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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1938, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM.\N\TILLE, ONTARIO THf..-RSD.\X, \PRIL 7'rH, 1938 IHere And There And Everywhere Golfers Ready for Victoria Meet j By D. Morrison, Sr. TAVERNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES two publie houses whlere excellent IN PIONEER DAYS mnea:s were to be hiad. AI one of these places on Newv Years Day Taverns and Public Houses in there was iven the annuai danse, Pioneer ctays in t1iis section of the open ta the public, in the bail- country were many. probably flotiroam aver the driving shed. and ail needed, but haw could people:this was certainly weil patronized of that day and generatian get bY visitors fram ithe surrounding along without. suchi conveniences9 'cuntry and frein this town aiso. In those days much teaniing was In a building in another part of done. especially in the çvinter, the village the great temperance time, and a drive of 12 or 15 rally and tea took place. aiso weli Miles with a team in a coid andi attended, many taking in bath frosty winter day without a 1 entertainments. warmn-up in a public house and a.1 Caming to tawn by Scugog Road shed to feed your meant the first public house we remient- much suffering and discoxfort. ber was Baiiey's Tavern, a large Shed room and stables cost con- wooden structure situated close ta siderable money, even if lumber the highway below the Vanstone w-as cheap. It cost considerable ta residence.» This was a stopping keep the public rooms af the inn place for shoppers living in the warm, even if wood was pientiful western part af the district. Js and cheap. No teamister would another little drink will do us no take advantage of those places harm" until we get ta the haif- w-ithout spending more or iess at1 way hanse. of which there were v. the bar for value received. But 1t wo between here and Oshawa. flot ail were so inciined. and they In those eariy days the Waver- imagined shed room and a warm- ley Hotel ;was one of the best Up did nat cost the landiord sa cammercial houses in town. kept very much and as for patronizing by Mine Hast Hinds. a portly aid the bar they had scruples aiong gentleman of the aid school of that Uine that prohibited them for innkeepers. His son Aphonso was doing sa. We knew a citizen of manager. and was extremiely pop- Tyrone w.ýho neyer put up at the ular with the young higher-ups of Ama Hotel in this town and Puti the burg. Ail social dainga of a his horse in the shedci wtiout go-1 higiU arder were lheid in t.lus house ing into the bar and ut downI whichi was situated where the 50c for the privilege. hhwa'5 Registry Office is naw. A billiard only riglit and just ta t e pro- room was an annex ta the hot.el, retrbu unruntyth inStarting only out 19 miles narth starey brick building %vas dest"oY- a' Scugag there must, as near ausPd by fire and the ow,ýner-s imaed wcan fidou,.haeenabu , Oshawa where thev went inta 15 public houses along the Sc I the real estate business. gag highway. There was one at ThUe Canada Hatel acros he Caesarea: a' Taoleys Corners street %vas kept by tUe Munsi aý (now Biackstocki there were 3 . famnily. known now as the Bo%ý, Tooiey's. Flukes. and T. Swain's. jman Hanse.74 When Burketon came inta prom- Thnateret ste'F- inence there wss the GalagherThe ate as a h Fr House. and at Enniskiiien there mes xhne U rpitr- were two public houses wiî.h stab- I being Jos-eph Maynard. This ho- îing for man or beat.el did a large farmer