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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1938, Orono News, p. 11

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THE ORONO NEws W..MYOBTAIN W.C.T.U. OFFICES C abrO o m Mrs.!James Wood Is Presented CA R E-LCE ,NEW CHURCH BIBLE QflPIAL CIND R O AL l h o ____r eelce om ite Fr1t W ihF o e sA le tA h rh 1W. A. of Park St. Church met i w~AI L i~I.I il theexpto ofie w r reeJ C mmitee a Tuesday af ternoon, with the pres- ______________________wthuteptioi in o M s ter'F r i2th Celebr tio Mrs. ames ood rceive theident in the chair. The devotion- Ostereut (r et I r n g mrîster' pr. aesene yliteWaoD TSA NO N E iod was * carge fMrs.iMss Ruby Carter, Mr. George Mr. Sydney Morgan *wa.s in wife) who was lst vice presidient, Comtes erfrmda bouqut peetd yltleJa D T SA NO N a perio a in chreof 'rs 1""'ents, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. town Tuesday. at the W. C. T. U. meeting Trues- meeting of Orono Chamber ofanVeaisedM.W.Se- R.alney for the W. A. of Park St.ý FOR MVILITIA CAMP Howard Walsh and consisted Of Farewell Blackburn, Salem, visit- Mr. and' Mrs. Bert Smith and day. Mrs. Howard Walsh was ap- Commerce directors Tuesday ta pard,Zinan Netvlef- Chuet the ondest mothig ere- ____ hymn '*0 Master, let me waik ed at Mr. Mark Biackburn's. daughter Audrey of Toronto vis- pointed ta take the position. The undertake preparations for the M.Go obn n red vie1ohc ltpeiûl e About 1,200 officers and men of with Thee," prayer by Mrs. Walsh Many of our citizens have been ited their aunts, Mrs. M. Cooper offcers are terefore as d here Rochester, N. Y., visited Mr. herF. ceived the gift - an annuai award. varous non-permanent unit.s of foiiowed by the Lord's prayer re- attending the Musical Festival at and Mrs. E. Searle, on Saturday. Lrs.n-r.Rot any s o uylt.Furdietosw R ~Rev. J. H. Osterhout toid the [Miitary District No. 3 wiil be peated in unuson, scripture read- Bowmanville this week. MIS. Smith's mother. Mrs. Mary Vice-Mrs. Howard Walsh; 2nd absent from the meeting heid inl suniyeeigsrie W. àtheiln story of the burnirig Of under canvas at Barriefieid, jUSt by Mrs. Ms ereBwnhsbe Henry, returned home with them. Vice-Mrs. I. Winter; Sec.-Mrs. Kumrite Inn. Neil F. Porter ex- conduc yRv W .Slh Was.adan appropriate verse Ms ereBwnhsbe Miss Betty Branton and the R. Best; Treas.-Mrs. A. Henry; pandtearneet lihEeeeo h bevneo resery home of SsanageatfKigotisumeIly Mrs. Walsh. Mrs. Rowandontescii. Misses Matthews, ail of Newcastle, Corr. Sec-Miss F. Cobbiedick; had already been made by theMo Wesieyofher husbdrn d large ho two camps. Smith f avored with a splendid Miss Laura Allin presided at creMnM.adMs O .Sps ffutefoesaddl-cnra omte n se o dhersaySpiamuiwa family of 19 hidren 13 ocwhom Four hundred men of ail ranks vocal solo, with Miss Lau.ra Allun the organ at Park St. Chucho Scott on Friday and remained for cacies-Mrs. W. H. R.owe and the Chamber's cooperation. sitedbyteunomaeuret John ad. uthbfroughhe roofm hedasJune 30, and continuing until Business period foiiowed. Min- adrok., Mr. L. A. Gamsby is visiting in Supt.-Mrs. H. Walsh; Law Ob- foilows: ton,EdrWigtadGdo rece utbfr h ofcvdJUI.lncue ilb h hrdM.G .RwBA, taa aitn9evac-r.W .Sut in.. heT ectryr adceenset n'adInudbewei estetThrn'teswerered adraopte.aTe M.nGdF.Row. BA., ttTaheamîton seanc-Mrs-W.M.. tuEt. PardetoA.,. Mrto. jH.J.Steens i Divisional Signais of Ottawa, Ar- traue' eor a ie yspent the weekend with his par- Mrs. V. Phasey has gone ta IThese were re-eiected on motion Lowery Lionel DnJ .Gmy e.J .adMs htae f ire b enmies ho ot ponet'gyli Light Infantry (Tank) Of Miss F. Cobbiedick, and Çorr. ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Rowe. Sudbury. The are re- 0f Mrs. James Dickson, seconded EtranetadBoh-W r ~wit damging othe proertyBelleville, "A" Troop Cavairy Sig- secretarys report (which inciuded Mrs. Curtis has returned home maining for a tirne with their by Mrs. John Tamblyn.EteaimnadBoh-w DradMr.HFrgsAln aegn g elytatn the il ad inas nais, and No. 3 Tank Battalion, several letters of thariks) by Mrs. after visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. G. grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Char- Mrs. R. Best gave the secre- yad Sundayeeigwee'e.Wi ally burnt them out. Seeing that igniScin igtn James Eagleson. Mrs. Dickson, Hooper. les Wood. tarys report and Mr. .Her Sports - L. Lowery, Ab. West. thame odce tesrie John had been saved by a miracle The second, July 24 - August 3, Fin. Sec. had nothing ta report. A number of Orono Oddfellows Miss Edna Myles won the rug the treasurers report. Bis were Prizes and F i n a n c e - R. R Mr.adMsRotSepes his mother resolved ta spend will include the Ninth Infantry Bis were ordered paid on motion attended the I.O.O.F. parade at at Morris' store, the tie-breaker passed on motion of Mrs. Winter. Waddeli, Chas. T. Miller, W. E.BsiPgyadBh omn mc iei okn ftrhsBrigade, comprising the Hastings of Miss L. Aluin, seconded by Mrs. Bowmanviile Sunday being settled on Tuesday.. Edna $25 is to be forwarded to the bud- Arston.ville, Ms ihr ib n spiritual weif are - the resuit 0f and Prince Edward Regiment, I. Winter. It was decided vo see Mr. and Mrs. Fre Lycett and guessed 2500, and Mrs. G. B. get on motion of Miss F. Cobbie- Decorations - N. F. Porter, H. baby,TyoMs.CSehes wkich piedge is weli known. "Mdland Regiment and Stormont, about a Bible for the church. Mr. son Douglas, Oshawa, spent Sun- Brwn 1882. The correct number dick, seconded by Mrs. Win. Sey - MreO .Copr .Sa Hamp]n ile r.D ug Dundas and Glengarry Highland- Heber Souch, the S. . s prn 3769. Mrs. Brown gets a con- mour. Plans for the medai con- E ent and. J. o oris.Samasterwoacmane hmt By way of sermon the pastor i'ers, with the First Field Ambul- tendnt, and Bob spenn-dywtreaishr. solation prize which Mr. Morris test were advanced, and a success- it gave an ibeigapproachnthepad The McIsaac family of Toronto kindîy donated. We congratulate fui entertainment is iooked for- Grounds - E. J. Hamm, M. H.vstMs aeComno h anikigo iei h a-ance of Kingston and No. 3 Store president, are to e anpoce tpH lre, Unionaso. om sag.Each minute of the day Section of the Royal Canadian b rs. W. M. Stutt, president of spent the weekend here. them both. M. ward to. Advertising - R. Forrester, C. H. Day. was planned and everything went'Ordnance "" The tark season began in in- Mr adMr . .Linton vs- Meeting c "'e ih r hV y rstChas. M. TdMs.A.Werlvsie lik ke ckoci t fvkwork.f te WAt. tfivebou eyears tretofndyA..hqutto fw see hr eachMis cid Gses Pesprayer. . aiFrostetonwa aT o areli.k M age each of the children went to 'Courses in signalling and de- iety paying one-third of the cost. tarelst ofunday leth quigt h ewe ySdaer sie MsHilda egm-PeietMs .Rie ho Amto a iopse a-Mr. ErePrrt1Cai ae time waso evroted oea ay. t h ecn