PAGE EIGHT THE CA NADIAN STATE-S.NI.\N. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO la ars'du os deficiency HEinN E i1P JXiIoXJ- L i any a man'o s deficiency in o-iOI TS euses for changing for swimn- Plans for the Old Boys' and Girls' sense HERFINGE JOI TS nmng. The river Rio De] Plata Reunion. A TRP T iH AR ENTNE BE AN O S ELL (The Plate River' is really more The Young People's meeting toi>. This is due to the fact that I ___ unn noi.I a ies and s thendChristian FellowshipCon- most People want to get in on the the -water isosalty. It 1 Vys hal- vener, Mrs. Wesley Yellowlees. ground floor. B brtLnees arx rmg he he m ati er h cui urxrer hc h o-Parfectly Straiglit at 63 - low and lias ta be dredged ail the The bible reading was given by And the more you are willing to The following extracLs frbineookn. hyhv Thanks to Kruschen time to allow boat.s to corne up. Miss Helen Baker, and Mrs. Jack do for your friencls, t.he less time letters of A. R. J. (Bert) Luke toei wonderful crop of w heat here and It is possible to walk hall a mile, elwesgvetedvtoa You will have to do things for his family wili be of more than dead ripe and it went through the Nearl 'v twentvye'ars aRo, tlii. into the river without getting ouit Ystoy Mssgae helen Aa tionavoe _____________________passing i.nterest. Mr. Luke. wlho machine in beautiful shape. wo saîacke *bvse%*er*t of your depth. The natives seern with a piano solo; Mrs. E. R. Tay- iS in the Engineering Dept. of the December 14th rlleinnîatisin. Now 63, she tat sufer more frorn the heat than lrgv neclettpc ed Massýey-Harris Company. Toron Buenos Aires. Today has been howv Krusclhen restored her towefareigners do, or at les they lorgavis e al excen tpicno rold- oe.was sent on a 4 months trip very similar ta any Jul.y day in licalili. and lias kept lier frce froinrnake more fuss. Ms uilSi.:Ahmru -- ~ ta the Argentine in connection Ontario. The temperat.ure lias rheîîîmatisrn al tîîesevears Tecunr ndtep.oM aesitss ien bmi ssesA Jeasie M A R K ,,îth the companys business and been perhaps 80 degrees and a *'in 1918, an attack of 'flu' left very interesting. The men bad lds Yel Msses ad essrs only returned recently. These nice breeze. rather hot on the in- nle with seer reîmans and otcsswaGyaacasa ely Haeylwl and oalMes- etters, which were not written for side but not bad on the whole. wvas ln bed ilir e months. \Vheîi I regular da.ily costume. I under- lowlees. Games were then played. T heatre OSHAWA publication. are descriptive Of As yauwilî note I arn in Buenos gott Up 1 coîîld onlv liobble arotîd stand they selI thoujsands of themt Th tre-1 that South Arnerican country.Aiefoa few days. Nvitli difficîilty and -pain. Mv finger every year separate fromn pants. Mr. Luke is a son of Mr. and Breakfast in this country con- joints were beginnin.g to c e, and The laborers wear woven soled Mrs R. J. Luke of Kedron. his sists of coffee. haîf strong cofee %vere verv' painful. 1 was told tiiai sandals with some fabric over thei TYRONE mother being the former Minni'e and haîf warrn rnilk. with sugar, i0itliing could bc donc for flic toes ta keep them on, and no TO-DAY - FRIDAY Werry of Solina. We have selec- and if You wish a few soda bis- swellinz. A friend reconimen<îr<î socks ted frorn these letters extracts cuits and sorne marmalade or me te tr-V Kruschen SaIts. which 1 January 20th Sh! 