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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1938, p. 2

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-M__---Mmp m. % , PAGE TWO THE C.\N.'iDl.\N STATESMAN PO\VMANVILLE OMT\~îci Tiit'Fk~D.\X, .\PRIL 2iST, i938 Re Mnabian ýbt#zan Established 1834 A Weekly News ,ýaper devoted to the inoterests of the town of Bo wman vuîîe and surrounding country. IssudatKn g Street. Bowmaniville. every Thursday. bM.A. James & Sons. owners and pubishers. The Cana i an Statesman is a member of the Canadian W:ekly Newspapers Association, aIso the Class "A" Weekises of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES. ECDITOR SUBSCRiPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada $2.50 a year; when paid in ad- vance $2.0 s year; SOc extra in United States to caver postage. Single copies. 5c. THURSD.\Y, APRIL 21ST, 1938 Rkailway Problemn Stili Goes On Aecordinoto te Oettawva .1 îuî'na I The Caia dian Nat iiniai Rail wavs bad ia net sui- plus of 417,606,000) i 9:37 0on eperatimus. If these fiý,ures are corrýtect. anid tbci'c is nuo reason to lielieve thecy are utot, the Natioiial Systemi as an eîiterprîse i., a grood ayîi' propositioni. The Joîurnial h îevrres(<ni to say. in the enîd. after evervtlting cisc lias l)eeii taken care of the cash (1efieit ivas $42.- 345,0)00. The J ouîrnal toi f<rtiiua tciv dees flot explaiIîîst vhat ' exorvtliiii(r cisc ,is. It is titis evervthilug that blas rîîisvd cthe ire of the taxpayer who lias to foot the bill for this deficit everv ear. The Ottawa paper dlaims that t'anadians muiist expeet to paY soinet.iîîg towa r(1the rail\i- v)- eaulse transportation is vital te) the couuîitr v. It further Points eut tîtat titis olpcrat.iinl surplus wvas matie despite the fatct titat t1lic population is less diense tItan inuthte Viiitesd States, anîd despite also the faet tlitat the Natieiîal s vstî ni paYs fe)r roliiît stock andi for coal. The point iîtv<lved ini the dsi~o goingîi'i i, inuot. se) untuc wliîat thie (C.N.R. is diîî. but ratlier 'tlie îuîîîcecssiîrv îla tien u'svcs . Tîtose whe plead ftrirun- ifiaitin soe saviiitrs lin tii 75,0(1))() an- nuia llv if titis wase as <'ut m<it. For iut. statu 8iwîatvlcis a M p1iuai centre. Vie hiavc min uni ies ot' hoith (-'.N.R. anîd 'P.R. and -c ve o(h(-iull)t if curino, ait cutire îveek there are 100 oc uial pa,.4îeuîers w'ho use the raiilvavs frount this towni. excei)t w'lteu t tere mna*v be an excursion. The i)diutt we atake is titat %v doiî't uîeed two railwavs liere., andth te fact tlîat w'e lhave a dtîpiicate sv steni is costing somneonie a whiuie lot of uni- iiecessari' expelîse. Sir Edward Beati v says tîtat uuifioation coîilîibc effected ini fivp» vears. antd natîtral retirenients and natîirali deathîs wotiid take care of theenifpioynient situationi. W e gratiier fi-ont the Ottawa e(lituriai tîtat the reai defiuit Pr<it1uciiig factor is the liuLre delut, earried liv the raiiw-aY. It auiy ordin- arv business thiere wouid be a total re- organization, or lîankrtiptev xvoîui i hrn, about a re-organization. Thiese (iefici*s ean- flot contiuiuiil ongzer, an(I it inatters I ittl le bether the. ai'e stopped by îinifii'a- tiouî id the tiv>sytlis or a re-orgrauîizatiiunl of the fiuîanciat setup of tue National Somne Local Newspaper l-istory 'FlicBrigh'tonî Eîsigu.miou f tt'Onta nu 's fes i ewnspapers pulishei k- a latiV, M R. M. Lapp, lias isltowîi cousideî'aLic im- I)rove'iuelit ini recmit uiontis. aund the pa)et' is uoivoute of the hest vill!age uaîers iu titis part tof Ontario. Anit iterestitg edituîniai in liast sveek 's issue t.old of the eai'iJ' hstirý- of tht" Euusiguut. 