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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1938, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESNfAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Wrltten For The Statesman By Winmfred E. WiLson THE BLUEBIRD thing o! beauty, but an acqauisi- 0 ne un 1 Ari 1tion from an economnic point o! O n suny Arilview. Its diet consists rnainly of day I had the good harrnful insects: such as cater- fortune to set a floc pillars, grassaboppers and beetîts, of lubidss ir supplemented by weed-seeds. We overhad ndare, then, wise to attract it by aroundoea nd providing bird bouses witb en- land a few Yards in front of me trances througb whicb it can pass on a snowy, country road. Any but a Starling cannot. The cor- Person Who bas seen a Bluebird! rect opening is ont and a bah! Only in duil weather migbt be inches. Although tht Bluebird ta SUrPris9ed at the beauty of a single stdom persuaded to corne VO tbe sPecimen in bright sunshine. Tht heart of a large city, it nests in slgbt of several dozen is positive- i tht subu.rbs when given tht op- ly breath-taking. Tht iridescent portunity. blue is intense. Tht cavity appropriated is lin- TMus gentle but hardy bird is ed witb grass, and four or five one Of the first to return te us in pale greenish-blue eggs are de- the spring. If possibhe, il chooses posited. These are batched in ten a spot flot too far from water and or twelve days. Wben tht nest- Makes its borne in old bolhow lings are less than two weeks old trees, especially in orchards; and tbey are ready to try their wings. bas become sufficiently domi- At that limne they resemble their cated to use bird boxes, decayed mother. except that their breasts fence posts or crannies about have brown spots. As with thet buildings. Unf ort u n a t e 1 y. the Robin, thi.s Thrush cbaracteristic Starling likes similar nesting bas persisted onhy in tht young. places. For the hast few years il Tht softt pensive caîl is givent bas been wintering in Canada,' 50 when tht Bluebird is on tht wing. that wben tht Bluebird arrives aIl 115 sweet song resembles that o! tht suitable sites are alrýeady oc- tht Robin, but bas a more mtlhow cjid tont. Some people imagine ita Tht Bluebird is not alone a ' says. "Purity. purity, purity." Ine _________________________ accordance witb tht gentral ruhe tht malt is brigbter than tht fe- ç malt: tht blue mort vivid. tht earthy-red breast redder.0 BEFORE YOwA ftash o blue in a world yet s whie wthsnow, an appealing li-N quid voice; no wonder poets have,; DE C R A E sung the praises of the Bluebird,p D EC O R A T E bringer of happiness.S Be sure and get an estizn- apart? no Ms ate from us. We can save you mOney. J. H. Abernethy Phone 431 - Bowmanville A woman is a person who can hurry througb a drug store aisît 1V inches wide without brushing against the piled-up tinwart and then drive home and knock off ont o! tht doors of a 12 foot gar- age. At th at very fi rst WARNING SNIFFLE Use this unique aid for preventing colds. especially designed for nose and throat where most colds start. Used in time. Va-tro-nol helps to avoid many colds.' VIcKS VATRO-NOL ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARE, From BOWMANVILLE - April 22-23-24 - TO - OTTAWA MONTREAL QUEBEC $.S.10 $7.30 $11.30 Ste. Anne de Beaupre - $1 1.90 First train from Bowmanville 10.19 p.m. April 22 Return Lliit - April Z5 Tickets flot good on 3 p.m. trains from Ottawa and MontreaL. TO THE MARITIMES - APRIL 