'The Doctar" ia ta "I hope tiiey're not Iost u hr- SA.URDAY that we believe will be ai inter- jarn. Itlia no rained îateîy and di(] Witîî verv satisfactorv' resuits. aur house. Watch The Statesman "Mac k is t anywhere without hsSetCp! est. the dust is twa inches tbick. A Todat, at 6,3. inv fingers are p)er- I arn in Neochea now. the sec- next week for first instaîrnent. November 21. 1937 meal in the country hatel consista f!ledI straiglit. 1 arni free froin ond rnast popular aummer resort. We welcomne Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ZW //À TN IYÈ VWell. here I ar n amry way. My first of sorte cold smoked cured rlîeuniatisrm. and ean di) alilmv 0W lý dont know why they corne bere aId Scott to aur village. , cabin is very comfortable. It has harn, aoup. a vegetable stew mix- 11,eistewrk.-(.\l rs) Mxv. ta spend a holiday. except that Mr. L. Mortson with his par- to ed ndI m lrt. o ae ura steak. and ending up with Twe (1of the iingtreclient., of Km'threisn pac es.has Sn twobed an Iarnalae. o avetur, dy ere badn pane s ao"sorSne- ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Martson, 5 ~ HYWRD* ARAR RAIplenty of room. It hias toilet fa- fruit and cofee. Of course you eheri liayvL ilie power of dIsolvîwtain lie a barbecueadosted clities and sbower in one corner dont need ta eat it ail. and some- tht e edle-ipeiitued crvstals ef 'ur e ide of lamb and a bunk af beef. Te young people presented S E T C P R L CG R T E ERIC LINDEN - J. C. MUENT sa I dont need to leave it at ail. times you dont want ta. They acid whjeli settle iii vieîr eit and we ail ate until we could eat their Play "The Road Back' at "The puTest (orni in which tobaccocabemkd. It îs chully out.side and garnes put bread on in sticks about a tI)en1i te swell. ache and<ili omre- ase od Salemn Fiiday night. -ALSO - have not started. Last night for foot long and oval. You break it flaiu. (Jîher ingredients of Kru no oe tcranytse od dinner they placed me wîth two off where it is weakened at every chun asist Nature ta fliîîh <out Yesterday 1 went to Mar Del Mrs. Dave Hooper. Orona, Mrs. riddle aged ladies but when 1 2'i2 inches. The ins'de is soit and uil'..el'ed cr\.,tal.s thîrougluh ,t,-Ilt wih the nattîreC D ogsn owavll.vs came down ta breakfast the chief saur. and the sinooth and al chîannels. seaside resort of the Argentine. ited Mrs. Jas. Storey. steward rnavedi me ta another bard as the sheil of a squash1 It. cert-ainly is a lavely place and Congratulations to Mr. Gardon li.îlîe Ciass .tuaclitr ofU îîîî ShI h otr i oigt table witb three men. The ma- Water is aikali sa if you want ta Lhe beachi was crowded. These Yeo and Miss Eva Callacut.t on Centre Strnet CIlîturcili, q)ak te thîînilaur buehathTeSttsa jorîîy ai the people seem ta be drink water you ge, rainwater. though it can also be very drab. -eai paela e wul herrcn arae u tnavi merninig. Leîuî next we o fitvstlet Spanish. though pi.abably a lot Somte cistemnis dont look toa dlean I think the tliing 1 miss most are tera whe awind blsu p. Ytes- rAlvnM ar and rs. W . anlrd si ii.a(r talk English. so I have been trying almost et- the trees. There are none on utherdat.he wn caruwsgt the do r Aly. 