'Fli edituu'iai relates that AlexandterBeg a native of Scotiantti anite to C antada iuî 1846, aund after teachitg .Si'huiu iiu W'est Iliîut iuugîiîî. Madet' andi Oshîawna became iutî'uested iii lturnal isat.i uu 185:3 anîd sith .1. F. MeMihian pîuhdisicd Bosvîaii-il i c's first nc'nspapor, Thte Ne-s- eu ur Titis 'nas tlîe sa ieY-ar l3o'niti- ville ivas iîîîonîuîîuateîi as a villagu'. Proif. ~Joîhn ~-ni shistor ' v <ufDaliiu-Igtout antd C'.larke' di tteî's suiîuti-ihiat t'î'uîîth li.s stu l's hueiever. Proft',Sijîair rcî'aiis tlîat tîte Chrtîist ian uî -a nilia iti1 uotî's froîi tt'e u ui'- uîîauilie M4ts'eilîger as ear'i î as Febl. I 2tlu. 1851. Ilicalso î giî'us te ue ieir îas W'. '.1 MeMllat. Ill 18-55 the lie(inies p'i'ltaIiIsed flic Messe'uter aund biterhI)roîughIt mutou uxist - cnure lc auuatiait Statesîtiau. ss'ltli uuu tunt'n-tus suult e lite M. A. Jaumnes. se tîtat. the' Messt'er î"as iu ru'aiitx- a fore- rimutien tuf this neisspape'u. Alexaunder Bi'gg lateu' foiîumîd itue Bighttiîi lSi'utiîuei ut 4igrandtpappv ' ou'ftte Emî.'ign, andtlius aisil tii' first pul)miisli'r ouit lii'TIrenttonîî .di- eate. 'n'id ci is uithte ('iiiier-Adi 'uî-uto' Fîîrtiicr prîuîut lat "lic Messiugeu' %vas pîibi isliiud uîitur tii 18-53, as the' Ellshilisauys - us, seen i hi?'tei'faut<tihuit it'nas Bo'n'îîttt uî ville 's fi nst ut '5ssîpî'u'. utandiyt the' ui . tItauiville Memoitî îxi-sted ias far ' iuuî'k tu Quit School at Fourteen Ycars - Back at Twenty-Five ~Justh>ci'ilu '<uîîsotl ît-"t ingt 'uut-, aboîutltte îîîîiquî. -t ofu"u tt'.ux M¶uilleur. «'liiis i licî'îuItlilifluu' T ls ss'ik il) otuî'eîiitîumiuî ýiII-ui u"-M- .likig tuiiai i i'eprod Ill vr hiu'\%ssi t l uuîulîîunuîî1 iilutî'u'u'st ' kutvI-li abolit lhiiitw sluiu-Ilu ;q)îîiau'u'u î'î"('-ts1iuu'l'h F'iuauieiai 1i>,lu)StI. 1t liai "n'ut tIl \\tuslu uc'u' siicuuuîît is tut o f iti' 11 'ilvslî" 1 iuiu j'liu ii Caaa, 'n'io uit" i'vlt,"s il' îi"Il Id - iscru-i. of C1utiiî- uuîiut"' Iii' I 'um's'hu'u'i., ~A.ix [illi', kiloiisîutii ttei' uuhseîisiluus- atnd tiessuiiiu iatuî'uî sfrmui -îust tiiuuuut A. Iast i>u'tsiuiu 'îut'helit' junt Asiiî uu of ('amuuiiauu AuvetIi-i'î'..Ilu" lu asIiivilloil fau' anudu 'nide ae'nuss Ci uu utîua ituid u-iliti l. s;îeu'i'luts. s'ufx i îîîî'ls ph îliisîlti vl1. - A e Miller uu vii lIt iuuls iiutiiî ut ('iajat s'io ujîit sciioul tut Il4 <iluud si haek tigaýiu al 25 tii coluhu i luit Ilui't Iii' wsas hoiuiaund bî'ouugi 11i ti itl"'vi i Sî'uiail. As «Is'unîth liie' iici,îîio iitl.;i muaiit'ttcî' earuiv'u. On lus 1.il1'. 01114u. I. is'ulkeui 14 iiiii'ýs i'vr'u?'dauy du'lýi uiig -t - t e s. At tltend iiuf iafew mionit lis lie'%%il uiu'iuii ted :let, i ti al fulls i zel runi e on wiihlue '<iut1kul2S tmi les (lei <iay andl:; lie t iieciiii iiitr'v li. iluk i 'in alaiani Wtt.'sl'uesivi\a pi<i".ei iiiboy iii ( Ctt tii stuc minT "iroito. a tii" ranger,'i'a Stii- denit iîîeiliî'î'. al V.M . 1. A. stretary.. It wiv il tiiittii' ticiji.ieil tii entetul' ilutvei' sity if 'ToronîîtoIoi o -îîiaize iii lPiiliisophiv. By~ itui'<lsttttivlit, w'îs atble tii gaini eitt'auie alltilltîîigiîlie liatl lever îiatrmeiated. 111 fi ve yeaî's. tha t is saini 1913. lie te k his 13. )During hilulnivu'rsitv vears iii' actei asiiu igt watehîîu àii Siîîpsîun s wTuio -Tlue wuît "air iîniiî'.rgaliziui Red ilCross andî lotîuîiti' Fliiitlluipaiutîs ,and thait hed liiii i îîatîît'allv iittulthe tiveî'tismîiur blîimess tatd thle t 'it'?sier t *'iîiîa i iil. -liat is" auiîtlteî'cstiuîg stuury andi it ex- pîlainis tite soliti pttisiptmuitliiukinit Iliît Alu'x M\iller tcs. ami tîat lie lîtts utot on'iiinîtîî ls sî)eec'lis but into bis wî'itiuîu.s. -Alex Miller' i..a livingi.rtiuial outhetti'fie- tilt that tue Sot, is Stiîid anid îtu ia" î- atve.