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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1938, p. 5

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2Little girls used to be told to 0F*INERESiTO OMENthraoutSe econ ex eat carrots to give them a good complexion and to make their O F I TER ST -O WM ENhair curly - or maybe it was the Scrusts that made your hair curly. I mat was in the good old days ~ G::: s::s: ~ B.V - before Vitamins. Now at- ____________________ ~tention is t.urned to, the men and N q.OIEii,. IVg.ri LADeIES W&ER ES their carrots. Fliers are advised WEDDING 1 COSY MORE THAN to eat carrots for their Vitamin NewsFro Heln's Note ookcontent. This vitarrun has a 1-ew>Fom Heens otbokMEN TO CLOTHE beneficial efeton teee n 1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright. Maybe youve f orgotten that ýNew York World-Telegram, Up with carrots, spinach, butter Married in St. Luke's Church, Hamilton, viited her mother, enties for the Durham County The seasen approaches when and cheese. especiaily before they Btiriington, which her family has IMrs Thos. T<yi.Mui Festival cls next Satur-me d t moer do night flying. 'Vitamnin A is attended for many years. Helen i. Music womenmnadatrmoer essential in the production cf Charlotte Pettit, eider daughter I takes anepr ubn 1 day, April l6th. eslgtyur tohugi fvsa ppewic enbste of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Peti, I xethsadte * , omeitteeghtAy turn te tofugTits o! visua eue hich uoeabes tei Freeman, Saturday af t e r n 0o on, i sten to the wife and the radio Cmmte:Agtrn fim glad raiment. Hence a rnay i-eeV e. oqoeawie in April 2d became the bride of - t the same time. portant people who, singiy, can terest you to learn what the we- Poular viai ofn. e rh abthan Joh Crvth igee so o D. Im n iagac Mss eiiede nothing, but together decide dressed families cf mid-.America inducement for the smaUl boys. AnhniCe Higbdteae Chaf r- i And egraationstsnday ePattinson, Toronto,. that nothing cari be done. Com- are spending these days o n the wouid-be flyers, to dlean Up lnes Higbee easthle kChar- And yegrt Iod them Mr. nd Mrs with lier parents. mittee: A body of people who ciothes. o bi pnc n aros h nat ins,N astl.Pnacr nd fernI decorat- mersituation; Jos. Pattinson. keep minutes and waste hours. A report by Dr. Louise Stan1ei, feminine sex likes to see aIl, s0 ed the church. Rev. G. W. Tebbs. I wh-ined a lot A woman looks...............e chief cf the Agriculture Depart- just in case we might miss some- rectr, ffiiatd, ssited y Rv. nd alkd te flortwoway-eihloot s t o erthin Among the Health Nurse Bal- ments Bureau of Home Eccnom- thlng, vwe better pay attention to recoroffciaedassste byRev An wakedtheflor, wo ayseiter t i flt wrihlots received f rom citizen.s who ics. covers the clothing budgets ef our carrots too. F. H. Mason. Toronto. Howard And ýwent and sat keeping. or it is toc gocd to be are out of tcwn were Mrs. E. R. sortie 3,000 white, non-relief. Am'- LeRoy presided at the ergan. By the outer dcor. ýkept. ýBounsali who is visiting in In- erican-born men and women cf ADsetBig The bride, given in marriage by . dianapolis. mnd.. and Mrs. Aberta ail income groups in seven smal Dessert Bridgeebc in her father. were a gown cf rose But they weren't paying Young Husband.' -I took outtFee wbo is wintering in Florida. cJties of the Middle West. From DsetBigsaebcmn romanette over rose taffeta, f 10cr The least attention, five thousand insurance i . * s you ear that- more popular all the time. Just in iength. Her hat and accessories They didn't hear on My hf e today." The Wife: case you haven't been at one, this were cf matching shades. She What I tr4ed to mention. "Oh. goodie. I won't have to be DrT.APatiean M. Th buadspntnav- is the way it works. A de.,rtan carried a bouquet cf roses and They wouldn't listen remindimg you now te be soi care- Kenneth Soanes attended the an- age of $52 each for alI their cioth- cofee (the only refreshments)1 lhles of the vailey. Miss Frances To my sa'J yelp. 