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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1938, Orono News, p. 12

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-. i. THE C\NAD.\N TATEMAN O\\' \NXILLE O\'.\Rî The Newcastle Independent Plione Clarke 1114- Miss L'eue Rinch visiîedi her low secretary-treasunei' Ti sister, M-s. Chas. Gilkes.' Canton.,'genenal practice was lheld Mr. Frank Rowland, Kingstonr bail Park on Monday e was a weekend guest af bis bno! Newcastle tesm will play i ther, Mn. Howell Rowland. gaine ou May 28th. possi Miss Aresta Mantin. Torouta.'Por't Hope. spent Sunday with lier parenýs Mî's. Aylesworth. Trenton, Mr. aud Mrs. Paruaby Martin.- the weekend with bei'f Rev. W. J. H. Smythe, Poît'Mns. Jua. Douglas sud Mi Perny, wasss tes guest of Mn. and Brîttan. Mrs. Ayleswonîh wl Mrs. W. H. Caoke Monday even- 1 meî'ly Miss Eliza Bradley,. ing. castle girl sud dsughîeî'c W. R. Bradley. pî'opnieton Mn. Joseph Coulsan has had aNewcastle livery stables pr handsome brick fineplace sud the Douglases sud s trust« chimuey builî on the unth aide mme itebidn of his hou&e on North St.teme of th e bMetldig, r Mn. J. H. Jose, like his neigh- United Church. bar John Quigg. also reparts iill- No other bulbous plant ing an order for gladiali bulbs for such nspid gnowth in the Manitoba. thî'ough "sads' in Thse a, the Cnown Imperial Lil Statesman. no other plant gi'ows so larý Miss Gladys Bradley, Glovers- Pî'oduces heads of flawers ville, N. Y., sud Miss Mur'iel Brad- short a lime, A magnificent ley, Toronta. speul Mather's Day af these Crawn Imperiak with their parents. Mn. and Mrs. been in gorgeous blomn for J. W. Bradley. week iu Mrs. Matt. Br'aw'n Miss Jean Rickard. w-ho was den sud same ai the visitirý home from Oakville au sick leave iC5 51 1the Missirtnary Rally ý last w'eek, accamipanied hei' fa- United Clîunch Thur-sdsy. ther. Mr. W. F. Rickazd. M.P. ta ing ai them, walked dlown Ottawa this5 week. ially ta see thein. Last Si Rev. D. R. Dewduey, BBA.,' sud being Mthers Day Mns.1 Mr. W. H. Andersan, îay i'epresen- had sa specially fine bas] tative fnomn St. Georges Church, sp'inng flowei's in the libr, atteuded the meetings ai the memony af aIl mathers Anglican Syuad in Tananto. Mn. sud Mrs. Harry McBain. Mn. Stanley Allun sud Misses Bet- Engagement t.y, Doris sud Marie Allin. Fair- Mn. sud Mns. Harry Br'c mnount, Cavan Tp., spent Moîhen's Wesleyx'ille. wish loansnoune Day with theîn parents,' Mn. sudenamnto hi yu Mrs. Inwin Allun, Third Line. daughiter. Darothy Helene. t( Mn. sud Mrs. Mar'k Blackburn Edwand Davis Skinner' of entertained a ie;v iiends at thein av-a. fanmerly ai Newcastle. home on Saturdsy evemÉng, Apî'il wedding ta take place quiet 30, at a receplian in hionor o QI e the bride sud groom ai neceulJue date, Mr. sud M-s. Far'ewellTed s Blackburn.Tedr Mn. sud Mî's. Poaley fnom To- routa are ucw resident on the Sealed tenderss yul oe tec ThirId I :ne easî of Trickes 's Cor- by Mn. F. W. Wetny. Secre ners. They bouglht lrom Mn. Fred Continuation Schoal Board, Gibsan the brick lîouse with gai'- niskillen. Ontario. for the den sud orchard attached on lie lions sud allerations ta .,cho south-w'est canner oi the Middle- Enniskillen, Ontar'io. ton farm. Tenders close 12 'ciack Three new uîeibei's were in- au Friday. May 20. 