PAGE TWELVE THE C.'LN.\DIAN STATESM.\N. BOXX'MANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, APRIL 7TH, 1938 I The Newcastle Independent Sucker fishing is engaging- the attention of many. Miss Drummonti has returneti home for the summer from To- ronto anti Brampton. Mrs. Orner Cole, Pierson, Io., is again visiting her sisters. Misses Catherine and Estella Blackburn. Mr. Geo. Gaines, Jr.. Bank of Commerce. Brooklin. visiteti his parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Geo. Gaines. Miss Gladys Bradley. Glovers- Ville, N. Y.. motoreti over anti vis- iteti her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bradley. Mr. Jack Quigg's "ýAd" in The Statesman offering gladioli bulbs for sale brought him one order from Manitoba. Mr. Wes. Noden is in the Gen- -eral Hospital, Toronto. Mr. Geo. Meadows. accompanieti by Mr. Dave No>den. motoreti him up. Mr. Geo. Bonat.han. now of the main branch. Bank of Com- mnerce building, Toronto, visitedi his mother, Mrs. S. R. Bonathan. Board of Education on Montiay evening appointeti Mr. C. S. Hor- rocks its delegate to the O. E. A. Convention in Toronto on Easter woeek. Newcastle hockey team playeti Mark Turners Oshawa p u c Kt chasers at Oshawa arena Sat.ur- day evening. Turners boys won this time. Major H. W. Dudley has been appointeti Radio Inspector for this district. He was in Toronto Thurstiay in connection with his new duties. Mr. Kenneth Pearce lias been transferreti from Bank of Com- merce. Lansing, tb Oakville. where lie assumeti h:s new duties on Monday. Mrs. H. W. Dudley returneti home on Sunday f rom a six weeks' visit with relatives in Toronto. She motoreti down witli Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball anti Mr. Hill. Contractors are rushing the building of Mr. Fred Treleavens new cottage on his Boulton St. property. Mr. Wm. Treleaven is looking after operations. Miss Hattie Mason, Supervisor &l Music. Newcastle Public Scliool is again preparing a group of her Music pupils to sing in Massey Watch Repairing Let Marr handie your watch, dlock and jewelry repairs. Our work is guar- anteed, and only finest quality replacements a r e used. That is why an article repaired by Marr stays re- paired. Complete Jewelry and Gift ShopD Stock. One of the largest stocks in this part oi Ontario here for your convenience. James Marr JEWELFAR Phone 463 Bowmanville Hall. Toronto, Easter week as part of an Ontario sehool cuil- dren's chorus. Thts will be a feature o! the enteirtainment pro- grami in connection with the On- tario Educational Association con- vention. Young Peeples Union met on Monday in the Sunday school. Program was in charge off Rata Flintofi, anti consisteti of a reati- ing by Reita Cooke: recitation by Grace Powell; mouth organ anti vocal solos by Bert Jarvis: piano solo anti encore by John Buckley. Mrs. O. W. Rolpli. Orono. spoke orn Culture - physical. moral, anti mental. Cliarlie Clemenca anti Reta Flintoff conducteti games. Several Newcastle frientis anti relatives attentied the funeral of Martin Luther Argaîl. Oshawa. on Friday. As a formýer pî'epnîetor of the milli whicli once- stooti on the banks of the creek east of New- castle anti which saetie a large farming area. as a for'mer citizen of Ne7casýte. anti lusband of a Newcastle lady, Miss Ettie Col- will. who pretieceaseti him manY years ago, the lata Luther' Angal won anti las always retaineti the warm esteeni of the people of Newcastle anti v:cinity. They have followed with interest tee lis career