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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1938, p. 10

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THIE C \NADI.\N STA.\TIM \ BOX\MA N\VILLE, ONTA'RIO THUlRSDA\. .\PRIL 14M1-, 19,38 IThe Newcastle Independent Reeve C. R. and Mrs. Carvethi Couch. Mabel Gray and Grace attended the wedding of their Cotter. cousin, Mr. Jack Higbee. Burling- ton, on April 2nd. Miss Mary VanDusen wvas in SHAWS Toronto Saturday attending the wedding of her cousin. Miss Ga:l Smith. nwv. i 'te ui Siî' i C.lliii Rev. J. Scott and Mrs. Howý%ard iùt \ipri hth w % it cîailient : have returned from T oroan t.otcuîîc. \'tîaîîo c'iiîîîjttc where they had been spending the w ~î iiclt'pciit t Smi'îr latter part af the ivinter. They ttî'f*ie f licel, r l were accompanied by their dan-u,- <ai-minî ituand ifruîî ghter, Miss Salonse Hovard. (','îîîîînttcc- ti le rcp î.i " Dr. Annie Higbee, who, lias been NI,îx ticti tîno w cr0 i- .upuî' itîc'I. with lier son. Mr. Jack Higbee a, \I r. K..". qitliiir tl it i tl-ic,! tPe iuet- Burlingtan. returned ta lier New- Iýto,î î ickardlwhe u castie home Saturday. Vcot.c'e î lttturtuwa. "uîci Miss Ruth Honey. ico,,a.Ictî'iî' w tlie N ateSi' University, Toronto, spent the %î' rlctaWero c,îil e- week-end with her parents. Mr, îi ~i X.r iîutr iu and Mrs. Oea. Honey. tîliiiii.. , iai auIuruý.,il'n S"î Apple orchardist.s andisa'~,u:uiu~x Mi ilu lCItue rilit ,t- fruit groiwers packed the councliletodf lý chamber April 6. ta heair general tutieil f al s'lie t"i 'fli' spraying practices dî5cussed andiî iiltc' stt'u te i,uki"t ta see the moving picture demion- I î tii ii itti . i.-NO 'i strating one way af growing pro- I '.1' **iiittî'uir w s- addcil t" tlie it fitable craps. R. M. CaleBw- rsî wa .kit -Flic iLittle heu! manville, expresseci lis plea.xure Mr»ir-Im'!luCIîs-. ( dciîuc\ý- in seeing so many presen; and. in- C.uilI. iJarcliarul "tNo. i i lîn troduceti the otiser speakers and di' i Ch. hallte- ut dî,arizc cinema operators. 'f [ri- itiliîk aeacl îîî Palm Sunday saw a la: ge at - illt111lniita'liid .îîitaii'li tendance af worshîppîers at St. i - t1iî, olitot t l Georges and the United Chutch-iini 'îiuc.c'-iît'l.uuu. es. There was the usual attend- i ance af dei-out %vrsh ippe us aL dii î'iiili'cit tit t morning mass in St. Jahns R. C.w - c Church too. Passion week serx :ces are beîn", held five nights this ;veek at thel ORONO NEWS Unitedi church uh Y.P.U. ur. charge Manday even:ng . WM. S., on Tuesday. Sessianon nXednes- I Ms NI. J. Tauiblyn. s ou, oi day, Stewards an Thursday ai l:hosp:tal andtis wu*tii her s:ster. the pastar.. Rev. S. MacLean on Mrs. T. W. Ca-uike.r. Bawýnan'ile. Good Ilayevening. M1ss NM. Tay lor is ont aif the HoIy Week serv:ces a: St. Gear- 1haspital. ges church are be:nw wveIllatten- 'Mr.Phe -ora :f Wd âdti.i re.sday for the Stalc.s. Public and huigh schoals close !Mr'. Watson lias added a kit- for Easter h1udays n April 14. icher.ita his new booth andi alsa These pup:Ls of New-cas'le pub- painteti h white. lic school. taght mnusic by MLs Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Al.len. Hattie Ma.son. superisar ai mus- Oshawa, attendeti the party gu; - ic, will sing jin Massey Hall. Tor- en by Mr. and Mrs. E. Ev ans on onto. on Apýrul 20th. as part. af an Tuestiay. Ontario Schoo: Chiildrens chorus: Mr. anti Mrs. Milford Sherwvin Pauline Deline. Dolly