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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1938, p. 9

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THURSDAY, MAY 121H. 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLF~ OMIA R 10 flAI~ ~sTTS~T~' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __OBE SYX.OPSIS! morning, Chris is surprised to re- It was just prior to the World ceive an invitation to tea fromn Bev- War that young Dr. Chris Arden erlv. Mr,. Lewis likes Chris and thinks of hii as lier potentiai sonf started in private practice. He ini-law. She asks lier liusband t( found it liard enougli to gain va- hl u oigdco. lu ei tronage; iack of tunds aiso l 1p- helo theinstd Tlie ewistaein pered him. Ris uncle. Dave NMor- i ltk ees atp brodThe hLet e timr. n od cunti'doctor who are awav a tvphioid epidemic afflicts educated Cliris. wouid like him for terlon on oto levc an ssstatbut tlie voung doctor tlnis are workers at Lewis' plaîit, prefers to make bis own wav. He b ml hoss f wic ba rents a room and office froni the nitînr itv watser, or wheîvera shiftless Walters familv. This he 1 ehris i uioswtbLws o i sn rertd.but svinpatliv for iwing suchi conditions. Finaiiv. inefficient Hcnrv Walters and lbis Henrv \Vaiters contracts the fever meek wife, Lily, cacîsed hjm to stavaddi. Clrsraze tatLi with tlîem. And as lie tbouîght of and Kae are nosieiy epende i their lazv 17-i car-old daugliter. eandbjm. aie nis ,sler etiv ii lo Kate, and neer-do-iveil son. Dick, iith Cn. Dr Brma. ea th t svmatbv% increased. Siiortix surgeon at the boqpitai aiso suc- after Chris liaiigsonit bis sigil. cî -) t the di-'~se. Hlis dving re- Beveriy Lewis. daugliter ofthie cîis t i btClrgb pto h niclies to eaîîit ,bougle r doe surg icai sta ff. He is appointed in tolim o av aboe ~îovdOctober and lus coleagnes give froni its throat. She leaves ini anger iini a diîîner. Retturning home. wbhen lie refuses a fee. . . Follow- Cbris picks up a strai- dog. Despite inz lier meeting witb Chris. Bey- Katies protcsts the îîîoîîgrel re- enIv cbides ber suitor. wealthy '.Ter- miain. and i., named "Cae-ar.- ry Ames for being a ivastrel. H e' izoes off in a funv wMien ,lie tels CHAPTER XI himn she does flet love hinm. . . Chris Then ene dav lie caine face to lias a hard time tnakiiig ends neet face iw iii Beverlv Lewis ini the that spring aînd summer. Then. one ýstreet and feit a leap ini bis chest dav, he is sumtnoned to thie Lewis ýwlicb ne..t people would bave con- home to attend a servant. Ne\t :sîdered i4as i er; u hc HAULIN G A complete fleet cf modern trucks niake it economical to have Knizht's do your long distance hauling. EverythinIr we niove is coni- pletely insured. Just Telephone Bowmanville 448 Complete, Safe Trueking Service KNIGHT'S HAULAGE SERVICE -lia libe beeîî capable of thuikiuig at Ii -ail, lie would doubthess bave laid te o d the svnipatbetic nervous sîstemn oril 4 scmetbiuig similar. He was, liow- t oever, not capable of tlîiuking at ai. sHe simplv teok off bis liat and stood - there gazing at bier. whle she gazed I~ V up) ratiier sivlv at bis tired and bag-I sgard face. * W'cjn5t got back." .slie said 7 *rather breatblosshv. 'Vyon - von i aven't l cen sick, bhave von?' - That bruglt hiun bac]&. te hiu- sel f. Lovehv as she uvas, yeuuîg anîd rstrnugs - or the svmpatbetic îîervcs of what-liave-vou - sie w-a' Stani- ttoni Lewis' dauglîter. andIi(ls face eset. ' .No. But a good mîan%- other peopîle have." 'Tateglinte nîeaîî that tue practice i'. growiig" I she said. But lie (id îîct smile. "If i oi camu cali it that. \\*'ve bad a uvplîoid epidenîic lure. Perliaps vou baî'eu't becard abonut it"- "I Iliard something," slie said un- certaitîlv. "I dou't tbink t unuder- stanîd." 'No. von wouhdn't. Yenr father m iglît." JShe %vas gazing at binui icred - leusly. She knew- notîiuîg of îvbalt "Father. are youa are we r lie lîad been throcugh Alil sue saw sI sj Nva'. a tali voung man in a faded1 shirt, w-lie ias starnuîgdewn at lier called homîe. Thie trees in the park a'. etbenzl .bebd engulv cfjad lest unost of their icaves. and lic lir un etbing. 