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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1938, p. 1

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Circulation a'n !a; nORONO NEW This Issue int On Page With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VOLUME 84 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, TI-URSDAY, APRIL l4th, 1938NUBR1 VETERANS ATTEND 'o THE STATESrAN'S NEW SERIAL STARTS TODAY *DRA ETA CHURCH PARADE Stand Backorl'Il Drill You' is_____________ Former Ontario Kegt. Bandmaster SOETSPNR REEMERVIYCurt Command of Store Robbers >C CTf?4~MRYOBRBecomes Leaer f Lgin BandFEDCOPTS BOY Scouts and Cubs Are Guests [2___________ ___________P____1____N_____________ of Legion at Special serviceOasTBeCncedTs on Sunay atSt. Jhns 'taiid bîack. or 1l'Iltirill tt'cria kand etentitallvecndud at the (il. 1VTEN 1 J t ',Ilthe lied ad itiIiiif, %vttua Thomas Deirpsey. former band- vote cf the people in January. Ya hne aeI Angica Chrhti'ii-la ,rin faccî rthhcr IaT in, kl.ý.tatioIt. wt-gîit tir 'I Yîîing 1) 'dr .rdei w a, gtittg 'e ai', 1%,lii thc cali cac art'iand of tOnar vioi et nw fr.oneDepeylypabtce and to ~ Me brsof the Canadian Le- E ttî- nandTi'oh cale. ilocal trciglht train %vý c , lic Ii,,i i tgtra gi- lc. i alîd ¾ .lvif c a c i a ~rt 'fiattBandmaf.srthe. w ma tenllferonuot teband on teiran- .\ iel ci gin ithteByScusade e .whliIticicri jnaii t1- i"ep c r ti e ~ii ,iile tîtc'wt i wuwck. t.tti. icwitl iitii tII te andanLeio an, : a ggeens nTedffro fMrnhl ii cicalt-ar ien- Dr glon.' th Boy Scous an va't and polie beieve lie barde iiiii,(f afr ilIIiLht.ýs lell. l;- -cvpTic cliantasowtif au liernapor o toreed taniiIleiondu t er Wolf Cubs as thetr guests. coni- it i tIlan rtkit ut "tlttti-ir-tl 'tr tt' hiaiîO-tIla,,\% tt î i- btit h mlt'Ircdd :Mnda'smetn f epeylascnidrbl ert 1 )i ui sinna of tenioatdte 2( nieray.'Ir 'two li ilihrdtrtîrtîeTlccthIiSIraBandr-Il\. M DemPsey has ac- 'ened members of the Band xîho tt niat cr -. ofth Btteof Vim.y Ridge by ilnt"t& C>ieiii t c n ita. wMitt the traiarrivelad e-i ic t1 u attthe ur- t iId aiciiiliil e.lit e rdetedBancfrtogeladripenyfette olu nhescet.1ln-orti erorg church parade on Sunday toe Saîiit îii-etittlî icikt- ;, ,gc ' titîltt-.andtil t coetii" e itiagait. niaiaildi-cu--cîl\at tiîc anuitai nîcet- S:. Jhn'a nglicn Chuch. Te lit~ ~ ~~ ~ k~tit I cllIýitt r-\i\as te ir--hcl ti it -c- 'tîciit gotitesnd dtheiiattre>S to the band, and alse te train Band Bylaw. paraaeefortnede upuatatheheoToiwnitil1,11, liii'g -ard caleecantiut9-11ta!nbîwkun tiiiIl tidtilicaterwîrcitîvri\er- i1catîtnboyseasrfuturemenîbers ofOteetMr.,Denlpse)ha, a tplendid ipringftueadciDtmpsea dafîtrtiicr plan Legion Band, proceeded te the ap.'ile 'i't -to'rc a tiait rail t-.. Filie tliicf ais-)iiaiitcrctithetr îîlleI)î~îebiîîcthebled %volld rinîg a 't litit teitii a hock titat lie lîsî