1938. Al] itiated into Coa'ville Loyal Or-- deis 10 be accompanied bya ange Ladge when the ladge vîsiled baud or msnked check for' 5 their Orona breîhreu ou Mouday the amaunt of tender. evening. May 2nd. The initiales Plans and specicalions ma Wene Leslie Alldread. Lake Shore. seen at the aflICe aI the secE Chas. A. Caw'an. Newcastle. sud onrnîsy be ablaiued from Ralph Sfmpzcn, Brown's. anchiteet by înaking s depos: Mn. sud Mrs. Col. Daniel. Osh- $25.00. Thiîs deposit will be awa, v.sîted lier' isîhen, Mn. AI- tunned wheu plans sud spen-i Ouzo Cowsn, on Sunday. Iu the lions are retuî'ned te the ai evening lie attended KIUng Street tedt. Churcb. Oshawa. with tîbem sud Tenders will oe received afterw'ards bis sou-in-law suad general trades, plumbng d.aughzen. Mn. sud Mns. Warbun- heatin. suad ion elecînical wc tan. mataned him home. Five sur'eyans have been wank- F. W. WARREN. Anchi lng ou North St. this week tak- 6.6 King Street East, ing measurements af roadw'ay Hamilton, Ontai'io. widths sud distances betweeu _________ sidewalks sud bouses. North St. will be included as part of the "The deepest ueed of aur projecled provincial highwsy be- cratian is a nedefinitian of tween Newcastle sud Lindsay, .cess . . . We are obsessed by New'castle Basebaîl Club bas ecauomic aspect ai lufe... reorganized sud will have a team god ita bave the thinga mc iu the Lake Shore League. At a will buy. but the most impai meeting held lu the cauncil cbsm- things are those that money' ber on May 2nd. Alf. Graham was uatlbuy." - Dr. H4anny Emei elected presideut, sud A.E. Mel- Fasdîck. Special Values S For Thursday - Friday - Saturday Sandwich BISCUITS.................. 2 Ibs. 29e Chocolate BUDS.................... 1/2 -1b. 12C Falcon Bartlett PEARS..................... 2 tins 25c Magie BAKINO POWDER ..........b. tin 28c Gold Medal COFFEE.................... lb. tin 39c Pitted DATES..................... 2 Ibs. 23c Save 24e - !'.î lb. tun for lc wheu you buy TODDY................... tin at 39C Pineapple CUBES................... 2 tins 19C Fe W. NELLES Phone 596' Bowmanville FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS SEED CORN .... Our first shipment of Seed Corn has arrived - pure stral ns that are true to type, thoroughly recleaned aud of highest germination. Corne in and seç us - Our prices and quallty will please you. FIELD ROOTS .... Now for one of those buinper crops of Mangels and Turnips. IVe carry the popular varietles in bulk. WE ALSO CARRY .. Seed Potatoes. Soy Beaus, Dwarf Essex Pape, Sudan Grass. Lawn Seed. Mlillet, Sorghum (Sugar Cane), Fertilizers, etc. GARDENERS ... We carry No. 1 Garden Seed in bulk. Better to plant good seed than to wish you ha.d. Se STEWART Seeds PHONE 577 Feeds 'le liî'sî 51a t lie ils fiîst ibly ini i. spent fi'iends. irs. Ed. 'as ion- s New- of Mn. of the nioî' ta ee sud oînmit - loy' tlîe CLASSIFIED RATES One cent a word cash. each insertionî iminimum char'ge 25c'. Charge ai 25c extra is made wheu adventisemenî la ual paid same week as inser- tion. Extra charge ai 10c Miîen replies are dinecîed toaa Statesman box number. nia.kes 50c each. Iu Memanisms, 50c spring Ion notice, plus 10c per liue Iyv sud Ion verse. Classifîed advr- in 50 tisemeuts sccepted up until tgnoup 6 p.m. Weduesdsy. b' lias aven a as gai'- MAR IG g lad-AR AG in thie liean- F 0 L E Y - COOLIDGE - At St. 1spec- Luke's lunItie Garden Chapel, uuday Landau. Ontario. on Ssturday. Brown May 7tb. 1938. by Rev. J. M. ýet ai Finlay, Mildred E. Caolidge. R. in n N., London. ta Hovai F. Foley. Baw-manvi île. DEATHS okiug. _______________ ýce the .ugesî ALLEN-At Cobourg. May llth. ao Mn1. 