TUiE ORONO NESWS Teacher's Picture 0f Australia QUIJtOEE Y W A. SCAiADPRONLYSARVLE Mrs. Fred Lorriman, AtIntue MakesUnio Wan To Lave ome lose to 100 people enjoyed the Mrs. Silver is on the sick lst. Sek_ nPlrm g oVm + aThrdaunder te aspies on' Rev. N. E. Bowles and son of Q_____a_______________________ Suc a ivd ad ttrctie rigne bu thy avea arvl-Thue royus ofthePakst.iW.sA.f Dixie ,were guests of Mr. and Mrs. PARK sTr. CHURCH our section. Mfrs. Fred Lorrinan spoke on the word picture of Australia was pre- lous sense of direction and a per- Four quilts were set Up for qult- blyn. the sic ist. Iîut metngFrda atenon 8pr enonftienieunsrace sented to members of Park Stee erted taste in the matter of the ing and at 5.30 supper commenc- Mr. and Mrs. E. Evans enter- the RS RY Ms. Ali. Dn Iicotne nstitmtePmegrinag idat teroen 8prcet Union by Miss E. Galloway onl food they eat which consists of ed which was served by a bevy of tained at a card Party in the Or- Rev. N. t. Bowles. B.A.,BD., Mr. David Armstrong made a wbich was conivened b -s.Samelanid 90 perc.n.oaitemne Monday night it is a wonder that insect.s, the roots of trees, etc. waiters. First course consisted Of!1ange Hall Tuesday night. Dxey gus pekratPr bsnsstp aTrot.CStamaduaswI atn elIr.spent. Thisinleccodbesd e o rynewhreard ouheraddrcets esae . hg o r-soup and crackers, the second of School closes todlay for the EuS- St. Cbu.rch on Sunday on the oc- Svrlfomhr tede .Lrakb nteghe ot tseeatndg frly ao ece ic a sg o he first boat out. Her talk vent the white ants from destroy- 'potato and cabbage salads. egg. ter holidays and the usual quota casion of their anniversan-. At N. Stephepos' salee att O sacza. Sn irhsadwr o fiilpl as.T divdedino to prting the timber thus causing the, lettuce, ielly and pickles, bread 10f Oronoites teaching in other the morning service he spoke Sonfo ee tedd u-br ubnfwr otofcaipl aionsleielofteLaW one be the wopoftJhn Fart whole thing to collapse. Venýetian and butter and tea, and the thir d Places and students at colleges, "Keep yourselves in the love of day School at Crooked Creek and grinis but managed througl f riendsmntitesoeecryifcmn Autai.castors on it to save it from the The tables were enhanced with staff will holiday at their respec- Tsaetwiesepaie he G<><xiFniday service wl ~msesiwasth1oi ba- nakers oeeriasacmpih Australia. ~ants. Everythine, is done in coin-i imitation flowers and cbickens. tive homes. f ear of God - not in the seneo held in Shiloh Church on Good tie wbrhe-aainslir eec o fgo nsieo ako John Flinn drea rasl mon so the people can flot un- Th ulswr fnse n Mrs. A. Henry entertained some awe, but actual terror - whereas Friday evening at 8 p.m., Rev. E. ail together. Tbe monument is a co-oiperation.Th paegrdns and saw visions of the opening of i cderstand unempîoyment or social supper served toi the quilters on f riends at her home at a card the New Testament writers em- Beech giving a special service; beautiful and gigantic picture %vlich being kept u itthbuligo the north part of Australia and service problems. Old age pen-: Friday. The ladies are to be con- party Tuesday night. phasized the love of G.d lso special music. took 14 vears te, coinplete. The ar- bighwavs and aei tadec im5ýjjÀately set to work Wa make sions are given to able-bodied gratulated on the success of the Mrs. Curtis visited at Mr. and Rev. Bowles concluded hi.s ser- Recent Visitors: chitecti vas Walter Allward, a Can- province bavigaprino