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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1938, p. 7

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THURSDAY, .-\PRIL 7TH, 1938 THE C.-\N.-\DIAN STATESMAN, BOWM.-\N\'ILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN gact.ualiy cost the club less than 100., It will be dedicated by His SOCIAL AN PERSONAL Grace, the Lord Archibishop of VAIAE T. Owen. D.D.. when lie cornes to A P PE1 ______________________________________________Bowmanvilile for the Confirma- - tion in June. __ Sunworthy and Mr. Donald Wright spent the Mr. and Mrs. Samý.e1 Stewart! 'weekend in Toronto ih Mr. andi and daughiter hiave moeed into 1 Trinity Church Y. P. U. Suntested PaPers Mrs. Arthur Frise. the McMurtry house on Church S1\1\f\1 mul)crs. f the Mrs. L. J. Barton visited at the Street, iecently xacated by Mr. ,,"itv ofti e ll c'!j in ail the new 1938 patterns. home of lier son, Mr. D. D. Bar- and Mrs. F. T. Hobbs. Cthnriclh 'f En h-t inii'red toi You'll do well to see our ton, Enniskillen. If you paid your '%srp.o IrUf11\jIMlia (IT1.Wlu Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cartrwr oTh.ttsa drn h as lC Lr îc- iffla% tlw .ir stock first. Our prices wilI in Toronto on Monday on a busi- week look for tîhe receipt in uus lu. of 'T'iiite (Jîtircli. save you money. nesstnp.paper, which is an 'acknowiledge- fliiik (it rl)t t ct !utiitu ort Mr. en 1iichel, oroto.ment and thank.s from the pub- Iiin>\ ict iii w hicli 1ilda TIi'm Mr.Ke Michll Toono.lishers. -"e ExaKerr i-ai J<rîiîir'rîi ir'k spent the weekend with his par- , iî'art. m I E.i I ria i ents, Mr. nd Mrs. F. j. Mitcheli. Bell Telephone Co. report.a a ild Nltt~ig gav.' e ail Seca C. C.Washigton. conibined gain of 483 îeiephones solos w\r cii eii b, Clerring ix en h ashiC. gC.nWahn Mr. Mssdrig197 ngte ak1hoeNiiri;i\ u-.13i111 FiîIf(rîl. amii a Clearing lunes of 3 and 4 Toro Wshnton antd Mr. WGientowns as foiiows: Oshawa 303. ian" dmî hx Te laii Broonk,ami )orîi pyMnac ls e le ToronvSitdM. W .Bowmanviile 58. Port 1HoPe 36.mli Te eretrîa.u; 'l" lybalsof ach Wcolr.A WahigtnonSuda.Whitby 34. and Cobourg 33. Lc "f . Tle crand tal sro-Coli. Staesanxviibeissýued on Mr. Bill Philiips ;n charge of lrriçx Illet ht ograim refresli; Reg. 15C and 20c bal Wednesday next week so send in the photographic depart.ment eofiii i i-c çrvcdl h. ic w,, Your news and advts. a day eari- jury &LvisSoehsotî-~Ii~LIl n ntj'i vn O ae --bi 0 ier tan uual.eý1a Position with Unique Photo- lOn. Sale hti .'.i ii.1i<ocl ____________________finishiers. Toronto, and wiil beginiflov1i a oihdd PAY ~ orModa. a. s~:pnusCOUNCILLORS ARE Fulli hue of Easter Cards' flLI'T un in w:ntry weatreer.QUITE CRITICAL I uN T A Y U started hiking- on Saturday.P- (Contirîued from Page 1) trol Leaders 'and Seconds of therIf RflIfl~ 2nd Tro took in an ail day hike counceil that they were satisfied J flI IE 1~ RAD~I ICIENSE, te Happy Valley whiere they pass- with the interview and t.he fairtHN T N ed tire ighting and cooking tests., manne:- in which the engineer A group from the lat Troop hiked ýheard the;r arguments. but. thator -Until 1 cali. . out the Middle Road in the af- d:d flot mean that they were sat- Bo t ternoon for- sîmilar tests. Both isfied that the engineer's plans Phone 651-- Bowrnanville 1 have been appointed the groups report good iuck with their were correct. official Radio Inspector for the camp bcead. most of which was As far as The Statesman report southern part fDurhar bae nhayno squalis. was concerned the statement was ________________ Uouty- icldin Drligtn, The new chapel erected in theý received from reliabie sources. Cony- nldngDrin-obascmcnt of St. Johns Church byý and whie Couniciliors Bickle and trwsra rmteRala Clarke and Hope Townships. 