HAMPTON 'I.ad\r.J V ao tNr ii cien neaedte i r n e eBlsn tHEALTHI NURSE BALLOT "WLIGSLSFRLS Sh! "The Doctor" is coming to Alsr Gerald and Hlarvev Bal- fer %ndrn h atfwVa- C W I E L O Our house. Watch The Statesman Son. Afiss Mrion lsonat Mr. Paeae fBw n h r nildt n be w n duIng thels ew years( next week for first instalment. F.rmtn'.Clmu.RaeaesoBomniewhareniedtanthnetontnmeoeofW l Youg eoles nin etFrda M. ndAis. Grnt ecelat vote at Municipal Elections are asked to fill in this thIcho'lgaute ,h have And Serves You W l eeing wh %-len President, Mrs. Blan- \ir. 1Fred 1Hoilbbs'. Bwavl.ballot as to their preference in the matter of the adtcroughmot onIl touhmseLvesný Orexprecdadrodr pia eprm sue chard conducted the opening and a r na o n Waterloo. Public Health Nurse, and to mail or drop their ballots andC da bt enourexprieceianmoernOptca Deartentassre busesspeiod Bll oudin ra NIr. \[eaFihr.TrntatM. in the letter box at The Statesman Office. You are Empire itself. At the hecad if Ithe you complete satisfaction in quality and price, the call to worship, after which Miss .a*edi c r Rub owlredtebbl \esn lan itsher . sign your name as a matter of good faith.ItheladSr\\limOe, a reading was given bye Stuart Hlo- Ahs Emmila Killen. Oshawa, at Your name will not be divulged. oli't tizoenwo as cainad oe fSei garth and liev. W. Rackham led niNl.\r. R h.Killen ý. tm ost citiz e ihote>(I came on IrSc. prayer. Pro.gram was in charge of Afr -s Marion Balsoni. Oshawa, atlh ord2ret7cocos A H ER M lss hlm Robins: a hi a_o u 1f. -lt( .I ý . W ade, Lucile P lease A nsw er T he Q uestions edperelc od 's S rPi -8 7C Ion l-Ms A E.ilet reene and Charles. Afr. and Mrs. Wmi. 6 ,, 6 ,,help neced v stuidents, in somle cases ISSUE Flo' yu 7 a eyhepu tpcon"dal"W\adle. EbenCtezer, at Mfr. J. W. Bal- e r"oteshlrhp a n oa uh T-- 7 10CaeCstl -25 ýNh is Dorothiv Adamison favouired So' s$0 e er omtPuehterpe withl a vocal solo in a Pleasing man-tanalo.SiatMr Are you in Favor of a Full Time Health Nurse9?h ret\ a ale vrsi obPr hieIÛ ...tab. 2 9e nier: a miouthorgan selection byv Ali \rShnrda h oeessn ote 70SET b bobn 9 Runidle with piano accompanimient Nr. Stanler Stainton. Blackwater- struiggle and thre lhundred and twentv- to the roll C M' Png itig 9 by% Keith P'eters was rmuch enjoved at ýIr. Jas. Camneron 's. . Do you prefer a Part Time Health Nurse9 une whlo did nolt returni are comSrine1Fttigs; 39 anNncrd.Crn. s < tHrta e i hrtoner memorated by a nmemiorial coss and 3 - 5 ooth Brushes 2 for 15e Nfr. and( Mrs. J. E. Elliott. M IssArs. .T. W. Balson, to) a birthdav' Are you in Favor of Dispensing with th eo cthool.vs bl no Anie M\ountjoy-, fr. Tennysonr party on Satu rday nlighit. vote. of thanks was aly mved( SamelI ., admus, visited Nir. and -A1r. Frank Pascoe. Jean. Bertha ithe Health Nursing Service? by r.. D. D.publ cdhold. onse of aregasTube lh b i )rs.S. Nouintjo - and Mraet isIrn aco otaspcd sho nsetr. ag3lasTmle9ihaC b i Mr. . umnha addagh vste terst. \iss iAda Pas- eand seconded heMr. WasinEon-of English Health Salts. All for trs. \Vamero n M 1iss R b l t e T rn tr. -'ssNameas-At thre conclusmon -(f thre programn wrthyCBmnv Nisle, visted Mr. rondtr.o o at.NNortha social lhalf-houir\was enjoyed in and Mrs. L Tu-lc' BavI. ad frs. e dCaer o'threspacious dining ruoonmwere a isNIs BettyStintn. BTyrone, Rfod Cinpent. dainity ]lunch was served, the coffcee SELECT A SPRING SuIndaNIs.