h his rdreams corne true. Water people at 60 and to the sick. Huge! undeitaking and the excellent Mrs. D. Hooper's. mon by pointing out that we Mrs. Ralph Bougen with her adian. Stones were brouglbt fromn a 1800 ocres.Te anigbsen trouble and lack of communica-I storehouses keep the grain until supper provided. Proceeds $27.25. Mr. Hodgins is badly used Up not be the k.ind o! chucch sister, Mrs. A. A. Martin, in quarrv in Jugo Slavia for part of provided for b h nttts h tion and medical assistance being it is needed. Sheep and cattle with sciatica. people who just attend without Brighton. it, and altogether there are 50,000 paper closcd wt lafrpae so far away were the main troub- are raised in great numbers, and The snow storm Friday block- aiding in the great work but keep Mr. John Stone, Orono, at Mr. tons of stone and 15,000 of concrete. frpae les he had ta deal with. and how rabbits are too numerous so are SOCIETrY CHANGES edterTssmhlcsad l urevsi h oe fGdb rn tn'.Ie blocks are from 2 to 26 tonsfrpae he overcame these difficulties is killed whenever possible. FAIR PRIZE LIST so caused some to go in a ditch. thinking and doing pleasing Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Robin- in sveigbî. the base of the monument Drn h uiespno etr a romantic story in itself which Miss Galloway closed her miost ____ This is a real set back to 5U.if- things for Ris kingdom's ad- son at Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim's. being 235 feet square and the beiglbt of tbanks ieerabiî asd can be enjoyed if one reads the interesting and educational talk Aarent meeting of Durham mer operatioris on farm.s and in vanoement. Mr. and Mrs. Ross H.allowell being 300 feet. The cost was adarneet eemd osn boo "Finnof heInlnd. Flnnby expressing a hope that the Central Agricultural Society Prize village gardien.s. At thi.s service the choir rend- with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. White,.crie million dollars. the money she another lotof ooentoCsey began a nursing home in 1911 and work of opening the interior Of Committees, the list was increas- Mr. Harold Allin, Newcastle, ered two anthemus Send Out Thy Elizabethville. tiugbt being unwisel 4pnta-.~ request foracnrbto wr a mssonin191. hee owthis country would continue. ed$0frhssananw assisted Park St. Choir on Sunday.Lgh"ndHsNm Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hallowell tbouigl the structure was beautifull the proposed rs omb omn saets tHeiron abyIaismite Other itenis on the program, added for f ield crops o! oats. The Owing 10o the paper being out a lent." Miss Kathleen Stark and and family, and Mrs. S. G. Hala- and 60.000 naines inscribed. There i '""lbeWonsIstue srfse sets.~ateia xhîci xas in charge o!f i Ba otsatscmeeo Ilaîday earlier this week the resulîs Ms .A nmmn aigtewell with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallo- a figure representing Canada and menlthe inddadserasu- welLsm a tn hsth benroblemsd v trice Hamm and Sam Keane. thei a three acre plot and must useo! the L. O. L. shield competition solo parts in the latter anthem. well at Elizabethville. underneath iti a cof fin, and there are Miss bee solved. latter presî, were Scripture registered see<j. Any persan carry- will appear neen week.Mr.AADumndasfaor Miss Hazel Falls has returned al,;o figures whîch relîresen i - in s %were notdfrem bane Mis some exten made one trip by Neil Wood; reading on the ing ta enter may have