am.metn hi as enedyfacilities. ta hiear that Hilda is improving. sirituwawefare each cidad _____theseondcam._metnight. of Mist Aln Mss F Tamblyns milk wagonhas been Mr. Wmn. Armstrong has been i tion personaily liabie ta the ex- staley anti hati ta eat wha was C obbleick and Miss MiDavyFtopainted. Pr oe on the sick îist. tent of $5.00 as a guarantee fund Mosc onhe, ucM - t byadla oetwa a obeikadMsM.Dvta Miss Ruth Tot otHp, MissJoArmtogi iiig Lake SorClarke1 for the expenses. dy, thebbsgtsmtigi put before him. In spite of pov- A O T5 E B R see about the fîower leds was visited Miss Margaret Roy. '~< ~jj~j ~ oe Il places of business will be his diaham erty and enemies Susannah was CL SI ppo ier owas cidetitahaven Miss Pearl Brooker. Toront.o, Congratulations ta Orono puiils Eey rwn ootrecuested ta close between 1 and Mand o h n:Lw a wndefuimoter.Fou ofî~e ATEN NGnoo dîneron uly12t. ~,. Mss Eey rwn oot,3 p.m. on July l2th. .sakes!Efdtdntbaai- childeerfmoe.usrfthears ATT ND_____ N motion of Mrs. Winter, seconded spent Sunday with Miss Myrtie who made a creditable> shoiîng spent the weekend with Mr. and Weekly band concerts were dis- and Ijs oepti nhm went by - John and Charles in Abu 50atneite as by Mrs. J. Eagleson, it was decid- SMrt.VennSudrTot, at the Musical Festival in Bow-' Mrs. Milton Brown. cusseti and Mr. Porter oflered ta rlgoswork. It was mete that Abeetg of de the sno aSt. ed ta have the strawberry festival M. Vrno land s r-o manville this week. See prize list Cogautin M. nd eoit whtebn. religious eeig f h saono Pr S.on June 23rd. Mrs. Eagleson was spent the weekend wt i a-for particulars. Cnrtltos t r n eoit îhtebn."h oe0 eorc sta ths ea se hol b gve po-UionoMn day, at ble-gruwhihefir ntrceea rt tCo Dwo ntsgr.auan M s.Suns. Thofetaeman ovdedauMs.Clntn rn othe brth i.______________ifeuliy"Mneqi 200th year of John Wesleys con- guests. The programn was underi Bail, Leskard, who won the rug at _________ Day, May 8th. IE NS ILN______________ version wiil be observed this the chairmanship of Jack Cob- Armstrong's. Mr. Frank Rowland, Kingston, I _______________ month. This wonderfui mother bledick, leader of the white group, 1 NIHEBB SeverilOronoites attended the, TH REE-ACT COMEDY ispent the weekend with his bro- neyer lost her temper once, the and the committee in charge of I MTE AYIsurprise birthday party tendered ýte r oelRwad h al e e oma pastor stated. lthe program included Los oo, Mrs. M. Swancott at Providence. ENACTED theYMrNOoel9 oHandto Saloen oneauRomat, At this service Misses BeatriceiTheima Myles, Clifiord Jones and I am the Baby. i Mr. Arthur Smith, Oshawa, vis- BiNO Mr. and Mrs. John Bowîer and Hamp1tn wii pen o Sturay lamadMrlSmtf vrdGardon Leaman. I am the youngest institution 'n iteti his parents. Mr. and Mrs. 1o9YugPol aet~i Mrs. Jim Bowler spent Saturd.ay SMay iseiais. t rla ~~amm and Myrto.ieYounmieoplfaaveredirwith hler daughter, Mrs. M. Brown. Syphyietnddarl- ,*ith a vocal duet. tlhe meeting opened with pray- the world-and the oldest. Rowland Smith. interp~retation of the 3-act Comn- S tives of the late Mrs. Stephen At heevnin srvce hepa- erbyRe. J H Oterou. r-The earth is my heritage when I Mr. Wilfred W. Sherwin (bas edy-drama 'Wild Ginger" in Or- Snday Schooi anniversary ser- Page who passedtit rest on May torspke.on"Te wma wh cieWatonrea te critue. came into being. and when I completed his second year at ono Tow~n Hall Friday nit un ice ilbehi et