- t,.. . --- f THURSDAY, APRIL 7TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, OINTARLO PAGE ELEVEN TuE Horticultural President Presents NI Report_0f Interesting Convention Mr. M.H. Staples, president, IIESC O A S ' brought a report o! the Hortîcul - C LARK ESani L R tural Convention to the members' IN THE LIMELIGHT dît o! the Orono branch at their _____fr April meeting last Tucsday which Clr may lcad to still greater acc.m- Clre Township schools wîllOi plishments in their efforts to agaîn be well repreented at the beautif y Orono. Eatcr Convention at Toronto. ish, Starkville and Providence and ,qdWginning with a few worcls re- schcols will formn parts o! the con gUrding the purpose o! the con- composite choir for the Grand Bul vention which was te allow the Concert in MasseY Hall. in which f iii making o! friendships amoiig over 500 public and high school thei peop'e who bad a common bond students o! Ontario will take part. N in their interest in the develop- Shaw's school under the direc- thi5 ment o! horticulture and to give ;noMisElTabywl dn them encouragement and enthus- t'no isEl Tmln ildi iasm, Me. Stapfles gave the high- gave a demonstration in the Con- toil il s o Uc metig.seevatoi'y o! Music on WedncsdaY lâ li ftemeig afteriioon o! Eastcr week. and rulis year tree planting wasRO szressed as it bas been for severalI At the samne concert, girls from Rol ycars. Four groups werc arrang- Orono public school will give an Bhe cd, the fiest studied trecs and 'exhibition o! Folk Dancing. ut shrubs: the second bulbs. and the', p other two each a special kind o! r flower. He took in the first group CLARKE UNION ca discussion, and found the destruc- i T tion o! trees at. Christmias andj the answering o! questions by an 1NIe. .Albert Clarke and Nie. Tee- authority wcrc the main points, w iii Scott have cone t10 Siiidbtrs. m The beautification of s c h o ol Thev expeet ho gel svork iinte gr'ounds was also stressed ifilitL. ie Another feature o! the conv'en- Ie. KennetHilHlI s'ho liad li ý e tion was the demonstration o! band et y4 a circullar saw s i i- floral ar-rangements by a florist, t)'ving. emphasizing the effect on the Nie. and Niers. S. D. Souch and Nie P nind, following a talk on the, and Nr. H. J. Souch sisiîed thlir samne subject by Me. Matthews. b)rither -in Oshîawa. Ies,.\V. E.1A Some hard feeling was evident Sout i, iin Oshawva lospital. St. regarding the motion that the 1)r. and Nie1.. NlcCullocli. Oroio. e., convention be held in May in- anîd Ie. anîd Nie,.. Ormn Falls, Stark- iiîg stea.d o! February and possibly at' ville,'s-petit SuîidaY wiih Nie. and 1 of Kingston instcad o! Toronto andNi. Gordoni Powe.j God this detracted from the general NIe. .\echie Watsoîis a. a delegate kiic friendliess. ho ilte Youiig Peoples Uniionî Con- lier Four points brought eut in the vention aI Pickering. poil convention werc: Highway beau- We are îleased ho report that \Ir. Peoi tification. where Newcastle re- j Samnuel Archer. Port Hope, con- stor ccived great praise; beautifica- iities ho improve. whe tion o! school grounds; encour- si agenicnt o! the boys and girls; might do something for the young. and Lhe need for greater publicity. people which would lcad te them 'nt" In connection with the junior competing for the trophy when it i work tchree trophies have been' our district is selected. tI donatcd for prizes each year in iMes. Frank Hall rnoved. and thic one district - the district chang- 'Mrs. M. H. Staples seconded, that and ing each year. M ýrs. E. J. Hamm be delegate to eVCr Mr. Staples closed his talk by, meeting o! officers at Brighton. îtiî stating that his intercst in flow- Be! ore Mr. Staples gave his re- ifldi crs had com.menced with his joîn- port the busines period was con- liad ing the society, that the trouble ducted. A letter was read re- did wa the work o! the society fel questing seeds. roots, bulbs. etc. T on the shoulders o! a fcew who for the starting o! new societies in Si needed the co-operation o! aIl thel Northcrn Ontario. Each miember Rci( members. that although the soc-1 was asked to conteibute when full illter iety had made mistakes they had, particulars have been gleaned, A also made many improvements. Mrs. F. Hall and Mrs. Harrison Nul and he ,believed that most socie- being appointcd a comm.ttee to Fie tics hadi beautified their various look a! tee the matter. vice towrns considcrably. Announcernents o! the meeting ian Mrs. Harrison thanked t h e at Brighton and thc Newcastle president for his report, and as a lower Show were made. GUrect result o! his taik on sug- A letter will be sent te the Dcpt. ,ýestion o! Mes. Dickson. and mo- tbanking tbem for the privilege ion o! Mrs. M. H. Staples, sec- o! bearing Mi. Clarke's lecture,. 