- Need for Broad Mindedness 'l", ieeîtpîtblmcity' gix-en tii tîe iiît' tîutat, a fir in thte Paî'liauîieît Bttiidiiu n t 'lonrotteivitheutHoui. IDr. IIee)lt 13uii. iras neartly inobbeuuî b itanirate erivw'ui s? tiîpuît lu mrs ivi t te drigics.s practitioi ent'.luils tii the uatte'ntion tof us au. fIh ]wîîd f'bi-uto ntiîideduîess iutiatte's c tt, li i utau'ioitlîe Medivai Assooi, tiit lu ast i lsm'tent Uv opposed aut utlove i un' t' tiese luuaiititiulieu's thue' uiglît tii lise th title )îîtu "w L uisîsud îb- tt'eemul( il, thte i îit'i ttît'sandl utear-ly cvry otite pî'îvittue 'itu Canaida. Ir t 5u'tlt u s tîtat if tîte uîîu.i'spî' fessi(qi is ileviiid of gui ud ivoiuk t httt slui i1,l lue tiialiltclv uleluau'î'ci ubut it-lie' ifixu"Ilii'it adlîmt thiat. tliese uuteuîau tiu'cutt iuu uc sueossfuîilv tluoîsaîtds eof pat ie'nt t'au'ii ytai',t teu'c .sltli u)ts<ui.etli'th ta at sort of i)rofessiontui .eah<îusy. Xvii?'tues intt' shiuid utot îîe reeîîuzuizi't. If thelctt is entpt?' ant intcais iiitllimiftLuienthîcu' ('il îtîîllinuo objection te the tithe beinî take'utfu'u iii ev'rv praet it iiuui'of ('ver type. A viely pri'l tiuteut. Ountar'io suîrgeon oite( h)iiilteu ont thiat the ititidiua i profitessio i lî îi as tilîtu goes'5fîirvai'd braiieh eoit iîtui othi ilies uif'treat îîteuît. k' sîtt'hi maîts as mni ipîiiutve sîtriery anthi e lise tuf i'lctu"a eqij n t u httthie îîu'os'ut guivet'uinug lieti ot' ni'iiie scelus te reselit a111h' 'iii i iiîv tlimuîg'iuiusthe titie <uf ihietiiî I t seents oun a pai' ivit i thi e îrt'leu't'ut 'îas inu ofet't nclauuit' Jof r. Ilett îof KituIliiîtt' fronîîîtt'eu'uîls. hi'taise ' lie 'fiuscih toii i v the t n'latîiri f if lu auîecr er îi'iii w'liic hIas defiuiteiy prduîccd gondîî resîîlts If nîedmcme as a pru'ofe'ssin tas nioitu'e i ertaiut discuzsi.s, it slîuîîul ut stand i th( wnai- otfîpeoplîe xxlo have' studie(1 the nmat- to- and l î'lo liave' fI(1 solfe means of aicvIatmIg sîîffu'îig. 'Prme. drîugiess lirai' t t iiiers utake îvrouig d iagnuosis soiîet iniîes, aund the saune is eqiallv trime of He niitii'a profeissioun. Onîe îiitt as 'neu tu'?-toabi-i Ash tite' elii'f iindivinîe hcai iîig as toi ttl-i i'.lt tiiest' othle'r ('u u'îs andli iieihis t hiat arle flot apprulved blivthe ('ulleurl' uof'Meulic-ic. Observations and Opfinions No. e ia< îîvu-lu t goet' iighi-hattcd. ladies. Buit vouii liist î'xv'ilsp' Ls if w iii îî' i*t oo- ul set voitiliu '~u'lit"n' Sk?'pi"caundsînîîu uuttit. Xuîi ilook su îiitfu'rnut. '.- Ya' vrl tXîsitii ssttl' a1Zus thlit Bo'niat iile St-atcsîuîa u. A sii îî' uit ru's iglat imui. pirhiaîs. l'lit theIi'tulîiî'c suuîuîî liiu' that givi'l hi'areunuts tii sîiinal iiis îî'hîcuîîaboliît iiitalc' a guuuuulhiýc tdoue-id',i tastel' uil.-h'îuu'eutou iaii sStalî. ut s ati tii ruxel wiriiu'li îui t toittuhe u'tituiu' i'ihî Sîiî uuiiitti- satiî-iu'liv tIhe littî lî l ah ilitel' 'nitli i huit îlî'iu'îtuîîlt u'ii ai-?'. Dl)î's'uuîiiî'u' I nu'uuî i ît'ruiii'u is tItis is th liist sua -ah r'uuamifuir thîis scasonr i. eil. itî' he t'tu'rîîooîuî svu'ii w't' î'uîhIu attCou'- hutt's JBaki"v fou,uuu' -îstoilrweuuuîî siikii suppl v orit'htuntc-lmtiuu- iîuuiîius. Ititulfrontuîu Tit,- oouiSîîîî't 'ciJ)t, sîhiiil l i ai-c hituli u'atmiit'iuî' i- uiglii O11t)u 5( *'i'tîus. t1lho vi- u'-k jiiiit'l ?' Sali., - Niîîuu', unoî moreuî'î' huîuî- lustIti'suti4ýsMuui. t 5 L'ttiiitf tou X5'ti'n.- i t Ill i" tuuadîu i l olîuu ai Ntii/.u'ii juist lt4)\%' -1iiltv i' iiI olu ls 5'u' 'u<it îs Ii's u lt iii urut' (o',u f( s'iî'tc liu fi-tut i'u 'ii il) i'ii i' lttu l>uu<kt titIl l'iîuuîs ouf--\\luîts e andiit- IOs rm l i' I iîiiil' ti l i- lu tts ' Al'! - - . 1. 