THURSAY, PRIL 1ST,1938THE- CANADIAN STATESMNAN, BOWMA-NVILLE, ONTARIOPAEN E TR RinNo N- 0.CS SudntsPrs tAl REABORO DEFEATS PIRATE TREASURE• • • tdet Peent Pay IlORONO ORANGEMEN IN NOVA SCOTIA Plas Are Formed or ie I At Literary Society's Open House Forth fr ie:in eve SOCIAL AND PERSONAL -- trie ronpge1 Proceeds Used To Build hle gree team went down to dÉfeatý overlooked gold or iewels and it has: A f ire place and an old spinning SK LTO OU D at the annual competition. Rea-' Mrs. A. H. Keane, R.N., has re- with his mother. Mrs. C. G. Arm- been estima ttat hie stole over onej Plans were f ormulate<i for a wheel were used in the two scenes EEO O N boro, the team they have defeat- turned f rom Toronto where she strong. huindred and fifty million dollars.: large Street Fair, free dance and from "Silas Marner" presented at MURDERS REVIVED e npeiosyas astehsbenassiginwiigo Mr. and Mrs. A. Whyte and What hie did wvith most of it. no Posil rwfra uooie| CA K NO the oen meeting of the Literary winn farin mre l or e. Weesdayeteiting at ,little Frances Keane. daughter Dorothy and Mrs. knows.but thrceemillions is suplt- oneenesday, Augutizs 10,thea * y of O.C.S. Thursday night. Sae facetmresa-otoe h optto a A number of Oronoits are tak- Malley, Toronto, with Mr. anc li posed to be buried on Plumn Island, meigo rn iiesi h e frstsceeMwssitthcRin-mos cae t lihtthi wek hld t te anul treedayingineheO. . A ths wek. Mrs F B.Whye Nva cota rmorie Modayn.iht.Mr an Mr.MKnnehaCin l'hie fiwhen Ernie Dnt, workingRatna covention of Orange Lodges. ninte0E.Athswk M.F.B he NvScia The purpose behind the scheme:Sudbury, setEse udya newsnof Silaserobberywasnbrought hOpie sup er a tndeprogram atiby miso. oron rdnto h he saron! g placnwe d fa ltte o re ove on to those gathered there by Silas unearte a skelon o part f putonot emere, and tough Monday right. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall tU coast of Nova Scotia. calledbid Petratrth.Me oa rs . . ikay hinslf. Theon.sHecmedatly oneye te Oon mebes fllwwith hParkr Oakvillend visited his mother, Mrs sitee mies ron Silas' home when Mrs. Wint.hrop pihdmdc n oahs fee eiino 2pits foriPerry, his sister, Miss Jane Ottawa, wit.h her mother, Mrs. C. Halifax. The entrance is trickv.dsuiosa chrmn wt came to leave him some cakes, othe people in town whose cur- 'Reaboro and 87 for Orono. ,Smythe, and Mr. and Mrs. Rex G. Armstrong. a.-nd wvell up in the bar is a small Mrs. J. R. Cooper as secretary. Mis'ilenrouhnstvsiin ak him to churchesndscenee1 oit asaoued tois-eanSn clldonOon riends this Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter, Iln- s 1d i aplm eneteA committee consisting of Mr- terotof0Cn.ninatndn tofythick and fast about the . wee• Bowmanville, with relatives here.na1 e1 Waddell, Mrs. Cooper, Neil F. well ected, and reflect much cre- village resurrecting stories which Mrs. Clarke is in the hospital. In 1669. different nations madejPorter, O.L. Cooper, W.J. Rid-- Mrs. H. N ct si omn dit crn teacher and pupils. had become almost legendary. It'W.M.S. CELEBRATE Miss Olive Davey has returnedi wih he tt . Pa M doetermined efforts to sweeip the'dell, E. J. Hamm, J. J. Cornish !ville Hospia.W trsshmy Thepar op Sias arer as asnotuntlar.nolvll ha ' HA K-O FERNGoon Toono. . HDRwe.iraesfro th sas.CapamSwed ad r. eilCovile, asappint son)eihme portrayed by LeRoy Miles; Mrs. taken a look at the mud covered, N ! 