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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1938, p. 10

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THE CANADIAN STATES.NlANý, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 2'IST, 1938 I Shaw to Howard Brunt. both of I place in Simncoe Street United Church parsouage. The young The Newcastle Independent cope h~l ixe in Ne'astle Recent visiiors with Misses Ada sud Elizabeth Allin were: Mr. EASTER VISITORS parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno.77Can sd Mrs. Wm. Hawkins. Port well. Hope: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Aluin Mr. Murray Butler. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ewsrt Clemience. iand Mrs. Wm. Jewell. Bowman- wiih Mrs. Floyd Butler. ýOshawa. Miss Phiyllis Clemience.1,'.ille; Mrs. J. F. Osborne, Shaw's; Mrs. Percy Brown with rela- Belleville, with Mr. aud MsT.!Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. Kuight. Oshi- tives in Rochester, N. Y. 'H. Clemence. awa. Mrs. Annis, Scarboro, with lier Miss ,Mar'ion Rickai c. B. A..' Mir. Jack Quîgg hia-s again en- daughter, Mrs. Harold Gibson. ,Whitby, Miss Helen Rîckard tnd'ga,,ed a-s sardener foi' Mr. Geo. Mr. Geo. Gaines Jr.. Brooklin, Miss Eileen Morrow. Toronto, N. Bull, Newýcatle*s Gladioli king. with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gaines. with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rick- qnd Mr. Chas. Donkin is agýain aid. c-un from Toronto as assistant. Miss Lilian Hoar. Toronto, with cruert r emnPri hem sistem-in-law, Mrs. E.C. Hoar. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Martvugrei-t r emnPri Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto. daughters. Carol. Joy and Florence;a r aînBlsHri og wit M. ndMrs PrnbyMa r'- Stratford. with Mr. sud Mrs. T. Estate. Mr. George Gray is once tin. H. Cleinence and Welcomie rela- more employed as gardener on Mis MryClmece Trototives. ýthe Fred Treleaven Estate. with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clemi- Miss Dorothy Rîckard. Peter-I Mr. Houston, Toronto, who ence. boro .Miss Evelyn Rickard. Portiogta ecoflnls al MiSS Etta Holmes. Oshawa, Hope. sud Miss Jean Rickard. lrom Mîs. Geo. H. Carveih on the withMr. nd Ms. HwellRow-Oakville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. west sîde of Mill St.. Newcastle- wiand. an M.s.Howl ow on-the-Lake. is building a cottage Mr eag oatToot. rk. Knel cuc.Okvle o the propemty and is having the Mm.Gerg Boatan Toono.MsmiKenehPec.Okle land laid out for' a garden. 'Mr. with hs mothr, MissS.Minniea Peaî'ce. Fîor- Houston is a retired Bauk of t~ha smte, r.S R os ence Monteal sud Mi. Fred Demp- .omremngr ecsl than se. Toont. wih -Mansd Mrs. wvelcomes Mr. sud Mrs. Houston MissHeln Lcei. Ohaw, H. R. Pearce. with hier grandfathem, Mir. Thos. M.adM Esot a las new citîzeus of the village. MoiTai.and childreri. Zion. sud Miss June, Mr. Noray Goheen. Road Fore'- Mrs. Ida Stinson sud Miss Brown, Belleville. with Mr. snd 'insu. who hias been living in the Frances, Torontowt r.Oa.Ms hi rwn rW'.sdArych hiouse, north of the C.P.R. Eilbeck. Mr'. sudMs Cecil Malley. Lock- 'subway, lias purchased the brick .Mr. sud Mrs. E. G. Clemneuce. îîart's. cottage on Church St. occupied Oshawa, at Mr. sud Mrs. J. L. Amiong those who .Spent Easte, . foi'man er by the late Julia Gýrydermans. at the;i' summier homes. New- 1 Fligg. This was the former Low- Mr.EwnHcoDran. casleýn-the-Lake. were: Mýr. sud ery home. aud wa-s once. 80 years with his parents., r n Mrs.r W. J. Eilbeck and Jack Mriu- mr go sho hue H.. E.nHanco. W .G. Hay sud nmembers oi tjj before t.he first gi'ammlar school MmL . Janck H. QensUi familv. Mr'. sud Mrs. Oea. N.! was built ou the site of the pres- Bull.iJaHudsn Stwe.The u- et puliciud igh school buîld- versîty. Kingston, with hîs par-BulenMryoudsponple. ih.esd v-" ng.uli nd ents, Mr. sud Mrs. Percy Hare eedvugpol.'