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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1938, p. 2

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PArs' TWÛ THE C.\NADIAN STATESMAN, BOXX.NIILLE, ONTARIO Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the interesta of the town of Bowm5flville and surroundtng country, issued at King Street, Bowmanvile, every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sons. owners and publishers. The Canadian Statesman is a member of the Canadian WeekIý' Newspapers Association, also the Clasa "A" W eek tes of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada $250 a year; when paid in ad- vance $2.00 s year; 50c extra In United States to cover postage. single copies, Sc. THURSDAY, APRIL 7TH, 1938 Sweepstakes, Gambling and Modern Church Financiflg Whiere does The Statestuati stanîd on the sweepstakes qutestionis? \Ve have been ask- ed this qunesIitin0 somany tusses tlîîs past wveek that we are g-oiil,, to answ'er it. even thotîgh the matter bias beeiicaît withi in the Leisiature anîd now awaits federal ap- pri)vai. Frankiv w'e tbitsk the prinociple of sweepstakes or any type of tranblincy is wrî'iig. Don 't mistake us - we have per- sonally gamibled. andc there is probably less thain one person iti a iîîîîdred w-ho eati trithfuliy say the\. have iîever gambied. Swxeeitakes as wxe sec tbemi are no wxorse thaît sonie of the types of gamibling already periitted by law. Horse race h)etlingÏ for instance lias provided the grovenîîment witiî millionis of dollars of rev'enuîe in the past few xears. To saiy that horse trace bettii1 is legal and( sweepstakes ilegal is absurd. Tise saine tbiti' L applies to charity carnivals eotsducted bv service clubs or bin-sgoganes iii liturches. It is no worse to hisv a sweep- stake ticket thani it is 10 take a chsance on a wlseel for a blanket. ibasket of fruit or a bsains. At tIse saisne timie. sex'eîal wxrongrs do not niake a righIt. Thlo quîest ioni is a mot-ai onie anîdlias becît coîiueded lW religions5 leaders to lie w'i ini priiîciple. Tlîat brniîgs us to the mallet' of Premier Hephunts 's statement of isypoc- racx- levelled at the clergy. We ni.\a luit approve of '.%,r.Hepbunrit; cioice of w'ords. and we think w'tlî the Torontbo TeleLr'ai that lie slsould leat-n 10 keep his tomgue Iii lus i'ieek. sonelinsus, but at tise saisie titue lie wxas partiaily justified. Wheil mrnister'i alloiw churchis iiîaiciisg t1crneacl tise' low levei it lias eached. it eauilardly 1w ex- 1ected that groxernmiient finaiîcinug for chatr- iable purposes woulii fotýotie dost te the satne Level. if it is ail rii-lit to support chuî-clies hi- leas. tstppers. concerts. fashirrit shows. w'hite elepliant sales, biinr ganses, tîjeilt tîere uan be utIle wroiig w'tli sxieep- sta kes. Riglit alonig thiluIitue litiei- tiiis Ilînuglîl- pnovokiîig t itle - 'The Worîld ('risis - and Christ,"' Francis B. Sui* re. Assistant Secre- tary of Stabe. writes ini Good Ileiîsekeeping for Apnil of the prodigious changes tisat are now' apparent i iii siiani affairs. Old inisti- tutiolis. OIod lieliefs. oid ideaIs. lie sa's.