21 Al Canadian Pacifie Stations ini New Brunswick Ail Dominion Atlantic Ry. Stations in Nova Scotia - Return Lirait - Leave Nova Scotia points not later than April 27 Leave New Brunswick points not later than April 26. Not Grood on Train Leaving Montreal 3 p.m. Full prticulars and Handbill fromu any Agnt POOL TRAIN SERVICE CANADIAI NATIONAL National Baby Week May 1 to 7 "We Want More Vitamins" Meaning More Glen Rae MiIk! Getting off to a good start ia important to our future fu]I-backs and debutantes of 1956. NOW t.hey are demanding and must have tht proper nutrition for "tomorrow." Just as National Baby Week promotes tht wel. fart of our infants, so dots GleIn Rat milk pro. mote health today fcir tht future. Glen Rae Dairy Phone 2665 Bowrnanville 41 TYRONE BULLETI NS BIRDLAND Ë c i ai Nirs. jchîl Wriit's svitiîal tendance of abrut 50. Roll call -aîiisweied with a hitiiito table quette. Roll eall for iiext ni 7 S will be anssvered with *\\*ba .6 adlmire nmos un a seell I r svuman.' It ws .decideul to a speaker f rom the Departi sometime in the near future, ak have a pot luck lunch anul a lui parts. The prggramn was in CI (if Nrs. Stanford \'ani Campî lier group : NMiss Grace Nior gave a readitr on "Purpose- reauliîîg Recipe for a Happy bv 'Mis. S. \'an Camp. Home ou,<mic..s wre di..cusse.d swhei -Harcoîuîrt îook as her suiîject. liiga hife more impiortant making a living?' sud "for shall it profit a mail if lie gain wlîole world and lo..e lus snul.- Mi... L. Swain conductc contest and lunch was served. _Nu. and _Nirs. Wallace Niarlou Miss Grace Nl\ouutjos' and Mr.( NieGi lateuded a bridge part) NI. snd Mis. Cecil Feigusoî's. Mmais. Tiiesulay eveuing. L Receut XVisitois: Nfr. sud Nurs. James Larmer MrN. aitçj Mis. John Euglish. NMr. sud Nfrs. Herb Swaiîî Mr. su 'd Mis. Gordon Stroug. Messrs Orvilie Greer sud R; Eccleson in Torontîo. Mis. R. Bell sud NMiss Pearl with Nf. John Heuderson. Betiu ssho is verv il]. Mliss ialble Beech. Toronto, Ada Beech and Nf. Ross Richa Havdoi, aud Mr. Haiiv Larr Nllbiook. with Mi. sud Mis. Au L1armner. NMiss Ruth N\Iailcîw. Tono iil ber mother, NI s. James N ow, N1i k.e. Janet Swaiî aid Luc Frer with NMisses Lois and B( Larinr. Miessrs Glen Gibsoti. Keith Fa Elmner Nicher, George Carier 'ruice NlMouitiosin Torontu. Mri. an(d N 1r s. (harlie Se', Oshawa, s.iii Nir. aîd NMr. Gr J acksoi. Miss Susie Vani Camip, Tvrc and î Nir. Ralîjh Van Camip, B( înauîville, with Nr. sud Mr. . N Camp. NMr. aud Nfrs. George Fcrder N NMr. aud Nlr.,. Rupert Bvers. Mir. anîdî Mrs. N. \IcNall%,v Verila with fiieîul. in Toctt' NMessrs. DunGillis as(d Ge<i Flriîî Toronto. NMiss 1horuia Tresein. N! Itnadbiîiiîasud John Ne.shitt s .Nur. sd Mis. Richard 1 Pooier. NIr. anîd Nirs. Wùs Bradbîîrna Nis,. Viola Bnadbîîru wiilî Mi.a Nu... Joc Forder. Nr. aînd Nfis. H-arold Swaîîîa NIs. Gace NMotintiov with NI (nou-zer, Port Perrv. ReCv. IL. J. fiell heid a sacraînei r.en s ice cui Su îîua v îiglît iii1 Unîîited l fiîrciî. WV. N. (À Un.ited C(huîch iîîîi NIr..Johnîî righî'. . rograni w ni chiarg.e(,f \Nr.,. Girîîî Str, neadiiîg. s uegivenI v NI n.. t_;rv ,nî..N.....N nîlîîîn rihîm. N G. Si ,n ig . , T. Saîiii-ls as(] N Il . Bt li to',k il),- scri)ttirc 1le' inî. i îucb wva, . e Rus. aîîîni ns. C. C. lianei ss ere i iNlill-ioîk iIidAp, ti, %%-lienîthte i ergs if tiîe Nrc I îies of lpe ir. irue..uu .N nu.i(]îeac(,iî i îni. l ith a t i i Ca..e suan cache., ille. in lp our i f bis comilig lîarriage. ,ocual ie wa~sss spen1.111 h lî ser ved. Tie plav 'G