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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1938, p. 3

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. - -4 # ,- .1: -, 1 -,-- -9 - THURDAYAP'RIL 1TH, 938THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO\\ \ \\XILLE ONTARO Y OU R W OR LD A ND M IN E and etrgofleyrand fohly ____________ The Otawa Rotary Cl b'cr You resolVe the higher re- For en ee lygpkr B y JO HN C. K IR K W O O D spend thus requirs us to econo- __ _ _Pr s d nt W os tik n ro n th a s f t e l es. S d m ze in som e other direction. I Bysi en S.pesctatorin ro (orit)am' continually being stupified by ney Davisono movediuè then-ac 1ot 0fce thaer roseke and hurle a kd theontunueo fromon whae in- dued theso speakrad the vot of-dnyoeo temr xia In this contribution to The with that 1 ar nfot either hot or corne 'is les than mine owning Otaa pî 2h-Prim nythn en else I spimalosbl e tirelyk Statesm an I arn disposed to ex- cold for or against sweepstakes , m otor cars. I could fot possibly nop n Fas tl rcce hi.nen ~obe e the pritdolnot en t we re pu r sn te n be af o the carigdale s i o r h n , e s i , aiem onmdinrgrtoafford to own and operate a mo- 10VillsEatrecs1,s)et,.scr o aeil hs h amie Y wnmid n egrdtOhare evr ou ta wepsak se ca or mterad. Toseem who e urînte meng wallet bodf tIhe hvn o i haeptaes neye bgh ah Sweepstak tor car. To do s0 would us Up inakin.. an eîrnest effort to th' e ,ucsu u he h prt club by L. W. Dippeil to the win-aooge. have flot tried to put into words ticket on the Grand National or about $500 a 3'ear - taking into ecti IiCanada ualnsoeo and thcesl Bat en order sprkts-ftebwln egu.C their nt tiarant abuse Lt '5 together they point a directiontain R. R. Stevens replied fitting- Imay say, however, to start off one ever asked me to buy a tic- ance. license. washings. lulbrica- form thai the el ' not \1'ete tha th' eectoral . re entirely different and usually bet- 'Y for his team , w hich included ' o , b y , a d t e t a h r ___________________ket. Had I been solicited to buy tion. incidentai COst and the frin i ntiored bMNr. Potr, ter than either had planned," R. Stutt. R. M. Ainslie, and Geo. Yuis m aticket, I probably would have outlays inescapable from car \Iinistr -i Pensions. cati remuove continued Dr. Bowles. W. James. Tustebl" done so. The $2.50 which a ticket ownership - parking, charges, lun- humai> irailities an mnore sticeeýs "W e are all either individual __________ R g t o o, H rl. w'ould cost would flot have been cheons and d.inners away from fui!> tkw1i aniv other stattute. but it isaol-iait.Bthhv hi a barrier. I arn always parting home. hotel fees when one is away Isgnk uiaei ûedfiutvalues and realities. Farmers are "lihylove from the cross Rghagi.AdnwYU with money which does not re- over night. and so on. Yet so and Iu p înfitale to indlgtil e theSe pp sd to be individualist e lef ui eoe te irss-,B ri. èturn. Thus, the other day I had mnany earni'ng less than I do seem frailitic, r nld electint t. Th'5seu a ts yt itef *ii bfor the . fBtpuzld est.t to have my watch repaired, and to be able to afford a motor car. prinicipi 'f the bill i, ptittinz strung.- d ae fin thot thei re nx:hous as Cist powe o ro the. sipe act ere oe that cost me $3.50. And since This may mean paying less for erbui) i the' t'ecîîon chandelie r, doathefthi neighbors dfo hm a sc ,Bnj Chis h a f ie frmtdea! omn n te a ndy then the mainsprîng of my watch rent than I do, and practising a tui l £ th,. w itch and ,I 2hitii iaitcatiue broke. and its replacemnent, cost variety f economies. the dar< c'*rtier. the heor ofr hem-I anso--ei .WrilD.."iky h os! me $1.50. Also. I hiad to have my J C KThe' 1,îil prûxide; for a public re- ei v th s ca sn wl d al shoes repaired. and that cost, me CKcord oi .ah reci2iptý and cxî>endiîîires beivta1oihiniwild $1.75. 