1938. William Lysîl1 Allen. be- Osh-. oved busbaud ai Ethel Camp- - h elMoe u rtit ite Mmor. bniugs sou00 backrs. onceM AL-SEDIN TMA tyin Misses Allen. Beech Ave.. Bow- mae tise- UA iarlle Interment Cobaurg To thè time wheii yau were celen,. candition. Cheap iarn ta plants fair sale cheap. good ___ Unî.iCemtr.wth us. cash. Write "A.M." c a States- plns gad ins Jacab Ta the happy days aiyo.fa fie.î-~ Branch. Manvers Raad. Phone BANNON-In Kirby an Thursday. -Eve:' rememibered by hloi0v-220.1- My, 12. 1938. William Bannan. in, Brothers and Sistei's. R IH YEEVEN'FORSAE-L HMRS- tei' ed belvedhtiband aiAddlin AR ISTED-I loingmenarv French Inda China. largeî' XVl- berry Shoots fî'am pî'olific bear- ýetaî'y. Beacock, in hîs 66th year. ai oui' dear mather. Elizabeth 'o. Rs1 ralo.tarn n sok eec.As ost En- Funeral friramthe famîly resi- Emnia Armistead. wvife of 'the ti e cers. hay Axinsactr 1.0an a Premie St abi'rd. pls addi- dence. Lot 22. Can. -Î. Clarke. ,.ThmsHnyA izel oo1 at an Saturday. May 14. Service l' hmsHnîyAmsed asneeded adl3'f. WBoxacep Sioveahunded20. La 1d. -apl wt2pm S.. nemn t iho pa.ssed aivay May 20, 1937. T.ny imm.edîste oDeî'. Box iGae.Poe 19. 1- 1 t .m.5..'.at a memory of bygone T. Dt'.v . Bwn:nvl 1noon Orono Cemetery. Itimn And a sigh for a faceý unseen,1-1 Grain For Sale a bîd COLWILL - u Newcastle. Mon- But a constant fee!ingý that Gaci ai o day. May 9, 1938. Aber't A. Col- alone HAP EL HAZZIT - HAS WHAT?,FOR SALE - MIXED GR A IN will. age 74 years. Interment Knawvs iust ;vhat should have Why1 Cress Coin and Bunion loi' feed ai' seed. Apply W. N. ay e awan~le emtey.been. Salves! Remaves C a 1 1 u S e s. Haskin, Burketan. Phane Port ia c ovraý-le eetr.-Ever î'emembered by Family. War-s, ingrawn iTaenails. to0. Perry 193,,21. 18-2" etaîy EGERTN -In ~haw, Tes-Scld by Cowvling's. Jur'y & Loy- thrye day. May shaa, r usNEEDHAM-Ti'easui'ed memor:es ell's and McG"'egor's D r ii Rdi Reaiin ~i aie grt.Ma 10. 1938. Mary L. Ed- i oui' dear daughter Marjarie Stares in Bowmanville: Mellaw's Rai e irn iica- Fnra idwa telaeWî- wha lelI asleep Mas'14. 1936. ini Newcastle: Tyrrelî's in Orana XETRDO EARN 1 e imEgrc. nhr8t er Beautiful mnemaries, treasured and aîl drug cauniters. Raaal ae.PaeOh .rfchi- Fheralfram the residence af îoreveî'. --_____- aa 827rat.rese hage s. ici lirsan-iu-law, Mr. E 1 mn e r Of happy days we spent ta- av 12r3,rves Tags Bradley, Haydan, ou Friday. te. FOR SALE-i STORE CONER Robert L. Hrancack, R. R. 2. 1fori May 13. Service at 2 o'clack gehr.0'x2'îî"xl8". with under sheli Oshaw'a. 16-4* and S.T.'. Interment Orono Ceme- -Maother. Dad and Bernice. and four dî'awei's: carpenter's ar. ery. bench. 14 ft. x 3 it.: 2 ao'na- Wanted itec. JA SNI wavlea A C IN S L Smental veranda Posts; h all- I - XVet.JMEONe.Iday. May 11 1938. Da- ____________SALES___ stand: 30 it. ladder: 1 set steel YOUNG GIRL WANTS HOUSE- Wednsrciy. My 1, 198. D-s:lo maulds. Reasanable. Mar- %'ork. in tawn. same experience. 19-1 vid Herbert Jamieson. belaved Auction Sale ai 40 head fresh t.:n. Elgin St. 19-1 * jDarathy Buttonshaw, Duke St..i husband of Mary Kennedy. age Cows and Sprrngers. goveruiment Bowmanville. 