\ranMs n. Mr. Sam Simpson sud Mis E. Duncan, Dr. W. H. Walton-: Miss Kathleen Toms visited lier Caswell. Toronto. wîth lie Bal: sud Mr. Dauuy H4,11. Mr. and sîsteî', Miss Frances Toms, Mon- îer Mrs. Doherty. ýtreal. du.riug Raster holîdays. ________________Mir. Hubert Anderson is brm- Mm.Harld oar~p.u: artafenîug Up the interior of hus fa- his Easter hol'days st Mr. sud thes odrug tor ihapia Mrs. C. M. Floods. Torouto. to. fpit Mr. and Mrs. Freidiander sud Spi'ing, work ou the land is uow uitile daughter. Tor'onto, visited, quite general and sprayîng aper- lier parents. Mr'. and Mrs . Wsit.er1 ations ar'e under- way in a num- Deline. last week. 'bei' of oî'chards. Mr. sud Mî's. Jack Hisbee, whlo Mr. Clarence Clark went ta 10 %ere recenily mairied at Bur- lQuebec City Satui'day ta join his lingion. spent. Raster w îth his zhip, The Elmndale. of the Tree mother, Dr. Anme Hîgbee. Lins. a package ship freîghtîng pMr. Isaac Selby was taken ta on the grest lakes. Toronto for radium treatmeuts a, Misses Betty aud Doris Hele. Tcî'onto General Hospital. He Oshawa, ar'e speudîng Easteri may be away for about two week with their grandparents. weeks. 1 Mir. sud Mrs. Hamry Tebblie. sud Mrs. W. F. R:ckard speut Eas- their aunt, Miss Leone Tebble. "0 Couldn't Do ter wýtihlher motheî'. Mi's. David, Those from Newcastle attend- Mofat. Orono. whiolhas beeu îng the fuueî'al af Fred Byers in Better MyseIfIl quite il! but is now mnuch îm- Toot'wie M.RbetMr praved.tin. Mir. sud Mî's. Parnaby Mar- Friends were pleased to see Mr. 'in. Lois sud Archie. Mrs. Cecil Why fuss over a hot Frankiîu nAl:n cu' ta church ou iMalle', MXI'. sud Mrs. Cli f ord' stov woryiu atthe Easter Sunday. He lias not beenIBrown sud R.ay. cuicome of Your bak- gaiuing. atfeimut u The Ontario Forestry Branch MissPauline Celîne, ane of the Iat Orono began sending out large cd goods2 Let Cor- Newcastle pupîls siuging, in Mas-,;shipment-s of youug foresi trees from the C. N. R. station, New- bett'.s perfect baking sey Hall ou Wednesday evenîng. castle, on Mouday when a large serve you. vv~~ent ta the city earlier sud vîsît- rubro oe fpce re serve you ~~ed lhem sister, Mrs. Feidlander nme fbxs fpce re Principal Ward of the Iigh "' en' west by express. Then on _________________________ofthe public 'TuezdaS' two freight cars were i schaol, sud Mr. C. S. Horrocks of îîams o hpen oS.Wl SaturdaySpecial the Board of Education are in To- hrs onta this week aitending ihe' Mr. sud Mî's. Ross Dickinson -. dnu 1O.'E.A. convention. iwiho recently had a water ok Macaroons, DOZ. 13c NewCas'bl goes on Daylight'systern and batixroom installed in _____________________ ing. April 24ih, when ail chumch1 barnu near Beaver St. taken down. services will be hield on officiai Mir. Dickinson wiih hielp began time. Clocks should be put for- the demolition process April 19,.