ORONO NEWS SECTION 00" anziOn Page 9 With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 2lst, 1938 NUMBER 16 DAYLIOHT SAVINO TIME STARIS 1H TOWN ON SuNDA Hundreds Worship Risen Christ at Easter Services Inl Bowmanville Churches Choirs Render Spec- SUNDERLAND MAN il Music and Preach- US NEW MUNSTER ers Special Messages 0F ORONO CHURCH in Beautifully Decor- SasnLtlwdu- ated Churches o n edaR snLtiwoSn Sunday tMe pulpit of Park Street United ______Church, Orono. and Kirby Unit- ed Church, when a meeting of ilss i- jciizceI.jfille! ',ms- members and iIherents of the nimi le cisssrs lie' ,s!i Siisîla\ i' two churches Wednesday even- mlark lEa-ter. je'iival 'f tlise kRhii ing gave him 95 out of 143 votes. L rîl. 1'.i. uit iii,,ýt part sise (la% Rev. J. H. Osterhout, the present ixa a' sattireilb\1w vistifii -sîiiepastor. wilretire at the end of Wcxatliutr. aiisd siaîs .if lis "sie June and the new minfister wil pecuple s estirei )litiii iis ssrt isesi commence bis duties July lst. siîrîigk attire. Five applîcants were voted up- St. PauI's United Church on, the ballot being conducted by Ai Si. IisL" iised Clsîrels. R ex. scrutineers Fred Trull. John Tam- W. Fratiskliis laiiiter esds.tesi thtblyn and E. J. Hamm. Only one .sî'eeiaiL a 'sser er se. xxidi vote was necessary. tures Easter sliis-ie assul su ".aax No action was taken concern- Ai sIll s'sis e ýrx eî ix sie rc r ing a request from Leskard to ceises(jislisee scslî, i enter the circuit. o'j faitlisassllis1)\cerli fixst,-aisd ai impre'is Cîxsssii ii Servie, f.I loe. liose recesxed suit'tfu FRED C. HOAR IS jchmrcli sere Nu... 1lleissi lass NE PR SD T iss-... ce 'sgissa S'sser'ele' NIlr N W P ESD N Nllerhs. Ij, uteNirss as O F BOWLING CLUB Sîdeil as t]se 'reis.sls 'ecalais Committ.ees Are Elected and thens l'xtsue clu' ir as si Is'rie Pians 'Made For Conung Sea- solo bv Nui. (e'". L. Dasigie. Xix son - Club House To Be McGres'îr %x-s iii chiarge "s use Redecorated duior. Of ftrlîer iileresti svaýsthe 1 i)- Fred C. Hoar was eiected Presi- tisissal serx ice ceossdiicted lxb Rex' dent of tise Boxvnsanv-iile Laxvn Batishier xi leus )'ul Rae. Ilt ut Bowlng Club as. the annuai meei- Mr. asud 'Nlr. N. Wiikirii' : ilsssa ing heid recently. As hs.s support- Marjip. aiîgiser of Mir. asud Nir'.- ing officers Mr. Hoar xxii have Williisliaies. aid Robert Jaintes. R.-ýR.- Stevens as Vce-President. soli oj Nr. iiiçl Nirs. 1 itîsisa- and F. 0. McIlveen as Secretary- Gralsasus. sîre cliisheiied. Tresuer . î,,'o.'qnýýinpr .\ t thelieSonavsScîsool iii the a fiernoni a ýsste ia i [Ea te r pro gramn %%as liîelid sith Rush l'ei î presciistiig ant apprutirialcE aster re- citatin a duel hs' Doniaisia Creas'.cr anid Narv j iiry. Col. R. J. Giii, Brockx 11e. onie lime Suî'eritsîeisdlenî of St. l'atil's Sondlas Sclool, dle- ivered a s erv finle iesage 10 tise stiîotnî SopIeriitendenit XVilf red Carriîh ers iiresided aîsd NMax Toierk direceed the S. S. orchiestra. listihe evvesssssg anotiser large cont- gregatilsi tsrnt'd îotto i ear tihe Faste r 'eurius'îssa id iisi, t. nthse iihein Nlr,.Ne iiietli liil ii .în Mr. Aies. NcGre.tzr s'.ere lheard iii a Tihe I'esairas 'of Easter liiie and 't' risst f' s! rlibure tihe pti i iit %%ue tissensrial., t,,liii laie W. Gaist tise i ate C. . '\rtlisîrCa'kr asltihie laie N NIL'rs. fatis r ('s M r . . Il. Il. isîrs. St. .Ioseph's R. C. Church .