Purdy. June andi daughiter Anne Marte visteti Allin. Betty VanDusen. Olive Mc- in Markhiam cecentir. Manus, Dora Martin, Shirley A number attended the dance a', Port Hope Wetinesday night in connection wvith the lodge. many wÀives accompanying theur mates ta the doings ta encourage the ~ boys. FallawiJng a deluiciaus lunch at, E. Evans1 party Tuesday. prize-' uere presentedti t the iallawing by Mus. Cra ablyn: Hizii lady. Mrs. C. Shaw; high gentle- mani. Mr. Neil F. Porter: cansala- tion lady. Mrs. F. O. Coouer: con- sulation gentleman. M-. Tha.. Can be had for so littie. _____._.__EEIN New Wallpaper on yoIIr W. A. ai Park St. Chiurch met walls - Ilrap a change Tuesday 2stternaon. Devotianal in color of paint on your part was taken by Muss Mabel woodwork. - - Cupboards, Davy. Scripture was read by ýMiss tables, chairs given a coat Davy.,iio alsa av afe of enamnel - and - You thoughts on takung u u al Have a Better Home. cross and on the lufe and death af Christ. Minutes wvere read andi Sunworthy and tteasurer's report was given by Miss F. Cabbledick. Mrs. James Suntested Papers Dickson gave the f:nancual secre- tarys repcrt. anti Mrs. Eaglesan are leaders in Canada. the corresponding secretarys ýe- Flo-Glaze Paints, Enamels part whicîs included several let- and Varnishes are Cana- ters af tîsanlcs. It was decidedti t da's finest. We selU them buy Easter liles for Easter Sun- ail. day church decaratians andi 5ev- Also house cleaning needs. eral sick are ta be remembered. Floor Wax, Lemon Oil, $50 w-il1 be given ta thankoffering.i Turpentine, iÀquid Soap, Several items were discusset i n- Stovepipe Enamnel. Hard- cluding neeti ai a new% Bible anti wood Floor Cleaner, etc. nesv carpet in the church and the recovering ai t.he pulpit chairs. A letter was reati irom Fred Daw- -son asking for a night. far hîs en- J. W . EINELL tertainiment. Phone 556 Bowmanville Many a lovely thought having been embalmeti in verse îs burieti in a wvaste basket. NESTLETON .Muss Ruth Prou t left far Agin- court an Satuuday wuhere le basi secuîed a position fer tise sum r:iImm " Sunday xvistts %ouls Mu. anti Mrs. Jas. Thomnpson. Mrs. Fred Antierson, Messrs. Billie Bryce CLASSIFIED RATES anti George Buî'ley. ali fToronto. Mrs. R. Egerton h vsiting Mr. One cent a word cash, each ianti Mrs. R. Spinks. Puýrple Hill. insertion ( minimum charge Mu'. anti Mcs. P. J. Oliver leit 25c). Charge af 25e extra is Siuntiay an a business trip ta Oc- matie when advertisement us illia. Ban'ie anti Toronto. net paiti samne week as inser- t Miss Marie Pu'autt. Lindsay, tion. Extra charge of 10c w %as home Sunday. when replies are directedti taa Mu'. Davidi Baker hias hîreti for S t a t e smýa n box nusber. a yeau' wtth Mi'. H. McLaughliis. Births. deaths anti marriages Mu'. anti Mrs. D. Russe! anti 50c eacls. In Memoriams, 50c baby were a: Mr. anti Mn. N. foi' notice, plus 10,c per lune Lansung's aveu' the uweekend. Miss foi' verse. Classifueti atver- Peggy Lansisg ueturised ta To- tisements accepteti up untîl ronto witb themn. 6 p.m. Wednestiay. Musse.s Elleus Emerson. Mar'ie Marlou'. Margaret Steele anti Mc. Merle Thompsaus attentiet the BURTH Young People's Convention lhelti in~ Pickering. Rev. C. Harccourt.. Mrs. Jos GIBBS - Is Bawmranville Hospi- Far-der. Mrs. C. Parr anti Miss taI, an Sunday. April 10. 