'areSien Vtela. nt îîpti . xedi ~Te hr a b ue u haejs i'hd treerytbing with soda water to streets and ail in the parks are aitecr sIwsgetn utMs rceSehnsvstdai .iîOkCinlut t iai f1e ii gantesI#of I have olu.: fin:se the ree h at.1 aeatal patdItik.Tesre arad su i t around and broke a Mr. Bert Stevens'. Hampton. tilr.'NIr (.bîi. Toreeto, M.m swu oe oawtr ntela ie ng diet storpsIdhaabe avere tirne quite nicely. One oi my table dukmr od ae n tlstalrnost alI so narrow, and they bathing in the ocean twýce no w ial b M.Sunda AprvltiaanI r. e.r.. Tunerhn. (l- e e gaitalasfbl mates is going ta Patagonia ta week than I ever saw befoce. hae ny one way traffic witb ilb edSnay pi 7h ,ad Ir Io.Pc- contract for sbeep's internais for They have a stranze habit in th teet cars on one side. As and enjoy it. Of course you cani- when Mrs. Wm. Adamis, Oshawa. ttiîd t uira i baundles :yfrtepol h -aae kinî. He is in the meat this cauntry ai neyer having din- traffie keePs te the left I arn al-atsinbtte aesîvg- will be guest speaker. Special 2;111. don'tlieim buies n astael- nrrunti or.(1ads ego asscedbasretcrcm orating. There is a ranch mana- packýi ngb gadhsta, l8o .0ada w oiassae y te crcr-er frarnMontevideo here and music by the choir. Otur V( ung IPeple I)etit a \,r5mareto ytaste - middle aged try hotel docŽnt we neyer get are 50 farrow that yau cannot wtarentgish awve a veMr. litoiBgeowichres ot\\ bcldcosieaby.Te thsma o ayigi svigantecon-uitie. n m.Th sdwkgY..itetn tir Iii-wi. ui,- .\ttiiza ican. He bas been ail avec the As to the country it lbas ail the one so you are on the street most wntencrea ardon Brent: tapie îlefwhat catiî tersiare t.iccîu îiii wýocld and is witb the Rackfeler natural advantages there are. ex- Of the time. They are tearing .bY Mrs. Russel Vîrtue: duiet. Mca ...r. Struuîîzr anîd IIlgIut'. ut thu 1oundatioen.HeltsnRiad cep', for trees and gaod watcr. Ail cdown wbale blocks though. to Yseiyw asdtrubThea Down and Gardon Brent: affirujtî,tu tcof I<eitltal u we bad a pleasant evenJng ta- trees are planted I think and w;den sorte main treets, and a the finest. estancia in Argentine. reading by Lloyd Hoar; music by r.tuîitlaa raerîuluu. STIRKIS gether discussing thiings'. The there is notbing beautiful ta see. lot af buildings are getting quite t include about 70,000 acres and LaeMrto:b n.u ic lîîi<iît if (aruactr tfitît weather is bccoming stimmery te-i The amaîl towns are the ultirnatti modem,. bas fine buildings and roads. and Foriends ai Mr. ain . C iaon-ia.l-It etti.1i_ f(lr,-, m da'. andth te water is smootbing for drabness. thaugb I believe be- We expect to go south ta Babia "tcf a private railway station. once \Voofc wir.b an i t aro- Ve\ilu!tlauiixi tt SCnay M duie; i. he x nsatd thin uP1fld tewlste aesieBlanca, a placentfar Îrorn the The ownr isaone of the richest that their eldest daugliter Edith. ~~ ~ i polthis marning, sa th:ngs williyards. Every couctyacd is pavedi 10.000 acres. buy land as an invcstrncnt andinte ic Ciden Hspt, r.V.l.lal. urt t1 nh,,- * ~ ~ ~ onmov. btl.bsacsenadacg January 2nd ceetainly make it pay. Land sella Toronto. is sligbtly impcavcd c r ci Mr. raSaut * AIld Mon.iue edJNovember 28th ai canaries. The iwýorkmcn ail go T: ieno akc onfor the equivalenn of $100 per S J. Woodley acr.eompanieti by lo Continung Yesterday teyinstailed the acaunti, even in the fiedts. with t i ie t e etion I areandithe cwners aften get Mr. anti Mcs. Clarence WootIley. tfroîn rt . l,î.îui. u: i t riierming tank necsicksIaliany kind.tandrw aheava:uesinnrbefore.lThNyr.aGea ýaa wmita but it was: pavemen o awitbndthirtieatahe vauen eifrrent cacvehaJoyce and Jimmie. and Mrs . n.Y rt Nîr. lîru Iainîiha, itir- f i toco t trctcodo tp f carpet lipper. 