 DAILY declined. "Its lhot to-niglit." lie llad said. st above carlton) RA. 4135 "and flic hilîs are a bit too mudli for my legs. I'11 drive dawn same aCler time. But take Anne ta sec your bridge." She had gane wîth Jim and lad seen thle new bridge but dimis outlined. since i, was almost dark. It %vas quite dark and ominausly ztill wlicn they hiart dhmbed thie gravel road f roni tle valley back ta Anne's huse. Tliere hiartccame between ihem an awkward inca- pacity for speech. "Tell me."' lie hart asked after a leavy silence. "about youî' warld beyand the hlIs. Anne." - "Oh, it's just some af fableî"s nonsense," slie lad declared. "Was if a beautiful warld?" >/ T CIZy,'»'"A childs's orld iS always lave- THERE is a direct relati the tree to the size and qt Stay STr. RE(- WHEN YOU'RI E VERYROOMis a ceilinged and go bas ita own baIconý shower. Good food, Private hotel garagi Away from trainsa 3 minutes from Eat Store-which indical can reach stores anè Single rooms, dou -ail with bat, FROM $2. 392 SHERBOURNE ST. (Jus 1 1 . 1 il-LLLULÈB PAGE THREE âat HE'S AN INDUSTRIAL WORKER t1cr and there is no likelihoo>d of al- us be:ng rigît and aIl wise at the Lnd _:e. "~"~ preseni lime than tiere was of ew ' . -. . ... 1,t e final perfection af île state cf aflars under Qucen Elizabeth cd c _.î:m the Conquerar. Wlat ge -,'suld lave happened if Henry Lad VIII o Olives' Cromwell in his ish day .haught the warld liad readli- ch 'cd perfection and hart tried ta ra- impose that perfection tlrough off tle succceding age in the form lic lie canceived it? The lawycr's tri- point af vîew ta that Uic business ail af law is anly ta insure security &n to th individual and that île le that tle develapment ai aur sac- art ial and moral ideas will find its >ut own course without coercion or ýed restriction of thc Law and in apite cd of it. lis The British System elIn keeping with t-lis, île Britishl I'm not taking as big a risk as you think . , tIi ~~~~~~~~~~~~social and palîtical structure hm "es a rFyu' ieacwosue iebs' we as id been buxît up bit by bit and what Ysyuri o'eteoewosie h ossSetCp rid the Britishi cal ur constitution ud if nothîng more ar less than rules adapîed by meeting a difficulty as 'to Li arose and findîng a practical in solution ta iltrougi a long his- SWEET CAP'ORAL CG R T E l.v. tory ai expenience. The whoîe CG R T E id Britishi Commionwealth oi Nations "The purest form in whicla tobacco can be smoked." r- Yau would naturally tlhink las been bu.ilt ai tle saine prin- ut cîple. There lias neyer been any h 0 f Uic man apcrating the trac- definite goal or objective ai any ___________________________________ 111i tor as a fariner. And le is a time, but a repetitian ai situa- farmner, but he's also an in- tions and problemai met and anLs- ducted b Vi\"P'edensGeo .adecr yGro n ei creasingly important figure in îc-rc 1t a .as ncr yGro n ei ta-~ ~~a oit.ntol wered unt-il the total resuit ha Davî'dgc. W. F. Banistr and bv Brutan; duet and encore by Paul-. as proc r u ut owle san-aîle Americans foundinig bleir club werc Rev. C. R. Spencer and mne Deline and Dolly Purdy; read- p-podcr Js owleise-independence in the i8th ccntury LawrY' Cry-dcrman. ing by Helen Couch; duet and gaged in lioeing up a field af soy millions inta linoleum. and 13 matie some effort ta estabtisl encore by Velmna Cowan and Ber- beanis. Later. affer pasa i ng millions inta paint and varnis hwat was cansidered according ta *-, ce Andrews; tria and encore bY kthraugh x'arious f actory processes This brand new market foi' fart-le lime a perfect constitution li* ane, Annie and Tolly Tkatch; a you will be using these in the mers wlio naw are growîng a wîicî rtefinert samewîat- rigor- B O NSIae yVva uk eia ýf orm i paint. varnisl, saap, lin- large' ntmbcr ai indusirial as 'sLl ousiy thc objecta and purposes of _________________ aprby CVilian uckn; mrscta- LS acum. and scores aif01.1er pra- las fort praducts. las been devel- the st-ate. Sounder opinion is that Iectins by Cin rton; andscal 9ducta. lbt isbaicd that 91 mil- iopcd l:ke many allers through ihis us île weakness of tle Amer Brown's Home and ScholCu sectnbyCionadCr lin pounids af soy bean ail xsas tle vast research pragrams un- ican