'Iatabutsnrveved thîcmmoodihi-. Nature in aher cit went up la bu vutabout be r businecss more methu- "Yen miglit ask hini."' said Chiris..1 odicallv tlîauu uuankind. Tbere was 'A'.k liîuîaliut tue %water supvneo nonsen'.e about romantic love, ne uuî the miuu districts, for ene tb ini . npsnrge cf passion, ne battle te And about a proper filtration puanit fighî. Quietlî and svstematically it for the citv: Ibere are a fe,.- ether reprodnced its kind. Probably thie things. of course. If vqlike lIu venv leaves under his feet carnied wvrite tlîem down." '.ecd pod'.. Thiev îvojld find ancher- -Yen îwcdn£t bother." sie sai-l age sonuewlierc, lie supposed. and in coldhv., and turning oui lier beel, eft dîme tiunc there wonld be other trees. linu ahmuptlv. But men, nien and women. tee... jHe stood hookiuîg after uier for a He rememhered the women lie liad mouent. lis ewn huad bigb. Tiien kîîeîvu: a girl hce hîad loed long ago. bis aîuger died. He lîad h cen a f ool. tuîe casual contacts cf bis medical- ICurse and damn that teuncer of lis. scliool davs, the wonien wbo were '«liat did sbc kioîv about the sium- bronglît inte thie lospital frem thie umer or the epidcmic. or nyhat lîad uear-hv rcd-lighit district. Only one caused it? Alil those hot niglits lue cf thuem lad ever interestcd him, a liad beemi waiting for just this heur. lig uonan sîho bad a lieuse a bhçck this meeting. Now-lhe had rimcnd it. or twe aw-av, and lie liad scwed her Sbe hated lim, anfd he deserved it. up after a' hvsterical girl liad cnt Tliorougbhy iserable and alanmed bier hadhlv with a knife. lie turried toward lioume, or %vhat for "Auiv time von're in trouble, Dec- lack of sonmcthing better lie uowî ton.' she liad said. "mat cahi on me. responsible for what happened limer?" I kiiv -everybod-. and ecverv-bodv kuen%s me'" Her namc was Bessie Smith, auîd )e fore shue .left she bad zivuu hlm a pair cf cnff links. -. Ist send mc one cf thcm if ever von need me," she tohd bim. "and ý-ou'hl fiuud l'un net h-lnffiuig.' T, lis astonisliment, w-lien lie reachcd the lieuse. lie found tue Lewuis car at the door and the cliauf- leur w-aiting witli an cuivelope. .1 rang sir," lic said. "but uic- lid sanswercd." He teck thie enu-clope, but lie did îlot op)en it until lie w-as lui the back office w-itb the deers shut. Tiien be did se ývitli lands that w-erc net tee steadv. There ivas nue note inside. Onl- a îîew ten-doihar bill, and be stood loeking at it. luis face a studv lin au- ger and exasperatien. lu the lieuse on the hli at tluat moment Be'erlî- was confrouîting ber father, shut into tliat liandsome studv of bis w'lire lie sat hehind huis big desk, as beyond a barricade. aund eved hen warily. Rather alike in lie did, and began to read surgzerv some wavs. the two of tliem. save with a vengeance. tlîat she was white witb anger. Then one day in tlie office. ex- Idon't control the rivers of thislauining a heart witli bis stetin- state. If God cbooses te snda oscope, lieIlîeard the telephone and drouglt--' let it ring for some time before lie 'Droi't talk te me atout God. 1-4 answer.ed it. W«len lic -4nd an ir- Want to know the trutb. Fatber. rtaFie voice at the otlier end an- Are you - are we - nesponsi hie nounced tbat it was speakinz froniî uer wbat, bapnened tiîis summer?" the NMavor's office. and that Ris "MY dear cbuld, you couin' t put Honor the Nfavor liimself and no over a bond issue for a new filtra- less would like to see Doctor Arde'n tion plant to save voun life just ta feno ttreocok 110.*'"W.liat about "" said Cliris iorth- S 1i notice," she said sbrewdlv. rîgbtli. 