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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1938, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 2IST, 1938 DURHAM BOY UN Joy in the things of Christ: An- AFRIA WRTES Worshippng Idols and Belief in TO FO K ATHOMECharms; Faith; Hatred and Jeal- ___FLKAH_ ousy; Love. By Rev. Merrili Ferguson, Son of It is difficult to make a list in Mr. and Mms. W. C. Ferguson,1 English that exactly corresponds Bowmanville with a list of subjecte in Umn- _______ undu without writing sentence-, in some cases to explain what in Missao de Chissarnba, the other language can be said in o a W. tra one word. This works both ways: A ebuar. 7, 1938c it does flot mean that Umbundu Deabruarov7, 1938 is a more concise language. It DerLe oget,-pes adesnerely indicates that there are Les Iforet plas hdr flIot always exact synoflyms so your letters as above ini the fut that one word in one language uire, leaving off "Bie." We have ca etasate yoei h mail service direct to Nova Sintra cori e r nltdb oei h now and when you put Bie on the mail it is sent to Silva Porto and We decided to send the pastor sorted there and then forwarded that we ordained last year to one on tke next train or by truck. of the outlying districts. Being a Getting Up sermons îin another! second pastor we thought he langilage and preaching them the bebttrueinon ot-e way I was doing was too much:lying district thanheeo te 0f stai. Imaage t pracfl'mSison station beside the old of mosrn.I ,Mon. eenmg, Wpehpast or and the missionaries. He Sun. mrningMon. venshouWe d. move about Auguat. We Thur. an Fn evejng, an bewifl soion have two others quali- present at nearly ail the discus- if ied for ordination if the church sions wich were held regularlY, ses the day when it can afford in the mornings. Our new pastor see other ordaîfled men. If we preached once a day except Sat. hn intrsofdticslk1 It was a big week for him and hewae in temcofudtricatshoke got across some good messages. we so have nte ut9sthome. mosilvdery el t ghie pushir- Out here the eiders just carry oni self into themandut ha ts ismreworship as if they were ordained seimpo tt ad. t smoeme n except for the administer- importnt. . ng of the sacraments. 0f course We had a big crowd aga:n in tl'ey lack the finish of trainedi spite of the huniger this year. I nmen but it would put commun- think last years crowcl was larger ities at home ta shame to see how but we expected that: we were they do It. pleased that this year's crowd was Th aerg ntie fths not really small. Mr. C-ollins1Th avrg ntieo es pre.ached on -Temperance.' He parts has a great gift for speak- gave us a fine sermon. He is a ing on his feet - one which often1 good linguist - one of the best on exceeds his power to thinik out our mission f ield. things worth saying. As Prof. Greaves once told you Kay, theirj You might be interested to hear strong point is near ta their the list of sermons that we weakness. They are such good preached between the bunch of orators that they dont always us during the week. They started; prepare. With Kay it was that with a sermon by F.M.F. on Sun. he had such a good voice that he1 morning from Romans 6:23. The was lazy about modulating it, I wages of sin is death but the gif t believe. of God Eternal Lif e. Then foi- Our week of prayer ended Sun. lowed the topics - Pride; Meek- ness: Covetousness; Mercy; Sins Jan. 23. I was to have said a lit- of the body: Temperance; Lazi file word that night but I st.ayed ness. indifference and cynicism; ir bed that afternoofl and even- ing. I juat needed rest I guess. ________________________ On Saturday. Jan. 22. Margaret _____________________Dawson had a birthdaY but it was not oflicially recognized until MondaY. the 24th. Verona had a dinner for her at Our bouse Mon- day evening. after which we play- ed 'pick up sticks" and ana- grams. This typewiter does not seem to be able to speil very well to-day. OSHAWA On Wed. Jan. 26, Vickie. Helen and I went to Chiuca for a few Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. 