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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1938, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT J Plain Colors-- yd. 79c Printed Colors yd. 89e Points To Remember When Buying Lystav J I1. LYSTAV has a power to regist and recover frorn creasing similar to that possessed naturally by wool. 2. LYSTAV wasbes pertectly if washed as silk. 3. LYSTAV caries the Tootal guarantee agains<t any defect in the material whatsoever. Phone 451 Bowmanville iiieiunraiOf ir mc brose wi ThmsStanion took place at KATHARINE HEPBURN IGolders Green Crematorium on and CARY GRANT. Tliurscay. TUe service 'sas con- AI>DED ducte-d by tUe Rev. W. I. Buiman. Quintupland Ameng tbose present suere: Lady Sianton <sidowu. Sic Rich- -- adadLady Winstedt, Dr. REVIVAL O'Fiynn, Miss OFlynn. Friday at 10.30 Rear--Admniral Bromnley crepre- senting the Secretary o! State foir W Dominion Affaira and the Secre- *SM ikiki Weuuîng tarY- of State for the Colonies), MWith BING CROSBY. Sic George Tomlinson, Mr. A. B. Acleson. and Mc. A. Bevir <Col- Mon. - Tues. omutal Office', Lady 'Andre's- Bai-1 four. S:r Harcourt Butler, Str ON OUR SCREEN Ceeil Boîtomley, Mc. E. B. Beyd. BOB BURNS - JACKJE Dr. Eileen Boyd. Sic Frank Bad- OAKIE in deley. Sic Edsuard Bcockman. Sicr John Campbetl, Mc. Gerald H. "Radio City Revelsq Creasy. Dr. Clement Chesterman. NOR TG Dr. J. A. Calder, Dr. W. E. CookeO OU STG Dr'. S. Selwyn Clarke. Dr, B. Day, Ken Soble's Radio Mr. E. J. W. Flood i cepresentingSar the Crowrn Agents fer the Colon-Str tes). Dr. E. M. Franklin. Dr. G. M. On Parade. Findlay, Major Furse (Colonial Office>. Mi-. H. Freemnan irepre- Conunencing !senting Dr. P. Fo'slie). Dr. Wil- W d.fr4Dy liam Fletcher,. Dr. Melix, Mr. J. e.fr4Dy A. Gilbert (British Empire Lep- ow White and rosy Relief Association), Colonel e Wn iiwai C. A. GuiiIndian Medical Ser- vice>, Sic Arthur E. Hern <Con- th e n w rs sWigPhysician te the Colonialth OfieMca. J. P. C. H-aslam, ee w rs andbay Ne'wcaStle, were guesîs o! Mr. and Mc. Geo. Farncomb.G NE A Mca. Clama Jeffrey, Mm. and GEEA -ETI Mm. W. Jeffrey, Mies Fairloth. 1 General Electric E~ T I Toronto, sere guets f the Misses t 1937 Model 7 cubic foot H o rn . . -U e i o t sR g 3 5 0 Sorry to report Mr. Harold Ue i otsRg 350 Quarcy is in Bowmanville Hospi- Rg 120Sl ta] having undergone an opera- Pe.r12.0cae tin for appendicits.Sa e$ 9 OO$ 8 SYmpatby is extended t o Mm. i iae...$190-Pc 18 Gee. Armour in the deatl of Uts Fl urne mother:also Fuils.GR.ranteeD in the death of Uer brother, Mr. 1-HOTPOINT RANGE-4 burner, side oven $4 moh:a£ lo0oMani. Salen' opon ThaTU ntyBowiîe. hro! Mrs. Sa4e W. C. White, Dalingfed., Mani- 8-Moffat, Gurney, McClary ELECITRIC RANGES n1 3epin toba, formerly Gertie Brceown, Upwards from $1 U urner Hampton, sympathize with hem in 1-3 Burner SUPERIORRAGbadnw 'n tUe deatb e! 1er lusband. RLNE, rOvene Young People's Union met ri- Sale L1, D enao day esening 'sitl President Mrs. 1-cCAR CNSLETALETO R1NE eg. 9onaor Blanchard in charge. Bruce Ho- -cLR OSL AL O AG e.