trade andhietersofCnd s Araymrta 3etisINnenfrteSrEwr Bty ý as one place in town that was hietersWiCnd s Araymr hn 0etiswm. o h i dadBat A few mýles sauthward we came 1 reno,,ýyned for the lbes: meals and T ski-ing, Victoria. B.V., wili have been received for t he tour-, rpy Other prizes include tha ta Hampton where there were two the best service between Tronta bie the scene af one af the Domin- nament, which commences Mfarch i Victoria Chamiber af Commer.. public houses, Williams' Hotel. in and anywhere else. TUe hastelry ion's mast important - and cer-' 7, from n earby Seattle, inciuding, opm~ tropby. match play an i one part ai which the Dariingtan also kept a bakery and store in taini>" its moast unusual - golf! Lee Steil, who won bathi handicap scratch basis; mens and women's township met monthly ta transact the samne building. TUe site %vas lotrnament af the year.1 and scratch events last year, and'r inter-club teamn games; Jack.NMat- the business af the community. af where tUe Couch. Johnston & Ten years ago Victoria produc- from Wýinnipeg, Regina, Saska- son traplîy for inter-district which the late Richard Windat.t Cryderman dry goads store now cd its first winter golf meet taonEmno, 1gr n 1a- mth oay(lbrsbw o was clerkton andar Id 1 inariine H.try El-rosbstano iiwas tansh iipe.El-sans prove that Canada too could have1 couver. A few Eastern Canadian womnen's best grass score; and On ftUe best known men ini The aId Ama Hotel. which mziy wintrgl.TUte ide cug ht o loers are aiso expected for this secial niedal awards. stood where the telephone office tmazingl3, witb tUe resut ha annual Emprers Hotel fixture: Ail in aIl, 't adds up ta fîve the township kept a tavern ti isnow, was a 3-storey brick build- iytUe fouhrvament bas onead-r'o h ain oa owo dy fgl n uwt h Hampton for severai years, Harry 1in, and was kept by the Shaw ily Enies ae incrgienad aor on u.e owo ass olfand Ruoyalih tUe Em Philips. This was a model lodging fan'i.tefteradt- rphe r en ivn n ors.pesHtlan aa owo bouse with the best of meals and Tbomasthe and r andTeyteredo record turn-out is expected for ýThe main event îs a handicap' eiîbho'ise en fete ta receive golf- a feeling af comf art ta a tired; aniy to the bar trade. This hotel Mits year. camretition for bath men and; tng visitor.3. travelier, whtch was flot always in its earîy period was a temper- obtained at every caravansarie lance hotel and the proprietor was for a short time at what was cail- [ P,1retlhren of Celar Lodge and othe added that Mr. Eliott always stopped.p named Mason. ed -Rag Castie" wlien fiist but Marrnc rethren attended the 5cr- Imaintained that hanesty in deal- At Lotus, Manvers had one On the front street tiiere wa probably about the year the G.T. výice ii a bod\. The paIlîhearers wcre, ing was an absolute essentiai ta public house in the early period of aohr'amr'Exchange R. w-as building. The station ho- Njeýrs N . lchlin. J. Rooncv, Ed. *-a successfui business life in its its existence. kept by A. Fletcher, situated be- tel was a most convenient place, Biscl, \\'. IPhiiikett. I.. (crrnond and, truest sense. For many years Tyrone had tween tUe Challis auto establish- for back country people ta leave Beet Simulons. The funeral service was con- ment and tUe Cawan block. This their rigs when they wished ta go Intermient tokplace ai the Bow- ducted from the funeral chapel af was a farmers' stopping place for by train ta the city in those days. jnîan% iîeCel e rs.Narthcutt & Smith an March 26, meais- and stabling. and after- and also passengers of late