1938 THURSDAY, MARCH 3IST, 1938 THE (~N\JNSTATESMAN, IBOWMA.N[\'ILLrF. ONTARIO PG EE noise of a SO I LT o m n il oie O fc r H sshall bc short. or long. but whe-! trbutions were made a elhTer eefv SO I L AND PERSONAL InTh Editor's Mail Ca ie A sst n t N ope that I shall hav e so lived! -lie lower labour turnover i hi uvvn ebr0 _______________________________ :~~~~~~~~~hat when deposited in My grave. ld.ofca one. itaibegMssEenJuiMnng orne- It d Ca in Asitn i ight fcvery Canad:an. be he fr.end or Iclerýk.z and eipýovers shoodb fteGoya fieSaf h Branch Laboratory r foe. be hie English speakng or 1called crn lor iower contbica aîywr rmnn ebr Fart, 28li. O38. Cosbl Watr Hl hs B A D 0F E LT French speaking, Protestant or than other groups in ore tO fthfomrDsilCuch Mvisited Fhe Georteer.Mrs iB.,M . MS. Curtia. Bwavfe. and Dears Mc Walter THalle his BOA D _O____ T Catholic. w:ll have to say: -There maintain a proper relatio ht Tefnra.wihwsh Warica M.s.H. . err, Enîkilen. I ead M it. ineest in Thee Ca- Dog to Assist -oiiudfcnrr ) rests a man who lias given the retail clcrks mighit expecttad-fo te aiyrsene n Warn. .s H.hil Motral wasry anikiln I vereih'tee nTe a Hùn in His Duties --To- ~ Ol~udfc ae~J best of his lîfe. of hits sou]. of his rive from any common fon ac 7h wscnutdb Meeen Gues Cofl M. nd rea. C.s a er. weekend zliests of 'Mr. and nadian Statesrman of March 24th ..heart. to mnake uis a united peo- Rv .F aitr0 t al .J. Werry. Oshawa. the br'ef note on Sir Thomas rontoi aesae Teis Vi;tW i ti t'd1 11 ple.-Uie hrh a]baeswr H. Carter. A'vi' es edr oc Stanton. K.C.M.G. In'the Cana- the Storz 'aa. lll whigl aiOctober 1899. O IU R .H bre.y .J icel Mr. Duncan dEsterre. Pict.on. Ali-es rnee oal and dian Medical Association Journal. le io Fredu CrOema. . NelRAe wa Sunday guest of M.r. and Mrs. guitar numbers a, Sunshi Re- March 1938. there is an obituary (Toronto Telegram) caru Î11 ilat*>id( tIlal.e ________ SDua.bekahi Log J. Lye and C.nc H.; Maoon Manyveb r.F . rb L S. Duma ~ ~ Oshaw Long eur and deanc fn rofm h bv yDr .C rb If you contemplate crime in j.'\ ' 1 I Wr)llhw\ tînt I Consumers Benefit Mrs. Julia A. Manning euiu lrl rbtswr e Mr. Bb Thopson K~nccdin. Oshwa o Fridy. Svecalfromco.ck. which reviews bis medîcal Bowmanville. commit it by day- tnw t'1? aklM.NI<,rtlck. *ilairs oeBomnil y visitr. Bb brothern incaipl Bowmanville attendeti. , hfe. and refers to Dr. Trebilcock's light. Be Rehatrs tuee Ik w]lcev y hefaiy.Amngths M. Thompson, on Wednesday. Mr. Frank Pearson. Orono. haslearly association with Sir Thos. Deat cla:med anamsIlf-atednlermoi0ftw Mr.an Ms.H.T.Hoe.Han-taken Mr. Michael Knapp's posi- Stanton while th~e latter was stîll During the day thiere are onlly htiilI -îKme an adîant tcMs oh olde fTrno 1% n r.H .11,le a-Ithree officers on duty. the local Hih '~ iliurr ý a, thiux àr Merchants Associations Seek Leg- logrsin n agtro nemn a aei omn .on, were weekend guestis of lier tion at, Dean Hodgson's Garage la school teacher in the Township chief and two provincial police- <li- T iu t î isiative Aid Against Ruinous aln frmerie mao fwandie vil Cemeery > other. Mrs. J. Westawav and Service Station. Mr. Knapp 'of Clarke. r1'IPics-CekGanafmrmýoofBw -un~i Price of Clerks Gain oni( Marchu ai]h hen Jula A Rex ad rs C C W.sing . now travellinL for Peterboro I thoughit it improbable that mien. If you ru fou 0frc them. theyn Ji( i~î la. I rti _________ g e.adMsC.. asm-Auto Supplies. yo would come accoss the above m iay shoot you. manhiandle you. lis ii-- t.,t i tht Toronto. Mar. 14 - Thie trendi Thon-ipson. widow of the laieJh ton. Toronto. were guests of hýs obîtuain *,lite Medical Journal. 