in Oshawa where fer manv years lie lelti an important posi- tion with the MeLauglilin Comp- any andti ten with General Mo- tors. Friands anti relatives have aiwxays enjoyet ilis andtilis daugli- tan's. Mrs. McTaggart. frequent visita te Newcastle. Mr. Eti. Ar- gall. Base Lina, Clarke. is a bro- ther of Luther Argal: Mr. A. A. Celwill. Newcastle, is a brother- in-law; anti Mrs. R. B. AllUn. Naw- castle. a sistar-in-law: Mn. Wm. Argaîl. Newtonville, is aIse a bro- ther. Pot Luck Supper Mrs. Merkley Clai'k's group of thie W. A. of Unitedti Churcli sec- veti a pet luck suppen te some 80 guasts in S. S. hall on TuestiaY avening. March 29tli. Althougli the group members were flot sup- posedti t have any knowledge of wliat the others were preparîng anti bringing it transpireti that a well balanceti anti appetizing meal was provideti witli a witie choicel of menu for the firat course. miti- diîe course and dessert. Proceeas $20 .50. Golden Rule Ission Band Golden Rule Mission Bandi held its spring thank-offering meeting on March 19, with President June Allin in the chair. Haroldi Smith reati the scripture lesson. Mrs. S. MacLean tolti the Wors'hip story. a nd Mrs. Geo. A. Walton, Supt.. heard the members repeat the mnemory verse. As a devotional number Ronald Hockins contri- buteti a recitation. M a rga re t 'Bonathan anti Miltreti Allun col- lecteti the offering. The follow- ing reports were given: Treasur- er's,. Yvonne Megit; Texnperance Sec'y. Jean Gray; Peace Sec'y.. June VanDusen. Mrs. Walton extendeti a welcome to the many lady visitors present anti inviteti tliem to view the display of scrap books prepareti by the boys anti girls anti which the Banti will senti to chiltiren in the West. The special program consisteti of re- citations by Harolti Smith, John Holubenko, 'The Air M a i 1": Chiristine Alîdreati, "M o t h e r's Card"; Ruth Allin. Neil Britton, Francs Jose, Marie Cotter. Mil- dred Allun anti viola Cotter: vo- cal solos by June AllUn. Olive Mc- Manus anti Mary Margaret Bona- than: piano solo by Jean Gray; Exercise "If I Were," by Claire Allin, Marjory Toms, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Ellen Button, Mary Toms: Exercise "Flower Lamps" by Norma Alldread. Yvonne Van Dusen, Edna Kirkpatrick and Norma AUldreati. A set of lantern Now Their Lives Depend on You! Raise every chick-give them a sure, safe road through, with rapid growth and uniform. quick feathering! The f irst six weeks is the Important PeriodL Feed a nmsh that experienced Poultrynien endorse because of amazing results. For Example: Clarence J. Awtie, of R. R. 5, Hagersville, writes as f ollows: -0elJhinuar ý 41h,, 1 stari cd 279 cocker'! ehc ~ks poiJ'Pioncer Ci: ick St,;arter Vash,. I have 1sf on1Y 4 Io dut' (Fcb. 21sf>.- ll'h n iflicv i îccsixr v.'ck.ç o!d tfe uvar'.îag of i lîfaffc fairds zci Z"'11, 1li:lis." Watkins Chick Hatcliery o! Acton, Ont., reports as follows: [Part of ou> il' k of chi, fs is being f'd o,:in c..1 7-er fw iccablo diffeireic,-is that tf liio;tccr-fcd chieks Jiav'e fore zita/if i, and ibouc qrozeti, than thfolic othcs, PIONEER will do tlie same for ycu. its such a wholesomne f eeti. The date on the bag Ls your assurance of f reshness. We off er Goverament Standard No. 1 Grimm AllIa, Ont. Variegated Alfalf a. Ont. Grown Red Clover, English Red (C1over, Alsike, W. B. Sweet (lover, Y. B. Sweet Clover. Tim- othy, Timotlîv and Alsike Mixture, Dwarf Essex Rape, Lawn- seed. Buy Garden Saed in bulk. We have a carefully selected, graded and tested