1 days' change and rest. There are two houses there that are onîs Apri.] 21-22-23 used when missionaries visit in ~Dmrkf'~fIe Ifk4 ' the village. so we fit w ol Bluebeard's igIILIl g hr ihu uti. ncn out of his house and so feel justi- W ife fied in resting there rather than working. The people seemned ta with understand our purpose very well. CLAUDETTE COLBERT, Some of them came in to visit one GARY OOPERevening but the other eveningS GARY OOPERthey lef t us ta ourselves. I spoke Friday Revival prnay toevnnlebu dt a at .10.30 p.m. ail wh old talks5. We enjoyed *I.cur vstvr uh LoveonQDthe I(DD I flnished reading and making notes on a book that Dr. David- CLARK GABLE and JOAN son had sent mie a long time ago. CR WFRDAsqutb's "The Historical Va'lue CRAWFORDof the Fourth Gospel." We 'also .received Vickie's Aurit May's par- Monday - Tuesday 'cel just before going. It contain- Ai 2526 them out loud to each other while Doubl Bihwe were there. They could not Doubl Billhave arrived at a better time. We ~came home on Tuesday, Feb. 1. "Action For Suanuer" On the 3lst we went ta Major De WithCLIE BROKANN Laessoes place which is about ten WithCLIE BROKANN miles further on than Chiuca. TODD, MARGARETTA We wanted Major te de a f ew SCOTT repairs on the truck; then too. the visit with them served to cele- -and , brate, Clarence's birthday!!! Doi That Pniday, Feb. 4, we went ",Thoroughbreds u n to Chiteque with Elizabeth Read. yy Vickie plans going to the villages Cry Ievery ~Friday o exptw n Eomthngprevents it. W are With JUDY GARLAND, making parties of it. Elizabeth MRICKEY ROONEY, C. Read takes talks and Bible les- AUBRE SMIT and sons with the women, Vickie AUBRE SNRH an içweighs the babies. etc. I have a SOPHIE TUCKER meeting with the men anid boys. and sometimes Margaret Dawsoni Wednes. to Saturday will go and take lessons with the girl andsmaler cildrn.QO April 27-30 'Course native helpers will always' "Girl of the Golden gayfl t. ditrcts i W eSt the wet season besdes the mis- Withý will have ta wait until the dry Withseason comes. 0f course we only JEANETTE MeDONALD go ta the distr:ct centres now. It and NELSON EDDY îs a different matter ta reachi any number of the villages. This dry ses-son ive hope ta visit the vil- AFTER EASTER SALE A Big Money Saving Event at Fred Nelles' Red and White Flour ...... 7 lb. bag 22c - 24 lb. 62c Red and White Salt, plain or iodized.......... 2 for 9c Pitted Dates, extra special ......... 2 lbs. 21c suprenle Shortening ................2 lbs. 25c GoId Medal Choice Peaches ...................... tin 15c Geisha l Tuna Fish ................... 2s Refugee Beans....................... tin Gold Medal Pumpkin.............. 