\ peciai Eatur NMas s wa. ece- lirat,A 1)hvRexv. F'aîler Ci fjev a.t St i'e Iiui' _Rno matis Cii slic Ch o ireis >q asuif 5"iiiasm'riiiig. A\ s r% large cu:cregatiosi 1s'.aa ;re>teiit t" take 1art iii the ispusieieers ce. 'Fie sassesiar\ s'a, Isatiti jolis secoratesî xiî fowers. St. John's Anglican Church W<iii s'.'. iceichrasioisi f the~ I-Il GiiC'iiissiisijon at 8 asis. assl Il a sus. large uisier-. of St. loiso-. Ats ilicais c'siiuregat iss i artoo koif liir Ea>ter c"isiini'sn 'sr i Siia e. Rex, C. R. Spenscer %va., tise cec- lirassi at hothis ervies . .\t Ili "el'ek servisec tise chjosirdier Nir. F. W. s lisse reisuerel ais la'les aaistlieis xi ts iliiiXi issa'sasietlise>, pars NiMs,.. ...Gisaii s e-.isî as t!iu, :sas \ isagiifie.lissss'sos'f Cali liii' aiolixitis te alias alffl ; i se11iisîriai s' tise lite irs S. liilies auj Nu-.Mis, XisthIs Hiliei. <Continued on Page 7> Five Rotary Club Big Social Evenirn Neariy 300 attended the Rotary Inercity Ladies' Night as New- cas.tle Conmunity Hall Wed.nes- day evening when clubs front Lind.zay. Port Hope, Peterboro. Cobourg and Bowmanviiie sport- .'ored one af the most successf ut exents of its kind ever hield iii thLis district. The evenîng opened wth a banqiue-, serx'ed by Newcastle la- dies in she basemnent of the hall. Durîng the deleetable dinner .song., and laughter fiied the spa- cîous hall portraying tise genuine friendIinesýs ansd good flliovsiîp of the gathering. Presidents Ro.ss Strike. Bow- mianvilie, and Janmes Duttan, Pet- erboro. acted as co-èlairnian for tiie after dinner session which îr.ciuded %vords of welconie to the xsitiflg Rotarians. theur ladies aind guests. and greetîngs iromi eaiit club present. Pî'esîdent Dut- 'on conveyed Peteiboros greet- ins. folloxved by Presîdent Johin Hamilton. L:nd.say. President Jack Burnett. Cobourg, President W. E., Bonneville. Port. Hope. and Presi- dent Stt'ike. Boxvmanville. Re- presentuitixes were aisa present f rom Carrpbeiiford. W e s t o ni. Wiîitby and Toronto. District Governor lotis Patten, DEPUTY GRAND MASTER Cecil F. Cannon District Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. af Onta.rua. paud lus officiai visut ta Jersisalim Lodge lass xeek and xvas sveicomed by a large, gasbering of Ma.sons tram Osh- axva. Bosvmanville. Newcastle, Or- casa and asiser centi'es. JUNIOR BASEBALL NOTICE There xviil be a meeting af the' Lions Juinior' Basebali team in tise Cauincil Chambers an Mon- day. April 25515. at 8 o'ciack. Will ail boys xvio are inieî'ested please attend thîs meeting. Statesman to Sponsor Public School Paper Contest in W. Durham The ( anadian Stal-i mn ci in ils isIle of April 2f wxiii sp(o j')r aîd j eh c" pap . oîtet ini WestDuiin antd to tielt, s<'ni pro- dîîeîîîg Illie hcsticxvsppc wiII h' awarlded a lai~n Theesl "cncxspapcrs vill1 (i11 a part (of catIii ws'kly isue of Thie Stattesîiaiî.and i xxiie so piîidisiieîl thiat tiltev nîa *v he clippeti from '(lie Sîate'snia n to forîi a eoisî'four paurt, self netiîsd îwspapor. The C>ope it joni ls h'n arrang-i in a n cffo rt tIt> o- peralt witl i lie at inlthe neww soîtiits of editat ii hviije have lo'en itr'oiîîeetlinPtnb] j -Selî>ols. Foi- son'wse now s<liooks in tfliceastern :st 1 i oft lie territorv haave heein bard at work 1reparitsL tlicir îscwspapers. Tiîev eorîtalis îexvs of tue school sCf't 10. lnoal pet'soialiti es, ,nid othiex' iîteresting itemns f a lisîoriei natuireTuet Statesniîan xvii pulbli ilîOne ('f thesclîooi issles caoli wseek. Eaî'hî îîexv-paper wi llbea s. t lie nnie selei-toel 1) , tlise ,(-iool soettion producim-i'. 