ý ward one hour ou Saiurday even- su ad by' the middle of the afier- ,îng. noon every stick sud board was CORGETT'i St. Audrew's manse, Oshi- cown sud neatiy piled. A liuge onThursday night. April 14. pile of gravel is ou hand, trucked Rev. W. R. Tanion uuited in !byMm. Dickinson, for laying the BAftLKY marriage Helen Mae Clarke of foundation of a modemn building Newcasle and James Gibbs of ta supersede the old. Phone 890-- Bowxnanvmlle 'Oshawa. Ille Couple weme un- Mrs. W. J. S. Rickamds group attended. af the W. A. of the United Church April l2ih, Rev. W. R. Tanton. pesented their pantomime. Pic- rOshawa, uniied in mamiage Ruby tui'es Old sud New, in Triniiy ________________________________________________Church. Bowmanville, ou April 19. Two new picFtures appeamed in ______________________________________ .,The Album," The Squirs <W. J. Clemeuce>, and Princesses Eliza- LACOMAbeth and Margaret Rose .Reita Cooke and Barbara Bouathan). replacing the Silver Wedding The250tt leel f hisprmktg gldmînngCouple, Mr. sud Mms. W. H. ThI e 5und er gel f hsvpdropne omnt ngar r Cooke. M-r. Cooke is not cvelyC wil beundr agresiv deelpmet a aneary dba.ty strong and ihoughi it besita drap Details coverlng directorate, engineering staff, large oui of the show. PrPrYholdings, dlamond drillllng resuits and udr Newcastle f ieuds extend con- irrunddevlomens t dteetc, aalabl onreues to Lratulaiions 10 Mr. Fa r e well gronddevlomens o ate ec.,avllhleOnreqetto Blackbumn, schootmaster ai Sa- G. FIRTH lem, sud bride. Miss Lela Welsh. 20 BAY ST., To 014TO on iheir mamiage April 16. Mr. BONTO Arthur Welsh's daughtsrs show a prefereuce for schoolm.asters, the former Miss Loua Welsh being the wîf e of Principal Lawrence Sav- ________________________________________________ ery of Newionville. Mm. Black- 1 buru is the eldesi son of Mr. sud Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Newcastle, sud is an honour graduais of GARDNERS FAR ERS! Newcastle High School which hie GARDE RS! ARM ER ! liatteuded while living wiih hisQ graudfather, the laie Wmi. Car- YOUR AND 5 WATIGter' Blackburn. YOUR LAND IS W liriG 1Au item in a Toronto paper Easser Services at st. George's The services, incIudiug the ser- mou.. by the Rector, Rcv,. D. R. De,ývoney, amîd thr, nu..ic by the wh: ~re parti(tilarly bright sud ,xtx'"act ,ývc at St. George's Chtucîx ami Ea.3'cr Sumîday. Mrs. Jno. Gar- i iod prc.sided at the organ. A i-cmy laî-ge numihcr of mcimber.s and adbermen'ls with %vis'ting iriend.. yiclded ta the ur-ge ta attend di- vine ancesd Jomu in the aci... of wvorshîp). Ih usavery encour- aging io note ihat approximnatcly seveuty persans atlended Haly Communion ai 8 o'clock. And St Il oclock tuxe heautiful chureh, adoî'ned wiih Eastem lilie.ï, was, filled wilh woishippers. T h e fIowei's ou the sItar wsre donaied by Mrs. D. J. Galbr'aith, Mi's. D. B. Simpson sud Miss B. Mcmn- tosh lu nemory oi loved ones wlîo have passed on. CLASSIFIED RATES One cent a word cash, eachi COMING EVENTS For Sale FOR SALE -BABY CARRIAGE sud babys commode, Phone 413, Bowmanville. 14-f FOR SALE-ONE HORSE SCUF- fler. nearly uew, sud tbree sec- tion King spike toath harrows, goad condition. Appiy John Milîs. Hampton. 16-1 MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE - B. S. A. 1934 model. excellent con- dition. small milease. Will sell insertion (minimum charge Remember the Crokinole Party cheap. Plions 326. Bowmau- 25e>. Charge of 25e extra is iu Newcastle United Church S. S. ville. 