stock. P'Dated' Chick Starter MashR. Se STEWART FEEDS AND SEEDS Phione 577 Bowmanvillc siMes were shown. ithe accompany- îng' story being read by Mrs. Per'cy Hare. Lunch7 committee serveti refreslimients. COMING EVENTS April l8th anti 19tli. Amateur Progranis, Bowmanville O p e r a H-ouse. Admission: Adults 25c, Chiltiren 10c. Winner te have audition on Ken Soble's Radio Houî'. Senti entries te R. Sutits. Bowvmanville. For an evening of sitie-split.ting laugliter coma to the Minstrel Show on Friday. Api'il 22nd, in Newcastle Uniited Churcli Sunday School Hall. Auspices 0f Live Wires Sunday School Class anti Orchestra. 13-1 IAUCTION SALES Fritiay, April 8th - On the premises of Ernest Werry. Lots 17 anti 18. Con. 9, Darlington, 1 miile north of Enniskillen anti'-', mile east of higliway. 15 heati of real gooti young work herses, consist- ing of matcheti teanis. geldinga anti fillys, 50 heati cattle consist- ir.g of cows witli calves at foot, a number of grass cows. also two year oltis. anti yearling heifers anti steers. a number cf pigs. a cuantity of seeti eats. and Colo- ratio wheat, 1 International trac- tes', gooti working condition. Other articles tee numereus te mention. Sale at 1 p.m. sh 1arp. Ternis cash. Ted Jackson.,ac- tioneer. 13-2 Tuestiay. April 12th. - Mir. W. N. Stevens. Lot 27. Con. 5, Hope Township, hialf mile south of Osaca, will sell by public auction on the premises. Nis stock, im- plement.s. grain, harness anti oth- er articles. Sale at 1 p.m. Termis cash. Elmier Wilbur. auctioneer: W. Stringýer. clerk. Saturday. April l6th - I will seIl by public auction for Mrs. J. R. Philp, Scugog Street. Bowman- ville, all of hler valuable house- holti effeets. inclutiing new ches- terfielti. parlour tables. dining room suite. wicker chairs, library table, 2 betiroom suites, sewing machine, beting. rugs. Quebec heater with oven. draperies, lin- ens. kitchen cabinet. electric ap- pliances inclutiing Coflielti wash- er. Hoover vacuum cleaner. car. carpenter anti gartien tools, quan- tity of baleti straw. anti many other articles toc numerous to ment.ion. Ternis cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Elmer Wilbur. aise- tioneer. 14-2 Notice to Creditors ln the Estate of David Brunt, Deceased. ALL PERSONS having dlaims against the Estate of the late Davidi Brunt. who dieti at the Township o! Darlington. in the Cou.nty of Durham, on or about the Twentieth day of March A. D. 1935. are hereby notifiedti t file proof o! the amount with the un- dersigneti solicitor on or before the 9th day o! May. 1938, after whIch date the assets o! the saiti estate will be distributeti havimg regard only to dlaims of which the executor shaîl then have not- ice. Dateti at Oshawa, the 5th day of April, A.D. 1938. ARTHUR W. S. GREER, 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitor for Cecil J. Brunt. Executor of the Estate of Daviti Brunt, Deceaseti. 14-4 For Sale By Tender .TO SETTLE ESTATE Sealeti tenders for the pun- cliase o! the residence propenty of the late Richard Wernv Philp ai Nestleton, contaîning about 1'2,. acres et lanti anti being part o! the west hall o! lot 17 in the sevenili concession o! the Town- ship of Cartwright, will be re- ceiveti by the undersig-ned. solici- tors up te twelve o'clock noon Saturiay, Apnil 3Otli, 1938. Pro- penty is locateti on a county roati which is Likely te be taken over as a provincial higliway. House on the property is brick veneer, six roonis anti attic, with plumb- ing. House now renteti by the