1Mrs. James Tamblyn and Mrs. hs.rewwee cugt ad aned asra entraolv committeeppin M.Te- ctthdhstn Dolly Winthrop by Enid Cobble- much decayed bonies that the ru- r.w Fred Brimacombe received tele- Mr. and Mrs. Syd Hughson and to Enigland for trial. They were all ýcharge of the project. sils removeatBw nvleH- by Donald Staples; Mr. Macey, doubt if they stopped. The doc- a Presbyterial departmn n secre- Elliott, had passedi away April 16, ther, Mr. C. J. Hughison- managed to see his wife while heu get-together and two suggestions Mr. GordnPwrhshsbr (tailor, clerk of the parish) by, tor examindtefn n n tary. was speaker athPak-offreet in the hospital in Minneapolis, in Miss Neva Rainey. R.N., and was in prison and conveyed to hier were brought forward to raise raised and snwpttn e Mervn Kane;Mr.Dowls (ur- oun ed tte pr f theaskele- W. M. S. Easter Thank-fermng his 78th year. Sympathy is ex-1 friend of Rochester, with her par- directions for finding a mal) which the inoney. M. Cowan suggested ment f ouniouneit rier). Dick Morton; Mr. Snel' l ton of a cow, long deceased, and Iservice Tuesday afternoon. Intro- tended to his brothers, sisters and'ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rainey. wvould show hier where part of hlis a sports day be held on Dominion Miss MaieAcrispndg (landlord) by John Lowery; Jim. thereby absolutely ruined a story duced by Mrs. M. H. ndies, Mrs. other relatives. Miss Helen Spence with Miss treasure wvas hidden. Day with guest tennis and swim- Easter at hrhm nPr oe Rcdney (a poacher) by Herb Du-, with definite promise. For ai o Affleck gave a spd d id and Congratulations to Rev. and Hazel Wite. rs. Sweed located the miai) but ming stars and baseball games Mr. MarhlCatesnii al;adtebthrbCo et etgtw adsome- hgt- okriceace.' She began1 he birhodfSa son Jhuerld Mr. C'alvin Hamm in Winni- evidently made no effort to locate and races. An admission would delegate toteOE.Acnv- as.thing. iby saying that peace was consid- 1Bevely peg. thev gold. and that is the last wve hear be charged and possibly a draw tion in Torno Miss E. Galloway gave a short ered free but that it was found Mrs. T. McComb has returnied' Miss HI'da Rowland with Mis- lof the Sweeds, but in18.Teacolbernicnetonwh M.adMs.Scks, r. explanation, prior to the play' 1ohases Ella an Myatg.T1mb Allen, a descendant of Captamn it. A street fair could also be run Bracken, . Fe ormn saying that this book was being PARK sTr. SERVICES toaea rc1tgrm pnin h wne i s- y. Seed, endeavoured to follow the at a later date. ronto, MrN akLrrmnLr studied by middle school English The first part of her talk dealt awa. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hamm, Pet- direction ntemp u lhuh Ti lnwsdopdwe ncle nteranMs students this year and outlined; Gracful 11e-meln Easte with the League of Nations whoý Mrs. . J. GiflaMssKiroot!t sprntM.adh hired two local bovs and huniited Mr. Riddell suggested that it Johin Rickby the story. 1iirc ni ttset Ese decided to have sanctions to keep Foster, and the Misses Foster of Mrs. E. J. Hamm. for two vears, hiv could not locate might be overlapping as the Or- Mr. Roy ons ndwf pn Otherfeatres f thexcllenthyms, landin- as ta usiEbyter nations frof stvtingttoomake Torontoargospending this week dMgrs. ohn Henr with her Plum Island. Allen appareth- left ange celebration was to be held Sunday at hrmte',Msv programt were the reading of the choir, brought the glorious mes- supplying nations withi materials Two carloads attended the In- Mr. and Mrs o.oN. Hoski d mndisgust.rut he rturnesome threion pthe 12th of July aaAln school paper by LeRoy Myles. sage of the Resurrection at Park to aid them if they started war. itiatory degree of I.O.O.F. at CO- daughters Ella and Dorothy, of Pinformationovr oon. a tam ou prtdy ihtb (special mention being needed to Street Church on Sunday. This was not carried out in a bourg Friday when Bowmanville 1 Burketon. at Mr. R. H. Wood's. \Ieoo u .i ikesla n r idll bleed m nyS be made of the story by Mervyn At the morning service Robert dispute in South America over was defeated by Cobourg., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laycett and' het her Cptii anPikceohalan 1 .idll be livedon montey T RK IL Form III" and poetry by Dick Mrs. E. Searle and Mrs. Robert worthless but proved to be rich posed. Mr. Wm. Brown, B.A., and Mr.knon, b t e on a loc ated th e oarwi a cal bhri the fpeo- Morton); group song to the tune Hancock were received into the in ore. and gave Japan the idea Mrs. Fairbairn and Mrs. Car- Malcolm