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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1938, p. 9

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THURSDAY, APRIL 7TH, 19.38 N w n nom to with sorne 300 sows taking part in Teewr orbok h is F or The Busy FarmerIl Pgs in a crascmeiint eevd70ls f48l et Prizes for Litters Day, O.A.C.. June 14 and 15, and additional fertilizer. Mr. Blakely's Thedirctos ! te Otaro valuable prises are being offered. yields were: Yorkshire Club have decided on- Plot 1 - 315 bus. per acre a new departure in offering $301 Quality of Chicks Plot 2 - 227 bus. per acre in. prizes to owrîers ot the threei The lowest priced chicks are Plot 3 - 246 bus. per acre highest Yorkshire sowrs in ad- jnot. always the cheapest in the Plot 4 - 130 bus. per acre vanced registzy, considered on1 end. Itlwilî clepend upon the pro- Mr. Blakely's soil is a gravelly slaughter test only with rating! duction and health of the flock loam which is well suited to po- decided on four pigs from a lit- from which the eggs are gather- tato growing. It is slightly acid ter, There are about 200 breeders ed, on the quality of male lbirds in reaction with a medium amount ________________________used and on the taken of the ofriltrogen, but the soil is rela- - eggs a! ter being gatheried and tively 10w in available phosphor- whie in the hatchery. The ra- us. potassium, and magnesium. ton f ed the breeding flock flot The whole test azea receivedI ________________________only influences the hatchability manture ait the rate of eight loa.ds _________________________of the egg, but may influence the to t.he acres in addition to the __________________________vigour of the chick from the fer- fertilizer treatments. tile Egg. Then there is the size of The final yields are particular- L egg hiich may be a factor.' It ly interesting. The first block stands bo reason that a chick gave the best uniformn quality po- from a 25-ounce-to-the-dozen egg tatQes throughout, since out of will be larger and stronger than 315 bus. there were less than 712 one from a 23-ounce lot. There is bushels unmarketable stock. 0 r R Y AÀ L rasnor the sfrmth ar loktwo had a ttletover 2a T I E T E si'.e than ch:cks from smaller bushls. while the third block t4- BOWMANVILLE wtien buyJng chicks more tha q! market able out of 246 bushels. h the price sol be cons<.dered. ýThe un:r-eated block had over 32 1 __i bus. unmarkM,,able cut. of 130 bus- Friday - Saturday Sed lann Plants hels per acre.t APRIL 8 - 9 Seed cleaning plants have been We may say that the treatrnentE e -tablished in miany centreis ano , cboks one and two were de- HER BEST PICTURE BY FAR! by their use the grain be:ng sown s.gned ta meet the needs of a Lmuch improved in ultan heavy crop of potatces and at the in freedomn from wveeds. T.he-e sarne lime 10 leave the soîl in bel- poet plants not only mate an te: condition than il.,';vas before exelntjbo gaigth ri the crop was gro;rî. The after excelent.job f geffec:sq of these treatments will so as to g:ve a uniform sa.rple. b~îc:df: tlattenx but by use of the prorpe.: s2reens esuçdf-a ettenx *and var:ous a:taclimen*s the xeed %V crop's and sortie in:erestinL, * ýeed_ý are pract4cally ail removed pc:nts wil! undoubtedly corne to and il is pJsýible t0 faîrly w-'1 Lch.l1 seaaethe different vai ieties' Mr. Blakely is a 's'eU known tpo t grain. The Goverrnent a ss n ýtato grower. and his neighbors f' i ~rcrhase of these machine- %'l - emember 'sith 'shat care the t] when tI ey are used fcr cus. -m eýtq were laid out. They will be work. Up 10 the end oh 1937 there ~~-e e aler fth ia xere 63 seed cleaning plants in - ed operation and last year over 700.