19-1* 55 years. T. B. tested and negative ta blood FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F gen- The late Mr. Jamieson is rest- tLust - Saturday, May 14th. an Lot mixed waod or hardwaod. in M A S O N WORK WANTED - suc- îng at the resideuce ai hîs bro- 2, Con.7. Markham, the property stave woo>d lengths. Apply Gar-1 Brick wark, stone work. and ythe ther. R. M. Jamiesan, West- af J. S. 'Honey & San, Milliken dnBeh hn 48 91 patrn.ApyBeksSoe It is maunt (King St. Westi. Service P. O Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Ternis donBeech. Phane 248 91 patrn.ApyBec's Stoe. aney will be held Friday, May 13, at cash. Naoreserve. J. H. Prentice234PatP ry9-2.1- tant 2.30 p.m. iD.S.T.. Interment and Ken. Preutice. auctianeers. Mviscelaneous WANTED - CAPAB3LE WOMAN 1will Bawmanv:lle Cemetery. 18-21- ________ 'rsan KAE-! amnîl.Tus audy a 4h on WEST END GARAGE AND MA- for general hausewoi'k. Reason-i day, May 5, 1938, James Wesley munity Auctian Sale in Mr. W. JcieShp-W.pcilz n alewgs od1oe rt Kane. san of Mr. and Mrs. lals iplyLt igStreet, niachinery nrepairs, general gar- ".J"Dî'awer B. BaWmnanville. Jams ane ae yeN.10Bawmanvil'e. Anyane wanting ta age repairs, welding, tawîng 19-1 manths. Interment Bowmanville put anyth:ng in tîî:s sale. get in service. J. L. Demerling, Pré- MAN WITH CAR - WATKINS Cemetery. ~~~touch with one ai the undersîgu- prietar, Bowmauville. P h o n e jDae rfrbybten2 23-tJ.Deale 'prelenablibel weenC2 Cemetery.ed.WJ.CaisacnerC. 781. 3t and .50P needed immediately ta IKANEInBawmauville. Thurs- H. Masan, clenk. CMKR supply establîshed demand ian day a 5. 1938. Donald Her- StudyMy21MsEeyn R.CMIL.W CMAER World Famous Spices, Extracts. beî't Kane. san ai Mr. and Mi'5. M rannngwlseMay t heî' homelon Hampton Village. can solve yaur Bakîng Powder, Soaps, Cleans James Kane. agýe 6 years. 10 'ocsinS, Bowmanville, lienr îekeigtauls ae- e', Medicines, F13' Spray. Min- mants. nî~menîBawanvlleConcssin S,. te pices and dependability. enalized Stack sud Pouit r y Cmelh. er Bomnvlehausehold iurnîîure sud equip- Tî'y h:m. Phane 2689. 19-4 Tno. 7 ea euain nien inludng elnieî'tar ga- I10.000 dealers. Must bc satislied PURDY-In Bowmanville. Thurs- den tools, carpets, pianoansd gen- ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR - w:th S$30.00 weekly at staî'î. day. May 12. 1938, Ha r ri et ral contents ai dwelliug. Ternis1 Sw'in blovd ~f aiIr Pr-cash. Sale at 2 p.uî. D.S.T. W. J Estimates gladly giveu an alI Selling- expenience uuuecessany. dy. Challîs, auctineen:oC. H.aMaur- types ai electnic iw'ing. F. W. 1Fai'm expenience helpiul. Cre- dy. lialisaucioner; . H.Masn, enry. Euniskillen. Phone 2539. dit furnishied righit p a r t i e s. Funeral lrom the iamily resi- clerk. 19-2 .1- rt medaey h .R dence, Duke Street. au Sunday. Saturday. May 21 - Mn. Fred Watkins Comipany. Montrea.l. May 15. Service at 2 p.m. ýD. Lane, havîug sold his farm and Notice Que.. Dept. 0-B-9. 17-4 S.T.). Interment Salem Ceme- lîaving ta vacate immedîaîely. wvill tery an arrival ai motar., abaut sellian the praperty of Thomas 'MRS. STELLA BICKLE 0F THE IF YGtJ ARE AMBITIOUS, THIS 4 p.m. standard time. Gimblett. south hali Lot 24. Con.1 Estelle Beauty Salon. Lberty, i.s far you! Success guaranteed- 2 Daî'liugton (1 mile eassîai St. N.. Bowmanville. lakes plea- No rîsk selling hune af 200 pop- SCHWALM - At Parry Sound CoGurtice sud sautlv, sîl his liause- sure in annauncing A. Graham ular praducts in exclusive 'ter- Hasitlan ay6.193. dahald effects, including kitchen. Johunstan ai Jahustan's Beauty ritary! Jain auî' sales fance for Charlatte Souch. beloved wAife diuîing roam. parlar sud bednaomi Salan, Oshawa, will now be, profitable wvages! 