16-1' made wheu advertisemenî is Hall on Monday, April 25th, ai 8 ual paid same week as inser- p.m., auspices of Young People. FARM EMPLEMENTS FOR SALE lion. Extra charge of 10c Admission 25e sud 15c. Refresh- Inter'national Tandem Disc for wheu replies are dimected ta a ments. tractor use: Kid K an-ga ro o Stia t e s an box nunîber. PALESTINE CHA=TR ROYAL Gang, Massey Harris Cultiva- Births, deatbs sud marriages ARCH MASONS aunual At Home t or's. Speaders sud Separalors. 50c each. Iu Memoriams, 50c Dance, Eniertainment, on Fridsv. W. S. Staples, MasseSr Harris for notice, plus 10e per lins May 6th. Royal Arch Masons sud dealeir. Phone 781 Bowmanville. for verse. Classifîed adver- ladies reserve ihis date, May 6tlî. 16-1 tisem. esaceptdau uli Dr. L. B. Williams' Hislomic Film FOR SALE - FORD ROADSTER 6 pm. edesdy.Record of Durham County at with rumble seat. lais '28 mo- Solina. Tuesday, April 26th, St 8 del. motor in good running p.m. Mrs. Dan Fraser, Elocution- shape sud tires practîcally new. BIRTHS isi. Admission 25e and lac. Appiy Edgar' Wright, Eniskil- Foi' an evening af sids-splittîng len. 16-1 DAYES-In Bowmanville Haspi- laughtei' come ta the Minstre1 tal on Friday, April 15. 1938. Showi on Friday, April 22nd. in USED LUMBER FOR SALE - to M. an Mr. Frd Daeý,Newcastle Uu-ited Churchý Sundav Consistiug of 2" x 10" aind 2" x ta M s M Mbl frs. Fred Daye School Hall, Auspices of Live 18": quantîty of building horses. useMabl EfOd>,a su. Wi.res Suuday School Class sud'i etc.: somte pieces of fuî'niture. FALLS-At Bowmauville Hospital Orchestra. 16-1 ' u e telsl ols on Monday, April 11, 1938. ta Open meeting of the Women' s 1_Martin.________St._1__ Mr. sud Mrs. Arthur Falls. s Canadian Club will be held on 1 'M. CRANKY IS NOT SO IR- daughter iMarlene Ruth,. Thursday. April 28th. ai 3.30 p.m. ritable s'nce lie used Cx'ess Cocu in St. John's Parish Hall. Mrs. aud Buion Salves. Remove FLINT-In Bowmanville Hospital John Davidson, Toronto.- w ilî1 Calîtîses. Warts. tao. Sold by on Sunday. April 10, 1938. to spea k on "Curre ni Events." Non-î Cowliue's. Jury & Lovelî's sud Mr. sud Mrs. Keuneth Flint membeî's 25c. MGeo' Drug Stores in 'use Irsue Bonel. a son. Ken- S:îEsetd uî ~: Bwsv'l:Mio' nNw uethDonld.featuî'e the eveniug service at castie: Tyrmelî's ini Orono. sud *Tm'înity United Ciîuî'clî Bowmau- a. drutil counters. ville. Sunday, April 24th, D.S.T.. MARRIAGES whsu ths Cautata "The New Jsr- FOR SAE-COLZ US _______________________ * .slem" will be given its primmîere boculixeelers. dandy watch dogs. in Bowmauvills . Auuîeutecd or- John iMtlls. Hampton. 16-1 BLACKBURN-WELSH-On Sat- ciiestra organ sud piano selectians FRAME BARN FOR SALE-24 x urdy aiemoon Apil 6.1938. ai 6.40 p.m. Dr. T. A. Pa-'r:g 34. in cood condition. suitabîs by Rev. A. W. Macch, at the couductor. ~ ..,.~. Parsouage. Tyrans., Lela F. dsu- ghtex of Mm. A. Weish sud the late Mrs. Welsh. 10 M. Farewell Blackburn, sou of Mm. Sud Mrs. M. Blackburn. DEATHS ALEXANDER-In Oshawa, Aprîil 18. 1938. Frederick Wellington Alexander. beioved husbaud of Edith Viola Allan. in lus 37th year. Brother of Frank Alex- ander, Bowmanvills, FOUND-Iu Toronto, ou April 19. 1938. William Henry Found, be- loved husband of Lavera Found. Interment Bowrnanville Ceme- tsry. GAUSBY-Ou April 18, 1938. at liem residence. 259 Glencairu- Avenlueý,Toronto, Mary BeatriCe Tamblyn, beloved wif e of Dir. E. L. Gausby. and dauglîter ai the lats Mm. sud Mis. W. W. Tamblyn. foî'merly 0f Bou'mau- ville. AUCTION SALES Satuî'day. April 23rd, the housse- l:old effects of the lais Miss J.i Fligg will be aiT ered for sale by publc auction on tlîs premîses. Cliuichi St.. Newcastle. iîîcluding dîshes. fumniture. beddiug. etc. Sale aI 1.30 p.mi. Tei'ms cash. J. Caulson. auctionesi'; H. Bona- tîxan. clerk. 