'fui"- nual presentation of the Bach ing: their wives averaged only $4~ are served at two-thirty, and then Pettit was lier sisters bridesmaid. Se then what happened St. Matthew Passion at Convoca- more. the game of bridge follows. This wearing blue taffeta with corres- I-olnt epfMr. and Mrs. Ray Diiiing at- t-en Hall. Toronto. on . Ia o asadshe h u-mastattegm a eoe pcnding bat. Her bouquet was cf tended the annuai meeting. Lad- evening. Sir Ernest MacMillan bands and wives spent the sanie- in good time te get home te at- roses. Mr. F. W. Chambers was I gave them bints, :ies' Night and Silver Jubilee cf directed the Conservatory Choir an average of $3 each fer bats tend te the family and the even- the best man. and the ushers were And if they scorn them the General Accountants Associa- cof 250 voices with ensemble cf and $8 fer shoes. ing meai. Much as we enjey a Mr. Bruce Carveth and Mr. Gor- They cannot say tien of Ontario held in the Royal soliits. symphony orchestra and For coats the wives had a littie bridge party. mosi cf us have don Carveth. Toronto. That I didn't warn them! iYork. Hotel. Toronto, on Monday organ in a tbrilling performance. the btter cf it. spending $12 been served tee elaborate refresh- A receptien wa.s beld at the -Berton Braley. evening. compared with the husbands' $7.iments at toc late an heur. The home of the bride. "B alIs am in the Dog World of Australasia.: . . . A social event which is boing And for underwear. inciudingj resuit is we go home with no ap-i Lodg", herethebridi prtyMr. A. 'M. Thompson and Miss anticipated with considerable in - - were assisted in receiving by Mrs ESprwr i oot atr eetisteRtr Cu ais ilk stockings and nigtes, Mi- pretied fo cu ruenin fmeal nd Pettit and Dr. Higbee. The brides HOLD ANNUVERSARY Eday e enigedingTrotoe eu- erNîgt ingheidtay lu at ie s'elady spexat double ber spous's aetrdfrmters ftyn mother was godig te RvneNihtinin meddn Ngcasleoverage, or $10 a year against bis te get the famiiy's meal ready on bluerla w o:e cf pîink T AU TO H M presented by the Arts and Letters Community Hall on Wednesday,. time. It is a very workabie scheme blelc ihcraeo ik A A N O O EClub in St. Georges Hall. Mr. April 20t.h. This occasion is being and it is ne wonder that women rosebuds. Dr. Higbee. the bride- Thompson's brother. Mr. W. F. sponsered by the Rotary Clubs of i Fi re.o l te rsýlk t aiissol o e groom's mether, wore a dress of, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thcmpson'Tbompson. represented severai Lindsay. Peterboro. Cobourg. Port 'items, cos the decorativ'e sex îess 'cause it is pretty bard fer the black lace with corsage of yeilow cf Taunton were bcnered on characters cn varieus skits on the Hope and Bcwmanviile, with other than tbe sombre maie-S6 a year family flot te sufer when we getI roses. Later the bride and groom Wednesday evenîng. April 6. the program and was particularly Rotarians and Rotary Annes be- for the wife. $7 for Friend Hus - -home with neither time nor ap- left on a wedding trip te United occasion of their fortieth wedding prominenh in the musical num- ing invited f rom Oakville te Belle- band. ýpetite fer the evening meal. States. the bride wearing a cos- anniversary. Sixty friends and bers. ville. Programn includes dinner. "The aId idea that women arel tume cf night-fail blue with tan neigbbors joined in the celebra- ...ertertainment and dancing. An extravagant in dress will have te Fruit Melange accessories. tien. Among the dinner guest.s To mark the closing of a very outstanding feature on the musi- be revised in the light cf modern12 pint whipping cream a ___________x ere the three daugbters o! the successfui and most en.joyable cal program wl bo the presence facts.' Dr. Stanley says. "Only 14 cup maple syrup The kittens eyes are openeci in bpycul n hi aiis season et bridge the following cf Adlph Kcldcfsky. eminent in the highest income brackets 12 cup dates cut fine mie ay. h bidgre'sînon.Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dickinson coupýles haci the pleasure cf wit- vielinist. and Gwen Williams. na- d'd these wives cf the Middle 8 marshmaliows cut in Hàn apys the man whroin oe of Port Hope. Mm. and Mrs. Cecilnssîg that much discussed play. tionailly known accompanisti. We--t spend noticeabiy more on pe jith hiniseîf. He bas no rivais. Crossman and Jean cf Enniiski-,"Yes,. My Darling Daughter." at *..clotbes than did tbpir busbands." I 1.ý cup chepped nuts a ans oe ! ftrehîelen. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kiiburn." the Royal Alexandra in Torontoi Mr. and Mrs. Gee. W. James 1It, goes witheut. saying that as 6 marachino, cherries Ifmis s fire hefba funo e ickom-joyce and Jack. of Oshawa. on Tue.sday. April 5th. Mr. and were dinner guests Saturday ev-1 the incemes went up the couples icpcipcra ing. , C~~~~ards and messages cf congrat- Mrs. Geo. E. Chase. Mr. and Mrs. ening of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Idressed btter. In families with Wi b ma n odi h ulions b . and oves giThsren- M. A. Neal, Dr. and Mms. V. . Gully a the Granite Club. Te- ir.comes of $500 or less tbe bus- emaining ingredients. Roll the ________________________ceiod y r. nd rs Thmpsn.St.orey. Mr. and Mrs. L. WV. Dip- rente. and later at the Annual bands' annual clothing bill was crumbs. sprinkle baîf of tbeen together withbobutquets e! flewvers pel Dr. and 'Mrs. G. C. Bonny- Revue e! the Arts and Ltters 1$16. the wivos' $20. In these with the bcttcm o! a 1cMf tin or a re- 1tram the family. frem Dr. and: castie. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox. Club where Mr. Guily displayed incemes of $5.000 or more the figerater tray. pour in the cream Mrs. C. W. Sieon o! Bowman-; and Mr'. and Mrs. R. L. Mitchell. h:s dramat.ic talents in twe pro- husbands spent $158, the wives ýmixture. cover writb tbe remain- ville. and from the Kedren As- i.i , ductions. one a laughable farce:$183. îing crumbs and chill for severai sociatien. The evening was spent Bowmanviile High Sehool wii on tbe 1938 Moter License plates. heurs. Serves eight. in games and dancing. Mr. and be represented at the Musical and the ether an bistoric presen- Mrs. Thompson have made their Festival given under auspices o! tation "Shades of the Fathers" IHitFrH me des Cheese Saiad Dressing home for tbe past forty years on the Ontaxie Education Associa- ýu*here tbe Fathers of Confedera- HitsFrj ieo ie Cream a cream-cheese until tbe famni which bas been in the tien in Massoy Hall. Toronto. tion were holding a conference Written for The Statesinan thoroughly creamed. eitber a pi- Thompsen f amily fer 130 yoars. Aprîl 19-20 by these yeung vo- Ion the Roweli Commission. Mr. by mente or plain cheese will do., calists. Aleen Wight. Helen Glan- 'H. Napier Moore, editor cf Mac- [ ssie Milen Brown j Then add pineapple juice a littie QUIN E B ANC 0F vile. Thora Daviscn. Marion Dud- lean's Maga.zine. has the distinc- 1iiangeaIts Schols at the mixture is CARTER'S W.M.S. HOLDS MEET i Bett.y Bettles. John Graham. Don- master o! cerernoniies c! tbis Re- Drasticchanges bave been made dressing. beating after each ad- aid Masen. Paul Symens. William vue for the ninth censecutive sea-inteshosyem nOtae.din.Ts saeirbeds- HTTBI~hBay of Quinte Cenference Rickard. They wilbe accomp- mind and genius in poducing Itr7a been said facetiousy 'Eg- ing fer fruit salads or plain salad HOT ranh oftheWoman's Mission- anied by Mm. Francis Sutton.: and presenting sucb ciever and erton Ryersen feunded the On- greens. CROSSit hldthi SrigMus.Bac. iaugb provoking entertairiment. tarshe sytern