1938, Flor'ence Fair were un Toronto ois taMr. anti Mr. Richard Gibbs. Thtu'stiay. nrn.asn Mu'. Jas. Farder went ta Ta- son. . nlad rente on Manday for a week. SEon N-Aturandoer. En, glanti. Mu's. H. Tinney. Mar'y anti JohnSa'dLade Arila9, 19. CtaR ef iCavais uere Sunday visitors Squairn eariand lms. aR wuit!sMr. antiMt's. Jas. Forder. SesoueeMraslmn'a Mr. Fred Veale lias ceturneti dau ghteu'. fit'nm Toronto where lielisas been-_ _ fou' the past montb. anti is mucîsD A H better again. D A H Mu'. Lamne Watsons bas pur-.- claseti a Ca-e Thresher iu'onsRNIE nHmitno Marlow Brothers.BR DGE -isHmto.n Mr. anti M's. H. McLaugblin Wednestiay. Aprul I6, 1938. Wil- anti Lawrensce ivere Suntiay guests liam Brunduge. age 53 year.s. ai Mr. anti Mrs. Herb Hoaey. Ifi.>uiierly oi Bau anvlle Ladies' Aid met at. Mcs. Johan CAMERON-In Hamnilton, Tue- Pu'autt's an Thucstiay even ing day. Marcc 29. 1938. Mcs. Char- xvth f:ne atteustance. The fit'st les Caniecan. datigister ai Mr.! graup arcangeti an amnateur Pro- anti Mrs. Win. Brundige. for-! grain. Readnr.s uere river. by neriy af Bou'manville. Mcs. Wilson. Mrs. Edgeetan anti CAWKER - In Bawmanvill'e. an Normia Hooes'. Instrumental-, byl Sunday. April 10. 1938, . CAu'- Evellyn Santiersais anti Mcs.' thuu' Cauker. deau'ly lovet i us- Maun:.îay. anti a caiste-3t by Mrs. banti ai Efl'a Glover. Interme---t F. Malcalusu. Lunch u'as serx'ed by Bowmanxille Cemeteiy. M:,Ruth Proutt, ant iIet' gcoup. GILBERT -Is Bawmanville. on! Nestleton \Vomsen's Institute S"aArl1.13,Eua nie, aonWetinesday aiernon t - Mrs. R. Dickey's fou' a splendid 1betb Jane Gibert. belovifie inee'ing. Seveî'al itemisai busi- of Mr. George Gilbert. in hier nes wýe daltývth.quitsplas'79tb year. Interment Bowmiai- for Distt'ict Annual. tIse Co-oper- vleCemietery. ative program. anti donations aiof___________ seetis f or the West u'ere receiveti. Mrs. K. But'ton occupieti the chsair IN MEMORIAM fo-' election ai aillcers far 1938 as _______ follaws: P'es.-Mrs. G. Tbatsp-, sois: lst Vice Pi'es.-Mrs. C. Wil- ICORY - In evet loving memaory -is: 2nti Vice Pres.-Mrs. M. Em- i William James Cary, belaveti enson: Secretary Treasuret' Mrs. 1lsusbanti ai Mande Cary. who H. Taylor: Assistant Sec. Tueas.-J passeti ta re-st at Oshsawa. at Mc1s. L. Joblun: Direcors-Mrs. G. the Eastectîde of 1927 an Aprul Prantt. Mrs. D. Davitisan. Mt's. M. 4th. Eiet'scn: District D:recto'-Mrs. Fond memnortes linger every day. H. Pliulp: Dist. Represeustatuve ta R-emembrance keeps hum near. Anuual-Mc,,. K. Burton: Anti- Sadly muised by bus lovîng tocs-Mrs. C. Wilson. Mrs . M. %Vife. E:sxersan. A fine program fol- lowe, b luch srve byMcs. KILPATRICK - Ins memory af a lawei bylunh sevetiby oxing liusband anti father. Er- Forieu' ant i er' group. nest Joseph Kîlpatrick, who passeti away April 18. 1936. Evecv .nmixed fectul;zer on sale' Theu'e us a u'if e xvio musses you us Canada must coni at least satily, 14 per cent nitrogen. phospboric Anti fintis the time long since ac:ti. anti potasîs. singly or coin- you went. b'nicd. Minimunm quantitues for Andsti hlink af you tily anti eacb are establisîseti. Fertilizer hou.rly. consti'uent materials are stand- But. try ta be brave andt content. arduzeti anti snbject ta minimum But tihe tears that I shedi in peccentares af plant foodi sub- silence. stances. Eveî'y fertulizet' must be Anti I breathe a sigb aif regret. labelledti t show' tie brand namnes For you u'ere mine anti I re- i atgaranteeti analysis. inember and ua.Though alI the u'arld forget. * - i -Ever î'emembered by bis 10v- ing Wife anti daughter Helen. CARD 0F THANKS The family ai t.he late D.W. Dovney wush ta thank alI the fientis anti neiîghbors for tise kunti expressions ai sympathy ex- tendedti tathens lis their recent bereavemnent. Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM-CENTRAL- ly locateti. Apply Mrs. F. Mc- Indoa. phone 894, King Street East. 14-2* I Fou r Low- Priced Stocks With Outstanding Possibilities1 CR0 WSHORE LACOMA CHEMINIS KIRKLAND GAIE WAY G. FIRTH BROKER 200 Bav St. Toronto KILPATRICK-In loving memory af aur dear son anti brother. Ernest J. Kilpatrick lJoei, wlso passeti away April 18. 1936. Heavy are aur hearts today, Memory brîngs yau back once more. Ta tise time xvhcn you were witls us, To tise happy tiays ofi yore. Ohs baw patient un tlsy snfl'ering Wisen noa ianti coulti give the ease, Gati. tise Helper ai tise helpless, Saw thy pain anti gave thee peace. misseti by Matset', Dati. Brothers anti Sisters. KING-In laving mensory ai Pte. A. F. Kung. Na. 745409, 2nd Bat- talion C. E. F.. killet iun action, COMING EVENTS Ansateur' Nîght. Black s t o c k 'Comînunuty Hall. Aprîl 25. 8 p.m. Chiltiren. vocal, open classes, cash prîzes. Entries forarded by Ap- ri' 22nd ta -Mrs. Her'bect Hooey. Buu'keton. 193r3. 25c anti 15c. Entrants fr'ee. 15-1 Open meeting- of tIse Wamen's Canadian Club will be lielti an Tsuî'stiay. April 28t1s. at 3.30 p.ns. un St. Johsn's Paî'ish Hall. Mcs. John Davitison. Toronto. w i 1 1 speak on "Cucrent Eventîs."' Non- members 25,c. Yau've been reading a b o n t 'Pantomime - Pictures Olti anti Newv" dî'anatized by Newcastle artists. Tisese are lixving pîctures, 'ai well known local anti national cîsaracters. Now you may enjay seeing tise pages of ibis human ant i f e sizeti album turneti on Tuestiay, April l9th. at 8 p.m. at Triisity Sunday Scîsool under tihe auspices ai Gî'oup 12. Tickets 25c. 15-1" Ail iBti anIs'. Amateur Program, omnil Opr Hanse. Admsission: Atinîts 25c, Cîsiltiren lOc.'- Winner to have audition on Ken Sable's Radio Hour. Senti entries ta R. Sutits, Boxs'îssanx'lle. Engagement Mr. anti Mus. C. W. Hastings. Hanmptons, annotunce tise encLage-j Iment aifîlseJr daugister Grace ta IMc. Mecu'în Cryieu'man. sýon ai Mr. anti Mrs. Lewis Crytierisan. Hamptons: nsdrrtare ta take place quietly the endi ai Aprul. Do You Hear Well? We have secureti the agency for a most u'onieî'ful tievice for tisose wno, ao nat near aistunctuy. Our supply will reach us about May 1. Send for cîrcular now. JURY & LOVELL Phone 178 Bowmanvulle Farmers Attention SEEDINO IS TEN DAYS LATER THAN EXPECTED -Yau %will neeti fertilizer ta help the grain miake up in quality and quant- ity for laIe seeding. Use Shur- Gain. the brand witls the re- putatian for glving re-sults. Saw Shur-Gain with tise Prestan Fertilator. tise machine that satisfies bath in buying andi sawing. R. E. Osborne, Baw- manvîlle. phsone, 473. Agent for Sîsur-Gaîn Fertiluzers anti Pres- ton Fertilatars. 15- Notice To Creditors ALL persans having any claint against the estate ai the late ABIGAIL L. BROCK. wvho dieti at Bawmanvulle an the l4th day of March. 1938. are cequiredti t for- Ivard the:r cdaims un writing ta the unciersigneti not later than Thursday. May 12. 1938, upon which date tise aýssets of tise es- tate will be dustributeci and al clainss nat fîleti befare the above date will be barred. DATED at Bowmanville this 9th day af April. 