* are going fast. A revolution of thought is in pu'ogres.s. and tIse future "is literaliy ii oîmr makiin." Is thene a 1guîding factor ax'ail- able? He dclcares Ilsere is. inssing that wshile the worlcl endures hunsiaility xiii re- quire of life certain fundameîutals. niaelyt a pî-ofoiîîd faitlî inithe iessential toodiiess of life. and a confidence that groodness xiii triumnpli : the g-ladîîess of liiving; power. Hou' un attain them? Says Vtr. Sayre: "We iust tur l'or the kîuowledge that w'e need un Scsmeoie Who hi'thie resmlts achieved lias proved His mastery over life...01n1% Jesus C'hnist probed dleep enough ta bring forth a body- of eachings whicbi bears the stanzp of perfection for ail time anîd fot' eveni*- race. .. Turts to Him w-e inusb if xx'e are 10 save our civilizatiots. . . TisaItîseamîs apracticai utilization of knowledg. ga e front Christ."' Aye. and tisat is a priviiege we eaeh mai- undertake. Wouid Nwe sec 1a g'ood worid bomornow'? Sec tisa w'e (do a world oif good today. Eric Bender ini bis book "Tickets 10 Fotr- tune'- points out thatlvnystale thal legai- izei lerîteies xiili av'e a new course of 1iin- cOrne )ut will have 10lire prepared foir tiiese consequenees: ' t viii gain a few' thous- amids of dollars at a eost toi is people of miliOiiîs. t viii increcase ils owm relief prolilein. t xiii encourage itewx-rackets ansd rae'keteers. It viii not be abîle to froxs't on other forn.s of gamrblingy. It xiii do inc(alcullab)le ltintn oise niorais <if its- ehild ren an(d ils adîîit irrespomî.silui es. I t viii iiretase pul)i r'd isrespeet forgo'riîti 1etri lite artîiv i'ie ;it. I' L-,it'1< Ii. H . R a n t - 1 l t,( t) l ri , t1Io w 't, 'i ), r' r tir-tu111r1 t r,1 lhii ittl<irl ilitl' rlilit Irr t i A Move in the Right Direction Whuen the preset se.ssioniofth ie Legris- lau uuîe is 1urrguucd tue Gtix'ernineuitt îîill inutke ta speciai siudy of tise possillilit ies orf cul itsg :.thle uuiiier of legislatutre seats fnomn 90) trr d0. Also ustuter discussiont xiii cotise tise malter of tue aborlitions of ('uuî.ty tv 'rnut- cils ut Ontario. Titis is a nox'e itushe ighit directin. Tisere is nîct a countrnitlie xvorld as asuchi oven-governted as Canada. Witb a Fedem'al Panlilirîtemt, itte Proxvincital Gox'eriitusemts. Couity' (ouucils. Municipal C o uici i i1s. S.clthool Boar(ts, Boards of Healb ansd othuer gtverning lubodies il seems Ibat about oie qutarter of lime adit popuîlatiotn is engaged iin sonie ivx-iin governimîg the otiter three quarters. ('autada xxih len nmillionitpeople lias a Ilouse of Constuouis xxith 245 nisein- bers, o Senahe of 96 asenbers ansd Proxims- cial legrisiatutres ramgiusg from 90 inembens iin Ontario 10 a 15 iiieeiber legislatuinit Pnituce Edward Islansd. Is al, amui tiese figures are frons lise Caitadiais Alnausac. titere are 859 minbers of Panliamemit. Le- '*uattines. Semale ansd Quebec Legisiative Couticil. Tisese 85q governîscsoe eusmil- lins f pe~ople. Is Great Bnitaits. xxith ils poptulations of 46 nmillionts, 1372 are enag-e( iii tIis sanie task - less tuaisdoulbe tise mniber 10 goru'n fouir anîd a liaîf tintes as nsaiuy peopîle. Sm h xxoutlciseemus tisaIPremtier I-epunni ivill agaiilue rakiuig bistony if tise size of lise Onîtarioi Legyisiatuire hue necucecl fronu 90 Ionu70)utniienies ansd lie also tibolishes ('ontstv ( iouils. lInlis adtlress aI a bianuet iu his lsonur ltst -vettu'WturdctuR. 