theSciy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cawan Ms .A rmodas avr oefo otHp.patbs for the liclpless and the break- MNiss F. Cobldc a pone te Australia and tald many in- work among the lepers in Africa obtain seed for them. rTmere wili arnîved home from the sunny A h vnn evc .v Mrs. Vctor Farrow and son La- imîg of the sword of battle. to send in therpr nEuain teresting things about the on by Miss MyrtleSmt: eaigb8presrnngro $10 south Monday. Atowl es'sbect ws svic" He vern motored to Peterboro. also Edv.ard VIII talked to th0.war tryillutraing omethins wth b Mrs W.H. Rwe,1TMeLspr" dwn. dreuWatonsas baugt Mis FredaWilsn i vislin dre an magnatie pctur caled t M.llbook o vsit er anidws a(l hosewhohad osîsonsteesrens setabutareeprchaeso Ath aba is 2f limedst are depicting a nobleman who has> i oenn pulyadsa in Bowmanville. frtduhtrEn.and al~o teveterans ai ltme cereinony a table la com t rn nhl At a i o!5coboed slrea the dread disease going into 'the thal alI poullry musI be on the'ý A number atlended Mr. H. La!- au ecibn i a a Inspector A. A. Martin o! lime blind veterans were introduced stage furnishig.Rî euwso whek Brtis slsond a desert to die and being healed by grounds the firsl day o! the fair! îhanguessale,. esay who was rather nice looking, very Brighton, and wif e, at Mrs. John 1 i~ oengoaoî u what each cudd opeev thek rs s iesonadtrakn. A Christ; a vocal duel by Mn. and Sa that il can be judged early the 1 O. C. S. are holding an open strong and wel-built. popular due Mcxay*s. blo irî. bpeteeol-negre ofn the suggestonssoe inerstnglhngistht ngnersMs. Howard Walsh, with Miss second morning. allewing specta-Lieaym tngT rsa ngh.ahsesy anr.advy I' Mrs. R. Bougen with her mo- '00 ainestoflirenat peaceavto prevent smal di nt ak tei on rak heiEnid Cabbledick at the piano; tors a view of the birds without Arl1t.Meigi ncag usv.TreSee nhsUether, Mrs. John McKay. - ede of Fncha. and thbgae ben by rmpaigw us olv saune width as the ther engineers and games. being encumbered wilh numerous o! Miss Olive Brown's group. I were dwelt on by the speaker who Miss Nelie Shutka, Newcastle, edd1 Cnd.adth rs nOur neigliboits 0mk ntan5 d.ld, so aI the end o! so many A letter tothe editor fromT. 'told th e stories o! the sellUnga aIhoe the ceneteries is kept eut and fiow-srngtaotentiswulb- ev~hi pol ad Fia lasweemaea a ude.A new capon class was 'f rsartsrmghgomea.nga led av. n t a veadp. fçec miles eeytig -exopect ivel meeting formae a ad dgedwihgo rWe..hre Undenwood. Markham, says: Esau's birthnîght, the stealing o!o r g reesn gass mknandvelo lersnd tegoand nt. freight - have toi be put on board "SmallTow men forthopl" dee also seve ralchnesintheeI arnnow 84 years aId and have his blessing. and his impulsive01genrasndvlo ows.ithgvr another train with a different Cal on wn rslRo e 1. whieradie s' eecargeme nts.theeni e I itradnot manniage. IN MEMORY 0F Tihe unveiling opened with a short A short sinsngwsiugein ________________ able 10 gel down 10 rny Id native Rev. Bowles then went on ta religious ceremonv, and the playing and Barbara op lye nîe si.zed track.18, blue 20. This contest onlyj haunt.s in Durhamn County. I may speak on the need o! controlling D.Atu nre oevle of Flowers of the Forest" V bytepinso.Thmetgcoedwh nsito!i insolrge a la sts two more Mondays sa every Mrs. P. C. Brown, Whitby, and neyer be there again but I have 0" impulsiveness. especially inHihadr.Secs olwteanucmr country there are fewer peopIi body corne ouI