Constitutional aystem. Thc met on Tuesday, March 8, wibl cning was Mr. Neil Porter, Orono, Ypraduced recent-ly in North Amer- dertaken by industry. Sudh lab- Fathers of the nation said Uiat President Mrs. H. Reicîral in 1s'lo gave an informative and ex- ica in anc year. Of thia amoui, i aratories lave actded untold mil- "Lii e. Liber'ty and Pursuit ai Hap- 'the clati'. The meeting opened in hilarating addrcssm idway in the at W an aba mllo panslostîlnainlwatan piness" was thc goal of t-he na- tle usual way with Miss Wylma program. Tle final musical num- ewent inta t-le soap ketties, f'vc lalso tlousand oi jobs for 'sorkers. tion, but it so happencd that îib- Farrow as secretary. Fallo'sing a ber was a guitar duet by Gordon i- cr13' did nat include liberty for short business session, Mr. Free- land Cecil Bruton. Miss E'thel il sullen. Fram thc verandah ai 1er again, Anne. ai ter--"le smiîed anyone but tle wshit-e man and man Eddy took charge of the pro-1 Simpson conducted an intcu-cst- house Anne hart leard the muf- slyly. awkward at lier îinrting wlen the issue arase about lib- gram 'shicl consisted af:, Duel ing conteat. Lunch -was servedi. c- fleti rattle ai chaîna and the re- him a w'eak ling -w"seîî. aiter s; erty for tle black man il alrnost ___________________________________ lcedîng rumble ai the 's'agonijmudch wate r las flowed under tle divided île state. Tle poltical Idwýheeis. Presently men and. hors- old bridge." truli fîle 18t1 century wsas nat .e es liad emerged gloat-like. from i "But the ald bridge is rto'sn. tle political truth of t-le l9th. - the mist ilat lay deep in t.he! Jim " Trubli finding is a job that is -s' valley: hart ascended the fariler I îwander if I slioulrt be glad neyer donc and until 's'e lave ab- ýe hlis and passed fromn lier lonel 'ý that you built i. aif'sood?" solute trut-.'s'h:ch 'sill neyer be, vision. 1Tey unconsciousiy lad rtrawn we cannot set about applyîng t a aa ad at ouda uitspot dogmatically. ýn Anne bî.tened. Tle caterpfflar ion tle river bank. He took lier Adolescent Thinking i- *.ractor rattledti t a ~stop and hand. "Iliat 'sas tle bridge yau la vicw thc matter ather'sise, The New Tonic and Dlood Pulrifier - io:ccs directing operatuons came i 'oulrtn't cross." le laughed. concluded Mr. Creighton. is ta id from îlhe valley iaint-ly. Addi- Fte necded mie mositIen. take t-le view ofa adalescent and id ing liis aid buggy along th~e gravel m.utnsapl:sticated thinking. I sug- nioaeadStmlesheytm i' 'aad neat' Anne's gale was the île: e w-as instant sympat-hy in gest fIait th opinion wshich pre- :- mialman. 1 lis vaîce. "Your father las gone?" vails in île counicils ai Germany. Rich in Vitamin 0 0 "Good mornin'. Anne. Nathin' " Nearîy fiftcen years"- Italy anti Russia taday is an art- foi' you ta-day. But theres damns1 Sle feit tIiý understanding olescent opinion and lIai ilese are -in thc ncighborliaod. Men dlo'sn1 pressure ai lus land until a seuz- yauthful nations pasng Ilirough '--~ "" - tlre -- He pointed in the dur- ue icaugliin turnet ihu rm sae hc crrespont iun sorte ectian aiflte 'allcy. " are set- 1cr. Anne lisienedti ta ls difficuit ways ta stages ai Britishi listai-y Br otLUa tî'u ap liyiegi'ta bî'ea'hing; saî'.'hum draw 'back nais'centuries Id.Tîle characir- ctImMaiie tear dawn t-le olti bridge and into lis slieil ai reserve. But in istica af youtlfulness andti l'ere- -ida Filt Sbuîld a cemnent anc." He deliver- bus ici-y îeakness ale founti cour- fore inexperience in their atti- Tnk-aefo ed this :nformatuon 's'i b ou t age. tudete îwarrt social anti political ntuel ka, efrbe, a' bringing lits horse toa astop, anti "Juin." sîe askert. -Do ouîtll roblerrisare: îîheir rtramatic. LntUrli andRlHo, hîe nc'ssimparfeti. 'saicd lis laie une?" vain glor. . . I i LeavstylanofRoot., buggy iship in taken ai gaad-byc. Aý thaughlile ivere luî't le laviaur: tieir intolerance: their j ,ve i potaof D i At-I that afiernoan the air Anne criedr oui. "Stop it, Anne!" TIen, confidence un t-le carrectness aif.là.the ideal Tonlie 5 breather seemied surfeiteti 'sitî aiter a mament's silence, lis fleur oîvn vîe'ss: their int-lerance fr uildioc. odye dreati. SIc sougit- relief fram lier breaîhing stîll difficuli. lic con- af criticism: their îack af human- ing enecc.fonekr; dforebod.ings in work about t-le fesseti, "There neyer 'sas anyane iîy anti lumor: their dependtence - atinaulatethe appe.. '1 huse raiber blan among 1cr but you, Anne.