- 000 bushels of grain were cleanea 'THE VALUE 0Fb and nearly 412 million pounds ofi -Also - clover and grass seed: 11,794 far- : ADVERTISING y mers were served by these plants. Jessie Matthews inl There are many harmers in the. liyv Nlargaret Browxn vicinity of Ihese plants who mnight J\VlwnIe 1lcar p)eople criiîicising ~'ii an (~yjfl advisedly make use of them, but;. tilt a1iloult tf advertisiiig ini theiry "HEADI> OVLf there are yet. many centres wbere uapan,d nagazines or overs ceaning plants are flot available. il îuiir rado- -il alwav., strikus mc t inLOVEII Te ordinary fanning milI did, z. a coîanlýtçv sclfiýll attitude. r HEELSgood service in ils da3', and with i ili îaiufacturtr is ubliged to IIEL n OV"hueofth~eproper screerungs rfiuri~I iiýi witli fne ~radio pro- r MIatinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. good job cari be done with the ' Peau' - nl evie i anb ____________________________fanning milI. but we believe a. i'uri %oflca iiapuser\viceat would i Mon. - Tues. - Wed. lter jobwisrccunishebythe like il au lived iii a wurld vt1i_- lancer ower adu urisiiig? How woîîld w's APRIL il - 12 - 13 T.B. Cleanup Campaign . ' .sarii lalu cw1ri ucs -new dsov-n _______________t. ,,' frir....,.,,.,. 1,.am n Z..,.e l u ie ico _e 1.1. i <t ~4v 04~ 's, e 5 Matinees Monday 4 p.m. Wednesday 2.30 p.rn. KPOS Wf 09 R.M. Cale increasingly conaciaus of the ne- ces&ity of eliminating bovine tub- erculosis from their herds. Beed- ers of pure-bred cat.tle have for years had their herds tested un- der the accredited herd plan and bave received compensation for reactors. but under the restricted area plan for T.B. dlean-up now wxehl under way, ownems of both grade andi pure-bred caIlle receive compensation for reactors. Inx On- tario there are sixteen counties under the restricted area aI the present lime, six counties have campeted the educational cam- paign arsd circulation oh petitions. A campaign is under way with nine or ten other counties and several others are holding meet- inigs andi seeking bbe sanction of the county council to proceed with the prcliminary wark leati- ing ta a T. B. free area. The e- quest f irst cames from the cat.tle oxnei's andi two-thirds of the cal- ,le owners must be in favour oh the area test befare the work is undertaken. An Important Petato Test On the f armi of Henry Blakely, SPontypool, the Department of Chemnistry, Ontario Agri-ultural SCollege. in co-operation withi the local office of the Depart.ment oh Agriculture, laid out a potato fer- tilizer lest last spring which was -designed to run through a full - hree or four year rotation. The -,esults 0f the first unit in the test -were very interesting, but the subsequent results will be foUlow- r ed with even greater nest PACKED UN SHOTS-n KOLOrOS, KOLODUIT AND KOLOFOS WET-TEX are ail paclced i containers that are handy and econom- ical. Each package contamns a "shat" ready for the tank. No mixing -- no tixne lost - exact strength at ail times. VflIflaslI! h a I\9LUFOO itself effec- S tive in helping the tree to greater vigor in leaf and latent bud develapment, as well as thoroughly pratecting against scab. KOLODUST - the dust form of Kalofag, applied in the rain at spraying time, prevents seriaus lasses. KOILOFOG WET -TEX is Kolafag with Niagara Arsen- ate af Lead added. It is sure protection against insect pests as well as fungus diseases. un Bowmanvîllel nrie,.? (ur xvhole interest iii life a .11(d quiîckl v sP i rikoniit il au aune, inu effet, living in a smrall, ne- stnicted il uemmuîuîtv scithouit tho..e u....ntial contacts a uP ilue outside scand. liftue nmonev sperut iin ad- vertisiiug were neftunded ta the pur- chiaser with eachi package, there rs no coin small enaugh ta take cane of the transaction. Surel vthe least xve car Ido, as buî ers, is ta give a courteouis Pear- iuug ta those manufacturcrs xvho. trnouigh thin advertising, givu us a nliablu guide ta safer buying-arid as the saine tîme furnish the rnaney which brings uis aur newspapers. magazines and radio programs. Tic liveliliood of everv 0one of uls dupeids oii tle movemnerîr af goads - the circulation of money - the uxcharîge of products anîd ser- vices eaclî with the other. .