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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1938, p. 7

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"4. THURSDAY. APRIL I4TH, 19,1, TrIE C.VNAII N STATESM.\N. BOWM \.\\VI-LlE.ONTA\RIO SOCIAL 1- Did vc n reinimber t- taxes on Tue-dat ? Easter Sunulax serviceu % jlenice Chureh at 7 P.111. Re\-. H. \V. Foriev, Boxel Hon. C. D. Ho\we, M~ Transport.,xiii addrcss Canadian Club on Max 2 bc Ladies' Night. \Vickets at the PostC bc open Good Friuîaxniem 9 to Il ocîock. The ofî open the il'.uai heurs. fr and M Irs. Alher al~o. and '.\r. and i N dW suiid taughter. Toi visitors Nwitiî'Mr. Nont Mrs. Harrx Casbourîi. Mr. and IMr-. Chas. fanîîlv, Ocn n. and _Mis andi Mr. George .\Iîdre; nianleu i, xerc Stîndax Mr ir nd l.ioal Easter Ul lies Anud A. Complète Line of Flow( ORDER EARLY SKINGSWAY Jree-nhouses and Flower SI Phones - Shop 722 Greenhouses - 2632 After Hours - 2633 ISPEI Green or Wax Cut'Beans ...... French's Prepared Mustard ....... Pink Salmon ........ New Season's Maple Syrup Snow White Scribbler Frt Sugar Crisp Cornl "SALA ) Brown Label. Orange Marmalade.. Pie Cherries .. Aylmer Peas .... Aylmer Choice Si Mug Free with Ovaltine ........ Pure Lard...... Weston's or Christie's Soda Biscuits Tomato Catsup Karbol Soap Free wth Manyflowers Soil 3 Bars of Lfebuoy with Rinso........ G-a-rdýenSee HARI Phones 367-368 -...............................Ju-Lt:ee over cthee.Mi. PrterLîsnowii on label please au' it i~i *t i.tiiit l i ad. ;xvas lrrpei'ed xx-h ie c'Y. i if you happen to be one i Oe utî tai r- ii.aitOý there 'vas ex ery effort maàc hi. tittrtit ~nirea"e'h pisnerb .k nt sending in your subscripi t, 'urit ii.iià - i r, - .art:nL afi eshi.Partlcuia.riy tva to en another noticeil t'liittii tt c:- vihecy cac fmi tt-a? D n'ty i et-t ît'~'ih i- *is 1tue of boys commnitted to osn Ni iir t:ri i - ilrci la. xi a vert. ireateciunclen tlle i,. ' " rI- r ost xscm.xbch scgî'egateo tir t ' 'i \i i2tt r . . rriet font ohe- people andi front i i . Xi z it i i i.tîrrr %i-, r ecct:ci clfendc-r.. The:,-* treat- c îî,,rî at.. i ..en -".visa1ýo more ,unane. i-j 'iii Iî:î .;iii O'Neilcxpi-essýed tie C:tub's'f 'rît rur i... '.xcivunre-.'Mne re.-t-. Ve- xx i ciut-- i h rti"i't-PresidEnt t eo. Davicice pre.sideci it c t t','i u ii t tît c .. ;à - t -,tie thirci Vce-Pres.ctcnt.tst ~ r iiti nlw] tr i-'î, The Club donated $S10~ Iihiîi î ti- lut" iitirlirt rfft rcit, ut lle t hie cai Com înilîe of the c' îie,,îii.î ti ilrt. îhî 1, tî aî.x s Canadian National Institute for- 'i Ieliaif r t î1îe " i - lretiitlt i hetQ Bi'nd. N i i ttu i fîIier Nxx ll ii î-t ' ~t t -ti Irlîr-il r til,u 'r tý Illr t t itui ixa- tilt iiil EGON BANQUET îx~t Xi lack i,ît.igii tut- xx fri'Ilt - t .tzt aîl Nî\1r. A't 1 continued from page 1 r~~~~~~~ 1ih~tt i rrtt -' For the Renter t t..Jacl~k- iî kt le le ie lte-tîîircIl- Pleasure.s andi profits of gar- ____,__._ti. t ulit! w :1 fielItî, lic c litilileii denine are flot confineci to the S. îht - x il 'I rurfeîrat bitloxwnei' of property. Even the teit- Easter Services il l'e ai uît nanepeace. antxx ho mox'es as regularly as St %lt- rielicaut Ciiînclit . r t.iit-cao i. .1-tht unpart Iut May 1 ntay have a carden ;hc w i' ~.