Whtle the band is flot yet able tutored by a Kneller Hall gradu- c'ttite n Nwstc rctt church cal)u 111ni)ttaînt lui w - titailclt'at iiitcit. andîllice ti ittil to uInl îtîtîtaît iisoi us--)fiithe iiglit t n e h o nad o i n re l Týd et te ave a fufitteebandaste 'r e at He le d ex e n ms in l l'tPeietR.M otn reak it 'p . The car w a- r'e'- \- ltu Ilis cintiies and go'.lialf- :t. t- andtiliad gîtie hackt lied due tethoupsa e of t band 1y- OsGreat Bain, and msen ofg Tec tpttcîttstcrxiih Pas. readet R M Ct tn. s~ cct.Ilii ai ctac ilii ~crtiabolit lu at.n .the Satie davat aitake. îîoicheslow 'Id ci ator wtî 1t ' thpreun teichnaty. n do tete Onario beamentBanda fu'at.tulcgtrzsxihet- The church xas filled. the two ~ci- '-cin uiiiitth ioteh tc ittI lr .'ii îr wotttrgrg-te tccî ' odJ tte \itu j ail tii cûîtiDuctheapprentdisîcliatio ofther aaý the Ontarlo Regiental BanI.a ici cd \,t)alfirstairlevcft$1600 huiie ntepatade filltng one .acrc'-- iack\ard-. Tlîcv S-aie hit tuwrc citîrel and ia seconîd car toleri.--Illitf tth oit ite t r-Council te put the bylaw te a vote position he held for eight and Tecits ulspoieta ltnresde on the cuc.Im- tl until the next eîvtc election. one haif years. For some time hie fnte nctigtî optt enîr sde0fth cutiî mme tîlii uc itw.we etîit> tir(! ii -tcaî 'iiowed titat iotliîtîc ipark.JeTou(,)t to iuîet a ladi .- i wtider !" lie xvcitld s-'au n sd cucldlgat$5 etexa edr0 h itw Band. tithaeatotfatestire diately following the Pt ocessional iiitiat ri-.\îîc1,-1(inatt- tati iecîttakt ifrotxCoudci, Johit- c- ir, Jlov ittilîl-au, grîi- fIt 'hic Ct c- tf tecou it i. Bncldicnd ant ffort x e adeA sedrnt.he isteadro h ce.-ttimmrgsee e iously presentel at the atapra idIlec ci lpittsit'iicd -t. 'n & Cri ulrttits -turc. btiltt' ,,< tt ctttii ~ Ttî t tîî i-.B- Band. aind aveffort askco nîde- reethe lae o h 'tu ic tatl ii iinliiekut anditti ti ti tcar sck ictitil iisiie. cunititil hIl '\va,- l d j eIcýeII l 1 dvleNoidhv es t aity on witii ' su . 'he M t O n sex3eUni o ccBasdins ii tc where :hey iwere receîx-ed by t he tk 1îrati1 1. Tthunctt Vte tt îrwo-il-al'ira' îotscPvsd lit ' Baetndaî tcier t- haveii te ntete mit. lc bl pbli spprt-hoOeerhaar.aepsyOn badahae von Tu Sict occasions îtt hi Legion Padî-e. Major the Rev.,- Iliutu t,' cate cita- t h d, tutî,cî a'f ti-. truetieicre iia iToui' ir. o t it inthl i nterîkiî a~rne*relîttie- actoeputlic suphopertodipeser a nMr. aemeCsanadiýaveatonlctiîttutt i îoieadlii R. ISpencer. V.D. Flag bearet' for l,ciuil îîtl rettirthcil t, t t lic- i idîi t tii-e 'i ere lbeil %re titet Titi clai t at' t xi, tatoîttitl n-e it disensItoionit tic-C nadan atina the Legion xxa.s Conirade Harold i-tît tu l,id utti C i tl \ the pi a u \c tlî uit dicait ai it-itit ut 'the lurt t î. ittî - ai t ttîi e . aitd- ,If heur aiîtl -a\iiiîg Notiiit'. with when the bvlaxv passed a Exhibition ic riin fhtrfcd Mose..and foi- the Boy- Scouts "lttt> i-ate i alua il ttt. ii te- "tttti lî ir a t-eut . i e x\vs ita f 1.' c agt' andia fhtu i .. Ciecrt~ uu iîtrsc frnr r Attli: - Ling. Alan Taniblyn. lf < t, 1it îî,, Cale '-> )tk.