5lIn tlis, eiafutur'e xviiiaîîîînnee u*idges ini the eonmpetifioîî. and in iiit iiisiliîiîî Nîî ve ssggest tliat ail West 1)nrliani Seiiho1s starSt" e> 'serve n ews ant iiit erest iii itemis i n preia r- a t ii fo r the issue of thiei r nexvpa per. Teaeliers xi' shu i1 Le(litr ules and appli iatjoîî at Tile t' t~m offivo' I. li ficnicantiine xva5 "hfor flicfirst issue -Tise Y' 'lii ' ('alnad ian - publlisîsel b.v-tili, seliolars 'f Nexv- t"nviiie Publie Sehlool. GRAD ARSALConductor of Renowned Mendelssohn Choir Will Adjudicate Music Festival Creighton Devitt Reeve of Cartxvr'ght. xvas elected 'Grand Marshal of the Loyal Or- ange Grand Lodge. Province of Ontario East. at the convention hieid in Port Hope last week. HEALTH NURSE VOTE In Favour of - Full Time Nurse 97 Part Time Nurse 4 Abolishing Nursing Service 7 Local Masonic Brethren Receive Alan Osborne and Audrey Pickard Visit From D.D.G..M., C.F. Cannon Win Badminton Club Singles Titles :TAUNTON LAD AND Dr. H. A. Fricker wil BOWMANVILLE DUO be Chief Adludicator WIN AMATEUR SHOW - Entries Around the Fourteen Contestants Vied For 300 Mark for County Honors in Show Sponsored by Festival Here in May Fiorence Nightingale Lodge ___ 1.0.0. F. _________ Dr. Hlerbecrt Austin Fricker, Niek Sissitîs of Taustis' us. s isssfi C'oiiduostssr (f Toroito 's re- haronicsa 'isthi.anstiPadde veil oxn Menidelssohn Choir, assd Len'sardiHeari of Bovwmassvil iilibiliy duo.,xsaiked oif f iitis th leoturer ai the Toronto ('onser- h' îs r stlise .natesîr Sisosy itise x-a torx- of Music and organist Optera l{s'ss'e a losas sis. ftise metropoiitati cathedra! spo ý' lis' 1 iFlorenîce NaisZl isrhof the EUnited Chutrch Lo uI'e. .0.0.F. Theis ogea grilsîe ...R ignasl in uToronto, xxill be Adjudica- L "h.Iavisige of the O)ssas i, ftor of aduit classes at tlic Dur- Traissisia Seisu, for Bos . decidcd lbain ('ç>unv iMrtsic Festival in tisai b-h lstes. irsý u' xe "i o osi Bowvnianxllie onii',1a lOthi, tisai tises isad no altersnative busit' i m 2ii od otn placeth icits ;sl first place svitis a lie. Itiad12l. W r oti Tises'.isier,, esserzed frosus mne efe ishe eevd b 1r e isvsd ho ii'pros dcii a diver- "nîlisS Ihelen Morris, Secretary 'ijoîl prsaraus l u qite a large aussi- of the Festival Association. esslec. Cssj',riuisatelv lise srograi \%ils ssîa c;srîaiîecî rise î'î ls"e1Dr.1 Fricker i, a Feiiowosx fdthe ~ ~ ~tr~551>5yI ati of Caisada's most distiriguished mus- iii' jr. s'. iseiss everal of tise jasor- 1iciss.. ieFsia ifr ise iiiisi'ers lgave rcpeaîed perfora- jtîsiate ini heing able to secure the aise' '.isie lsejssge< ir arn - services of su outstanding a per- usa aitiseis decjiion sosialisîs in tlie Canadlian sphcre of Nick Smnith, uone of tise wiiîsers msic. Tihe Festival has aiso been ti itihe Bell., of St. Niarx's Otn 'occcsfolinil securing Rov G. Fen- tsi- harsmoicla. asnd islas cd il ibeaui- svck. Inspector os 'Music for Public tilfuil s 'osiig a fine atîpreciasiosi Scisuols ini Ontario, to aditîdicate ,f 1' 'ilstiese ossgand te potiniar iii the scisool classes. M.