- I 'x t ruiuiuii'ii aii. ' r'tîhii trîue Nir. X une -ail. 1b' xx -: xa1 that of Ilth ost pet- hi x . ,'iiiiitttrru trii -cm' u. l -eitte ît rug tî Nrutte. xauîîiiii nanent, nature. 0 ore tt su t tii uluitul - -cnt ce. 2.30 i i;i àr -tîn lt itt h. 'it' ai if ,Iih - I-tenant iS not :nclned nI spend a r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 1 'l. r xîh-td~ igî uuirt great dea0ofrntoney on -sh'b u.~. k~i-itjî il hitnthî t, '*(Ir,-uii'* rîtflaîi u-i 1 utîandi trees. These thîngs tale Ii ),î -cix ice- tlu .l ie le r xii ir_1t_1 ii- î r tax\. Plîsiîr lu-usonne ycars to reach m iature .îîîîî t uîi c4cîrîrtir f i~x liii- ll , nlua -I-,ý a x 1,ruttit beautt.'. He' can and does. hoxx- r- ixcenlfîcae su trncfe--eîî r l it 'tau eci'. cet mucb the sanie eflect faitii Sîtiriax Schr ci 2.3<iiEx cli-1' 1, xith aSfl fl'îifoxers andi vines. ilue ct ic-7 puui. s;iecial iitlule Thci'e are at least a score of big 1 atifa-c den.-c.tUne t'fIl uic lic- xax - rof IhniIfijiîtebushy annuals like dahl:am. cos- cliaracter iii r itIit tva hnr ilt trimos. african marigolds. andcm a- Speciail _a-ter iue-sages iii senui 't ri 'leiî Ncx îeî. he~cît .1rbasxvihxilr ach ia ers Wut îî-c iihi ie iTiît -titi. lHe tc1li cfa -ectictut t i T-rheight. of Ithree to eîght feet bY 1-i..teîcu i titrchi otii pril I 7thî . t in lý ii r i e Caîtît ii ni tlii, nmid-July. These will x 1rn i slh tiltc uitig senx ieci IrieN. hnitI xxi1ii i tire raîiipaîit. Tue Cu amla nple background foi' thehn precut t cueot- inaîî iuîitce.1 c liiniicii. te xx hidi lie Ict i-dreds of dxarf to nmediumt heigh:t 'ltelh tf \nîîitiaea"Xîîint;niI 1iv,ux.neich iii that tcrmitre i annual floxvers xhch are lîstcd il til eh' r. (lutiti el ati cloaieriiicc. i t St iit Tn,, 1 r p aid a Citi ' ack. in any' secd catalogute. (h ilSl eit l -aI t .111 fl. tt(Iwiidc ititti i( tex )n- t er xncui- To screen verandah.s- or unsighit- t Sti.tutucxx'- Neixtenianu Clînrel iouic f,ilr utlte ut 'ctniiîe., 4 cf et îîîîîuîîî!y fence. such things as scarlet l Fa- t n-ctceSuuiffav rtîîenug atitii arr t 'Iý thîx-tuîîIiîîg thîir cninl î'unner beans. moîiiItg glorles. or hop Ili r'cI' ,c,: Sîîi,îxffl hit i2.30 î ii. a - u ,t e curule h- rit thie Fitrine. Ibops xxiîî do te job in a fexx No r eeeuîuîu., service a- ctîtigregttiril tieleniiiiilrI hx chartîcten te îîuîti. xeeks. xxiIjr in ii x ti ccýtrg gatii i ff aKnrrx tîi h, iolt t f frecel' iii iiiq~t Cultivation t u ci.C)-iîx .tri lîcan tlle NiýÀ '.t e i ilifie - tanIu for. Aside front te planning and. r'fr' tIe-ltui n it htuclli.1if Wv an oiuîtihIi ilitrIlluieîîîti-plantine. no early eardening job c ielit Re i.ntli I I itt1i c, rft nt.C.h hiii ritîcitnht- compýares in imiportance xith cul- 1) b.