ä. 0 hoden Th ectilTONIC \rV. W. Horn visite<lMlr. and BURKETON BULLETINS Specially written For lsud wt trd The mofAud Wampoles Ext. - $1.00 . lr. - -tnAvr, u ·ao, ·.; The Stat mLang Syne and Ithe Nationall An I MUr.anAr.E.Fovhvre•Sh "Te ' frome ats n themn led by past president. Nfr . Wal- Burdock Bitters - 98C pesaund r a .pleasant veruwith ! • heDoctor is coming to By ter (Clemtes ct'Eml5398 fpl! uriendsfrintEnglanc i tWt our house. Watch The Statesman BIRDLANDSctsEm.53-8 nia, iesiHenlnand BtyKo.T- et f is i.letihWinifred E. WilsonreenttitireTriiiv Malt & Cod Liver Oil many rontn. Spent Suindav at homte. hsprnt\r ndAr\Wi (eer erc.M.SvFOadR 0 9c-- ls 9 es Edith Rackhamr. and Tessi. \Vin- SPRING 3MIGRATION should take advantage of it and Mr. G.ssage.FO iloarth.taer <legates an d at <nu E.r s to \rri anbdbM- Spring is returning tcularhere asf focanbe pr - s -dinie Iigri n ,e rtiPPRTET OU O Ei thePrsbtey onv entionattPicd sonontAril arr4th. f ilba. and with it our bird tained. IHope Itothre shrine o(f theauhrf CLOTHES WITH ACIDITY kermng un Saturday and Sunday. W. A. held a sulccessful Pot luck 1 7nns o9agry Ads thapn .a etin"htaFin W aei eu Afisionry pogrm atSunav dnne andquitingpary atthewe listen for t-he first birds arrive long before ot.hers:1 the P'residenitlha., hadl wordÏ that Mt ilr b 9 School (in Sunday was in charge of homne of Mr. and( Mrs. WV. Avis on note of a Robin! eahkn1hntebado n otHp or fTaewse- Dclrcd 3 MisioarySut. is Doee Pe- hurda. Mstof s ow no tht hesect. seed or fruit to which it is thusiastjcialy co-operatingz with rthei rett. M'iss Rulbv Colwill and Keith Co)ngratulationto Mu\r. and(] Mrs. cause of the migration of lbirds espeiytac rtall ead y fornue. It on coulad twe Sr hcefl iilthaiavX- 3 P'ete:rsgave readin.gs. At the ceen- Howard Abbott (nee Dianla Ga t- is somehow closely related tO Th dSanc e r saelledbsoMe nt bunlwoud ithre Scrwiven onik u- in evc arament iwas admini -checll) on the arrivai of a bab\- sonrtheir food supply. We cani guess Ibirds each byrhisamotiune-menoud ts plac n e tw arkbu tered. Quarterly Official Board on April 3rd. that in autumn. When this is liev alePr olyte Artier n would(its el bte cear aeCREAIPwerÀIL GANBU met in thre basemnent of the chuirch AMr. and NIrs. Robert LBrown iihave running out. .the birds must fly goes ftartestcorntintersBon t art1olabfield00ton5cairn of3gen IIn Monday evenine moved fC, yo-m our communiiiitv to Kin- south to a more plentiful locality. m th e arcicmont ain t. B t t.oer urprinrtins. b. $ 1.00 - 5 or lbturs. $3.90t C rea We elomeMr an Ms. . otmnt. But why do they leave their urtrdahl c- ht__Tegancnb rae o o uueswn ihCrsn Anhsl rid h -PRegular imoring iservice %will be pleasant southern homes every iuy o n Hainbr lisI' lli yquniis t uhislae and er hter ofrainswýick- taken hrv Rev. Samn Delve. necar spririg and t.ake long. precariou uytrotdHminbr1le HEALTH NURSEeseman utie. t,,oyedasvillerfr. Afr rntoonSndyat1 ococ fiht ve eaad ad rach betweeutCanaderiand Central or: FORMALIN ALSO KILLS GRAIN SMUT cbea country that is yet cold and: (conitinued from page 1) We No elomeMr an Ms smeha. brre? or easopn-eb ghttravel by day only: child it-schoo-l. The Hat ue1 lb. 25c - 2 Ibs. 40c Mlton Robinson, fomerlv of Do CADMUSple have puzzled over this, and go in flocks: somet.imes just oan er ntemrig n h hl avaI0 bn.ask. ooufrrommunitf. Ther - any explanations have been of-spcebyte.sotissvr-hn with a note to its miIIther, ad- Phone i. Hos aveitmoved ..to othe Winiturn farme. But naturalists have at al together. occasionally joined by mgthtit ad a temeraturecal PoRnseIG DUro 5 hvcated tfr uen7iierb Afari n lh ata sre fPors-ast come to the conclusion that 'a few individuals it would h wsetoke%%hechd 695 . •59 Nith 1 amli% ýce! %.t eai h tesuncs ho have taken .u) reýidec e-rk aepartiezs\was held NMon- tee oerao togeog Most follow a definite course al-%t\tiho e racople ay.th necar -Raglan. 1da ve nm the basement of the'.mealthohrsunc- year after year. They are so reg- nlext , da the c hil er, ke uit :and 1Afr. and Mirs. E .Sape aechurch iwith a record attenldanice. ulr ha oritolgits avibenmeale, ndthefahe. hha movd to their farm n ear Ennliiskil- ' eewr lvntbe tetu-Although there is ample food able .to make1maps:showin the tlwarl been opposed to a Healthw Ume e.The ir many friends here are iastic crokinlole players Thre prize> in the south during the winter to ýexact route followed by any spe- IllurseL, the rn hangeidhiesrmi-nd. 3.04 HSwmahville n4;: ach- il,.th niu t e ovst ut ltarvtBow- in ory t lse hee plend(id citizens were won Iby Mis, Doris 'Thompilsoni. Supportalbttefwhrycesao hyko .ewyisIyeb tesoyh aiiera.rn-3s tatry2%:Hi-mniepastelws aavt turomr lla. r.Sals ilAf.J . littadM. alwspecies that remain with us, after Inot yet fully understoo.but even fized that had there not been a nursce exhurv-2.8ý13: and Fmr- l70Hahth Nurse, in ani of thre towns ey etuea rcia for colThmlo.An initeresting ,program the large increase at the nesting 'though in some cases all t thehe choi chilld wol hv t Ilse bv.Oher tonse re hv ey iorthne reamde rio hetrmcowiapgvncnsm of: music uJby period there is not sufficient to males precede the females. it is cniudgie n ol osh ta sr onnnVcoinOdrNreae ht ever.NMrs. D. Wilson and Glen Gibson: feed the enormous bird popula- lapparent that the leaders must hae gvente isasebto mny ocmtieto~ s. cunederedone f Ontesare I'sNaiane anCobal ew L, i The Short Course in Dressmaking re-admg by _Mariorie Galbraith: an tion for the remainder of the year. be chosen from those that have cinreen. Ase wa eigcugtlietwn.Pouaio igrsare Hunirtsl ad W akertie .- which was held in the town hall here armusmrg contest, after which sand- As summer 18 the only time .that gone back and forth severaltiesrnimetedsas aspeene tknfrth adian Al193q.anac uther tone haing a artHspl the past mnonth closed on Thursday wiches and cake were served. the larder of the north is avail- !Perhaps they have a sixth sense. Irmlram. .98enus fsm kn r:H m with anr afternoon tea which was a Young People's League visited able. it is natural that the birds1 Where does a Bluebird build? Thle statemient hias also bleeitnmade i is literestinlg to note although1 Geo rgetowýn and Drydoen epeer pleasmez event. The tea table waN\sleo nFidymhbndr--tat Bowmaniville is the onIly tow Pretty with vellow snap dragons "and ported a programi of hligh order, a its size in Ontario with a full time Canin. Salem, and Mis.s Rulth M\c- .Nlr. and Mfrs. Mierviin Mouintiov SALEM mn iHat nTrnorv Kesoc . olna p urd ea whle viited their cousins. 'Mr. andi rs] .