i 89Snece Yocateîhna U Sited Church, Kingston, Apri b *t There was toe much truth in this growýing stout by o sh tak be funny. Parents wouid deo si h eeari j8j«Mfwe5l te adopt a waiting plc be- cfay tendnce.12Pe Cent Have DfcieV twl Do e 0 r.R .Jlifpeieto'fore they criticize becauseitwi___________________ Dozenthe0 I erenolfe acpresidee'P bicdu OS u v itake time to e ajsmn Delivered and each Se-cetary presented a In Pubic ch olL 1 v y e eals The good teacher wili bave won- ---- splendid report. y e derful oppertunities. but the tea- Mrs. A. I. Brown conducted an ' cher withcut SA UR AYiipressive memenial service for Five Cases of Whooping Cough Mmre spent in office 3434 hrs,. initiative. who SATU DAYMrs. B. L. Barns, beioved record- Reported in March. Health Tme spent in visiting 44 hrs. bas been doing ing secretary wbo passed into Nurse's Monthly ITme spent in clînîcs l234 hrs. things by rote. hihr service in Novembor, and G .TcePHN'sgoingt SPECIALa bouquet of roses was piaced irRpr GHTckrP h ave. a s g c lte EASTER ber memerY. I____________________'ae.adifcult 1The treasurer remitted ta Do- The mcntbly report cf the Pub- mn a been CA Eminien Board $66,500.00. Mrs. J. lic Healtlh Nurse. Miss G. H. aroused b e - CA EJ. Way, Wcoler, was elected ne- Tucker, is presented belcw: cause of ceas- cording secretary. Report for March FOR T 1filE pbls 4 cMrs. H. T. Thompson, Whitby, There were five cases cf wheop- 000. the henor rol tohveoe fths DmninBoard secretary. was iTi enst pretty and dellcious cakes for guest speaker and breubo ugghrhttdinMrcaTe Tm e ems te a mesinte be wh a ws c god ting oI Easter. Order early please. splendid address on leadership. viio ureywic wscopltAllenoo tig.I ___________________ Mrs. W. L. Smyth t.cok charge o! ed in Marcb shows that 12' cof will be a dis- Jsi le the dedication service, urging the the public school children hav'e appointment te &Bown wome tetryte lve thes an deectve vsio. Te toal um-- Ithe few parents wbose eidren uAT Rmndertndter obl tesad efcivevso.Te oa umake bigh marks, but this wil One cf the pleasant events was ber cf visits made in Marcb are be more than offset by the îm- I CE LI¶L iV la scenic drive to the new homeione hundred and twenty-six. The 9%II provement in morale to the chll 'C RE M o! the president where ail were attendance at the Mental Health 97. IlZa... dren wbo do tbe best they can B C S l served a!ternoon tea. An invita- Clinic was eigbt. five school cb.l- 1--~ but who are flot capable o! ak B I K tion te convene in Cambridge îng high marks. There is te be T'U 'dal nds p ebttr t pesholcilrnStreet, Lindsay, in 1939, was ac- dren attended for speech train- ne stress laid on competitioni Each 2 5c Icepted. ing, one child for observation, and 3" This may not be such a drastic Holiday Deliveries Mrs. R. O. Jouli!!e, who was el- twO adults. There were four : change. The competitive spirit ected for the second terni as Cbild Heath Coiiferences held has been in the parert!V, more Speralconenentdelveres president, brought a timnely Eas- with an attendance of thirty, 1 'than the cbildren. 1 can't ever on Good Friday andi Easter !te message and said there need infants and 12 pre-schcol chul- remember trying te get bigber Day - 12 soon to 2 p.m. - 4 to, be no financial prebiems if we dren. marks than any other pupil nom 6 p.m. Please order early. lived Christ from day to day. She Health Supervision: aIre mb vrcrigw t ___________________ urged each individuai to shed the Visits te new born infants 10o* anyone else did. I arn certain spirit o! the Mastler as she gees Visits to other infants i that our boys have neyer given about " yad ohIl obte Visits ope-col hlre a hoot about any ether boy's SE T14P t1e- erld. Is- t-shoi-- idrn Q1' marks. This is as it shouid bo. GERMS IN FAMILY WASH I Medicai authorities know there arc dangerous germns in ail soiled clothes. Science