THURSDAY, APRIL 21ST, 19,38 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADI.AN STATESNfAN, BOWMA NVILLE, ONTARIO SOCIAL ANI EASTER VISITORS Master Ray Dudley wth his cousin. Billy Cole. Ktchener. Miss Daisy Cully with M.\rs. H. Watson. Hamilton. Miss Mar-garet Hanna. Toronto. with her sister, Mrs. Fred Knox. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McRae. Ot- tawa, with Mr. and Mis. W. R. Strike. Mr. and Mrs. King Chitty and daughter visited relatives in To-, ronto on Sunday. Mrs. M. G. Clarke and daugh- Y t Bonnie. South Porcupine. are ,Littng her Mrs. James Marr. Mrs. Leta Sharp. and Mliss FREE!e Radio S e r vice Surely. you know that no busi- nes can give you something for nothing. Our service is flot free. - But we do offer you something you need - Radio Service at an honest price. Re QUINN King St. Phone 5-45 Bo%.xanviDe WFPEATH DIAMOND RINGS s50, 'l Qw:cy nj :comy s75* ~ s27 5 *O d d- SJAMES MARR Phone 463 Bowmianvle AT ALLIN'S Here Are Your Weekend Specials I SPECIAL SALE MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 32-oz. 53c - 16-oz. 33c - 81/2 -oz. 20c 4-oz. 10c1 Fresh Fig Bar, Marshmallow or Coconut Biscuits ...................... lb. Buik Macaroni ..................... lb. Stoned Dates ..................... 2 lbs. jomato luice ....... small Sc - 251/2 -OZ- 21-oz............ 3 for lsc Sc 23c lOc 25c Sunwheat Biscuits.................... pkg. 23e Maxwell House Coffe....................... lb. 41c Llbby's Pork & Beans.......... large, 2 for 25c Yellow Label Salada Tea................. 1/2-lb. 30c Slieed Pineapple .................... tin 10e Monarch Fancy Pastry Flour ........... 24-1b. bag 75c Extra 32oz.jar22 Marmalade............ 2o.a2c Smail Oxydol FREE with Oxydol.................... large 25c Robin Hood Oats.................... 2 pkgs. 25e FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS - SEED POTATOES HARRY ALLIN Phones 367 - 368 - GROCER - Bowxnanville the eaenîng. Bre. Aubrey J. Smith. The District DcPutY presented Jerusalem Lodge with a copy off thac poemn "When is a man a Mason'?" as a token off fiendli- ness and in appreciation off ihe kindnesses shown te hlm by On- taxia District duning lis terni et office. W. Bro. Nothcutt in ac- cepting tle gif t thaaked the giver and assured him that a place in the Lodge would be found toecx- hibit the gift. Bre. E. A. Summers movcd a vote off thanks te the Garden Hill Quartette. after which the even- ing closed with tl-le Junior War- denis Toast given by Bro. P. Cowling. ST. PAUL'S Y.P.U. Si. Patt'. V 1U . luedt httr ncgiiiîr ilt îi nuo T i c slmît \ intt îu a',t ti 'rcudnlt Ci'itrmîiaîii li tut chair, Ilit tii itu ,enid -crit'-f turc le-so i us talon Ivlv Ii' art' 'u followcîi Lv trai un takunhi'v -u WX. F. B1i,i-er. lu îîait un itîmîme ii clo (,Ii' i' t tu ten a', Iil a bianquet î'î btlicld nilt .Nau 'th P riigraii\\ as tutchamrge 'i Fricu Sa',iudul 1-.. Citizi(>tit ip l'u) io U thi' r gate tami adi1w. i'itr''r a'i-. Thie Iiglixhit o f tue ce-t tnin %v was thee't rv ut! ucatt uial and t insiiiiuo addnes'. given bu NMr. B. Il.