'the Mens Club of the Parish ;w*iir Furben apparentiy were flot sat- teAsciation o anada alwtat Bownianville, Newcastle and 'be put te :15 first. officiai use next isfîed. others presenit at the meet- Asonciatconsideranda aiigt sang Port Hope. 1 arn authorized to tveek when the~ Hoiy Week comn- . ng were ef the opinion that they time tnom April 24 until Septem- nspect radios and sel radio milfiion Services wili be heid ;Vere. Asx a matter of fact a ber 24. the saine time that To- t here. The new chapel is a miember of The Statesmian staff licenses. VBilbc seing You solon. * sp1enci~d trîbute to the co-opera- trýiEd to locate both Mr. Bickie ronto chang-es. H.w UD Eion of the membens of the Mens and Mr. Furber last Wednesday Councillon Furber made a mo-t H. W. UDLEY Ciub who have worked many long te confirm ithe report but were tion immediately the letter had Radio Inspector- Newcastle hours w:îhout pay. The chapel. urale to reach them by tele- been con-,luded that counicil t al which woiild have cost many hun- i Phone. The difference of opnin in lune with the request. Reeve G. dreds ef dollars to finish. has r between the two members of A. Edmondstone was hîs seconder. _______________________________________________Councîl and the Commission at Mayor Jones broke into a bnoad thîs tîme. according to their own smille. reaiizing that ceuncil xvas report. is wit~h regaýrd to securing.ivel au-are lhe was against t.het more water at the Tyrone Spri.ngs, daylight saving idea. and hie sug-1 which te cuote the report. týhere, gested that they wait te vote un-r Was no disposition of their part 1 tii Councillon Bickle returned te the Coin ii.siens te considerlIthe roonx as lie was looking for1 that proposai.- Whiip the report supporters. '-/dees flot say so. it would appear Councilier Bclie returned and tbat thie members stili are flot lie zoo broke inte a grin when the convinced that it is net feasible situation xvas expiained. He ex-1 te drill on the higher level at Mc. pressed himseif as not in favor oft house, and thus save the the idea as hie theughit it should co.t of ntîmping which the report 1be Dominion wide one way or thet etmtsat $500 a year. Thislother.s ccs î nosiie r.Chae nfom- Deputy-Reeve C. G. Morris( ed us. but netliîkely. j roved that the daitesb set from( *Mr. Furber stated at counici May 16 to Sept. 7. Councilior Monday that lie would have said Bickle seconded this amendment. nothîng more about the wa#er which w-as defeated. The original situation had the item flot ap- motion carried. _________________________________________ peared in the pe-per. Ot.herwise Councillor L. C. Mason report- hie mighît have been "'happy about ed for the commnittee to investi- the whole thing,- as the Stroud gate the town debt at MIAPLE SYRUP Qts. 55c Gai. 2. 