1 Pih l- suok and"iî . ii i as iul i 'tti<ihii'iim iua 'f'ili u f-ilî iîs'i l is luîîit 'iI pa"r t i l'îi'iîirooftlu' theuîmu'u' Itti li'fi- I'lle 'ltj us tlus'uîu'u'l b mîîî-h sitîîtw 'h'uu'uu1îiî is huiintudt a li it uihlui'uILu-ailsm tli u'mts î-tiluit i and 'iuti s'u i'u i l 1i' 1 voiii' is anau uusvt'îxlIu'iilt l fii o 1iuuu. '1'hî' I*olu't-ut tIti'suliîi ilimuitcflt voute' in uralîu'u t)uuuuii ss'hiu'lîils aiixiuîls for' Stti', cauefliui, . Il' illl 11 ttli d l ('11-1 ut huuîmii ujiun ' lut i-lt uuuiuuluuiauti lîi u'hitils titI Ill'si ' ii i i siul) u ui-u' s'iti î huî'uîu'fmte lut 1.l11'al si 1X 'il t i t Ii' -îîitl' a tutlvi wIgu - it'- le ouf to1 lif er rsaw' no matter flow ignorant No mnîittt r wluert'i unzu,,aili S he May be o! the actual job o! nuiore, veuî art' factui witiî the f l' publishing, every advertising man A. M. MîLIIer l seof thoi'e îvîîîCali tu-î'iî ts at some time or other has form- inon tiîan 'n confluct I wud eciiuiuztd W \e netctis v ' c tît ulateti what he w'ouhd do if he for any persan or society wliich ofi leiîut verv luttle retni s cul frontu w'ere publishing a newspaper. I iî:gîît be warking.iîaw'eî'er, im- iltes aio.-'>tait'. îtut wc t,o. .hîs am no exception ta the rule. Here peî'fe-tIY, for the educat'on, pro- bi our actions-. îat a lit t e i'.art: e is my ow'n dream. g:ess anti welfare of the comn- ruîtiv lack-iîgiigiiueiieîc.Hi-iý e If I were publishing a weekiy nîuný.ty or nation. I woud not 'ahtaii'ethtut".isuu newspaper I w'ouid tny ta make it nyself be a crusader but w'ould the savaîce conubîuued. reflect ail the joys. sorrow-s. de- let every crusading spirit have its Tluent'%%as. a hock-es gatne il, Y' sires, griefs, ambitions anti hap- un MY colununs, remaining Ciicazo til th iler iiiglut. h <va'. pinesses o! the people of my own ans the sidelines as an observer, iurcceded tuv a picituîrt' of 'evcnl plai .0 town-of ah garades anti kintis o! ai-bi*er, genenai socn anti frienti trs. drt'.-.d iii lin.citiil siirî'.. ti lu people in my own tawn. I would of eve:ybody. 10tur Is 10. .rii'.thet' eainva'. have no preferences. The local My Jdeal in physical equipment ritilldîiw itlu ilitiries. Twîî,f tue or man of wealth w'ould be no more wauîd'be tao0w-n my own little tlaers icave the whuoi luiw waI_ interesting to me than the fam- engravýng siîop andtiat floodi my htli nguauiî'. h- v eai li i i Il ily in the clapboard shack. I paper as far a.s possible with pic- thert-ads Te%- avn ess ai n, wauid falaow the careers o! al af tures of the people andtihte eî'ents iera, opa nls hi i them with a detacheti but loving of My own constituency. A smaîî hotir fter the' tictture wa'. takeîî. c interest. I wouiti take no par t in n sae wihtista ape th 'e ftes aer'.la ote i. any quarrel or dispute. political mietropabitan daily is fîghting a <t' <va'. goîîîc te cet revelut iz or or atherwise. but w'ouid present losing batthe. The amaîl n îîîîiîuîît". attrctîici ndwthi tw .ol both aides o! every controversy. paper how'ever. ih i e s- '."Pii tit l tt- i ig'uiuca i thin t iei This, how'ever, w'oult not prevent itself 'into the hife o! its own com- liai! '.ltiîguced ait pui-uîgmait-r 'xt-r me from sitting in my high edi- niunity is building a citadel w-h-ciht' l -ad hlis stick-. ft-liîîc hiîîî V tonial seat anti expressing my own tiothing can oîerthraw. ' te tht- ire. Tht-rt' have bet-cri! i opinion about current evens.In Thes r y huhs thylit iii lai! îrl"' luî lali fact I would be very emphatic ar'osbyQiefaih anti im- lie w~5as allowd te ruavasoi anid li about expressing my own opiion practical but il they are of any his liante crowd. lie w-as couiutei a but in the editon's column oniy- luse ta you I shahl be hîappy. liera. not in the new's colunins anti not The crowd watchlîig the gatiie by "colouring," the news. I wouîd. A. M. MILLER, amutu-,ed tlenî'.civcs iii k-iîderzarten tn my coiumn. pat the Prime Director a! Advert:sing. stvI e bs lu tiog ril palier snd Minister on the back w'hen I Chrysier Corporation tirograi'. entte ice andti