( Noiio. lie ti'1 ms i- i t' 'il t S'itt.'trac ing thle builing ieof1 titis liovte icttufjoni ts to(iig it ini Fit glid. bu Lord Badeni-PotwellI, in 19(07 Ilici uicte '.üeiîu dat torld- wilc- îrgaitizatioîî. T Ilîe t'oudit- ir itti 'ed a vote ofi tLattIs tu uIllc specake.r fo i in le address tulicit Na',a. atîiot id lit Ieani'. atiplatise. EASTER SERVICES (Contînued frfum Page 1) Oi liten Ilie'.intt hel chîant'el. itî sprnmg fler n on te oinaît re a mteîtt,îial to the late Josephl Kil- latricl. nîîm l ii'.familv. andul ii' tile andi daimgiîten. Ili tile a ftcnu'at a specil ih i h- rnmi 'service aras lii uileciiîrilu tultuut Nfr . Spiencer tuas aýs-i>tul lia Sii It' .a sbiaîru.. NutIi i, sertvicet ilthe iiiîîrn oif fînei tîtuir Itîti mtile iiiXts. Nutflue e\tC îiitg sertice tIeat thilciteonittiitctlanidti- 01iniithe ii ýiii u h th hoctirn taa'. t aloti liv Mil'.- ililiati Na', on. Saivation Army Caîti. an mie ris. Hutetimison itat charge aift special services ai the h 1- a very enjoyable evening vwas sPent by a large audience. Mrs. Gea. W. Jam~es attended D PERSONAL the Musical Festival in Massey Kali. Toronto. Wednesday even- ________________________ ng. put on by tle Higi Selool students of the province unden Beatrice Leach. Oshawa. s-pent the auspices off the Ontario Edu- the Easter tvcekend at F. J. cational Association. She also Groats;-. Hampton. played the dual role of chauffeur Miss Mabel Borland and Mis~ and chaperone to a bev-y off girls Syb'l Burk enjoyeci Eastcr ho', fromn B. H. S. tvho took part in days in New York Cty. *his evetat. adPiannied advcr*t:s:nE mnost ce- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Oke aatatnlv pays. Ask Mr. S. Stewart. Gloria. and Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred *hae ecan feed ecatMr R.amszay. Verdun. Que.. tvene week- Stettan: is a consistent advertiser end gtie-z:.z off Mn. and Mi-s. Frank :h:is tie of yean. and le takes Oke. extrerne care in the writing off hi'ý Mn. andi Mrs. Norinan Hainîiuy ad% t s. The result. Mn. Stetwant and Jean. Peterboro. Mre. M. G. las seed orders so fan thîs spring Fissette. Brantford. andi Mrs. E. in exce.zs ot lis orders for the Adam, New York City. tvîth Mis. whole scason off lasi year. It just P. C. Trcbîlcock. proves ilat if you have île quai- .îly te ight prîce. and you tell Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Dottney and tl' e c buti.tlyîb iy Miss Mildred Downcy txith rea- ' aunetî fsin tives in Toronto. They at*:endedý the tvedding of Dr. Xn. B. Cali- ý The S*tatesmian staff aere pleas- eron and MNiss ; Dooes eo:o lave a fi- cdlycal rcrn Clarke at Eazon Mernor.a. Cha-. Henry Wjglitmari. North Bay. son Pei. Saturday attennoon. off Major and 'Mr. H. D. Wight- mian. fornerly off Bowmanville. IHenry is notu 14 years aid and it tum1Ilbe necailed when le lived Acvetscrncnts n tii papet 'îere le reou:red a tuheclec vch- Pre a:dzs :o econonaîical buymng. . o :oet arounci îolxn. but no'. le is able to walk quite landilyý M.