0. Jonss tf tise ( 'nut- tics ('oîuuil slated tiiot ttie('olut ti' (nui- cils xvc'e close ho the people atîciatsver' x'tuiîaile institttiotn. That is trime as lmte as tie.reiained clemse tri theueole.irîuilt C'ruîutv I ouiutcils ai-e fast lueuruuuutîr ttt'i t'uuluhî stîutiîtp for Prov'incial guuxý'enuîmeuts w'ls xisiu 10 colleet taxes ini a less tineet uvx.A clseck ont ('oumjtb expetiditutres xviii soots rex'eai these facts 10 be trime. It is iangelv a uuater of xx'bhicli is tue muorteautsx' t ie tiîoiiti4)i of Prov'incial Legisîtuturu-s*)rn tise abolition of Countv ('otîtcils. Wc've a feelitsg that the Coxmntv' (oîîuscil set uqu u'ruil beeasier 1er dispose tf. \Viitt ne-l less extu-avaugauec tut semsd 44 Reeves and1 Deputt Reex'îs 10 ('oburmt- tr îamsaet thle littie iiusitsess tisat is nirrv iîft tri tise ('rrutu- t les ( ouuusill If Parents Did Their Duty l'p itn St.L iy a grouup oif xx'rnseît 's ono'attztioii.s have petilione(l tue Towxnt ('outîscill b lîtu xe 'tise unfeix'ieil srrinded eae'lu lt it aIiilt eoeok. at xxliiiue al chililceit xxosîleibe required tb be in tbleir isoties. We doulît if Bowinaitxille xx'uîueut xvtuid xx'aiut tr lake su drastie aisrmactioni. but il is truthelure at-e fat' too iuiamix' ouîsg ebililnî. )artieulanlY girls, lise same mies. ibl afler itig-hh loiternig abtout otîr matin Street. TIse best xxay 10 a-o id conspuisory eunfewx is for parents 10 sec 10 il tisat thsein citild-ets are horne andr undet- sîtperx'isioil aftem' dark. If a eonsmuuity is to maiutaiîs a Iigb moral ýtaîudard these girls muist iot be pertîuihhed to li rter oi thec streels ah niglut valhing exery auto that passes, by. Hoxv- even it is nmre a 'malter foir parenstal super- vision Ibat feo' munuiiciptal actionu. Atnt in relationti o the abox'e malter ail objectionî xxas raiseil bv the Mayor of St. Marys tisat a mexxspaper liad pubiijed te conenetts of te petitioti before il bad becît hroisgil ii eforte cottucil. We lhaxve Ieard similar obijectiouns fromn othen soirce:;. Some people seetti ho feorget that bbe primn- arY dîuhy of a îexvpaper is to presemîltinexvs anud if tise nexxspaper is able la secture a copy of a petitiouu before il cornes before amux body il is at liberty ho publisb il. The fact that a sexxs itlem appeans iii a paper before te malter bas been deait xxith bx' a pulie body bas notluitîg xhatso ex'er ho do witb xviaî action is laler lakeis. Mauuy of these same people w'bo objeett Icipnior pub- licationu of ihenus are lite first people ho ask prieur putblication o<f some item that iniglît he beiteficial tir tieniselv'as or orgaîixi<thionis tire.%-rcpm'cset. Gives Community First Consideration D)ue 1er tise risc in pr-ice iuanti daily uscxvs- îîaîîîrs liave'n mffered1 drops usnecircuîlationt xe tt" rî tl. 