$90 gaxth read tle Bible lesson, fol- Latest niodel, Store DMntaoRg $169 Sl ..$90 lewed by a poem by Mis,, Becîha DeSatrleRe. $129 Sae.-. 60 Armour. A stomy "The House o!fal Many Lamps" 'sas read by Miss Editb Rackliam. Prayer was giv en bY Miss Jean Johns. The pro gram 'sas in charge of AI!. Ran dle. A reading suas gisen by Missh i t anE e t i Jessie Hogarth. A vocal duet was endered by Misses Marjorie and o h i t a lt i Florence Allun, with guitar. ac- 3 iOSA Aer companiment played by majori, e S.,N. OlHrW elephone 84 An intecesting and help!utl topic on "Problems In Daily Living"' THE CANADIAN STATFç,«%f.'ý\- - '-C.I.NBOJWMANV\ILLE' ONTARIO TIIURSDAMRH3S,13 S ir T h o m a s S ta n to n staff of the K uala Lum pur inst.i- was nm ade in the edical services E y i g i t E u c a io ni avc beenfo r n i ard. a lewei as e. s s oe en Peiýs r t a e han tht e maren frtw alie gt t t'*p . nce it iimilin i tetu ret eonedfo srvce f hee olnis.ngfo m fortrsbae aserseteicei. Gac bonfltemu vee NctukttColaonies.httuOnthirvitov n (Coninu from page 9) and Stanton was left t0 carry on It %Vas natural that many hon- 1ý te sewing for î1ospitals and a monologue. Miss Marjorie AllUn ait ii ur ~a~ titefîtt in Malaya. We are told of -mhisOurs should comte to Staniton. tiîî-,nr tto~ itte Wsen faord wt utr. i i tt uc a.a îe wi te i, ,îr though soine have felt that for Anr s tceio Pot iusta ti innter ssei sur- ote t wererseleti graph with Dr. \ViiarnFletcher wisoniand efficiency. lis readi- lshiv ork on beri-beri lie neye o ti iner r otet er odutd by Alf. N t tdVi - all Nir:. ir.Jcnr Har an A t,1 32.ness to lelp. hi. teadi'ness, and hall due redit. H e received the L IIic Wie n c y V rth r oai tion c c a i e s î.Rni .s i i at sacran et o f i l ai s .î h cr ssih r. an M . P I i i er tionat ion r a ie kitiNirsiorn t hatit , h 1\es S. Nfc- c J. A1 ot the whole în of th e 'sar hî cheerfulness.' In 1920 lie %Vas Cra gýgs research prize of the Ha pto WsC.T.U. I l ment laboratories in the Federat- cine in 11.teMr iglyCHTc Hampton W. C. T. U. and Sun- -1d Cittîrcil tia-tic wili e cas ttg in\rîrs adcei eey id fd:clt.the Bisz:et Hawkins prize of Ille \ Wilî X (ineî group itn charge. Rackham occupying the chair. EîiklnLealtitte aftcr 1tic iichatc Ni5--r . .. W td Wso I 1'Malaya RoeleCilleithofPrhitciaterofChoruses iwere given by the pub- \Veîiîîcîias v tîitig \\u i -, ,-~ric iii )t Plroo __________________________ When I first went. t aa oa olg f Py~in fSpecialisg <liin chargle of miss Hcusn Trinîmii. lic school sclolars under the d'r- ________________________________________ nerythirty years ago.' srtes London in 1926. suhen lie was el- i Dr. Bernard'Day tbe staff of the ected a felIow. He a s