î. ý Mary Eunice Thornpson."th 'l* ad ffcutches. He L in Toronto. visitedlhe.m- grancitather. j' ,li atofa:cigh lo n Mi' Da:d onnsonanc faaîl. vlen asked wha* le dae.s in lms M". larn PIlligs lhas co>na- -gare 'mme 5aid lie plays a clani- pleted i'ls frs:ttweek ih Unique !net. f:slies. swins. is a Boy Scout. Photographie Studios in Torontoa and inakes the occasional visit t0 and aras iin Bowtranvile for the; Cailanden ta se the Dianne Quin- weekend. tuplets where le lias a stand-in Mi'.L. . C ano ofT:rnunstiil thc poice there. Whilc in Mr. . J C. ang of imnnistotun is the new accaunitant ai îthe MJ.W enryw estof M. n Bank off Montreal. :akng île;Ms' JW eaei place of Mn. M. B. Rîxen aube las, gone lu Hamilton. Mir. Donald M-\cCrceady. C. .R AMATEUR CONTEST agent. Ja.sper. Alberta. wth l1s dauglien Helen. visi*:ed lis aunt. 1Cortinued fromn Page 1) Mrs. A. E. McCready. iî tî iitîeleit S Mn. and Mi's. Fred Hoan. Miss îie ' i dt troirain. .iil ni ', luth Gladys Haskin and Mn. John rtî~tIoiu i~at,îuiui fjr'ii Chalmers. Vaentia. aure recent tiailit ne \ver,-. >uiit0 aitl larîct gests off M.i. andi Mrs. Hcn 'i, \ii. î. 0,lia\t a: Iri-Ii ]L:. Carpenter. i M î'f.rizrct RSe u tiiGelr giiî., Hîs nîany friends were please. d .ii.tttaî i:the piua ta ýee Mn. WîIllam Trcwin o-'l' 'iu(I)d \îiT . cupying hîi. usual seat in Tini't - FilEîi l iterr',' l t îu Chuirch Sinday mnorninL, atter àt rln i1 lt5hîî lang absence througl ilness. ' '-.L' tmmn ilt : t'1il îîî Cultîva*u- a personal intercst inItiitr 't l'tîtîtiit~, the ad.-fai'rta ilI be an ina- i " a- (t'î.yortaîat way off safegnîanding yvan', t ,' tt ii.' anl t','c,. tiiil t 1ýr t purse fnom the litile leaks that 'ili .îtî .Ittiî"î:hrî occur through unavisc buying. !Cili0,îl ' 'ie' Iîîtt li imru'- Mn. and Mns. W. W. Sî ;,.Cl1iiCit: Tmîîîi, )a'et'utf Onono. i'ecently naovecl ta Bow -.'lriuttaîi) r:ivIa.0-- manville and atill resîde for îac',î.a 'c l<Itt titliî oîtar ,îeeîiii- summen a: Icasi. tvtl tleir son- pJl1,aIit utNirgliii i tu il E1-reîl in-lw a d duîttCiter, M . nd .Lit Nir' .\Iiil1x :. l E .1 it ti inu ilt. Mrs. Fred Green. Ontario St. ,Nl-.\e., Rev. E. 'M. Cook. pastar off thie Drîîî. -A. li' i V It',,u ac United Church at Fraserville for past six years. las accepted a eall tlait- to Foxboro in tle Belleville Pres- byîery. Fra.scrville chunchlilas il MASONIC VIST sued a call to Rev. Fred Horion____ off Foxboro. Messrs. Boyd Slernon and Robt. (Conltînued from Page 1) M.\cIlveen are lame affier cern- île î.imd lesser lanCimark bcîng- pleting their fînst year at the On- personal men't. showing ilat to tanio Agicultural College. Guelph. tle fîrsi may be applieci thc An- They will spend the summea' cient Masonry. thc second. Free monhs aith Downham Nunseries Masonry. and tle third Accepted daing f ield waork in connection Masonry. The ideal off service is with the college course. mrculcated in the heanis off Ma- Mn. Fred W. Bowcn. ex-M 'P.