'or put you behlind the bais. But "Ji 1 tIi imroie wokn conditicnslt G. Manning, died at lier hoeo1Teeae-ie.he ti heyer Monst ta. C.u Wasghtton ap*art M. E. Moore and son Ker ni et ' rtmrvdwokn onin Concession Street. Mrs. MNnn cairtfndaou-efhyr ýlar mohî.Ms .C ahntn i.M .MoeadsnKn but believeti sou would be inter- theAt nt. Sport y on r andr. ý. rýi, fri a Vi1ýr fo e clerksand niewfan s br rcakTwnh;oeta h e oei h rn MsJ.T. Welbouîrne. Uno net.h. and Miss Dorothy Buicrell.' t iltSoti eotn duri aendn iit. perap. riî i( cii %ý futhe strengthenetClaraccoring Park, Newi Ontario. vîsîteti last Hamilton. weeieenius si snL it in thle Family Journal ute srnghed acoigTomo.ashole 1 i-Sunday %vîth Mr. andi Mirs. Geo.! tle formier's sister. Mrs. Paul \Vil- ,Incidentally. the openingedi- Sport is 80 pountis of fuiel t'i t 1 I t. t >ce ;t. to a statement made here Satur- hopn.acootechrho__________________ to B. Foster. sonl. tocial by Dir. Gordon Bates in idynamite that tags along at the tzlt(, iicIr Nl-rri, day by Geo. S. Houghamn. Secre- later moved to Bowmanville hr ______________ Mis. D. F. Camneron. Be:7evlle. 1Membeis of the Junior Auxil- HIalhlte offcial publication r heels of Nighit Constable Jéalter t l'Ilr <hý -itît ayo ealMrhnsA- hie became a grain merchant c n t t e w e k e d w î h M . . e a . î a r a n t t h C h r c h B o y L e s c f t h e H e a : h L a s u 0 f C a n d a . H a l l . W a l t e r h i mi s e l f i s n o m a n i ; f i l t h i l ) , v l1* h i - l t a o . th a I~ a t t e n d i n g ' t s e T h o m p s o n s e r v e d a s Ma y i f R EMWNE lMullen. Wellington St.. -ivhio i gu'e attc-nded the miornîng sec.:cetui"5 the. arotimentý; advanced to stai-: a scuffle %vith: ,ackling t, h - aiiltf 1, ît ik Dominlion three-day conventionBwavlefo 86t 88 inproving in healt.h. a: S-_ John's Anglican Church in by J4ni Tamiblyn that the pasteur (a1e 1n, Sport. toohr js hî .< 'r tc f thle asociation in Ottawa. Mrs. 'Manning moved -iv c Pic fcunîgcemi Miss Doris Wright. andi M'i-. a body on Sunday. \xhich 'tas it.cf of nÉik destioys înany 0f 'suicide. 1 "lt aen ii If our Toronto meetings are yng irl. toBantireie eeoe we eaepyn n__Arthur Frise and daughîer Be"v.- knwna Mothering Suniav- ýn:n qîia.res as atepor:e in youir Spr isntalc-ccdto- ait l iii \ a n riii (¼alu indication of the support. we 70n year. aivnd eioed orIl( ofAl1 D.4~ Toronto, xvere weekend gues -,'-ý 'LIWe Angl:can Chuirch. Journa. 