cd (lGracions Gri lma was iîiescited at Greeubauk, Friîîay îîight bY the Anîglican Youi People of St. John's Clîurch. -1 LAKESHORE BASEBALL LEAGUE OFFICERS 1 THURSDAY, APRIL I4TH, 1938 PAGE EIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Art Coverly ed at M. W. F. Parks. Mr. and Ms. Gordon Yeo the weekend in Toronto. Miss Yvonne Byam spe weekend witb 'Miss Shirley1 Women's Institute will i tht vestry on April 20, wh ection of offilcers will takep Mr. Robt. McCullough rei word ]ast week of the dea bis brother Frank at Nar B. C. Special W. M. S. Easter.& wilh be beld Sunday, April wben Mrs. Wm. Adans, Os' will be guest speaker. Sý music by the choir. Mr. and Ms. CharenceV ley spent the weekend witl ends in Toronto and visitec daughter Edith at tht Ho for Sick wberes doing nicehy. A goodly number attendeq concert given by the Ji Singers in the church Sali night and aiso on Sundayn ing when they sang several, tions. Tbey were mucb en by aIl. Furniture sale of the late L. Penfound was quite largel t.ended last Wednesday. M~ Spicer. Bowmanvilhe. purix tht bouse and lot. Mr. Th Tabb purcbased the '4-acr across the road wbere be in, tiecting a new bouse very so Missionary program at Su Scbool on April lûth wa charge of Mrs. Russel Wright opened witb a reading "My sionary Experience in Ohmn Marie White: solo. Gordon E vith Mrs. Rýoss Pooley at piano; reading, Mrs. Hodgsor Shows in Your Face." W. M. S. met. in tht April 7th. President Mrs. H~oar presiding for tht devot and business. Frogram arna by Mrs. A. W. Clemens inc ashort skit. "Thet ý-oPatcl solo, Mrs. T. Down; Study1 11h chapter. Medical Misç giveh by Mrs. Clemens. with 'raI others speaking for our sion bospitals in Canada. Y. P. U. opened Tbursday ening with worship period 'barge of Edna Cameron. tram in charge of Missio group was presented by Miss en Trimm: reading by1 M!ortson: topic by Helen1 Camp: reading. Marion W soo. Miss Susie VanCamp: ing. Lorna Hooper; Miss Camp conduc:ed recreation iod. BLACKSTOCK eitlî aîîI andl andl I rs. mtal t i wai A. i r.. nth 1111 011 IT WON'T BE.. ... LONG NOW You 'Il be workinK on the land. Is you.r harness ready? If not let us re- pair it or replace it with new harness. We guarantee our work JOHN LENZ In the former Cowling Drug Store King Street - BownxanvMle Tht funeral o! George Ston- bhouse was held from tht White FPuntral Home. Neepawa, on April 2nd. Rev. McDonald of Brook- dale. and Rex'. J. D. McKenzie of Eden. conducted the service. Ht passed away in bis ninety- ihird year, March 31st, in tht Nttpawa General Hospital, af 1er a short illness. Mr. Stonhouse was born April 16, 1845. near Bow-manvile, on- tario. Ht marritd Alice Benison, December 24. 1874. They lived on bis father's farm where tht fam- ihy was raised before coming 10 Manitoba. They came west and set tled in tht Neepawa district in 1890. They rtsidtd on tht home farm now operated by their son Thomnas. Mis. Stonhouse passed away nine years ago. Ht wvas secretary of tht Gor- don chiirch board for many ytars. Ht enjoyed Ibis work and the hast woids be read wert f roin bis New Testament. Rev. McDonaîd spoke o! bis sunny disposition and of aiways being very cheerful. Tht immediate survivors are: Charles and Victor, o! Vancouver; Thomas, o! Neepawa; Stephen, of Vancouver, Predeceased himonel TOMMTES 2rf,;s25c SEEDLESS GRAPIEFRUIT 5for 25c Gilbert Jones Phone 680 If a man wants to pose as a ThLe average man is a good martyr he can always find an op- judge o nature - except portunity. in his own case. Ir. trbuts bre ute e5tnloy V Mr. Lorne Knapp attended the fin- chased the widecircle of friends deceas- eral of M.