- sans. teaching them ta be better aitended tle funcral in Tononto churchmen. better parents andi on Saturday off Hai'-y -Pal"- better citizens. said thc speaker. Downiîng. widely known baseball The Gai-den Hill Quartette gave figure. tub auth iswttite was furtber numbers in fine style. killeci in an automobile accident The toast to Tnic Visitors was lasi week. Mn. Downing was a pneposed. by Rt. W. Bro. F. C. ffrst. cousin off Mn. Bowen. Hoar and responded ta by W. Bro. The pantomime et "Pictures Mlntosh off Oshawa, Rt. W. Bre. Olci and New" was gîven by thae Frank Riekard. M.P., and W. Bro. Newcastle Group off the Wonien's Beatty of Port Hope. The toast Assoýciation on Tuesday evening ta t.he candidate was proposed by in niniysclel eon. hepic- W. Bro. Arley Nortlicutt, W. M. turcs wcre aucl represented and off Jei'usalem Ledge, and ably ne- csnoded thv the candAid{ate of Trunity W. A. Trnnta Woman's Association met in 'le school reom Tuesday. IApnil 12t1h. wti Mrs. Ella Sinike and lier Cîîcle in charge. Meet- ing opened with a hymn: MrS. B. E. Inzlam read tle scrîpture: anad Mrs. Ella Snihke tald an Eas- ter stary andi led in prayer. Mns. E. P. Bradi. President off the Aqsociation. took charge of tle bus.ness. Minutes axcre îead and Zaproved. Treasurer gave ber repart. Corresponding Secre- tany rend several leiters frnanathc sick and shut-ins. Intercsting re- ponts an presented by the Cmr- dles. A venu nteresino prograna fol- loaned.E stsory aras ýgîven by Mrs. S. Daasan: duet. -Heai tle Easier Bels, by Col:ette Fergu- son and George Roberts; Mi'. Ed- atard Ban:-,Ie*:t off Oshawra gave tavo splendid vm-ol:n nunabers. accom- panied b r Ree. G. Geen. Osha- awa, oreanmst 0f Sncoe Street Claurch. li Ii i tiimi-t rtiii w Iti tait\ i u ai C nttaA Tint cà i.î.r \ rati î t lai] t, Ct (nt'tt 1 1, iiîtaaAtT in rt t t d cîmmîiîttac titt Ii - On Sunday evening next. Apri 1Lt itr',t' Mititl it t', a' tiiiittr .j24t1. tlae Cantata -ThaeNeaw Jer- St. PI',îl*. t.liiireltli hue a -,tusalena avwill be given ils premiene fý liiz tîaiiii-trv. in BoarmanvJile by thae choir and Tninity United Church soloists off Tnnity United Chuncla. A sîtîni'o Service, tut Il iîttl(« T h Tis cantata is peculiarly suitable tlitarkeil thui cnttiLoi'f thme Fasit r thîe Sunday after Easter. lt "lî'enuaîîct at TriaiivU -Ini i ted 1llis conaparatîvely short. tuneful. Ulireit. atiti e\.. W. 1'. Ri\mur- a- andi is made more attractive with tîme speaker aîîd NiMr-.Gcn. E. Prit- solos and duets. ItavilI also be chlanrî as srIi't -t, ti Dr. Partridowe interspensed witl appropriate. ta- at the organ.- milian Iyînns. cnabling thae con- .\t the Il o'cîock sertvice Sou. Si,'!- g.regation te .îoin iaeartilY in tle tîev Dii"îta.ltcargeani sngîng. Assasting aise avilI be an tmracîeda tîltîîll Fstr gnu ~augmented orchestr'a auhicia aili The chorir iidfer the directittu tîj Dr play seleciions at. 6.40 p.rn.. ai. P'art nidgý,c rnoîdereil the faille(, ilt offentory and thele psîlude. as huiai Chimrt;v Hatîdtî. atîd 3',Ir'. ttll as addinr 0tIctheattractiae- F. \'. Ott îîîti ibliiicd a solo iii hon ness off tIceiavrns. Conac early 3ît'îîaî fie to sle. arnd bring youn friends and en- Pir to the evctiittgservice Dr. il jo whaî promises to be an in- PartiIze gato an ongaît programîtof spînîng evening. apprîpriato Fastor musîic w'hit'h tas i filîiaucd bl\a special service alilchit tft-attîredithe pageait "joteph l ut MAPLE GROVE .