î finiier uiîiter of tlle Pres- tti tIrioi-hiîaii'..x hll ir' îaio uhrtes do flot ask ' ri ii iii t'hiiurch iii ivrxilaiitui. tr itiiir .c litit- I relu t 'ir iaicut anone 10 kccp tite hoe goîng aIl surn- I ý n- i1ail- nier. fat- front il. But îltey do re- iiiL til: cncliflel. qeszthat the garden be dug Ii.t'.lite R .t Sî ,i once tltorougitly f:rst. îhing in *the I'iirre t f tlle lcgî ut.cxtre--cd uic 112spring îhten cultivatcd once or eît1î, ril'g- iuaîîk- t" thue -cakc r j îxiejaftet'xards. Wîth proper fror asiitiîlie îIîtc-' atiel itli- xx'ui-olste xxork need be no ntore -entti, i tx a'î iîre>iItiiîîlR. _i. itan heaithy exercise.' For the S t' rht 'ut. i tr'ai-e itrcîîticeeliIut' purpose there is nothing oct tel -iieakcr. ire jiîîii tuIle Cati- titan a lit.tlc thî'ee or five finger- aliali frnee-atIltle age crf (6. cd cultivator or a Dulcit ioe.1 l're- *itieiih Ruig Hareliiuugpr -ititaIEîiter of these intplentents xiii ttîlert iu. lie. C. R. Sîtetîcer ak make short xork of a vegetable (.ut gracc'. aliti ttîît. i1uîtcIiîiit ii c(f or fioxtet garden. Cultivation tlle Sait aitnîî 'tritie tuuît Ilte serves a dcubie purpose. il kecps l.itt ln iatiff Rex cule îiiînîîg tit doxvît eeds and il conserves t ýira nnte Faieit C'rtinatc-l'lie ntoisture. Indeed where no itose iii tue -îuirn' îîîîîtiîîg eeîiiiitrx -ic e t-ontîs once a weck or so it is still -n.t%%Ieîiriî1c- thlitul-uai. possible to kecp a garden conting ---__ along by cultivation alone. NURSE S 0Catalogues IVilI Help HEALTH NU S Seed catalogues put out by tîte large firms contain much more> .........tin lOc (Continlued from page 1) titan a mere mention of the many nothel unîl prî 4t an ~ flowers and vegetables available free spoon 10c rotice had been gix'en lte Nurse,inC ad.Tespifimo' the omci advncedant points sucît as time of plant- fli COitcl avaneda furthet ing. resistance or lack of resist- ,C $100 s0 that the Board might axtce to frost. iteight, color. sca- .........tin O gix'e the Nurse tie statutory one Son of bioonîing. whetheî' scent- month's notice frointhei first of d. and also te suitabiIýty of the gal. $ .1 - qt. 5 C MaY. .At this tinte the Board lias floxver for cutting purposes. Al 5c not. had a furtlier meeting, se the of titese point.s should be taken -ee with2 C action 10 be taken at tbat t' utc is irto cons;deralton in planning a Flakes ...... 3 for 25 probetnatical. teal gardeit. autitorîties state. a.s; The solicitor for' the Depart- onl xxît.h 'uct kutoxlcdgc caîta nient of Healthit n Toronto cx- "C'îtrbiî' n p]anedto r. . H Btks. M.O. sceee be xorked out. H.. that any buils passed by the Lti lnt 'uîfltb td Board of Hcalth nmust be paid b'. idenbylan tiuns nd th'rc lit TovnTî'asrer athlie instJ- zitould*be as itîtîcit bloonit icitte T UOn te otlten hand. Mayor' R. - une cri. The most satî,factory 0.Joncs announced that he liad pîanling. aIs-o. xiii give pienty of 1/2 lb. 34c -Ml. 68c obtained legai adiîce 10to le cf- niaterial for- bouquets,,antd ti-uci _____________________________ that. lie Couincil lias control should be soitx plants noteci for overBoar ofHealh'sexpendi- their -cent. 32o.jr 2 c turcs and tîteefore couid refuse Grow Quickly .32-oz. jar 22c to~t. pay the nurse's salary ex'en if Tt ertc edrvgtbe .tis 2c the Board odred il paîd.Tesertctndrvgabs .......... 2 ins 25c As a malter of fact. apart front wtether tues' be grown in tle r.ty .Choice No. 4 lOc ariy legai advice that riay have or on thc farni. liies ini qui2ki been received, tîte Town Council growth. A check caused by dry weet Corn .. 