\rs. Marion suedvl. Tise audience, as sviththslie . Hick-ingbottom., noted Toronto îuiier wijîssers. apîseared îo cossesîr elucutioni. xiii be I udge iin the isi Isle udges' decjsion. Paddvel,,11sis eocuiioii division. assd Leoîsard Heari appeared ins Entzies Increase iraue.umiie ponet AD4OUN4UE NEW !Large Number Present to Championships of Local Club' INTERMEDIATE 'iîisaslci o soîsgs tse%, receiv-:1jestiv'al is senin i the announicement %vere: Grounds, L. Nîcîsols. M. G. V. Gould. A. E. Fi'eeman: Mem- EAST - WEST ROAD Greet Higli Officiai at Jer- Are Decided in Series of BASEBALL CLUB 'cd a treiscdous ovationi.i v the Association secretary, that bership. Oscar LaBelle. J. D. Car'- IN WEST DURHAM ixsaletn Lodge-Banquet Keenly Contested Ev'ents MEETS TUESDAY ' Reg Harding made a ver -v capable 1,essries for the festiv'al are already rutes re rdi.a~adR Follows Degree Exem- on Tiuarsday Night I't t tna f rini is alnsost iisexhalstibl ie iu-:' ra, yrater hs h R. Stev'ens; Match. A. H.Moore, Definite announcement that W. te Nationals s k anndtxxes e ers ase asver lf ade a.Tsend n hi J. J. Mason, Oscar LaBelle an l the Department of Highways pfcto On Thursday evening. Baxvman- American Basebail League onnednpae71nris uldosatnctaMs Fred ryderan. iil cnstrut a ew hlhway An avrflowastdancegree- viile Badminton Club wxas theI schedules under way the localMorsaBomaile The greens hav'e winsered wel runxung from Orange ville eAnt. or. o. C. F Can nosonea hecubturaen iî asblMmgusarrrgn is ai xx-hican iernts e and play will get under way in 1 easterîy to connect wlth the OshaW . BD. . . Cof nontaiasnxfvhecuto plae ainst- x.eî omn'l n otHp M Pay. Antonr th er ilrtveme'- ot oe-Peebrohg District, on Wednesday evening. club xere determined in closely ning t tradPresident SNtORT IL vi e sîowaevtise adrstnînoty plnnd o tisyeristh r- way Ils contained in the On- ApriSENT. FOnRhemacl biscanteted-attcs, payedbefoe a B l Bgiieinlis caled decoration ai the Club Hcsuse ex- tario Gazette. Arl1twe h aehscnseibtts lae eoea BI Bagelthas caed ae______United Churci. and 'sommittees are teriar. The fînancial repu)i't shox*- The new highway wil cut officiailxisiîta Jerusalem Lodge. large audience. mtng of te noIanxorkcomeîiniarage edtht heClb ada ucessful teTrnoBri iha. Msncbehe o Oshawva.I The night was aimost tao warm Baseball Club at the Boma Patrick Gosleigh, O s h a w~ a, issents. Tise Durhsam Festival realiy season in 1937 and had campleted wili run through the village Newcastle, Orono. Port Hope were for so much action and players, House next Tuesday at 8 pn charged with breaking and en had uts origin in a stuail musical the year witli a cash balance of of Port Perry and continue Presensta weicome the District, came off the courts exlsausted and' Don't f orget that we wilb tering Couch, Johusston & Cry- festiv'ai held at the Ontario Train- 1$3200. around the head of Lake Scu- Depuf y Grand Master. i 0 overheaied tisaS nost af themn o aLgt aigTm derman's Store, on April 8, with n ScolfrByserayas Tise ladies' section of tIse Club1 gog a.nd eastrl to Bethany At the conclusion of the degree1 looked like boîledi beets. o algtSvn ieby 'intent af theft, was com.mitted for îs eolfrBy eea er iili slsortiy reorganîze and i is J at Highway No. 28. xork the brethren adiourned stIois en1vet Alan Os- then. AUl those interested ini trial Tuesday by Magistrate W-agorhai Fesicl wthe fomtionofDra exsete tta tsee vii ein- i Announcemnent is aiso made 'tise banquet hall where grace 'iav on n dFlamncnetd teInemdaeCu r A. F. Campbell of Port Hope, at G. Elisore Reaman, ihen Supenin- creaseel nsembersisip in bosis she 0f a highwa to be construet- sSid by Rt. W. Bro. Rev. C. R. thse singles event. Osborne wxin.. asked te corne, and this in ne Cobourg, and will be tried beforetednofheSoo.D.ean nsn' ndldis scios ed north from Newcastle Spencer. Following the toast ta ning in twa games. 