te add- thought he hati done weti anti o! Canada Limiteti. cd ciniinalitv tui silhie.,'.Ilu- tirows- kick him in the pants w-len I Windsor. Ont. iiîug tittle' snd otîter glas'. tii en- dauteer the ilas er',. No % iictr a lutftw feoiiare 'a lgthie%,are uisiie i tluiProfessioiial luitk-t-s aiîd il <woittid c si-cl ta cleathtitsc IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST litfi re aiother seaseni roll,. aroîîîiul. Hock-ev 15 a <vînderful gaine anti lias etiouglh cîlour te attract large crowds. btit it i(o use. i f it i'. FIFTY YEARS AGO TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO tuuriced ilîto a !îrawi. ___________ Ve have beeti '.o iotiztgime iît From The Canadian Statesman. From The Canadian Statesnan. traiiiing tu tmailule'.luis savhs iusu' April 18, 1888 Aprit 17, 1913 a iniair r a iîîîîor r enii.. ilat soeunctiiiue.,s we fail tui rccîic heu- ws'i't cniîe. P erlualtu'e (ie îreate'.t A stabbing affray ccurreti in Mr. W. J. Bragg and Mn. Rich- crimie <if ail i'. the falitv trailiiL! the Ot-gan factory the ather day anti Moyse are in Peterboro at- oot-c Iiiuiir cles. have giveli the tl;îuîîu betw'een tw'o boys, the res.uit o! tending Masonic Lotige of In- folk'. uîf titia%. We avilaced-ul u too much tomfooleny on the part struction. Ilicir iiaiuul' ili'trtlfleuil,,of et"rvic o! those w-ho ouglît ta know' bet- His Worship Mayor S. C. Hil- ail tanut Lt eni to e 'eilin mus ter than torment boys the w'ay lier w-as 70 yeans Young on Apnil lue'.'enzier'. cf di.trtictiiîi1. they do. 8th. No one w'auld think so, \V'lat Cali bc isaid iîu 'as ir if4te Now' us the time o! the yean 1would the'? lit ati nuli driver? X'ulat that gay anti festive parasite. the Mn. F. W. Tnebilcock, Peter- cî; is nie liai-e for tinlt fit-il«i tnamP starta out. Why not get ýbora, has taken out a building k-illeul 'lu andul iîuiîred four "tht-r'. them a lot o! atone ta break? ipermit fan a brick dw'elling t- i tiue- usaelle t isimrî'leiusa Nothing makes a *:ramp fîight ahyi cost $4.800 on Homew'ood Ave., frîitt .eîec i' niîe '"<l o! a tawn as much as a big atone ýPeterboro. <livth' e îlviu.' luke miiat j' titîer lrîîîîko iîeap. Oîîhy five in the iockup iast Pleasi ta see ex-Mayor J. B. ' iiiks uthr ' i xi', Thunsday night. [Mitchell able to be out again a!-teîffr iliair'îiî.ut'ul It giî'es us pleasure te, announce ýter lis seniaus ilîness frompnu a criiînjuîal [)lit a cîîwar<i tii and il,) thiat Mns. Yaunie is able ta be menia. iutiti'.i mnut is tee severtu' about once more. Fniday sIte lMr. Chias. H. Haddy. son of F. Or tak-e the mîan î <vit' j. rck-ic.' toak a drive up tow-n te Mn. Win- A. Haddy, grocen. has openeti a iii li'. uiivitue onitt'hieuvs i tiatt's nesidence. accompantieti by jew'elny store in the east part af lu' al-.sî.,Iiautî'.'siîu tue Mayor, anti bath attendedtihte 'the samne block where Dr. A. S. j thaîîîu t wiu osîluilit uciriuIlît. concert in the evening. Slîe is Tiiley's office has been. lîi tluit. 1, '.lvmle îuîuîîceiîîî arts stihi quite lame. Mn. William Aldotis'hl, Dan- <sIlui '.uuffi-r'.Ri'ckIeleîe.' t.i ii Tlîe name a! the young man litugton. wýas attacked by paraiysis ivutrialîls the re'.iult if rlle.. whîa has been paralyzeti from the on Sunday mornnng anti tieti the ciuccit. 'r '.elfi'.lîîe'. effects a! a fall in the barn at next day wthout necoverîng con- If si.c%<veru' and sit ju'.t,. s Mn". Courtice's. west of Ebenezer, sciausness. He us surviveti by lîve < Ictet iîthili îuîilieîut tii i'. Herbent Wiiis w-ho came daughtens. Mrs. S. H. Reynolds, '.iiit the' Crime. f)uîls afîit s tîî !rýom Glaucestershire, EnglantiBothwell. Mî'a. J. Luxton. Bow-- _1 Ii .