15 Twins wouid sy a lower rate of interest. statingi t.hat they had written Barriei TOWN COU CIL whch had had some experience Ritz Soap -- 2 pkg. 31c Puffed Wheat - pkg. 10c Cniudfo pae1 had been neceived. The commit- Bulk Ccoa 2Cb.n25iWueddBurtemBpage10c)1tee is still investiga.ting. 4 BuJ.k Con - 32tlb. 25e Waxd uterBensn0 as a body rather than Mr. Mason also reperted that Flowerdale Tea - lb. 75ec en Bas taking the report ef individual tecmi-e a nevee Ren ensolicitors. ex-Mayon W. R. Sti-ike regarding Miiffets --- pkg. 10c med.-- 2 tins 25c .Have we any nîght te dismiss his appointment as town solicitor. the Nurse." asked Councilion J. He presented a bylaw which xvas Guna. "or w'ouid the Board of Passed appointing Mr. Strike un- Health have te do that?- tii the bylaw was nepeaied. at a SNO FL KE OT TO S Bg 0cShe was hired by the Board salany of $250 a year. SNOWF AKE OTATO S Ba 60C and I believe they are thnie s A motion passed to discontinue te dîsmiss hiec." answered the the practice ot buying meals foi- Mayor. transients after April Sth. Jerim-PnckeCHOCE QULIY As it is new ps pi s n Councillon Gunn neported that Aunt Jeima- tncakeuCrseE QALITYhavto pri t nd lhe Roads & Streets Committee Flu k.1ein athennurs woutihe."otinedeMrvenwas net in t aven of widening the Flou - -- pg. 1e mnsn otice. ontinued Mn. roadw-ay on King Street tb take Johnston's Floor Wax Field and Garden guann.thIwourdamoetha.t$1w in the boulevards as it would cost which wouid give them sufficient a consieierable amount of meney. Mb. tin 59e - 4 lb. tin $1.89 Sesmeney te psy heî salai-y up te would necessitate the moving et Finest Varieties . the f insi.of June and gi-e lher the hydrants and catch basins. and in Fancy Free Desserts 3 23c Lw Pie months notice. Most oftlher work some places would mean a step ot . . Low rices ta in the schools and that wiîî tromn a foot and a haiftot two Lushus Jelly Powders 3 25c Ful-O-Pep Poultry Feeds flot be needed durng July and feet trom the noadway te the side- Augst iththechldrn o hoi-walk. The committele was in fa- dAug. us i ith the chîlien ond-ou er ot extending the sidewalks te ed yhe Couin whcilo 'ren ecd-the curb. A communication wil -I th in whicldhcavned. m be sent te the Public Utilities te deinth informaeonsh out havere is eflect. I-IA RRY A LLIN systems before w-e go ahead wih cîWhen MyrJoe ef GROCER a~~~~~~ente informsat in abotJ.H.the me o e iue o sbrn tatdCilrJ. ciller Bickle moved that. a vote et Phons 37-36 Bomanvlleconfidence in and centinued sup- Phoes36736 Bwmavile Daylight Saving Time Pais5s port for the Mayer be passed. Audible chuckles ran through Councillor Abernethy seconded the council chamben ahien a let- the motion which ca.rred. ___________________________________________ ______________________ C. T. President et Bow- manvilie hAssociation. ad- dressed council concernng the readway on the west side et the beach and presented a letter f rom W IN A RIZE!W. F. Rickard, M.P., which ex- W in A lt»]& Mfmpiained that the right et way over a ý ý i op 1the C. N. R. tracks had been dis- M contînued because it had been 5OI'2 luAd~qhfid ~XauLq-Y~an» W9 ; considened dangereus for anything more than a farmi crcssîng as the view was biocked fromi the wesit tee L. C. Mason reported accounts a Prize pa&sed totaiing $1,115.93. à Reeve Edmondstone reporting foir Public Property Cemmittee