750 men av- af Gearge Schwalin, Taranta. lurniture, caoking utensils. dishi- available ian appainturienîl iný erage incame ai $35.00 weekly' Interred at Bowmauville Ceme- ,s lewrbdig sae. PraetWvn. 19-11 For free eartîculars .i'thoiit oh- teny. May 9. îaols. whîflîetrees. tangues. and .lgto.wietdy aie S M I T H - Iu Bowmanville. on otuier articles too numerous to, WILL THE MAN WHO FOUND Ca., 570 St. Clement St., Mont-- Sunday. May 8, 1938. Dauglas ment:on. Term cash. Sale at M' i.Bakscrlcne ra.1- James Smith, infant son oi Mr'. 1.30 S. T. Etmei' \ilbur, au kiudly caîl at his home, Queen and Mns. William R. Smith, age tianeen. 19-2 St.. or phane 501. 19-1l Room and Board ilmath. ~tnien Bwmn- Real Estate For 'Sale To- Rent ROOM AND BOARD - W 11TH v:lle Cemetery. __________hame camiants. Phone 2193. WRIGHT-In Torouta. an Mou- FARM FOR SALE - 85 ACRES. HOUSE TO RENT - 6 ROOMS. 19-1" day. May 9, 1938. M. M. Adahi sandy loam. good buildings, on sud bath. alI cauveniences. gas Wr:ght. daughter ai the late good county raad, not iarn rinm asd electric, eîectric reinigena- BOARD AND ROOM-CENTRAL- StephnWright. fonmeî'ly of highw'a3, close to school and tan, garage, corner Elgin sud lyIctd ApyMr.FM- Bawmanville. Interment Baw- churchi. Wîil seli as gaing can- Horsey Sts. F. C. Hoar. Phaone, Indoo. phone 894, K:'nl Street manville Cemetery. , cern or otherwise. Gaad pro- 417. King St. 18-ti East. 19-1" _____________ pasition ion little cash. Worth PASTUREFO RENT- GOOD ayC ik învestigating. Apply "*M.J." . FR- CARDS 0 THANK Drsw0 B. Bowanvill. 17-t shade sud nunnîng water. Ap--_____________ CARD OFirH NKS raWr B B,,,mavile. 7-t ply Claude B. Smith, Enniskil- CHICKS FOR SALE - PRICES HOUSE FORSL - SOLID len. Phone 2152. 19-1' reduced for- balance ai seasan> R SALE on day old mixed sud sexed - r Mr.s. J. A. Fry ai New- brick house on Centre Street in PASTURE FOR RIDNT - GOOD.1 Leghonn chicks. I a1so have a m. atewudlk aepres thein gaod locality. desirable honme shade sud lots ai water. Apply 1lmtdnme f4we l B sncene thuks sude oepxprcs with modern conveniences, will Lot 33. Cou. 7, Danîîngton, orimtedhon umesfr a l eek opld hnion the msanyid'eipflrecal, e sald very cheap ta close up pie22.1- .J Bok.Poe23.1' tionfor he mny ruit floal, an estate. Apply A. E. Belîman, phn248191 HJ.Bok.P ne63.lf etc. iits given Mns. Fry by fri- King Street West, Bawmanville. T O R E NT - ONE OR TWO ends aiNecastle sud Bowmsn- Phone 526. 40-tf roams suitable fan lighit lhause- Noic to Creditors výl ed ur ng he re en il ne s. FO R SA LE - B R ICK H O U SE, 7 ke'epîng. good locality. Aiply In t e E a e of M R A T Mn. sud Mrs. James Kane wish "os _ýar ad salbr, S.E." c a Statesmp.n office. n theDEstate of MARGARE teextend their heartielt appre- 19m. areln,-ml br,'1 ANMDNLD ees ciatian ta the mnany peaple and fr'uit trýees. 2 miles north aiof ___ ..... TAKE NOTICE that alI per.4qn., orgniatiuswh set nessses Bowmanville on middle road. PASTURE FOR RENT - GCOD hiaviug cdaims agaînst the esîste of'ympthy flraltriutes. nd Apply B. McDonald, Manvens shade sud rnuing uatp,-. Ap- of Margaret Auin McDouald. late aI symlpatlin loal thuer . sudRd., Bawmsnville. 