'Thelui'niuanditie Nexws pruoits ru rt itt thlen' arni' uthleu' ftîtors iesides tiie î'iýsen' prîsir"tHitu xrîlitento trgradrîaliY t'eriethe tt' 'rîirultiutu <f aiîie's.. Fr'w' lecîpi i uritîx arnie 'itîrutt rtdiog tand tht' negrîlat iew r ',tslrrituul etls u've'r te ,nurst imtportnhat otns uf îx'r ld ut 'xxs. Oî iunr luniadcasts prorxicl t' t huî' teits frît tires. Sturek andu brontd utiriu oîs. agritl titrai îîexxs andî iriroes.andr îxrtuitiitoseildiiiiuuts oatil e- eiiîes krert"îegîi]a 1,1Y' irrraîit'st. Soute Sta- \"tî r t ihteatr"t urx'epri'tsin ii'dioit i xxill srruit hi îssiiiii' iciiaxi' xx'rldniî oes îîtilitedrl rotu tt uutiiti' igliît ins x'îîtu' rîx' lirist. T'ils tii.' u'itr end i'tui uluut's lu, ii agtuiuîst leovertiuIryrîin 'n'<iagr' Il%- met- uitiîiî's iiiaitlî'fforît to]triîlketti' xht'iîr otf ri, 1)v h ig-lu usnissiti'e lutrt hirrsuhtve<r'iti- r'i'1( rit n't(.l lit irt tihi fieldus rrf liie' stili'r' ritiil io's tundt î'i'rklies. 'tr'se sîtiii r' h r.itf iv iî's atdtu ln t xii'eus 'tuiîuiitti- n dx'tutrltit'- i'rtt'irt'utxtribienvlitlie so-i't"tu'r'trrt.' îirrir<î- I irrit antuitr i t iiti' luttu ' o r a t i lrrititiîl"l. r'rrutu11iitiitl'.sirit tfoni' iliti.ritil ititirrs SUP iuit ts fin.Itu tro il'. liter e iirrl o , 1111r' rut ut-vlt. iifiuitst i-. andtti e lite n mttinttus. 'Tre nCi itî't' sinilrîi tus i t'i'ititi' iiiliglitt t11u1 - I MAKING CANADA A Better Place in Which to Live and Work A Sertes of Letters from Dlstingulshed Canadians on Vital Problems Affectlng the Future Welfare of Canada Specially WrIttefl for Canadian weekly Newspapers Assoitn LET1'ER NO. 7 Toronto, Canadai March 7, 1938 Dear MLr. James: 1 think it is important for the rural newspapers of tis country ta be sure of lacts before casting a-spersions upon people in busi- neSS. I think there is a tendency ta follow any cty newspaper opinion on matters affecting econornie welfare and business interests. There is too, a tendency to take at face value the allegations of politicians. one suggestion I have to make is that in the intere.sts of good citizenship. good administration, and good busineQSs that the rural weekly newspapers, bef are pass- ing judgm*ent upon people who may be publicly attacked. or al- lEged to be guilty of implroPrie- ties, should ascertain the facts more completely than seems ta have been often done in the past. I believe there is, too, general disposition to discredit people of aff airs. and to assume that busi- nesses o! size and people of tax- C. L. Burton paying capacity and those re- 1wards business is ta foster it. ta sponsible for the empýloyXfenfl o allow it ta prosecute its legitim- considerable staffs should be made; ste aimis and service. and at the theobjct f ureasonblelegis- les-st expense and with a mini- lation. restrictions and imposi-r mum o! legisistive restriction. tion. The consequence of this is that Perhaps I may illustrate this Great Britain to-day is probably by giving you some figures o! our' showing th' ol.ules tb cwn experience in taxation and littie country such as B.elgiumn impc6ts. u vhose institutions and trade are In 1931. when we sold more1 even now freer than Grest Bni- gaods than in any year since. our ta:n. total taxation and imposts were I hikth ural weekly news- $2.254.000. In 1937 this total had I s in Cnaahaettinthi rie a$38000 TeetapapersiCaaahv titer i16600003,80,a. o! houretra hsnds, more than any ather $1,66,000 as. f couse, aidaency. ta offset the agitator and largely by the consumer one wa the radical movements resultin.g and another. Thest extra im-i in legislative restrictions a n d posts can be traced in some mes- 1 higher imposts of taxation. These sure to the political agitator. 