recommended that, several street A new 'GRAMS" puzle wUIPi lights be laken from theit- pi-sent be featured ln this paper each --- - . locations and piaced in more week. Our tîrst one will be a. .neceddpositions. DRY CEAN-AGRAMS * jHe aise read a r-euort frtoin (he DR CEN--,AS Public Utilities giving propositions WATCII "FOR IT IN THIS for the newx stnect lights on King PAPE NET WEIC. POR HOP - - PONE404 Street. wbich will be oî-ected thi"- PAPR NXT EEK POT H PE ! P70NE ffl sîminner wxhcn ail poies xwiii bc ne- BOWMANVILLE - - PHONE 419 moved ft-om the business section. ______________________________________ The pro-posai accepted by couineil shlows fer twenty-eight 500 watt l mumà MUUES Solter! Saler!1 12inbx l boxes 41ÇI 50 i ox69Ç 'Modess Beits 25e For Corns or Callouses Use LLOYDS THYMOLATED CORN SALVE. Oe-senalizes and relieves pain whh firat application. YOU CA N T LOSE. YOUR MONEY BACK Ifi ai' wîll be paid by the maker $2 hoanyone producing, ah $ 5 thoeir office, a corn or cal- loua, that tliey cannot remove with thls wonderful new sclentific pre- paration w hic h thousanda of usera praise highly. Follow u p wlth Lloyds Applicatio n P ada and o btain perma- nent resulte. T ieieeýs 60C size ~5c UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY lamps and nineteen 300 watt DR. J. B. REYNOLDS lamps at a cost per yean et $2,05,,__ or $714.00 more than lasi. yea.r. The iights in use at present wîîî (Conhînued fromn page 1l be placed at the eastern entrance lina c' _irîîîrx-ivlwhec]his dt llr of thi-- 'own. giving miuch bettenr' 'ueria- a teachC r for fixe e ai-. light 'han the present tîxtures. ile wrott Iii> cntrallce ait i g"f The ncwx ligliting will net be comn- 12 ai b'uiaîvlc it î'lx entercýI pletecibefoce August. et this year. uiiolichtlIwheiî iexxa 17 iter The \Vomen's Insi-tute, teilow- Ihi> fatlieýr liaitlii l(hi,. farni a;iii ing thieri recuuest. were given per- 1i"-c'0sh-laxxa.1 misator. te instail and maintain .\ fteluit itc xcar aituIlleVuni St thi-ir own expense a rest îoom ofTrn-,S),Cilzl,,i- underr.eath the public library. xtriur r ii'.sicaiii i S nia1il(ii m i t . Dr. Rc Ini (Id t alvlhi The en,:cance as planned will bec-cli'l at Enficlul., in his itatix c tnomn Temperance street. Ib w-ili t'ixî iisliii foîr the thi-ee rl x i be hea cd fromt the tew-n heatîng %lear-. îetiirniiiî)t hilcuixc-i systern. wbicb is neported ade- uic t'utiiici lus B.A\. degrcein 1893. quate for this purpose. Th:. brughtup he sbjeî asH1 lieii iiiI the staff of thic On- Th'. bruglt u th sujec astarioi .grictîltîîral Cuiîcegc, whcrc lic te Uwheirher the ieating syste m tnltn îimîc îxsc u was adlequate and if se why bthe agl-ht nith ai 1. In hiat ndciîîE colieun:'.chamber and the clerk's îîî htthedti n fîl i- offce vere seo cold. Councillionr jîihx-ic- aîîil Eiitli-li cour-c- aitt: Bicki- .suggested that a Commit- ;CýIgý tee be appoint.ed te look imb the cIrlcg)taiiul is NIasier of .\rtb pessibilities et inst-alling a stoker (itgrteuiat thec Viivcr.itx c'f Tir- on the turnace and using slack r' îîtr ifior a tiiesi.. ion tuhc Lîteraturc ceai ai appnoxîmately haIt the ' Nature. xxhiclh was a stifdx 'of presest. price paid ton fuel. No 1ail xaiciics cf xxritiiig. ii in lgIi-h action w-as taken. except, a me- onîîatîîraî ]if(. tien passed that the Public Pro- Iii 191;. Di-. Rcvîticlds wa.. ap- perty comn-Ê.tee be instructed te ýpinViihdPrcsidleîîî cf icheNîanit<iha have the caretaker at the hall on \'grictilttîral C' rlege. anmI ltI1thai nighis xx-en there w-ene meetings pu j io1intil lic rctt îîrllcd tir ti se that the hall would be suffie- Onîtario .