THURSDAY, APRIL 2lST, 1938 THE CAN.\DI.\N." STATESMA. BO\VMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FO UMR MAYROBERTS e [eDOCTOR"'VRU'JyHART n Synopsis 1tbing. So don't spoîl iv. I'm flot magnate anti polîtîcal pow e s. ha It was two weeks since veterinariafi. and I happen to wbose enormnous gr'ay stone house lei Chris Arden cornpleted bis irn-'like dogs." crowneti the rige; above the city. c. ternesbip and started a practice I "You make mie yery uncom - and who was popularly supposed op of bis own. His f fl'5f mistake wNàsf ortable." -as to the hospital--eitbier co be up to rent an office and room f rom 1 at.srîdiculous. I had no buildingf a mernorial tei himself or pl the bif.les water faruîybutbuying favors of a God lie had the shftles Waltrs faily btbing else to do. I was merely every reason te fear. Lewis or no I he had felt sorry for rild, in- putting in time until I starteti out Lewvis. howvever. it was still the efficient Henry Walters and h-is'to f001 the neighbors."* And asbpta.twecrdtotsd0'c drab, listless wif e, Lily. Tbey ob- she looked puzzled--"Pretendting hoaIl wbo nedeti t sers andu viously needed the money. His to be busy." lbe added. smiling sympathY did flot lessen wben he 'down at her. "Eyery morning I sint. ricansd por: and ferorea a t.hought o! their îazy daughter, pick Up that bag over there and i:re the oteanderit e eithe' on Katie, andi ne'er-do-well son, Dick. start oui. The proper technique the common level of the bects on ed I+ is Sunday morning, and Chris is to go out fast, as though îin a whlch tbey lay. descends the stairs to bis office: hurry. Once arounti the corner. caneiwtt:eofous aý wih juny te.No one look- ofcus.Icnslwonabt The nurses nio longer swept the l ing at bir could know that here but I keep going-." . -s'witb hei. ogbu krs was a new doctor ready to serve "Then you are just szartingl' ru'ober soles hiad taken the Place II a city which' was seerningiy un- "Two weeks. Two le n d 1 le s s, of thbe bandages wvorfl over their aware o! bis existence. But Chris empty weeks." shoes by the nîgbt %workers. Tbeî'e does have one patient that morn- She seemed s0 surpriseti at %vere diet kîtchens anti dietîtians ing. Beverly Lewis, f rom the man-'that, however. that hee basîened now, and evening classes bac sion on the ilîl. bring bier terrier. to reassure lier. supeî'sedeti eveflifg prayers. anti aPologetically asks himu to: reoea bonie from the dog's, "Don't let that worry you.W Peapon'MsNtieSr- throat. Beverly cries witb relief all go through it. But as you go son. the head of the trainîng when it is over. Having forgot- out you migbt look at my sign on school. felt these changes or ten ber bandkerchief, Chris goes ,the door. It rnay be a trifle moti- missed the prayers. She had giv-- tg get ber a towel. but his care-,est. you know. There's a chap en lier life to lier work. and she less housekeepers had forgotten over on Hill Street who has an was stîll working. ruling hler to put any on the rack. Searching appendix in a jar outside. They school wth a rod of iron,. moving everywbere, he finally f inds one say lie does a lanti-office busi- f rom ward to ward. frorn bed to in the kitchen. nesiet:ad abnigh, sîn o Chapter IV She srniled ai. that. "It looketi and receiving strength for the day like a very nice sign." she sai to corne. But now she was old. When hie returneti to the office, and got up. "And now. Doctor.i Occasionally at the annual meet- it was to find the girl more ern I leave îynm n drsd ng, when she had matielier re- barrassed than lbe was. r nme nt adres.dopor t and tieparteti. chere %was quiet "I caught it." lbe said. holding pleast, e-" oih Idhv talk of replacîng- Nettie. But the out the tov.el. "It was a good hepd any do-." bospital temPorizeti anti compro- run, but I wore utý dovn. Look at "At1o wntsnt- U? mised. Her assistant was of the it. It's exhausteti. 