1938. M. G. V. GOULD. Solicitor for William Brock anti Frederiçk J. Clemens. Executors. 15,-2 For Sale JERRY FOOT HAS BROKEN hua engagement wvitis Iva Corn. He is un love w'itls Cress Corn anti Bunian Salv-es. Solti by Cawlîng's. Jur'y & Lovelî's anti McGregor's Drug Stores un Bau'- isanville: Mellou"s in Nexwcas- tle; Tyrrelî's un Orana, anti aIl drug caunters. 15-1 a; Vuy Rige Ari, 2 97 BULBS FOR SALE - PRIZE- ageti 21 years. 2 montas. wînnîng Gladialu bulbs: nameti We do fat farget lain. we lavei var:etues 35c per doz: cisoice hum too dearly, mîxeti. 25c per doz: mixture. For hîs memai3' ta fade firom 1 No. 2 bulbs. $1,00 per hundreti. anc lixes like a dream. J. H. Jose. Nexwcastle, Ontario. Our lips neeti not speak when Phsone Clar-ke 1121. 15-1 aur isearts moumis sincei'ely. For grief often tiwells wbere it WASHER BARGAINS-SEE TIHE seidam us seen. latest models af Wasisers at re- In aur hoame he s iondly ce- tinceti pruces for thus sale. A membemeti. ueal big allowance an youc aid Sweet nuensaies dling ta his waslser. Ternms ta suit yau. namne: Useti Bargauns - Beatty capper Tisose Wlso lovet i lsm in lufe tub in Al sisape. priceti 10w for suncerely qu:ck sale: anti many otiser bar- 5h11ll ove im un deatîs just the gains. Vacuum Cleaners for samne. sale au' cent. Useti Radias, cab- Until tise lasi. Reveille. mnet ant iusantel. electric anti -Fandly remembeu'et by Mo- battery sets, priceti 10w ta ther, Fathet', Sisters anti Bro- clear. Corne un now. See I. tlsers. Whit.efield a, Dustan's Hdw'e. Phone 774. 15-1 AUCIOiN SALES FOR SALE-MALTINO BARLEY ---__*__j anti a quantity ai muxeti grain. SatudayAprl 16ii -1 1 Also Bs-,an lianti spray pump. Satî'dyAîrl 6tl -I wll Apply W. L. Ba.stan. Bau-mais- seli by public suction for Mrs. J. villce 15-1" H. Pls:lp, S<'ucog Street. Bawmais- v-ille. all ai lier valuable hause- SELECT STRAWBERRY PLANTS lirlti effects. ttsclunig ea' cies- iot sx its-PeirDr turfielti. parlaur tbl..ding --et', for- tableuse. $1 per' 100, trins.stit. xuccrchars. lbrry $8 per 1000: Paî'son's Beauty 'al. -xdrî,oins .sit"s. sewing to a cinîg $1 ber' 100. A. Lairti mlachine, beding. iii.. Quebec Bumis l.Plisne 2109. hc-ater witis acus. iteueluin- fias. ktcheus cabinset,. ectcuc ap- 15-3" plianlces iicludisg Cofiuelti wa-si- e:. Hoaxve' vacunuu cîaîser, ca',ý MEN! IF YOU'RE WEAK. WORN u':rpenter adgidntolqa- OUT tî'y rau' yster unvigacatars tivo ane t g acindls an- I and tiaiser stimulants un new tiiOSRE ai balti strw. ant ina .)iher articles toc nuseî'ous to OTRX T ie abts Pp uî.eitian. Ternis Sole at up runtiown bodiy. If fat de- 1.30 p.ia. Elmier Wilbiic-, auc- ligîsted.. maker refuntis price, tioneeî', 14-2 $1.25. Caîl. write Jury & Lox'- elI. 15-tf Satucday. Aprul 23i't, tise bouse- i.ýOlt efleCta aif tise late Miss J. STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR IFligg will be afIlereti foc sale by Sale-Mary Washsington, extra p)ublic auctis intshue premises. early: Senataz Duislap. Dorset CîtîuicisSt.., eu iuncluding aidsti*Petier. 75c perlhuisdced duishes. furnitu,*e, betiding, etc. ou' $5.00 pei' 1000. Raspbei-ry Sale at 1.30 Teî'îîs cash. J. canes, Lathain anti Viking, 2c Caulson. auctionecu': H. Boisa- per cane. Iv'an Faraow, Orono. tisai. clei'k. 15-2 Telephone 3921 Clarke. 15-1 zozo FOR SALE-NEWCASTLE GAR- age. Apply Mrs. E. C. Hoar. Necastle. Ontariîo. Phone 3320. 