-dvertising lias done more ta stimnulate buying than any other factor. Wlien sce buy advcrtiscd îino(uctS xxv knoxx'tlat xve arc do- ing businîess xitli maniufacturers Wvho arc willirug ru stand back of what tlîey selI. 13v naking state- ment', iii xviting. anîd signiirg his nlaine tu tliose stateineiits, a maniu- facturer gives a wnîtten gularante of lii.. Ioiiestv. aind the reliabilitv (if lis goads. -\yis-staituiiiuuuts inu ad vurti..inig are a legal offensc anid openu ta prosecuition. Intritose couintnies wlîene adver. tu..îng fI uirishies ý Canada and the tUited States pîîncipafly) xe find people with iiglier standards of living. Vue find moîre ixtellectual peop;le - peop)le with more lime ta dIo îlîiîgs, largely as a result of iinproved products gîven ta us tlirough advertisiiig. Advertising has donc a great deal (nmore than any other force) t0 increase production, and has brought about a consequerit reduction in prices. Automabilet are a case in poinît. Fifteen years ago they cost twice as much - and yet todav they are infinitely better and more re- hiable. Cameras Mlien tliev firsi caifie an the market sald fuir $40 and tlîe plates $9. Now xve bu ve\ry good orles anotiîd $10 and lcs. with filmîs costiuîg 30c ta devclop. Electnic lighit bulbs ta day gise twiue as nitich light for the. moîîeN. Life irisurailce ciiipaiuies are giv- iîîg us booklets anud infornmationi wliiclu help uls tiwar4 Pealtluier liv- inug - andi at tlie sanie trne eiualiig is to a liId 111p ant us ,te 0un sniailI ecekl v orin n itl l îaýnilrts- 1. Fod niaitrlufact tirens have ruade kitcheris 'o tia iutthe%, iav gise us lieus and testeil reci1îus. .\antufacturrcrs ai soap pînuducts. polislies,.ec., are perfectitiug îrîxliicts wluicueutul diwn oniu naiual laPon and <la a btter joîb ai the sanie tline. Advertisiîug inakes gond., avoulable tulius - ai a standard quality arid a standuarul lice - sulucthn we1liv e un a harilet îîr the largesti metru- poisk..Amv critici'ri of advertising ru siriuall irudeed cunîîared xitli the dicliîstires whicli could bc niade of firris ard prîîduruts where iPere isrno ad veni isiîug. arud nuo rit teru girn- atite tuai we anrecucul gettirig wluot uC e1r;a\' fon. lticuuurîrre.. alure ailvunt is.i uug i s uuuk rla u. i luelieople ire iuluuiratit andi il i..a Case if l.ut t lue Bil ur un 1lea arc." Buit zils otis.irug lias. t;îkuiilue g ic«.l'irt iof hiur* vi rug. WNe kuuîî w iluat ails ut il pro<lits luave tu lise 111) tii liglu .stanrud s o îf iliili. .-\1u1in irul'ru iug al nîclhinuul., ue are di ig hilsiiiusq nîglut uni run tlh opilu withluf i rruus alu are nelial le andi rceadv tu suilstantiate ail the Clairus rmadle for thue roduuts the,, sell. Su lut us appreciate ads'crtising fur wliot it is - tlîe biggest educa- tiarual force in atrm noden civiliza- tion. THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DIES IN OSRAWA M. Luther Arga7.1 Former paymaster oh General thotors oh Canada. and a native of Newcastle, wl'- passed away aI his home in Oshawa following a lengthy illness on March 30. Mr. î.rgall was weli known in this dis- trit and burial was made in Bowmuans ille Cemetery. WHAT TO EAT TO BE HEALTHY Nurnber One Great advances have b-een made n the science of nutrition during he Iast hew years. and no doubt furîber advances wili be made in the future. Hawever a number oh fundamental principles essential for your good healtb have been establisbed and are now un.iver- sally recognized. In this series