Orchard, Toronto, with rocks,h ltio ml ae o e di.Teis Farmers aewrigo h of "Ten Pretty Girls." the words church -membership, and comn- 1Of over-running China. Britain scadden lef t Wednesday for Ot- Mr. and Mrs R. H. Brown'ndte heemunsotrcko w eaers that O rno rande:adadsm aecnieal being made up by Mervyn Keane munion was administered at the was the ol onr hchddtw.M.EretÄnb hore. The Island wvas now known aiseeyn uPOrtdi n seeding done and 'lenCs;'ot ogncose o h evc.a rqetd Teohrcon0r.F oc istdi o tM halsWo'e rnoa Cochr an sd. Pickiehad ecort ated tilhistrees andbots, ur oodFrdaysericewa duet Herb Duivall and Dick The choir selections w er e tries sold materials and got the ronto recently. Mr. Harvey Winter, Torontolctd h san u hda o u aegavs enaprbe elattne adRvgE ec Mrt who responded to an en- "Christ Is Risen" and "The Belsl money. so after 10 days Britain Mr. C. Wood substituted for wiith his mother, Mrs. Isaac Win-- rurther information and thiere wvere .O gelthet f ths up and lightedgvagodtlonec oe core; R eading by Mervyn Keane; of Eastertide," Mrs. A. A. Drum- gaey tayscnuring of; Mr. Duncan, who was away, at! ter. '-no igns of a cave or tunnel as the imn ime for te sow. looking atthrowsev.Te tw-pr ocl uatetabvDro mndtaig hesorao blgtoEtioiacae ex ndnohig hejo f artainlfr hMM.ailnMrrs t eveto sor i nthih.Pikls or ow oMan role apard o e asersrvcewa asogod thy Simpson. Helen Case. Olive solo in the latter anthem- a.oeecp i1 e nm huc isE the three mounds of rock and left.t, ining someone to conduct the At Leae Mna vnn Brown and Enidi Cobbledick. "All Rev. J. H. Osterhout stated1 portant things - cil. the thing Rev. J. H. Osterhout will speak ý formerly of Orono, andpMrPh pC ,buint onincd ha ter was no dinsllnfracargda.e r Ms .oechto the topic and ThrughtheNigt,"wit Misgtat.he ospltohChistretedsheneeedeostgbengeuppiedonCTheNewConreatin" t Bgelw, ortHop, wth ajor teasre her. 1 wa inc ageofnte sokeon issonay wrk.He Galloway at the piano; a piano securely on four main pillars- in la.rge quantities at big prices. next Sunday morning's service.i and Mrs. J. C. Gamey. The people of Shad Bar then ir a s err sdt o-adrs a xeln n h 1 solo by Donald Staples; and col- His life or example, His death or The Suez could have been block- Summer operations have begun 1:Mrs. Ken Foster an<d two ci-sateeign aloe henrhbeelthehau attns- ustre to lcbad dis and explained by Mr. R. C. ,Pentecost - each of which Must given up as a bad job. Owing tol Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Whyte en-, ers, Bowmanville, with f riends lk nodbtl rn ihi ee-i h otOfc eateta Rosborough. These were sent by'be considered as important as the the second way - namely world tertained some friends at cards on Miss Valeta Allen, Toronto, trenches and holes. sae cmi w -Trnoi trpn h etr way of advertising the C.N.R. andother three. He expounded on the1 trade stopping with the aggres- Thursday night. Winnerý were: with Mr. and Mrs. A. Allen. ' Appa rently no determined e ffort ble iman to do the wonda ui- h'OseveSudy.wIuSn showed the beauties of Jaspar first two at the morning service sing nation also proving impos- High score, Miss K. McKay; tra-i Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto, was made to systemnatically locate -ay wnas ete et n bte Pauvr, Alaska, Staney Pakt., an- and issdthe ethird peia.atsible, this idea was also given up velling prize, Mrs. A. Henry; lucky with Mr. Geo. Cowan the treasure becauise the original atenane t urchrces alo couvelarr, Vcoria ed oces t., entheatthe oevtenig serice, as manufacturers of various ticket, Mrs. L. McDonald; conso- Miss Marjorie Adamsat Omne- Sweed map wvas not to be found. CANAof our worI. Sld rulswudcae as well ans rar ely obtiepcurs when hoe spoke tofthendgrou things used in war and clothing lation, Mrs. A. Bradley. mee. but a smnall Company was formed A A INLGO r.Sue a nPtrooo ofme Indswt h e raie cos-vitrso th e hitom, n d grsJpae manufacturers wanted the money. One