month. Terms: 10", cf tender price te be paiti fortliwith on ac- ceptance cf tender with balance payable in cash on delivery of satisfactory tieed f ree o! encum- brance anti possession. Property is being offereti for sale subject to reserve biti. McLAUGHLIN. FULTON, STINSON & ANDERSON, Victoria Trust Building, Lindisay, Ontario. . L icensed Fumigator To Whom It May Concern: We have this day fumigateti the apartments of the Cowan Block. We certify that they are in a dlean anti sanitary condi- t:on. W. D. Muckler. Licensed Fumigator Oshiawa. Bowit anville. Apr. 6. 1938 Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM--CENTRAL- ly locateti. Apply Mrs. F. Me- Indoo., phone 894, King Street* Help Wanted W'ANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. W. G. Bowles. Nestleton. Phione Port Perry 192n11. 14-1 WANTEL) - MAN FOR TREE planting. State experience anti wages expecteti. Atidres.s Box "T.G." Canadian Statesman. 14-1 WANTED-EXPERIENCED MAN for farin work. Apply Norman J. Metcalf, phone 2269. 14-1 CLASSIFIED RATES One cent a word cash, eachi insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25c extra is made when advertisement is flot paiti same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when repLes are directeti to a Statesmýan box number. Birt.hs, deaths anti marriages 50e each. In Memoriams,' 5c for notice, plus 10c per line for verse. Classifietiativer- tisements accepteti up unt_ 6 p.m. Wetinesday. BIRTNS To Rent FOR RENT - 140 ACRE FARM, Lot 16. Concession 3, Darling- ton. Imnmediat.e Possession. 1some plowing done. Ivan M. Law. owner. Whitby. Phione 911. 14-Vl TO RENT-IF YOU REQUIRE A nice cosy apartmnent at a rea- sonable rent, see J. B. Martyn. Bowmanville. 13-2* FOR RENT - FOUR ROOMED house on Division Street, new three piece bath, ail newly dec- orated. Phone 2433. 13-tf TO LET-NEW APARTMENT, 4 rooms, all conveniences. in the 1 owan Block. Phone 8710. 13-tf GIBSON -In Bowmanville Hos- pital on Monday, April 4, 1938 HOUSE FOR RENT -ON KING te Mn. anti Mna. Howardi Gib- Street., 7 roonis. Apply Allan son, a tiaugliten. Knight. phione 448 or 630. 1- MUWNDAY-In Belleville Hospital, 1- on Fnitiay. April 1, 1938, te Mr. FOR RENT - APAR T M ENT, anti Mrs. Elgin R. Muntiay (ne, centrally locateti. 7 ro>oma. all Dorothy Holiandi, a son. modern conveniences. gardan, ______________________ garage. Apply Mrs. A. Tait. Di- * vision St., Bowmanville. Phone MARRIAGES38.4- *HOUSE TO RENT-ON SCUGOG ALLA WAY - LARGE - At t hl e 1 wiY garage, mroem n ven- Baptist Parsonage. Whitb3', oni îences, gooti garden.Forpr Saturtiay, April 2. 1938, by Rev. io H. Elmer Green. Fern Matieline tclr appy Mrs. PhilSu daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. Ed- gog Stre-et. 14-V* ward Large. Bowmanville, to Cecil Morris. son of Mr. anti Articles For Sale Mrs. Frank Allawvay, Whitby. FRSL -CH KE COP ______________________* 10' x 12'. Very reasonable. Ap- DEATHS p13 Mrs. Cliff Caverly. Conces- ARGALL-In Oshiawa, March 30, 1938, Martin Luthar Argal. be- loved lhuabanti o! the late Ettie Grace Colwill, anti fathen of Mrs. T. McTaggart. in his 74th year. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. BELLMAN - In Bowmanville. on Tuestiay. April Stli. 1938, Effie May Belîman. balovet i wie off Albert E. Bellman. Funeral private f nom the fani- ily res:cdence, King St. West, on Tliursday, April 7, at 2.30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Ceme- tery. BISHOP-In Oshawa, Marci 31. 1938. Robert Bishop. 