~itt.' îlir'ig the ttt- tt ti- urebe v t itofloini e ir- ., te. \\lui twattS oinite p1t,k- *L ** .tuiete t ct iitoct iit t lait"v it. B-- ecu'itrandt heoict. ajo J C Dor. Ven'on and John Grahami. rutuit-i >' . ut t' 'ne ti 'itIt'.,- ia sicititilI, itîîîr-c w atîiîîg hutte fiili for .*ut -iitutte-iitts-I an p1ntOtîo and for the Cub-, J -luhy teulcas t'kt iii"ut literie r 'n 'f t. ixaiesetitsfiCil-î lît ai,îltitîr i cT ,S. a p i uiti U ldingfTeInceCtîîtcehv e G1litore. Thc acripture lessons il't a-c 'iittIiulîci'u ii î- 'i ,lt iii cf tt. t , '; ~r iler. Ort.i; aittt utI t ti' ,ttt -" i JI i *Euuý* d ~ ~ .~, it et tcesl iisv xvere icad by Conrades R. M. cii lue l- .c-t Ili Kitt uc't i l t- lîî t1'i ia charge c't, ' ip -fmr tIiti- tiirise liU O UI IU I11Vica--t'eictagîrcri- Coton and Reg Hardinîg. tuiid l'itlte. tîgît ttîî . el ,llt tittiit ilcc'ittii "'cttt-. I ' ot. Ille trav iii IdL v le o G o n n F The rector preached an edo- t e aît -î Tp-i liih e - t 'liii P'titl tutal i Žul'rri- t' ' tiei ie iie clittirflic < le ii tttit. cxcal tet etin queir -erinon :n vhcIi lie plead- ~ ikigS et.ii-tt, t it i 'iel lit\ t !'n ..ue-, Io lIl**ku\.t liitUI71d' the' cr ,tdct lutuelîosc leprtîeti ed :or a contînuance of the set- Ii,,,-..t - ~- t,, h t t lic ti et ,t, i t*" im 1t1tti0t1. 1 ,li anduit ît i t ii-i etîtîptitbte figure, tutfiII îl , ", pl\ i I I I UaV IfhI .I VI iitr/e i ce nrese. rot vice that ivas rendered in France, b o I llr>tu e (,t)cîî lk* aîî k îot Ca!'. ! . ia fte nciii Crel f?,i"'iituit:l' t- ' I u , , l'o'ý, Itlets aiiat b aIe..ato in the cornmutnity. He paîl a tri- t t.-. -.> - s - \- a1) ti-arîloNturt- ite ut u ____ ut to the Canadian Legîlon in "tes it hîlîî lus tîtitrdiiii 1)tttiereii iiork . ts efforts eaoîîa tsbiltet!îciami c- hecutdropîuîîg -il,' tilt- i l. EW BANMASTERi airretituîrd a NcEWcfietcret. du xers:xe elenîen:.5 that xeîe ga i f / :,,:li ci e <~~itIýrîtîtti.~ta ~lree1 .taipie udsxea ing 'headxvay iin Canadaa e1SLti Sk ~tlîttie tiiic' tiiei lie \vit otitlie ' XXake tititit.Lhi i - \!XX-lit re VuI - More tan$6,000 as "urfîshuî ti u ai sie aked oftht Scou n atnt n' nred f Ciie s View Nlu ie iu ottili te a Iod'tIf aboli thi? u-N'i ît Dining and Assembly i- iiincen speaîtierf te -:urr c JZ tuh),et t-11tîtîtîrltai, Iic\ie âia-s creas adl o cpn hemkd t t otonly nmorai up éé~Iiiite outi e pot e, In h- yut i tisrdr-, tiie îîarîl uatchne lîittg hit xih l'et' ,ît-re iis ite tiag t" .Chrit- Hail at Camp Schol- fwork. but that leaJers effet the t >.iU 1il'andtiilfrot tt tI 10 Chirs.fid soW'n___________ snicsin :eacii4ng euth the l'IIk"ili ~iiki-,lu -n-lietck tuehete.