'onded by Mes. F. Hall, a corn- The tulip show, which was to "Sn mittee compriscd o! M. H. Sta- have been in May under the dir- Tov pIes, E. E. Patteeson and Roy For- ection o! Mrs. F. Hall and Mrs. Oro rester wus appointed Vo inter- M. H. Staples, was lc!t until June, 25c, view the Chamber o! Commerce thc executive being placcd in RI and f ind ikely places for the 'charge o! May meeting. for planting o! trees and also look * conr after the arrangements. jSh! "Tue Doctor" is ceming to yoti Mes. Staples also expresscd an eue bouse. Wat.ch The Statesman ity, opinion that the local society next weck for. flrst instalment. p.rn EWLYWEDS ARE FETED BY FRIENDS About 100 people fromt Leskard id Orono communities gathered at h omne of Me. and Mes. Carl Bill- !5s on Feiday night 10 present Me. id Mes. Arthur Bell with a 52-pici ýilter set, a lennade set anda .lit set 10 svish îhemn bon vovage ithe sacaiof matrimony. An addeess signcd bv Milton Corn- h.jack Stapleton. Iorne Robbins id Nid Skelding, %vho wee the nmittee. was read 1wv Miss Edna lings. Me. and Mes. Bell ceplic( inglv thanking their friends foi eir gifts and good wishes. Mir. Fred Truil was chaiemnan for is peogeam: recitation. Oscar Skcl- ig; violin solo, Kenneth Shackle- iiwj ies. Shackleton at the W;vocal duel, Miss Stella Best id Nies. Shackleton with Mes. A. bbins at the piano ; solo bv Art 1l with N±j5,s Audeev Billings ai epiano: mo(uthorgan duet by Gel) lph and Bob Milton. Appeopriate celtes wee nade bv Fred TrullI ihur Robbins. Hartwell Lowcev, tri Billings and Lorne Bell. iTe rest of the cvening svas spent gaines and social chat, a delicious fcii leing served at the close. Mlr. and NIrs. Bell w ere also hen- ced a nuiscellaneous shoiver ai ýdal. Thursdas night. »ARK ST. SERVICES At the mnoeniîîg service at Park church Sundav the guest speak- Rev. C. Miller, spoke on 'Seek- zfor God.' He hegan by telling a ivoman who travelled seeking )d onlv 10 find Him in lhec own chen wlieiî she eeturned hoine t rhusband and childeen. Jesus. he tted oui. svas of the common pIe, and lie svent on ho teIllthe )r of the nien who askcd Jesîîs cre He lived and to svhomn He ci 'CQime and sec." tans. people thought, the speaker mated, that chuech and religion Ls somethiUZ out of the past, that lad losi its appeal. that it was a îg fQJ- oniv women and childeen inot for eed-blooded inen. Hosv- c., he opinied, il was the only ng thai beoughit satisfaction, that >n did seek God and that no onîe dever been unsatisfied whcn the1find Him. The choie eendered 'Under the adow of the Almighity-"rNie. W d iaking the solo part in the an- At tlie evcning service Rcv. Nie. ier chose as bis tol)ic "Putti "Il rs Thitîgs Fiest." At this sec- : the choir sang "Onwaed Christ- iSoldcers.- COMING EVENTS Oshawa talent will present naîl Town Romeo" in Orono )w1n Hall, April 22nd. Auspices >no Park St. Union. Admission cchildren 15c. 14-2* Reserve Feiday evenig, May 6, r 'Wild Ginger," a three act riedy deama prescnted by the ung people o! No. 9 Commun- ,in Oreno Town Hall, at 8.15 n.sharp. Admission 25c and 15c. ORONO i SOCIAL AND PERSONAL 1- Miss Mabel Thompson, R N., of West we must interview him re- St. Pau.l, Minnesota, and lier bro- gard.ing this lapse. Remind us if ther Arthur, and mother Mrs. we forget. aElla Thompson of Kendal, were Mr. Ernest Amiable visited at dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr. Charles Wood's on Sunday. Eagleson on Monday. We wish the degree team of MMrs. F. J. Brimacombe and Orono L. 0. L. the best o! success Mrs. Jas. Tamblyn lef t on Tues- at Port Hope