15-7, 15-2. way ils confined to players the next court af competent juris-isteeoen thte of the Scol r emusî Lindsay. Announcement woa luhe King and the Craf t, the Gar- Men's doubles again saw os- only. There are plenty of diction. Witnesses from Bowman- Festiv'al in Durham County. The made concerning these roaIs tden Hill Quartette, winnlei's 0f borne, with his partner Stuart t zn wofow te tSa vlewogveeîec nîdd o.'Sîolhs ossetysp Iti aeo esdfiusfora during the last provincial el- first prize on the Good Humour'James, taking Ross Strike and regularly and they are asked Jas. Thompson, Robt. Cale. Cief Ros - - iscnisetysp trutistul person ta be popular. ection campaign. ýHour at Toronto, entertained te'Jack Brougîs into camp in three' te turn out and ofier thelr af Police S. Venton. Provincial ported the festival and wiliI have sev- gathering by singing "Sleep Ken- energetie games, 15-8. 5-15. 15-8. suggestions at this organiza- Constable D. P. Moi-ris and C. A. mal cîtries iin the approaching' fes- tucky Babe."' In thse B Section Bob Kent and, tion meeting. Johnston. uval. lTse toast ta Grand L.o>ge was Ed Hicks defeatedi Ralph Ames "o d e r M es D vd n e d POOe yR.W r.G .and Ed Wisheridge in threDAeHO E O Goo yea Me ts ivden Ne ds popoycse anRtd .resde o bC:games, 11-15, 15-12, 15-6. Drhu aw e , u to s LolctrUN U EONE YEAR ng ~Rt. W. . C. F. Cannon who Ladies' ex'ents resulted in MissAtu akrCsomClecrINUEOEYR ga'S lsrits.utvead ýAudrey Pickard winning the îig M ech nic l G odsFin Sh win teestng d2son he ri es from Ms. L. W. Dippeli. 11-3, P se u d ny i BowmanvilBwancle Dial ephe LesrLandmarks af Masonry, 111-2; doubles went ta Mrs. La ss. W l n o m nvle sYstemn has been in use one year, ADVANCE CLOCKS Financial Post RepoDrts Good- namely thee urst lesser landmark ,Dipiteli and Mm'. S. R. Janes __ad__hae__ oherofay AN'U AUDY ya annsfr13 h oa a rteMsncwiso defeated Miss Pickard and 1%okn one who would prefer ta returu AN HOUR SAURDAY yea Barnings or 1937;-tis eoral Ls' rse anic r'Miss Vivian File, 15-6, 15-9. Miss Deceased Was FormeTr p i. wrkigainoisg lus flowcrs anîd th ai "rn"pheso Bowmanviile, together wiîîs To- Lcl atryBttr Lxire secolsrlndmark, ýM. Storey won the junior singles 1 dent of Men's Canadian Club ssus i.gresas anbigstweîve montiss ago. It was on Ap- 'ronto and masS large centres ai than Tire Factory at Secy inTustorsnPaess7) an1fOnneMissP. Dutan. 1-7, 1-3tiasitie bs keii asd mst ai ru 7th, 1937, tsat His Worship OntaiotinucomencnthPageNew7oroto andjus tise junior doubles lis'ManyTorii1rcey tacieii ovî. Ross Strike dialed the servance of Dayliglst Saving lime 1feated Miss Dustan and Miss S. erIfatese veeled as irst H. BraeGe nel Manaer o an Sasuxday as nidnigist, she lrcýatne eýledfonhsIJ .Bae eea aae o peruod extendîng until Septeinber Despite business conditions tisas NEWCASTLE W. A. Campbsell. In ladies' B' section, soîsse ais Lowve Street on Avril l3th Ontario, at Toronto. The change 24sh. Citizens are reninded ta 'are considerably slacker tisan ance .A fts Uie hri Miss P'ene Casbourn :and, Miss Coluector of Cîîstonss for the Port '.'