- we Flanes FSINSO ine ierie 'At dOpen H u e Thursday ' hît tilt!Itli, i eakieit-hiiaui wp DUrîosngte se-ie t eved in -A Ii tiglît, lairul. Ti iviiiutake % 7. lc il e e ýtl This 1- ic's msserious fîre fu )tt.* ï-iicîu tuitoI l t'idle ii 'rd and 0f i ttte arco lt os p ra elbeor cpait adinc memeory ef Ithe fallen. and Capt. ie i ando i t î I)vt.heîeunslie tii li kut0 ,.the large dining hall at Canmp wdec-y îe .A c Hutchinson of the Saîxa ,on Atm y ROTARY SPEAKER Splendid mntaýi lt iý-it. xatci 1glt 1 1chfedTurd a1enonGeersgruit h . .S sounded the Last Post and Re-' Demonstrao ohs nal liai.le coild hrsa ftron Sele.chooimsc a roiedr "I alfa i i -t. Hus \utorlul ii tcecorridors anuldeing well over $6000 danmage.Bt feno n vnn a by the choir under the direction ino ii cola1\e' cnrce tsc Cm Shfedi teumr of Mr. F W. Aylîg. and dr n -~. Work is Provided -Il t iii Othtie lias (Turn to1 Page 4, Please) camp of the Ontario Training tehl elfUdt ins h oMrF.W ligan uigScitool for Boys. sîtuated on themdein fa th nwstn te offertoî'y Mr. W. E. Hen lic ne Program of Pîays isshrofLkOnai.wt f 'ang-ThePaillis"in recognition Puseteu- ntu- Bsore 0f Lae Otre s fsrn cas rse nisis cf Palm Sunday. Mrs. J.A. Gunn Balltous- trongly a o Retention presided. a: the organ. dents LDance on Fi The*auserm of Wthellris un-r ie yMr.Jc acagtn FoMloxwing the serixce the par- ..I m,. *uu - *-UI.E . Mis Heen Wllas an Mrs ade meved off t-e the Centapit uay '[ r î r ene li e o f the camp site. had left the whiere a ureath wxas placed on the OfF l Am ubJAlcH at u s scene onîy a f ew minutes prier te oeaDdewiedrn h f nionunment, and Capt. Hutchinsen i i îujt ifliriieictr the discevery ef thîe blaze and trenadeeigvclnm again sounded the Last Post and AilPUBLIC IONN ITED TO eter stated that there hl been in- eswr rvddb r.Ae - Reveille. Folloing the Nationaltaieteut 'a rovided fuir svrlReturns Are Not Large, Bule; P BAMINTTO INLS sufficient f ire i.n the steve te cee ovilMs.Rt de n hnhn lyd tebn hltinudrcd citizcuîs of towvt anduhcoin-t Trend of Public Opinion is ______ is supper and that lie had usel isRuhJme.Teso a parade was dismissedth. tffletl- Seen bv Replies Reeiv- The dretorsof theBad- an eectrc pate. He couldne Thomas Dempsey attd staff tif Bîuxvîauviiie Hli - esc o e explain what might have started Former Bandîmaster of the On« n afnnia on o iw ______________Suitol xx ere 51 hîcutte ti the district. ed - Now up to Town minton Club extend a cordial the blaze. tarie Regimental Band of Osh.