created - -Disney BIdg. lt 5sa. tcid ac] t no n usdviietu.etn ofMs iores Mniss_____________ _______________ shaîgs bak Tîn~tis tighs MssGrace Casuker. Readin'zs ser. Stfanton, and Fletcher, three 1922 lie took the trouble t0 ac- Oshawa, Phone 1516 1 i .car, e c Pues Wrrs-. Mîr. Marjorie Allin, and a recitat;9n mien ofotst andin- abiltty. The quire a D.P.H.. having a ' aitnad Scott by Isabel Vivian. A playlet "'Nail- in i Il I.M.R.' especially, erhaps. when tropical diseases dploma in 1906. Number 29 tante ith piano anti violin sel- ing It In" 'as given. Mr. Charles iY I Itt IStanton was the director. sas a No di tincton. h wever. pleaed Dont Overlook an apparent e i: Heank Thom sot . r adno MilPe de eat C e tio n Tr n - i-T E A R place to whidh every doctor. lis-lie- him nl oondtioan the honor ' OSde- tller in the Gouernment medical gree of D.Sc. conferred by ]ms old theeeadion he.nytuy- c ti1 itaî do' es it mlean tb iead a te, gave a fine report. MisEs T I l E A IR Lservice, or. like mYseif. in priva:e university. Toronto. four yasteey n t efcs aye tuitinLe"bv Mrs. Cecii Sie- Grac Ca'ker and NoraHorn .ON W instîinctively turned in ago. defec.ts are more pronounced due trt favored with a piano duel. Miss B WM NILE the perpiexities of our practice. Sir Thoma.s Stanton married in to a rufl-down or over-taxed phy- A shosuer suas lziven Mýiss Pua Katerson, W. C. T. U. President. B W A V L E Stanton had that rare gift of a- 1930 Dr. Elizabeth O*Flynn. M.R. sical condition. To some extent (tilacîttt ast Tesdas- eveninz i presented suitable books as prizesTO A -FR D Y -S U D Y Thus. Fr. -Sat says making one feel that tlie C.P.. wlio survisves hini. He died aexaatrthoyilapythhne f'radMrs. Clarence to t.he wsinners of the Temperance Thrs -Fr. at prtcua pobem wilion i LnononJauay25 at 1 at ail cases but will apply at times Woodlev. Contest in the Sunday Schoûl. ail 1WAROH 31-April 1-2 brougît to him 'sas of great imi- very brief illness. aeraonly in part. One person wsith no A larze crowd attended the sale liaving received lonors. Th e portance. and would spare him- .. apparent effort will do a piece of of Mr. R. B. Scott Fridas. names are: Intermediate Senior, 2B G H self neiherUrnenortroule o Frm Te Ties aneter with a -ýr. Horace Hall lias moved to lte Marion Johins, Ted Kersey. Frayne sef.nethr im ortrube o Fom"Te ims" svaste of mucli time and effort i C. \lIidread btouse. Johns. Marjorie Allun. Madlyn ADVENTURE IN ARIZONAI wetemty 'a.ay~. A1thogh.un Medical Adsjser to the Secretary wasting effort appeals to You or GladyDKersy. FlrenceAlun ROMANC IN HNOLL i lîthe past eleven years whlienlUe cf State for tlie Colonies and a the case applies to you, seek the NE TN LL Lloyd Kersey. ROAC NHNLLI1wsthe liead of the Colonial 'Me- distinguislied authority on trop- eaonor lereVdLfo yur.M dcal Service, lie was for tlie cal diseases. d:ed in London yus- own