on April l3th. Trust 'day morning for a visit with their the jinx won't affect them. -brother, William R. Elliott Of or oharDn on Minneapolis, Minnesota, who is SbrokehisankerDn on r ut 11 Miss O. Davey is visiting in To- The following telegramn was re- ronto. r ceived by 0. A. Gamsby on April Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Osterhout - st fromn Niagara Falls: Desire visited f riends in Hamilton. your attendance at Ontario Base- W. J. Watson is putting a ver- ball Convention, Niagara Fa.ls. andah on hi.s new booth getting iDon't fail. Expenses assured. Bill ready for suxnmer activities in the -Smnith. N. B.-This was no April Park. tfool joke, cîther. t Mrs. R. C. Resborough enter- ,tained at a dinner and card pa.rty rA K IL eThursday. Miss M. Adams receiv- Ii 1: d the prize for high soei ~ bridge and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell the Sh! "The Doctor" is coxing ro consolation prize, while Mrs. H. oui' house. Watch The Statesman tAllen won t.he hidgh score prize in next week for first instalment. 500. There were three tables of Farmers have been dclayed in br:dge and one of f ive hundreci. spring operations owing to the M1rs. H. J. Hoidge, Lindsay, is real cold speil. Many farmers, tvisiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tam- however. have donc considerable blyn. on the land. Mrs. Gea. Laing v~Sited ini Osh- Mrs. Arthur Dunn is on the awa. sick list.t Members of the Canadian Le- Mr. Wes. Falls is suffering from gion are holding a general meet- a severe cold. ing and zone raily in Orono on Mr. and Mrs. C. Yule and sont Friday. April 15th. This pr1omis- George, Oshawa, spent SundaY es to be a big gathering of war with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.( veterans in our village. William Savcry.r Powerful! Romantic Inspiring! Mr. John Stone. Orono, visited% describes briefly the superb new Mr. Frank Stone. serial story "The Doctor" by Am Mr. Lloyd Hallowell journeyed erica's favorite woman author. to the city. Mary Roberts Rinehart, whic;i Mrs. Ross Hallowell, Mr. Wm.t starts in our next issue. Don't HaUlowell, Miss Meda Hallowellt miss a single chapter of this fas- and Mr. Hugh Stapleton rnotoredc cinating story. Many of our ïed to Toront.o on Sunday to visit ers have asked for another serial Mrs. Wm. Hallowell in the hospi- story and we have bought one of taI where she underwent an op- 7the best. cration and is doing rernarkably Mr. and Mrs. E. Evans visited Well. in Toronto. Miss Myrtle Farrow, Port Hope, 1 Orono Women's Institute meets spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. iFriday afternoon. Victor Farrow. Mrs. Cowan, Oshawa, mother of Mr. Claude Henry. Markham, Mr. O. Cowan of Orono, has tak- has returncd home after visiting ten a stroke. his sister, Mrs. S. G. Hallowcll. Mr. Albert Mitchell is around tMisvsearr poFarro nsis-te after his lengthy illness.trhaescrdoiinstte Mrs. N. Honeywell visitecl in Newcastle Armns. Newcastle. 1 Newcastle last week. Mr'. and Mrs. Jas. Stark and Sympathy is extcnded to rela- daughter, Ncwýtonville. visited Mrsi tives of Harvey Thompson who I. Stark and called on Mis. John1 was killcd in a motor accident on White.1 March 31st. Mr. Lavern Farrow journeyed Mis HaelWiner ndMiss to the forth on Sunday. Lois Wood spent the weekend in Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrow- Oshawa. clough, Wesleyville, were at Mrs. A number of Orono friends at- John McKay's, Sunday. tended the f uneral of Harvey Mr. Elijah Bullied has return- Thompson at Newtonville on Sat- ed f rom spending the winter with urday. his daughter at Flint, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell le! t t- Miss Gwen Giliner was in New- urday for their new home at Wel- castle on Monday. oome. Mr. John Stewart, Kendal, gave Mi. and Mrs. A. McDonald, a very excellent talk at our Lea- Milton, visited her mother, Mrs. gue on Monday on "This Man." N. Smnith. Rev. E. Becch preached a good Mr. James Moffatt is Up again sermon on Sunday f rpmn Jonah. after seven weeks illncss with Miss Marlon J. R. Green spent pneumonia and asthma. the weekend in Orono. Orono Park St. Union took the