148 Kin., St. West, in Nis 76th year. na- tive o! Darlington. Interment Union Cemeteny. Oshawa. DeCARTERET-In Bowmanville, on Suntiay. Apnil 3, 1938, Cora P. de Carteret, age 79 yeans. Intenment Cataracjui Cemeteny, Kingston. DOWNEY - In Bowm.anville, on Montiay. April 4, 1938, Davidi Wallace Downey, in Nis f4th year. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. HARRIS-At Etimonton, on April 4, 1938, riva Henry, beloved %wif e o! W.' Roy Harris, daughter of Mr. anti Mra. S. J. Henry o! St. Catharines, sister cf Mrs. J. S. Elliett, St. Catharines, anti Leonard Henry cf Windsor. Bunial at Edimonton. KNAPP - Entered in est in East Whutby Township on April 4, 1938, Louisa Agnes Demille. wiow of the late Daniel A. Knapp, in lien 75th year. In- tenment Hampton Cemet.ery. IN MEMORIAM ALLISON-In loving memory of a dean husbanti anti father who passeti away April 6, 1935. A faithful liusbanti, one of the best. May Goti grant hlm eternal rest.. -Even remembereti. Wife anti Family. Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE - B RI CK house, hardwood floors, hot waten heating, aIl conv'eiiietica,, gooti location. amali garden. Apply Miss Evelyn Manning. Concession St., Bowmanville. 13-tf FOR SALE - BRICK HOUSE, 7 roonis. ',à acre lanti, small barn, fruit trees, 2 miles north o! Bowmianville on middtle roati. Apply B. MeDonalti, Manbvers R.d., Bowrn.anville. 13-2* HOUSE FOR SALE - SO0LI D brick house on Centre Street iii gooti locality. desirable home with modern conveniences, wiUl be solti very clieap to close Up an estate. Apply A. E. Belîman, King Street West, Bowmanville. Phone 526. 40-tf FOR SALE-BUNGALOW BRICK veneer, 5 roonis. hartiwood f loors. f urnace, gas, electi-ic, 3- piece bath, ideal location. Own- er, Forrest Dilling, Queen St. 14-1 FOR SALE - FI VE ROOMED bungalow, modern cenveniene- es, garage, lot 65 x 165. Choice location. Apply Mrs. E. V. Sc- bell. Bowmanville. 14-2V FOR S-ALE-NEWCASTLE GAR- age. Apply Mrs. E. C. Hoar, Newcastle, Ontario. Phone 3320. 14-2- Grain For Sale FOR SALE - VICTORY SEED Qats grown f nom reg. seed; home groWni Grade 1 Timnothy seed. present pnice $3 bus, de- livereti: two rowed Barley. W. J. Leask, Taunton. Phone 163r13 Oshiawa. 14-2 FOR SALE - NO-BARB SEED Barley. Apply Mrs. J1. E. AllUn, Lot 14, B. F. Phione ville 2595, 14-10 FOR SALE- - RA'ITAN B3AB Y Carniage, in good condition. Apply Mrs. Leon Dumas, phone 867. 14-1 FOR SALE -BABY CARRIAGE and babys commode. Phone 413, Bowmanville. 14-f \ IOLIN FOR SALE - VIOLIN case, violin anti bow. in gooti condition. $5.00 or best offer. Phone 2217. 14-1 FOR SALE -ONE DROP HEAD sewing machine. $10. Repaira to ahl makes of sewing ma- chines. Apply F. T. Hobbs, Ovr- ono. 14-1V FOR SALE - CHESTERFIELD *Suite, s'ightly useti, bargain. Cash or terms to reliable Party. ApPly "HT.' c o Orono News or Bowmanville Statesman. 14-V* USED RADIOS FOR SALE-ONE Majestic Console. 8 tubes: one Sonora, mantel motiel. Will be solti cheap. Glen Martyn, phone 618. 14 1* AWNINGS FOR STORE OR Residence; Venetian BUints at special prioes. Northcutt & Smith. Phone 668. 12-4* Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - HOLSTEIN BULL caîf. Rag Apple breeding. Ap- ply Elmer Cox, R. R. 4, Bow- manville. Phone 2488. 14-1* FOR SALE-4 YEAR 0WD PART Jersey cow, due to renew April lSth. N. Brown, Beith Farmn, Blowmanville. 14-1 * FOR SALE - TWO PUREBRED Hereforti Bulis reatiy for ser- vice. 'Panama" anti "Gay Lad" breetiing. boili are 10w set blocky type anti gooti dark col- our. For particulars apply to M. W. Cornish, Orono R. R. North. Phone 51r18. 