1nesnbeeatosaeo it is most unlikely that pro- r doubtful effectiveness and de- perty owners, persons o! large af- strov the confidence necessary te fairs in business, large taxpayers ' prosecute further development or large employers can hold a nd ierepoyet sort o! creditable reputation in ad i . mL. BUTON the face o! this disposition.C.LBUTN Matters are different in the Old' President. The R.obert Simpsonl Country. The attitude there to- Company Limited. sa1 rPn satifacioniii eiîcohiragiîsg. iiisplii - .el,- riqiing te individual lives of ils citizenls andc tisus dex'eoping latent laletlin bietter citizeîiship. No nexxspaper cati serve a eoinmnuiilytN îropenly miess it realiy lias the inlei'ests rtf lise comniibiy at heant and jiiislies. as xx'eIl as itterprels. the insportranst ap- peîinsgs of the comnmunity. A inerre sisat- tenitti f local îteiviithe biig(!ily.(lailies nsav seenre a certaini aniount of ciî'cuuittiomi, btut tiiey 1rovide littie or iii serx'ie, it bruidinig tise istant coinmnîîities in wx'iich they circulate. Taxes Destroying Buying Power Ilis today 's featitre "Makitg (Canada-' aj- pears a lethî'r froîtsMm'. C. L. Burîrtni>re- sidetloftue Robent Simtpson Conintiiy. Mn. Burton is anitîer sncb ('Catadiaut a,, ýSu' Edxva'd Beatty. Startitig life iii ia htumible xav Mn. Burton liats by bis ou-n iii- itialive anti ambitioninisî'îîtii the miip)of the commercial ladden. We are iurartiiy, ini agreement xxith sonse of the rensarks lie miakes in bis conbibu4ion bt tis senies. We feel tbatb businsess bas beets taxed too iueav- i ly. an(i lbhtIbis taxatioti far front ieipiitg bbc poorer people actuaiiy makes titeir lot worse becaurhe it tends t0 destnoy buyiî power and thus inake for unentployiteîtt. Mr. Buirtomu 's figures orf taxation fio- bis compamîy are anîaziîsg. In 1931 wben the compaîty bad ils greatest year"s biksîuîess tortal taxationî of aÎl kiuds xvas $2.254.000. whielt is a lot of momiey. Wilb bu.sintess de- creasimsg sbarply tbrougiîtbe depreissiouî thue conpaiîy's taxes imcreaseci by $1.660.000 1<> $3,888.000 iii 1937. Tiiesi' extra inîpîrsts. Mr. Buîrteot sa vs, cati be traeePd itu sonte iti- sure 10 the polilical agitatrrr. 1-ere agiuîi wxxe looek burîefillybt ti'eIlox-- eli C'ommissioto brbring 10 ligl tnîti uiof these injustices iit ils finîittgs. Ilis iithe uos lion of bittiîues.s taxes alidil aser utitert'itixis piied orn reai estate wxe wirr i'xe a oomrtîueter ovrrxelaul ittg rfIlite nrot l-ateis anîd tutti- quated 'Municipal Aet is as itîteli 0ou1tiofidate mn lte lresemtt sr't up of t'fficieutul tsiîti'ss adiniistration tasIle trX i'tlor thur' ilrxx raiidie. ('alilitpulitil a îgitationu tr w'iîat v'itl wi luitit 11iugei' iitaxationi is Iit. Re-establish Local Magistrates N;eu'prlioies frcrirîi'tIx-. tfier a faim'-s îii. pnrv xi' berie otiter tisait, tîdvx'tnageoits. Sur' h a priiry xxas tistt htiris lite forI'net' Attrit'- îuux'-eir'talA. NV. liltiîk iii lte iiîiii (Gtriiteit putl itîtîr for"r as ant eetttrin ' utstni ' r!s'vt'i'l vver 15agti. xi ieitir'tl)- îîoîiîted ilistrnet itaIotrttrs 0repîtur i' Ii t'riiiiitiiiti'uyumagis't trls. 