\I e _--! that other towns of Bowmranv%illeaidl.a d c n ls r. ec o d c neta d a d liiu u cUH M C U>uli elh N re h e at the (lther girls were kept bus\- ;er-Russ.el Mourntjo-v, Blackstock. (oninedfrm agýe 9)Tie hav iing f l ti nurses fll vmgz the many% ladies who called. The Nliss Doris Thompson spent the "*The Leaders of our Timles."%wa, Hmpsel»s of the Old Bos'Run.n Te owsinOtarie o with fu varousgamens hic th yungwekend with hier unlcle. Nfr. Ted the subject around whIich Rev. . at Homavil \lstAgust. The time Putblic Hiealth Nuss tgte ladies had made during the couirse Aarlow. Nestletoni.\V. _Afarch ' verythoughtti sermion laS .Pa..(I•twithlm the populations,,26; ar is- 4o 17lows wvere on displav« and(] reflected crue. Mr. and NIrs. L A.forrow. Oshawa.'was cenitred at the eveing z service tpr tteam w spriua- W lauug -.2 : Prs 4 3 dlit to the mlembers (if lthe class and and Afr. an<l M r -s. C. H. Nfasuin.lhere- -nil undar. v appiropriaÀte as it so e varions P ntn uihn-4 5:S.M rs--" the r leaders. Bowmnan]vile, visited Nfr. and MIrý. Y.P.U. wtde their usuial W ed- views oIf the bulildlinIgsand saiu 82 Oakville--,857; B rint - E.Eliot n una. inesda\ evenling meeting anid o r-gond f Tii Collee Sh r.and NMr.s. NMorland .Ander on dav v enn . APril 1st. Tyrone Y V.at Port IHope. ¯¯ MAPLE GR OVE T°i" " eire tii r cii--------....--.-oftir 1 have pr en d it and each time t,- forceful an 1 tutv (dùý (r MIr. and NMrç. 1Howard Crnderman BLACKSTOCK i leaedauiece hich eakthre histi,%- p r-s and ach andbab hae mve toMr.Her tr itsch mi regard to their. splendlid ment of the school lromn its fouind- I ower's tarmn Base Line. Iplayand(]the(*ir fime dramnatic ability, ing in WVestonl in 1865 11te pu Several of our Young People al- Sh! "The Doctor" is coming to Eahçaater seeed to vie wi'sent time. He >niniteil ot h i Eahe preofCaad tended tihre Oshawa Preshvterv our house. Watch The Statesman thre therý for first place leavinthe *i 1868 it was necessary IIIii nd otinnoua o anda Young People's Cneto at P'ick- next week for first inst.alment. behloflder at sea *as to, which In ii. uarters for thre school 0o a newý Home Owners have found this free ideabo ermng. _ Nfr. lFreddy -iicas entertained a realy wonthe laurel. 1E'locutionlarv site -was chosen in lPort 1HoJpe 1h1v ahel ful i m• - ei hms o enbork We welcome NMr. and NMrs. Jay, Il%%w of his lbov triends at the ruec- numibers were given hi- frs. CkM.Badgley, one (of its first schI.a P abe.In mOa n ki irhms od ner, more Oshawa. having moved 'into the turv eiln fondarveningitbeinig o yrn.hetween acts and \were miasters. because lhe had]somte fri ial.I otiSalkn house tormerly occupied by" Afr. andcl lus12th hbirthday. verv imuich enjoved, also were vcal ends there and %wished Iil to u1 ugetin.Itas u sofs ineretn se frs,. Milton samis.1 These puipils (if Ada Joe- and. viuitar selections hv -Afr. S. themn. Thre Ward homesteaugeton. taswr qetin lk Ms Nr. and Mrs. Armstrong an(]l were suiccessfulI at the ex miaio anel i T,,ronie. boughit and( formied the nutcleus (i ter faniav, Town, have moved (Iito pa r t at Iiamburinz conservator\ of M sc isI Stephens, Town. i, visit- Ie presenit finle college of i h I of Dan Kuble's house. \va Sadler. Hlighier lIumir Piano. iher istur. MIrs. F. L Scuair. Durham County is solrud nYou ranlhave abeauti- Dn Mfr. and \Irs. Jessen and famil Grade 8. Hionours : Anna Thomp- Mýr. Cain. Orono). was