train-.' and was in charge of deceased's >~~~ wards w*as taken over by Frank Newcastle also had its quota aimnseRv SlnyDvsno D A N D U àHenderson, a well knawn hotel 1taverns, and al, one time New- JmsElomîBwavll TiiUniter, By. idney TheDavsn o 1manager for many years. Uaving tativille Uad four ta-verns. Sa you: bearers were George Smith of had a saloon in the Cowan block can ethwods erfulO B o w mn a n v i 1l e's aldest mani,.Pr oe r ae .Eloto C E for a period. tUem, certainly mare than was James Elliott, passed quietiy ta Toronto. Roland Virtue af OsU- F, TU e aid Easern House, kept for :'eally needed. StilI, considerig rest at Uts home on KCing Street, 4awa, and C. A. JoUnston, Thomas 'YIUR S ALPbe fyear bytUe Brodie the number, drunkenness did not an March 24tU. He Uad been H. Knight and Elgin Wight af family, as in a line by itself. prevaiI ta such an alarmîng ex- Sol aiigfo an ie cBawmaniliie. Haigafine ballroom it w-as tent. Ellîott. wUa wa.s in luÈs 97th year, Mr. E.lîatt is sorivvedi by three plaat'rized bytUe yaung people afi1 TUe tenîtperance people put up! was born in Hampton, the son ai daughters. Miss Maude. who hasi the eng away f rom a bgfgtaainst the bus'ness Mr.nd Mrs. Henry Elliott, tUe devatediy and loyaiiy cared for Ru te usbautsaiugonitna but whlen it came ta furnîshung foime prmnn n U al im in tUe last years ai his lufe, singlary fee ramintrru ter.te proper accammodaton they days oi that village. He w-as born Ms .A.-ontnadMs l urtheres te Kinst aieimntby Bu'thte years an December 15, 1841, and as a ginsWight, Bawmanville. £ rad mswas tUenRtae igh'an haetbougt1 great c han ge. young man assisted Uts father in Many beautiful floral tributes where you could abtain reiresh- 1When it taak a day or two ta tUe miii and tUe store. Later. in paid sulent homage to a long and mients before Yeu entered the vil- make a trip ta the city, itcnprnership with his brother Hen- useful lu e. "KN FPI" lage ai Newcastle. now be dane in a few hours: ry Jr, he operated Hampton Interment was made in Bw OF PNNSouth at the harbor, the iirst where tUe livery stable people did Store under the naine H. and J. manvilie Cemetery. persan ta obtain a license ta, keep a big trade w:tU commercial men, Elliott, Several years later lie a tavern was issued ta Mrs. Mit- now thcy have their own cars and went ta Tyrone he operat- cheli, Then Hockeridge for a time carry their own samples: and ed a store, later comning ta Bowm- Chas. W. Johns, Winipeg, Man. which was prabably the last in where the big omnibus rattled mianvilie where he entered tUe SAg Har@l F. alme that lne. through tUe town, the taxi does g-rocery business, about 55 year.3t Wininipcg Erec Press) Ç-C. U.Ihd, Tuomes M There was a hotel at tUe G. T. tUe trick. Even the big over- ago. He later sold out ta Fred Charles \V'. JoUiis, 73, an aId- a@ R. Station for many years, and bearing raiiways have had te take Heal. The store was locatedintrime fNaiaadavtrno ________________________________________________a back seat ta the big lune of what s now known as the Harsey tie getr.of liead sa etraln-a busses that have crowded them ta Block at tUe west end. Ater seli- te a t war2t, a(liedshdde.0Min the wail. A horse and buggy ts ing out Uts store Mr. Elliott went day, niaree t, Wat lis h'oe,6 now looked upon with as much inta tUe ail and gas business, inLptn trt,\ nîg.Brna curosiy a th fist rusmouit - which l1 continued untîl a short Hamîjton. Ont., lic came ta MfanitoUs curisit3as te fi-at rasaabout 47 s cars ago, scîtling ai Ro- ed motor car with its leather cov- time