3 tins 25C aîready ha-s control of te Board weather or cisc intari- of Heallt. The Board i composed abil' causes woodiness. To cLint- of Mayor Joncs. Dr. W. H. Birks, mate such danger experienced ....... Ige. tin 98c Deputy-Reeve C. G. Morris'.nmaket gardeners puslit tixir .2Ib. 5cCouricillor B. B. Furber and B. H. plant-s aiong xxith frequent appli- .......... 2 bs. 5c ortock giing he ourcila 3cation.s of commercial fertîlizer. to 2 majority. If Dr'. Bimks and Thtis must be appliid carcfuliy 50 .2 pkgs. 25C Mr. Mortlock. te non-counicil as to be close to but not actuaUly . .. .. .. .. .. O nmnbers. wislted to vote alone. touching stemts or roots. ........ botte lc te two council members coud Ncxt week a gardcning short tie the vote. lcaving the Mayor, eut. iayout.s, hints bextarc of who ta cîtaimman. to cast the de- frost. 3P.......... 4 bars 21C cidîng vote. So tîtat apart front any legal viewpoint that may be City papers serve tîteir pur'- C obtained te counicîl x'ey defin- poses, but it is your own town 1 ......Ail for 23c itely controls lte Board of Heallt. paper tîtat advertises your chur- cites. your nuteroils societies. sympathizes wit.h you in your af- ed and FIed Grain A Sydney'. New Southt Wales. fliction and rejoices xith you in titiv plane trips to scattel the te local paper that mientions tite 'j HAYDON 'M r.i -.d -, 11 Nir-. X hW, iufNir IttuiilT'r- Mrf. : ' dîatt i. F . u-uî,i t î . A 'ti. tt r. 1' ilcau ir. . lAnneihc' Ii' t . -lcti a e Ni i.- i r. at r . SX\n'uî . u iî. \ i- Ne r-î t .0'Mr. C i. Tnt xiii tieýr. ' i 'Mriti. Tanuller. NiF- Xuîic'nintuitl tÀ tuiîîî.aret i-il- tueiu at i . i ic it ' i-. a ai tir. n al N Pn.11t. Cri--iu tiA ni I ,il tat ai i rie tlc 4li i tl t i LIONS CLUB AND PERSONAL (tnc:ontiued f r:m page 1) _____________________________ap]atn came in contact, but the tngthat struck Iit he r 'tr Wr,1i taitri Nfr-. *i. F. 'i. saidâ. wa.s tbat in the great ma- i 'il-. cai.Slitiniexani i larelil. .iority of cases crime had as its iii r -t'iiiiit. and Niau 'r 1). C. Wariî orgin. ',iquor. Only a very smal î'reel.,. WXXîd-cr, wcrc gîte-t- of tlicir number of cases could be tracEd i.- tlii r..\ir-. P . N. Warîica suri 10 persons who had flot taken ~it tit grtitîiîtitr.'trs. W. C. ý\a->liigiî,-luor at the time of their crime. iiiuýttr -f îtn. x'ii lia- liedn iilir ir ' e tile. or xvho teere flot habituai drink- Ille Mii'- ers. ?tîl.Itxvii f r. Bill11 Hutchiîî-isn lia- ttli(i - One could flot work as chap- cnl, f iiiitg icr.'it '1ideitla4n in a Britisli prison without irrîl ltxt tlallie tri ebc (I:cte(j t(,xtt:ng that there was very even Office xiii tîiav iii lic- a,--etnbif.d eiîooi oc rlie- - justice in that country. in this rliiig freittIra- ai Nla-'cx i au. irelti. lit NI particular prison were men of alI fiee xxil licx: ec' îi ilider aii'pice- e 'f O.E.. '11-xaks in life. and one case xvas t euh. îîi. Bll itiaxs a celle. 