sake and both you and your greater part of hits career a labor- :erday after a shrItness at l Iemlyrwl prcaei.I t.tL.C ege nsiuîih.I SAKIL wa i s t- rker. on .a nd ft leon o 6applies te your clid don't bdame R s.L .L.Beeci gaýve lte topie.M6>ffl, 'sa a irs-rae lcaandO Ambrose Thomas Stanton 's-as thie child yet. It may directly or -Tehurh oiiRitosi. Amany occasions in discusng a born in canada on November 14. be connected with the -taîiIch Lottcgavealaîxratisli- u-i asr trtînt difficult case 'sitli hlm le uwa.s1875. ;ua.s educa:ed al TTni.ty fnt f'vso.Se h e^ u c tdnt je Buiev lan sl-t, rst P eterb er v h in is Geates Ro able t-o make a brilliant diaznoý-is e auCneecTrno weeOtoeofrisî salbe ionreadittge bs Wand a NIeKurev a v \ ttttnihPetrrotieeattdd.sne'Sîp' à N on I avees :- etToerop:gv nou to.whtal ap ss-istavabe ss-thçut ever having ceen itUe pa- i:e qualified as M.D. în 1899. Af- Iwl.edao odalflyidBtyadetosbvn Te reine . Il ii r r idweii saiatsiiiclt * * etter followed the maxîni *Mîd' c:m:. le cam~e 10 Enzland aeya I0f thee smossep- of-(,ieusuihaWht sotkns"Burt Trim 1 pnrciia;ed ss o finle co% le aleam partem.' and lie found an:d :*ok ConjCnz in -1905. aaeya idmdmueo otet .940bythe best there was in everyone an sleq:îez::y prceed to tle the eyes prompts an explanation. M'liss Florence Btricu penîlit te eNir. Bh aturoi.Orn.i-t vwtl whom lhe came in con:ýac:. ' : or T--op:cal Diseases. (to be continuedi sscckend %viril Mrs. E. \Vilhuirt- N irs is \rs. lh c __ n yjdgment lhe was nearer . l',ee ceame house surgeon HtpoIL îtdv iior tNis oh c - Also thle nimerl it asevr nmv. P 'If- i~f Ms. Stapieton. Port Hope, uisite-d Ka\xs sere Inspector A. A. Mtn h TR E S - Thepo'sers f oranizt:ond:s-'shc: o:e IoSiedfr aoutfes Colonm (el aenrpr-dv pl'ae a t Kualeumurse r e : i-. yfearNl.sad and S.R.JUen.WieUndsam chefghon ref gîvn reaerscpe s-enS:ato c-kMmende lo n o le C olnia' O LonontUe Royl o cie o ndTr o- s n Saie ton lia, r at en ned Nr - MVilalea.sei TrnoYure Fvrt ado Peettin Cre o ie o h 1 r le r e d 1 0 n g l n. H n e u O e ., o r s a * o i-în : m en t s c ha n a s - p i c a l M d c i e .t o l e r i o e . N e u a t i f t r v s i e l e a r n s , M . t î n s c e e i t i t e S t r f h R d o P r g a m - a d o e a p i met demoraned nto n .. s : s: : he In.stiue for d- i eny Moa.bioilimuttdtî it uîe Mtrrin . G.Haosd iB k np ye owledg ualabut î mess . :t c Re eerKuaaCLmpuoPel. Sr . Pkin s r Cr- e - . Mn. Goruvo ite Taiio tok a tnp - ua n 0 i g e t ac i v - i e - e :ar o. n uoke d h i nco r n i g hae o yal c. e W Ju t Mr Nis Cia . e d eîtya oesu elaslTr stasonT e sda . re lat e sc re d enýand ep n c o r. 