14-2k To Rent ROOMS TO RENT-COMFORT- able. andi central location. alsa garage far rent. Phone 738. Bowmianville. 15-1 FOR RENT - FOUR ROOMED hause on Division St.reet. new'ee piece bath. all newly dec- orated. Phone 2433. 13-tf HOUSE TO RENT-ON SCUGOG Street, a seven roometi house. with garage, modern conven- ences. gooti garden. For par- t'culars apply'Mrs. Philp. Scu- gag Street. 15-t" FOR RENT-FARM 0F ABOUT 65 acres. Conveniently locateti un Oshawa with city water sup- ply. Ample buildingýs. Immed- iate possess:a'n. Apply ta Can- ant & Annis, Barristers &c., Oshawa. 13-tf TO RENT-6 R.OOMED HOUSE, near Central scho. all convený ienles. Apply *S.F." Drawer B, Bawmanvilie. 15-1 FOR RENT - 6 ROOM HOUSE. goati barn anti garage, 1 acre ai garden, at Solina. Immediate possession. $8.00 per nsanth. Apply F. C. Sisartridge. Phone 2441. 15-1 50 ACRES 0F PASTURE LAND for cent, guaranteeti w2ter un dryest weather. Inquire Paul Haynal. Maple Grax'e. R. R. 3 Bawmanville. 15-2" TO LET -T H REE ROOMED apartutent with aIl modemn conveniences. electric stave anti electric refrigerator. Possession May lst. Phone 870. 15-tf Grain For Sale FOR SALE - VICTORY SEED Qats grawn from reg. seeti: home grown Grade 1 Timotlsy seeti, present pnce $3 bus. de- livereti: two rowed Barley. W. J. Leask, Taunton. Phone 163rl3 Oshawea. 14-2 HAY FOR SALE-QUANTITY 0F mixeti Alfalfa anti Timothy bal- eti hay. Apply Boys' Training Schoal. Bowmanville. 15-3 FOR SALE - RED CLOVER Seeti. cleaneti at Ontario Train- ing Schooi for Boys Plant. J. W. Lancaster. R. R. 3. Newcastle. Phone Clarke 2813. 15-1 FOR SALE-20 TON 0F MIXED hay: 1 bull rising two years. 1 bull rising one year. bath Dur- isams from gooti milker. W. M. Hayes. R. R. 2, Newcastle, 3rd Lune. Lot 20. 14-2 FOR SALE - TIMOTHY SEED, 6c lb. or $2.75 bushel. Arthur Milîson. Enniskillen R. R. 1. Phone 2262. 15-1" Wanted CALLING ALL SALESMEN! Agents! Would you cansider a change that wauld really make monev? New Sales Plan. Sale ai 200 cuaranteeti foat-niedi- cinal-tailet preparations. Lau'- er prices. Liberal commission. Extra cash bontîs. Free giftq. If voit have a car anti a little cash anti want ta selI same- thiu that repeat.s the year rottnt iun exclutsive diqtrict, write ta FAMILEX CO., 570 St.. Clemient. Montreal. 14-3 '$2.000 WANTED FOR MORT- iaae on iinest sumnier haine an Lake Scugar': large lot: aIl con- v-eniencpes. Will nay 7' . Anffly "W.R." Du'awer B. Bowmianville. 14-2 WANTED - PARTS FROM AN Imperial Gang Plow. A p pI1 y Douglas Cole. R. R. 4, Bowman- ville. Phaone 2125. 15-1* WANTED - WOMAN TO HELP with hiousecleaning. Applv 'S. G." Drawer B, Bowmanvýlle. 15-1 WORK WANTED - MARRIED man u'ants% general f arm work. experienceti, separate hau se Dreferreti. Apply 610 King St. E., Oshawa. 15-1* Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE - B R I C -K hou-e, hardwaad floors. hot water hý,ating. all canvetti"îîces, goo Ilocation. small garden. Apply Miss Evelyn Manning. Concession St., Bownmanville. 13-t-f FOR SALE-BUNGALOW BRICK veneer, 5 rooms, h a r d w o o d floaors. furnace. gas. elect,-ric. 3- p.ece bath, ideal location. Own- er, Forrest Dilling, Queen St. 15-1 FOR SALE - BRICK HOUSE. 7 raams, 12 acre landi. small barn, fruit trees. 2 miles forth af Bowmanville on mididle raad. Apply B. McDonald. Manvers Rd.. Bawmanville. 15-2* FOR SALE - 3 ACRES. WITH buildings, on Jackinan Raad. Write "B.C." Drawer B. Baw- manville. 15-1* FOR SALE-BRICK RESIDENCE 7 roams. hat air heating: loti about. 