'that you can put oven bond issues "He didnt say,." said the voice for everytbing else you want." îvitb dignitv. It was tben tbat lie rose in bis Cliris wvent back to bis beart. pUz- full stature lebind tlie desk and or- zled but not excited. and at tbnee dered lier ont of the room. o dck lie found bimself in a crowd-i "Y'oure îîot rational. and vou're beiiîg extremnelv silly," lie told bier. "Now get ont. aîîd don't let nie have aîîv more of this." Two iveeks to tbe day after tlîat quanrel sue walked into the Nliiiici- pal Buildinîg and asked te sec thie Ifavo ; and liaif ai lîoun later Sc3 E tyF o r walked ont agaiti. slîghtly fluslied. but withi the air of one i ictorions. The Mavor, folloîviug lier iîîto the hall, looked rather less counplacent. "I'e got a sueaking idea. Bev-erlv, tlîat vouire putting seuîîetbing over o oui the 01(1 uîau." "I f I do, Iii lie the fîrst one,.h Barnev-."d He lauglbed at tlîat. He lîad kuiown lier for vears. and now lie i patted lier on the sboulder. bc "Dotit get anv wrong ideas about carelessness, for a rentaI of a cei lîim. He's been prettv good to von. It's just tliat lie secs tliiîgs differ- will think of orber valuables, w] "Re,, uiot goiuîg te sce tîîis at al. Agreements Diaries Bartîcev." Army and Navy Papers Diplomas He ivas grinîiinz te liiehf as. lie Autographs Documents weîit Iack to bis big office and lus Bonds Gems big maliogaiiv desk. Two of a kiîîd Criiae ero thev ivere. tlîat fathier and daugli- Criiae ero ter, lie thouglit; hoth obstiîîatc and -Birth Important self-willed. But the girl was like -Baptismal InsuranceF lier tiother. toc. He sigbed a littie. -Marniage -Automoh IHe lîad alwavs bad a soft spot for Charters -Casualty Annîie Lewis. Contracta -Fire CJJ.PTER XII Court Decrees -Lifé, etc. Tbe two wecks bad cbanged Cliri'.. Curios Jewellery He uvas stili figlîtiîîg for sheer sur- Deeds Leases î'ival, walkiiîg to save carfare. and Designis Lodge Recc collectiiig fan less than lic needed. altbougli le îîow bad a Practice of sorts. He was irritable aîîd im- patienît. He wouhd come in hanzing!B NE O tue front door behind huîn, anîd EANK O F H Katie, readiuîg as usual iii the dlut- TAU1 tered dining room. îvould cock an "a bank wvhere smait ac car and lîsten.______________________ 'ie*ll break tue glass iii tbat door v-et." Modern, Experienced Banking Service He put Beverlv ont of lus minc 120 Year' Sucress/Mi Ope ini tbose davs, or at least tliougbit ed anteroom in the Municipal Buiid- mgz. It was almost four o'clock lie- fore his turn came to enter the au- gust presence. Chris, with some calls still to, make. staiked into the inner office uncompromisingiv and glared down at the man behind the desk. a lieavy gentleman with an unctuous smiie and a venetratinz eye. «M%. name's Arden. I believe you 'wanted to see me.". The Mayor nodded. «"Sit down, Doctor. Yes, I sent for vou. The fact is, we. need another City physi- cian. and you'i'e been suizgested for the iob." Chris iooked liard at himn across the desk. Ris mmnd. working cjuickiy, (Continued on Page .10) ['here arc many "small things of large value" which should have the protection of a safety [eposit box. Following is a par- [aI list of "valuables" which can be kept safe fromn fire, theft and !nt or rwo a day. Probably you rhich we have omitted. ýLetters Policies bile ords Memnentos Mortgages Naturalization Pipera Old Coins Old Laces Patents Payment Records Photographs Plans Promissory Notes Scamp Collctions Souvenirs Wills MONTRERL HED 1817 afButs ae e ce .... t Oiutnu o PAGE FOUR (By E. Ransberryl T Master Ernest-Rans b err y celebrated bis sixth birthday -'on March 8th. A smaUl party was held in his honcur. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomp- son and sens visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ransberry on Sun- day. March 13. Some members of our com- irnty attended the cuchre and dance at Pontypool on Apral 1. Spring cleaning time h'as come with its upheava ls, dean- ups and beadaches. The hydre men have been here the past few days trim- ming off the trees aleng the hydre line. Misa Mae Ransberry spent a few days at home prier te leav- ir.g for Montreal. She bas just returned from a visit with ber grandmother at Harrow, Ont. We wish ber success and good luck in ber werk in the big City. It mnight be cf interest te mention that Norman Heag, the radio comnientater, was once an Enterprise boy. Misses, Gladys and Kathleen Ard apent the weekend at home. 