'a-: %eek. ouglhbred dog. Fis nmc:hler %vas a'%-i h ope for fromn the Dominion th ea. houseg on onesont ~ Mi-. and Mrs. Thos. Wcigh:i. Mr, anti Mrs. Raymond Cole anci T1 :n o re nain Beroîhe. reslathen. a:eas coba-:t t meetings. hie stateti. the trenti oxx-ned by hiec family. h Messcs Selby anti Georg&e Spcnl- son Bilîs-. Kitchener. ivece gue.s:ý S:ncerely yours. ltion is, somcthing that Constable ihiý, I Iiî .i' xcîtee fcnue.pou ear She wag marret toh n G. H mpoirem ccc. Toronto, spent the weekenci of his father. Mr. W. C. Cole. anc .E ln . alwl ak eis n oiea tîiî %a, tiirk-;7 -ii\i- manuessface.oser anti ce-. inn who opaeti oopr hn onave22 with their, parents,. Rex. andi Mcs. atzendeti the funeral of bis uncle. iAc*tine Director. tiog. t1 l carieil tailer would appear to be on the age business here for many:ers C. R. Spenc .er. T. H. Cole. whose ceinains were Bcanchi Labor-a-or-y. i When Constable Hall takes over A îa- i' l-rl ce Iii way to achieving the long hoped Mnigwooeae Mr-. and s.W. C. Hastings., brought hiere froin Victoria. B.C. hts beat ai eight o'cloek every mciii i, eniti îviZ a ix lait for stabilîzeti basîs of ting busi- New Liskeard. have spcen: the IMr. anti Mrs. George White. UTH P i_ .ghî. Sport walks unobti-isively tori::7ý ' îi( zalu i xcÀ ness in Canada. ________________________________ past. week xith Mr. anti Mc. Gea. Solina, cellebratiedtihe 42nd an - t bis hecl str:cîly rninding bis ý -t iiîatî Iiiçi-u eta--u 1 The Association seeks to bringi B Foster anti famîly. nîvcrsary of tlîei- marriage or. HARRY G. FALKNER own businezs. When they corne i- t afit tuait -lch a 1) bu egs in' c oga Mis. W. G. Corden of The Ev- March. 25th. Among the gifts they,____ to a dark laneway the officer haîts hawt u( vIih airai ýit di Ille -cu xplaineti -Jimilar t o that ce- lyn Shop lias been confîneti to hier, eceiveti te mark the occa.siun was %.hile He Was a Printer's Det-il anti mutters a word of command. ti r îtcîý( rlVn t î e cently passeti in Britishi Columbia. hoefor a few tiays with an if- a spliend:id radio f:om the.r- elti- In Bowmanville ýA faxvn anti wh.ite ghios: slips Sil- cari,.ihalxs h rdcr ofxD fecteti t.hroat. est tiaugliter ant ihec husbanti. ____ently mbt thle darknesl and re- the rea00t rc f om YOU W A T V R E Y Mr. anti Mrs. A, W. Picar Mr. andi Mis. Charlton McBi-;de. In a house publication ceceiveti i turis. AIl is well. so on toi the GRAeIE A i tail sehic ofake it ilega spent the weekcnd in Duntialk The engagement is announceti fcom the Provincial Paper Cona- 1 next lane. GR AIE A for ret.ailers t0 scîl. or offer for with their nephiew. Mr. Carman of Doroîhy Viohet. daughiter of 1pany. Toronto. we camne across 1When ail ils not. well anti Sport SUR. W. LAURIER sale. any product, at a price lez Variety iÊ the spiceofIe.Hr'tw casthtwl Werry. Miss Evelyn Pickard ce- the laie Mr. anti Mrs. Sidneyý,ýlS is aîr-raisîng story whîch will l surprises a prowlec. the man fîntis iban 5 per cent abeve the cosi of turneti home xith theia af ter hav- Cooper. Toronto. to Douiglas E.interlest many of our readers as 'bis clothing suddenly anti silently ONCE SPOKE NERE the saine te cci aillers. Such legi-,~ add variety t ormasti ekn ing .spent îwo weeks in Dundalk. Armstrong. Toronto. son of Rev. the incident îook place in Bow- jgrîppeti. if hie is, xvse hie hieedis lation would be aimeti at conicol Mr. a:tn Soîtspet Tes-anti Mrs. E. F. Armstrong of Blen- avlle back in 1911: the warning growls anti watts un- M'.s Norma Searle. a Bowman- in. the grocery anti foodi productsPe nHoe La r. . .ec30 Mr.Ma.