62 x 175 feet: the pro- perty of the James Hobbs Es- tate. on Concession St., Bow- m.anville. Apply ta Mrs. E. V. Scobell. Insurance Agent. Bow- manville. 15-2 HOUSE FOR SALE - SO0L ID brick house on Centre Street in. goati locality, desirable home with modemn canveniences. will be sold very cheap ta close Up an estate. Apply A. E. Bellman. King Street West, Bowmanville. Phone 526. 40-tf FOR SALE - FI VE ROOMED bungalow, modern convenienc- es, garage. lot 65 x 165. Choice location. Apply Mrs. E. V. Sco- bell, Bawmanville. 14-2* EXPERT RADIO REPAIRINO Expor' ai sur-plus Cenadian Rea.sonabie tates. Phaone O.ýh- pork products ensut'es a strong awa 18271-23, reverse chargýes. og mnarket. bu,, the pr'a, 'tion Robert L. Hancock. R. R. 2, ai sufficien haigs suitable f :ex- Osha,ç%a. 13-3* part is a seriaus prablem. 11ac;ic- iuiarly 1chof .ai te desireti weight ' 190 ta 200 Ibsu). For 1937 it is Miscellaneous est'imateti that Canada's bacon export.s iwli be app.raximately WEST END GARAGE AND MA- 190,000.000 lb.. equivalent to 1.- chine Shop - We specializeir 583.000 live hags. lIs 1932 the ex- m.achinery repairs.. general gar ports oi bacon. hams. and pork age repairs. welding. tawing cîts ta the Uniteti Kingdom ta- service. J. L. Demerling. Pro- Italleti 35.820.400 lb.: in 1934, 120,- prietor, Bowmanville. P h o n e 1 410,200 lb.: ant iun 1936, 158.- 781. 23-tf 049.600 lb. The Ontario Distributors of one of the largesi U. S. Manufacturers of Air Conditioning, Hot Wa.ter and Steam Heating Appliances require a representative for the Town of Bowmanvulle. 'Teohnical knowledge or an outlay of capital is not 'requh-ed but applicant must be of good char- acter and preferably well known. Repiy giving age, full particulars of education and previous experience, to Box ".C" Canadian Statesman. 15-2 Moth PreventionI Cui I IN Cantaltns a special ail that in boneficial1 ta the cuticl. and nails ...quickly remov«e e.ry trac. af aid pclLsh. Foralimitd Urne anly yau recel,. wi& uit FR=E a caftan dispenser. Both for ... 3,9 Chapig;g the H EAD LI1NES5 0f the Nation àDRENE NO SAP - NOi OU .59C »1' 99c- WHEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY YOU 'Il find a complete stock of M.Noth Proofing and Moth R idd i ng Preparations at Jur.,y & Loveil's - and of course at the lowest Possible prices. Protect-yow. things nith one of these. Moth Bags- - 15c-75c MaIth Balis-- 2 lbs. 15c Moth Flakes- 2 lbs. 15C Elkay Moth Crystals--- lb. 39c Larvex - - 16 oz. 83c with sprayer $1.26 Elkay 's Math Killer and Moth Proof - 75c with sprayer 79e SnOw White. Scribbler Free with Tex Tooth Brushes 1 Aduit - - - Soc 2 Juniors each 25c Easter Novelties 5c to $1.50 39c Jury&uLoveli Phone 778 Your Rexail Store PAGE TEN Now Their Lives Depend on You! Raise every chick-give themn a sure,'1 sif e road through, with rapid growth and unîform, quick feathering' The f îrst six iweeks is the important Period. Feed a mash that experienced5 Poultrymen endorse because of amazing - results. For Examnple: Clarence J. Awde, ai R. R. 5, Ha.gersville, wrtes as fallows: "Oit)uu iiii 4tlu.i i izt] J7Qu) ci k,',! dmIik e i i i',, C'lick II'fît!,r 1i' Ilu ,' ut'i' 4 tu, </it,' iPu'l. 21<1 i. if 1l t I,'î e v e r ', l , 'N I flic r Z'c, i';' i i f fit,, Watkin.s Chîck Ha'.ciuecy of Actais, Ont., reports as fallows: PIONEIER wll doa tise sanie lac yau. It'.s sncb a wholesomne feeti. Tise date on the ba.g .i youc assurance ai ire.