'Mr. and Mrs. L. Alldread spent Sunday visiting in New- castle and Orono. Misa Pauline Fraser bas ne- turncd frem the city te live in aur fair cemmunity. She spent a few days at New Park. School la nearing the end cf the year. Pupils are bnsy siudyung and practising for the Music Festival in May. BOOKS ENTERPRISE FLASH. ENTERPRISE, ONTARIO How To Be Popular (By M. A. Cochrane) Good manners often go a long way in making popular young men and women. In thls section we will endeavour to express ten useful hints in table manners. 1. When drinking from a tea cup do net point the llttlc finger. 2. Do net place the left el- bow on the table unnecesaariiy. 3. When a thing lias passcd you unnoticed do net force a ceugh te attract attention. 4. It is net necessary to leave food on your plate, but de net acrape it dlean. 5. The hostess of a dinner party should net trick f old the serviettes, a plain square la sufficient. 6. Always say 'Tbank yeu', net 'Thanks' or 'ta ta'. 7. Do net make elaborate apologies at the table. 8. Be sociable but do net use (M. A. Cochrane) intcresting off any bocks known siang expressions suci as 'grub' Bocks aire very interesîing because we can make tbcmn or 'eats' for food. objecta. There are vciry many ourselves. ti what amaîl 9. Do net gebblc the food differerît kinds cf books. Seme children cal 'awful geod fun,' but cai moderatcly and daintily. people say that tiecocver la cutting. pasting, and hunting 10. Do net put youn knife in tic meat intcresting part cf for pictures for the scrap- your mouih. the bock. Il la quite true that books. AIl k.nds of subjecta the picture or patterin on the can be ncluded un lic scrap- cover of a bock often decides bocks. fnemn Biblical items te Hints For The tic lime cf the sale of a book. the 'laugi-it-aif' joke from. a H m m kr If it has a bright-coleured, dirty old magazine fromn the B neikr large printed cever on it the waste-paper basket. Th esaeDaeLyrCk bock will seil muchi quicker books can be made as a pas- DaeLyrCk than a dull-coleurcd, amaîl- tume for ail classes and ages Cut up one and a balf cupa type and dirty ocking bock. of people in ahi nations of tlîe of dates and add one cup of Wea esnde o nwworld - boiling water and one tea- Whacn a erso desnt kinspoonful of soda. Let cool. cxacty hat be wts wlhein Cream together one cup brown of-n eptdtob- h Book Reviews sugar, ene-quarter cup of but- brigbtly cevered one. tr w gsadoeta The nteror i a ookspocinful vanilla. Add the date Theintrin ea ockla (By M. Cochrane and mixture and one and a haif sometimes very disagreeable. E. Ransberry) cup.s of fleur sifted with one wiile at athen tumes it is veny "Anne off Windy Poplars" by and a baîf teaspoonaful off bak- amreal pninbthkxleaich pas, L. M. Montgomery. The bock iflg powder. Bake in two iay- - al rib' hik-hej :ag s,,,;;in tlînee parts. dcaling vwith crs un a medenate even. Let witten by adsagreea.!e anu- nstheeya- habigcool and spread filiing belween thon. whe. as the saying gees. 1-thprier teen ce 'does net know wbat rhf e i,' F br o er manniage te Gi-thlae.tenc. and dees net put much 'chat' bent Blythe. Thc firat ycar Chocolate Cake into bis bock. dees net interest deala with ber with the Mix together one and threc the majenity off the commen 'TPingle Clan." The second quartera cups of flour. one and year tells hew she bclped thei a haîf cupa brown augar, haîf people. peophe un ber cemmunity, and 'a cup of butter. twe and a haîf Histery and gcography bocks the third yean descnibes ber cups awcei mlk, two cggs, two arcvcr inenatig i otermany advcntures in visiting ber 1tablespoons grated chocolate. geod bocks, writtcn by sucb new f iends. Tic stery is teld a nc and a haif teaspoons cream authers as L. M. Montgomlery in a quaint mannen se that efo tartan and a te' ';peon cf or L. M. Alcet. cannot be Ob- notîoff the information la told i soda. Add threc quailters cup tained. or. in a case of a vcr n uher letters ta Gilbert. off boiling water. Bake in two industrioua penson wha loves "Rainbow Valley" by L. M. layera. trd ras sae'is book , rep r Montgomery. This book la Filling - One-cigbih cup of ed s 'tal.' 1-ise ook, 1abouti the adventurca off Annc's grated ciecelate, one cup cf believe. if werked on by good chlldren. Many off their pranks sugar. one haîf cup off swcct ingo, colg andmaduethina are equal to those off Anne niilk and one tablespoon cf ing exitig nd