.itls Rev. WV. F. Basister, pastor a ver ta tise new system went off i .A fteUie hrhDoratisy Knox lost ta Misses Herd ofBýoxisansille for 25 vears, and a ~S 'nsCucs offiitnaSttu.aiich n ineta advace hei clck, on isur e- earago ne eanina a 1tietesAprîl 1411s. with Presiden* and Lyon. sueniuer of a pionîcer Box'.isanisile Palîbearers xcre: Geo. E. Chsase, J. time there isas been no mare'than fore î'etirsng on Satuîday nigîsi. Goodyear lire & Rubber Camp- Mrs. J. H. Jase in tise chair. Eas- M'xed doubles clsampianshipos faîssjiy, Cisa rles "Arthsur Cas'ker. NV>s. Jesseil, Fredi J. Nitcieul. Mfan- 'tise ordinary amount of trouble Al elsurcis ser'vices an Sunday any are still running on a scale ter hules. rabbits. ciikens, coins- were won by Mrs. Dippeil and AI- ptssed ax'av tiod(etiv-oit Suîudav. s oisîc. .Ssitseruosatseste.Ae aneer s'il be on Dayiigist Saving Tusse.i substantialiy above dîx'îdend re- prising tise decorations. Sa-stefuiiy an Osborne xvis defeated Mrs. S. .\îriilOtli. \Ir. Casvker luad bcsaîud Tisos. H. Kiiigisi. At tIse grave- triai we feel that thse Bowman- Official notice of Baxvîsanville's1 quirements, accarding to a ueport aî'ranged by Mrs. J. A. But:er, Candier and Ed Flaxmsan un twso tles(iisa Iii. f oriace -,lsien le suddexs- side tIseia.stisicehrees leaded bv ville District will join heartily in ciane a alihttit i po-i tseFiacil as. iis5i~i-aîtiiptd is se Cr fsia. gms 58 57 nBsection lvcoiacd.d is t a'edsvbefore Rt. X\or. Ib'xs. Fred C. Hoar as ,congratulating the Bell Telepisone claimeel by Mayor R. O. Jones in! lion is pat'tially due t0 lawer ' Mrs. Merkley larke's group Miss K. Siarey and Walter Goode I isi-iicai aisî cmlii lie siiiiiineuî. Cisffaîian id XVor. Bru .A.\V . G. Company on thse splendid new this iss'ue of lise Statesîssan. crude rubber prices xviich have: prax'ided tise pragramn and serv ci defeated Miss C. Co'spi.s and Ab I)eceasedI "a' nse of BOxvîssaî- Norîhcîîîî, 'sorshisftol N[aster. iad communication service it bas giv- drapped about 3 cents to il cents I refreshments. Mrs. Jna. Heîtsry 'Walkeî'. 15-12. 15-11. s ilie'. hesi kisow ivi jjeîs. He x'as charge of lise iisressive ýNlasonic !en the town. Our- only hope 1.s per pound in tise past yea.r. and Mrs. Gardon Martin cantir:- 1'Prizes. cansisting cf key cases blî,rs î i ankrioseta Otcssniîl .ric ta the hugeinestment maIe Join iand inOf special interest to Bowman- buted seasonabie readings. Mu-s. and bridge sets, were presented tIilserîs Sîree-t-Soiti. a 'xiiiof tise cnemta:r iferIoferîus at yts ue npn will beadel ýs Join Hands M ~~ville is tise 'eport tisat tise me-, J A. Butler provided a treas ai 1tise xsinners, as well as tise s:lver late Nî r. assîlNîrs. C. NIf. Caxîker. Nal itforlfeinst- b th mpywl eapy cisanical goods division. whiclixil Easter candy eggs for aIl pres-ent.'traphies presented for annuai hile rcecived lui., edscaîiousju ienîs td the Idd irl f red. eaid by a steadily increasung at Ne' castl lacaed ber. hasbeen akigand cltise ladies were gaily grouped competition.CUnion Sehsool s'.lert'lie iook loth cîsjoveIby tise late \Ir. Cawker. nme fsbcies _____________ itisan tise ire div'ision wiich is of their gift eggs. Samne la.d:es tii aiter thse dance on April '22,1 suer a biusijîess course is Toronsto. oit of tossî were E.F