's-:tli tUel eh. r r M brer.Co.ladnMs.aucy n Tr o h to tn iass eek.N tr-. J. lsai ea lo nie l îoo - te, prso n l ansi t. nd. .s n% n lrl(,M fe01ce 2fo le beca-me tean s- Miss Medi - <Ntol Ascia-e)r.. C ritls Niewct a tt r- Griith i aens Nr ad COMMrenw hatie StarsofMthDNIdE - ~ ~ m any enm em te Co lon !a :U r ytu I Sa er Sa i i n fr tHe ry M re n t n uer-Sirttd Nir. t re ivîth Por t Hop e isl- .NG . H Dclhcr ali. To o t Ser ic s. bo h l y nd me ica'ad1ra e car i- ute ofl e i r - c l s s. Mm . H C a Dr.- cl r . aM r is. S. lte ,on-rdot n T it lus a tr i I lMr 1 siU uhm e ia dalne: he maka:es.d1 s nPle eeoly aSrn-BarkisoDr. ee a-dy îu i- ao aisei medicaluoffice-:îrnngfroant of b Reeiber. Kan Lnuedpr.oved t:n. r. . . W.efield Dr. F N.ers. has. R i s-.iting Mn n. attu lrorWnto nTusa. Ssn.N- et S met tai lie sCo nia Ofi e A i ,ncy on ,di-pi -toe o l eF ary DrM a bry elso. r. dG . R. ucke. i-Tor nt a Ht-wek, ttM. iMiri sua u yongr ma sh cmImNon efstd pofsthrditti e- DrindI. . . R evin Fatii ts-je a Nn XX avr- M-.Wn.Hilsul i.ii TitoC iiiui UE WD tathe psoah S ir T h s sorf iie n cy_'s-as2 a caseof iea fse. Sc(N tin sotc. R i - . liosutxaits ie. NIs. andrtadich fut)r attheweentî. Mn X.M M atînee S aturd a 2.30 m ts l ran t tem e lis us tU ai o nle e ta to lso d î m uclire sh t ea lionSc o t he . J. B. Side o fT u ber-l a Nnd -.. I ul e î P oni H ope, v su - a I ri cii a t d t g i e e l u ttP p l r P i e a î e a l t 2 1 -c ce remo- nyd urt 0f r i arc reî- o u and ent c oil O fi c>- M jo . okso d sitr a n. JaIs. N S tt. FnIui av t Tott, t h xii ns al lis0 's-n poto: i syutlful oldmed c gyn îe atr brnlo Mees r. P. G. Stck ep r nJ. sBarrie- anti faînitu and MnNIr suAiit uetcok and o cte sy to julns:-ie rs a. leclasiiePte.nolees s nîî n Si r ,A r . Peu r Ma rya- l î- Jut îetatttietItFSMn . ao al el eat Alîb ti" e t ough tUe bes cf iî'iW. V. F etc e he pblis ed H ti . Dr. . aniedsbrugF. C\ ir i. i e suca s M r.ntiv Ne .~anlte ' .\.,. eting Ninr . Th rs olr pe ould e. b ue's-as no e l e i s eaork o Meiodose. o M srato >meDre.eTin h eas eo.d- Nal Es pier tîi- attled.Dîttîti Sav.- cicte pres ii . 4r-An 1,4 e a heC loia ffc. ec i de -oeicth arI1 l ýRde Is on ci.l . , O.c. Vis- t e i a fruntiterex1 . 1 XX - l a ves la îg r-iîsu s t APR L 45--7 ess oun îe a o odarn udge o c -f 'In 1926 Stanto s -ta s ie ecîd e r M R V. JVe ROnSc Ma-Br.i reuia-.ieî the ou ut o ittr l int. M N tl nlee dctý;t i hscarg fs sno *n c.waerycueo dseetar aod0ft. co.R.'m. onanil. \ Pplr rcd aieeDi. F Oin e aUR B GDA YS30 dutivle l n e s-u s t sc ie n s 1 ra Stat o r tUe o l i c es s ea t sornJ.B.Didect. R o l- f s.ît i aixu n , o r nx M .J L t -, Oitg Puopie. Iand (lagite suas t zý on~~~~s ituteO ff Tic alorH .giene > , D. i -ui iti t eN r.sag. N it*, F i a toT ornte No tdav evetiîxg.Nlr . l « .\I ,de-eo nd if e made o light of wfin lolerfie e'-l rete C .aenoduepesnin teNî. . ucliusitspaîndessc- M Knal gveafue d île burn sitinf l is o l -a osto f CIn he laM e r al Adsiser evensWe Drceme GeSet c k nst i t urt e . stii ut T rr nto. Hi sife acit tie. n Pefcut' îr Lan not beck ase lec tid t e t u iems 11 e Cl i Ofie , d e co n M i ngSM i r n en othu eM cre try. ianid iitI toeftr -s1e - i-t xi ets to euîter i sn E tza e iil leas-eIupn 'im.lîtu d te hlatlisnpos uphte'\l Mo .