Our commupty was shocked worship period at Pickering con- with sorrow and gloom Thursday vention Saturday. Miss Myrtie morning when it was learnied a .Tamblyn gave the cail to wor- fatal accident happened to Har- ship, John Keane led in prayer. vey Thompson. Everybody ex- Miss Olive Brown read the sc<i- tends deepest sympathy to thet turc. Miss Thelma Myles told a family. Almost everyone fromn story, a vocal duet was rcndered here attendcd the funeral on Sat- by LeRoy Brown and Miss Beat- urday. rice Hamm, and Miss Enid Cob- The teacher from Bunker Hill bledick was pîanist. Alî report a schoo.l vislted at Mrs. J. J. Mcl- very intercsting and profitable lor's reccntly. trne. Miss Lilly Hughes has returnedt Mrs. D. Noble, who has been to Toronto a!ter spendlng some spending the winter in Peterboro, time at home. is home. î4 Mis. McElroy and Margaret, i Peterboro, were in town Sunday j COWANVILLEt Death occurred last ____________in__ Lindsay o! Mrs. Henderson, nec Elizabeth Lathangue. She is sur- Sh! "The Doctor" is coming to vived by her husband, one son our bouse. Watch The Statesmanc William, f ive sisters and three next week for flrst instalment. t brothers. Mrs. Oscar Scott is a Mrs. Ogdcn and her daughterc cousin of deceascd. Viola have movcd from the thirdt Misses Enid Cobbledick, Beat- line to Bill Armstrong's farm. rice Hamm, Olive Brown, Myrtle near Orono.f Tambly, Thelma Myles. Ethel Mr. and Mrs. Brooks (owanf Stark, and Margaret Milîson, and spent Sunday in Oshawa with Messrs. Bob Keane, LeRoy Brown, Mrs. John Henry Cowan who suf- John Keane. Roy Berry, Carman fered a stroke. and is staying with White and Archie Watson attend- her daughtcr. Mis. Will Cowan. ed the Young People's Conven- Christian Citizenship convenersa tion at Pickering Saturday, the had charge of Wednesday's Lea- latter two remaining for the Sun- gue meeting. Mr. Jack Barnes l day sessions. and Mrs. Clarence Burley. Mr.1 Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn who wa-s Sidney Hughes gave the topie. recently operated on for thrioat V'sitors: trouble is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Farrow, Or-é Miss Margaret Dickson. Clare- ono, and Mrs. J. Burley, Newton- mont, spent the weekend with her! ile with Mr. and Mrs. Westol parents, Mr. and Mrs. James1 Stringer. also Messrs. Eric and iksse Rsain ad eln ercy Edwards cf Peterboro. Mises osaineand Heln . and Mrs. M. Cosok. Gamsby were in town Saturday. ýBowmanville. with Mr.Cîand s.1ýý boyes are avngafne tme cach- lStanley Porteous. also Mr. and K-s R..asfi- ofiPot Hope the first quintuplets-born--in--a - UN- certain t.on. Wonder why John v A. hasn't donc the same thing E O IS here? When he returns f rom theL N~ws MISSION W TOPIC WV. M. S. met 'T wiîh the president i meeting opened wi piayed by Mrs. R. wecc read bv Mes Announcements werî the supply bale and appointed A vocal rendered lbv Nies. J. Mers. E. J. Hamm Smith ai the piano. worskhi? service " J esus" wais follow( with portions of se eral hvmins, aftee Phases' and Jrs.1 oured with a vocal R. C. Roshocough ai Robert Raincy tool, the studv book on Md"This vasa work donc amongt pIe of the Hebrides, esc and .Africans. studving a half-da housework and trad( the missionarv worl He.brides, 2.000.000 rnanv ini China (w several colleges. 75 r tiates work for thel learning of Christ also read part of sent 10 Niiss Lena 'T of the trouble therg the Christians are p eule m es. Mfiss Dav-% read a the Missionarv Mon same line wVhich siý of ivar. She also t< nurse swho alone si, when others fled. i statinz that this wsva svas formed 10 help whilc cause of br them. Following a thanks b % Miss Da, closed w îîh the sinr \is Life, and prayi UNION ADI WAS ON F MIr Robert Shieri at Union meeting sncaking on f jvc of A fier stating that 4 Suindav hie hegan his voing people, hem that in aill hat time had had svas caused and although lic lia iin the chutrch he wa! be able 10 worko people. If tlîev wa of him. he vointed flot hurt hiÂî feelini refuse them nothini Me. Sherwin said earthlv stories wi nîeaning. 