18-2* ply W. T. Pei'nett. Hiamplor.. ai the. Towvnship ai Dar'îiuto an1 durîng their î'ecent sad beî'eave- FOR_ SALE _ F RAME COTTAGE Phon_ 255._191_inte______ofurha,_____w men~t ;n the los.s af Iheir Iwo sud contents on Lake Seugog. thdecelstday ivh Ma o rch a198.unt sons. Jame.s Wesley sud Donald Caesai'ea . summeî' dell:ug. iu-1 tht Toivuship af Darlingt oi, are Herbei .formiation - William H sîranhry oiedtsn ntte Mir. sud Mn.,. Cecil L. Fei"'uson Caesarea, or Mis. Wll:aîns,,1 r u oiio.o Burton, exteud lîcîr s inUc e ~ phone 2566W. Oshawa. 1-2 o hori dRa*ud enfoedt.eai' lus ofcîtai. o lhiank.s 10 the membeî's ai the FOR SALE - TWO BUILDING 193, flIparicuai su pîao Viclorian W. I. lfo' Iheir best lot.s, appî'aximalel.v 66 x94 sud ai titeir claînis. Imninedialely aI- wisbes sud beautîlul floivers seut 66 x 165. Make aller. Bargain tef- the last nmenîîoued date ther au the occasion ai theii' 201h wed- Ion quîck sale. David Nîlu. erieassets af the Estate will be dis- ding anuiversary. King St. E., Bowmauville. liutdamaug the par-ties en- 19-1" r tthereto, hiaviug regar'd anly 1 the claims ai wbich the Ad- COMING EVENTS BUSINESS FOR SALE ROYe L ministratan shaîl at that time _________________ $800, PART CASH, WILL BUY A have 9iotice. tinsmithing, plumbiug sud îarç W IT IGTDATD at Bowmanville this Dr. MilLon ai Welcome wîll implement agency in Or9no.r 5th day ai May, 1938. gîve lits papulai address "Tlîngs Real appaî'tuuity fi,î qualified BONDSTW Ber'muda McDonald, ta Avo d in Marîîed Lfe lun man. Sacrifice pnice ion quick Bowmanvslle, Adîinistrator Clarke Chuich, Tuesday, May 17. sale. Apply C. A. Brown ai' by bis Solicitor, Reiieshments. Admission 25e sud Orano Chambet' af Commerce.LwecC.Msn W 15C. 19-1* 19-2 O HA ALwec .Msn OS A ABowmanville. 18-3 Ma Engagement Mr. and Mis. Heber Sauch, Or- ena. Ont.. announce the engage- mient af their Younger. daughter. Dorothy, ta Harry. only son af Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey. Durie St., Toronto, Ont. The Mar- niage ta take Place quietly in Juneý. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees af Sauina wish ta annaunce the engagement af their Younger daughter, Dorathy Isobel, ta Mr. Ralph Bruice Davis, san af Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, af Kedron. The miarriage ta take place in June. Mr. and Mî's. Jahun Angus Hume ai Part Hope annaunce the en- gagemient of their daughter, Jaan Carthorne, ta Mr. Jaoez Charles Vanstane ai Kitchener, san ai Mr. aud Mis. Fiederick C. Van- stone. Bownianville, the mariage to take place at St. Mark's Church. Part Hope. on June 8. IN MEMORIAM ARMISTEAD-îu hoviug memory of Thiomas Henrîy ÀAnmisîesd. son ofthe late Thama-s Henry and Elizabeth Eînma Anmisîead. wvbo passed awvay May 9, 1936. Heavy are auî' hearis to-day. Fo ae e letiiFne Notice Notice to Creditors NEW FURNITURE FOR SALE- GMEETI ECRMD A meeting ai the lot awners 0 ntmte ofthEttef Jardinee sd smaoke stands. i in Canada. Keeps al stock the Hampton North Union Ceme- C. ARTHUR CAWKER, late of large sdaaltbehl where lhey belong wiih one teî'y will be held in thîe Hampton thTon!BwmuieCS trees, wadrbes. Also epaiinig. %vire. Price $30. cmpete with sudsy chool î'om on Tuesday,I toms Collecto. deceased. alentions. sd strage. H. B. batteries sd insulators. 