\riitieae*' staged i)v tît le N'aiiio U'ol".t.nionî. The pacatît tuas tito iighliglitfthi ic avsserie A Wua X. NM. S. Sumîidat .era îtt faîîdl the caste tuas coniposeo ai \Vil ',ib c heîdl on Sîttîdlav. April 24thi. fred Hamîot-. Loti Riiode. Alj red ",litiNrs. Nietzie-. a Nlissiotîan 1.Alii. Htmbert Hoopon. Douglas frotit China, avilI '.Peak.l. Hic un fWighit. Edlith Truil., Alice Pîmr(lIv. tee a good atteîîdaîîce. 3Lorraaine Pickard anîd Gertreid(e D,.',- 1 Dr. N.tailsotn Doulo. Tountoî. lias - til. Thora I)avisaii acicd as. mar- .bven engageod ta srteal, au otr att- erator. antI utie pageaît aras directed iivu-rsaru r(n Stiiidlav-. 1une l9tlî. suîp- ha- Mr. L. W. Dippeîl ancl Mrs. S. per trîlî be sera cd îon \Vtdne'dsav. I)avi'.on. i Tiitto 22m1d. At the nmorniiig service teit aenu c-Co'ngratulation o 10 Nr. Faretuel rrcuîved loto mcmbership inth îe Blackburn amît i Mi- Lela Weîsh. rchuirch. The ncw membens avere, Saicîn. an tht-jr uuarriage. Barbara Rehd(er. Mariain Ntahood. Niaple Grave cauigregatin ha' Lîmnana Sicit. Bernicle SIec-p. Don- jtriIdt xoi u lîrl tid ,îthvKnox, Fiha Caverlv ILoi ui"î-" xeff h hrc )ill Habç. îav', artîî.Heln N jî inv ptittiiîg a largo ba-cîtuont 1un1 and I Ht-len Hooper. ( don thli churoli. Tîte lîiildling catit- I uii o aicîed l v a large imuthen ai NEWCASTLE ________ ____ Misses Donothy Hcnning and BARGA Audrey Bonathan spent the Eas- ter holîdays in Toronto.A Vîsitors at the home of Mrs . pril 29 Gco. Eilbeck for thc Easter haIt- days were: Mr. and Mrs. Brad- ford Kay. Dr. and Mî's. Haffner. Buff ajo - New York. Mrs. Stînson and dau- Chatham ghiter Frances, Toronto. Fort WiIlia ______Goderich Choir Renders Easter Cantata Hamilton Sunday evening at the United Owen Soui Church the choir off twenty-three Toronto mnembers, under the leadership of adnmru Mn. W. J. S. Rickard. anner d Gong - v. tle Easter cantata. The Resurrec- t'on and the Ascension. Mrs. E. 4.01 C. Fisher was ai. the organ and 5.02 a.m., 5.55 the services opcned wth the For tel hymn, Christ the Lord is 'Ri-;en Consult Agents Today. sung as a proccsional' The choir began singing thc fins' POOL TK st.anza as the members leftthîe vestry and as they began te en: Canadian ter the choir loft the whole con- Pacifie gregation stood andi joined in this Halielujah hymn, The cantataý UN FARES 9-30-May 1 to ind- s 3.80 S 5.60 $21.45 S 4.35 s 2.10 S 4.10 S 1.10 intermediate points 7.35 April 29, n. Apr. 29-30. a.m. Apr. 30-May 1 .jtjjn Limaita a- Ask for Handbill MtAN SERVICE Canadian National The Ontario Distributors of one of the largest U. S. Manufacturers of Air Conditioning, Rot Water and Steam Heating Appliances require a representative for the Towni of Bowmanville. 'Technical knowledge or an outlay of capital ie not required but applicant must be of good char- acter and preferably well known. Reply giving age, full particulars of education and pre'vious experience, to Box " H. C." Canadian Stateeman. 