-Tu st ed n aton strngledo Si lieve d fat last. Hi otand ng sejricsin . Society c f Topic a M di - suof iit-rcm f tie t ntul--scheTcou, AlI.L.ttUe "'- He o u t he et.ofiv;h . . lechr h clshd n-eal,) D A and Hgee ndPm s org e G uchi ec e , ir. a N .* t he \VaA iictitiCs.A Th r 'a o e the is capaîty o eeMei o gn Thob ms onkeeool 0f thertoît an St ami c as eto criere ise ndl Trois Bpeths tesd d1"111 tropiclcounted epeno jde onf i !icmdeaCM..i aR ar chtngton-.Vs 1('fiiri roilee W Svr aig uiilt( effcintce-rdnaio6b-7tw e n nd 26rom td to be as . lC.. i c al Mr. dicine> - and Sir.Ma- C . 1.eon utn itv sh ttohv eCotn tti )>rtit -ai liasrtî,e rttlt ss as Inthir-. Siolverw y r A ertàe S Stxyo î dlesmeli w sncal g iult u. a vem tson- 1934.tMc. RossbIn-orerlad aId-mRuedeiltAmies J.KualaiLumpur1Nîr.1Ciulcltus hs' farrn. citu - andB G Ltte fr th tes i te o r pi cat yitu e odn . Nu-.-. CliarlcttlHughes. Detrott.".\Ir. magry, and i eatoaýligdep of - ra od aI ofle e nof lsî cumeed Nin. BDr. Rid suastin thelcit. tesurest. h 's'as fatur.eit J s Mappeintmenî in th Nr.S.I-I îleisn Cologae afilaad -.msbcgon. hrl hudOst cefor a furter plAdei-etttod of TYRONE1,,ýo . efetin" u La portanco! undr -enstarcthio n anitUt inttaei. lad beniac-roo.KED COWANacon]-Ll - no-a ong ncatse h p d op l ton. nl em tedCloil ffc ,tneetit fe a wek',Vi-iters: ntrai liabtiv la muolt on 's. it the ferma- TUe pos t ouefMe Il tAd- Royal.SJ.ieuîct s andTro ia i - iîer N in.XV. Sittus auultaixl are Teitîe cXoîuîst.4ltnyU. ~ inon ! le Eonomybi Adisomy visertHo île stacm e rvifctes nJieau.Tetn. u e arLitt-e Nin. tîîoviîtg I Cubleauîrg Councîls cmtte o na tnutitofortUe C olnit e. suhclSnien ab3, Nrs d F. Garulittur ir -. J. lCis de sNI.iîea n tîcîs 1.1 sar-. o enîtert cix s seconhd - in île olonal E pir. Pat. 0 filed 'itl sud redi for WaNrintoNns. hasr e nrv. 0-it- M rtncnisit. of Beheda tir u Iia atn ut Mu lis due 'sa to ac as a liaison y ar us b y e ea s an aymsadercea gius. <.Nr. ntiNîs.929ial tieetnthavetis roeut ue(!ar uîVa. rtiel t icT.NU~. N l ,o.sPa. ireOadation m wedic leiesandfiromes bee calîzed NîTro.pXcattMeCactn.atsuxnd rs . io utuoriviit11 v trlsNa. esul u tx a i oi 5fr the mC li a Adsisor M e:a t her dutier.Os ie suas responsil- (iit Itle K ala Lumpu. r N teI.etuG iddtue oncs' a i ui îuîtsr. .>> et c i e ti iidi rrs uth,«lestsls C mina tee and e 0f tie na n eaing for ad isingt e d of tSecr ear f an -.n-Li I siu o d n .Nisseu Charlait ute rDesi tîr r oia t n fui cep i it lelttt t gien and lTroi cal ivess e daps t es fo appo noc tinun te tc-lis x t irtEiii atîue- HzlEies tuol a(!eîGid.îuek P W LI *fIf ME esurember oflîle oatrd cf ýI lo nia tedlev ite.CoMoi asa tittsuîtt u1 -.NiritiGr hs back gene. tandTr eoicldkne's-!iorsally. an eid eofasH.H.NiRces.Oshsa Glîurcv atiîrsig4i.T emken 0f tUe oLte do 0f l ers orUisrieNr.X.H a c i.uuiM. ue i- u.