next week. Cii- fin tene h .A.qit ay ap eemrne fol hs as fgetr iet.LstPs a oudd w i t th in the ciry o! Londn.zenship committee are in charg. nin atedd heW.A cult mnyhap rmebaneso ad heedasn!gratr iery. W tkepeaur i ubisîgmainPutes onddto inte nnala NstetnonJue7tNin 96 ç the inhabitant.s are of _______i___ ing and tea Thursday. Old fi- !riends who are nearly aIl past Chaperons are a thing o! the pat, a Qbt etelf n oko iec bserved. Reveille sounded. of the, avmetnIa,,ih h j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..r ndbwreplasd o eeMrthhen ddcs gve, anaonHpean eecio o oofces iI1b"b"d British stock in this county Soeenen areborn geat. sone Bron agai. on. Te late M. A. James was a drinking and smoking common the ale "Sandy" Sornex-ville. a a drs ieLn fHp n lto f_ which was discovered by Cookein Smmear o gatsm Bwngi. great f riend o! mine. among the Young people even native son of Orono. in a poem Glorv plaved and the ceremony con-__________ 1770 and used as a penal eîe shrink. and others neyer find outi Vanity is waunded but neyer Mrs J. H. Osterhout is out among women and girls, said the written by Frances Agar Somer- cluded with the National Anthem. ,ient in 1787. There are !ew ab- how smaîî they reaîîy are. killed. around again. speaker. and accidents cai.s.ed by vle hcgE. n pern w lgoeFec n n ier o!fPark t.Curhin the Ontario Dental Association Egih eelwrdwE th un oo thn th aerge St hrhwill be held iyouth o! today. He concluded by pbiainfrMrh hsm- v 'n pech ',as given bv% dad Ee ih 8 ac h inext Wednesday, April 201h, at1 saying that each should have a pubiat in for a rn oorvi n rnhadEgh. This meeadeiri sof 8 Pm. purpose in life and also try ta minds greally cherished memo-immpre-..mve ceremonv wvas attended able to, keepod ie It is expected thal re ort !o control their impulsiveness which Theorshanwasreatngh, theTepeane onenionan ws godchracenstc f t idies o! pleasant associations with bY 50,000 people.Th rs rh eprnecneports a oo hrceisi fi i one who gave freeby o! his best The mtmard of honor werc Arab- adventures i h uge o! the convention at Pickering'not exceed ils bounds. ir. thouglht and effort for the ad- ians ivith Arabian stceds and cos -_________________ will be given by Park St. UJnioný The chair rendered two anth- vancement a! aur profession. I ntms u diin c e'îl h T E E S S L C M O T Mdelegaties aI the f irst meeting in erns 'Give Thanks Unto the s'k tod' T E E ! 01 0 0U FG TMay.soshv We've laid away the one we loved.sekr1iwdpcugoftem- in t . eae asoshe Alfe hat'gae"tnei tholao, Ouparitruratodnglnd be iosilesof Miss Frances Keane Mr. R. Sutton and Mn. W. Reid What "assved wni he ling , O ee tuinvited a gladpathv a whom Mrs. Keane has been wait- the quartette in the anthern, and Whfeet. the wt wlln %e pae. Sîxteoa diepare tevi (H U R L E ' oeron and wo ndrwnt a. A.herKin of HeaendMrih G. is jif ee beunintea enly alaHoe. ledslvd h n Cn n n woudeUnta Th inL!Hevn"wt MsSRsjurney ended here on earth, tation wvhich said "weather permitt- vile, isied ithMr.andMr. athe. Mssr. W RedN. F. His kindliness ta al l e knew: king ran for shelter. Thev, were M. H. Slaples. Porter, basses, and Harold Âlli' We loved him through these served,.a marvelious meal inciuding Mn. and Mrs. W. C. Lynch and and R. Sutan, lenors, also rend- many years. strawberries and Devonshmire cream famniby have moved back into their ered a splendid quartette selec- Ris courage. forlilude a.nd grace and were later addressed bV