udy5th. on stik-n fame - nely!thie atsoWne Margart isn go I leave it to the next gen- Guelph Veterinary college and is der the direction of Mrs. P. Hare May lSth. Rev. W. F. Banister Miss Bernice Stainton, Oshawa, O H W wdw ho ctig ast - aitemey heGardon LemaBoae, Gilen eration of babies, home for holidays. . of Newcastle and Charles Gienny'wili preach. itea M.WJ.Sinos wic ho astsh ac intathoe Hadnock, R onad atteo n dMy mission is ta leave the earth Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter of No. 9. Their performance wa.s Speciai Mather's Day services Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Wright visit- Thr.-F. St treasry. he patorp mphaszedeeatriesHamewerBappinteea HiambeterrpacephaniIfouni it.spenathe eekedowihdreltivehgmeaaygeeoyedby te lare wee hel at unda Scholooned MrMant Mrs.J. BrrieNeB-arri1e, 1New- th pin tathe scrfie a cmmtte a ak aragee t my million brothers and here. crawti. May 8th. tonville. whatcauted.Hetlso.oined frlcmp fireortsnserserice.psitereI cnrd thinifthesissMabeces. AadlM the. Al th acors ookthei pats M.patitMs.Mes. ladedtiand Henersot TMPL out that Christ spoke more about These will be heid during the world does not impose too Fraiick are visiting friends ini To- well. but Bessie Blackburn as Vir- Mrs. L. Aluin spent Suntiay at Mr. anti baby daughter, Gamebritige, SHRE giin ta aou rpntncnext three manths. Announce- many handicaps. r onta andi Aurora. ginia, Mrs. Lawrence Lunn as and Mrs. B. Pattersan's. visiteti ai Mr. Walter Oke's. Hevn, oranaboteptot mentsfthmwicbegvn_ o Now I need pure milk, f resh air, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Waiker and Miss Lee, Charies.Gîenny as Jake John Hendry, veterinai'3'sstu- Mr. and Mrs. F. Coulter, Bow- RaidlhSotGoi tat Gosel ad ha te oorwh i tmetatie. unhie ndply.daughters visited at Mrs. A. Brati- Taliman, anti Edward Barchard dent at the O.A.C Guelph, 's manville, Mr. anti Mrs. E. Couiter, SIlmSmevfeJc a gosvel.andtth h poa rwoivdt ie o tie. ngwas led by When I arn a utile Sier I shal iey's. jckoClm-as Wuzy Walker deserve speciai home for a short time with a Tor nvsd Mrs. Lo.nedHms.i, gave at tuh ce id s herecvdM ive Lyingongnedgoisholsi wic a is arartmention for their portrayal of motarcycle. Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley sR ECA jus asmuc crditas heric Mis Lis ood wih iss Eniti iearn the lessons of if e. mont, spent the weekend with these main oles. Wuzy provideti r.B ansadHsiMse daadDrty who gave of their abundance. Cobbledick at the piano. Mem- I want ta live, iaugh, love, work, her parents, Mr. anti Mrs. James the entire humour of the play er.pant MS .JYe n okn Mse laadDrty ____________________bers were led in games and con- anti play. Dickson. atketheudncinfs fBîllie pntSnday with frientis Burketon, vislted ai Mr. M. I ~~~~~~~tests accartiing to their grOuPs. I want ta hear good music, read- Miss Etina Myles anti Mr5. G. B. laughtem. The cast of characters: at Eiizabtvie arisAdd-"MchoTm" NE WTON VILLE The eti anti blue groups were gooti books, see beautiful pic- Brown tied with the number 1938Virginia Tailman - B. Blackburn Miss Annabelie Hentiry, Kendai. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Whittaker_________ e'athiide and the two totals tures. at the rug contest at Morris' Miss Rachel Lee - - Emmra Lurft spent the weekend at home. Oshawa, visiieti at Mr. Walter addand the white group's I wanî ta builti houses anti roatis store. The correct number was Miss Stanley - - - Ena Brooks Suntiay visitors at Mr. anti Rahrn's. A nmbe ofourlades tted-marks were doubleti anti marks anti chies. 