a Sundalit 1872 the P'ort Hope Guin com- fulpneoled yceligNin hav mve ino hehose wnd "I n. iHigher lPrimalýry. Gradei6. lHon- getwith his uncle. Air. A. Weh. enting on thre advataexpesivel bye g \VW. ISnlowdenl. (on1thighws.H.Gauid and NMr. I. simpni Ischoolfs situation said that it look- Send a Greeting "How can i inDeod e Insu tonn iacii n( vni SMrfr. nd fr-.red \\illn and Peittle %weekeýnd %with relative, in Ic utatrtn tietlter and eautfiiVery attractive Cards with 'do over' aceiling laingBor iel 11n11our comunillity usad n tended thre Flower Show\%-atTrnt Ar.adM.OHezbr and oied h Ve and ear of the st- AprratEserha sTe.Awdrngo portant section. R.cett\ isitors Ar. anid Mrs . H.;aud were dinner dents was kep>t from themum Sentimentsbdymard digsoeroun .\Ir. Howard F l had ite hn N iss Helen i\\aldonl, T,,ronIt,. with guest, \withl fr. and Nirs. L Sqi T with u sihtly limited possibilities for or ivngsevra radngsatth he cuss.theSmthBro. n hTidareennattendance has increcased from cti2c"?,s7 decorativetetet DuhmcutyCrIalming àti T e M r. Harvl\en mith an son8in182 to a ,present enrolIment 5 o2ccracks?"v ramns rotTusa vei 'n .FlGln nTrno ¯¯~ e v ieie EASTER GIFTS r sreuttinasanenetane i.-. ndArs. Austm Larmer and BETHESDA T lier par.a becoming idespred tanuv with r. A Hech.eHadtn tunts come fromt many part, 1Bibles, Hymnaries, PrayrYur- - r.an Ar. fifrdWik N\fr>. famles Gainle and MNrs. Lack ¯¯ Cnra noheUiedSae n ymn Books, Pictures, wr md a Ar hedraWl n o aor. ih r.NIr) eh aHm n colOu a ehr h nae iar Mottoes, Inspirational t olri uýJth ()41wa. tn'. .Srngadk l unt \I)i It 1tIr an ilie r ach imemrber ,f which i aBo ka r4and Nfr,. . . WB \ilr andurJ. StrightandEit( ap 4NI. l Vght conununit -fý n hus own branch of the wr.The Howcanlý;linaces nd it reatve n\Ir r and Ai . drand EAfr. , Rundiil:raha t ro\e o iensu- Decorations in Easter Colors c retc l d at il .\fr. a d s a vi B n h or n . whIf. .dr\-,.r C r naio nd h r lt mi c a nc cý a on ie utcil IU, f t n t.lnsummor e odr?" f usle i winter \rml ri. e ti u nda ih he r. a d \fr . . r and Afount- Anthidem-hag n te er lLsla Ca(«n, ,lý (CIý i al, ai o ov wur ld shabb th Mr iand \r n I, ie fýQ l11111 ,,: . rredce eraduceutaheyare repoof ZMON Ilwi- For a Quick Tasty Dessert °ci-10-°Idee EDESS The -C-Silverwood's Ice Cream -- Brick 25c JOHNck.LENZ 1 ain!v can never be accusedi of not PROV. niftio edc a 'cok CORBET T'S BAKERY C°'"^ *^gStreBoOOD- OshaDCTa C Stanto And \ r las metgti yeanrnih .ave bro e up Phone 890 B w avleKing Street - Bowmanville pel attended :h\l u ng PeopIle. before midnig'ht. o an il1 ality is knit into thes -fashioned hose in eithe rht Service or Chifoi ight. See the new Sprinj ýors. BRIGHT BAGS $1.00 bright bags you'il Colorful patents, doe. es, i oombinations. New- hapes. All colors' c Ac th se ty pa and Qua full- Ligi Weý Colo W a PAGE SIN THURSDAY, APRIL 7TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESAfAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SOUTONNI ERES 29 c 08 The rage of Paris .. boutonnieres for suit lar Choice of daisies, gardei carnations .. ,many, m more.! GAY GLOVES $1.0 Lccent your costume w àese gay gloves! Ha aWn classics, neW costu rpes. Suede-like fabrics astels, white, navy, gr d beige. MILLINERY $1.9 our display of H ats. Smart Gay new 1 Hiosiery of 711 QUaiity Jà 696C Iker Stores Bowmanville