15-2 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - BRICK HOUSE. 7 x'ooms. 12 acres land. smali barn, fruit tî'ees, 2 miles north of Bowmanville ou middle road. Apply B. McDonald. Manvers Rd., Bowmianvills. 15-2= FOR SALE-BRICK RESIDENCE 7 roams. hot six' ieating; lot about 62 x 175 feet: ths pro- perty of the James Hobbs Es- tale. ou Concession St.. Bow- mnville. Apply ta Mrs. E. V. Scobel, Insurauce Agent. Bow- manville. 15-2 MATTHEWS-Iu Bowmianville ou HOUSE FOR SALE - S O L I D Sunday, April 17, 1938, EliZS . brick bouse on Centre Street in Jane Mattbews, beloved wife of gaod locality, desirable home Mm. Archibald Matthews, in hem wîth modemn conveniences, will 751h year. Intemmenl Bowman- be sold very cheap ta close up estate. Apply A. E. Belîman. SLEEP-At Kendal, April 18, 1938 King Street West, Bawmanville. xxiIl T-" Q -Phone 526. 40-tf William H.reniry Sleep, ueloved husband 0f the lais Mary Sied- man, in his 73rd yeam. Inter- ment Orona Cemetsry. Friday afternoon. VINCENT-At Agiucourt on Aprîl 14, 1938. ai the resîdence of hem son. John J. Vincent. Kather- mne Hoaper. widow of the lais John Vincent, in hem 85ih year. Service ai Nesileton United' Churcb. Interment adjoiiug cemetery.1 IN MEMORIAM COUCH - In loving memory of our faîher sud mother, Mr. William Couch who passed away April 17, 1937, sud Mrs. William Coucb whio passed away Mardli 1, 1934, God Saw the road was gelliug rough, And the hilîs wseebard ta climb. So be closed your wsary sys- lids And wbispered, pesce 'ce ibine. -Lovingly remembered by Alice sud Jilin sud grandchildrsu, Helen sud Bill. QUINN-In laving nmemory 0f oui' mother, Millie Todgham Quinn, wlîo pas-sed away April 20, 1928. No leugth of lime, no lapse ai years Can dini aur loved ones past, For memoî'ies hold hem dear, And wîll wbile memomies last. -Leone sud Royal. SCOTT-Love's token of remem- brance ta a dear faiher sud mother. James Scottsud Eliza- beth 0cr Scott, who 1sf i us ai the Easlei'ide of 1919 and 1922, April 2lst aud Apmil l8th. HOUSE FOR SALE - BRICK house, hardwood floors, h îot water hcating, alI conveuituce., good location, small garden. Apply Miss Evelyn Manning. Concession St., Bowmanville. 16-1 Tro Rent FOR RENT-FARM 0F ABOUT 65 acres. Conveniently located in Oshawa with city water sup- ply. Ample buildings. Irnmed- iate possession. Apply to Con- ant & Annis, Barristers, &c., Oshawa. 13-tf 50 ACRES 0F PASTURE LAND for rent, guaranteed water in dryest weather. Inquire Paul Haynal. Maple Grove. R. R. 3 Bowmanville. 15-2' TO LET - THREE ROOMED apartment with ail modern conveniences, electrie stove and elec-tric refrigerator. Possession May lst. Phone 870. 15-tf FOR RENT - HOUSE, NO. 22, Liberty St., $16.00 per month. Apply Mrs. John Trimble. c o Trmmible's Gmocery Store. Bow- manville. 16-1' FOR RENT-APARTMENT, FIVE large rooims, vacant May isi. electrmc iglits. watem and tailet. Apply Glove Factory. 16-1' ROOMS TO RENT-COMFORT- able. aud central location, also garage for ent. Phone 738. Bowmanville. 16-1 Grain For Sale HAY FOR SALE--QUANTITYO0 mîxed Alialfa sud Timoiby bal- ed hay. Apply Boys' Training School. Bowmauville. 15-3 FOR SALE-RED CLOVER SEED SMITH Inl loviug memory ai and Timiothy Seed. Apply B. G. our dear sou sud brother, Sid- Bennett. R. R. 4. Bowmanville. ney Nelson Smith who passsd Phone 2115. 