1 Adyu,,' ed i'? new school, brîsk anti modemr. 1 "Certainli.'1I won't senti a bill." They let iî go at chat. .She laughed anti wiped ber Hrci etU.anih a u is ipo nw oe face, and the rubbing brought a Hrci etu.adlesw BtMs ipo nw oe faint color to bier cbeeks. Then that hier prude %vas affronteti. But times. sitting in liei'quiet office. she got Up anti looketi at b:m un- 1 lbe hati a very pretty p'itie of Ibis she fel*. sligitly tiazeti. How far certainly. own. anti a chîn as stubborn as back she coulId remiember! The "I frgo mybagDocorbut ers da ofthe carbolic zýp-ay. anti an "ifrgo ltakmy ba adoctor-but*No bill." lierepeateti. anti she'odor thai followeti anti siuck in- if ou illtak mynam ani ai-stiffeneti anti moveti towarti the definitely'. LiRe iodoforn; car- tires-"door. bolic ant i odoform - tbey were "Nothing woulti please me more. ~Te 'nsryIebe uba îai bme;s But just why?" *hnImsryFebe uha r nteslvs "Don't tell me you won't make a nuisance." Chapter V a charge for what, you have done.1 "No nuisance. either." saiti Now Nettie hard'y knew the I couldn't bear it." Chris. "Anti if you bave any more place, with men like ghosts walk- He eyed bier. "I dîi what any dogs-!' ing, coaceti. cappeti. masked. anti hurnane man would have tione.; 'Tlbanks." she satd coltihy. "I gloveti. Even the elti bustie anti If I'd seen your dog choking on %wouldn'l dream of irnposing on hurry were gone; an operalion the street. I'ti have done the same you again." anti goîng out. the was now a sîlent thing. It bati __________________________dog at bier heels. slamrnet the bast îts trarna. The tables were docor bebint iber. wbeeled into a silence anti haler "Now wby titi I say that?" on retumnet f rom it. For gooi or go I, WAMT TO BE à Chris thought as hie went back co bat the thing was clone: like a *W UUUstraigbten his office 'After all. business. she thougbt. Lîke tak-t Ashes a girl anti a nice One, stub- ing in a watcb co be menteti. E born. too." Yet she knew îbern alI. these i He smiled at the mernory Of hospital doctors - knew thie fine1 that exit of bers, but hie was not ones andthre mean ones. the gen-v Gt~oo comfortable. Out of sheer erous andtihre nîckel-cbasers; blazing prude lie hati affrontet iber knew'. too. their tempers. their1 lit, anti there was less than bis usual ambitions5. even their jealousies. truculence un bis carniage as hie For medicine was a jealous pro- sougbl out Lily Walters in trie f ess ion. back of the bouse. But once more She bati Liketi a few, careti for Lily defeatet iihm by bier very only a hantiful. anti corne near 'eanes niiettd to îoving as a son onîy one, anti 'W'it YourOwn Rfle I "I'msorry about the towels. that one was Ctu'is ren ocr. Iwswsin oewe going hati been a blow to bier, al- you ay eaachetio."nthougri she hati neyer acknow' Youma b achapin n Well, just so it tioesn't hap- letiget it even to herself. Anti ont the making. Here's your Pen again." udymrnnsee sne h chane t fmdoctund iam He looked ti Here ai last. iati waited for him, clati in bier trophy. The Dominion Mark. be knew. a! ter Goti knew what best sîlk tiress anti austerely men Competition for .22 rir tragedy of living. she hati founti watcbing tbe dooir. fir spreng ifes asbecme sanctuary' for berself ant iber 5 hi on e htron firesporingrifls bs beome farnily. His succeas woulti be bers, S hifonlertamr- very popular with young bis failure bers also. Henry tink- ing, a httle. rigiti olti lady in a Canadians throughout the ering in a back shedti wth hus use- black gown. wben, baving rappeti country. This