13-2- FOR SALE - BROWN CLYDE mare, 9 yrs.: General Purpose mare. 12 yrs.; Grey Percheron gelding, 5 yrs.; gooti work horse cheap: 3 yr. olti heifer, just re- newed; black cow. 7 years olti, due April 15. W. E. Sanderson. Enniskillen. 13-2 Wanted CALLING ALL SALESMEN! Agents! Woulti you consider a change that weuld really make money? New Sales Plan. Sale of 200 guaranteedi food-metii- cinal-toîlet preparations. Ljow- er pnices. Libenal commission. Extra cash bonus. Free gifts. If you have a car anti a litile cash anti wanite seli some- thing that repeat.s the year round in exclusive district, write te FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Clement, Montreal. 14-3 $2.000 WANTED FOR MORT- gage on finest summen home on Lake Scugog; large lot: ail con- veniences. Will pay 7'ý. Apply "W.R." Drawer B, Bowmanville. 14-2 WANTED - PARTS PRLOM AN Ont.ario Gang Plow. Apply Douglas Cole, R. R. 4, Bowman- v.ille. Phone 2125. 14-1 WASHERS WANTED - TW O hundred useti washing machines wanted ai once as rade-mns on the latest models o! Thon El- ectrie anti gas engmne Washers. Sale stants Wetinestiay. Apnil 6. We give you moe for your oId washer in this sala. Se why flot tratie in your olti appliance now anti save yoursel! many dollars. Generous allowances. Aise soe real bargaîns in usati washers for quick sale. Dont wait any longer. See I. Whitefield now ai Dustan's Htiwe. Phone 774. 14-1 DEAFNESS We have been appointed agents for a marvelous device for aiding people to hear. Thousands have recelved wonderfui resuits. Our stock wilI arrive about May lst. Write for in- formation. JURY & LOVELL Phone 778 Bowmanvllle For Sale 1. TO1 Personal Trucking JENNIE TWINKLETOES W A S'MEN 1 TO GET VIGOR, VITAL- 'TRUCKING - WE ARE PRE- the belle of the tiance. She îty. try raw oyster invigerator.s pa'edti t do all kintis 0f truck- tises Cress Cern anti Bunion anti other stimulants in New îng. Richard Doýwney phone 423, Salves to keep lier toes twink- OSTREX Tonie Tablets. Tone Maiivers Roati, Bowmanville. lJng. Solti by Cowling's. Jury & up warn. exhausteti. weakaned 12-3 Leisanti McG.egor's Drug systeni. If not deligliteti witli ________________ Stores in Bowmanvilla: Mellow's results, maker refuntis price. ________________ in Newcastle; T3'rrell's in 01,- $1.2,5. You risk nothing. Call. ~C A A TE ono. anti altirug counters. write Jury & Lovell. -f C E M W N D FOR SALE - BLACK GIANTI currant bushes. also reti rasp- berry canes of the Lathern var- iety. Apply D. G. Hooper. R.R. 1, Orono. 14-1 FARM INfPLEMENTS FOR SALE -Massey-Harris 13-disc drills. cultivators. spreaders. separa- tors, rebuilt binders and mow- ers W. S. Staples, Massey- Harris Dealer. Phone 781. 14 1* BULBS FOR SALE - PRIZE- winning Gladioli bulbs: nameti varieties 35c per doz.: choice mixed 25e per doz.: mixture. No. 2 bulbs, $1.00 per doz. J. H. Jose, Newcastle, Ont. Phoneî Clarke 1121. 14-1 FOR SALE-20 TON 0F MIXED hay; 1 bull rising two years. 1 bull rising one year. botli Dur- hams from gooti rilker: also Spy and Baldwin apples. W. M. Hayes. R. R. 2. Newcastle. 3rd Line. Lot 20. 14-2 RadioRepairing_ EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING - Reasonable rates. Phone Osh- awa 1827r23, reverse charges. Robert L. Hancock. R. R. 2, Oshawa. 13-3- Gardening GARDENING AND LANDSCAPE work. C. Hilderly. Odell Street. Bow.manville. Phone 2318. 