the kilig 5 1 E T L u T E O Vformer residence. tion. Were strong within the one we when there ain had ceased. ThEl , f h -S E L B D eetH. E. P. were around this RlevOserhout cnveyed telaved: he The roomnthev were in when tAe visited his parents, Mn. and Mrs. speech. and assisted aI both ser- Ris lime was short, which later which tire', admired grcatly. Mrs. Rowlandeis. proved. Lorriman closed lier talk by show- Mr o ovlewa oefo emiss him. though we know ing a picture of the palace. ul ' f Toronto Monday for a brie! visîl t 'twas best F'ollowing ibis interesting talki -with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. I is aossol - hr nBrar op Inedapaosl PRICEO ~~~~~~~~ Neil Calville. NEWTON VILLERilaossudbesota BraaRoprnerdainooo lad reewng er ubcni-D eath: and while tea. sandwiches and cakesA I i He's entered lis elernal rest. were passed Mrs. Rolpb read (2.Passenger Master Business Coupe) t,~ ion last week said: 1 just couldn't gel along withaut The Statesman Jinn Savery, younger son of Where only God can know 1,113 slendid paper on "Peace" prep3red irn naw. Besidesxe the Orono $8ews il Mr and Mrs. Laurence Savery, worth. bv Nirs. D. Hooper. It was pointed DuIg ate aoi e also hasfacsaymuchhaabouttpeiopieoi suff ened a painful accident Fni- The many who have called him ni t that Christianity ',as the basic "t.oo hev"mel.B knowaIlave thecoutybesclesdatwhenliewasstrck y aei-traind"f undamnental of peace. We must sure. you detipopr the manyntfineninspianing ediougiats cycle. necesssitaling six stitches in Bespeak for him a place ir think and act in terms of tire we l Iblacd rikEw Gand features like John Kirk- his forehead. Heaven. fare of the world rather thaîr of waod's articles and others. When Mn. Waldimer Eddy, Newcastle, And feel his presence a! t on ourselves and bc tolerant and broad- manvill irmfkdil ......I get thraugh reading it I always is assisting Mn. Lanson Millson earth, minded. The war tai end war faml- ... it is rmakbehl send ilta a relative out West. with bis f arm. work. A "presence" which his love lias ed in ils purpose and anather war in keepngvaltupo Easter music and communian The cold weather and heavy gvn si ieofn a fsfer will be given aI Park St. Church f aIl of snow has slackened spring ing. destruction and miser',. No one par, wisa war. WVe pay and pay and next Sunday. house clean.îng and has banished AUl things the hustler doesn'l generatmons to came wiîî pav also, B WM N I E Mr. and Mns. O. Scott spent ail thought o! spring work on the want corne ta humi who aslnga w av xa laer Thursday at Mn. and Mrs. R. land for a lime. I a an' n es aine lmng wit en herisiani dine r- B Best's.Ifamnhs' n es oeMnwt n hitaiviter Mn. nd Ms. Fed Lcettand Mn. and Mrs. Ronald Gibbs waxnan is sure to think he is sen- makeup. War is unnecessary and D IR bab,.OaandM sprent Suttndaya have returned from their honey- timenlal. bas no place in the worldiand a Mrs I Wites. oo an wre ern.aedwit a The reasan most girls want ta onlv be kilied by making itipa Mss . intae Mllrrpae. charivari Saturday night. Mon- marry is because they dan't know l sible. and peace must lie practisedl Phone 446 0 omntl issd fnins ilrnaan et- day night they were honared with what they want. In thischnigwrd om erboro.a shower in the Community Hall. Bill Glanville's car suff ered an Men. and M rs.Lane Savry injured fenden Saturday nighti en ou la'rne atdy when it lef t t.he road and ended Iniglit te hear the "Jubilee Sing- in the