oh articles entitled 'What ta Eal 10 >e Healthy" xxe propose 10 tell you how our present knowledge can be applîed in your lîfe and the life of your family. Follow this series closely and yau xvîll b-, in possession of ab- soiutely reliabie information on what foods you should eat and the importance they play in naintaining normai heaith. Many persans today. and you nay be one oh them. do not eat an adequate amount of all the food elements necessary for the higbest possible level of health. lA a consequence. malnutrition nay resuit. But malnutrition la ual a speclacular condition. For example. everyone knows that a lack oh iron wili recýuIt in the de- velopment oh anaemnia. The mild- ly anaemnic person usually does îot realize he la anaemic. His weight may be quite* normal, and he may be able to carry on with his every-day life. but he lacks energy and vigor. A deficiency oh calcium in the diet may take 'ears behore il obviausly affects your health. but eventuaîly il will. These are oniy îwo examples but nany others might be given. Therefore. it behooves us to watch carefully that our diet does conlain aIl the necessary food elements in adequate amounts. What food elements are neces- sary for lif e and heaith? You nay be surprised to know that here are no lema than 30 - iron. alciunm. iodine. fat, carbohydrale. proteins. xitamins, and others. Tbu3 may be armanged mbt five groups ohf food substances, bhe vitamins. the minerals. the pro- teins, the fats, and the carbo- hydrates. A deficiency oh any one of these essential food elements ndangers your he.albh. To get these f ixe groups oh foods and enjoy the highesl pos- sible level oh health, take each day one-haîf 10 one pint of pas- teurized milk (children one and one-haîf pinta). one egg. some meat. two vegetables besides po- tato. and some raw fruit. Vît.a- min D is also necessary in the 'inter months. The next article wii deal with te dangers aassociated wilh de- icient intake of a number of these 30 food elements. Watch Ibis paper for the next ithe series-W ato Eat tabe Healbhy." ra VE er Ce sE c til Ca gr vi of er fo si de or ta n t. t. in STABILITY Men nonînalîs' desire safetv. stalý ilitv secunrity. and have looked for tlienui ii humnari governiments. tien- sons, irvestnîerîîs, positiun, profess- iuns anîd ochievenieruts of ail kirîd'" Burit have thex fuunrîd tliese tliiiîg' ? Nu! .N t iii aiv niaterial plans lm poissess.ionsi. lowever hurînrlu si lîr goud. hase permanent safeis' andî secirity v cerufouriud..Arid that riaku, a Il thle rumore inrteresti ig a staturuueuut wliicli has stand in Isaiah furrine thîoî ux t li ousarid suons : Xi..îl i andî kuiuwledge shahl be tue Stahilitu îîf thîv tiles,' lue said. Nuit gald, iuiu ormarnents, luat orgaizatîilns andî urrified niaterialitv, huit -wjs<lni andu kîiuxledgc' alune brig stahilituý' 'fida v, niaiukinid rîîursr leann i îi iiit iii motter but inruSpîirit is.uiii. safcty ; 'rlat it is hiaie and I fr, sel fishricss andrid aterialitv taiur raku fur irstabilitv, auud that love andi Wise en-ulperotiori. feanlessîuu'u. andi i niteligenut luel pf iîres s brille sec un us Lea ilnu g thiis. tliev w il I begîru tiiail- preciote as a prescrit tuossi' ilitv the luaveîi (efirled on page 587 of Itue Christiani Science textbuok. '*Science arnd 1leailh with Kcv ta the Scriii- turncs' bs'Mary Baker Edulv. uluur... "iuaveuru Harnioruv : tlue reigu) if Sptirit ; goverru ment hv di viel'r iii- e quIe ;s tu) rit iralItuv; luiiss ; tue atinliii tilere of Soil." Thlexi tlue nationus 'i Il sue thrat turuc rilcees are muuentalI ; i lat val uablle tii sesionsi i arc spi rituxal ; thlai a coin11- trv's ruaI rîcd is ruai geognaplical butri i trl l i nexparudbig rikuutal lhirizoni. Tlueritluev xi Il rualI uctuai tlue ouilv ruecu snsa n uuarianivit ist I as uirauuce ioif gi ian fuliuid on u Iulte roick,'inuth : tlua thelu urlv seeuurîlu urreru 'Vi s exil - ignouranuce <if G; thluite mu ile le ieded xua purui s Illie houx of God irtelligentls'auiplicît andi tluat spiritural uisdori, the kiiowu- ledge of God coxstitutes tlue mil *v stability of atm ownu or aris utîrer tiine.