2 Ige. tins Fo W. NELLES We Deliver Phone 596 19C lOc 15C Bowmanville GARDEN By Gordon Lindsay Smlith A Weekl'. Fcature For Home Garden Loyers Beware of Frost done, of course, on a windless day. Statisticians bave est i m a t e d A Short Cut that for every garden ruined For a short cut the gardenen is through late startilg there are advised to purchase a certain exactly a bundred damaged by quantity of staxted plants of both frost. The beginhier is incined to flowers and vegetables. These are rush the seasan. This wilî flot usually purcbased from the green- burt with peas, spinach, lettuce or bouse, florist or seed bouse. It is nadisb, in the vegetable line, or important to get the varieties sweet peas and f lowers which wanted and on this accounit it is naturally seed tbemselves. For the an excellent idea to consult a medium hardy type o! plant how- good Canadian seed catalogue be- ever there is no advafltage what- fore placing the orden. The gar- ever in sowing toa soon. There dener can look over the varioua is little grawtb in any case until varieties offered in the catalogue the soul really turns warm. and shauld make sure that the Experts not oflly caution agaitist particular va.ieties wanted are taa early sowing, but they also in the boxes of plants bought. advise nat ta stop toa soon. There Among the flowers wbîch can is no reason why plantings can- be purchased as stanted plants not be continued in most parts of are cosmos, zinnias. petunias. Canada rigbt tbrough until JulY. marigolds, salpiglossis, nicotine. This wil spread the banvesting 'and a hast of athers. Cabbages. season aven an equally long Per- celery, tomatoes, head lettuce. egg iod with vegetables always fresh'and pepper plants in the vege- jusýt coming to ntaturity. table line are ail sold as started Beginners are advised to divide plants. their seed into at les-st three parts For mast grounds and gardens saowing a third as soon as weather inf ormaI planting, say the ex- permits, a third a little later, and perts, is the moat suitable. True the balance at the very tail-end it is possible witb very large o! the planting seasan. In this . grounds and skilled help, ta do way if frost does cut down the ýsamething with straigbt dignified f irst batcb there will be mare rowa and bardera. But in the av- seedling coming on. erage case planting irregularly in i.awns <lumps will produce the toast There are two ways ta make a pleasing effects. Sucb planting. .1too. will add an air of spacioua- lawn. Fan quick results saddîng is, the usual practice. There are neesa, giving even tiny backyard sam siuatonswhib mke m- gardens the appearance o! much mnediate resu t im.peratiebulagrfai. usually this is txpensive and not Where possible there should be satisfactary. If ordinary f ield sod laS lawn in the foreground. with is punchaaed biien reaulta are go-J an irregularly shaited bed of ing to be disappainting. Usually flewers around the edgea and such sod is full o! weeda and the Ipossibly groupa of abruba at the grass is of infenior quality. J corners. Screening of h a r s h The second methad o! obtain-J straigbt lines about the bouse and ing a lawn is by seeding. This isdrives with clumpa a! flowers and a good deal cheaper than sod- shrubs and an occasional trail- ding, and while slawer at f irat in i ng vine aven verandaha or gar- the end it produces a lawn of ages 'W1i11 bnng the wbole thing much finer grass and one that together . It will tie buildings ta %viii continue ta improve year af- the gtound and give the home the ter year. One should be careful appearance of being part of the ta secute the best quality of grass landacape nather than some igid seed and tbis mnust be sown lib- affair sticking out of the earth. erally, preferably bath lengtb-i Next week. camman mistakes. wise and acroas ta ensure ev'en garden pictures. more vegetable distribution. Se-eding shauld be bints. lages of the Luimnbi ares quite'Hodgson on the N. B. C. Radio thoroughly. Vic.kie and I have Stations. Mrs. R. Hodgson thank- cnly been to a very few of theto ed alI who taak part on the pro- yet. I am al-so planning boys' gram. Pie