1 mention these oupaI One man knoivn to me who ah- in> elit'i 'îî Anî jîlictor znera1 t budt I t sno pmnysgods me ments because thev were unlook- iays buys a sweepstake ticket onThs d t bu I n w m y go e . ed for' items of expense. I hiad to the Grand National and the Der- Toa otelo le.n. î eat iid nelgn hnI h ~ .. pay them despite the fact that by tells mie that he is sustained One of Bowmanville's 12est officia] .>1111 on rques<t set 111) part%, beleve that. I haven't the horror1 1 arn alwa3's postponing certain ail through the year, in the mat- kno>n and well loed cîtîzens who copr "and ahdiue (i c "îthition c m n thava dIla ent some peopicle puî'chases just because it is in- ter' of his spirt, by his hope of celebrated his 8lst brthday sur- ad e cx'. hir ollI' e e cr x iii be ve nd Ihant anyh difnunty Ç HILDREN' of ail ages convenient to psy out money. iv:nning a major prize He drearns rounded by members f hs fam- \ade 'ni> trciht"crr.ibentont itComn thrive on "1CROWN Thus. I rnay want a suit of of getting $150.000, and so. too. ily on Aprîl 3rd. ation. . _ j %amenti. t' and hv the ists. If I can explain whY a man BRANy ne RN oftS deic. clothes., at a cost of say $35. Or do the mÏembers of his family.________________ croa n.wh i iah .> 'le. wh differs writh me takes any Ouay favr an tireay Isdei i' nias be that I shouid like to Life is brighter. more buoyant, for The' in>petIýr gecraI xviii ,crtiilize' attitude. I can be tolerant with ~o od foavr a t re yi s 8 b y an electrit' razor. w hose cost him and his fam ily, because 0f T o w n sh ip C o n i tn a o pil are t n ad o o r , sil wl a e h p y ~OUf CII thee rc r.. îîd xvil mae a fuîl hm a d ater arg ing possibly go d f r t e -s i e t e would be $15. Todcay I inquired thýis hope - flot expect.ation , mark ________________ _ arnin " t., t os d aiia t . inis bad frel htous, pst wi ll h av h pp. 1VIdren "CROWN B&&ýD" about the pî'îce of a book wanted you - of getting $150.000.dto . i>. cfîlelmt..b;dIltosiswt i.I ever>' day by me - price $5.50. 1 wxear my From thîs point of view, the CARTWRIGHT couNCIL on poptihatiiî 'viiil t' Set on tht' "History resolves chorls of mu- Leadtn physician a pro. old hat longer than it, oughit to spending of $5 a year to acquire c___ arout iba a e'i nec i n ae o ihrmsc constituîv exu t iil h r is conflict between intellec- COR"J YRU a ostsats- cost at ieast $5. 1 should like to tors mnany times $5 when we are vi iet Cuucil mret .\p tizb ai "n tcametit pnt tua mnd racil an. Tis- fa s t cari l o h d r e tn t h e b u y a p a i r o f D a c k s h o e s a t $1 3 .5 0 l o w s p r t e d . I f a n y d o c t o r c o u ld C tîn c ili o r B o \%v h e . x v h o is s t ii el i l. T e ï ! i , t o h i l i v c i b s e f F n n e D n i g s s e c fes ading o ifi er In t he yet I go on wearing my old shoes. assure us a certain up iftin ý of on unctos icue : S l - lg tl( a( lani b s t r o M .B akm ea oil C edT ER i a i e t rl ti as aing iny inufants and>< But whien some 'emerg-ency re- the spirit. for $5, then ive wouid nr iiîiatiîî ipniudied Suoin- t hesoete >1ke ofth of biih j. vctr- iter of. Fiacennin g'ske o speh a s n e e rg p r d u c n g o o d q u ir e s m e to p a r t w ith m o n e3 '. I p s y h is f e e c h e e r f u lly . P r o b a b ly D (I t f o 9 .3 7 ' M r s T II l S tk e si s o lr sha e n fi I n i t u e l c n gt hr e it e r M r o D nn g d a.s d w th e yt e t e o t h i e a d q for growixîg children. find it. and foî'get about it. So our general health would be bel- î1. url ita and .re ix er ale odrctrltasip la r TH AOSif I paid out 82.50 for a sweep- *er because of our hopefulness. Ci \'e.tirîH sîîîa AUd re L'îiver-at i lr-.i' iiirtui the' reding e deton th a ta theprees a the sead qaliya h ri. E N E R G Y ~~s ta k e tic k e t . 