13-1* Orono Creamery Prices at Orono Creamery this week are: Special 42c; First 40c: Second 38c. 12-tf Clocks Repaired OUR TRAVELLING CLO:CK RE- pair man with his 18 years practical experience Îis willing to call anti put your tinuepieces in order. Let h.m know so he may include you when in your district. Senti or phone to C. E. iElls. Hampton. 2689. We have excellent references and testi- monials of satisfied customers. Moderate pnices. 11-4 Baby Chicks FOR SALE - BABY CHICKS, White Leghorns anti Barred Rocks. f romn blooti tested f locks. bret f rom R. O. P. cockerels. Phone 2433. Albin Clemens, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. 12-tf BABY C HI C KS -OUR S. C. White Leghorn Chicks are sireti by R.O.P. cockerels f romn Fisher Poultry Farm. AUl birtis are bantied andi blooti testeti by Government Inspectors. AIl eggs set weight 24 oz. andi over to dozen. Place your order now and get your chicks when you want them. Phone 2636, H. J. Brooks. R. R. 3. Bowmanville. 7-.! Miscellaneous WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - We specialize in machinery repairs. general gar age repairs, weldmng. town service. J. L. Demierling, Po prie tor, Bowmanville. P h o n e 781. 23-tf Tenders Sealeti Tenders are hereby cail- eti for tiigging a well at Enniskil- Ian School, four foot round well. give price per foot, aIse give price for a feur inchi dnlleti well. Ten- ders te be in by noon. April 8th, 1938. Francis Werry, Secretany- Treasurer, Enniskillen. 13-2I Price of churning cream Is the highest in seven years. This week we are paying 40e lb. Butterfat For No. 1 grade on our trucks. Hampton Creamery Phone Bownianvlle 2520 TAXES 1938 TAXES TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE First Iustalnient Due April 12, 1L938 Second Instailment Due Third Installment Due Fourth Installment Due - - 22nd, 1938 - - Sept. lst, 1938 - - - Nov. 16th, 1938 Substantial Discounts are allowed should Taxes be paid in full with First Instalment PAYMENTS MAY BE MAILED Add Exchange to Out-of-Town Cheques Fred Pattinson Tax Collector. Town Hall Fuli Protection Against High Prices For over bal.f a century we have maintained our policy n eyver to be undersold. That 's your assurance of Iowest prices at your Rexali Store. Special- Offer Evening in Paris Powder with each $1.10 box of Pow- der 1 Watch Shaped Falcon of Evening in Paris Per- fume - Free Both For - $1.10 Special 45c Hind 's Honev & Alinond Oream and 50c Hind's New Lipstick Both For - 57e SPECIAL ýw Regular 59c - 99c Special 59c - 99c FREE Snow White Games with the purchase of Tek Tootti Brushes 1 Game Free with one Adult Brush at 50e or two Junior Brushes at 25c each c lIT IN Contain s à'pecial Oh thatla heneficial tb the cuticie and a" ... qulcklY rornoves aery tracm of old pollah. Fora âhitêd Urne only you recelve wxth lb FI= a cotto Both for ...35 Smiles'n Chuckles Candy The Idealb c Jury C&Lovel When We Test LYes It Is Done Properîy 2C PHONE 778 WE DELIVER IBOWMANVILLE Check These. Saturday Special BUTTERCUP LAYER Square or Round j Saturday OnIy 25cL FRIDAY ONLY Chocolate Rol5C LEMION PIE 25 Order Early 25 FRUIT LOAF - AT YOUR GROCERY 12c FOUJNTAIN SPECIAL A SPRING CREATION Maple Syrup Sundae 13e each - 2 for 25c THE CARTER FAMILY Phone 855 Bakers for Two Generations Bowmanvillej INTRODUCTION LOVELINESS A New Box by Elizabeth Arden A complete treatment of 8 essential Arden Preparations Priced at - $3.00 ENOSUI ""FRUIT SALT4" SHANDY47 ! 79( 'q-I _q -1 ý L-ý y - 1, 'q THE CANADIAN STATI---;,Nf.\N, BOW'MANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 7TH, 1938