1that of a man who earned nI ~ ~ I antr't ii ite-sas cc<îtsîet oi-onee livI$150.000 per year. He lhad de- In- Cl\een- uIl St. Catliariiîe- Staiielan ir'lit frauded a woman of $500 whiclt lii' , v e re 'tix erti-iiîzlgIeiefits tlue Consitiic r.' he climed hiad been overlooked ti~ ~ ~~v sol --crDttiX.Frt. cif Mn.-ill(l in the pressure of other business. Mn . i7rî R olt. iitie vif Nevertheiess lie was found guilty Be x îîtîiie.xxoti fin-t trizc. l St and sentenced 10 Jail. This man. Slîaxx iii h ie lt.cia-- fer l]llh Seiieol stlu- a xery good singer. traîncd the Reta (Carrdîi- prison choir. and prom.iscd the eatl. Boxv- rchaplain tha: he wouid entertaîn cti-I ~f .\ a e cit îîniii i te Iîî- = and bis 'xi'fe xvben lie xas XX tlie 11 i.tiiaîîiNinîiitîiiniiii îrelc-ii r freed . Atxvery great expense he iii't'c.ut ' itrxvicurutick xx a- kept bi:s promise. entertaini piî~ la- il Tîi-lieex cettitli iein c a: one of London*.: smar't t ' t d -r icNI x lte -iirid iCha:els and shoxved thein the city-. rittîr nt ;ir-r¶., ti. rt,, i . . . r pn"1%... Rainier. Alla. Marci 28. 1938 Dear Sir.- Pleaoc efind cnclosed sxibscrip- lion 10 The Statesman for 1938. Youî' rcmindeî' in 1.1-,e lasItxxwo- issues slîould xxake up a lot of ttc delinquent subscribers. Have had quite an easy xxinten. espccially Januars' and Marcix. xx'th Feb- ruais' considerably colder and plcnty of snow ta make fair sleigiîing. Wilh best xishcs for yourself and s'aff. wc xx'li con- tinue 10 enjoy our local papel'.- Yours sinccrely. A. C. Bragg. YOUR HOSPITAL JtutiiInit -iifer itue uctitte î te iîakiIîg tplace. tiischiatige ftxn tilt lictu thn iiîgiîîg ftiir P iex ture iil aliiilcal xx iî h lthîutet jt io l 't' tat ýt'tlu.uu hi' npitl i fer tîatîx' t tr- ira-h.i Hot Cross Buns............. doz. 20c Layer Cakes and Pies of all kinds Silverwood's Ice Creani------brick 25c Easter Novelties .................5Sc up CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 K I Parke-Davia Lowest Prices EASTER DIFIS NOVELTIES - CANDY - TOILET ARTICLES Buy your Easter Gifts at your I.D.A. Drug Store. Here you can select from large stock a Rift for every friend and the family. - or Phone 792 and we will do your shopping for you. NOVA - KELP TABLETS AMEM Natures tonie and body builder, con- mins supplied by Atlanltic deeP sea kelp. For practi. cally every klnd of ailment. Uncondit- alonally guaranteed 150 79c, 300 S.39. 750 S2.79 HANDY SIZE ANI CENTS 5W1 tube of KOLYNOS DENTAL 43ecCREAM UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY Novelties .... lc-3 for lOc-5c-lOc-15c Bunnies, Chicks, Rabbits, Roosters, Chariots, Etc. Candy ...... 25c - 50c - $1.00 - 52.00 Moirs, Neilson's and Page & Shaw Toilet Articles 25c to $10.00 Yardley 's, Three Secrets, Marvellous, Etc. EASTER CARDS 0 Sc - 10c- 15ec-25c T4e NEW FREE De Luxe Bottie lof Yardley's Lavender -4ith 3 cakes Yardley's Soap Both For 1.00 NEW PRICES Calcium A Capsulest 40's $1.10 - 100's $2. Dut-ch Drops 1Oe-25c BARGAINS Peruna - - - 87e Dodd's Pilis- - 27c N-R Tablets- 17c-34e Fellow's Syrup - - 87e Plnkham's Comp. 87c Pinex - - - - 32e Oxydol - - - - 2le Euthymol Tooth Paste Cleanses Polishs Deodorizes Price A rn-K - - - us -25c Treat Seed Grain for Smut Two Methods:- 1. DRY Method - using the new improved Ceresan Dust DWsnfec- tant. Seed may be treated now and sown any time up to two months later. For wheat, oats, or barley. 