ditch near Prof. Sisson's'ens far. About sixty atended the danceI m it/ e A number attended the B.H.S. in the cornmunity hall. Friday "AI Home" and dance aI Bow- niglit, which was sponsored by Mt THE CANADIAN STATES.NAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO floors . . . plus niany little conveniclices- and luxuries seldoriî found in a car of Enjoy titis ride today. Learn, too, what lowet prce.a difference C hevrolet's *Knee-Action Iowstpice. rlxtot e oi c n. glide nakes 10 your co mufort. W e have a fort of Chevrolet's easy-going ride. Test car ready for you. *On Master De Luxe Modeis. the Fisher No-Draft Ventilation, so easy to adjust to every passenger's liking. Notice the quietncss ami freedoni frons vibration aclîieved by new Al1.Silcnt @ construction. Experience the confoting, P R C18 Phone 25 10 R NC O S Courtice I KENDAL Mrs. George Thompson and baby Gwynne are visiting wlth her sister, Mrs. Arthur Bell. Wel- corne. Mrs. Charles Thompson is home fram Bowmanville Hospital where she underwent a tonsil operation. Miss Annie Thompson, Ponty- pool, was home aven the weekend. Mns. A. Jackson has returned with her daugliten. Mis. Wm. Honey, te Miülligan. Mrs. Wes. Elliott is staying with ber brother-in-law, Mn. Fred Brimacombe, whfle Mns. Brima- combe is visitlng her brother in thie States who is ill. Miss Geargina Dalington is wlth her mother. Mrs. A. Dar- lington. Mn. James Tuil lias moved te the f arn which he has rented on the nortli boundary o! Clarke. Mn. and Mrs. L. D. Bell. Hilda and Clarence, vlslted with friends at Welcame and Wesleyvllle. On April 141h there wlll be a special Easser service in charge a! Rev. E. Beecli in Kendal United Church. Frlends fram Kendal are sorry ta hear o! the lllness o! Mrs. T. Wallace o! Greenbank. M.J. T. Pearce has returned nwsn r ioa."l o od swa 1ta his wark at Carleton Place. , nosagM.icb."AlIot dl ba Mrs Wate as ove mbMn.~ ~ . I'm told. Mine not to reason why. Mine but t0 P. Law's hoýuse. "s 's do--or try." Mr. W. C. batehoom. talle "I wish you'd try and niove this sideboard," sghed an up-ta-date bJtroom MissNany Grdon Elzabth-"Companee, 'SHUN," commnanded Mr. Picobac. Mn. and Mrs. G. N. Smith, is s t proud of you. Notbing thse worid produoea i J, Sîarkville. andI Mn. R. Martin, too good for you. Our next objective ta tthe aide- Lake Shore, at Mn. G. J. Staple- board. But before we go over the top, ever>' man Mr. n d's rue et Pr wilI be served a ration of Picobac Burley Tobacco. Mn. nd Ms. BuceLeut, Pat ~It shall not be said tisai at thse zero bouthtie FHouse- Hope, at Mn. W. C. Lane's. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne bold Troops of Canada Iaclced tise coznfort of a ahd son Allin, Welcome. with Mn. nùld . cool ... aweet smoke." and Mrs. J. T. Pearce.5 Mn. and Mrs. H. Souch. Stark- L HAN'4Y SEAL-TIGI POUCH Ise5 ville.,'vith Mn. and Mrs. J. Stark. . Mn. Ern Dixon, Toronto, with I /.LB. "LOK.TOP" TIN - 6U< Mrs. Arnott. Mrs. Flood and Mary, Garden aiso paciced in Poclcet Tins Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. E.Lod Campbellerof t, wth Mrs. Hoskins. *I DOES teste qood* In a pipe!" Mn. A. Welsh, Lela and Leslie. Salem. wth Mr. and Mms. L. Sa- very. It's a question wlch are wase . Eveny lime a man looks in a Im.alTb oeo m e of ~ad.Ua mirrar he imagines he sees a hera. Giving other people the best o!fià, il is a good investment. And be- sldes it may nalcost you any- I - E a- - 'i THURSDAY, APRIL 14TH, 1938 PAGE NINE