has proved it- by isboratory tests. That's iwhy it is so important, if you wash ciothes at home, te use Concentrated Super Suds which removes germs and dirt . .. the safesi and best soap 600q you can buy. A OUICKER, EASIER WASH DAY, AS WELL AS THE PROTECTION 0F A WASH THATS *HOSPITrAL- CLEAN 1 Il Children weighed, measured 292' Children having special physical inspection 65 Children having vision tests 87 Children for observation 2 Re-inspected conditions subsided 10 Children continuing undor observation 1 Children sent home 6 Children excluded fer skin disease 3 Defects Found: New' cases, abnormai tonsils, 3 New cases. dofective teeth , 6 New cbildren. enla.mged glands 1 New, skin disease New, crt.hcpedic defects 8 Total No. of New Defecta 19 Total working time -----.-165 lirs. Mîme spent in scbools.'---74 brs. -Iwhen al ethers bave failed. I YOU,i * *read the book a second time, im- i n .IQURID --r PASTE mediateiy, because I was se, anx- eo icus Vo knew bow and when she eo ý4 OV POI S got ber baby Panda that I could' of the net absorb as mucb of the de- Lust, E criptive China parts as I wisbed cs in the first reading. Just beforo i 'eading the book, 1 saw a picture Thisi e! the second Panda she got inl limite the News Reel. Perbaps you. toc. .~~" ~ C s'aw the unusual iit.tle white and aie black bear-like animal. You mnay b ave beard Mrs. Harkness and hei'avn Panda ever the air at the Ex- plorers' Club, or you may bave CS fheard Alexander Woolcett tell o! it. It is amazing how an inox- £ perienced woman, witb the help e! a chanming Chinese young ers have done. The book is se R !asciruating that I hope Mrs.2 Harknes wastes ne time in wrlt-P hone 682 BOTH LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WilI find a store f ull of new thinRs for the Easter Parade. In the Ladies' Departuient there is a gorgeous array of:- New H-ats - New Coats - New Dresses New Suits - Scarfs - Gloves Hosiery - Flowers And For Men *... Besides the largest stock of Men 's Fine Suits and Top Coats in town, there are the New Harvey Hall perfect 1knot ties. They are ready tied, on a different principle frein anything you have seen before. The smartest of styles and niaterials, and they are priced at just $1.00. Tooke and Arrow, leaders ini the Men's Shirt field, pre- sent new desigus and styles i Men's Shirts. Be sure to see the new -Traveller" collars. Priced to suit your purse. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN LIMITED Headquarters for Kaster Clothes Phone 836 How It Works Out py o a wage fer the work you "Daddy." asks a smali boy,'do."ýYo 1what is the difierence botwoen "her( ote osg? 'They go te make up a bigger Sociaiism. Communsmn and Fas- bord. Weil, Fas-cism leaves you cîsm?" ai your cows, b)ut it dees ail the "It's like tbis. son: We bave mulking." !four cows in our cowhouse. Sec- -_________ ialismn wiil take two away frcm us, for the community." If a man tells you his opinion 'Thon we bave two ie!t." cf his neighbours you know 1his "Communismn takes ail four, anld neighbours' opinion cf him. lALOFE 4SHERitWN S.f# à.Se41L Sa IN AN E csfte ' O i'hralmnirt eil-L ste h fuos A if yo act pomtly at 61i IIHEAEL a eoeui Lxd l, "ttq" tr etond vral oua frhm eoaig si. ~ ~ ~ 1/ Pt e...s o aai o 4 0Çrvie h sflgh-elct e e aos er-WxlasSii nngaesraenws uhI ou reSti-nanl trearabe an e ail aned i70aoa savung. and'Atve L.11 .1plusti asyoapy$ has2n asefca oeris ood rel ony o e -usnt painthoeuraind vs you ed eif od cprton the cerstifinat FIaIHoie f 13Lveyhastbel hae u.i mdthich yo wtlhe topay te oerniz y our fhome his sring. )WarI prieS o ip alseyour cash uspringes te saflgtetinEnanel nyu a spcia ertiie n ly o r te waiLs, oork s and unture. iOUR SAVINGS CERTIFICATE ON OR BEFORE APRIL 23rc1. 1 ~j/i PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 14TH, 1938

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