\rs. D. Knapp. East ht hoas OBITUARY tdh wie life. They included tri- who was burjed inHmpo un re lot <i butes from the family, Bownifaf- eterv on Thursdav.Hato Cn ntends ville Dairy, the Masonic L«dge. ____________ oo. David Wallace Downey, land many other individuals. ýunday BowmianviUle M PEiR V S A native of Bowmanville where 1 t. and he had lived al bis if e with the Mrs. Thos. J. Couch. Newcastle Mi-ecLao"ffv yasi x A long life spent in trusting, M\iss Doris Grooms, '.Ir. .irdan a"by bridge. David Wallace Downey paefladlvn evc o Sharp, Toronto. spent the wçklend Brent, passed away on Monday. April 4. rheruL and lin wetservoion fo with Nfiss M.\ildred Snowden. ,t the afterLardianness oweonlyev6tbours fl" t Mra Downewsornly 3 hou5 her home and Îam.ily came to its Ms.Henrv Perkins, Nloonrefield. 1874, ar Don was a orn on thelat5.e mortal close on March 23rd, when attended the funeral of lier sistcr, 1874 an wa a on f te !ie Emmaline Cobbled.ick Couch, be- \rs. A. E. Belimani, Town, and is vestry Mr. and Mrs. George Downey. 1 lovd wife of Thomas J. Couch. .ijighrbohr r .L S. T. Mr. Downey served bis appren- iiigh: rtir i.R tionl tcesip i th baery usiesspassed away at the home of ber Worden. >tine itehip the ate Ths. budiness son-in aw and daughter, Mr. and Rev. and \Irs. W. H. Foiev. Town. ludged nianvthlle ad o foine ea.s a Mrs. J. A. Awde, Newcastle. NIr. an.d Nlr,. Lorne Fergusoni, NMîs hes"; ter his marriage to Margaret Cal- The large number of relative-s tîFrgsn saa.Ms .F Book, landier of Kemptville on Januars n red hoatrd. h Jvell, Cannington. were Sunii siOn-3. 10, 1900, conducted a bakery ù-ý funeral service on March 25. at- visitors with NIr. and(l Mrs. -1. D. 'sev- Uxbridge, returning to Bowman- tested the fond regard in which Stevens.ha mis- ville at the end of that time to she was held. Not. only by their \Iis](a Stevensha, retitrne<l take p faring.presence but by fhowers and other hbûnie a fte r iitiluz with Nirs.lBent takyu farmng tributes of esteemn did many ex- Tcro.îllegar. Oshawa. >d en M.v-nywsa ebro The svimpatliv of diis conîrunitv Pro rS. PDowsnied was a membnr of press their sorrow for the passing of aswee andýente-soled adyis extenle< to NIr. Albert Belinianii ~nr Jerusalem Lodge A. F. & A. M. n hi-ypahe o h br~~ ~jvalso otlier relatives in Hel-r for 34 years. He was predeceased adtersmihe o h e-a"fil'. Lorne by bis wif e seven years ago. One eaved ones. The floral offerings daughter Gladys. and one so were very beautiful and besides This. euîniinitv was s.hcked ,i Van- Charles, survive, together with one those from friends there were Mndav svt becanle known ii1 erry: pieces from the W A. of the Ni r.G g Giei 3sýnavl read- brother. Fredof Bowmanvill Nwasl nie huc ri incr luint of this cenirnunit. per- Mas-onic auspices, was beld front the late Mrs. Couch took an ac- -i, r3vel nintv is extenîled l 10the bis late residence, Base Line. tive and leading part in women ' . îu..hand. -.April 6th, and was cond.ucted by activities before coming to New- Spucial Faster sermon and mus~ic hîs pastor. Rev. Franklin Bains- castle and entering whole heart- n"-"t Stîndav also receItlftlnsrie ter. asssted by Rev. W. C. Smit dit t he (r)hreiOr Yo'ng Peop1e'ý Union v-iýit-1 of Courtice and Rev. H. W. Foley Rev. S, MacI.kan conducted the "d Ebenlezer Y.P.u. NlondaNv even- of Bowmanville. Pallbearers 'vere :funeral