1 dont eautiful wd year. hyasretoasae tcootvas trcthink .We typ e y vrwsbswoibuea d pun eming alo bas:s. Tbc lso than Irad aeChapman. Hampton. visited dith cii'u ltic farnu eti tvacatd l Ii N .1arc now about on a level with tetk t he vrws OYubulvrsrnigaoa the Waco aenosI tikes11 ceati1 on Saturiay. anti Mr. Albert Hilîs \r îîî MOl b~~et niean eadeti for a ixauld scarccly no*,icc the absence river for several miles, itthis i-t a little out of t and i's gocd Inus gNca.aBeo ie e.~ took Mr. anti Mca. C. Wotilev îr. .C . Stainttind autîl l,îîu point off Braz4l. The efficers a-lfs kig.Scinthey bave arnusements1ra Fie bnar atSntiay. ENîr, 11.Sti i etio. D AN Apeareti in white this mrnrnnz. i Evcmy town bas a block set like Sunnyside. also a pier with- ik-tt Tr, vi DE N ANovember 3th aside as a plaza or park. with a ______________________________ cente ad raialpalia, litiePlaza Hotel. Necochea. Thle Nfraîîtîu. haci r.- t I.,' IJ B NIWcîî. the purser organ zeti a ______andrdial_______a______"0_r_ pary n edcsdy igt ndrass andi a fcw flawems anti sortie wcta hsplace is wben it E NIKIL Nîttta fti f laii ar aîc u cl oatý nWdesa ih n encbes. Always the chcurcb ta onran ther, is nothing to de anti D UNfar metd a cornmittec foc eprs. I the other aide ai the street fac- no place ta do it. One habit the And w~o a.ýS put an a committee ta look 'ng the plaza. Yeu would neeoeple have boere is ta leave any Sh-The Doctor' is coming te _____________________________ aer deck golf. My parîner antid deati animais where tbcy die, antia se.WthTe ttsa JUDY I won a match yesterday. Wed - 1hin that somtieof the unsIbaven o ieii uemtouea icmair xt wek oriat ihestaemn JUDY h utegai h icueben ol- ares at aregoaigfr . Thearni il i h ieo t heant satiTnî,ttiî. or rt ntlmn.EA T R SPEI A ncsday cvening we hati a twa- mnwoon h mnw eewc travel anti on a hill. It mrelîs Ne.\he \licn î. edu LA;" bii oum .h picture how n c. ItCowasonpaiti 1.300.000 Pesos for 6,000 nice. Yestecday wc werc gaing itiir. r. iille .,htonut i.itct ut Ai in~ U I I I legiate." Ycsterday 1 hati a aceiangbt eoalagfr1200ac naide. Tha ake an ttlersMdN tî Rtntt' rs GpasAn hRpo. t ssml btmare acres. He will divide it up rgtaogie T.aem!es \r. anid.r,. Sewa.rtLaules Plain anti getn aheercontage.isît is bgtOSHAWA worsc wc coulti net get the engine lort l'errî ,I. îandilNir,. Ira Tra- 9cLais'Plin D ya.angtwc ni te water business here. farming. Wheat i ,asat,,gi.I iism ihn, ei.(.haîa isitedl Nir.F.. ù;biny ust pumpeti îccm the îelling for almost $1.00 per bushel Thurs. -Fri. - Sat bu, I didn't catch any. Last week ..hiîs Mens 3-Pc. Sius "A Musical Treat" occan. Yesterday it was U. . an when you sec tliousantis aof 1 was four days here by myscîf. iltîrtg l'eounc.. nîeiiuig ut Vi Thanksgiving Day sa we hati spe- bags it loaka hike a lot. , - aiat ]eastwith the Montevideo uî..taî i ulîî aas ini.irItant ofig ot cflmenus including raast turkev iýagr 1 cudne pa cial i There bas been practicaîîy nmnae.oh cutin' pak\l.. ~anuc i.tîn.Serititure le.- Cleaned & Presse £ E v e ry S u n d ~ ~~~ December lst ain since w c arriveti anti the a OW ALT DISNE YSM" Englai s e1. I liadt 10use Spanish. 2îut v \Ir... arr: vocal d vtit iiE E E is o F i a le n dm 'Ev ry Sun ay stcatiily th:s nîamn-, country ta terribly dusty. Wbcn cheracters in hi, P i. oull-o ul!,id bc suYrpriseti low Igel, I i.... i ttîI're.tonandttî I.oraieiHahcl ng. UsuallyU w ha e a s paslî for1 you mcclt a car or truck you ave I iIo h o udo ! alng n aw. I tint know wIiat t Ix hui* r tîit it F R EE. ..