of our citizens has a Frank McIlveen spent the week- around 1936 and it did somie haphaz. DISTRICT RALLY T"®rday attnigtefnrlo Tmes n hapres s. proofs that0.Christians worship a Profiteers found it easy to for- Christmas cactus in bloom at the' end in Bowmanville. ard digging early in the year, but in aML IYsMd alwl iie TheprsidntoftheO.C.S. ivngChrst . get how the money came and present time.1 Louie Brown wiith his parents the l'all of the same year. Mir. Nolan Bowprmanville Canadian Legion her mother alwl Literary Society. Miss Thelma At this service the choir rend- what suff ering was caused before Miss Fern Chapman is now at Markhami. appeared wvithi a scienti fic zold f ind- were guests of Orono members of Toronto %loüsbl Myles, took the chair for the first eretwo anthems. "Alleluia! They ol e t epewt able to get around with the aid Miss Mary Knox, B.A., Alliston, ing machine which showed him there the Legion last -Friday. OronO hosia:n ilsonb ftepormwihcn,,dividends coming from the mani- of crutches. with A. J. Knox. was gold mn approximately the centre Orange Lodge very kindly placed Ese i s of.O Canada, minutes and surrection," Miss Kathleen Stark ufacturing concerns also wanted Miss Glenn Gamey and Miss Mr. and Mrs. H. Awde and two of the old workings. their hall at the disposal of the Ese iios rednsfte"OCSin n Ms yteSit aigteit, also the people who made AieTiire hty visited sons, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.|'Mr. Nolan is an "old timer" who Legion. At the request of the Mran Ms.Cs.Ylad ý comed the gathering. S he duet in the latter anthem. money from jobs in the factories, her parents, Major and Mrs. J. C. C. F. Awde. has prospected from Miexico to Provincial Command of the Ca- son, Oshawith eraens statd .hat hiswas he ast penetc. Even the average person Gmy Miss V. Gilfillan, Toronto, and Greenland, and loves the thrill of nadian Legion two committees Mr. and Ms m aey meeting of the society for the would object to paying a great Dr. Floyd Cuttell, Buffalo, N.Y., miss V. Gilfillan, Kincardine, finding a new gold field, a true were set up, a Public Observance M.adMs ebGle n year and explained that the group TENTH FESTIVAL price for things which came from was home during Easter week. With Mr. J. J. Gilfillan. prospector but still one who real-1 Committee for the observance of family at M.adMs .Sw which put on the best program t he country at war. Miss Edna Stutt visited her Vernon Saunders, Toronto, with. izes there must be a surer war of IMagna Charta Week, June 12 to den's, Elizabtvle was to be entertained by the other FOR CHILDREN The next point in her talk was parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stutt. M*r. and Mrs. A. Saunders. ' locating gold than by hunting for it June 19. The purpose of this ob- Miss BeulhHloelTrno three groups, the teachers to bel that the inconvenience should Tennis nets are up at the Park. Wallace Sisson, Toronto, with wvith a pick. With Nolan's know- servance is to take active steps and Master ife akrwt the judges. The 10th annual Children's have been advertised firsit - to let1 The A. Y. P. A. of St. Saviour's his mother. ledqe of minerals, hielhas perfected1 to place before our people the her parents r n Ms .G Miss Olive Brown presided over Musical Festival will b>e held in them know what was expected. Church held a successf ul Easter Miss Edra Best, Toronto, with a s'et of instruments which he calls advantages of living inthBris Hallowell. the rest of the meeting as it was the Town Hall, Orono, on Friday, If, she concluded, we do not get tea and draw Wednesday night. Mrs. H. Best. "Gl idr.'Epr ne ytefBovrn-is Mrs. Wilfe odadfml her group in charge. She ex-'April 29th, at 8 p.m. Thirteen ýpeace, it is our own fault be- Ms ereSemu a e Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Inch, These "Gold Finders" showed that ment which allows free expres- with her mohrnr. hs ed press appreciation on behalf of choirs will