-From The Christian Science monitor PAGE NINE Just Between Ourselves IEL So Don't Tell Anybody As you think. you travel;N OIS T E T M Haidly a xeek passes that The as you love. you attract. OIS T EIM statc.-man does not gîve a booster You are to-day where your write-u1P or some f ree publîcîty t houghls have brought you; 1-1 about one or more oh aur many you will be t.o-morrow where to bave you.r winter oil local organizatins or institutions your thoughts take you. -4, drained and your motor in thîs district. Some limes the You cannot escape the re- thoroughly flushed out request is made and Just as often sI hyu huhs u the editor makes the commentsa you cani endure and learn. .4wlth the new on his own initiative in a desire can accept and be giad. to g:ve helpfui co-operation wlxen You will realize the vision Itra oo he eel itis wothycaue d- (ot the idle wish oh your Itra oo hern feitsupwortcas d- heart. be it base or beauti- sevi n h pubdicoppo t us fui, or a mixture of both, lae t mn ie tcre au for you wiUl always gravi-A that the editor is criticized and taeowrththihyu oaled il ort ohnams some secreîîy, most love. Into h jo is oewie not fit ta print) by some thought- your handa will be placedTh jo sdn wfi no iess o seth-ctdnd va fo the exact resuits oh your'. you wait, you can watch no iîgpbiiî n dac houghts; you will receive itcm ou an notes f ree oh charge for concerts. thawic yo rn o.* te dr on u n baar.teas, rummage sales. less. Whatever your presen: you '11 be amazed at the home made cooking sales. hashion enrnmn ma be oano tofdtitgsou show. chnchenterlain m e n t s. will fail. remain or rise witb , ohormtr etc. These people forget or try your thought.s. your vision.o ormt. to caver up the hact that every your ideai. You wili become Tecs sol one of t.hese events are out and as small as your controîîing Th 's sol out commercial propositions and desire; as great as your 5.0pu h money-making ventures in direct dominant aspiration. camipetitioq with local picture $100plsoh e shcça-. and main street merchants -James Allen. ________________ e who pay ta advertise their goods ew-i or coming events in Ibis paper. so as publishers we bave to draw were Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton. White Rose Service Station the~ :îne some place. and that line Hamptan. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stain- is fnawn by this rule: we charge ton, Bowmanvilie, Mr. B.- Stain for advance notices of public1 ton and sisters Bettie and Effa ah meetings or wshere a collection is1 Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Short D A O G O takun or an admission fee is made. of Seagrave, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jen- Bwnnil Tl-,ere are certain exceptions ta ny and litle Emma of Acton, Mr. Phone 2600 omnil prove the rule, oh cour'se. such as and Mrs. Harold. Milîs and little1 music festivals. hospital anniver-l Shirley ah Enniskilen. and Mr. sar:es and other communitv ev- and Mr7s. A. Black of Scugog. _________________________________ ent- oh a cultural. educalional. The bride and groom left in the Philantbropic or humanit-aran, evening for Lindsay. On theirr Timber is becoming scarce. but A man may pocket his pride, appeal. return they will reside in Hami- !the family tree continues ta flour- but a woman has ta conceal hers We are not handing out any ton whbere the best wishes go withI bouquet or patting oursel1ves on tbem ta their new home. ish. elsewhere. the