0f aIl the tha the parable of was the best. A fter he pointed out that gave without askinR that the influence of been feit bv the ser The second parai that of the richi man only a crust separi carth but a vast guif died. The third parable founidations and the from this was 10 bi on God - the only The next parable% the ten virgine - fi foolish. This parai we should keep our A pilot steerinz for when the lower light ingz wrecked a shjpa who was on the ship bld Sankev. Sank song " Le the Lo Blirnling." The last parable talents. The lesson that we shouid use o would loic them. Mr. Sherwin notic people use t-heir taien oratory but they wi the art of ncaying concludr.d his talk1 the parabies in stating remember that Go freels. that not mu, from Him; to build( a±iou ; to kecp our and to tue our talci Other items on 1he was ini clorze of and Elsie Rowe. Mercedes Manmie: pi \Vhyte: vocal trio Mine ini the Skv' bv ev, Mrs. H. Canti( Harrison ivith Miss (ick aIt te piano. G îvords of thanks bv1 toresidled, closed the Contest results: Re 8 and I Bue-1. L.O.B.A. COIN SEASON'S VORK TUESDAY uesday afternoon in the chair. The ith quiet music Smith. Minutes S. Charles Wood. re made including 1Committees were il duet was well 1Richardson and n with Mrs. R. The responsive "Ne would sec d in its entiretv icripture and sev- which Mrs. V. H. Cantreli fav- 1duet with Mes. athe piano. Mes. ithe chapter of i Light of the an outdine of the the Indians. peo- sJapanese. Chin- 1300 Indians are ay and learning les as a resuit of rk. 2300 in the Sin Japan. and .'heee tliere are îr of whose grad- M.\asteel are also t. MeIs. Rainev a Chinese paper Tavior which told re, and the wav peavinz for their short piece feomn )nthly along the howed the ee.ult old of a Chinese avcd 200 soldiers nd concluded bv swhv the societ -v Ip in the wocth- ringing iight to a few words nf îging of "Take' re bv 'Miss Davv. OUTLOOK BETTER FOR EDUCATION DRESS 'ARABLESodîyiiwe are f aced with three - . o! education. These are curricu- iii tooklte tople hum, educational finance and cd- SNiondav iîight ucational administration. Hap- ftîte 69 paeablcs. pily for Ontario people the pre- 0 %.caes ago lait sent Minister o!fEducation, Dr. s svock siil tic L. J. Simpson, and his Deputy went oi tho sas Minister, Dr. Duncan McArthur, Le autv teouble lie are both men o! vision. They are 1bv elder people, sureounded also by officiais o! ad lîeld positionîs tred experience and thus we s alssavi gîad 10 bave hadt introduced into eurecd- nnlv wiviisouîg ucatienal systern a vcry progres- "anted to get rid sive New Course o! Study. With ouI. ihes woul.i furthee changes that are now be- igi as lie could ing workcd eut, thc curriculum 9. problcm will be largely solved. id pacables svee There stilh remain the problenis ith a heasenlv of educational finance and ad- ce 69 he intimatcd ministeation. the prodigal son For years the greater part of rîelling the stoev educationai costs hais been berne ýt the father for- by real estate. Taxes have be- i1 questions. and come very heavy and relief is fhome musii have anxieusly sougbt by ail home n. ewners. A very commendable at- ble. he told. was tempt was made last year te igh- n and the beggzae. ten this hoad wbcn the goveen- tingz the îwo on ment gave a one misîl tax rebate If when thev both to ail municipalities. The trend at the present time in regard te was that of the educational finance is tewai'd a ie lesson learned greater measure e! state support ild our character similar te the systems in vogue in suee foucudaîioît. the majority o! Englisb speaking s'.as the stor v of countries. This wilh be realizcd ve wise and f ise wben anc observes that the pro- île showed that vincial grants te education in ir lights buening. 