'lite gox'C'niiîtiritt dirititless bil ii n iti itIi' sa'iitg tif erit- siralile înrittî"luit stii'ieingpluit tttt'r effoetîiti tIW boir,î'î rt'rx'î lIlis te utu' st'- Itie nud. "triu'lli is ilt thueeriri iltet irrîl xx wtlt ats atiliislt<'r ts ltrr csly anluI rr t'ttiîiîeu'sritit, xxts lis' r'xuesix'e IlitIlit- Ituxtw 5t 'P i'ts ttliilo Ir' o ribîtlt i tr' grr- '>,lli'i îan'i'liîtg ixîilr'is'. f ntg ri'tt' rT5ts ,(Iit' lirltc" l oig' itn naeiLt X'ttt's lar' itge' SItttt. litt Iler' xviio<I ii llsptr sp(-r'r'r l iti). ritr-'1, ias ts o x t't ii titil 1 i-y or Piia orvt Metibnierso.ielglpîfsirix'i r nsîrst tiirectlyconernedprofsasixoicM-110ilas tiotdireoinonIhat a crtnn b hae vohi ysteas xx'rîiîi i licItreor tis oxthe olnni eit oi iaxvyî'rs. foi' polie ithe fo-teneof orde' Onwernsfrpoeicaes n i ifi' t'e irrutîlie tiý lti t',iiapereags pnlo ifeitaerlo'- t'îioofieit.-chreff lgisieey ooff he tc'sste ii ftlî e old days a Torofsthemis cliarged. xlitutan offets a orontapp anbforeds lic ai ofanisae paylus fuie andbeonltus x'al y.Tastrae mus fne andpeciai tnp way Brix'nasxlie on th spciinaed coulrtiay aîid iesi(ics thathecl peise. hout lias1 ad iaî'gest as dpod epfor the lias'eil îug leess o thrMaist frtheaell-i tingele nsegiofte lc tatle. Allîniiti a ntiorbleiffnse lik e bfalisgli cont 1 itîl stop) at an intersectiotu. or exceediîtg tti' speed hauit. Aîliîrney-General G. D. Conant bas rec- tified a lot of thiîsgs and siioxvî considen- aile commtlf sense since assiimiitglte dutt- jes of tbis importanut office and w-e hope thie re-estabiisIsniet of local magistrales is i0î1 bis ag-enda. Op)inions and Observations Tîrît Momore says thie trendl ini Canaida is trrward Fascism. He must be referning to titi suggestion tif culting dirw' lte le'gis- attire and deintg axxay xxilhisnity crritt'iis. Torronîtoî mutister on Stîîîdax' .pi-iadieu ont the subjee : "Are Ontario Minislers Ilyp- ocrites?" One Pies-, w'ill be ?ixen as 10 lite itletit it.y nf the eclergymauun wiîîr cise i liii t The'iewlxx'x'fori'îied .%Iik Foutidat ioît las beiri estaiuiisb<'d ho piulisii infornmation about nm l lk and xxe 1emlsilie itl 'il pin t ouit thaliaiiîîctorists'ieau (drinlk lte st iff uit h- <rut interfet'iug îxitiî liteir aitiilittriveî'xî. thn- moteuurderni iii thti mtodilui ilgilt'r. tnt lte î'esteu'tfiel i sr'illut cl sietei'i1 kiteli'htt oîrw ' t il'îtin Site 's iuriialini su t tillt xx'r'uum'tuu ijik ]îyjruutus. a n dtr te u itii t i l a t -I. Awýay back in 1864, the finst cheese factory in Ontaro began production in Oxford couny. Off to a modest stant the indusîry deveioped rapidly until today Canadian cheese is worid famed. Seventeeri years before the Oxford factory opened ils doors, the Canada Life issued ils first policy to a resident of Ontanio. It was then, and continued to be for almost îwenîy years, the only Canadian life insurance compan . Over a peniod of nineîv-one years, the Canada Life has esîab I shed a reputation for sane, conservative management. And the enlerprise of pioneer days stili prevails. Sales of new insurance in 1937 were more than îwentv per cent greater than in the pnevious year. The Gnadadlife Canada's Oldest Life Assurance Company District Represenlative I lut t'î'tui ug atut the ir'l'utrpnliti iirrrleiis tutîri dt, ar' 'i Eîslt ituliîi rîî m'oîiltix t ltuxla rrun,urlir'tt x'rit"s xx'iuat is irtirk rutil tli. unutl xluttt titi'feiiîuxxs otut lîr'uthleusitin'tuur' tliiîkiuug tabolitl. 