and sandwiches were camp again. Margaret Da7wson is1 served. planning a girls' camp thîs year.: Congratulations ta Mr. and That will be a new thing for the Mrs. Richard Gibbs on the arrn- girls of this district. At Dondi val of a fine baby boy. camps for bioth boys and girls Mi-. W. Reynoldg,' house and are quite an established th>sgp contents were destroyed by finc now. I hope ta have Elliott Mur- last Thursday. nain with me again at boys' Several attended the basket camp. He is a big help. social at New Park Thursday ev- I managed ta get another bit ening. of a sick spell yesterday and did Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilcox and not go ta church. I guess I really family, Bowmanville. Mr. and have not gotten fully rested aftet Mrs. George Haines and famiy~. the week of prayer yet. We bad Oshawa. spent Sundav wth Mr.i a couple of long staff meetings and Mrs. George Smith. after returning from Chiuca, talk- _______________ ing about building a nexx achool bore and other work and we miss- TYRONE ed a little sleep. Vickie bas not _________________ been tao peppy of late cither but we are coming along. We have ta: Glad to see Mr. Edxxard Vîrtue 1be more careful now than we d:d in aur mnidst agaîn. when we were Young!!! Miss Grace Stephens bas ne- With much love toalal, turne<1 ta her home at Mount Merrill. Pleasant. i Easter service with W. M. S. in 4 charge Sunday morning was well ENFIELDattended. A splendid message was ENFIELDgiven by Mrs. Wm. Adams of Oshawa. dealing with the wamen 1 See Dr. Williamos'Pîctures at of the bible, the different places *Solina April 26th. ithey fîlled in the life of their 1 Mrs. John and Miss Ida Me- church. places whicb are to be Culloch visited at Orono. 'filled today in our own churcb. *Mr. Cecil McKnight, Osh.,.aa She closed wîth a lovely stary of iat Mn. Arthu.r Hubbards. . the Angelus, with the thought . Mr. Howard Ormiston visited'impressed that time is needed in luhs parents at Babcaygeon. eut busy l' ves to dwell on the Mr. and Mrs. Thes. Bowman tbîngs wbich will lift us above fhave been visting in Mount For- the common routine work. Her sest. address was enjoyed and much Mr. Mervin Pereman bas rent-' appreciated. Special music by the ed the Scott farm for another chair, Mrs. Down singing -I came iyear. ta the Garden Alene." S Mr. J. Ormiston. Oshawa, at Visitors: eMrs. W. J. Ormistons and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wîllis Stewart George Ormiston's. wth friends at Roseneath. iMr. and Mrs. Frank Mason., Miss Kratherine McDonald with tOshawa, called on same of their Mis ineMDnl.Cbug frieds re aturay.Mr. and Mrs. Levi Annis, To- Mrs. Edwin Ormiston, Bobcay- ronto, at Mr. A. W. Annis'. geon. is at ber mother's. Mrs. N. Mr. Wm. Little witb friends in .Smith wba bas been seriously ill. Osbawa. Mr. and Mrs. A. Nîddery.' To- : MrS. Clara Byam and Mr. Earl >ronto. were bu.w bere last week Byam. Bowmanvîlle. at Mr. F. L. ,planting yaung trees ta beautify Byam's. Sorr'- ta bear Mrs. C. theîîr home. Byam lbas broken ber wrist. Mr. and Mrs. EatI Bowman Mr. and Mr.". W. H. Taylor and, and family Kitchener. Mr. and famiîy with !riends at Sutton. Mrs. Harold Weir ar.d family. Keswick and Mount Pleasant Ottawa, have been v".,iting St Mr. and Mms. Howard Won1tna- Mr. G. Bowtnan'. and Thos. cozt and Ras.s. Islington. Mr. and Boc;vman's. Mrs. Chas. Shaw and family, Or- Young Peaples Union met on ana. Mrs. Truemnan and friend. Tuesýday nigbt wi:h President Mr.anti Mrs. D. Raines. Toronta'. Frank McMullen :n charge. Fred Mîr and Mrs. Arthur Spicer and Griffîn, missionary convener, pre- famîly. Bowmnanville, at