- Thec lrograttit ati ieencutceverît (Ic- Council weicome to citizens of Dows- Sami and Alfred Aluin, sens ef awa who has acceptel the inxita- Mis arreHtciio.RN AM1ATEUR SIIOW su , ~ i exstn ttr manvilie to witness the Bad- the late John E. Allin and Mis. tien to beceme Bandnîaster of tse at n akHthno.Trne il____inc finals at the club on Thurs- liwr oknnebyadCainLgo Bdin ow carriîl oi ii tuescitoi. htht d5- n tu basi of alletasînedusuddenly saw flames sheoting1 canvîlle. Ms .J ncîneî Th naet hwudraS- are )ii h col oh c ntebsso alt in day night, eommencing at frmtews ieo lebid TiieAmatur ho' nd-rauieuietic ndcultirsi. and forxva-ded te Tîte Statesman 7.15 p.m. The Club tourna- 'ing.they rutse osif the id pie f .O O .anenelfr5' ~IOithte secondt fluttr scierai rit' iii- in tise past two weeks, there are: n.Te uhdt e fte Aprîl 18 and19 will be ielI one xic et alart for duhcuîoîstr.tiat iIl people in favor of a ful l ime mnbsbenune ca o culd be of any assistance, but nighit only on Monlay. April l8th, tîurposes. Otte ronuit contaitteu score- Public lîealth nurse, te every one some days, and on Thuî'sIay were forced iack by lte scorcis-A rpa e F r d Do n b Som in'Opera House, Boxvanville. a* 1 xuîtc i tutcî;atxok nfvo fapr ienreo night the finalists will meet ing lams ad wre nabe t 8.1 pe. Etris i-ulibe enive Iblit e ce'ntrif attraction in tii, nonurse at ail. Whie tîte numbet- to battie for the honors of Isave any of the contents. SexnralL ndow by R. Sudds np te Satud iighit. the season. The Club is mak- înrdbakt n t li e r Lands Adiizston: Adulta 25c: Chldren -r. 'iti tus-flite nuttil ioie. uttauh ltof ballots turned in was no,~ lng provision to provide ac- euipenad bees nstrd i lo e_____________________F 101. N enry ee or ontstatsthe stîîicîîîs tulier te Supervnisiont large, it is fair te surmise titt cmhattinfralre uimn adbestr nth 10e.No ntr fe fo cetesant e Dr R.P. owls of Mnf. k. Ni. .\jîsiie. Tîte itotuse î hey are representative of the n e fvstoswowl hall. Fîrenien xere calldfot - ~Former Chtancellor of Victoria 'tu-ctttltlte iii everi' uiraii. Prjut- feeling in Bowmanville in titis im- i atch e pl f vtrom the bal- Bownîanville. twe miles away.buBlne byRgn Blzadfednd asfouatinm - University, Torento. and noix a citai I.. \V. iipeii exiîiaineirilta pottant matter. The officiai re-,! the frame structure was a mnass'igapretlnig u ia Souie nmen ai-e bomn great, some premineuât resîdent ef Cartxwright il tes5tu-cii in tfie louvîr fornuts fuir turns are as follows: cony. o f flame and smeke xitlîin a f ew Fliers Make Forced Landing 'n isprnrrmie ntw sh:'înk. sud others neyer ftnd ont Townshiip who spoke at the Ro- htsitîrs- trstise îîurîucses S,, tat In Faver of a Full Time minutes and defied any efforts te in Field on Geraldevritaniecoftseol hexv amalthey really are. tary Club Friday. stiiticiits usikia ti'exactI ha vîtî i- ' Nurse 88 opsd eacotnato f îete i tlack on nneary buidings -tFar bulgtatiglît thiise ' ueceteti In Favor of a Part Time opsdt Pacnubli o ard thehough the ploonghed fieuildwng anditu l j', tîs e ii itttîusrate, It cl-,i- Nurse 3 1 - tse t oni aantayand o the grass tire which a it , thneretouiS in tue grotîttul In Fax-or cf Dispensing îîitht potestte Cbonisl aegarisofny tarted tram the main blaze. H. Armitage, Hamilton. and