1 lb. tritats 32 bushels. lb. $1.00 - 5 Ibs. 53.90 2. WET Method - using For- maldeb3'de. Seed should be sown within 24 hours. Not reconunend- cd for wheat. 16 oz. treats 30 bushels. Price - 25c GIN PILLS 39C PALMOLIVE1 SHAVE CREAM The OLIVE OILlin this unique shave citem soothes end conditions irrtt.d akin. LARGE TUBE 1100em Sh.u Nw 23 GIANT TUBE M~Y 390] PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex Phone 792 McGregor DRUGS We Deliver1 -' 1 mu iîiii t, PAGE SEVEN DID YOU GET ONE? We are not divulging any names here, but two weeks ago we sent an account to every- one in arrears for The Statesman. Believe it or not, there were over 1000 letters mailed which amounted in dollars and cents to over $5000 which subscribers owed the publishers. Do you realize just what a handicap that means in publishing a good newspaper? That's why we are being forced Wo adopt the paid-in-advance policy, and it also means a sav'ing qf 50c a year te every subscriber who pays in advance. We were greatly encouraged with the very splendid and prompt response that many gave to our friendly notice. Letters immediate- ly started to corne by every mail and they are still coming in. We are pleased, grateful and thankful beyond words f0r this genuine spirit of co-operation toward your horne-town paper. Ail whose remittances have been received at The Statesman Office up to Saturday, April 9tb, have been corrected on the mailing Ïiit. So look now at the little yellow label on your paper and sec if it has been recorded correctly. If there is any niistake in your address or date -1- - -- îa1-du-1 - 11 U + ý"Ce î"i Le who has overlooked #ion \von 't you please u be one we wvill have iext montit. ln The GARDEN By Gordon Lindsay Smith For H i î iu ii xr 4 ?a, C HANGE DATES 0F bte.- -e'iltitr' ecîîth û ( t-.for >b'icliîe r- iiii arucelt fý DAMA FESTIVAL 1010 uc !aiîr iic1r . îrrettetci i lîiltion i D ~~ ti'c ut --tii r ~In- itnialtc iiv t e.ceeu r(nicli iehntre thali tIIucauî O F A.Y.P.A. GROU P e rc. foe l îr th(-4ccalv, alid initcliilt c u i frani n rcog- 1 la Il( il l;ýli\ iii-ai TIiý ii7e( i a ac. Ciccre. the Rîrînai, Announce Entries in A. Y. P. A. z.,ax i lrc Ille h-tîaix il i i ri106 ite 43 B.C.. (le- Deanery Competition-Appoint 1ll-ai' , tliot la ii t11dt ciTc luîrracc i- tIie utîx uddiî A. B. Mainwaring. Newcastle, iii h. Tuiietrtc s the t'verl.ntI Adjuicatr ii irte t îe. x tr- pri c trîice l\-(r al] wrong teuidenicies ofthie Dates have been changed for lt h1- it îîfetiini ltaItiiiethe e iifl:ilt îiîatiî- ah'inctiee frein the third annual Dramnatic Festi- tir 'h-f i' 'f ficiali I-ii itrie'- al] thîlîe- tiot zglod aid entirelv val of the Durham and Northum- tii-lIt tIitq-(ix - nt 11viis i'itînecet tit itheir eliaracter." berland Deanery. Anglican Young iiiilliltc--r tigîrlia n itll-( .\îîAid Nenophoni, the (Greck general, Peoipic's Associations. Formerly jlt itilu it i, apttit lie a--ecuatçi telie lived labout 500 B.C., savs: scleduedforAprl 8 ad 2. hexx.iii x a-uv îitu n ir nîclîcal cari'. 