16-1 away Aprîl 19, 1935. Remembrauce is a golden cîxain HAY AND POTATOES FOR Death tries 10 break, but sîl in Sale - Irish Cobblem sud Esmîs' Tavain. Oiîo, 45c bag. Also quantiiy of Tohave to love, sud tixen ta Tmmotliy Hay. Plions 2357, part, 16-2 Is the grcstest .xorrow of one*s Thecart.. Baby Chicks Teycai's nay %wipe out many- t hi ngs,. FORP SALE- BARRED ROCKý But ibis thie%%vil>- oui neyer, sud White Leghorn. B a b y The men(mory of those happy' Cuicks. stamted chicks. cocker- days els. irani blood tcsied flocks, Wbeu we wcerc ail togeihsr. smrcd bhy R.O.P. cockemels. AI- -Sadly missed by Mother, Fa- biu Clemens, near Hampton. them', Sisters sud Br'others. Phonie 2433. 16-tf BABY CHICKs -ouRs. c. 1 White Leghorn Chicks are sired CARD 0F THANKS by R.O.P. cackerels f rom Fisher __________ Farm. Al bîrdsar Ibanded sud blood tested by Mm. Amchibsld Matlhews sud, Governumeni Inspectors. Al eggs family wiish te tbauk the friendsl set weight 24 oz. sud over ta, and eigbor forther mauy dozen. Place 3'our order now sud uighbx's fr ibirasd gsi your chicks when you kindnesses sud expressions of want them,. Phone 2636, H. J. sympaiiîy in their meceni sad ber- Brooks, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. savemeni. I7.'-tf i ..> nil,enieni t hed. tipJy MV1 J. Stainton. Eniiiskilleu. Phone 2334. 16-2* MIEN! IF YOU'RE WEAK. WORN rOUT tcy rau' ayster invîgomators sud other stimulants in new OSTREX Tonic Tabîsîs. Pep tmp rîindowu body. If not de- 1'giited. niaker efuuds price. $T.25. Caîl. write Jury & Loy- eil. 15-tf Livestock For Sale DUJRHAM CO. SHORTHORNS- Young bulls for sale, $45.00 and up. J. Baker. Hampton. 16-tf FOR SALE - BLACK PERCH- ernhorse, 4 years old. Apply Arthur Soper, Kendal. Phone: Orono 161-6. 16-t' FOR SALE-PIGS, FIVE WEEKS old. Fred Cowling, BurketLon. Ont. 16-1* FOR SALE-2 HEIFERS, 2 YRS. old. also Dooley potatoes. Ap- ply Gordon Martin, Haydon. Phone 2505. 16-1'* HOLSTEINS FOR SALE-FtLLY accredited herd - Blood tested cow, 6 years old, due May 3rd: also f resh and springing grades. Windsor Lodge Farm, Newcas- tle, Lot 26, Con. 3, Clarke. Phone Clarke 3904. 16-1* FOR SALE- TEN YORKSH IRE pigs, also seed potatoes. Cob- bier. Phone Bowmanvil!e 2234. 16-1'* FOR SALE-TWO HORSES AND 6 cows. Apply H. C. Pedwell, Newca.stle R. R. 2. Phone 3823. 16-1 Articles For Sale BARGAINS - DONT FORGET Our sale on Thor Electric and gas engine Washers, specially priced for this sale. This is YOu.r opportunity to get an ex- cellent washer at a very 10w price. Guarante-ed stronger than any other washer on the mar- ket today. Generous allowance on old washers. one floor mo- del Ironer must go before Sat- urday, price slashed for quick sale. Also many other bargains in used washers. Terms to suit everyone. See I. Witefield at Dustan's Hdwe. Phone 774. 6i Do You Hear WelI? We have secured the agency for a mosi wouderful device for those who do not hear distinctly. Our supply will reach us about May 1. Seud for circular now. JURY & LOVELL Phone 778 Bowkmanville Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM-CENTRAL- ly located. Apply Mrs. F. Mc- Indoo, phone 894, King Street East. 16-2' Radio Repairing EXPERT RADIO REPAIRINO - Reasonable rates. Phone Osh- awa 1827r23, reverse charges. Robert L. Hancock, R. R. 2, Oshawa. 