~I M LW h a 1 0 O de f E a Xc minutes anti then thie - to stop until the dust blaws ever satînts like ta the natives. 5h1îîîetil uai it 1), '-.i H I men t. haebuten ay t sdif- bfoeyo.ansc rem a o cornes ouaua.ibut wtadayo goI can ceati newspapcrs now. Ixîltuu îtîand i.111Aht,î.< tit i No:2 jfc n.Ilav notalmoast a jAflter a day in tlîe fieldianti driv- Thebadfeature about îlEs iliic,'- lIetulutcttn ttI weck nov anti that leaies only ing, pcrlîaps 50 miles. ever* dusty.-. , 4thtouneibhni a.wthtrîu. A L D S W O R T about tw a w eeks m ore. ca s ne s quite fit for a s ow eru' .5, ': han ts ta talk . an ti w hen drving a j,_ k t azrt in lîuuuuîî 'it~ u< IC E N R December 3rd whcn lhe gets back tet the hotel.I. car an a bati roati it i5ls let tîtc..î.ER Thîhe etreo h alIar nçmfine anti ccl jie ato talk. I amileti broatily the Sutthx i , tt St l(il,, ai7saw was a bitiîday pamt.y an the back plutocrat paying 30fradn- it. <t, , tr The aest Singing Oshawa '1204 T~~e Great gers.Pcasba the f'rst class ehpsh Canadian moncy but i ani o.hue atîtapaews tNrI .Sîh. tî u.tekfraca h aypse-nr îcus it f~somanae.sho lîgo i hoo ii ututeii tthe tht lii oaaniJp honeswsfýI.j, ..Sajal N Star of ail Times! wcce tlîe.e. It lasteti aout an lot. scaclyncce.-.sarY. anti lits fre t;icýîrî dînner. Ycslerday at 1.13 p.m. uc ,1 can scaccely think of thî h epeacvr ieat aiilte trtii.tuC NI ..Ixhhit' t _ __ __ _ urnE, ~~The geoalagwtre -ern lb e ns <î lit 't rinN. Y. gNir>.ixhit umcrosseti the lune but Ilîce as no Christmas scason witb this Juli uIo hetabing i vn the uvay ai tcr l .t itut Irc iu POUL party. Also in the aitemnoon te weatbcm. It is a perfect day to- h aenti* ntewyo hai batdrllbu i uaslag- day, witb fol a clouti in the sky camfort are smiling anti ablig:nc I-\et, 'ehtk î.li ly a fizzlc as the passengema mno t- 'an ti the tem perature a cun t appa ently happy. Itli .. F , iti iiuu \In. IY gnreditan th cewwer îThi i acoutr o enrmusIn a iew uueeks 1 shal be start- î~~~ quite casual. The Arnerican lines natural ativantages. uîauglî otnossowec a I orhaan niIle ine iStutîci Niai. Tuoru ttu NIe in are nat as strict about these mat- can't aay I would lîke to live here starting 2.00 - 4.00 - 6.00 - -_______________ .a iai Stinigc, vil.teul ýNi .Ir.V.GRS Il ters as the English. We expect ta permanentjy. A feu- weeks ago 8.00 - last performance at 1i1tC'. A>1t1111. Nirs. S. M\ai w iaA els'Ti el be off Brazil sornetirne today. so îhcy bat a strong wind whicb 10 p.m. SOLINA hicuit cuîtaleciuîg I lier fati'nd AtNuuud hi wc will sec lanti for thbe firsttuie blew the water frorn the river in- ""'cnttuhlin t riiciint utrntul Iiilii since leaving New- York. We bave ta the ocean and the city nearly Children 25c. Aduts 25e t0 5.30, Sh! "The Dactor" is coring t iss .imaRuîieiir iir seen two boats. perisheti frarn thirst. It seenis oigtRudeNI.Abr wiRio de Jardtnbeiviurteoieri 35e fromi 5.30 to 10 p.n Our bouse. Watch The Statesman uile.Iaîtoun. MIm. R. Parsons,. JUSt a Few Of the ManyFieVls I aamerovry shallow anti the winid lelpet n xt week for firt instaîrent. iht,.aumanthIc liss Staitutii To- I arkn writing from here te let the current away faster than the SPECI.AL MATINEE Mr. anti Mrs. Henry Hogarth, ruintut. t \IrelM. Y\Vin*igit's. wtath1 Sweet Mixed youknw ha te Ongest part upper sections fed ia in. Oshawa, visiteti Miss Mary Ho- 