Mr. A. E, pared the pragrato: by Virttues., 1Cara Gtîffin; Easter readings by Mr. andI Mrs. Clarence Gocd- Verna Grîffin and Wlfrid Bow- man at Mr. Luther Goodmnan's. n-an; Blanche Beech and Doris Miss Ethel Partner and Mr. Milî1son favotcd witb ntue _______________ tals: cemic readîngs were given' by Fred Sam:ýs and Len Volum; Ruby Moore also gave a read:ng. LONG SAULTrTESS Home and School Club met last Tuesday evening with good at- tendance. and Pres:dient Mis., Ruth Farreli and ichard Gibbs. secretary. in their cihair.s. An in- vtation was accepted] ta Behrsca Honiw and lkhool Club nex' monthi. Mis. Robt. Hodg. on took1 charge of 'he prograto. Scripture à .' as reacl byM.. Raymond Clapp. Uccordian z.eekctîcn_ç 1w Lome ýBicot. ac'-otiipanie<l hby Mr.s. Ross' Pcoley. Mi. E. A. S;nmc-rs. Ai- rcultural Rpeeta v.gave bis an'emo -sides and tod aloog Wl; h . . J tb cm a toast interestiog storv A' - eading svas g:sen hy Miss Nn Stanley Gable with ber parents. I SOLINA See Dr. Williams' Pictures at Salins April 26th. XVanmeîî's Institulte mecît Thurs- sîav afîerîîaon xvas ia charge of Gtoîîp 5 with Miss Rahev Baker. coavenor. Roll cêllvas answered bv a Caxiadiati Iîdiistrv. Nirs. X\Ves- les Yelloxvlees favared with a vocal solo; reading. Nîrs. AXrthutr Moore: pxiao(illet hv Miisses Heleîî Baker and Evelvîî Tink: Nrs. Isaac Hardv and Nlrs. J. H. Nl\cEweai gave itier- esting tîapers oxn Caîîadiaîî and Eaz- h-hii .Itdstries. A \cantest xxas.c'n <iîîcte<i an(l a daitv is tich xxas -et- xed. Olîr i tstittute voted $10AU{)ta the re4..s.roi ini Boaxxmatîlle. fl' tue and Sdi' I ,lClubh heId il- ci »ijtxiz meetiliiz 'i the sea-sîi Thîîr- <das Ce îilîc xith Pt 'ideiNI t-. .. Bakcr iîn ihe 'cIair C xîîiiiteL- wurt axtxx>sxîniced i 't tuile S lina ()ld B s - .and Girl-'sRelîtîja ta h e lhilier(: 1111\s .3Oilx and 31>-t. NI r- Isac I Iards'.gave a piano - le. Col. L TY i nhit. P, \ <lans îlle, xxi- -xxe-t -ekraxdai îe dli.ghtefl a]l ssîtli ail accluint i lii tri; ta thle ., t 'ati' n and i lxii> (lrxîisax. A litea ris stae(À t haxik., \ tiei.( I. N fc i.sîx g h lia ifr lii- taîX . 1 'lcl , 55 as -mx cd ansIda -,'C iai tixixellI A I.tîe tîîtxiîhet * i thxe firi<- n rxillnxît- <i l j. axni Nr.t rs. B illtut ai tîxi x i a-tXXi nu-dav eelxiîg ta exietisl e-t i x -lt- i , thein on"itheit recextnaxe. Mir. WValter Iarrixî'let calîsItu te ce nîpaxîx to, ,rdem anîd NlI x- 'Mar- caret S'cott ruslad alIte -- «f i c - Lratilatiaîî- ta the bride axîsi iroorrîi. Nir. lib hS,îîîales pre-utc l.Ivii enii a lîs lî i e- dc mi t> poori.,andîz, sxlsr rcreslii axa i tigar Nxxjhil iatcli- ijc iras. Thîe gr-in xithaxîkel thiîet t rieîîil> ior tiîeir gi its axnd bhs -i> - U-. Shomt speechie-sx \vmc îina<le h -ex emlîîiho Thxe remraitîlet ofi ilie e el\ci xx a- - lent lin (litici11i e ix 1111>555' sn<l l' îe nceliîg. NIndax xxx Axi itîvitation \% a: r'cexs% l i ru'i T \sraie a ndl accei;ted ta - il t thli x ,11 .\îrii 28til. Nl-, .ieaîi l.e.tclî. t. itizts iJitî s'îse at, d lchar'ge 01<i tîxe pr' gralîx. Des tiotial hs N i-- Helexi Baker;: svcal <lîtet Fs Nis--c- ais-axai sl..,,hl Yel>,xxle: kex. XX kackhasni gave aixlttrs-ii tapic witlî an Ea.,ter îlw nie : iax -.,I 'le Iv Nî1a s t r Cli i fe'rd NIi lIer: reatliîîg Ihx Nli-sPeatrlILeachî. C'xi- te-sswerecn >n<ltid hx NIis, leax: Lt.acîx. Ouxr church xxas seelil illed Stin- (las afîeraaoîî fotrFiaster se rvice axnd xxas heauti fîtl xxjh cli I> e and planîts. At the S. S. sers ice Nlis>- Giads s ïellovlees ;gave asl Eser -îsr : NMissNMuriel Stli a aCI1 solo. andI Nîaster Clifford Nililer a recitaion. A t the clîurcli -etvice Rex. Rackhaîii gaxe asfftlenlisi Fa.,- ter message;: Nîrs. XVI ll ask sani. sers lîcaîtifîîîîx The Hslx Cils»- andt. the chair gave a selectian. \Ve xxelcamle Mm. axl]Ni rs -. Hart Tas îs'r and ismils ta > ur C' iixiiixil s agaili. Tues have nias j litii, Artgue hborne linitie sillage. NI s. Lei .