F. tso.Aante aeo Tueebuilding, main attraction w.oBailoietheasvioendescapeerin-etteetownlan Ntusneandtehdisaypea ~~~rii u~~~~iou. Tieliinig rooui autd ditlutît We at-e naturally 60mewhat anloenimes eît cuncil and general lîeadquarters cf lte. - mb lewsrnky eh flo n co îtlue e it a nu- isa p p o in ted t îa t m r i n o exc eti n e o f tle S i eo ce p been u sei alti su m m erd as j ry m n o a nw e n a dh e i r cn ge a n i- e , iv p a s n r m o - V L V I d IIn s I U I Ud a t i mu y B a n qI u e tt i'i\v- e auul t e f îî i ii uus I register th eir p referen ce in th is B o a r l's in t er e e n e . In c m - a d ng hall, aco m m et n as toi n i n ea d eal o s ed l d . d t p a e w t u l c n r l n h nat eii tt e t de t. w\ er e co millcet m a ter , s e t at t ie B oard o f p lin g estim a t s fo ir th e ear. t e gman ya 0 os a a tim e. A t cf inB e a n l l T h' e l d , be n s t p t - a e e u p e t Chrisism nd Pariotsm Oly -,il)sittie. 1 nd cestefield Colr ltern e al ti unigh b te questin isat- Council then eut tite allowance the west end an elaborate kit-ofBwavle hyadbe Are eede inCanaa - The ),\sof odavwil lIettetudeed towa,)t-dr thei question atex meeint Ho-vefortsf theheNursese front to$$1200e rteco$400ced______th____________for______ our Ar Needi Cnaa Th'l)Ie(Ifit- ci ta'isli lice caci tu Iu tîcnucclutinh ehv itdoutexblos tfrthe year in an endeavour 10 completely blittded by the blîz- Toronto Speaker Urges luekîu ue iflite nitist C pir>efau ini luutnil iiltegtt iiIhave poined eutîebarell yhttforce the Board of Healti to dis- (Contunued on page 6) zr aiga Ielm.Ts ln lit ra otoe Local Legonaires te zet uîor,îwlue ti. iii ut cCn.tî ii rutut. ae epenretrnedof the fe ense wilh tteNurses services. xas td aag teltin te hlani \peiuayherigOtacre 1; ', ,nrali olîeiti 'Iiiti n uite secondtiflan lte atîtrooi Ilg ierersnatx elAt a subsequent mteeting cf Board cfvasaitslangiîte agnintteJoi1n nl Behind Youth i îîîÇlstrIie to elu,,lii'ed i 'u t \%-s a couîîplete 3-iiuce funit, sud te îîthrcugîtouî the lown. that body refused to e te idnttheh ~~e t le b ame itîlNx'ciii ecneto i Training tathe ii'toncli fronitthue faiiuinuuuil timt Itiel rails filreti Itu'tvieh,. i The Healtît Nurse question was Healîli Ntirse notice and urgel i BLIND **NS *ITUTxieEie te tadadsavti eiucfHre hmsn __________f't tiose ut but(liedi. andîîcarriv it Itigl. "lic udiîîntîîs uere assutcarried oeut tirsI brouglît up at a Board of CuclteîeoslextcatiueiLA SC MAINapaewoqn ev erd netd eu-suvii asegrivEloi 'l'lie Legion, Ille speaker saiHealtît meetingsomte lime ago As lte next Ceuncil meeting was PLN A AI aplnswV govrteoi Tir i onilt aaa o fi utl\-1uei at vt hs h idfri h ice n h ahon.Tew the Board learned that cet'-i olwtattsemduri tii i t iiu i- i iii-'. til \'ac " .tir îîu'îîîu cruet sîtîl recdtit. iii sec-litise ivas lectricallu: ligltteul the tain nembers cf te Ceuncil were