1885. The tie has ta be broken by MzWle eaFitf r.S O Msr.FodadOwl eh A num er iofarl adiesoathend-were given. "T party" anti "cît- I want to walk in the woods, each guessing another number. BMi a Lke - M- ariFlintoif Mrs. . Powell andwereiandMrs. nt Mss aticsaiPToronto,- e va M. heScin Nwalely fthe Wda. es ofthe world," a reiay, "hook- bathe in the waters, play in Mr. anti Mrs. Lyal Lowery anti ohak akey -Care Gibsn s. .Powell l anethi leanMrs. d ick, dM en hcTr.aand, HlMS.PARIS' Mrs. E. L. Beech and Miss Mary armn tag," 'beaii-bag music catch" the snaw. Mrs. Dora Hooey speni the week- Geoffrey Freeman - - Ross Allin Mrs. M. McMillan and Jackie, Mr. anti Mrs. Ira Travelle, MissME i Lane sanga duet. .(won by R. Patterson), anti I amn Yesterday, To-day anti To- endi motoring ta North Bay. Mrs. Sanforti Lakey- Chris Barcharti Oshawa; Mr. anti Mrs. E. A. Ton- Mrae atn saa iie tJlgCad4eCie' Friday evening Rey. Thos. Waî- "edBuz"wethebiMl osfaredpro-s morraw. Herbert Murray took Mrs. H-oo>eY's Marwood tLakey- Wiî. Blackburn kin, Marguerite, Barbara a n di Mr. E. C. Ashion's. an evnDuls lace, Greenbank, anti former pas- If you will make my way easy place in Dean's Bakery on Satur- Wuzy Waikem - Etiward Barchard Gardon, Oshawa. Anniversary services will be _____________ tor here, gave his lecture 11ram Wood, anti the results were: reti now, 1 wiîî help you when I day. Mm. Peterson - - - Bill Barchard Lk hr oeat eolhelti here on May 22nti anti 24th. Coal Mine ta Pulpit" in the Un- AtI-Ptro' uu ngo Ascainpatdhr ipeSuntiay services wili be conducteti M n ue.-W d W. M. S.H isstonry asienseth the white goup the winners. I arn your hopýý IAMTEspent the weekend with hi.s mo- cery store, Greenboro; Act II - anti spruce trees in the schooi R.C., Whitby, anti Rev. W. J. HI. Tu WnteMe Sing stweme aithenpic- ofnth reti grp. -Anon. AB.the Kn' brhia ileo-The Taliman shack, Squatter- adFritiay evening. Af ter the Sryth, M.A.,B.D., of Port Permy. itrest, t s more aso tecaus te e di ws _________________-Arion.__________fciTh e iebma irtdayon June o etwenActhe- actes At neforeby somea tasty lunch was servetiMda ate oosMpeO U TG hisown pesonlxpeieces _______the____________and_________________ 9t. lanîn of the ladies. These add rvwlasitheSnye- , hrs tanpoart on the pro- Rev. J. H. Osierhoi anti Mr. the play starteti the audience en- greatly ta the beauty of iea-Gae ilass the aulye--vr usa adTuaa Otestkn ato h r-E. E. Paiterson attendeti the joyeti twa piano duets by Mrs. R. -eady attractive schooî gr <~ ening service. Music by the S. S. adbsPin gam were: Vocal solo., Miss Fran- Presbytery meeting ai Ebenezer H. Brown anti Mrs. M. H. Staples: ond.untier the leadiership of Mr. E. E. ces Eliott;violinsolo.Mm. Ro- ~ ~Thurstiay. Gambiing was uncon- twa vocal solos by Mrs. A. A. Mm. anti Mrs. Glenn Poliarti, Staples anti Miss Elva Orchard. 1nYu euetNmes ae id Buey:vol solo.M. .ditionaiiy c onde mn edt - eveniDumni niavclde 3 Joyce ant i Jmmy, No. 9, spent Services ai 2 anti 7 p.m. standardON URS EN Empey. At the close lunch wasl chumch draws. Retirement of Rev. j m rumn& niMm .H. Sunday at Mm. anti Mir. W. trne. On Tuestiay, May 24, tea serveti in the basernent. A. D. Robb of St. Andtre w ',s.DumnadMr1%..