ductioalwlîich sic had as a girl at butter. Beat logether and add as well. Green Gables. vanilla te flairour. The mosti nteresting. and 'The Land of Legenda and Johnny Cake ane 'A.B.C b ony v ad PicureHenees" - This bock la made One egg. one cup cf seun Book.B. It la efand forett up off atonies of Norway. Den- cream or miik. one teaspocin cf Book It s oten orgotenmark. Greece, Eiigland. Persia soda, one-haif cup sugar, one- that cblldren, as well as grcwin- and other countries of the Old haîf cup off bread fleur and ups deigh inhavng toresWorhd. There are exercisca and enougi cocnmeal to make a read te thcm sometimeS. questioens following caci atory. batter. Poelry books are dainty, in- Many illustrations are scatter- Bran Cake teresting, educationai and of- cd tbreughout the book.2 usbteml,1cpo ten have atonies te them. Ba- "Short Stories cf Great 2 ua uttermilk od, cup of lads are moat intercstlng be- Lives" - This book la dividcd s~gr espoon s od.Maea, ste a- cause they aeni 1g o n no w ats rtsi itr er and add ither bran or on f orever.' and Canadian History. Eacb Some magazines are goed te clanacter mentioned takes up gnahamn fleur te thicken. read, but ticre arc many un- about five pagea. Sir Wilfrid Maple Cream Candy wholesome and chieap onea. Laurier. I thoughl, the most Malenial: 2 cups brown su- Scrap-books are the miosi intceating. gar, Y4 cup cream, 1,ý teaspoon THURSDAY. MAY 121Hf. 1938 butter, ý,2 teaspoon vanifla, ½2 cup chopped nuts. Preparation: Stir the sugar. cream and butter and bell un- tii it firms in cold water, re- move 'from stove aùd beat in vanilla and nuts. Pour in but- tered pan and cool. Cut in squares. Plain Cake Material: 3/4cup augar. tablespoon abortening. 1 egg. 3/ cup milk, 2 cupa fleur.14 teaspoon sait, 2 teaspoons bak- ing pewder, '/- teaspoon van- illa. Preparation: Cream s u g a r and shortening, add egg, beat well. sif t fleur then measure. add sait and baklng powder. s:ft and add alternately with niilk. Add flavoring. Stir well and bake in a moderate oven. Baked Beans Soak the beans ovcrnlght. then boil fer about 20 minutes. Remove f rom fire and drain off some of the water; place in an earthen baking dih. Add a little brown sugar or molasses and some stripa of pork. Cover and place in a hot oven. Serve hot with mashcd potatees and a vegetable. Spring la ceming, se be sure to serve good meala with plen- ty of vegetables te build up streng bodies againat t h a changeable weather. Items of Interest in Nature <By M. A. Cochrane) 1. The yellew adder's tengue la i tic lily of tic apningtime. - i is a very polite flcwer and -for this reason there are few aphetegraphs af it te be feund. f i noda and gossips with uts cneigibeura and lie camera- man cannot secune a geed pic- turc. 1 You have knewn, we suppose, tiat your dcg bas a siarpen sense cf smell than yen, but did you know thai moths c-ould smell even farther tian a deg. EBees have a peculiar way cf knowing the becs of ther ewn hive. Tiey tell by smell . When a new liive separates f nom tic ohd, it will, afiter a period off' Ethree days, bave a smell of its own dificrent frorn any other. This amellisl obiaincd from. the Qucen Bec. The Mississippi River f iows uphill. Thia la due to a bulg- ing ofti earth near tic equator. The land ait tc mouth is higier than thal cf the source and ht would doubl- leas be runuxing the otier way if it werc not for tic rotation of tic carti. Animais sometimes kill and c a-t msela butisets aeldomn atiack animais. This la the case, however, in Congo un Africa where thc large locusts kill aind eal mice. Tis kind of grasahopper hbas an immense appeile and has been known te devour large spiders, bcdt- les, smaller grasahoppera, and otier insects. It aisoecals nest- ling birds when il ca-n gel L hem. ENTERPRISE FLASH vol. 3 ENTERPRISE, ONTARIO, MAY 12TH, 1938 5 Cents SOCIAL EVENI (By E.* Ranaberryl The North Group of the Kirbv Ladies' Aid held a nst entertau.ning social ev- ening at their chureh oni Wednesday, Mardi 30. Al seats were fîlled and they eolîeeted over $18.00 at tie door whiîch sum xvas te be used on church improve- ments. 