B(Continued one page 7)ul cas aai-s a stepe tl iii. t uatru'i, )upIa nIt(tutîof Iii t- i ic tut t lIt te îrjeinic - fuior roo f xvas s itîgleul, andti e-iirock-alOn ri o s wth he m t bu dng As t ap o c e t tuai-, tlititi itlersutof tue Caria(,îî t uclulii uieiar taiicsontributtitiutotnasict ua t eutli i it-elGoodygneeu onriuton t, oyesb- iaisrae , .Ebs ead ilo I 'g' itatli-m\iîî iaiuiiettu tcitthincite itr aeiniaiiinraIt'l itetstiir iion wlt>dtjcl îaîi.m usiR-IR SAi IEI work of lte Canadian National iledilw-as coming rigilt treugistexiîess btpspîe BauitniHuion î'îîhriaî uigitt. WXXdcuiuutit .uîîî filîî )irîg upt inin ttvitter tIjîte, tutu kcîut cut nsitute fak orlBd.FeSec -ofthe pindsotmndt eetem butcaexctL.C so.cusefr tattauiliiat oi utI s (li-t i-tii and lust'le uuii ,N . X'are aiu. leîtVERDICT IN CLARKE 1M'AN'S DEATH îtelal Sark 101 aee ing edaytorye ilo n tainlticetde.fc ie tsd bgnbsaruetH Pstrnitisnut. leadd 1.\ o lie atileNr ded n iiui.e ine a lie i t rtul 'rne is ic g$luoun\tiii \var, altili udt ThiS liantiCtiilin et-ltil Ca tiset a i lue localheom teeMng a aldat toe ry n lm e t and at ude reita led ht n te alre ii' uItt'r--f teî iiu. lugi utt(iigi t-l thitt u'ru' iiiai-lie a cent a in aiiittuti t of g eat Ical of commnent, and was a a nigh arraenemetn s calt e 10 tengcirteh westati nd f lur-ni- w a tl te cae blb n in grs the \Iîluîlîti nilatu i itutiln lu'inuant îuufurus, tt cetij l te itgeetiti'and uPatienîce Find Harvey Thompson Dîed tien. He was appaientîs lock;cgî,mk ragmnsfrte13 eigts iuto rmlwa--stc lotyatr2pm it titis I tulhe if lus adure-. stluîrluîgfe.Tt iIr"fMniîuslie autel lis ielîtrsx Tcfor someene insidethie car and campaign. whichIl s expectedti tetitude. nosed do-n inte the smallutarees o$00bi. Frm roeniStinCoitis onlue-ter Msthaeeven beat tise 1937 recordPrsn Ir. XX tînt 1kthe lacec OfNI. solituer t',lu,'fouglit iii the listt uar tire nu uts int iis ronit ere c-umieuîFodBoe Nc1 .Cl he.ocldlter ut aetplans, w'ich ar'e subjecî 10 pos- 1 f Nîchîittu n ihiitt. ,ecretaru- tu tht e,cslut*t\\;titu-var, luit if lBritislt (Contînued on page 6) l A444 toury akesNo enapassen was od a f ew et ile changes. prexide tfor tereIg- Au ilîn tgu ie-s tutf Il ls : rIitoi acttuiattguedi. itette lsin - Jury Maes No bengea pasnger. a tontpsen. itete1I~ o sd rO h r'V ev on iîi i (,iitcn l Ii,î es îlîiu lu auliu.nutrosicoifthe-car. He LUaCU - , ular canvass during lte week ctt.5.MuBastînfrnto!tie cr.Hew's i (w-itenutheondisgeverel lis May 2-7, wiliî lhe Tag Day on ise wshlete tise cele, gae sy. Ma9t.loiani11.___________ ri-n, citapel. a sîool. gyntnas- - m. i., ,euuiesitîuîî;î1 oriaitlet-luuI.usitt ..' c ..andp ---- I ~ ~ ~jint libî-ary aitd îecreaien moin. I (coîtimued on page 7) I B. tiitghtaut. I ounti ElliotI in a dazed condi- i quest. inx e'wek.Iisa i akadlul çniudo ae3

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