15-2 m' tilrtn itat ' i'v C Ccte(rlt 6 opened wîýi*h the sublime message of John. 3:16. God so loved the I world tha:i* He gave i s only be-I gotten Son. and follcwed through those t:*,a..ic events of the be:rav- ai. mûck *:riaXýý.cruicifix:on. and burial *o Christ*_- ,-ctory over deat.h an.d the grave and finally His recetM:on into hea;ýen whefl Loves iredýrninc worýk was done. Those :ak':::g solo prs ee Mrs. C. A. Cowan. Mrs. R. T. Ru- therford. W. J. S, Rickard. How,- 'ard M. A:..n. E. M. H. Ward and Wilbur Baskerv:iie. Mrs. C. R. Carveth. Mrs. H. M. Allun. Wibiur Blackburn. and Howard Alin were heard :wý.ce in quartette themes. Mra. W. J. Bradd. Mrs. H. R. Pearce. E. M. H. Ward and W. J. S. Ricka-d also rendered a quar- tette. a!,,d :m ano:her four part passage ýýoe of the younger voice.s xere heard. Misses Bernîce IGilbank-, Jean Clemence. Stanley' Rickard amd Ross Allun. The cantata .výhch requirecl a little l over ha" an hour wa.s given in lieu of a sermion. and by Rev. S. MacL4eanvX; special request will be repeatec next Sunday mornin.g. 'April 24. a: il ami. D.S.T. The rhurch xas beautifully de- corated wî'h Easter li:les for both serviceu. Rev S. MacLean preach- ed a hope 4nspiring sermon on theceant of the resurrection andi a tjfe everlasting in the i rrornir.L sh1en the church ýwas filled nary to capacy with many .tt'~present. 1Rp-,. and Mrs. H. J. Bell. Black- ' stork. enter:ained the menibers ofà Cadmius W. A. a, their regular meeting on Tttesday. Easçter hiyrnns v:e-e sung. and the account of thie fir;t Easter morning %,,as read in Matthiew 28. Then a talk on :he s:enif:cance off Easter wa~s given by Mrs. J. E. Elltott. and a further Easter mesage çva given by Mis. BeU. This programn was given: Vocal solo by Miss Jane: Swa:n. piano solos by R.uth Bell.' ,and a talk by Mrs. Bell. An in- terestînz conzest followed. after which a deic;ousý lunch was serv- eo. 'Mrs. Galbraith moved and Mrs. Fowler seconded a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Bell for lier gracious hospitality. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes on the arrwal ot a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott at- tended the Easter services at Trinity Church. Bowmanville. on Sunday and calleci on severai triends there. Mr. A. Wolfe and Phillip GeaI spent. the weekend at their cc- tage -Dahlia Del". Mr. and Mrs. E. Hanna have movcd into the house rccntly oc- cupicd by the late Alice Hanna. Mîny of the farmers in this vicinity have begun secding. Mr. Geo. Stant spent the holi- day \vith lis daughter, Mrs. Oea. Black. Mn. and Mrs. Clare Fallis. Jack n-nd Joan, are spending their Eas- ter holidays at. their cottage. Mn. John Sanderson. Haydon, called on old f niends here on Good l Friday. EBENEZER E-a-tt r 'Çliýiont . * im- 11 , i ,it n uCali f ittît-t lt:' - M t. jack StNlm t i.T r' t'u. %\t',l) MNr. \Walliace îîid NI-- i rta Pitiiltk. Tuon 'ut' l NIr. ( \tî I r'. R, Se o' -NilradIr,. W.Huti. Tenta . . tl 1). ii. iat iii(. witii lît:r tarciti-. MNi. aitil Nir. . Iairl. Nfater iJm h- alui limi- rtmiaiiid i( ,r a t i-it '.