2 yean 'May 17, at 8 p.m. (ST.). The Not'ce is leeby given, pursuant Creeper. Bowmanville. P h a n e guanntee. Sold and denon- 'puipose ai the meeting is ta0 elect to the Trustee Act lu iat be- 628. 17-3 srted by W. S. Staples. Baw- epesentatives of the lot wners ah., that al credton. sd others manxile. Phone 781. 19-2 on the Board, sd trasact any having claims or dema.ds agaist AWNINGS FOR STORE OR - othen business that may aise. the estae of the sid C. Arthur resden e. enu ne Sun ay en iv sto k F r S le All plot owners invied ta be pre- Cawken. w lo ded n r about the B lin d s . 48c sq u a re foo t in sta lle d . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sen t. 10 h d a y ai A p il, 19313, a re e- v ¶ N an bcu t & S m th. P ha e 6 8. D U R A M O. H O T H O N~ ... R ev. W . Rack h a u. C h ii'm an quired o u or bef re th e 2 st d ay 17-4* Young buls for'sale $50 u W. W. Horn, Sec.-Treas.. cf Ma. 1938. ta send by post pre- up. , Bker Ha 4to.016-tf 18-2 Ipaud can deliveî' otahle undersigned W E A K- W R N _ J ._ _ B a k e r ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I s o l i c i t o r f o r t h e E x e c u t r i x f u l l MEN! IF YOU'RE WAWR - atclr nwîigo hi OUT lry rawv oyster invigarators iP i G s F 0 R SALE - FOUR 6 Notice-to Creditors - snicuî.ai's in nitîn o thein c sud ailier stimulants in new, weeks aId Yorkshire white pîgs.--Iu the Estate of JULIA ANN count sud tie nature ai the sec- OSTREX Touic Tablets, Pep Priced ta fel M. 0 idaii uim. statylemeut aitheinse up ruudawn body. If ual de-, Lot 4. Concession 10, Darling- FLIGG, deceased.r And take notice th51 ai ter such $125. C, a.rite Juî'y & Lae,'- to. 9-Î- TAKE NOTICE that alI pensons last meutioued date the said Ex-,d COCKERELSeFORryALE-3c-UPhaving cdaims agains thie estat e eutrix w:lî proceed ta distribute' White Leghorns. Barred Rocks. 0f li f was linlte Cai the ~ asses af the said decesed DR A M N ', B A N A D baby c bcks. staî'ed eh c s p l1il ge o e 'ssl, iilîe C u - ainoîg the par'ties eititled there- DR.~ics HA MOD' BAItAD 'of Dunham, Spinst-er. deceased. ola. hîaing î'egard anly ta the Nerve Pilla. If depressed, inel- lets. ii'ouîbîood tested fllok. v.lia died on an abouît the l8th , dains oai wbich she salsl then anchlîoy. have that tired ieeîins. siî'ed by R.O.P. cackerels. Phone day aI Maîcb, 1938. in thîe Village! have notice sud thia' the said brain îag. .iump a thele îeast 2433, Albin Clemens. n ea ri'oaiNewcastle, are beneby uatified Eett- iilntbelal o nos.p szleepless uighits- Hamîpton. 1-*ta send in ta the uudensigued. onr1the said assets or aiiy part there- you have a bneskdown ai thie- their soliculor. on or belone Ithe of 10 any persan on persans ai ueî'vous system. Dr. Hammoud's For The Garden 6îlî day oi June, 1938. full pari- v.whose dlaitn notice shal l bave îierve lî'eatment feeds the star'- ulans sud proaf af thein dlaimis. been received by ber aI Ithe lime ved nerves sud you atarItat STRAWBERRY PLANTS F0OR Immediately aiten thie lasI men- icf sucb distribution. pick up at once. Ouiy 50 cents. Sale-Senatai' Dunlop. good littîoued date the assets ai the Es- W R. Strike. Recanîueded by McGregoi"s caspans 5 en10a tate w-ill be dîsiributed among tlie Bwinil.Otra Drug7 Stare. 18-5 Per 1000. Apply T. Butieî'y, parties entitled theneto. haivng Solicitor for the Zxecutrix. Scugog St.. Bowmanville. Phione r'egard onîy 10 the cdamnia af wlich 18-2 IIOTORCYCLE FOR SALE-1933 406. 