-ty Sctt Pen Tus-hieîm. Ontario, the wedding to *Rehiabilitating the tiemolisheýI ti Constable Hall arrives to re- 'ville Hîgh Schlool student. bas trades. The vicious practice of ea Ho y day with Mr. anti Mrs. Geo. B. ,take place the middtle of Aprîl. plant of a Socialîs: newspapei eiaze anti question him. If hie brougnt to our notice an interest- selling hIoss leader', or giveaway Foste-, enroute to bis home iný amid the buî'sting bombs of the iwanîs t0 put up a ft;ght lie is justiîng :tem in a book of Laurier*slprices. will be ehiminateti wbenng OrneFudge ae...eci0 Indian Head,. Sask.. afier spenti- Miss Marion Allin. whose popu'- Gî'eat Wac in France. feetiing olti- ýasking for trouble. Sport cani adicc.ses in Bowmanville -ib- lwe can secure ibi lype f en- Pferboro. was killeti a f ew miontlus ago. bas clays in London, anti ed'tng a of ebaîneti lîghtning. qu.ick las a sonne of Sir Wilfred's ouîstanding lrsirea toswl ok heme brened.wt a deendan of we-ll-known Canactian w e e k I y flash anti fîie:ce as; a tiger. spieeches. Among themi is one de- no more than fîfty-four bours a Easter Novelties, Bunis hcs rs otCr te' Hoaine ikely deend n- o esf pc artmn he diversi- Not tha:t lic îs a bati-tempereti livereti by the great Liberal leati- wveek. if Hon. M.. M. McBcide. ______________________ a famous British tiog shaow in ifîct accomiphishm,,ents of Harry G.,o.C'tie erbi oepa ei':rn Bowmanville ici Octobor! mJnistec of labeur for Ontario.,adohrdsgs naeiFalkner. former eduîoî of uIl 'wt iauariiat a nu& 1899. Pot laps some of the older!acpsorrcmedtos f Perky- affet' bis predecessor. Shelburne Free Presa. now on heof MORE BEAUTY -Quarterly communion service staff of The Ahiston Feralti.ý lie knows anti trusts cani do any- senfit lca.r ihais atitiiess. The point oui. No contemplaîtid min- nextei attetion cheeifully Taos pcOp:ey ifb-rotn iar ake el ,o wil hav bepue n , ie- fîcalsfte rtaim m as oton5 o 20 Suniaynaonîn atTrîîîyGloe-tottng arr Fakne teîsi th4txg wiîlaout arousing hais anger Pai:o bc scpaueii mmwg rmxmmbu ______________________________ FRChurch. Lantern shîdes will be ibis one on hinacîf. wins Provin-, except one tlatng. anti that is the book is as follows: ihegislation cani be satisfacîoî'y nor FRslaown at the evening service anti clal's Paperas award for tlae monîla quarre]. Idaim tilis for i-lie Liberal effective unless concurrent. legis- Tk ofHm ain appropriate discourse gîven on'anti our edîtorial conigratulations. th~ua~~u i Trial before Pilate. Crucifix- In the offices of tlae West Dur- The sigh:. of anyone figlitîng Govorniment. ihlaa we haave eni- lation is passeti providing for uni-Ta ~~ mNIIFéILV in anti Resuccection 0f Christ. 'lîam Review - back in 1911 wben xvill senti Sport into action. Even eof ctcry sona teoîc r for c os ng eusos witbauî fex-lRERS FUI. IVISIL MO E ppropriaîe chaoral music anti Lorne Frank %vas edîtor - fore-I Constable Hall's gcrown cimdren ofad ai ctontr -a aio 10 th maCcAtRsTE:.'sos.i s e solo. Organ selectiocis at 6.40 p.m. . nan FHig- .ennings was rinsing hav foniafiniy uhueCnad all naitionEmi - a nation th- Comulsry weesdayl alf-oli be On Salea]orGoe' WALLPAPER r Mc. W T. Grecnaway 0f th e ravages of the morning's wock impossible without Sport attack- iitcBiihEpr aindy vr ekwl Ieb Pot op Gid saf clerad from bis bantis in the time-îaon- nbo utltystp Bo-grea: in the eyes of the world. sought. you ~ ~ ýPr aree