\grictilturaî Coilcge as it'. iestly %varm te be comfertabie. P'rcsidcitit in 1920. Deputy Reeve Morris bneught .xare LLD in four motions which passed wre .D near th.e end et the meeting. the i Qiiciii\ Vîiivcrsitx- iii19127 awavrd- teo dscourage Sunday fun- l ii Dr Rx ic the iclinnorarv erals by changîng double the reg- dIegrvetcf [Xcii-- cf Laxv.. i rec- ulan amount for opening graves ,gniiiti'i iof lus contrihbutiorn ii cdii- when the funerais w-ene on Sun- Icationi day. He suggested that. Sunday Fillîowiiig li.. retircmit f-oi funerais wcre an imposition on tlîhe-tîcsi(ecv of itie O..\.C. in 1928, pubLoý enipieyees and that they t) r. Rxonld- sw-a.. iîviîed lix On- wene net permnitted except. in em- tari" dlairx farmier. t" intcrc-t Ilîîîui ergencxy in oven 70'-;efto1w-n and scif iii their ivcfarc. .%\ficr takiiic City cemebeniesi The empleyees part iin tIiu actixitic. for a short wiii now get $5.00 for epening a iîîc. IDr. Ix-iiouds was fir-rt clectî d grave xhen the funenai is heid on a ilii-cctir amIf then prc..ideiî iof the Sundav. The $5.00 must be paid a.sociatiioncf the farnicrs xvii te the Town Treasurer betore the snipi milk, foi- Toronto.Sîhc orden te open the grave will be qucîitxic weý\as as-ed to ak. ilie gix-en. cilit' r, siîp if tlie Onîtario NIlilkl, 'ri His second motion was tote b Icicer. te -officiai îpublicationi 'f Provi.ncial geverniment that it îir-'xiiciaî dlairi- fariiicrs. li tu- assumne 50',etfthe cost of secon-pitionsiiilie lcias caiucd dîtI-onii dary educat ion: tbc third motion îlcîîce aiit rc-tpect i-f liitI i da that the Provincial Government firiiicr- an(] îîiik distrihntr 'i-s. j be pEtitioned te enact the mini- p r. s ii loî- icxx ec- nu it murn ivwagc egîslat-ion ton male pr' rxiiicia I H iîlixxax-abo lit -4 nit-c workers: and the fourth that tbbc\.,-t jr 'f Pin I-oet xxitre his s'oni Fedeîai and Provincial Gevi-s. as- i'iru ag aîi si-imo ahi the -ost ef relief and in- ________________ j digent patients. pelvtion Arn-w-as granted HAYDON priso oloda day in ________________ t0w-n on Saturday. May 28. The Town Clerk xvas înstrucbed NI r. aîîîh Nt\rs. . Nhrruan. -iaia te, propare a bylaw- fonbidding the i-et aiN Ir.I rclx- sale of unw-napped meats fcom Nr- W. RxitIge atteiilcîl ite Silî <r open cants in iess than quarter o %r if carcass lots. The bylaw wiII be \ciii îîî rax 'fN- u pnesented ab next meeting. urlx Council adjeurned at 1 a.m. N-. \.Mninî IRil The fînding et a comrnittee in- Nccl r-i' iic I...Nc xesigating bhe t.own water situ-Niî ation is reported elsewhere. ______________________.%I-. anid M\r-. .-\viier Beecli andî Captain the Rev. Andrew -D.* Llod, UVioncî. Ir. amInd Iî\s. . Rebb. paster o! St. Andrew's Un- Lai-mer and familv. Burkc-toîu visit- ited Church. Oshawa, for six cd ai '.\.