1885, 1916, and 1935 wcrc $366,- ýr an upper liRhi 270, $1.281.986 and $4,793,198 re- ht was not buen- spcctively. There can be ne doubt and when XMoods that the goveennient is aware e! ip but was saved the need for releving the tax- ey composcd the payers' burden. nweLights bc Hand in hand wlth a more pro- gressive systcm e!f educational fi- was on the ten nance must be included a more poitted out wai modern system o! educatienal ad- our talents or we ministration. It is an accepted fact that ail chlldrcn arc entl.t.led icd that young to equal educatianal epportunii- !nts of music and ties. It is also an acccpted faet &ee defiçient in that the movement o! the popula- in public. He tion fran, rural te large urban by summaeizîng areas bas rcachcd alarming pro- g thal ive îhould portions dueing the past quarter xi wili foegis'e o! a century. It would appear ucli sepaeates us that an outstanding contributary on a sure found- cause has been the type o! cdu- er ligzlits buriiing. cation ofiered te rural children. ,nhi. In arder te impreve the educa- ie peogeam svlîiclî tienal services offcred ta eue rural Jack Cobbledick boys and girls it may be neces- wcce. sceitpure. sary to institute a different sys- ianto solo, Doeis tem a! educatienal admninistra- "Theee's a Goid Vian witb due regard to efficicncy, )v Nirs. V. Phas- effectivcness and economy. rcIl anîd IMr. Ni. One o! the great barriers ta is Eîîid Coblîle- peogress in any field la lack o! .aiates antd a fesv unîty. This bas been truc in the Eluie Rosse, wvlo f ield a! education. For years mîeeting. there have been numerous educa- cd-17; W*lite- tionai associations and oeganiza- tions in the province o! Ontario but there hms neyer been any de- ~CLUDESfinite form of unity. The result iPARTIES f rom time Vo time forward to the Department o! Educatian certain LOB.A. Itelîl resolutions wbich may be contra- v of lteseot dicted by resolutions !arwarded Tlt.rda uiglit by another group. The task o! vy enjovsalîle (lite. estimating the wishcs o! the On- e litîîudred. prizt, tarie people becomes very dliffi- l,iglt score, Nlis cuit under these ciecunistances. hîgit seore. NIr. It would seem most logical ta ladies' cîîîîsîîîl bring all these groups tegether thel Ruthierford- and create a strong organizatian, mize. Nie. Tîtos' qualifled by numbers and repre- île ;tcuzes. NI iss sentation to speak for the pro- Vm'it.Rouitsutvince in matters petaining ta reî lv Nics. .î.uu education. The teaches and trus- social hal-itour, teestae i teuaton. pouleis- utîcl %vas ser ve, rese nedc.o. onis terionîs gaines of Boards o! Trade, Manufacturers, laved foe amtiuse- Service clubs and rural organisa- -eucîautîîv itulil- tions arc mast vitaihy interested. 'of Apcil Fîîîl'. Would it nat be seund common t1 wai tathlie sense to amalgamate ail existing be ahl edibles-a bodies and invite in ather groupa ýeas, gassofso that by investigation and con- cnsc.aglado ference we migbt decide what the tiicc.ve et -t best interests e! education rcally slitnecs. arean thencare!ully and judlc- pormme? THANKS This ycar the Ontario Educa- - tional Associatian at the Easter imy many frn- Convention in Toronto wilh dis- bors for their cuss a proposai te re-organize Iness during my into f ive Departments that will include ail Inspectars, Teachers, James Mo!! att. Trustees and Ratepayers, H-ome Library Receives Grant 0f $15.00 At Meeting 0f Township Council Permission was granted Dur- and School Club merabers and al ham Central Agricultural Society at Clarke Townsh.ip Council meet- other organisations that arc in- ing Tuesday, to occupy a portion tercsted in supporting a move to o! Park Street actually flot in use give the best type o! education to at the present time as it runs oui' boys and girls. The Board o! through the Fair Grounds. Fer- Directors o! such a New O. E. A. mission was asked by the society woul then be in a position to so that they could be assured the carry to our officials the consid- road would not be opened in fut- ered opinion o! ail classes. ure and ruin their plans. They During Easter weck thousands may occupy the land until such o! progressive teachers, trustees time as the township notifies the and ratepayers will neet in To- society that they will require the ronto. For three da.ys they will said land for use. discuss hundreds of pi'oblems. On A grant o! $15.00 was made te Monday evening, April l8th, at Clarke Township Library on re- Convocation Hall addresscs wil qucst of a deputation consisti.ng be given by His Honour. Albert o! Mrs. A. Henry, Mrs. J. Honey- Matthews, Lieutenant - Governor well and Mis. R. C. Rosborough. o! Ontario; W. J. Salter, B.A., Hospital accounts