compete in the Novice cause we will not pay the price. turned from spending the winter Weston, with Mrs. S. M. Billings a substantial amounit of zold wvas sion of opinion, and which is Newtonville. thege u tothoe resnt nd o horsaCass- te hrehreeivsTo detsby rs.A.A.hrum inToont. Alisn Cwa, Trono, itutelts fonde uon he ainennceofor.tnd.rsMWmrSaeryan the ches or hei c-opera- ing highest marks to compete inlmond and Mrs. Rowland Smith, Once more we have been re- Mr. and Mrs. T. Cowan. tenaacransosaoe- law and order. Also: to combat RtadM.adMs uevs tnd help. The group is to Durham County Festival at Bow-1 with Mrs. M. H. Staples at the quested to urge upon the town Fred Lorriman, Toronto, with aoswhfcmec n r" the foreign 'isms' now being ac- ie r n r.E hrtn be congratulated on their excel- manville. There will also be alpiano, were enjoyed. Mrs. How-- ahr h eest fhvighsfteJ .Lrian etas a e u r tively propogaed President R. Millbrook, lent proýgram and the work in- Du'et Competition, the six entries lard Walsh gave a splendid read-l some comf ortable chairs placed Dr. and Mrs. Chester and fam- 't witereBill e Bellramde wasDen- G. Harding, R. M. Cotton and Mran Ms.uselavy volved in the presenting of the receiving highest marks to comn-jing "Easter Thoughts," and Mrs. on Main street - preferably by ily and Miss Enid McKenzie, To- oneerl i a i- J. A. Living were appointed to with herpaetM.nd rs play. Those not present niissed pete in the County Festival. Ch.Wodainestgsor the town hall - for the benito ronto, with Mr. T. Smith. mond llof d oose iv-eth ame this commuittee. Muldrew, Elzbt1le real good time. Thi hlrnwofre at"olr and Cents." E a s t e r oril ih Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter thas ca d foran a fet unroig A Youth Leadership Committee of the O. E. A. chorus at Massey hymns were sung and Easter Miss Edythe Dent, Oshawa. vis- and son Gilbert, Mrs. B. Hunter egru ort fn tniifrthedctnofythnd- Mrs. Carlos abyOoo r Hallonl astroWdnedaywilrsciptreeeadbyyresdenlMissiedierturensrr. nd rs.L.Pnd rs.Kenedy Laefildandamno tcvi i eetnanmorac, sonsrinfan beng ndnrs.JimStakdad dugh OBITUAR give selections and the Orono girls Davy who presided. Lunch was A. Dent. !Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and ternoninftosoldegranieior act miely nrtdin all youth ter, Newtonvle trsISaks will give folk dances. Admission served. Mr. and Mr.RyCrih agtrNwate tM.adtopd. sNolanfeels thatthe. organizations, encouraging re- M.LvroFroiett 25c. Port Perry, visited relatives in Mrs. Wm. Cowan's. sae oppe as ante scat veey spect for law, order and good citi- Claremont. Mrs. John Henderson, Lifford On Wednesday. May 4th, 'the, Orono community Easter week.1 Mr. A. H. Davy. Mr. W. H. 1aen thetas ro the cvewhr zenship. Major J. C. Gamey, N. Mrs. M. Bnetadduhe Elimination Contests for Soloists FINE PROGRAM IS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sloane. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth etrauei en * Porter and R. A. Forrester weore Joan, and Ms etaHloel The death on March 27th of will be held in Orono School at g. -•• g Peterboro, and Betty and Keith Fralick and daughter RubY, To- I've given you the story as it was appointed to this committee, Toronto, rsJco Mrs. John Henderson of Lifford 6 p.m. Mr. Eldon Brethour, To- ". T RE.T IR•I Branton, Newcastle, visited Mr. ronto, with Miss M. Davy and told to mie, but I do want to tell Atrasotbsns eso Hallowell,tang hermhr al, Ross Memorial Hospital. Lind- ronto, Adjudicator. Admission 10c. and Mrs. O. W. Scott. Mrs. L. Fralick. vou whiat we actually saw on' the the Orono Swing Trio entertain- b.acktnhectdit hm say, aged 59 years, came as a: Total proceeds devoted to mu- A most successful entertain- Congratulations to Mr. and, Miss Doris Osterhout, Montreal, 1/5and about three wveeks ago, when ed with several selections follow- Mr. nd rsiilre cKy severe shock to her many friends'sic in our schools. ment took place at Kirby