is a national or. less inventions; Dick haunting at bier dour, lie openeti it anti en- ganiatin wih oer 2,WO billiard parlors insteatio hunti ng tereti. ganzaionwih oer25,00 for work; even Katie. sulky anti. L- is er majesty receiving-?"lie active members. Whether a lazy. going 10 the bigh scbool and inquireti. beginner or au experienced eyeing boys witb a distaste wbicb 'She is always in to you. Corne marksman, you shoild enter concealeti a keen interest-all of un anti sitcltown. Onhy dont thisconest nd est our them were bung arounti bis neck srnoke." she warnet i hm. "*or the thisconessand est>'ou' that sheer necessily of Lily .ý hospital will say I've taken to skill. AnYone over 12 yUZ's He leaneti over anti pattet iber vice in my olti age! Well. Chrins, of age is eligibe -and there shoulder. how goes it?" is no Charge to join. The "Cheer up," ie saiti. Its onîy It wlas trie fîrsi turne she bati rules are simple and ,wi Ibe a matter of turne. you know. We'll callet i hm by bis first narne. anti sent to you aong wih p carry on all right." Fm e' I bati essalpatentti But she hardly heart i hm. "ie idaPtetti plication bianks and targets There was a sounti of a door ur- morning." -absolutely free of Charge,,; îocking overbea'.u anti cien Dickts "ALreatiy?" Mail this coupon today! peevish voîce. '-Very interestmng- case," lbe saiti "Hey. Mom. How about sonie soberly. 'A bone' in the throat. DOMIIONMARKMEN coffe?"Patient in bati condition. But my Chris wenî back into the front silu manipulation-" .....COUPON......... hall. carefully straigitenet i "Wbac are You îalkîng about?", tiinfront of trie mîrror. picke " was a dog." bie tOIlier. Dominion marksmen, P up bis black bag. anti starteti eut giinning. "Quite a gOod ottg. I P0. Box 10, Montreal, Que, on bis daily round. chis tune for imagine. belongîng, to a young 1 amn interested ini Your prize compethio the hospital. lady wbose naine I gatIiereti is for .22 calibre rifle shooters. Please semd But before lie starteti.lie look- Bve. Lwi.anti who went oui me fulPartculars. eti about andi. seeing ýn a state of f ury because I ou bs anikrcif again;anti ouldnt let bier pay me." Nam . .. ........outhi hadkec polgihet bis ear me. Beverly, Iîtidoesn't rapn Nm itiy nt xprtysounrd lke lber. somiehow. Wbat Amdess.sgn . .*.*. d:i you'do. Chris?" Addres-I don't know. Probably I Trie bospîtal was very olti. hav.en'l tbe proper betiside man- .............................. .......... r. C.8 Neveribeles t was still useful ner. W hat about ber anyhow?' OAS anti largely tiependent for ats up- His manner wa.s casual. 'I know _____________________ keep on one Staunton Lewis, local sbe can laugri andi cry anti gel in a temDer. but t hat's about alo Il 'That's about ail you need to jknow about any young wvoman." she said dryly. 'Well. she's Staun- that means. Shes got hem' mo-i ther's eyes andtiher fathers chin. and I gather she's a very popular girl in society. whatever that nay be." 'Cîit; me out. whatevpî' it means I wouldn't dare te lift my eyes to sich a star. In fact. I *dont look much above the curb- He asstil milng btiî' ':take.s patience. Chi.s." she -aid. I have plenty of that. Ic'.' Glen Rae MiIk!Ad are ,yIJu oniffortab:y set- art iimotn our 1 s ettled. Thai is. I have butantes of 1956. NOW uls~andi a place to he I sup- Smshaethe proper îr'.,i: comfortablc enough.1 musthavehaver ruiOtiuhît mucli about it. y"' No.' .