\raîi, NIr. aaind ir-. N(rs aI XVoitexi andî>I \t . Nfr-. T. Kikeur andiNI VXera Ilake r, Nlr. axi NI r,. l.Ioyd i\Viiliaîxus wac gîwte- t- tthe \ali Net-l>i xx Po>iîga 'rt XVhiils xon MI ,tla afi, rxi> x. Ilidax \Iiit- jackBae- iNIîr. aîInd r-.lackRxî,>-<i zisiý-Is .tlîhT,r'i' 'fri,-rtîl- NI r. aîlnI Mr-. . la- l w-tiaa ixiîiix . ; i r. A. \Vilisxii-', l' Pu'rrx NI r. (le>. l's-h t 1> e(l hiîîi xîthtii ior a si-it Nisj, N. 'rîna Yeiîs'xx e-. T> r' xi'. Iihlier lar(tell, NIr. andI NIlr,. .NIr. .and Nîr:. [,ri lies -aai(]Nli- Sipsoni, Tarrxii . cailel ailNI r. ;xin( NIr-. . . Pla scoe. NIr. andîIIr-. Erîx stî IX a r and> XiVi.cColutmbus, ai NI r. Chas. .NI t. ;and NIr,s-.%x rt Eil Io tîtin Niars , .U a e~ ai NIr,- . l J. NIc- Mir. axîini rs. Cl-> h1xxsani at- icnexa I thle xxedd îi i i of ît il ousin NI r. N. rîuanTi'axs r iii Tarontao'>11 NI r. iwd Nîrs. .lahxi Baketr,NIs- Il <x anxd K.itiiîieexaker ai NIr. Ir\n xx,>. roi >. les. MIr. axinI Mr-. Il ilisixil 'gýarîli. Ot- tawxa, Nîr. axni Nrs Rî-elRex îili>i ai iîisis i >'.xi'. NIr. axinId - Piî- han Nir.axîInd -. ii XxxFifiel. Mi ir. arnd \\ Ill'r à1-. Mi- jua' in, r. iandîiMr,.l.i-e N I i t x l N I r . 1 ,1 1 0 1 ( i 'r r x x i MARKS THEATRE Mn. and Mrs. Fred Partner. Miss Edith Clemens, Toronto, at ber fatber's, Mr. Albent Cleto- ens. Miss Myrtle Brooks and Bill Brooks. Toronto, spent the week- end at Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks'. n.Arhie Virtue, Mrs. Laura Virtu, adMn. and Mrs. Stan. Beckett, Bowmanville, witb Mr. Milton Virtue at Gravenhurst on Sunday. Mrs. W. F. Park, Sbirley and Doris, are visiting ber mother, Mrs. F. Rose, Sutton. Mr. and Mns. F. L. Byam and family at Mr. J. Làllicrapp's, Can- nington. Mr. and Mns. W. Cochrane and littie son, Kirby. and Mn. John Thotopson, Orono, at Mr. Wm. Virtue's. Mn. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy. Bnooklin, witb Mn. and Mrs. Han- old Skinner. Mrs. J. Kincade and Grace with fnienda in Toronto. Mr. and Mra. 1. W. Larmar, Mrs. Melville BaIl. Leona, A. J. and Melba BaIl, Millbro>ok, at Mn. Gus Rosevear's. Mr. Fred, Bowmanville, with friends. Mr. Hugh McCullougb. Ponty- pool, with bis brother. Mr. Robt. McCullough. Mn. and Mrs. C. Woodley, Mrs. E. Woodley. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Pooley visited Edith Woodley at thie Sick Cb:ýldren's Hospital on Sunday. SCHOOL REPORTS KENDAI, S. S. No. 17 Clarke school e- port: Grade VIII-Sadie Cathcart C. Grade VI-Hilda Bell A, Mary Mvercer C, Glen Thertell C. Grade V--George Wilson D. Grade Ili-Juanita Mercer B. Grant Thertell C. Grade Il - Jean Cathcart B, John Cathcart C. Primer-Ray Thertell B. A. E. Hendry, teacher. UNION SCHOOL Easter Report f Union School, S. S. No. 17. A -75 to 100'7,;B - 66 to 74%; C -60 to 66. There were no failures. Names in order of menit. Grade IX-Ruby Gijtn B. Grade VIII-Ruby McLaughlin A. Harold Avery A, Jean KnaPP A. Eileen Rahm A, Harold MC- Laughlin A, Kathryne Moore B, Florence Rabm C. Grade VI-Rod Simpson A, Keith Ferguson A, Elsie Rahm B. Grade V-Blanche Wotten B. Helen R.ahm C. Jim McLaughlin C. Grade IV-Ada Rahm A. Betty' Simopson A. Carl McLaughlin B. Ralph Knapp B. Grade III-Audrey McLaugh- lin A, Alice Simpson B. Helen Moore B. Grade I-Lloyd Beech A. Ray Rahm A. Jean McLaughlin A. Celia Gniffin B. Doris Millson. teacher. NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL Second Terni Report The standing of the students of Newcastle High Scbool for the Second Term folows. The names are in order of mnent as deter-,L mined by the average percentage. Lower Sehool - Form 1 Clasm 11 (66 to 74')-Maurice Pedwell 71.7, Robert Allun 66.4. Class 111 (610 to 65-, (-Norma VanDusen 64.6, Grace Powell 63.5. Floyd Millson 63.4. Roger Mead- ows 60.8. Credit 50 te 59'> Hel eni Couch 58, Charles Rogerson 55.5. Below 50'-Willie Bromell 48i8 Not graded on account of ab- sence-Charles Bonathan. Lowver School - Forn Il Cla-ss I. Honours 75 ta 0'1 Ernest Blake 89.3. Donald Jose: 83.8. Kathleen Toms 79.3. Class I-Jean Bonathan 69.5. Lawrence Mîllson 66.4. Class III-Harold Hoar 65.3. Wylma Faraoç 63.8. Credit-Margaret Bo'.en 53.5. Edith Hendry obtained 84.5', average in 4 subjects of Form I. Artie Toms wvas not graded on acount of absence tbraugh iii- ness. Midde Sehool - Form I111 Class I-James Lovekin 71. Class III-Reita Cooke 65.7. Vi- vian Duck 59.8. Below 50"- - Maurice oe' 42.2. Bruce VanDusen 41. M.iddle School - Forni IV Class I >Honours)-Tom Brere- ton 87.25. John Allen 85, Mar- garet Pearce 84.6, Patricia Pearce 80.5. Credit-Ethel Spencer 52.6. Edward M. H. Ward. Principal. CROOKED CREEK Easter Report of S. S. No. 7. Crooked Creek. Grade 8: Raymond Gilmer 76.82 (Hon>. Harry Worrall 67.73. Frank Airdnie 63.18. Grade 7: Ruby Sunday 79.73 Hon>, Jean Hale 69.18. Aileen Ogden 66. Jean White 62.18. Grade 6: Clarence F arro w abs>. Lois Turner 58.11. Bill Air- drie 49.77. Grade 5: Francis Hale 68.1 Johnnîe Hicks 58.88. Grade 3: Jack Ogden 73.55. Katie Budîcky 72.83. May Hal 7 1.55. Evelyn Stapleton 71.11.1 Jean Turner 66.55. Arthur Far-I row 64.77, Wilfrid Sunday <Abs>. Grade 2: Mildned Wood 65.5, Ray Stapleton 64.62. Thelma Sta- pleton 58, Clarence Sunday <abs. Grade 1: Annie Worrall, Reid Wood, Carl Sunday. S. B. Rutherford, teacher.J W1LL m Sale 0o§ RePossessed ELECTRICAL APPLiANCES The folowing Refrigerators, Radios, and so forth wiil be sold on a cash basis for balances owing as listed below. 1x- t liiîiîsîiiî-l t. ' îrice S235. ' g(' ai ........ ................. .. $ 9 0 I (h lerll leCiriC 7 Cîtic Foot NION ITOR TOI' Orgial irice $285.00l. $ 4 5 T, lie clears>i ........i............ 1 2 5 'xîe -(> flS-'x sliexx' S171>. fItillaxie ' 'x ixg ... .. ..... mtinIlis,înewxx liice ci 39. $7600 I (,eî<erai I lcîric VA Lt t'Ni I.L.,t\ R- - .......................... $23 .0 RANGE2.00d1 VACUUM $ 1 1 4, 1 .t îa îîi i N...... . i.... ........-...<il..... $ .0 0-. mollxe 1933x8 h"1 1, ;i i.,s-$ f I 'ii l VXSiNGN XIIN.$39.40 its xix fr111 ......$12 ta$16 i Ncru tgs l-ahl> 1 " u i x a i a . . . . .. - - 1 . 1 $ 1 3 7 . 5 0 38 Simcoe St., N Don Christian Electric Telephone 84 -. ,a TODAY - FRIDAY - S BIG Hll Ç - ---- îee Picture ftill Live rever lets. Liiet?" Wil only a few of eterTal LN sday rices r 9TH- lecil "History rg Will histori history rec( years ago peace! . w LIA Sta Monda Matin( ENTIRE i 61 1 1 1 ATURDAY rS 2 SON STER WO CROONID ilA PSO MR THE RUSURSI1 repeats itself,'* say the prophf .- re-peat the story of *Al Qw ,ord again those scenes thato blasted htunanity into vows See what war is really like LQUII On The ESTER FIRONT MITED ENGAGEMENT arts Sun. Midnite 12.0! And Continuimg a- Tuesday - Wednet me Daily 2.15- Popular Pi EWEEK COM. MON., MAY Deanna Durbin in ad About Musl .Nis L.ena Ta\-lot, R. N.. wlha lias hcen nîir>ina ý,lier amli. NMis, NM lta Ir f Oran, na. l wiivmanx 11hI Ho<spitai, t bur omre la >tw. lhriiîuiiiîgMNiýs Tavlht w iîh lier. Glad ta report NMr. WV. T. Tas Iýr is iiiii;rO\vifg. - OSHAWA -

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