back when we state that edi- j It la easy ta appreciate the Experience is our best tea.cher, torz- of weekly new-spapers give A man doesnt have 10 know points oh the sermon when they but we don'l realize it until we away more of their product - paid nuch ta knaw how littie hie know~s., jab the other fellow. are too aid ta learn. advertising space - year in and __________________________________________________ yean out, and do it with consid- erbegrace and satisfaction. __________ than any other line of business. We don't look for tbanks when sucb contributions are made as tbey are done as a malter of duty. but an edilor is human and ap- Preciates a kind word oh 'Thank You' occasianalywhich la the exception more than the rule. bhrobtthe fedi icu lar DOiRRtOWINAT THE BDANK Trore t the efiolow i lttr gna'if'cation when it 'sas the j f:ns: letter lie opened in bis mail .Monday morning: Z et~ Bowmanv-:lle. Ont.. April 4. 1938 Dear Editor: On behalf of the Women*s Hos- p'tal Auxiliary may I say many. many thanks for your kîndness in giving us the very splendid xx rite ups- in you.r paper on the occa- sion of the Hospital's 251h Anni- versary and it really did bring results fin other words "It pays to advertise in The St-atesman'> as Ihere were several more visitors tbis year and there was an in- crease in the donations. Many thanks for your kindness. Very sincerely. Eloie G. Strike. Cor. Sec'y. I WEDDING Stanton-Mills On Saturday ahternoon, March 26th, Margaret. eldest, daughler of M.r. and Mrs. C. Milîs of Scugog. and Leonard. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton. Hampt-on. were united in marriage under a pink and white archway. Mrs. Harold Mills played the wedding march as the bride entered on the arm of her father. Rev. F. G. Joblin officiated. The. bride looked very lovely in a navy crepe back satin dress and she carried a bouquet of ferns. tulips and baby breath. The bride was assisted by her sister who wore a hrock of Gloria blue crepe with a bouquet of pink narcissus and f erns. The groom wa.s assist- ed by his brother, Henry Stainton. The bride's moîber wore a dress of brown crepe. the groom's mo- ther wore a dress of navy crepe. While the register was being sign- ed Mr. H. Stainton played the piano and his daughter played the guitar. About thirty-five en- joyed the wedding supper. The table iooked very pretty decorat- ed in pink and white with the- three-storey wedding cake in the centre. The guests f rom a distance Phone 2653 Retuil Stores, subject to the caprices of style and taste, frequently find it necessary to, buy certain goods which have caught the foncy of the shoppers, despite the shelves and windows full of necessary, staple supplies. Borrowing to meet present demand for " specialties " is constructive borrowing, -because it serves to please and bold customers for the "staples," increasing profits. Wholestle HouseS, dependent upon retailers' orders for popular goods, often have to place in- creased orders with the manufacturer. Borrowing 10 pay for such immed.iately salable goods is "«good business"- increases profits. Muifacturers, called upon to increase their output of popular goods, must buy new supplies of raw material, hire more workers. To meet the in.- creased demand, they too may borrow-arsd increast their profits. ___ The Bank of, applications for1 structite obj ects. Montralwelcomes boans with such con. m BANK 0F MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 "a bank where .mail accounts are welcome» '3owmanville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE ... the Outtome of x2o Years' Successful Operation W Je J.Challis King St., Bowmanville 1 Ask, now, for our pray alendar KZ 1 EA rr-,q - W, W : 0 - - ýM M'OC";

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