service and rea.d two of irigand report a vers ijisll nimet L. A. Pa.rker. J. D. Carruthers. W. deceased's favorite bymns. Safe titi'le. nai- G. Rice, John Baker. Walton Pam- in the Arm.s of Jesus, and Abide Nr.Simposon. Ml(orfieldf. i.. vi..jt- il vas coe and Norman Brown, aIl memn- with Me. Rev. W. P. PRogers, iiu! ber amnt .Mýrs. Burke, Base Line. le eti- bers of the Masonic Order. Mem- Bowmanville. a former pastor Nir. and MIrs. Garnet Svinn... i eetilig bers of Jerusahem Lodge cocnduct- delivered the discourse and spoke Iaýe LUne. Nirs. Sirnpson.N\I(orfield, a wc ed the impressive Masonic com- of how be bad always found Mrs sie their cousins, Nir. and Nl\rs. ressed mittal service at the graveside. in Couch happy in ber religious ex: N. 1. Nle!tcalf. hasec Bowmanville Cemetery where in- periences, even when sighr. was NIr. Noble Nietcalf is in Toronto ment. terment was made. . d.îmming and bealth was waning sîndergoîinî.t treaiment (,n hi. nî,se. Lîsq tII Friends attending from a dis- ten years back. Infirmities often _______;_____ _ ; iitingý, tance were Mr. Blake, Arthur Nixi shut ber off from churcb services1 -harge and Jack Stua.rt of Hamilton, and but be recalhed the many .oyous SCHOOL REPORT aud George Downey of Toronto. Moresprta ocsin he nd r nîjov than two dozen beautifulfoal and Mrs. Coucb bad shared in tne ;a_______________ shelter and privacy of their com- BURKETON Day' 1fortable home. Those were dear e r.IA* land peasant memories. Easter Report EV IILrsC.lf Interment was made in Orono Grade VI IlMarv Adams. 92c%, J OsE esg tEd c to Cemetery. the paîl bearers being RilbY Bail', 848%,'\Ir(l i than . And Fred and Herbert Hancock. Fred bardl 82.9%._ what eo. , Graham, Norman Allin. J. W. Grade VI-Ro.,s Htnbbard 74,101;, in......... Etfheec~ Brde and James Thompson. Ross Aldred 71.2%7, Harold Gat- ()WnEff'The aieMrs. Couch was a cheil 63.2%ý. eda __ By i daugbter of John and Catherinie Grade V-3ernice Barber 75.9%. Cobbledick who came from Coin- Grade IV"-Hazel Al\dred 78.5<ý. and C.I1.Tuck lwall. England, and settled in Howard Davev 70.5U, Albe rt Ad- Cliff fp Clarke Tp. She was born on the anis 64.6%.' v at farm now owned by Mr. Moffat, Gradc 1-Effie Gleunie A. Cad- ~~~E.yes:ght adjoining the fair grounds, Or- GradeI- thAdd.\ Hen Specoalisi ono. and was one of a family of Hanthoru C. Ernest Gatcheli C. nine cldren of whom one bro- Norma E. Hooev, Teacher. with Disney BIdg. ther, Jacob, bas been living in wiîh opp' p. 0.) Newcastle for some years. with Fifty-nine years ago she bc- In getting an education it is up Oshawa, Phone 1516 came the bride o! a young. active to a young man to learn to do ýalphand industrious Cowanvihhe farm- things wîth what he learns. ~aphNumber 31 er, T'hos. J. Coucb. Here they Bell The obWetionable things about farmed and prospered. helped in îanv. glare are its effect.s and injuries school and church life and ahI to the eye and d.sturbances VO worthy community projects. 0f DES V Mfiss the nervous system and by caus- their two daughters, Lottie mar- ards. ing discomfort and fatigue loses ried Mr. H. E. Hancock and be- rner, time to the worker and may bc fore she <ied bore him three chil- .istin inju.rious to the health. it may dren, Edwin, Lloyd and Louise. ô1 be th.e cause o! injury through it.s Eva married Mr. J. A. Awde at onto,. bad effect on vision. These bad whose home ber mother bas been Nlar- effects may be so bad that per- staying during ber hast illness. manent injuries resuht. On reti.ring from