'l'untitrsi' i suttit u rîîtutu- tuu'u' xx'n' u'riu iisggr'st vout ir'at < te irepor't cdur n utadtlress ii titis issue' on ltru'ttiiu tii i'iritit's "gi'eîîaI i ti' Rottary C lut in rst I-"ilay' hux' iirii aitlturry Dlinitui. ia mii- liant x'uuug at'ist'r tif ('4ninîtrg. lin' gixîs 'tti tl] "ui'5 blitiut tti the '.i's ' ini îrsIi-iii- I iglhtt.uuiitg iitt ontil ax'iry iitti'iai n 'rOi- tentiounis sithji't. faux'(In' Strîti'e untt'fourti i the ixîtrii inu Ettgitu(itniî.Jutta'.is sluurx'îuiuutui'î ter' titi' n'litrnu îîr' îx'î'îititis xxi'ik l'trruîit is Ir'î tlîn'u'.(IL B.Stautrnsotf'Tonurnton. ini x'itr'itiiY -rtts t-Myvbileriî'îats aiinbo ru aui Mtiiti%;11tir suy t- îul shluiitt'l ui itliity atu itî l ttiwil lvrn'iug viitile wu'nrlri thiîîk nf il i lin' iîti I ru t lit' s gn'tt itg tutuxu. Abouti i a rt tr jiriul'S ot il butt ln tiir.'Thei i 'tnlr'ri ' ' rx Phone 681 Oshawa A Cover . . . cant Protect the contents of a box if one board is short --votèr insurance does flot really coven youn business and property if one policY is ilsaclequate or some risk is flot iiisured at al, For soussd protectioni you nequire isîsurance that is coniprelsensive - ask th*s Hartford ugcncy la plan yours. J, J.&MASON & SON INUAC AGNS Bowmanville r- 'J I c i THURSD,\N APRIL 7TH, 1938 ____________________ iCirt'rea 1nthe church. Like FLO ERS~NDSPRNG 80......~-j fiite tr. ît geol ind pteceeded hinm li The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 'j ske r uladgs n rtoret hcai 1 : ,b . arm and gloing trni, jot' VOuriii erTheo lt ha' hn tri ev o t dh ke red r ayb.ndsjxtv cent vaille - - - mi( t_1 ,obs the thii~tVo e'.WA. Cam0 No lab, -- n h te truck ns that a retai f tht The !ieads are10k on thed d t, i ,lt lonc cuit un11thecllîtîr-I l i lhîrcr f.rr ahlnost 30 continuou, he isallo cl d and L ha-diîn atertal tattr-iti tcr' tN e.' said Mr. NMatthew, t nriiot as this irtd. 1îî 1C ,ii1 os t i mate w bat his wo rk and in- And frost is in the breeze: we-ad ju tîn1 il 1hreanillit:îc a un oIi ra iy' At Ulesits am ad etsn îoped that others wotîld f ict e '- 1îL. ru-terrtd to Mr. Caineron as -i N d irdsswety in, u is b' otu 'the idealist' anîd N dar seel sn, ingth'e samne. rý But never mind, cheer ip,ga The hecad table gi ,tte' t Illî te r aii't" witlt a mYstical Power folks, dno d ..atoltim i.i i tt touches tltose of us who know e'lCraniston., editor (If th~e *'Nli loit il ami lov e hirnl. Mc. Matthexvs W' soon have fiowers and Iru r"aiafre rti r aiîl tbtat the Christian Church is te Tim qùcky lue ~ we~ te Toronito (ei . -l ~aB~ iof God. MWc couid îhink of noted ma Ms te ees ltiand atan rritimtbittg titat ,.uid enableus tao o- new'.taPer ct to thisti'tnusuaI Yet comfortinz Coid winter wind.s won't l155t, Thpaistoratrdititru i It's dreary alI around to-day. gueîs tît a the dtieeeher ttti lt But soon such days are; short. Hehad aseespeeh te otuTE IRDdG NR Look !orward ta the sunny tinte, shonfine h; re ark'ake to tt ti~~~ And what it then will bring. Rev. Harold Bridge spot teor.hit ina Sc neyer rnnd, cheer up g itttttonRijjt' dtct .t 'roh exery year liathiswne W e'U soon h ave flow ers and perta ns to S nndiav Seîrr.Il e- A nd e ve y ye r ba h . a spring. marketi on the heatv and s.vdeîttlrtr But s day is a1ways corning And so with life, dark days will of Yorkinin'.tec aAd said tltat ~two- jWlien the birds go north again. come, thirds of Bapti't biidi;i(tZ arc in- When new leaves swell in thse Our opes be verc stadequate as %el1 as .