>hness. We offer Government Standard No. 1 Grimnm Aifalfa, Ont. 1'ariega"edAfalha. Ont. Grawn lied Clover. English lied Clover. Alsike, WV. B. Sweet ('laver, Y. B. Sweet Clover, Tim- othy, Timothy and Alsike Mixture, Dwarf Essex Rape. Lawn- seed. Buy Garden Seed in bulk. WVe have a carefully selected, graded and tested stock. P 1 0ON E Ei IR 'Dated' Chick Starter Mash S. STEWART PEEDB AND SEEDS Phone 577 Bowmanville Livestock For Sale- For Sale By Tender TO SETTLE ESTATE FOR SALE-TWO HORSES A-ND 6 cows. Apply H. C. PedwelI. Sealeo tenders for the pur- Newca.stle R. R. 2. Pîsone 3823. cbase ai tîhe resideisce prapecty af 15-1- tise late Richsardi Weu'uv Philp at NestletoiS. caistaiising about 11 G E N E R A L PURPOSE FA.RM acres ai aand anti being Part ai hsorse fou' sale. alsa plough andtitie west hall ai lot 17 is tIse 14 tootis cultiv*ator. ReasonabîS' sex'entls concession oi tise Town- priceti. Applv J. B. Rei. Route slsip ai Cartx"uight. will be re- 2. Bowmanville. 15-1" cei%-et by tIse undeu'signedi solici- tais uptii>ttwelve o'clock noon -- Saturtiay. April 30tls, 1938. pro- Articles For Sale pet: is locateti an a caunty roati ______________i 'îchiss likely to be taken avec FOR SALE -BABY CARRIAGElas a prov-incial lsighway. H-ouse and baby's consmode. Phone ais the pî'aperty is brick veneer, 413. Bowmaisville. 14-f s:x routs anti attic, with plumb- 1ung- Hanse no%' renteti by the AWNINGS FOR STORE OR!iiitaustî Terms: 10'ý ai tender Residence: Venetuan Blintis at price ta be paiti fa'thwithoný special prices. Nocthcutt c a ocfa tender witis bail, 1 Smiths. Pîsane 668. 12-4-" isavable is cash an delivvtrý -,t-fcoy deet fr'ee af encu, NEW FURNITU.RE FOR SALE-_; brance anti possession. ProPerty Jardinece anti sisoke stanti.s. tareserere frialti.jc la.eanti sial tables, hall orsnebd te-,wardtrobes. Also repairing. McLAUGHLIN FULTON, alteratuons. anti stoî'age. H.B. itoaT&'st udiSn, Creeper. Boxvmanv:lle. Phione ViLiaTruaBilig 628. 15-1 LidaOtro FOR SALE - ANNEX STOVE. coal or wood. Pîsane 555. ' Notice to Creditors 151 In t he Estate of David Brunt,- -- Deceased. Baby Chicks ALL PERSONS isaving dlaims aLainst the Estate af the laie FOR SALE - BABY CHICKS.!' Davui BrunI.. wbo dieti at tise White Legisornis anti Barreti Townshsip ai Daulington, in tise Rocks. f ram bloati testeti flocks, Caunty ai Durhsam, on or about breti from R. O. P. cockecels. 'tihe Txventietis day of March A. D. Pisone 2433. Albin Clensens. R. 1935. are hereby notif iedti t file R. 6, Bowmanville. 12-' ipoof of the amount wittl the un- BABYCHIC S _ UR S C.iersigneti salicitor an or befou'e BABYe CehorKSn R .C . cs r sdtlise9tis day ai May. 1938. after Wlsîte Leghockrn Csicks are siet ixwh:cl date tise assets of the saiti by R. P. ockeels roua Fise state will be distributeti having Poultry Farm. All bird- 'ie re ard nl,ý ta daims aifxs'licl bandeti anti blooti tesieti by ec rsaltie aent Gav-erisment luspectors. AIl eges .ce set u'eight 24 oz. anti over ta! DaIed at Osawa. tise Sth day dozen. Place yotuî' actez'nou' aiAprul. A.D. 1938. andt get y'our clsicks wlsen yoiu ARHRWS.GER w'ant theni. Phsone 2636. H. J. 6 King St. East. Brooks. R. R. 3. Bowussaiie. Oshsawa. Ontario, 7f1 Solicitar for Cecil J. Bruni. 0xcto f the Estate ai Radio Repairing 1 Daviti Bi-tint. Deceaseti. 14-4 1 'r' -. 1

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