îalîut' iî'r als iv 'it'. luit c.nly two tnanths aga A sister ia manvile. Mrs. W. H. Nichols. v. lii îi iîîic li i, '. is cii tfur the anly rehative lue lias in Can- ýMrs. J. Reynolds, Mns. W. Hall- <cii'. fr slliuga l'air f lut' ada. 1acre, anti Mn. J. Aidsworth, ail ýthmlet,' i'. îîtlîiîîgsi %% u'andîuit î .Mr. Sanîuel Alli. Providence,* Darlington. anti Mn. Ftrank Altis- tuoîîilî ituu.'if ae "î"- bas atiteti ta hisi valuabie lierd of w'otti. Osiîaw'a. takL- lifi and uliîîîîît îîr fritiu'l., arc, Siion:uorri'.. nov. numnberîng 18. a B:nth: Hoskîn - In Daring:*on. lutiz-, i!'"-' r iîî'.t f iuîl. xerv p:'omu.sing lieifer fi-on the Apî'il 7, ta Mn. andt Mrs. Wesley lelluuif. 'r u'kiu ui'.iii. i ery fatoius Thompson lierti at N. Hoakin. a son. 1inik- thet' lrce cl.î'.'.'. 'f îr'ut XVlitby. Bi'th : Cauî'tîce - A' Fbenezeu', il '-r'. il euil.>ýi. mi-- Marriage: Bragg~ - Hoskin - On Manch 26, to Mn. anti Mrs. Blake liiiir, lit a anrdîmi 1isir'vm'uît Aprîl 11, tir Rev. \W. Kenner. atiCourtîce. a son. piiliii i.utllie.1,. lt .'.'.svelî the nesîdence oI 'hue brides par'- 1Binth :Sanderson - At Black- thlî iilu hclu j'.tho. lis c'.lit-Il .uuuî rits.3 -r. Francis Bragg, anti Miss stock, on Mancit 17. ta Mn. antir'.îsuhfr utislr.t.f eîîe Catherine A.daUghîter oIJohnMrs. Sîm Sandenson. a daughter-.,v.a'. fillel <illi i' îî'.-<it lu î Ho'.k:nE'.q. L a aningtor,. 1Evetyn Flarence. o- Mal rve: Mn. S. Dabson' Deatiî: Mort-is - Ili Bow-îan- <-.ul. ' lalsli'ia.< îuî left on Tuesday for Manutoba .-..-vlle. April 13, Elten Janes. witow' Eupliîmîa Mt'Donald s itome o! the late Micah Moriris, in lieu'rN A on th fariii au4ain to recroît in: 89tb yean. K N A healtli.. ---Mn. John Clayton tas t Alten about, 30 yeani residence ant oI lits hor-ses bs' :nflamîîîîa- tian.- at Betiiesia. Mi'. Elia.s Benrry anti Mn. Jaunes Swarbîîck hast a famiiy are uenovîng te Clarke linger whlîe opcu atîng a s-aw- at Hamupton: Mi-. Tho'.. Elliot- hati Townshiip.- A large gatheu'ing bis mill. a bea inlis IuiI atî hst .'e, met at their home anti presenteti Miss Mat-y Bast-ock. Toronto, is .- One a! oui' yoting mien w-lue them witli a 4 pîcce silver service î'istîng bei' parent's, Mi-. antiMu-s. driving tira Young ladies ta a1 anti oak tnay anti a Limoges china A. Bastack. pat'ty anceening ta;it seek hadj fruit dish anti sers-ens, Speeches Mn. antiMu-s. Cal-nan Bell anti the tîiî.'fortuîie ta break a buggy i were nMade by F. L. Squauu'. W. L. daulziîter Jean at Mn. L. D. Betî's. axie. Anotlter-Yatng iuian an the - Cobbtetiick. Colin Smitb, Gea. A. Tlîeî-e w-as a large attetîtance sainie uuis5oîî k the vaunut la-j Stepuuens. Rer. Wm. Higgs. J. H. at chut-ch Sunday. Res-. E. Beeclu d.e.s;. andti s'auiutatu ltiumiber one XVeury,, Donald Sumituh, pu-caclieti a splcnditi Ea.stei' set'- <'-nt thet' ituainder o! tlîe loir- 1 S V. Hioan. Eber Saucb. J. R. R. mon. ncy on 1iuar-eback. . Mr. Cuhas. Cale. S. D. Saut-h and ti ters, Miss Neihie Hill at lieu' parents. Goctimiati ta litas vd - îî thlic%%-est i ________________ Mr. aîud Mîs. Henîry Hil. Cv. -ice MI. rd. (ipsceMisses Mabel anti Annie Tuîonp- Courîce Mn.R:ciardPutcoe It's Ca.sier ta lutake a break titan so at tueur. cou.silî's. Mu-s. Milton <ia. kit-Led ini thue lau-e iv a colt.* -it is ta itienti t. Dunîbar. Pet'uytossn. ...Win. Oke is Mn-. Johni Wal- Thîe irise youithî entcî-s upan a Mi'. Ciîauley Walkeu-. Toronto, tcr'.s new apprentice. careet- by hîustling for a job. visiting at Mr. C. V. lonnni-'s 'i 'i MAKJNG CANADA 1 A Better Place in Which to Live and Work A Sertes of Letters frOm i-Disting-uished Canadjans on Vital Problems Affecting the Future Welf are of Canada Specially Written for Canadian weekly Newspapers Association-~ t LETTER NO. 9 It is very fiattet'îng to have a thouglît lhe lhat done batily: anc Canadian Weekly Newspaper Edi- the same for every public char. tor like yourself anti one wiîo has acter. group or