Monday Mrs. Gordon Dent on the birth of'and Mr. Douglas Osterhout, Ot- wve first met M1%r. Nolan. ýed by singing and old soldier Newtonvil.Mr n rsB.A and relatives. Early in the year! night when a meat pie supper and a son., tawa, with Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Naturally. our first question wvas, games. Matny riho, tMs.Jh she was seized with a heart at- Program was held in the church. Miss Marion Dickson, B.A., Osterhout. how could there be a cave or tun- The thanks of the Bowmanville MKys tack and had spent several weeks C W N IL Following the repast these items Campbellford, is spending Eastrý Mrs. W. F. Rickard, Newcastle, ne]l when there was no signi of an visitors to the Orange Lodge and Mrs. Fran imradfml in~~~ ~~ hopta.weeenoe: hrujuirhoiayLit e parents. Mr. with her mother, Mrs. D. Moffat. entrance, that was easily answered, to the Orono mmeswr x at Mrs. WiM Rtefr',Nw Before her marriage. she was! classes; recitation, Ray mo nd and Mrs. James Dickson. Stanley Bruton with his mro- scientists tell us that Nova Scotia is pressed by H. D. Moses and J. A. Ponile.d Lizzie Lathangue, daughter of the1 A miscellaneous shower was Lunn; mnstrumental, Ruby Allin; ther. smnking at the rate of one inch Der Living.Fredfomtecyvsid late Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lathangue'held for Mr.' and Mrs. Arthurl recitation. Pearl Tebble; duet, Easter VisitorsMran Mrs. DoiofT-easmtwhuddansvnyM Rs.Sae uig h oias (Anne Colvin), pioneer residents Bedwin atM.adMs hs ildred and Ruby Allin; dialogue,ý ronto (nee Olive Cowan of Or- years, the entrance to the tunnel Mrsoaptoue ihher of Lifford. Twenty-four years ago Bedwin's where the young couple Jnos hrs uo lse:Miss Margaret Dickson, Clare- oo)in Oattawa. wou resat ld b waell ovrtwnth eoe eo hekFr acieymthr r.JonMKy rhe was married toaJohn Hender- aire staying. A large nuimber of recitation, Ray Bryson; a splendid mont,.with hrpretM.-n imPteso ihfred a o atrmrkadte pnn Scamtch en formtionfls the Rawm RceiAis orty oligwot hswodrflvvnio-order so that all parts of the ma- Siontch andengish oflagsthe compaatLe been staing with hNirs. CIv-sdale for siAtf ew moniii(tthes niow fwillo fiigsh thlie chine are properly lubiae 0We pay all express charges, uinwt h rs ne n h ois athe past week. shf hog lvnfe fgaie and so on. It is advisable to wasl et.A» pay top prices promptly, and pro. consequent Union Jack. She told . Ar. anid Ars. J. E. Collinis anid (uniless miore ghiosts whio are always out the disks of the drill with vide itemized accounta showntt of the correct flag etiquette as to 9 on eorge, Toropto, spenit Good p)resenit oni buried treasuire hun11ts ap- kerosene and to make certain li and weight of every can. Ask your flying, raising, and lowering the- Fridlay with Afir. anid Nirs. J. J. pear) and lthien we will all kniow that these parts are getting oil or b banker about us. Write for further flag, etc., and closed her mnter- Afellor. George remiainied for a hioli- whiethier thiere are thiree mnore mnil- grease to them and that'the disks 9 nfrmtonan.uren rs esting talk with a poemn. Next dlay.. lioniaires ini the country. or if thiere are properly adjusted. Canfo upieadfcre tie. meeting is in charge of Literary Mir. Lionel Hughies and Mr. Sid is just anlothier hiole ini the grounid oni Liberal use of oil or grease on 61 conveners, John Keane and Le-RthrrdaesedgEtrho-Pu Isn.Wic ever way it machinery is not a wvaste but ra- Ï4 AVa "-n-w".Wu Roy Brown. Contest results: Red idlays at thieir respective hom11es. goes, I still tink J. P. Nolan hlas a ther a good investment. Some -.fdi 7, white 12, blue 16. Gamnes we re iM ESeveral fromn here attenided thie fortunie ini his "gold finiders" if hie parts will require more oiling heatiy4duge1ilbythsepr-à e' lub Baniquet at Newtonville cared to mierchanidise thiemi, becauise than others, but generally speak- sent. n0\1eneda eveninig. seeinig is believinig. ing, for the average tillage ma-