wcre passed President o! the O.EÀA., and Dr. totalling $114.71. Alan Valentine, President o! the Others accounits were as f ol- University o! Rochester. O n lows: Tuesday evening Hon. L. J. Simp- W. E. Davey, taxi $ 4.50 son, M.D., LL.D., Minister o! Ed- Dept. o! Health ----- 34.40 ucation, and Dr. Frank Cody, Su- J. C. Tamblyn, milk --_ 3.50 perintendent o! Public Schoo]s for Oco. Richards, dlock rcp. 4.50 Detroit, will be the principal Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, R vs F. 40.00o speakers. On Wednesd.ay evening E. E. Patterson. supplies- 20.00 a great musical festival will be Orono Times, ptg.-- --- 9.50 hcld at Massey Hall. The schools Orono Coal & Lumber 8.00)o!o the province will provide the Lancasters Garage-- 5.00o talent for this occasion. In the C. G. Armstrong, supplies. 12.75 mornings and a! ternoons the R. H. Wood, caretaker-.._ 8.25 Conference will divide up inte' A. J. Staples, sundries- 9.07 twenty seven sections where dis- A. J. Staples, quarterly sal. 125.00 cussions will take place on aliuost Road Voucher No. 4 .. 507.08 every question pertaining to, cdu- A cheque for $12.00 was receiv- cation. The O.E.A. hais been able cd from Cartwright Township to to secure many outstanding cdu- offset an error in payment. cationisis to assist in these dis- Council adjourned to meet on cussions. May 1Oth.______________ IyTe l Box Stove TO BE A SERVANT In one o! Oui' discussions around the old box stove, we gave our attention te thc preachers' eaU., and remembering that, one o! the gang brought up the matter o! politicians. O! course what was in his mind was the idea of graf t and sharp dealing which is tooc often attrlbuted te, oui' represen- tatives. People too often paint them black and faau to notice the black is on t'heir own hands. Taken as a whole oui' nembers are a fine lot o! men and if there is fault it is ninly because we the people have crcated a situia- tion into which the xnembers must fit themselves. Whatever f ault there is can only be remed- ied when the people and members both are ready to play the gaine square. One thing we dld notice and It will be well to mention it here because lt's so sllly. The other day, in the Federal House, a member debatlng on the subJect o! the State taking over the medical supervision of the people sald, that his objection was that it would humiliate the med- Ical profession by maklng them. employees o! the State. That statement remlnded us o! an- other poiticlan, when speaklng about his position, clainied he was not a servant but a repre- sentative. These two statements are hard to understand. and how any one can arrive at such a con- clusion is a real mystery. Isn't the Klr-ng ýthe head o! the civil service? Does It flot say on the coat o! armis o! the Prince o! Wales, "Ich Deln"? w.1lch means "I serve." It looks very much like snobbery to use the word repre- sentative to, get around using the word servant. The whole thlng remainds one. o! the story about people who are everlastlngly talk- ing about tiheir long Une o! an- ccstry and their family trees. Some people have their faxnlly trees se complete that they can go back to the time when their an- cestors llved in them.. Rather than service belng dis- honorable or beneath notice, it is very noble. A.meniber o! Parlia- ment is a servant and gets wages even though he does caJi hinisel! a representative and his wages an indemnity. Even if there were r.othing elsc te, say it weuld be enough to state that the greatest Man that ever llved humbled Ilimsclf by washlng thé feet o! His followers and said, "HI-e that would be great among yeu let hlm be the servant o! aU." Potat@*u FOR SALE 300c bag C. G. ARMVSTRONG'S Big Store IOrono Phone 21rl1 Kidney Acids Rob Your Rest Mmny ~ ~ " pe'0 eegse t. gel a od and count aheep. Ofien ihey blame il on 0. oiVe" Whou it May be iheir kidncys. Healtby kidneys filter poisons from the blood. Il the7 are faulty and (ail, poisons stay in the system and aleeplesanest, head- ache, bacicache often follow. If Yeu don't aeep well, iry Dodd's Kidney Pilla-for hall a century the favorite reniedy. 103 Dodd's Kidney Pis e j- e i 1 -1 1 PAGE ELEVEN NIEWS