\A. Beecli's. years. annouinced his resignation i-s. J. Grahani. Oshiaw-a, Sunday morning. and said that iîl visitcd ai Nr. D. Gralîsmis. health was the cause of this de- Homee aud School Clulb will mcci cision. Atter several mentŽîs holi- Tuesdav eveîiing. April l2th. Dr-. C. day, Mn. Robb will take up resi- W. Sîemon cf BowimanviIIc. wiIl he dence in Toronto. guest Speaker. PRE VENT MOIN DAMAQE Use Moth Killer Crystais A few crystals spriniled among clothes, about your chesterfieid snd rug, in your piano, or placed in a cheesecioth bag and hung at the top of your ciothes cioset or moth bag wiii absolutely prevent any damage from SHmoths. BUY A SUPPLY TO-DAY - PHONE 792 NOW Moth Killer Crystals........ lb. 39c Moth Bails .. Mlb.10c - 3 Ibs. 25c Moth Bags....... l5c-25c-49c-$1.19 Larvex .... outfit $1.26 - refi 83e BARGAINS Wash Cloths ............ 3 for 10c N. R. Tablets .......... 17c-34c-68c Peruna ....................... 87c Pinkham's Compound.......... 87c Robinson's Bsriey- 32c Dodd 's Pis - - 27c FREE Mauxcure Cotton Dis- penser with Cutex Oiiy Poiish Reinover Both3 0 Feiiow 's Syrup - 87c Oxydol - - - - 21c FREE Engiish China Mug With Ovaitine S Larege Size 9t Treat S.ed Grain For Smut Two Methods: 1. DRY Method - using the new iinproved Ceresan Dust Disinfectaut, Seed niay be treated now and sowu any time up to two months later. For wheat, oats, or barley. 1 lb. treats 32 bushels. Price lb. $1.00 - 5 Ibs. $3.80 2. WET Method - using Forinaldehyde. Seed shouid be sown within 24 hours. Not recommend- ed for wheat. 16 oz. treats 30 busheis. Price - - - 25c Easter hulesI HOLY WEEK SERVICES Hoiy Week services in St. John's! Anglican Church will be: Mon- day. 9 a. m. Holy Communion: Tuesday, 4 p.m *Ciidren*s Ser- vice: Wednesday, 7.15 p.m. Con- firmation Class. 8 p.m. Lenten Service: Thursday. 9 a.m. Hl Communion: and Good Friday arn. Holy Communion. Ails-, vices in the new chapel. A Cern- muinity Service on Good Friday xiii be held in St. Andrew*s Pres'- byterian Church when R.ev. W. G. Blake wili be the preaÀcher. 101lst Anniversary ST. ANDREW'S Presbyterian Church Sunday - April 1IOth Services Il a.rn. and 7 p.rn. Sunday School 2.30 p.m. GUEST PREACHER R-ev. Douglas McDonald. Ph.D. of Hamilton, a former Bowmanville boy. Guest Soloists at each service. Monday - April 1 Ith Anniversary Supper Served frorn 5.30 p.m. till 8 p.rn. Admission - 40e A cordial invitation is extended to you to attend. ONE MORE WEEK And Easter wili be here. Easter with its new fashions sud spring days. And at The Evlyn you 'il find a dazz- lin& array of uew thiugs: Loveiy Bol- eros, Crepe Suits, Sheer Dresses, Gioves Costume Jewelry and ail ac- c essori'es. Iu fact there 's everything for the Easter Parade The Evlyn Shop Phone 594 Bownianville BE SMARaeo(LIIK SMAR 5HAVE EREAM 331 UE TUE BAYER ASPIRIN 22e -39e -98e GREYHAIR restored to its natural color "th Natural Way" ivith Not a dye. Acta througrh the proces of pigmentatica frai» hair oeils outward. Guananteed to rsoege hairto ta It turl calr(à< O ryuare flot ovrl0 yar1o age> .nfrai» 30ta60 dy.o le yourmaney refunded. At the better Drug and Department Store...... - 1.00 ANAICIN N ,7DPE s PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex IPhone 792 -nour L22e McGregor DRUGS We Deliver , a -' And A Complete Line of Flowers ORDER EARLY KINGSWNAY Greenhouses and Flower Shop Phiones - Shop 722 Greenhouses -2632 Af ter Hours- 2633 THURSDAY, APRIL 7TH, 1938 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO iIl,,

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