ago. land, wherc Uie engaged in tUe un- ered seats and gtlded mauntings. Mr. Elliott was always a strang dertaking and carniage buildinîg lîfetime' ý7hurchman and attended the Bt- with his familv, wherc Uce engaged - chuches For In 1915 le cnli'ted in ttUe ýtU bat- OBITUARY more than 5 1 ar h ws talion, leasinig for Engiand in Aug- USn i Engoia lngM.EatonLoae st ftht ar. pnhsrtn F o r p rin Son of nglad. M. Eliottwasta Caniada levas em ployc-d Uv lte M. L. ArgaU,. Oshawa also a keen horseman and for \L oU \irchtrlfolg Scores uf new Dresses, Coats, Hats,alegh lieMc many years kept some ai tUe lin- 9.,lenUsifrcseŽrili's and Saits have been unpaeked this tai Luthur \rgal iacsideitf buztnesýs man hie was amrml ýl' i as lreeiîauit nvalid sinice. week. Get ready for Easter - You'U OslIiata forcthe Tpat 38 %-carsi pappular for Uts devotton ta tUe - iil rt i vd)-adfu fidth es elcio f pcn d awaY asrni\\udc la, m tttllgoestbusiness lie. J. H. sons: L isl'-. harrs A., Cecil E.', find the bst selecton Springethis iLone t .: airictoe latîglter. Elsie merchandise at Oouch, Johnston & Mlatch 30tti. Oshîawa lc u C Cyderman, w-ho later became aE, lf \iiile asol bo its [)est knoosytand highlv rresiced lmeniber af tUefitrm ai Couch. . i- \iniigas i c, Cryderman's. citizeiis - one whi was well knirwtî Jahsten & Cryderman Ltd..and ter.h. I..Jis, f hlaîntiltii. Spig A csois 0 i id is 'Yaî aîsgs î. tsuirs are i 1 -sy -aI ---He-ws-Gadp Sprig Acesoris O AilKins ers aiMiss E..Xrgil, Oaitass. 'ailMINIMUM SPECIAL FARIE - 25c Doney flot oniy ta his o0w-n but ýer. E. rgal. ý11dalhite childrcn for blocks araund. fnîî luhr ,Eîwiii, Ns aiu His wiie pcedeceased hum May 25, \'illianîi, NtCtts li hrisrnlwur. Take advantage of this long week- 1899, lcaving a family ai six smal Tlisille, Sa>-k, aiffl Cîtarie,, Vie- end for a isit home or away chîudren for %-Uom Uc workcd COUC , J HNS ON i,ýia,11' C.with friends itard ta raise and keep tagether. CIIRYDERM AN ,1s'Rinig Strict. l5it, tr' i Sic'FrrcI-n ires oi! tifrarîi,i.îî(10' il\Mrs. TUas. Gauld, LUberty Street, St ict liited (litircli, w lii cR iz-y 'ce .lel n ac 1sbig o d ce Phone 836 LIMITED Bawmanville 5 icS Vi CterittlllejIItcdI lisRcv IIyRv . Grkica îkt 4ci nMrh3. Bkng sondofctd ctl ti .a.,-isted lisIt es. \\. îV. Canadian Pacific Andrew-'s Chut-ch. TUe floral tri- 'aI ui atild Res. .\ndrcw 1). lt ii butes were beautiful, incîuding sprays and wreatlis from mnany measure because i, remaves %vhaý local arganizattons, relatives and may be a pre-canceraus candi-:' f iends. Paîl beacers were N. tLon. Bur-ns, M. Hawiey. J. WelsU, H. Carele-asneazs and uegna:ancc arýý Gauld. E. Cawney and B. Smith. resýponsibie for miost deatlîs irom Interment wa-s made in Bow'man- cancer oi tUe akin. 'rUis 10c i o ville Cemeteî-y. cancer ardinarily uccuis i eler He leaves ta maurn lits ioss te- persans, but ut nîay ie bound a', sides Uts daugUrer Mary i Mca. an casher age. WVarts wU:cU1sh1 'rUos. Gauld i four sans, George 13' increase n;i. "Il,5W. of Toaledo, Ohio. Hector- ai Gait,. pigmentation. tend ta Uccoifle Ont., William ai Aizada, Mon-1canperous. P i g ne n e d molesý tana, and Samuel ai McKagýue. should be regarded w-:tUsusP:cu nl Sask. Also 23 grandchidren and'Any 5kmn defect whicli may have1 15 great grandehidren. There al-i- existed for weeks or niontlis andci s0 survives anc bi'ater. Robent w-hich begins ta, change it-s char- Dow-ney of Toronto. 'acter, shauld be tnvestig-atcdi as ut miay te changing into a cancer- ans condition. Cancer ai the akin may no', ai- ways be pnevented, but ut is nea-' lyalways curable. 