movement. Iî woulc e sucli a strong influence in bis be very careful to avoiti any biaý il own community me the ques- iii headlining or in reporting oi S tion set forth in your letter. The event.s. I believe tlîat the parti- question itself, liowever. would newspaper is very rapidly go- suggest that you are very much Ing aut of date anti that news- more of an idealist than I coulti papers are com-ing to deserve and ever hope ta be. I have long ago obtain t.he confidence of thne pub- given up the idea tlîat I have lie un proportion to thetu' impar- been entiowed witii any divine tuallty in Presentîng the new's. misston to reform the w'orld. I I A"ould be for my town and doubt very nîuch whether or flot c2untY. not too selfishly, remem- any man can do very much to bering thla my own People ane *make lus community "a better part 0f a great Dominion whosi *place in which ta live anti work" various groups anti sections have except insofar as hie can do a more interests andi ideais in com- tlîaroughly honest, conscientiaus anti able job in the place in which Providence has placeti him. If this formula liottis good for the weekly newspaper editor then he cannot possibiy do better than ta make his paper a good weekly ~ paper. Now. whether one is mer- I cihandising a newspaper or an automobile one does not get very far by tuying ta make one's pub- lic take samething they do flot want. In other words. no matter how high or progressive aur ideas may be about the kinti of mer- cliandise people aught te want we woulti very quickiy go out of bust- ness unless we actually give them - w-hat they do want. Of course al people do net want the same tliings anti the individual or group wants different things at differ- ent times anti in difierent moais. This gives us a wide range of cliaice in satisfying the idealistîc side af aur ow-n natures. We can cater ta either the iîiglîer or low- id as of id SILENT 1WORKMEN I can hear the silen: workmE 'Neath the ground and ir air. In the elni and oak and mat Of the woodiand nowv so b In the shrubbery of the gari Where the rose andti lia,- In the rich farm f4e!ls. naW lcw. Soacn their cunning craf, .show'. Locksmiths, silentiy unlockir Jackc Frast's door that hel tight 'Round the roatlets of the tree. Mother earth. through wir night. And wee plumbers are conne( Ail the pîpe-veins of the tr So the sap can filter upward Where 'twill meet the soft spring breeze. Anti the painters are prepari Pretty colors ta behold In the snow'drop and the crc- When their petals wili unf( Anti the roofers too. are shap, Shingle-leaves. the fairy wa Soon to cover ail the roof-top Of the trees 4n lovely May. Anti the service men are fixin One big radia in the air. So the eIarth can lîear thes sang. As its rays rail everywiiere. 1 Anti I know' a buntneti othuers, Nov. are lab'ring ike sanie îs'aithî. For I hean the silent workmen With thîe unseen eans of faith. -Ralph Gardon. 628 Cî'awforti St., Toronto. By The OId Box Stove - By Hiramn "WANNA MAN?" ýen' n the ple bare. .den, grow. ý ill ng id so rose n'ers ýctingý 'ees. Is ing Fold. îing ty, is ing suni- Vegetables anti flawers do not alîs anti start ta work. Read ail the Advertisements in The Statesman "I'm Retirîng on $150 a Month! Happy?,... 1 Should Say!" "epm al set to really enjoy life on an income Ican't lose . .. maybe l'Il trave ... fish ... golf . .. in fact 1 think l'Il do ail these things . .. l'Il be able to spend every Iast cent of every cheque just as I please. Ceriends wonder how I can afford to retire at 60... but almost any man with a moderate salary can do it ... and what also surprises folks is that had I flot lived to enjoy it, the Canada Life would have given my wife an income for life instead." We would be 'very happy to discuss the same arrangement with you. CThe Canada's Oldest Life Assurance Company The anaa Lle AsurnceContany 33 t'ns'e ;V, A-. lorunto, Ont. Without obligatioîn on my' part plese tl]nie huow I cari get a guaranteeuj Canad, Life tncome $à0 E $100 E *flti[] $:;oU0L] a month at age 55 L] 60 [j 65 [J. N am e.......................... . Bora ...............................Day of---------------------i,...........1 .......... I I M OS A KENWOOD BLANKET WORTH 20c A WEEK Ea h Lu, (,, jjj ,.;ijjj1 làapoit < tk- îîîîutuke in .