\lt If book'ail forest Ourhoes e veras. qîipînentt -As lie sV ikýe e re'Afld tise springs green on V e s o m e ti r e s w o n d e r .u s t h o w t' i i g of C h t t' a î t o tr t o 1 th e p la in This dark. drab time wilî ast; tiose %%-l,) are %vell lcecie 1 o t nd the ader vines turn crimson But time stili flues, the week s si that thon ihast ani cite to tue 'And the birds go narth again. se b pour." O every fheart hath its sorrorw An d b y.ns oo hyl The Sniperintendrit otf lirte Mis- ; And e'ery heart ath its pain n db rin g ht es o oste 'l n, p rke fo c tve ive îîîiiiiii1e ' an d B u t a d ay is alw a y s c am in g Sa eyr md.cherupsaid. 'The coffe is the ic-ýt 1 ever When the bircis go north again.5 folks, g~ t a ,t ed. *.Yorktiiiiitvr i s.ati11rC 'ris tise sweetest thing ta rexnem- We mlson have flowers and building and is dînei a czre-at %tr rk , be spring. . Tte PnrPose (of tite BoIard lrIl courage be on the wane -Rîpi oronMissions.) is to enititlie (-,,d ja' Wlien the cold dlamp days are 628 rawordSt. To onto n. iiîg The Secretart of the IFrrcîiki' Why the birds go north again, s ion Boardl 'toke for f otirteeii mltt SITTING IN WITH lie was gla t e tîci ___________________ S scoluid dti me cemnarks on Inil hli savin g tîtat Site i' coimz ii teîth TH BAPTISI the titie Cliristiatii tand catî't bu By Scribe G Ts luî3 3f/t4%f lci't. A fetx person' have \itritten th the U îiier 'i tv ~itefrttet'-t On Guranfeed Trust editor to comiplaiin that %ve are t îo minute'. He said lietu va'strrolidtd i rCii@ !'ober of laite îng t o ration- lie a ittuntbc r ni the (linceli forr 43).itfcae alize on religion' mnatter' etc. Thr.t vear'. i at NieNa'ter tati irtl sa\- ttc are better when ttc stick 10 cci it"ti(flr'it ' ite jinoiliOt tcir A ea nesmn o .matters like makinz innn'e îrap'. Su Haîiitr rt it n'ed to hi iii TrittAri i nflme o tueV naY have tri let tnp for a tu hile . .. Titat lie believe' tlu e 'tîti Trust Funds r - -iot how e.ver. until Nve have ce- the Cuileeriz-i Clri'tîaîî. .. Tltat iportedi unr preselciie at the luth .\î- Xorkiiiiter i- a' ciseit 12 tse Lnconditionally Guaranteed 'nîversarv of Yorkininster Baîtist nors to NieNa-ter iieliffiii- Nuc. 1Churcit wbieb 1'. tue inot beautiful Alian Ro:-. Baptist cdi ficeeiiiCantada. The filail tîeaker ttvas Mr. \lhert THE f The chntrch is reallv 68 t-cars old Matthtett. . . ie-tr -)irf tule It was Bloor Street Bati't be- Province of Onîtario \%tho -, briglit. STE RIGO R UION t ield on March 25th in the hig hait- dulix ured inside orf iitie minute- lie quel hall of the chitircb. .Abouît 450) i-. a niîinhter îof Yrrkînii'tcr His sat doxun - olutart errllection ttvo soit' atd brother arecîîlCr STERUNG TOWN TBOT -was taken np tb appîx to the repa't. ai,-. Fie itvas tte trîo fthe tîar' anîd w-e were told that it trtalled________________________________________________ hlope coties on1 scedile tir S 0 N S 1 1 1

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