askr tis doinat ed o se bsinssaietherson isespo whle ti- and tise club party an April 29. A fier heusse as.ocîaied for ,oulse O.sawa; (ko". Casker, Torontio:'lise fellow who doesn't ansount Nortis Bay, gave afficial approa'aiSales ai belting. hose, and atiser ers toak tiseir isome for future en- Arrangements will be quite ela- tussie s'ithisli, faîlser usnlte Istcher Jouis, Elisser assd 'Wseslev Caxker, to mucis loses no flue in lettlng nutemein naseehfle ecianîcal rubber gaods hsave , oynsent, but ahl indicated tiseir borate and unusual for tise party ihs.ie.,, lie estercd isîto partsîersisip Port Perry. lis know it. ta itensetîg i a pecisfuhedbeen fairly well maintained. aPPu'eciation of Mms Butler's whiclis xill feature a box social, a wîitlutise late .\rclsie Tait iii lie wîih isumarous anecdotes and an lise cisief source ai thse Good- tioughtfulness. sîep back ta tise gay nineties. grsseery businîess s'.iiclu %vas located expression of appreciasion ta tIse year declîne in business, tise Post'sîlsere tise Corosatiois Cafe uses' clubs in sisis district foi'tise cor- says, has been tise drap in auto- istanud-, on King~Street. Pres ent Teachers Withi Flowers dial receptian and co-operation mobile production, wvîicis affectss nu'le nva5~s'.. al-,so'î-eeratiIl Sisey liad gîven hini during hiîs bots tise News'Toranta and Boit- riea rernfi)suiuusOras&I>asoCista iedt orin Islandheor beo i-At Closing of Newcastle School lise meeting adjourned ta tIse usents are gaod. but sales ta auto- i!Coltrofi.tonaciate nmain auditorium wîtlei'e a Iigîs mobile iîanuia.cturers are doxi'î By Wreford Souch, Halifax, Nova Scotia isu -a C'ecîîr'f u.tîiuanat ciassan tbiagndycn.oyd su-wiisdereaedprdusio. itS Nr.Caykr sa.suarreu t N'.'lie îgs SisalLitra'ySo-odPeuctfa'ooen.tlTthipan sical pu'ogranîs sas presentéd. Mr. affects Bowmsanville plant also as _Effi. a Gler , arieuf tise lue . e n hsar ich losîng 0f iSoceaue. urdwthto in Adolpls Koidoisky, Toronsto. re- a gî'eat înany automobile products ' Ti,' îî sr, ' ' if Novs a ts s.euk.,sîill iell - biu ere i., tise Nfr. asndNirs. Glisser "f lIsiainreecngotsebatu- itowned vîlinist. played a gî'oup 'like runîing board mats, fan t ' nvwidan i l sov n e aitie reon thîer aueso ai beautiful îsuîîbe's ta tise de- 'belts. etc., are msade iii tise local 11 scr sî îsiîîgsi-trcaý.,iure ."r.aî ais es tîs Ilse tss ville, is inise 190f). Tiîre aie Ilaster teri by a special pragramn eso h ecn lwrso "f lhappen'sinsg., ilslansd andsîl~a . '1', i \f. I. 1P. Nolais x'.l s i.. ucharge sof ciiidresu. lic is sîîrvised ib îshiiresensations tatise teacisers andi and in anticipation of tise festival Eht and chari i of ail, acconipan- plant. r .Illesitsciatsoss..srroxssig silo'.anîd tNissulrîotise: tise seî'x'ng ai refi'esh.ments on of Easter and in thaughtful con- ied by bis xsife. fornserly Miss lise conspany feeLs tisat wiihs las 'ruse 't"nj,.sseiarlvas. s evci \ iits Crlh, ussros lsrevfNiiiiieiî,.\hra Tu-dy fe'ooAr].ltssieain itsirfaier'sl GweIn Williamssof Boxs'nanx'îile ' tise lawes' price of cî'ude rubber. t , uiuie rerasusrc - lotisîtotite.rstse 'cas a60,sîl jieois sd \'sleof o M x'iis at, viIi1et. liursdns Jeoi nAllen conduthdaicngo effr t nand out sef Mrs. Edna Reid Carroland M.ixisicis brings witli it lover ps'ices he tlise irates iviso at aise tusse aticilrvgo iitn f h n itr f..F .Vntn ftepoedns colhust i hm nti Lamne Davidsoîs. Touanto, uend- to tise consumxer,tisai puoduction taekei shiisoff tise coast. Nfissîatislrvgodl niîgof lwse isnie. Ms . .