t.he farm near cille I wouhd consider first that the Charke Cburch, Mr. and Mi-s. . ers 1 light. source be consideîed as to Coucb and daugbter, Miss Eva, its power, brightness and position came to Newcastle. This was allis, as rehatin.g to the ine of vision, labout 23 years ago. Some time ani I 'wouhd consider also that the after Mr. and Mrs. Awde returned power may vary in its affect as from Dakota Mr. Couch bougbt vers. its distance is from the eye. For the trame bouse on King Street ;rt example, in.jury can be caused by once used by the hate George Ell- looking at the sun and likewise it beck as residence. store and sbop. onle. also can be caused by looking at and after completely moderniz- ow- a light bulb. but if tbe lîght bulb ing it he and Mrs. Coucb rnoved Vau is very far away it may become inIhl r ndMs wemv invsile Sie ls wll ar wthed from the former Methodist a RO C ,vitlî the distance, sol affecting the 'parsonage into the house vacatect * power. by Mr. and Mrs. Coucb on Emily FR IT anud _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Street.1 rge 1 i olm tohus. e aa Ma. 1 CHOICE RIPE STANDARD # P EAS NO. 4 SIEVE 3 CHATIEAU CHEMESIE PLAIN or PIMENTO OUR NEW BLENO COFFEE AT A NEW L0W PRICE ]RICHMELLO - OUR FINE FAMILY BLEND AT A NEW 1.0W PRICE COFFEE AL OMN VIAU-S CHOCOLATE VOGUE MARSHMALLOW 131SCUITS - 2 SILVER RIBION TOMATO Juice 4 PLAIN OLIVIES BIEANS WITH PORK 3 NýTons.2 Pkgb .16 lbkg. .29 Pkg .23 .25 20oz 829 26-oz.3 22.oz. Tins 14A G IC SAKING POWDER cc:hy & l bi CLASSIC CLEANSER Tin McCLAR EN'S SOUPS-ON JUST ADWTRPg RED LABEL LIPTO1<2 lb LIPONs EA Pk FLOOR WAXTi .25 .28. .05 .10 .32 .42 III . VALUES EFFECTIVE APRIA. I th TO 16th Il I W yvisit- i spent mt the Park. ntet in en el- place. eceived ath o! naimo, service 117tb, ýshawa, Special Wood- th fri - d their ospital sbe is ed the rubihee turday morn- selec- njoyed eMiss hy at- w9m CANADIAN PACI FI0 F Year ago; two sisters, Mvis. J. K. Lyons, o! Neepawa, and Mrs. Ed- na Ruse of Hampton, Ont. The pahîbearers were Isaac Kerr cf Neepawa, F. A. Sirett, T. C. Drayson, L. R. Watson and C. H. Hockin, Gordon district, and Dr. W. F. Sirett. of Minnedosa. The beautiful floral tributes showed the high esteem in wbich he was beld in t.he district. Interment was made in tbe R;v'erside Cemetery. Union, Darlington Mr. .and Mis. David Fergîîson liase returned home after spending the winter with 'Mr. Bert Ferguison. Enniskillen. Mrs. W. Stainton and Eleaxior. Toronto, spent the weekeud at NIr. Avîmer Beeclî's. Miss Elaine Ormniston. Oshaswa, at Mi. R. Griffin's. INir. and NMrs. George Bowers and family and M.\r. Alfred, Blackstock, spent Sundav at '.\r. Walter Fer- guson's. -Nr. and Mrs. William Wotteu and Blanch e. Mr. Leslie Wotten and Mfr. Clarence Averv visited at 'Mr. Cs I Averv's, Brooklin. Mir. John .-vers. Clarence and In Cobourg recently the Lakeshore Intermediate Basebail League organized for tht season with tht officers pictured above. Prom le! t to right tbey are, Si Little, Bowrnanvillt, Vice-Pr-esident; Roy Dodge, Cobourg, President; and Alan Brown, Port Hope, Secretary. Oshawa, Bowrnanville, Port Hope and Cobourg Clubs are ikehy VO, have teams in tht league tItis year. SVouffvilIe and Sunderland bave applied 10 enter the league and this wiUl be taken Up at a hater date. Tht teain representatives wiIl meet in Bowmanvilhe on April 28tb to draw up a schedule. 1 THURSDAY, APRIL 14TH, 1938 "DOMINION EASTER VALUES 1 Il - ---- i

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