1 xxo u ld fo t b e v e ry A n d e v e n w h e n w e e a rn th a t w e N atxe - u n C r . . . ii r c i e i nal tht'lt M i ij. e f e i>.i i ai d a d f n a l q e c e d t e S c a ENRYcflscious of il a week latter. lost our mnoney - the money which aii .le.Noalw hea referrd th t otl tue Credter tHe went o tod mee anpasodDs peda imo rtcin n FODThe point I amn making is this: wve paid for a swveepstake ticket.,.Cichpîca.eltv u o' xvrix<twe -ittt'ta de m' i oattattee adben s S ~those I;ho buy sweepstake tickets ive are flot downhearted: we pro- hcxvcli'aiirin;î nt -lu- onetst scalCedtinte nlef bd n fut.Te ef sfretadveo on the Grand National and the ceed to buy another ticket. and Chiila iîtrîîe o i rc-. fati .iiii diforc xx viirl% tlz.lill Hse 0f Commonts. Ife Ios ofwereful nhnerd Derby do not seem 1.0 be poorer ive say to olr.selx'es, "I have ao-Icer'îliii' 'r % Bxin. ht' prsci~ ii..h faiti utdîcac inheigcners. ter Houem0f t teg fuling u oidre by atn y edny obs ~ or th ji a ît n: if th e $ 2 .5 0 so lu te iy n o c h a n c e a t a ! bo w in c r . n a i x jt i i 0r .t nt i i.. . i t t îtv. ' t r t cuhsx >ý ' C o on s m o uel d be tre a s t h a e .enonaticket, iots would 2e a chane if ehveno tu ickt be ha i . Cuî. .iîîna iýlîîoxxe anr ctr4 tu i.%eet~ îe..t' ofrsmoeadmr stt CANADA aTRC c'Ipenrson pwrad e lltllen ithstel. lyears pass, to the conviction he Fl-ide evsfe hpn for else - e ap ne- x- eoevn -ifg It ha e a ' 'n..iptiuii. hall and arena $10q40 Leader. 'f ail nli))isitiuii tiartit'. went in with. If you have ever CQANYUmN.dHsen orsmehn ls -ha ch-%eyrmeo er fuhv" a N.c s ag tccih. .....îhi ..........22.4 aipn xl tthe tPrcitihei f tit' l hof a chan n th lat nvitio,' K CMAYU aps something of perishing value. ket. I want that chance. and l'Il Tn... lî..taet.. et...... ......2.42 litoa tht' ite epret'd îtei ef te head0 ani alaenlO O c LO G E - E J C K ~~~kiied lix dut' ... .... .. ..... ..... 0.00 V arious ;'. >iin ftîhîx ii co i ttt "'The inte Ulectual m an w ho wilh _________________ About the morais of this sweep- (). \'it.road. and bridt't'. 251.62 tee. flot take a step in the dark wa-s stake business. I confess that I 1 Prein. Ru)Iîberv, Etiîds, Trea... Anoîier bill xxhichl i. ah..o liefure flot intended to guide every step. amnfot rnuch concerned. I would aitd Coihectî r )..... .-...23.50) the housv d ,ah. xxiii the niachiiierx We can't stand still whiîe theories i not feel that I had sînned greatly 'lri;î Trea... Bmndt.........28.00 hv xxhich tht' eiecioral vout'. are cast are being worked out. We must hz arteOcad if I boughit a ticket. In certain l're'iniinîiiîc -1ctur Býond ......18.(X) andî mnenhi!(r.. ehectedf. A\ cuiomitice go ahead by the trial and error TeeaeteOcadPoeto sdb ways I amn gamblîng somexxhaîTia. baiaiicc of saIarv . ....... 40.00 uf .33 menier. itu. been aîîîîinîe(i to method. using both theory and Eprecd0 similarly aIl the t';me. Thus. I Cuincih adiotirned lu inect 'Max\ i,- ilI.. Tht' qi'.. practical methods. If we had.E>precdO ha is. miay bu>' a first edition of a book 2nii. 2 1it nt W. B eaýlcu0c k, C" er k- t ionS o ;f t therîîaîixe vite, tironor- waiîed for theor3'. the sorage In an officiai test where there was an 89.~.fnu n 43oiac in the hope that ils value will rise ia relr>etiai nid c îtu.oxbattery would neyer taebe infestation, Koiofog Wef'Tex reduedt in the years ahead. If I were a v.'