18-2 thie Aduîîuistî'alns. witlî thle Will single A.J.S. niodel. -mileage sp- -%T ,,, T - aunexed. shah at that lime haveA -notice. 1 DATED ai Bwnanville Ibs, 5th day ai May. 1938. Allie Reid ai the City aI Toronto. and F rede rick W illia mî F lig g , E DR.O O L A O C K New'castle. Ont.TEDRFO ALNDCK A d u un i s t na t o îs w i t h t h e W i ll ,5 1 . Il ' E ' .i . . , î. '.i u to t h annexed '.î î. i, .î îiiiii 12 by tleir Solicitor, o cock "0oon (daylght savirg), Mon. Lawrence C. M asan. dlay. June 6, 1938. . 11 ... .1111111Y Of Bow'manville, Ont. 19-3 '1'" of 01*"I ,.. Notice to Creditors ALL PERýSOýNShaving a n yi 6 dlaim ag aýn s . the E stst.e aiof ith e l.i . . iJ.- laie DAVID W ALLACE DO XVNE Y 'r , i** 01 ui w ,', b d ie d o n o r a b o u t t h e 4 hb d a y i i , . 1 i , o i i. . rt e t i ai A p nil. 19 38 . a t th e T o w n sh ip aio fe t i, , i u . s a o h Danlînglon. iu the Cauuty of Dur- exi .ti î, ui . ilrî- ham . are requi,ed t. file the saine c. l. u w i t h p n o i I l e r e o l w i h t h e u n - ' ' i 0 1.. ~ i i', .' - d e r s i g n e d u a l l a t e r t I 3a u M a y ' 2 6 . 1 1' 'r u . , 1 C i îr . in l . ii a c Il t Il, ia r 1938. aller w'hiclî date the EsIate ,~ .r ,iî.il, î,îpllahl, will be dislî'îbuted sud aIll daims tl 111- th-il. i,,,- . o f w h ic lî th e A d m ,'n istra to îs h a v e oli ir i f P bi 'ni . tgs. , j i l 1 1 ' . 1 . c , i i i o f i lî . î , i i î o f t h e n o t receiv ed n o tice w ill be b snned î' , , . 'î ii, i i .is or lic tIco- as aganst them. itîiioliî lof t qi , "fi i .t ' i,iridlrîîîl D A T E D a i B aw m a n v ille th is N .,îî'.îîil K a i îî. îi iq li ',u an d i s 301h day ai April. 1938. e'11v n.. rU , , i, Ilipl and M . G . V . G O U L D . ;l t, ,. i xIl\ t . i 'i. r , o f 'a lia ia , Bow'msnville, Ontari.~ioifi--tlî i f tg i liilliike!. d S alic it-o r fo r C h a rle s W . D a wý- c. j,î i , i i . . if r . n r .! t n a ney sud Gladys L. Downey, 'l'l'i'trrîiiias 'vslt A p p lic a uts f o r L e t te r s O i A d - r l , t i î î i i f n ; i s ~ î î w s u minist-ration with Will an- f:rr , 1e tf.Ie,,u r Itoni :s n ex ed . 18-3 r . ,c ., ai l tge 11) p r 1 colit of the ___________________________rrî,îîît fofi l is hti, t-, e,î.raî,tte the 1'gp i. fif illiit 'f ti,,. c,î,tract. 'T rite cilti ute an ýjj; jjTupl rach - ~Lll i t îte l1i cJ îcýt w h iclt N t)possible to îS ocretary. ri'î.e tii. "i f 1î, î'<11v ' HIAT, CAP, SCARF OR THREE TIES CLEANED FREE WITFI $1.00 ORDER Repairing A Soecialtyti QUALITY CLEANERS AND PRESSERS Dependable Work and 24 Hour Service -PHONES - Dustan's Store Re-Live Your Holidays I Chapman's Store Re-live your summner holiday trips uext wiuter by making a Pictorial record of what s'ou see and do. Take your camera ever3'where with you. The low cot, of filmns, and the lw cot of de- veloping and Pnuting urll help you be s camnera fan. And wheu y0u want any supplies for your camera, or a new camera at the lowest available price, you'il find Jury & Lovell's the ideal Photograph SuPply Hleadquarters Changing the 4 E AD LU1NE S Of the Nation .1 h-o l . ik Q'k. _.j .afo. o_ DRENE 59C Jury & Loveil LEAVE YOUR FILMS HERE Fon Develping and The fines t wank by experts 'D~ Stoi*e Phone 778 Bawmanvjlle PAGE rWEL\'E a THL CA"lýADIA ý STATES'MAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ,rwrrzn-iv PTU MIR ï Phone 778 BowmanviUe

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