~Hioui;Rvc poedice.o cf etropn ricalmeicoand Ueld nve igtio rd esen c n-Nr tîCin.Cas iax.Gcnefettr ftu vnitLsa l MOIS h~~~~esarmc co dm itt e f oe ma- e Te nostonfy y e member Ad- ti Ji>.tu1 n drie. Ôr nith i aitd ite ulIr \Si cf van a-ic. i-euteh meo iW.Bintt t ca erlCouncil . att nnucfitUeon forte ColonilMedich al Sevice nd Ins. .1rdirne r.Dr. Niiilsctt. Thi-, lecture. giseu 230ipthfor oadv isalt Em Sp re îar, cff ile i wflt 100 uc c e sat Ua11 Nlr. atnd N rs. L ovha is. er t antI regu iar r eetiug cf tue H me aiRang Aoffciabtio n. he Casoeloni lef-oniat l ice itelf.N!cuiioitiî ti shauaaciiiv.. a nlteîitgc îs. TCiti il ftefriu sM NHS I Stceatndthe any umedical pbo-esantoirnss besicled by peviieryneBeutceani is LmistLintnpp lotonCgbxvii1ebel I n fty-Co Cnia Colv;oni es. eal Nonrdlile 's-h methim olsfile M 'ok.Bnat lr. e aGgrthe i. etîsîmneeln tile spelak iiier f 0iu ftefr, u vcrýi Cor-iîî s epae rmn and tftemngn or be irssedbthe Scaomina- Nir. XX. F.n Parks. tue evcuîing suil be Nir. Hodeetlof cmnaîia1 eeo f te Br eau of y taie n h thhe el~ectineof l cad i MrYe Dors d ve v sry f o r s \ui n s itin en' volsîteiter. Per i p. ergeao gien an Trpica Dieass. H bdan s o r a wam in din o ess Het i ze ed ai( fiG el im r ILa ammero hebad fCneer loughi erviance. Mant tha_______________b______Nario______ manaemet o th Lodonof hey e =rs unoubtatoervide Nr.W .Tvo iie]_fs n fs osHloVi;Rvn S.-ho l of Hygie e an Trop cal new h m pe sonaly. a d he as I FI. ýIcMm.rtFredhwa. llett, ai t spenTh Medcin. o th trpicl m dea islarin tegsfcidtiestadM.adNls h hw e he eekoft he.igws etr leeachcniite o te ei-esme n o' ndeed it ay he m mbsaid tUie ?rno i ira'ndevie, pen"Sn df a the."zve Maine Mndy4 .. riih mpr Lp4s Rlefbt ereapesibîlities o h inti on- Grroad ae nd'\r R .avel, Viositmrber.rents on Wensa .01.. Ascain ewsrso sibeoiaOf teselze. Sic Tlemas iOsawa (Su nday. Reg. dut. hel et r teIl a taeotenaymdclpo-Sany wsb liosi iyevntiae Br-c adMis-ois iliruRGE--UClbsil ehedinte Ad oesaon-25 esta eureslto n tan wton 's'asinefcae ocact. Ptebr. fF. L Sýat'. viathm ro1te. L. Wipr- Sl firyom Eng an Coloby T 001a N TeWomthu -ldf! Nls v nl.Bomrvila gani esrdan h pekro wicornes 1sep reasoe rne t n and b-e ibpeled b mgahedo bias-NIr \.iarsteovnn ilb Ir o to f abrcat yrou w an 10 expetion hlifeldfresearc of ra MARCH 31-a. 'ARIL 3d1-2 tMe-. adrs. S'an SPoteHpe. GNEAL LETI5cjfot maks enure otoffcgay Spr g ress aresioa mnnc ha adies Throntovisiiforlismoîler, M R>cndtoerasl e ti sesandSUS Ak uutmohu renand co llne e HAMP haltt T OpbNs 25 ¶ l yo heb gtp td a ne lrd hute elfae. DIIand lIg DdUIN- terns and oouey D an aooosd .u.. offthe cBue Goer Gfentands. In BMca. D Tr.ntDenx Sl 4& d sc a gi g i ofiia ut es le heW hk at ho e

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