1: is tUe abi- sence ai pain and tUe apparen' hanmles-snezs that so aiten ni:-- £ NAL,, SRVIE ilcad tUe patient mbl deiaying t- THE CANADIAN MED9CALacoetamn. 4880CIATIOMAOLr MucU can be donc ta prevent #N CANADA and ski. Most ai this nmust bc -' 'donc by the patient hîm.selff througli keeping his skin anc CHRONIC IRRITATION AND mautiî dean and hcaithy. and bY CANCER ýsecurtng medicai case w; thout any delay when tUcre s anv indic.a- TUe specific cause ai cancer is tion that such care mai e ed not knaw-n, Chnonic irritation ail kinds acts as an orr predisposjng factor in cancer.i It takes a lot off Clmnttiani'v 'rUe detection and eliminatton ai: ta drive tUe chlliy feeling out cf cht-onie irritation prevent tue tUe average church. cancers ta whiciî tUe chi-onie ir- Dont hase sigh: ai the lac: tUa, nitatian might give riSe. ut is juat as 'impotan' to kn,3a p Certain diseases arc pecultar ta wlien ta quit as wlien ta b2qti. h umns;atlersarepraricily Many a feliow neyer iays ans - liinited ta animais, seidoin if ever thiing by for a ra:ny day sa hn,- att.acking man. It appeais tUia:as Uce can bors-ow ai nibreli. ahi iuman beings are suscept.îbe ta cancer, a discase that ta iound. It takes an cptiniîuî, ta -ejo:-c aiso un b:rd.s. animnals and fishes. in the fact tUa' after- a w min Cancer an the sui-face or in flic tires af lis k:ses lie cati ca, a'! Peacessible parts of the body tUe oniors hewns 'slîuld be tUe easîies:ta preei. Cancer ai the lhp. toncue. or ather Parts of thenîctuth is nearly al- ev %waYs pueceded by sanie chroni - ~ ~~ ii rutatuon of tUe part. due ta bro- l fccted gums. or thie erm ai syphilis. Cancer seidoni. il ever. devec-s FOIYU NS. in a dlean hîcalthy moulu. Eve'-y year in Canada several hundrecls ai induviduais. masfhy men. die fram cancer ai tUe imouth and thu-oat. Many aifthiese deatlu.5 wouid have teen pi-evented by theiLo C C ý proper trcatment ai sy'philis, and by adequate den'al cane ta keep HADOI CE.I tUe teeth and gurus îealtlîy. Thie prompt tneatmcnt oi any kind ao sore w'ich dees n>: hieai and stav __________________ hc.aied, cither an tUe lhp or tn tlîe mouth. is cssentiaily a Pree:v * Travelling advertisements for modern merchandise. . . that's what they cail these big, smartly strcamlined Chevrolet trucks! But there are other important reasons for the popularity of Chevrolet trucks. For example: (1) There's the record of this famous line, ini dependability, adaptability, and economy. (2) Its consistent price leadership. (3) Nation-wide parts and service facilities. (4) The wide range of factory-built-or-iiîstalled l>odies it offers. Apply these factors to your nwn hauling prob- lenm, thers corne ii and see us. We are qualified to udvisc you on ail mat- 2 ters of economical transportation!1 Phone 25 10 ROY NICHOLS If the cod cl-e young it's be- cauze they have n-j ay in the mat.tet'. c HILD REN of ail ages tllrive on I"CROWN BRAND" CORN SYRUP. They neyer tire of Its delici- ous flavor and It really iasBo good for themn-8o give the chidren "'CROWNN BRAND" every day. Leadinec physicians pro- nounce CROWN BRAND" coRN SYRUP a most satis- factory carbohydrate to use as a mnilk modifier ln the feeding of tlny infants and as an energy producing food for growi.s children. THE FAMOUS% EN ERGY FOOD specia irc Egu ZnUtise IeWSzge e WIéeK PUI Cege ol oIOX ColupletO Line Ol llydzBLuuIios Un PesteCes ,dlUpkeep CT-41o i. v Couirtîce EUE ~UT.1 8~ K*II"I I 'K.IE'p ~ Loi w 1 KLi0-11 9ý THURSDAY, APRIL 7TH, 1938

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