'The program was announced by Rev. Mr. Osterhout, the mnnster. It opened by the singing of the hymn, "Blest be the tie that binds," followed by a ladies' chorus. Other items on the program were, violin selectiens by Kenneth ;Shack- leton, choruses and solos by members of the Sunday School, readings by Mary Baldwin, or- chestral selectierus by the Les- kard musicians. and a club- swinging number by the En- terprise boys. A delightful duet was given by James Lowery and Margaret McKIÇnnon, re- presenting two lovera arguing and making up. The last item was a one-act play by Me- Creas Young . People, after which God Save The King was sung. Af ter this part of the pro- gram *unch was served in the Sunday school room and old friends met for a chat for a haîf bouc or se. We enjoyed the evrning se much that we vote there may be many more cf them. Springtime (D. Cochrane) Spring is one of the nicest seasons of the year. The birds are coming back frona theýr winter homes. and the flowers are ceming up. Al of the bird.s are coming back now and will soon be building their nes,.3 when the warmer weather cornes, The sap is running well and many people are making ma- ple syrup. The buda are com- ing on the trees and will soon be developing into leaves or flowers. Many people are beginning to plough and do their spring work. Soon they wiUi be sow- ing their grain. It wlll soon le time to make our gardens and sow the seeds which wlll grow and provide us with food for next winter. This Issue le A Supplement This issue - Supplement of the Canadian Statesman, Bow- manville. ING AT KIRBY WINTER OR The Industrial Current Events World ____European affaira have quiet- 1 (M. A. Cochrane) ened down a littie mince Hit- ler teck over control cf Aus- Wool comea from s he e p tria. Spain la stilî in turmoil Sbeep are animais of a very with air-raids. The rebels arer timid nature. They have net sîewîy but surely pushing te-3 bair on their bodies like mos at d h cat ether animais. They have a wArd ithe ccstrac ocr fleece about four inches long A slht dMeistrceloccuvrq of a greyish-whitc colour. This some American controlled cil fleece or waol dees net cover v;ells week. the head or the legs, which are One of the recent questions i alim. dainty. and adapted te nualim nhis year wasd climbing. The, fleece la slightly ta o ealzn sweepstakes t curly. in Ontario, and it was given ap-a K soon as the warm wea- proval when it went te vote. A0 ther cornes in the spring of few Toronto people wcre iucky i the year the abeep are clipped i h eetIihseptk or sheared. In this process the in thercen Iis seestk shecp are breugbt f rom the inMach Pasture, pcnned in the barn and depnlved of their fine wool teis. and many othen necessi- by a man with a large pair of tics were knit by means of twon shears or acissora about One or four steel knitting needles.d foot long., Then the sheep Home weaving was donc with s should be dippcd in a large a big hand 10cm. In thia work tank containing a solution Of one bad te make use of bctb sheep-dip pewder and water te banda and feet. Cot ton warp ti kili ail the bugs and sheeP- had te, be beught, into whichb ticks which might happen te the yarn was woven. About P be in the short wool whicb ene-baîf a Yard of cloth could t wouid soon be stanting te grow. be wovcn without stopping te t The woel la then washed wind it ente the big woeden s thenougily in many waters and relIer at- anc end of the lom. dried. It is picked or pulled te The piecea of cleth w e r e s get eut any atraws. burra, or sewn together by hand becaused dirty weol aeparated from the scwing machines of any kind a clean. good wooi. The .ciean were unknown in those days. Ej weol is_ oued witb fine cil. rub-1 In the modemn or up-te-date bcd togethen vigorously te get manufacture of wool. it las the ail ente all parts of the washed in large vats by nma- weol. and tossed into the air cbincry, ouled and dried by se that it will be dricd. machines, whicb do the work Carding. or in ether words1speedily and accurately. Il al- cembing, was the next step in' se dees a great deal more wool the old-fasbioned home manu- at the t:me than could be donc facture cf wooh. This was