plnigtGe- bsut irtdeayf Weebrnesdy l Nary ranx'ilîe is not bolrt mucla b o yprt attascle Unemployment insurance mas lrdws-pgsln.Nab.landis occupieti. lier mines devel- in the future bie establisheti blasA m , I o arplnigtde hs7t itdyo ensa.the *devil' was ligbting bis pipe street figbts ai night.opt.lefossceat.brfi- ihrFdalrPovnalgx-IA JU D Mc. Greenaxxay was bern ini Bow - anti noniaeatr sucveyin pro-ed polic problem arehe îedealman'Povicial' cormte this spring you'l unil nilant i rd lan ce cd Ptl yourv n match te For tbat matter. Bowmnil' eric.s exploiîti. bier cities gcowing. ecciments. but the Association de-l manvill and larned bs trad in ceeings. Put yeu match ,ogreatice pbereipopulationreaincceaieiPogulbutn clareting tuat soedfact as fa has rehtaelai choice of papiers. You'll find office. He bas becci in the cem- Tedvi"it.t1areat of Sport is a greai deter- 1pie United., strase of soc erity "a lt bre k ~ j here a most comple>te Une jploy of the Port Hope Guide 55 The blaze causeti only minor cent to micior scuff les anti dis- I doco nw hîe yenoet oy scl ecani t.ii wud e Poe 5 JYT of papers, 200 patterns, both years. damages. Net results: a tempor turbances. pI oîltical caceer o r my aua U entyent if tek obad r coe- -~jDue tc, an unfortunate ecror on ary case of slaock for the girl who Druciks have even been a.rrest- oicacre rmyntalifpndtsfth obgtr o- Sunworthy and the instruction order. the Hudson was setticig type close by; a pair cd by Sport. The town hasni't________________________________________ 112 ativertisement in ibis issue of warm liacits for foceman Jen- mnany druciks. havicig no bex'erage Suntested bas the namne A. A. Emmeit ais nings, anti new respect foc tbc îoo0ms. When one does become' the decaler. This slaouhd reati J. H. deîl" xlao bel'ee ci in foîlot ng obstrepecous. Constiable Hall! ________ McKeever. Tempecacice St. Abaout irstructions to thae letter. grabis ocie sheeve anti Sport t.lae from Oc roU u 100 copies hiave Ibis incorrect j, the drun is lonernetin. Eo ccfaBLr dealer signature. Mc. McKeever f' hedun scocrne. v Big educionsin oder at-bas a new Hudson car ici tlae lotwi h fie esgo pr nw'SRN terns and remnants price feldi on dispas' in bis show en.f V Li ough to ow him a othe station.bd l ont. Sînce So)ori laas been arountidUecn 1 M\ü. Francis Sutton. Mus Bac. sut on Constable Hall. Ho is fin-* îia a u a Paste ian Ms E t to r Nat.inl te AobLT e estix t las e t w at pe ni h a s n Tl O I CI A N Dh I I 0f halth loa é,-THz cANADIAN MOALIoin. I avng witciessed the dog intani ee e ference ,bis wlek ai Si. Louis. 'Mo.ASCAINAOi ec nte esrcue i o rci 0;u-an. Ovei- 10.000 elemcntary. haigi mu8NAlC cowliANI a catiwe t ser caost pephavte'ieofya ed otk acîyeer id 11W111~~rose fis ar cntiutngt ie î <teol callege anti universiîy stu ON CANADA -Sport is not Constable Hall'sl Lo es srig t o l aioo purif ier. f Thea inc titad an 61J V EW L et g am e Mcnrbtn totepo fir st expermient at do-, traini'g. ailment Uncondit-puiie.Th natviyan n Phone 56 Bowanvile pupîs foc utton-- prearin ~He lis hati two police dogs. bo FI door life of the winter months lowers yolur resistence iniygaate Phn 5 omnil uisfrorchestra anti chaoraI POSTURE of thon traineti perfcctly faor_______ adrdcsyurvtlt.Yu lo eoe hckn 5 9,30S.9 5 27 xx'otlk at thae music festival in potice u%,ork One even usedti 1 tr and_____________ rede andr viaiy You bloo 4eoe ti Massey Hall Eastec week. Tli llTit pstio lia ila aIl the doois for bim until stoe- dn impurities clog the system._________________ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~dhe rou ad$tc-mile!