16-4* Farmers Attention SEEDING IS TEN DAYS LATER THAN EXPECTED - You will ueed fertilizer to help the grain mnake Up inl quality and quant- ity for late seediug. Use Slîur- Gain. the brand wvithi the re- putat ion for giviug resulis. Sow Shur-Gain with the Preston Fertilator. the m.achine that satisfies both in buying and s.owing. R. E. Osborne, Bow- mnanville, phone 473, Agent for Shur-Gain Fertilizers and Pres- ton Fertilators. 16-1' M iscellaneous WEST END) GARAGE AND) MA- chine Shop - We specialize in miachinery repairs, general gar- age repairs, welding, towing service. J. L. Demnerling, Pro- prie tom, Bowmanville. Ph on e 781. 23-tf ALL persans hîaving any clairi againsitute estate 0f tie lats! ABIGAIL L. BROCK. wha died ati Bowmanville on the l4th day of, Marchi, 1938. ar'e cequimsd ta for- wvard tixeir dlaims in writing ta the. ,,n<irsign.'.'lnrxt biter' Notice To Creditors In the Estate of James 1ee Fisher, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that alI per- sons having dlaim-s againsi the Esiate of James Reuben Fisher, laie of the Village of Newcastle, in the Couniy 0f Durham, Retir- ed Merchani. deceased. who dîed on or about the 8th day of De- cember. 1937. ai the Village of Newcastle, are hemeby uoiified to send in ta the uudersigned. or his Solicitor. on or befare the 23rd day of May, 1938. full particulars aud proof of their dlaims, lIn- miediately afisi' the last mention- sd date the asseis of the Estate will be distribuled among the pai'lie.3 entitlsd thereto, having regar'd ouly ta the dlaims of which the Administrator shaîl at, that time have notice. Daied ai Bowmanville this 201h day of April, 1938. Emerson Fisher, Newcastle Administralor. by his Solicitor', Lawrence C. Mason, BowmanviIle. 16-3 Thur-sday. May 12, 1938. uponi Notice To Credit-,ss which date the assets of the es- AND OTHERS tate will be distributed and ail - - dais nt filed befre the a*i);xýe IN THE ESTATEOF A date will be barred. de CARTERET. late of the DATED at B3owmanville this Town of Bowmanville. in the th day of April. 1938. County of Durham, Widow, M. G. V. GOULD, deceased. Solicitor for William Brock All persons having claims ag- and Frederirk J. Clemens. ainst the Estate of Cora de Cart- Executors. 152, eret, late of the Town of Bow- manville, Ontario. deceased. who For Sale By Tender died on or about the third day of TO SETTLE ESTATE April. A.D. 1938. are hereby noti- __________________________f ied to send in to the undersigned. Sealed tenders for the pur-,. the personal representative of the chase 0f the residence property of said deceased. on or before the the late Richard Werrv Philp ai sevenih day of May A.D. 1938. Nesileton. containing about 112 full particulars of their dlaims acres of land and being part of verified by Decla.ration. Immed- the west haif of lot 17 in the. iately after the said date the said seventh concession of the Town- personal representative will dis- ship of Cartwright, will be re- tribute the assets of the said de- ceived by the undersigned solici- ceased having regard cr, v I tors up to twelve o'clock noon claims of which she shaL, i Saturday, April 3th, 1938. Pro- have notice. to the excluso . periy is locaied on a couniy road ail others. and she will not b, i- whiclh is Uikely to be taken over able to any person of whose claim as a provincial highway. House she shaîl not then have notice for on the properiy is brick veneer, the asseis so distribuied or any six rooms aud attic, with plumb- 'part thereof. ing. House now rented by the DATED at Bowmanville, On- mcuth. Ternis: 10-ý 0f tender tarlo, this nineieenth day of