\as.tsse îsftis p'oeeg lesfd tI solisours ta id them itn tsi eî'ed fine vocal salas and duets sill step up as buying beconsesIhavese oîglît for tusesc treasurss'ssu coasi of Nova Scotia andshe iseîoxvBxisîvie tuet eeaanpeae apri a eann iesue anîd Mes's. McClure and Snead, nor ntiealeintsespin. uosi iaeofîis tscss Atsuigs ex. sîlasl iaes littiopiats ir Cxierxasa sssslîr sgahaevies h anMs.W E B- ecde S srnga itiesuprs lorîsaeîaced amc tuts- îsxx retiis x ssicte luiîlv, wsire csîseciaiiy bold. Captaiîs Kidd Ps fse iJrsleu og.A a io aea niitnn on Mr. Ward and Miss Sanderson Tootence omcsuts leear wsvîdcts isl lso 0 was sî,pposed ta hase secretes F.&A.Mý.. assd a inenuber aisd Past1 talk on Japan. ani iete amtigt ar carried out in sisappy dialogue. 1 ing tise conv'ention. Puesident j. iageîI i tis i..isîsst, siîis sîsiodi sl part sf li.,treasuire ais Oak IslansdlNoble Gransd of Floreisce Nijzlistis- Hmunnese nomto.awa nd ke ep so in to octr W. J. Fulton. ai the Toronto Ro- i'Buî'nett, Cobourg, introduced ftisesclssexandsîl ielh'sl, aslCîaî sx'e h rm.gaeto HIO. î.Csrtumory,isnsrucinonrma-ngatitudand ppei ton.of liu saî'y Club. concluded tise pr'o- variaus nunsbers on tise prgs'aiis. ()Ie -se"f aclivits i,,(Oak ý' accsîst vin sske Catîtoajis Kissi s'100.1.asaiseuhr. aîs wxîker inati, oatya ntfiction, ieeiiai trawas tisaS Ja.P. cLo<)vekin pre- guîssîi iosaddress con- lise balance of lise e-ening isas landî. witicii La..received :o ussuscls asupear ta lue a iiker. iivast. Paii'surl iiîren lue sv ason intised fcohn ai"lise 'sene Mr. Ward witls a potted cer'iîg te Rotary International spent in dancing to imusic sup- îîusllicitv iii b'stli Unsitedi States ;"'Il Caîutaiiu Ss'eed ii a band of 36 a niesuser of tIse Board of Niatiagers Buzzer", read by Maurice Powell.foering H-ydrangea and Editi Convention aS San Francisco uni plied by Mase Yokam and his Mu- Causaîiasu IsaîerF, lut aisitier dca eîsîi-tlsroaîs roved thi c as. scutijîsa asani a formser cliairssaîs of tîse Jas. P. Lavekin gave an interest- Hendry presented Miss Sanderson June and sliowed sosing pictures sic. Petei'bou'o. Duing tise dances issu lias becei goissg on iii a qiuiet slsjis. îssîrdernsg lseir crc'w.s and hIoaid. He sias a Pasi Pre.,ideîit ai ing talk on lThe National Floweri lwitis a similar plant on behaîf of of tise scensc beautyof thse Cansa-' and dinner sexerai lucky prizes iwa'. ansdlsmoderns instrumencîts .Iîîpîass eîs ters, îakiîsg îsaî tîsci' wail-,tise MnsCassadian Club. He %%,as and Garden Show whlcs he at-1ail tise student body. lThe recip- dian Rockies froîi Calgary ta 'is'et'e awarded ta ladies. Eali thlies are gcttiniz near a large sîîîuîîls cil. destrosjusg tise rest but lie sever1 also a memiber af tIse Horîiculîîîrai tended. Miss Margaret Sander-I ients bathi expressed thseuî pleas- Vancouves'. the route ilihwîll 1 lady ivas presented iith' a rose 1 f goliu. Wlsetlser it is a îrea'ssix'- Society for inavxears aud a a' son gave a deligistful reading, and lire and thanks. Lunch ai candy, tefalovc b otrinsaied-i urngtsebaqut.Itrove, or jisît a gold isine - a feN% i (Continued on Page 9) er of flosiers sîscîiMuc tseEditis Hendry and M ar ga re t1 cookies and ice cream was served. VOLUME E~ 84 Circulation 3000 This Issue