îîrîîîîl.iit epr poett I eacei IJC[ E A good tonic and alterative will correct Fr Crs o ne ten-- troimnr <it rua-tc n rpaintwor-k. Bath tievelopedth leLL ' ail.t titi llave dut eiCopedl stici îîecir saine fauli. When about blare UI1lelJu~Iu this condition, cleansing the system of impurities pi->tu-e a- ta hc hiîiiicaîiped ini hife. years olti they becarne ucisafe taadcerngtebod To a cnnsiîierable extent gr«d have near chiltiren. Ta a ch Id ld cern h lo.YOU'll notice the differ. LY' HMLTDcR (h VU lix and 1k Constable Hall tI aI ence in the amount of energy you will have and in A E.D-eitesadeive h~~Li.1ec1a1s -l~posuire refiects gooli liaahh, al(]luer mie thstbl Hall skncniin uchspmlsalcktanwt istapiain O F o o d S p e c ia ls I~~~~~~~~it ctiditioiis are stîchi as tei inter- spelt finis for them.th a skncdiossu spmleba. A' f ~iru triti gcnd potumre, it is no ex- Sport shows no such tendencies. 0 heads etc. disappear. ORMO Vc 'àeuy opageralicia ta sav that sîmcli caxîdit- He is nearly four years olti fox fww epadb h ae Roman 24fcuo ioas are like i umîhaithv. anti uislm&es ociîy proxtiers. strays vve list uelow several trieu and provenl Mei 3Cakes and Plg of Rinso The cliild irbo spendina bauts dCigs anti transients. A very use- r tei ofic, crn r al Meal Comfort Soap ~~cd dav aft a school desk îrhich ils fuI policemacis dog. nswaeu nwscntTc r- PrGéducts 5 Cakes and Dishcloth 23C toa îow for himi andi xrhii thuls If you meiet Sport anti bis mas- START TREATMENT NOW - PHONE 792 TODAY ~aei~cUUastfL~4 foi-ces int souch, daim tous tero h street you will fintiApiainPddn banpra Romian Meal Woodbury's is desk i., likelv ta hav-e staeped them both friendly anti gooti nai- Troneka .. orde and nn eut siiottîciers. ureti But don't try toi buy the Blood Purifier ...... Lishus Facial Soap - - 3 for 25c WVe mnliglt sa\- lit wile tii sit- dog. Others wi'th more meones' Bekus Pudd:y OId Dutch itamian cen lie tecit withs hi lîymt ixeacai reron & Yeast Tablets ...........49C TetSe ri Killo-IL 1i ..s iae iic u'c e-iiitccs î<i< u .îî el 1ii 0u Budc Blo Bitr 9_c fo __ It V. U.. ITM fI. Mr. 'l'ie. MSA2 PRESRIPTONS---P----T \etx i ~ --eilji ~. ~î<i lte ndim Ms. F. c. Vanson.AR ape I Big Variety of Fish for nrî flcii eto tru theii Tlni Mrs. . T, at.Ms. A. PRSC.TIN A GI I i dx~~~l-1 ili i te-tt. \ekiiî Miss M. Watsona. Mrs. W. Cý Syrup Lenten Meals h ttiiiîtsiiiii VaîmlciMc.B..Wrac ___ .iiilii t iiMis. G.Weekes. Missý Weeks.i P ___ 'lii.Miss G. Wickett. Miss F. \Veiîx PL iof, rn ,iiiicl ittit Ms. XV . F. ward. Mi-S. E, wreima. H AR Y A LIN~ \ex n ii;! siffCuli ix.1.liiMrsW, gt.Ms Elnier Wood j 39c le X r Qeh iierlumicaiteh, ad- ____________ UNITED CIGAR STORE G ROCER îr1es.eui ta h aldii uia Phones 367-368 Bownianville \-.-.ciuitiiit, 184 tîhle1(ge St.. Tii- Some people's idea of a laeîping AGENCY Phone 792 DRUGS W eie i-lta. til 4i tur i pcrsontiahit anti is anc tlaat is lineti witla sil- hi lettcr. ver.