done'lin olden times. Il is carded by il wltb carda which much re- machinery, wrought swiftly in- a semblcd our niodern wire- te fine yarn, knitted inte fancym bristle bair brushes. They were ready-to-wcar garments or we- I about twelve inches long and yen inte fine woollen blankets. s( seven or cight inches wide with The machincry which doca ti a handle on one end of them. thla la very expensive. hi bas a] The wool was cembed betwecn ta have a great power te make a twe of them for a certain il operate properly. This pow- a length of time and then rolled er la usually supplicd by elec- o inte long round strips about trlcity wblch la very coatly. if d baîf an inch in diameter. In secured. The wool, aise, bas is tbis stage il la knewn as card- te be bought for tic machinery tl ed wool. te work on. Then came the apinning of The modern methoda of h the wool Into yarn. This was a manufacture are carried on ah f( weary task, but it had te be over the world and the gar-w done or one would freeze be- ments arc shippcd te ether ei cause theme wcre ne eady-to- countries. Seme cf the wool- s weam garments to be bought in len facterles are sltuated aitT those early days. The splnnlng Toronto, Montreal aud Boston ir wheel was the only instrument in North America. Leeds and s or machine the people had te Bradford ln Engiand, Paily c use and the yarn was coarse in Scotland, and Dublin in Ire- b and fuzzy but very warm. land. & Af 1er the wool was ail spun Altogether, the ceaI of mcd-v into home-made yarn the work ern manufacture seems verya cf dylng had te be donc. Veg- great comparcd with that cfn etable dyes were used as ready- tie old-fashloned way, but se te-use dyes had neyer been many thinga are ma-de and t heard of. Tien knlttlng and siold thaut tic manufacturera s weavlng must begin. Socks or can stili make gains and this o stocklngs, caps, dresses, mit- industry la very profitable. e tSPRING ? (X. Cochrane) Old Man Winter lias flot been chased quite out of our comrnunity by the Mad Mareh Wind, but keeps on returning- every day or two. Miss Spritîg bas stepped in for a few days but is flot quite brave enough to stay long. When the snow began to go, it did flot take long for it to disappear, and so far this year the roads have been good around here, although we hear of' many disasters and floods in other districts. We were glad to have clear roads for travelling on a.fter having been snewed in for a few weeks. Snow bas been falling Inter- rnittently during the past few Elays, but after a few hours' sunshine it soon is gonie. Signs. o! spring can be noticed every- where: nmany birds have re- turned from the south; the buds are swelling: buibs are Pushing through the earth; the pussy willows are out; and the farmers are beginning their spring work. And it will soon be Easter, so I thmnk winter should soon lepart for a northern clime, af ter ail he bas been here long enough. The, Scho<,I (M.L A. Cochrane) The sehool is beside t h e winding gravel road that takes ts course from Orono to Llnd- say. The schoolisayellow trim- ned with green. It has a wood- shed at the forth. On the school roof of shingles la a red bick chimney at the north, and at the south end la a belfry and bell. It has two windows at each aide of the achool and one on each side of the only loor at south end. The school is situated in the centre of a three cornered school yard. Wheni we enter we find a hallway going east and west for a short distance, after which il turus north at both ends into the-school-room. The school-room is flot very large. ['here are four rows of desks in it. Along the north are four slate blackboards ýbetween two cupboards. There ls also a tlackboard on each aide of the school-room between the two windows. The teacher's desk and chair Is Just south of the northern blackboards. There Is a lobby at the southeru end of the school-room where the stove la standing. Around this old box stove, lunch is generally eaten in the wlnter time. i.- '-~ 5' SOCIAL GOSSIP THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIC) PAC.P. MiKTr e Y --Il-ýl I.M

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