- upon emotional appeal rather fialy inaeton, d fo'sers, and se, did not nabice a "ien build youî' bridge. dear," than reason; tîcir scoru af im- b elpe to cleat the _ eyoung man approaching t-he kit- Ilecounselled in ber triumpl: partial intelligence and scholar- ".0*<Aomlxin -itt che dor.Helifedanunsbape- ildi togta basf a thous- slip: fleir hero 'sorship af in- tra,. 13' fedora f ram lia leati. and years if you ike. Anti s-len dividuals andi idolatry ai the ONE DOLLAR "Excuse me, Ma'am. I'm tle1 you have donc that. let Uic bridge state: their indictivcness a nd ebridge gang's cok. We nced but builders go. and takerme witl you, cruelty. A K U R G ITSA ter anti milk anti cggs for tle Jim; not aver thc new bridge, but- I suggcsî bliat île British atti-AS YO R RUG ET imen." back alonga the gravel roadti ta ur tude in thi.s period of interna- N R H O Y A O I IE "Please came mb îlte lause." lotuse. and tîcre yau i'l grow tianal cuisis is thc attitude ofai N R H O aL M N CO I I E Anne ini'itcd. Sle seemeti sud- sti'ong again." wise alti caundilbor wla las been TORONTO ESTABLUSHED 1854 CANADA rtenîy ycars aider, yci deliberate- Tle Endi. Ibrougl aIl these bot beaded en- E y alie stcartieti lier vaice. "What- ___________ busiasms anti lnows tîcar weak- will you need?" she asked. nesses: the attitude ai ance.who______________________________ île yaung f ebbow gr in ncd. realizes tbat- ultimate securit'- is "Firsi," le saiti. "before any o aie oudonKinthotwo the thes don tere etslook Ro ary lub gencral acceptance in interna- cd ai ter, I 'sant ta arrange for a____ tional affaira but wlo knaws tIat quart ai butfermilk ei'ery day for (conîunued from page 1) the state of tle 's'rld ta not yet thie bos" rcady for it; ance'sho regards the Anne starteti. She forceti lier- île Stuarîs and sslien it became League ai Nations idea as the *self t-o ask. "Why but-ierm.ilk foir reccssary ta beheati King Charles ideal in international affaira but- ,lie bos%?" tley tiitî by an Act ai Parlia- unfortunately for t1e present an Bad stamadli; sas ditiit1 ment. Il lias been a peculiar impractical idea; anc wla real- him un France." feature af île Enliîsl system tlat izes fIat if security cannot be iAnne asked sharply, "Was le the pobtical anti conti*tionai faund by intelligence and coim-à iFrance?" lwhavi be-en ivrappet usp mon sense. if muai be founti in "Sur." "tl thc civil anti property ruglils. armamient îlhe alternativ'e. wh'icl Again. quîckly .'"Daes le sufe' Law' Lags Bchind ihas been farceti upon tle worbd mudli?" by tle action ai the trouble- ".Cougls a lot. Guesasîczlepine Law s necessaruiy conservai ive. maikers. intients isn'tto10 oatifor hinî." Reforîn antidlaýrce is samietlu:ng Tle l'ast ta aveîthro's' abt Anne wcnt îa île cool pantryý that miust be fouglht oui in île ihings for news is a great tragedy. anti dipped a thrce quar't pail af firs: îsbace in poitics anti educa- Haî'd 'son libei'ties barteî'ed for butîermik fi'am a large s-n io.hP es:' awcl l n met-hing unkncwsn anti neyer crack. "Its freslby chuinet, i.' sIc bý,?onestIche i .sth:ng ta eo okdi o u"'y saiti. 'I lape le isilbluke i.' -4o. Il" :aw iiut laivc île gen- eivrdisnto wy She lad ntended ta ask ne-st oral ý":tppD~rt anti acceplance aof eseku s'sutrdcdb lai ucl: butterî"sas needeti. In- 'hI pceo' iC anti 's vexatiaus anti Past Presidènt W. L. Elluattinl ,e:ad sIc sta:.tled herseh by in nJefelic': n. nsarnt-ii the absence of Pre.sident W. R. quiiig ab:'uptiy. "Wha*: is vaurt o' l*erie. heuefcre lais' ags Srk.Pr rsdn aeMr bossas namie?" - ehuintiadivancedt opinion anti daes i-han expressertht-e club's apptre- "Jini Walker: lc's s'sell." tot take c.îîer sie in a contra- ciation ta Mr. Creightan for lis Apparenfîy calm. Anne packed> er 'y~ of p"in '!e. For exampie. niost enlughtenings atdress. butter and cggs fou'thle yaun,,tIc lumnanitarian refcrnis af ti, second pails'th s A et ik.liAf- antildLbu anisfoh 1 - - bý .. -ý5 L-'u lui- ý

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