~~he said 'oihfly You woudn". Wil' you take the Week promotes the wel- wvord of an old woman that i: losGonRemilk pro- vo0n't laýst? LiRe 'is. I inean. LoesGlenRaeYou al zo t1irough iv. Chris. And he future. if you ever fnd that you need a lttle money untîl t1in4,s are bet- ter-- He got up and. going, arouiil the desk. put a hanti on her shoulder. -You're the salt of the Le Diry ý,eai'th. Misý Nettie." hie said gi'avp- ~e Diry y. "But I'm ai, right so far. If Bowînanville the ime ,ones-- ,*o'lcorne toe? -'111prmie o rbink about iv." e saiti. and, stooping down suLd-i eternally demanding andi eternal- lenly. lie kissed lier cool olti ly ungrateful? Chris did flot re- ,eek. "And that." hie saiti gaily. alize it on that bright day of is the fiî'st tîme Ive kis-sed, a May, nineteen hundred and ten. ,urse in youî' hospital' What do with the lilacs blooming in the ýou 'propose to do about it?" park. fresh in spite of the city He felt cheerful again when lie: soot. and the benches peopled adlethr.A th ofce e with young loyers; but years lat- earned that a railroad case hati er hie was to be asking himiself orne in and that Bergmnan was the same question. and to be as perating. and hie decided to, go far as ever f rom the answer. p and look on. Bergman was31 leasant. if detacheti. Chapter VI "Interesting case here. Doctor."' He ,vas in rather a somber ie saiti. "Glad you came in." mooti when lie reached the house. Bergmnan was working with h,,, and the knowledge that his key ustomary deftness. the sma.1 in the door had caused sorne ra- ein on his foreheati standing oat pid, surreptitious motion in the as ut always did when lie opera'- hall inside, followed by the dis- d. Chris had a feeling of hav- covery that bis waiting room was ig corne home again. accentuat- filleti with arnoke, made hîm ti to> an alrnost. lyric happiness scowl. But hie went white-lipped .'hen later on Bergmnan, having with anger whien hie found an .sked. the turne. suggested that envelope on bis desk. enclosing a ie finish for lui. ten-dollar bill and the single But when the work was done. word. "Thanks." le f ount i biself wandering thro' He got an envelope of his own. 111 don't the hospital aimless anti boreless. placedth re bill un it. anti sealeti Hie titi not belong there. It ut. Then, still stiff with resent- nîigt be years before hietiti, ment, bie addresseti anti stampeti Even the nurses arniled ti il. anti carriet iut out to trie mail- w'itb detachment. . box. Il was only on the way back "Gooti morning. Doctor. Pay- that hie sudtenly laugbeti. He ing us a litile vîsit?", was. tbinking of Beverly Lewis "uilooking in te see bew when sbe receix'eti î the nexl you're rnanagîng without me.. rming. Hear it's not so goot!" Curiously enougri. chat eyening "Well, we certainhy miss you." rakdart-etrdyi hi Andti hen that was aIl. Swing- lifead ay wbich br a oting teis ing along trie ballways. beati do with the Walters'. or even with tbrust forward af 1er bis oIt fash- !a girl with a slubborn chin. Be- ion, but not belonging, not neei- cwelen eight anti nine two patients eti. Meeting one of the internes, 1 carne in. One was tbe littie seami- to be gýreeteti warmly. stress from next door. wbo bati "Hello, olti man. Hlow's trie1 run bier machine neetihe througlt practrei"a finger. "I don't know. I haven't Ieti "That's what I get for working any yet." 1 on Suntiay. Doclor." Then bie wantered into the "Nonsense It's wbat you gel newly installet X-ray room with for being overlireti anti caeles.' îcs black walls anti listeneti to the The otlier was a retired clergy- strange vernacular of Scott, now iman. The clergy being exempt, in charge. 