î\ii !,i- ot rimiî:areit'. .Nir. anti' (l r W 11\ . 'nî itc,îh i. tt', tliiiruii. Itmnhara amI (Pa itMNfr amuI NI r. (iti' I 1)& N I-ca . NT 1 Union, Darlington Easter Visitors .\I. and Mns. Frank Webber and family. Bowmanvilie. atI Mn. andi Mrs. George Ralrn. -Mi'. and Mrs. Cynîl Avery and Joyce. Brooklin. and Mnr. andi Mrs. Ayimer Herring andi Bobby. Osh- Sa a a:Mir. William Wottcn's. Mn. andi Mrs. Frank Moore and taiy at Mrs. W~eslakecs, Bow- manville. Miss-ýes Verna and Vera Griffin with ffiends in Tor'onto. Mi'. and Mns. Lorne Knapp andi famîly wî:h Mn. and Mrs. Fred jColh-anc. Countice. MisPearl Taylor. Toronto. ai home. Miss Iva Ferguson and Carl Ferguson titl Mr. Walter Fer- guson. Miss Reena Avery and Mn. Ir- vin Cook. Oshawa. and Msses Mildred and Effie jAvery Toronto. spemat Sunday aî horne. CADMUS We 're proud of the kind of pies we bake. . . They are juet like mother'e. Try. this deliejous weekend epecial Coconut Cream Pie Phone 855 EmilcentiGibsctî. See Dr. Williîams' Pictures at Sauna Apnil 26th. i- -ir-cett', cnt' " iilucied i)v Set. WV. tC. sîîîitiîa',itt a large ai- t eitialler. Su i taiule iii î i e ttas pi- t mîltîh\ iii e cuiir. NAnctttiiî )son- t ici "\t' , ,î a '. i'-urt iI '111t. W . N iS. tîtet and i iiimt il \t',lii ilàtt îîmî-c lit Nin-r ue-,tt \îatrta-. 1 tîrnul it i'...I trit \V irlîli terimd tua 'slunelaror v. N w . \.\'r.nciîîatîd Ni'. P.t t rtt: lînat r., (uc! î liv NI rý-1. Fm'iid attil Nîn'. FI. F. O~' u tiidtl%- cr i iuia tt mi' imîm iii N\Ir,. jF.XW. Riidie. itrtait C ý ca"t 1 îeatNi are T. in, i riîîiîî thl ir ii ',tItir ati i dui'ternlatquiet at iii n cliincit it Thiurndau et etîito. .Avril 21 't. Y' ito t rîli"Drna,icC Cli mînar tit i ttt ilîin irplat B*Ja-lfi il Nir. ILiinii the chuniclitoitn Ari I 22. MIiii Cincle mîet ai MIi "e'. \tîm tua-ý zit rt bu Ltitîl-cComîticu :read- îîîm! lii dtieBaisaiit: vocal nI. F-uOIe. Soi! Cal! a, itt ail ne- '. iiiowilliia srpiiig rt' ir. ni mîtîdît .,iltn îî;enari tuas h\ rt i \NtInia Gat : studu lit' ktakeit h IlvthliGav\. Fa'ten Visitnn- MIr. Cudcr; 'l tiIlutîo, i> t',lii Iii ' pancîlti'r. n.aitlNn'.I . Nil-- Alit'e AihI ai lier lhomîe iii Mrn. aîîd 'rs. Willard Stevei... T' r' 'it,,i at Mrn. Frank Worden's. 1 Mir. aid 'Mn-r . Russel B r ag g. rliait . NMr. and Mns. EltaiW'erî ail( 'Mr. atnd Mrs. NidTcra, Botu tîmatîvîllu. ai A. B. \Venna-s.i NIl'. Doris'.\IcBrian. Lunibroolk Park, Wiitv. tutit Nis', Rositia ELar. Nî'P'rNi,'.eu1 Fi!iatn(I'Mn. lai Trmll. Nlr. anIdNins. Blake OI,- u. re ainîme the eguests iiiattend(- a :met a t St. Jolitis Ch îîrchi. iitî. in miNrotiat . Aînil 18. for the auecd- jl 6 30C We Deliver FI 1 ' Treat Seed Grain For SMUT TWO EFFECTIVE METH-ODS ARE SUGGESTED 1. DRY METHOD- using the new improved Ceresan Dust Disîn- fectant. Seed niay be treated now and sown any time up to two months later. For wheat. oats and barley. One pound treats 32 bushele. fÀ 1 lb. 51.00 - 5 lbs. $3.90 2. WET METHOD- using Formaldehyde (Formalin>. Seed should be sow~n within 24 hours. Not recommended >~ for wheat. 