Ap- price to be paid forihwith on ac- ril, A.D. 1938. cept.ance of tender witlh balance, Miss Annie Maud Harris, payable in cash on delivery of1 113 Norfol1k Street, satisfactory deed free of encum- Guelph, Ontario, brance and possession. Property Executrix, is being offered for sale sub.iect. by W. F. Ward. to reserve bid. her Solicitor herein. McLAUGHLIN. FULTON, 16-3 STINSON & ANDERSON, _______ Victoria Trust Building, Some men marry for money Lindsay, Ontario. andsome others are married for 14-3 it. Here are a few Moth Ex- termin.ators and protective products against moths. And of course in keeping wlth our Policy the prices are as low, or lower, than you can get them anywhere. Elkay 's Math Crystals - - - lb. 39c Elkay 's Math Killer with Spray - - - 79c Math Balis- 2 lbs. 15c Larvex--- ----83c Math Bags- - 15c-69C Math Flakes- 2 1b~ 15C Fly-Tox *- - - 29C FASTER SERVIC~ BETTER PRINTS ON Velox Paper Leave Your Filmns Here Medium Suze- 59c Large Size 99e Jury & Loveil Phone 778 Yaur Rexail Stoee '-- PAGE TEN New Cutex Polish '~zGoes on more smoothly 'ZWaars aven longer 'rWon't fade in'tha sun 'Usabla down ta the aest drap aze to consuli us before purchasing SEED CORN. Our prices are riglit and our quality the best. Know Before You Sow How Your Seed Will Grow EXTRA $PECIALS Cafeterash.. .....100 lbs. $2.90 Caf eteria $24 Growing Mash ... 100 Ibs.$24 S. STEWART Seeds - Phone 577 - Feeds J Wanted Notice to Creditors HOUSEWORK WANTED- In the Estate of David Brwxt, Phone 2251. 16-1 Deceased. ALL PER.SONS having dlaims CA LL INOG ALL SALESMEN! againsi the Estate of the late Agents! Would you consider a David BrunI. who died ai the change that wouid really make: Township of Darlingion, in the money? New Sales Plan. Sale' Couuty of Durham, on or about of 200 guaranteed food-medi-: the Twentiith day of Ma.rch A. D. cinal-toilet preparations. 1 1935. are hereby noiified to file er prices. Libex'al commission. proof of the amounit wiih the un- Extra cash bonus. Free gifts. ýdersigned solicitor on or befors If you have a cair sud a ltulle the 9t1x day of May, 1938, alle-r cash and waut tb setl some-wic date the assets of the said tiiug that repeats the ya saewl edsmbtdhvn î'ound in exclusive distri'idi. ard oly e trbtdhvg wrtetoFAILX O. 50 - regar n o cdaims of whicil Clrieet. FMnteal).. 14-St.the executor shah then have not- Clemnt. ontral. 4-3ice. - l Dated ai Oshawa, the Sth day For The Garden lof April. A.D. 1938. _________________ ARTHUR W. S. GREEER., SELECT STRAWBERRY PLANTSý 6 King St. East, , fmom new beds - Premier Dai'- Oshawa. Ontario, sett. for table use, $1 per 100,' Solicitor for Ceeul J. Brunt, $8 per 1000; Parson's Beauiy Executor of the Estate of for canning. $1 per 100. A. Laird David Bruni. Deceased. Bowmanvilie. Phone 2109. 14-4 15-3 FO0R S AL E -CUMBERL.AND Blackberry bushes. 25e per doz. T. Lymer. phone 379. 16-1 STRAWBERRY PLANTS F O R Sale-Senator Duinlop, good lst class plants, 75c per 100 or $5 per 1000. Apply T. But.tery, Scugog St., Bownianville. Phone 406. 16-2 FOR SALE - JAPANESE BAR-1 berry bushes, 2 yea.r old, just the righit size for a hedge. 20c each, $15 a liundred. C. Brad- ley, Jackinan Rd.. Bowmanville. 16-2' BULBS FOR SALE - PRIZE- winning Gladioli bulbs; named varieties 35c per doz; choice mixed. 25c per doz: mixture, No. 2 bulbs. $1.00 per hundred. J. H. Jose, Newcastle, Ontario. Phone Clarke 1121. 16-1 Notice To Creditors

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