1 thie total receipîs for crie day were "Gooti GOt! A man certainly one dollar. forceti on hum bl Miss bias 10 move te keep Up these Sophia Barker. dressmaking and days! Here I amn, jusl Out Of cailoring. school. anti I tion't even c.alk your However. rie went upstairs trial language." nigrit 10 bis sagging brasa bed 'I wouldn't worry about chat, wicbh consitierable cbeerfulness. Cris. This is higrily specializeti Even tbe facc chat on bis ap' stuff. Senti your people here. anti proacri Katie slammet bier hall- we'I tell you what's wrong witb room door witri violence titi nol them." 1tiaunt hum. He was humrning s "I't rather riopedt to find that song as rie îook off bis clothes out for myself." anti hung tbern in trie sballow "GC o 10il. Pi'etty soon YOU'll closet next. 10 trie fireplace. Tben, find Chat you neeti us a lot more in pajamas anti dressing gown. than we neeti you, my lad. rie .started. cootbbrusb in banti Scott, if arrogant. was vaguely to the batbroorn. uneasy. He bati a dry spot on one Earhy as it was. crie door 1< of bis fingers. anti rie led Cris Dick's room was ahî'eady hocked, into crie taylîgbl te look atiti. anti. still humming, but wicha -Fellows abm'oati baye been riav- gleam in bis eyes. rie sirnply haul- îng a lot of trouble," rie said. "I ed off anti gave it a bard kick. tion't suppose it means anything. Trie boIt flew off, andtihre door but il heals, andti hen tries anti openet. As rie suspecteti, Dick cracks ag aun. Anti Ive got, a was flot inside. Witb a grin bi family. Trouble is. we don't know picked up trie boît anti put it im anything yeî about thrieays." bis pocket. Then rie compleed He taîketi on nervousiy, anti bis simple ablutions. went back Cris gatheredti ta virihîty îtsehf 1 beti. anti. armet i wth a book om migrit be involveti as chrieesult of trie therapeulica of diarrbea, pre- unguardeti X-ray work. paredti 10reat imrself 10 sleep. "I'ye got a family." Scott. re- *s* peatet. 7"1 suppose I coulti lose a Triai was before trie Wor4 f inger, but-my wife wants an- War. It is a forgotten penîod other baby. We losi one lasI year. novv as thougri trie worhd bad I'm - by Goti, somet-ires I m aslepi' between trie tumn of tri fnigliteneti." century andti ta August fourteen -But wby Lst ick. Scott? If You'i'C years later: butiti was in fact go ale'y"transition era. wilri mon bitching '.Oh, V'II stck. It's ny job, ant i posts still in trie streets. witî I know îî. Besides. I need trie counitry roats being paveti for tri money. andtihre bospital neetis trie new automobiles whicb still scar- work. Corne in i,,ere. I want tO ed crie farm bhorses. witri electnic zhow you îome plates." Icoupes, show anti dignifieti. warn- He w'as trie enthusiast againi ing city craffic with thieir bells wrap.peti Up ini his speciaity. He; witri airplanes sth11 clumsy but beldtihre bad fînger su:ri zL rie1 accomplishing fligrit, anti witI bantilet bis plaies, but bis face niew rnacbiner3' competing wit glowed; anti Crs. .scanding big hanti habor ant iunevitably win- ant ivgorous be.sîde hum. thoughi:ning trie batlle. ef trie7 woirnan 'xho lbat lost a ht wa.s te tris world trial Bev- .baby anti nov wanteti anoîher erly Lewis hati been formally pre- one. seniedth re winter before: putting *Tliey'i'e fine. Scott. But look on lber sheer w'hite undergarmentil ; ere. bave yen c1aked i t over with ant iber w'hite caff eta petticeat youî' w'îfe?" anti then stepping m trite tiresý "Oh for:le that. I'n aill igrt." w'bicbh ad been matie for bier ir Chnis ceuld not forge' , b ow'- Paris. long anti feminine anc ;evem'. as rie startet fi-er orne again youthful. anti looking anxiously ai chat rncrning. Whiere titi a mnan hiem' îeflectîon in trie long mimror owe biis tiu*cy? To bis faini1y when She 'vas exciteti anti a litl rie biat ene. Or co a profession frigliteneti. Tris w'ascrie begîr- ning of life. anti .sre kncw vetý i*little about ut. Sbe lbat biatifoi vears of boarding scbool. COUlC speak intiffeî'enc French,. plaý gooti tennis anti golf, was aniiab( but lhat ibei'fatrier's terrper as times, antiw'as aIllun ahI rather. lovely tlîing as she s-ui-veyed hiem. self in trie cheval glass trial nigh, unde' trie atiring eye.' of Mai. tria.liei' mother's elIerly maiti. i I'm scareti. Maî'tba." 