'Tt iltreratice trmeanls first. nîod- f s c h e d l e d to r b cA p r e 8 n d i2 9 . t e r t l i t ix . îî - c (o l it i r rît 1-. iîrw tr tt io nii iii l a t if i l i i lu z l e i c e . fe rst a is h to lbe P en er t p . (I ýa nar i ei, i st Eir eplea u c trit- sud - c îi i . abstine nice from M a ry ' p3 a llP rt H o e.r.-.l'irta i i icit ei . niemre suii il rc th iitîg- laigero u s, as the ise o f May 3 andx c. l litli . ilhe C r rf imunic ipal aîîi ii nx icat uig wime.' Four entries are listed in the i ý)tisTeatnp nciii trpr festival for wh'eh A. B. Min- e Iler hI,) tota eait cIa-scs.Th înîtterifîi "tmt- waring of Newcastie is to act as r111 Caîtaîla tue r'isi i îîîlcr the ance' te, niederatioti is truc neither adjudcato. an Ed. randood-anie roof efthte Ihulcet (tei c rf te atîcient thought iler to modemn a d us iat r.m a n g e . T h e a nd w o lie -pi l Carle a ntii lîîe ica i cl ipi ilil! fact. Iti s 1' jut a tier o f t iose are from Pei-ryt.own. Bowmanville. . - , ain.irepc il-rtsrsntdth h rd Cobourg and Port Hope. tîx c'niet trax itî. lias resuitcd iti a ýte corîxca terx -uîbstaîîtîai lie. S,. Pauls A. Y. P. A. of Perry--i-t ai a ni of hicipitalilzat iorl .c,,i i _________________________ town will present "Lake Dore- by itO lette iii the xx rid todav.MISESSO VE S J E. Mîddleton: St. John's A. Y.' INIVISIBLE EAR DRUM P .BGran mvie . willb J.preMent iTRUE TEMPERANCE The IivisibleEar Drum finvented 'A rad x-ene b J.C.MC iby A. O . Leonard, a son of the late Mullen. Entry of the St. Perer s Rev. A. B. Leonard. D.D., for mnany group. Cobourg. is -A Room na the Theit, 'iit (cf thllqiler tradle t" years secretary of the Board of Por- Torer- by H. A. Scot.. and i.hat a-llrlrr triaite tlle xv 'rd ttitrerait c e gn Missions of the Methodist Epis- of S. Ma,ý'.-s Pot Hpe.;s Nillilo zocopal Church. for his own relief 0f t.Maks Pr'Hoe.:sxxiiru tgo<ixri.from extremne deafness and head Shlakespares 'T.xc-efth N:gl' ." Tht xutitciirrlcr 'clii noises, has 50 greatly Improved his ------------- _______________ jr, rate" itiîi tirliat d i : hearirng that he can joua in aruy or- i crti aiî't'<i aîrutauril butand the theatre and hear wjthout I Te diors ai i tc ' ~"le t u i iiti.r di i iccuîî . inexpesfv and lias pro« In Th Edior'sMail aliec xi i ttîi thlil tttle xx cri ic y_ enla blessing itemarny people. Write clll!(iz (ub-iitee d c' t i t Ie for booklet to.A. 0. Leonard. I nc., tlir t'. t t f ctirîet et SMote8. ai. a c rn t Bulig 621 Ta'bot Steet. S:.Thnis ______________ni____________________________ Apn'lI.13 D£-ar 'Mr. James: Encloscd p'ýea-' e find moneyi orerfo~r Statesman 10 Deceniber u ge toiF rA Deii u 13.1appreciate ycur paper u g s i n Fo eti u very mtjlch,. lhaxing taken it, for abDozt. fifty ycar.-. il ;s like re- ceuving a letter fromi hotîae. No doubt I amt one of youi' o.des: A SE subscribers. I1xish to' mention1 the pleasure I haci St the Oidr Boys' Reunion. meeting many 1i had flot scen since leaving the old toxvn as a boy. . Sincerely yours. Geo. A. McMurtry.1 A wagon on your street every day

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