'Us.N. Helîhs Nis Gertruîde of the ttp is aver. Isa arut T Pickleslag jr 21 the city teday. Rio is a beautiful Tey bavent a persan in the Saturday - April 9th garth anti Mrs. R. Pascoe. Grite NlisAlice Ashtton. Mm. andu city. We dreve antid ibeit Argentine, 50 far as I cari finti,Mran Mrs. Charlie White \Irs. tI'gar Wriglit, MNiss \farie SPee5Srn * hetp i h mutan ni h who can properly cook a potata. ait 10 o'ciock - Children 15c. anti family, Mm. and Mrs. Cappin, Oke, ýNfr. lintide Ashton ai] \r. Bom view is really mari-clous. I Vook I was looking arounti the city to- Oshawa, visitet at Mr. Gco. Guinîlun Stevenis atterîdedth ie Yotung fe pictures ai the cou.ntryside. New day anti funti a number ai attrac- WSaînnîlai Biscuits............o G0L6fN apartments are being built rapid- tive parks anti monum~~ents. Ase oda -Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Moore, al9cav 0 'tesoe aebatflydes ody Tuesday a\Ir.LuhrPsoevs- -r. and iNIns. N. Luixunere, ( ly anti are vcry modern in design.thMrstares hae beuuhefu.ll dreas-iMi.-. Pink Seal 0 f course tbcy don't needti tafig.: cd windows. Prices though, in tumuarK' onS Mr. Joc Awde's, Tarante, atiti\Mn. WG. Prsns, htnis.........................s-l.* * rea ha. lwa bttoiy vn higher than at home, 'o ace I S. ea'Ir.fR erWodile e ASalon .Su .......... a N reon t tres hto. y teferentovalue of tthemoncy MissunDemsGros ni ec itdýIr%ne ier eWrh. N.Ieni as Saninti no A_a.rticu-ar -_t-haerteb ul different of rhe nv 11 r l- Il mn t ia o u n r y , b u t h c y d o n t J H N O L E S c d at r. . E W c r y's \. îtt îti aîid M j. s Ga intîl G ni v e o r n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 t i n 2 5 suireci toat auci- aurcIay evitn . ai ti Ilioi.e o THRLL &SUPESEi ,,t - 'ii. -t ra- 'hled nil-s anti rai' ýnss ls tuillc.Mus. Emnter Wîiblir. \ft-- - 'tii tu 'u l.iu .N ON M Y LINOLEUMS AND '1 \IM,- t- it ue ti usitýh tWl'in ;ný7teacl of Cuite a niibr f acirewre l tt iut, t tutu ut ro % i ic.PAINTED FO RA DTE R N tii. ;; , - ie titn t-,)n:-im;u . in re u k yD gue5sisa ultit m litre I t. t and I,. hlitacO S A D TH yDR N ai bs pciy.NI . tttI u' u k lu i.. GLL.4M IN 20 MINUTES. IT IS SELF. PO I. -MNCo.L . tq11'ln fBw 1lt, r id i, POLISHING YOUKNO Wl" __ IuI~~ iuu.r ,, I a la i: ftd crînhe: : ' sace ith ieacît maitille usiii bu lte utuest speak- t:1i, .tth;îu NntSttitti IE-UU~tilt lnut. tu uttha forýer t. tbut tîmkey wus'elmat cut iH nte anti Seital meei- i \ui 1iMu. \t*It. < tiii ' ,t m<tleh iv finfl h- c:ti tic eyC l. L T -Lnutiit i B u- u, î. uu l ud..1tr. N 1 .ve 11 rve c au u a . l, pickles. lui-nip). * *£ s 1,anti uill spreuak an bis tui-tp ta iI lutu I i tltilduti fli i ~ i k Ma'm~1er lCtetc., iiivIilu-h I ani accustometiONEîtOLLCRronatian and<inmb Germn- Nir. 'I. Rilu l iiîe î John King t i t theiIV' tû iirutCii CoaiI<uia n salt i R ab t l . u'. utîl t a t C I1itutti ce: lI g: la n prsoi £ * *an,- Dr. G. C. Bonmtycasî;le uill i l.u <L, l u i , titu il NI t ________________________Il______ ad vd Iii ,(ti oko at f A O R D U C S 9lso'be pi-osent. It i.s hopedti lio \\..n (k thtere cm rn-h unlt'ic n îaok a Buioncuu Ami-es <laqite well. It bias will bi' a large attentiance foi, ttis tirumsututilai Scil ii , l u uti\I ii ' trinta a -n il, 'tn callecl Mac- sent"e very beautiful sections, al- our clesing meeting anti to make trivilî i tf hlui i! Niir. i. Stintus at, _ _t3 t 'ut .~1,~ ~iixttui 't t il I ýrijr7DQnAV APPTI 7T" 101R