'Noboty who looks liRe tris nee t e re s'cared." saiti Martha Se she hiatigene tewn th( stairs.liei' write drîaperies crail '~ing bebinti ber. Trie orchestra hac 4 E corne anti was timing Up ait th( ~O7T .4 C back of trie hall, andtihre tirawimi roornilooked tr siange. almosi emp. 0 L ýe n a g ie c Lt h t. .ta ti Lt. s' le y ,Ir ýle at a il ft r- at le r'tiur- BORROWING AT THE BANK IL/&ê? mt FARMING, DAIRYING, FRUIT- GROWING - and other lines of agricultural business often need improvements or new equîpment, ce stop waste and make better profits. Good man- agers in every .,-' ne of busi- where small expenditures would increase efficiency and I profits. If they can spare the money frorn their working capital, they will spend it promptly for such h curiy, but nor the ready cash, chey will wisely borrwu. agricultural 0 business is here is a branch of the Bank of Monreal, acquainted with local needs and -~conditions, ready to con sider appli- Scations for I('d >2 ~-for su(h tuntr/1c:iz'e purposc's. D. ANK 0F MONTREAL "la bank uhere s ma/I accounts are u'elcome'> ç%wnianville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager e MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE ... the OutcomeOf 120 Year' Suicusful Operation National Baby Week May 1 to 7 "We Want More 'Vitamins» Meaning More Getting off to a good siý future full-backs and del they are denianding and nutrition for "tomorrov Just as National BabyV fare of our infants, so d( mote healtli today for t] Glen Ra Phone 2665 1 i 1 ty of furniture and banked with laeBfifie afleC Aayorne flowers. For a moment sîhe sto lacre eBarlC.AanochrafBe there alone. a littie frightened. SCHOOL REPORTS EýacKay C. Lrepn fdB This was the beginning of if e', Audrey Phair A. G(n eyod room aitin .~ ~B. Gordoni Robinson C. Frank Salt and life was like this, an empty SAE .Hln ndelD Elsie Vetzal Herfloershadgon tothe' Report of S. S. No. 9 alfg B. Horace Vetzal C. Billie Welsh hospital the next morning, and a, ton. for the Easter examinationis' . ,' jiOlA jaunty Young interne had pinch-; Grade VIII-Arvilla Smiith 79«,i Grade II 5r.-George Dean C, ed off a rosebud and worn it al Jellva Newman 74. Lily Çowliflg:Albert Gravelle B. Ernie Hane- day. 63.v'clh B. L.orrainIe Holmies A, Doug- "What's happened. Chris? Cele- Grade VII-Murray Çowliflg 69.'las Wilson A. brating?" Grade VI-Hilda Cowling 77',~ Grade II Jr-Betty Antil B, '.I made my debut last nighit. Douglas Laney 65-5. Margaret Burrows A. IMary Wal- Didn't you hear about it0- Grade V-Bobbie Lockhart 78 ter cé. Winnie Walter E, Carl Beverly had a successful sea- Alfred Olesen 70, Ruth Newman Welsh B. son, as Staunton Lewis' daughter 62, Hilda Darch 60. Joy Shortt Grade I 5l*.-pl-lis Adams A. was sure to have. and at the end 54. Jack Phillips 50. Ralph Shortt Billie Gearingý C. Annie Gravelle of it was heart-whole and ex- 46.3. Merriam Olesen 46. 'A. Joyce Lowe A. Jean MacKay tremely weary. Only one mani Grade IV-Paul Tuerk 60, Geo- A. Nellie Nemis A. Douglas Nich- was carried over into the spiing. ige Cowling 52. Thieresa Thomvp-'ols; A. Alvin Taylor E. Stanley cheerful but insistent. His naine son 42. . Tavlor B. Georgifla Welsh B. was Jarvis Ames. but lie was caîl- Grade II-Dougýlas Cator*. Clair Grade I Jr.-Shirley Antil A, ed Jerry. Jerry Ames. For years Cowling*. laorHnsATedKs B to corne she had only to close lier Grade I--Josephine Fraser. EleorienD . Tedy MassiB eyes to see him as he had been Pi-.