îiug xv!er_ iîiCti-..e il, the' bousie. built. Trial anid error is God's eet 9 tnu 5 t a m p c olle cto x'. I w o ul d 12e b o y -(l c o n tîtl ... , ' \ - î i g x ic h hi . a y . I f D ia î t th in g is w r o n g . w e c a a n d 3 .2 7a in se c t d a a . ing st.amps in tht' hope of getîîing J IU A V Sle> tîi x îi .aifci n ù \~- b c p a d ty a an h vl . ~~B siesfi eco been tre mit il bac Ip andd Men arein alway buiet______________ai back sorte day several limes what 1 xxli \il! l,t fîîrîther îîigLatcde(i here and so are the,.. land and houses in the hope tùat LEGAL "itidht i iecniit Oe phacrie ment forwardth 'Oio ,fthey will get 50 or 100 percent _________________ Uepomn eift.heory of opposites wvoîking to- profit on their invesîment. Far- .G .GUD .. B T e r- inirtant of ahil qîîe.. gether for a greater goodisn mers are alw'ays gambling: they Baritr.Shiior otr 1i. "îri' letrlef~idte party politics. I often laugh aI t~ '~ ~ ~ ~ / - ~ ~ hlold their wheat or cattle or hay Phone 351 Uteit tvxx h ie uxrt ni nav their jabberings." conciîded Dr. Di a m t n au i or'a heisr pacto win be hn-Rya a kBlgBwmnil enîcourage antt a..-e.t tht' iîidu'.trial Bowles. "I find it difficult to Re l rd. Cal 4. t at hei acion wil be han - R yal Ban Bl g.,Bow anvlle activities of te poplhe -o titat a stand poitical fooling gladly. but somely rewarded. Those who buy W. R. -STRIKE larger nurtîher ina> be absorbed in onds of c s are uteray to bu Barrister, Solicitor, Notary gainful empIixvit have occupied DOIRROW ING AT THIE ]BAN K :f :li z aes rz Solicitor for Bank of Montre-al mc f1 ieo iehî.e h ..-- .--. or even from a church organisa- Money teo Loan. Phone 79 atlu mesteso ar e boti h forb a- to.Those who bet. whether in Bowmanville, Ontario ed before the bouse. The general i. apigmy way or in a large way. ()i othgveiren.owe, are gambling. It does flot dis- L. C. MASON, B.A. poacs o ue vren tpaie b r Rtogers. tress m when sec a an buy Barister - Solcitor Itsbceeiandb rRors F ERSNEEDINGMONY sound bankîng Our brand Iar a tic e a msga~, bi?.the Minister of Labour and bas re- pari mut al ick ts a hose ace . Noary Pubic Etc Ceved hotapprobation anti riicism. to hoance the cos of plant- managers in ail agricultural ling are to, be condemned when Office immediateîy east of Royal The' prirîcipie on xx'iclt thte vrt they become one's professedi busi- Theatre.rt'ntpicis1ltemiba.d ing-money for wages of parts of the Dominion are ness. I cannot endorse ways of Phones: Office 688; Home 553. seeros .to 6e tble avuidance of tero- fo ed qupet amla ih amr'.making a living wh.ich do flot re- i lcdi ulcok.Teok workers, f rse ,e up e t a ii r wt rm s'require. present equait>' f exchange, The D ENTA L in piac uth puliovrk..en Tue n txo fertilizers, etc.-wiIl find at ments and market conditions. man who bets and who wins givesDRJ.C EITcrenatthiefosaetoe nothing to the loser: the loser is DR.c .c.DVTcotencrazt the e rt. aen tiof the Bank of Montreal a You are invited to talk the poorer because of the tran- Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson riaturai resoinres, antd the e.xpansiont and wîlmn r spa se wît t e m na er f ur saction. W hatever may be said Graduate of Royal Dental College, of tht' cuntrxs incone prducinz ready n il n ep n e wi h t e m n g r o u of betting by those able te afford Toronto. Office: Jury Jubile e pnoer. Te furtber developneit of to applications for loans. ners rnhrgrig to lose, nothing can 12e said in Bî1dg. Bowmanviîîe. Office hours Cartada'. foreign trade byeevIl Boro'wng a mke yor ned or orru'ig dfene 0 betin bythoe wo 9am. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- imeans in the governîttent'., rîuxver, e. Borzigt aeayu edfrbroîg canriot afford to 105e. day. t course to bc fostt'red. lteè varions. harret i a constructive use ta prepare fora profitable th~e principle, which matr. Phone 790. Houen phnOfe8. Ln.. ..pii o mmisb o tte r N atina ofceî, prvdbyhret Weil, I fear that few of us let our -RyEupetiOfc. of cedir aprove byharvst.lives be governed wholly boy prin- FUNERÂL DIRECTOR "ibutt'5 ,sh severai speakers. in the ciple. If we exarnined our prac- ________________ u..e f Cornonrs duriniz the de- tîces and conduct in aIl things. FUNERAL DIRECTORS bt.Atut hs ectefrt then I fear that much that we rtlcmiisienhm îîrxc D A K F M O T EA L do would be a transgression Service, anyhour. any day. tent plan, tjie copi...Ioiten- ESABISED187for the morals of the young girl Modern Motor Equ.ipment. Arn- vîaionsa ithriîeiîtg of The îîîiîvat 'bank uhere smali accounts are we/come" who bets her comrade a choco- bulance and Invalid Car. Cali ajt.ohrnovntnx iegv late bar or an ice cream soda. Phone 480 or 734. Assistant 573 rrinteit. iuoît thiat the, pîrovnces MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE . . .. the Outcomg .of We are not much upset when we ________________ vili agree iii thte arncendrintit of the 120 l'ears'Succesui Operato>r see good women buying a 10-cent CONTRACTOR cisiîtuit îai t onrim raffle ticket on a quilt. We are __________________________1 pas; an ui.i'tplov'nitt irisîrrance flot alarmed when we sec lads T. E. FLAXMAN rnt'a..ire. \Vuitlt titis xxîuîd be tht' i1a3'ing marbles for keeps. It does Builder and Contractor \vasati oni fanaîoti eniîe b% Bowmanvilîe Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager not upset us when we see two service, xviiu vs eotitete men coins or tossing Loyers' Lane - Bowmanviîîe the nuationtal einîtlovnreent cominis- dice 10 determine who shall pay Phne38i.on. Tht' ireat troulhe xviti ques-. for a luncheon.tirsotu.kid boxeri te' , w i t h a 2 5 y e a r g u a r a n t e . T h i g u a r a n t e e i s w ' gb a c l c t o t h e p u b l i c i n d u-cu s e- - - -P . ' -- baked b>' a reliabie firm with a background " Not perhaps to the identical per- Ku.p jour laver heithy MW you'U [l tit lr ofy asofs r ie o a rcut r .As o rsons who pay in this money, yet eF er .V Si uin. Whou yu wake~ ___ __ 0fT t cf~~H4 year sefi sevc te. agiuue ce. yo'ut L bne.Tt-Lap roofing cores in large sheet to the sulc aeag.rntviU"jOElVfa I i tf. " i hrsin w rhp is a wt 14 bak r ieis on al fours with the taxes Yur liver clais the bied of peisonf tAI. h er s urr tn 0f,ý i i m Redu' ot eron thtaeesl anld ieroweather. wlLh Scrow Sh.ank which we pay. sepiratui the. aaurisimg part ofwi - ef proof--does not crack, bulge, shrink or curl Tktentimea I own that il this controversy fro the Vist. Suppie enow? tmu c us H e li fo ve, 'o a dde th Be-î phon dra tes a e ey ~~~ ~mr fo epto ih oe orodro.r ci0- over sweepstakes iaves me cod. "-ianead cland --Éves out bie tae bdj' aus He 1935s '36o adeh " logisance '37Y ga, sPe ey uny haput n riht oer yur od ro I cannot, get excited over Ioe doa inEO 1d35, '3e6ch andij '3 8%aiht e enîd ridge and rafter measurementa for free Stend dtI ao laatve hope, Chach idesaWritY." - Lyman :ce arbed roof. not foresee any great a mnount of testiiii te wek proPerlY. A inae bvel Abbott. ee effecced savEni -~~~ Ib~~t e- m ret. hundreds of thousands of e so s made from irits and herbs, wWi irel -hm iwaeth a risen Sav our; a h gher On~ 'o a d u b c fd 8 ' cs 10 V ?a. ~ i 1 l. __r n and build up our liver like noting e t.' ili. hum an sense of Life and Lovey one m illiona tfeeC less8 Q'd~ b~ Ma ufctr l.e * engaged ln the agreable pastime la1 YÎ8Z 1al e r eey w ih wpe w y al te r.-""n'<iy V faaoua Presten stei. of building castles in the air - Yo'I b m ae ..w we o sen hc ie aa l ers.-e l Faeieaie i TrOu Barns, TritîLap dreaming how they would use MoUg. Ty Fruit-a-tives. Ail d- git M ary Baker Eddy. the glolou W4la s ... Oi p r e l o i . O f t'M o n r e a a d T q a . a a w a 1 5 . 0 0 f t e o a o F R U I T - A - T I V E S TL ' ÈE S d i s c o v e r y o f C h r i s t i a r d t y . ", M a n a g e r 1 prise. Channing.

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