î '.uull gAKE STREefaI Phione 451 Bowmanviîhe I Ai -.1 m lii lîni'.t%î;tî'. 1t'1a ili î'. \î,îu îîîîî 1 biuv a .. v Iîî,îi.î f v--a1i En lit trt' at tht.-\\a<l'.ki St, "es f o- ftîil][ jl. if tti i îij it. 1 m - 1 THE CANADIAX STATESMAN, BO\\'ý\IAN\7ILIE, ONTARIO APRIL 21ST, 1938 KHNWOOD CLUB A large employer of labor tells al' thrive in the samie soil. If we us that ne of the saddest scenes ae no', isaken potatoes growv in the business of wh-ich hle is best itn sandy soil. It is wvisdom, boss is the daily succession of therefore. '-o plant thein in sandy men seeking emipoyrent. Most sol. The most gratifyifg results of theni s.mply say. -Wanna anre got by giving preferefce to Man?" Then the boss asks What places where things grow best. do you do?" . .. and the men The same %vith you. . . if you seeking work say. Anytling you have natural aptitude andi abiity got.", in a certain sphere you should To-day is the day of special- ake root there. zation. Men who dig drains have Sidney' W. Edlund who was een supplanteti by gasoline nia- President of Lif e Savers Incor- chine diggers. Men îho carry porateti ast time we saw him hods and push wheelbari-ows are i hey miake the litte candies with replaced by motor conveyers andi the hole . . . said that is ccm- cranes. The grocery cerk wi-iopanyý tries to find out the talents; used to amble up andi down the anti ablities of every man . . . so aisie between you and the canned as to use tleiîtD tle fullest. He corn on the slelf hias disappeared says that when a man ta too in- . . anti now yu tread wîere lie tellgen' ior the job lie is doing, used to treati anti you take the hie becomes an agitator . .. andi can of corn off the shelf your- tien of course hie get firet. There self. is a place where every man its No man is less likely to get, best. w'ork these days than one who In conclusuon: Let us suppose lias no qualifications . .. or ti'ade that you are a superior 'fixer of . . . anti who is just looking for fiats' andti lat you are hooking work . . . anti will take 'anytiiing for a job in a garage. Jîîst go ta you got." the boss anti say, "GTood-morning If we were in a position to give, . . Iarn a tire repair man (Smith ativice to a young man, it m-ould is the nameu . . . I know how to be to start very early in life to fix flats faster . . . use less goo discipline himself to life's serious . . . put patches on prettier, pep- requirements . . . To become skill- pier anti stap-puttier than any fui in some line in wliich one man t.iat lias ex'er worked for man is manifestly superior to an- you. I whistie olti anti new tunes other . . . To develap means of v.hile fixing the flats s0 the cust- demonstrating his superiority to omeu's forget that time is fleeting anyone able to benefit by it as a . .. I have a ivay a! boo-sting your consequence of engaging liim. business so) that People want to If a 3'oung man were ta say to camne back . . . I will work for US. "What sort of work would you less tlîan you are pay:ng the man suggest tîat I take up?" . .. our wh is doing the job now ... anti yudo with the greatest inclina- you that I am worth more. etc., tion anti ease." etc. Tlien you get out Yaar over- ni Bownianville

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