-Rowland Çoornbes*. Fred teJ'nRieD BtyMaiP that winter and spring. tal. Tuerk'. Lawrence Shortt. Harley Taylor A. Barbara Young- A. hr blond. and debonair. propos'ng- to Hayes. Lloyd Hayes. .M iknta hier with cheerful regularity. Honours; bebov 60 17Failure. "What*s wrong with me any- Farewell Blackburn, teacher. Sme ioenneyer get home- how, Beverly? Most women ra- skbeaethyren om ther ..e e! COURTICE PUBLIC SCHOOL long enoughi. shT oo rnay wI omn' like oun.i Easter Exainations In case you ýshould ever be- seto . Soudray I do 't li e o corne a ghost have you decided He liked the fact that she was Satisfactory progress is a func- whomn you will haunt? difficult. It gave sorne exciternent tion of naturai 'capacity. The________________ to the pursuit. and women hiad naines, therefore, are in alpha- been easy for him always. as she betical order. as relative stand- had said. Nevertheless she at-. ings are not reported. except n tracted him irresistibly, lier sof t Grade VIII. A is Excellent: B. dark hair, hier honest eyes. even Good: C. Satisfactory: D, Poor. hers. She was a good playfellow. Adelaide Wilson 71. Bob Muir 63. too. Grade VII-Johnny Gravelle B. "We're made for each other.i Russeil MacKay B. Billie Nemis C. On Guaranletd Truit Bey. Think of the fun we'd lhave."' Doreen Pnair B. Herman Robin- Certificates "Is that your idea of marriage? son C. _____ It isn't mine." Grade VI-Joan Antil A. Bob Sometimes hie drank. and then Barrabaîl D. Grant Chesbrough A IegaI investment for hie would be difficult to manage. B. Peter Gravelle B. Siîm Pen- Trust Funds Once she slapped him hard. and'found A. Donald Richardson C.1 hie sulked for a day or two. Then1 Hilda Scorgie B. Ruth Snudden Unconditionally Gueanteed lie was back. devil-nmay-care as, B. Orma Walmsley B. Vida Walrn- ever. and asking hier to kiss the; sley B. Yvonne Walmsley A. spot. Greta Wilkins A. "Lok"ie said. "Rigýht there.1 Grade V-Josephine Courtice A Mamma kis. eh?" Leonard Fisher C. Ella Nemis D: STERLING T8KPJMav "Oh. don't be such an idiot." Willma Scorgie A. Harold \Vil-CO OR IO she told hlm. "I loathe men who kins C.COPRT N drink." C. H. Robin-son, teacher. Upon which lie lad soleminly Jr. Roomn STERUNG TOWER TORONTO taken out of his pocket a small Grade II-Jean Antil A. Wal- white ribbon and pinned it to his _______________________________ lapel. and she had had to laugh. He was irresistible in some ways. this Jerry Anes. handsorne. richi with inherited money. hum- orous af ter his own fahion. and ;not too scrupulous about a num- ber of things. But it was a be- wildered Jerry who confronted h ler that Sunday night after she .had met Chris Arden. "Idon't understand you. Bev. What's ail this talk about work? I work. don't I?" "If that's what you cail it. You 5play at work. and you work at tplay." "Where did you hear that?' hie asked suspiciously. "And any- 9 1how. what has that to do %with )you and me? I can work if I have to. I will if you sayth word. But if you care for me-" "I'm flot sure that I do. Not in Sthat way. I've tried to. Jerry." "Tried! Good God, if you have to try-" He had gone then. with a sort of angry f inality. getting into his *0 .car and driving f uriously down the hill and past a lighted window where. inside. Chris Arden was bending over Sophia Barker's in- -jured finger. and the small ster- ilizer hissed and steamed beside Sthe st.ationary washstand. "So much better. I've given You - =~ ~ 'v ' ta lot of trouble, Doctor. And- dhow much do I owe yu?" "Nothing. of course. Aren't we 1. eighbors?", - "But I must pay you. Doctor. I -must indeed." Bc q ir In the end reluctantly htok dollar from hewih Stwo in bis pocket and gave forth F 1N E C U va pleasant jingling sound which 1had been absent for sme time. PACKAGES 1Oc POUCHES 15c %Ib. TINS 70cO-1 (To be continued)