-O s& At te Uitet Chrch undy I hurh, Ohaw, Re. J H. s- Stapies, with Mrs. M. H. Staples Iore' wiîî be seve as usual. At 8 p.m. "I OL Atth niedCuri SndyChrhOsaaRv.J.H O-ai the piano. Mr. W. N. Buckiey has leaseti the Dramatic Club of Newcastle evening Rev. E. L. Beech preach- terhoui of Orono, anti Rev. J. E. The stage setting was realistic. sorne landi from Mm. Fred Couch wiii preseni their play "Look Me Wt ~n oe eti a splendid sermon in keepng , Whnithme of tennlskilien, was represeniing a store in the first on the former Frank Bane farm In the Eye." Music beiween acts AlcFae-Dn mch with Mothers Day. Mr. R. EmpeyofcnietbyhePsyer.Rv act anti a shack in the second anti is putting in 8 ares of pota- by the Rickarti Orchestra. iagasl.o epu oshl it asoanemister ai onderlanti anti thirti acts. toes. Mr. anti Mrs. S. Pethick, Floyd % At the U. C. Suntiay Schooi on i__________________________an Suntiay morning the Mothers Day and Recipes Rev. J. J. Mackhe of Ivanhoe at pogramis were used. Mrs. L. Sav- Enniskillen. J. C. Young of Osh- ~*,~ . emy reati the story. Mr. J. J. Conductsd by ELEANOR HOWE awa was appainieti to the settie- '- dress on "Mathers of the Bible" Ee reimn ni W LodBreaniRwatBurle rety to the lunch that must be meal In the aven; (4) use a set af Siemon were appointeti deegates O Fl SPRA , è took the collection. There was a ~carmieti ta Beboal. triple ccoklng pans to cook three to the General Council. New ex-, S.O record attentiance. Bunton -rictats andi different foods on one humer. eu~ecnit fRe.WR Messrs. George Bntna nti d1 unsaepr.eeoTanton, Simcoe St., Ohwa Fran Row, Otawacailti o iîuarly nicr W ee tif chaimman: Rev. P. L. Juil, secre- th latter's cousin, Mrs. J. T. aket chldren are _ tary, anti M. F. Chapman, Pick- Mmt atier.M.J.Roe pet u [ pte t 0bow ii~ering, treasurer. Sa thMr. an ti MmR J R es. Frnk trIineti dry, anai hies f r o M Mr. Charles Doncaster was in . U03'Z raped o oedpipes, put a town lasi week. Giler Cooet cee. M. ow ckecaarngJean. Toronto, visited ait Mrs. gave the Mother's Day address at 'aerfwdasfMr.uheaninttagte Crooketi Creek Sunday School. Womkîng surfaces In the Ritchen In the saapy McPherson's. Mm Rg GbbPortCaigsndbetecre hgh A water. Clai' Sorry ta hear that Mrs. R. H. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Mar3l anti Mm. anti M~~~~~~~~rs. Clelanti thetîlin haîf anti faIt inta the OIweiisa We onHny m lcHny m Lane anti familY visiteti Mr. anti cake mxueehe et2 eantihbe- 0 .e- and a vareyo us Mrs Brce eut, Prt ope onwites untîl stiff anti toî Itoo the t w e- Eagleson visiieti the Stark family Sundy ani wtnesedithe chris- cake. Ilake Ia ln greaseti 8" x 12" wrs0 h ereCoeat m ae - eaai Bethay FritRty Sundy ts ina mdenMrs. R. Besi visiteti hem sister tening of Bobbie Leuty in the pan for 40 inute am tier te t h o a Osawat e r M Unitei Chrch.* 0* . antle lbp. anti place ît lni thehoOhawois1. UntdCuc.eMrs. A. Henry was in Toronto LU 0 To cut dowo your gas bill, (1) broiler. When the flsh la dane on Montiay buylng books for the Or-SR Avt Arrangements have been made use beavy cokng utensils, as they one aide, simpy turn the toaster. Ms li aDnl fLs tion School teachers for another lame lower as s 000 as the blling face! Mrdis EsenMDn alh o Les-t s Y uSel r r W ieto G o y a T r Pu b R . L mie , To o t ya.Doint la reached; (3) when you Copyright, 1938, by Eleanor Howe Madiss etty ioug hswekwt THURSDAY, MAY 12TH, 1938 PAGE ELEVEN

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