16 oz. treate 30 to 40 bushel.s. Xj16-oz. 25c - 32-oz. 40e For Corns or i Callouses Use LLOYD'S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE. De-sensltizes and relieves pain witl, first application. VOU CANT LOSE. VOUR MONEY BACK If it tails. ibe paid by the maker $25 w :layone producing, at teroffice, a corn or cal. bous, that they cannot remnove with this wonderful new sclentific pre- paration which thousands of usera praise highly. Foiiow up with Lloyd's Application Pads and obtain perma- nent results. UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY Control Moths Moth Killer Crystals - - - 39c Moth BaUs 3 lbs. 25e Larvex - - 83c-$1.26 Moth Bage - 15c-$1.19 Bargains Dodd 's Pille - - 27c Pinkham 'e Comp. 87c Fellow 'e Syrup - 87c 25e Noxzema- - 15c Corega- - 24c-39c New Prices Lysol - 35c-65c-$1.25 Fruitatives - 22c-39c Calcium A. $1.10-$2.00 Dutch Drope - lOc-25c NOVA - KELP TABLETS body b Ulder, con- 1 giving minerais and vita- mine supplied by Atlantic deep sea kelp. For practi- cally every klnd of ailment. Uncondit- lonally guaranteed. 150 79c, 300 $1.39, 750 $2.79 LISTERINE The. safe antisep. âtic; for haif a century the favorite. 25e -49e -79e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex McCreffor Phone 792 DRUGS We Deliver "Tastes Like Mother's Pie" TWO OTJIER BIG SPECIALS Lemon Fluff Layer............ each 25c Fruit Loaf ................... each 12c Soda Fountain Special Sundae .................2or25 Pineapple Nut2fo25 THE CARTER FAMILY Bakere for Two Generations A quiet aaedding was solemniz- cd ai. île Manse. Bowmanville, Saturday afternoon, Apnil 16th, wîth Rev. W. F. Banister officiat- ing. when Kathleen Estelle (Kay) anly daughter off Mn. andi Mrs. John Hendenson. Port Hope, be- came the bride off Mn. Leo Pick- ard off Port Hepe. son off Mrs. R. Pickard off Port Credit. They will îes:de mn Por't Hope. SEE OUR Windows for Special Prices ini room iots of IVallpaper, seliUng at less than cost. NEW - Washable Window Shades 6 ft. long - 3ft, wide 50c each GREETING CARDS for ail occasions. JOHNSTON'S Book Store Phone 651-- Bowmanville First A gain Ns-at-Fi"(ks nitiiîtto sm/r'13 ta, M i SWU r aAt Fr ,ck' ii 'iiiî' inrit i aî'l Check 'att'rtî'. -îf cul' rtu ivit ~in e- nt re' ati euh $5.95 Méos a- mii lf 'It' iin hittil Sr -lt' t - antj pan i tllt (ttt - tlailt .Nait S 'lmcetr' auili tnî I -i' t s n k'W' ' a- $4.95 The, Evlyn Shop Phone 594 Bowmanville Sai'. ai \n Citad I wiii wa i ittiinzl \tien 'ratid for Iteue iiv~ai. I.arLzu tulinhcrý atteintdd I c-Lur\ ics. aind spccial Eastcrer îsicLts W re (Ic.- li v er tCapt. I 1utchiinsor. St. Andrew's Presbyterian tËhurch D ut io lle pr ccncc (,)..i'awta I tlle Riulit 5ev. i1nih Munr .. l. imrcit iCaliada. ,ie 17t aý- !n r -urv Ce t', aliel :11 SI. \ndruw\' w . ,>t ni-, Ct li Ret. W. G. B1:,ke. *jh( V-aýttr tt Iu ti ,îa tarritdli à-iii th, -abbatli Sch.i -u-' ilttit 1tur ýril At\î ii:it tIlle ut Iii ltu ii tat ,i lxii' x Iîîrçlh. O-i:awa. l in t arim tlivh rt tnneriii î~aihîi - t 4 1 jý