Circulation 3000 This Issue b ORONO NEWS 0. en;a ïanSECTION With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono NewsonPgII VOLUME 84 R W AIT.. XMD VlDI%' DUèIV~I AI bXLL, UTI' V~~ARI~(J, mTTTLR~c.S AYMY 2,13 J.J"3 YV ±VI11L'~ V iLjIjLi, !JD~ I ki.fU~J, J. flU lt~L>A Y, MA Y 1~t1-i, 19~8 TALEN T Hig PriseMeed ut by SHILON THESPIANS STATESMAN'S MUSIC ORITIC REPORTS FESTIVAL PLAN PARADE AND T Eig Pris MeedOutby WINHOORSINSPORTS ON MAY 24 Two1,mail LivesAeLs DRAMA FESTIVAL A BIG PROGRAMME Adjudicator as the Festival ScYloh Yoti1nz Pctes unîn Soilthlne o fthe zInrisncec tAs Vanstone'sCre Cai s TrofIv in the Oshawsa Prr sus ter,-wlIt. revived thîs vV truizl Gets U nder W ay at Trinity . t P. pid in1 rnrama l,.I a ce nmitte spon,,ornn a biz daysD on n rooii(11 \onayiiizlt.Ticr f otst. enttru iveoran XIati a î ea a r <ridal' i îil gBtt r aý Junior ad Initerruledjate PBa. e.intiv îîîtpîîeBe t 'ab ail gaines, a Football fixture. futS NSAR Largest Entry List in i MiNIVERSARY aditudged tire best of tiig tlireeû! raesARCHMASONS \ 'aln os i th Du amties i.GogeRbrs(on TtctýK îîiighit at .the Bssniau OSTS AT ANNUALKae Sos f Mr orsi t hVes forhalion- tuer cntries were îrinrîvtUnit- I-buse connitîecs serc apîtonuAT HOME FRIDAY an Mr.J ne C o u n t y M u s j c F e s t i - I ~ . r n i a t i e a " a î d I', ~ ~ t~ -A . l a r e n u n î hb e r ( i f n c r c h a î î î .. O f f i c e r s a n td m e m b e r s o f P a l e s - D on dW i eA val - Statesman's . iani Chuireli with tIhe c' îîeds '-Ma',- Na. o2Thurday. ch e e n a iti r a c lie d to t i d c tn e C h a p te r , R .A M , N o 2 . G Own Critie Reports )li.Rîtrcse leaaeu Ios res)nse with ipt otne n'îîan turn- !lady friends on Friday ev ening at C m uiy M uo sl];ll ecelet dýccinhi a-imztheConnittce(o%'..u"e w î vlc the Balmoral Hotel. which provedi Wt aet Ry M ri lrk B l i riati. Thxel e tt a ie In hIf 'a'.. r rchanu, who nav find it dif fi- to be a m ost enjoyable occasion. ByMaieClrkBel ~ uep esntt l f hcuit lu give przes in irnrchanidi,.c E. Comp. F.J. Groat, Ms rn Tusa nonn AW1ý u)wsmade Ibv MNiss EN-elil nGis' EX F J First Prin- tri ýz nnta oof i awa, lu, donlor. to NIji' N orn tn t) cipal, rsddin his uulca- the tillest Musical Festis aIinit Dur- tt iIh r'eîtoi. Ni. IaI i Dr ii i "-. t lieH-t I eh. one of the directons of The Coniinittec. whiciî aren'W follos',ing the banquet h called tit ruh re otehm thern Cou uts sienecttii e <au e <îrat ion-JiI wne Tilesa.iD ranr thc Contventr-I r tri liai', Cinitv slice thatiittilkt eparjng liforratuetcelotbratrofn1for toas~ts toi "The King"; "The cfte cie ilit vears agio. was tue Preshvtlerv outliined the festival GraarndBr Mriok \ Chae re podedt by F.ggStetonTuda, ay5 cffiilî oeielb- M.I. H. Tlitt, the. large audience. # Crawford. E. V. Hoar; Pri - oa n r G . B n y w he hi w on, J m s W tn. I res ident o f thîe .-soc iation Tecst ftevaionsp Glre..J.B el S î, . aste;'Thandies . ." p ose 111 a brie h se f tsepvricnsi.ilvelco \V.ninBaztue .l ey oadHret e hi vî ilcaor eitaltani i<liî<e ore a-.flis,:-M'Moe aceCliffSnis, loe L.W. Dippel and res onded t hs o in h odwtr fVn li liiieiel-i ic fa' "Joseph of ONeteq )-1,-il11. 'i. 1. Gu-rmian ssitlî Bili by Mrs. A. E. Billett.toesCe.blwthmiidm stealv proizress tlroulii<t ie %'cal-., 1re-.erted I)v Bosvmaus ille Tri<îiîTathough there were no eye-wit- iiell as starter; Tickets-Ne!- î Tbefî'r ee iess otetrgd.iti e iicv thie ris t. nent t -arteîî. an i e 1. ouli<g le I t'. it rI)d,îccd lis I-tevs. F. ' l R s I an<i E. Oshru~~~~-ie; otbl-,. N - of the ladies andi a lucky prîze Of îieed ha tedobefaiy i-lutoisards a -tillikl iur iniîI i ater the crucifictîi'i. 1,-.etbf. _____of___V___H._ t ertinngd- cu ym standar______________ VvideH iStirey.rnby Jamesifrthelolder boy,- atdeleres- s v o u l d ~~A h i g h l y e tatand ' d r w r o h r i % à -e f I.1el)iEditli Trirîl: ieî program of music was gîven a ewsbte nw ol Nî.,<eiu- .vj.R«r<thle:la. ORATORY CONTEST by new artists to this community av are hs8t irhayo FRus Fýeî<ssiek. Direetor ,fNI-., Rei'. J. V. 'McNeel%-. M.A., B.D. .filfi-r u 'br Alliîi; ATAi HIGH SCHOOL in the persons of Chas. Poole3' rJuly2tadDnl t inrle Ortari ,Publie- s îir. ~ rîî ii, sers ,,îî- \l e P 2îr i andi his talented son Fred Pooley. brha nJl 6h iIhritonetrselii. oîiî îa NI 'itrf i< St kited follosverstof erisGert Dwiaî,THS E NNG piano accompaniat. Mr. Pooley. A t. csa- î tlt'iir t ClptltCiurcli.h assa. svi,, wiii sî'eakat 1Eurîaiîîe Itiekard: Solir-rle, t____ Senior, may well be termeti an'tecolaidb o onr t I ie of talenît inl ies oîîîî. ;tic- thee nriîîlanti afterîî n 5<-.-.,ns 0- : ipr;Page Doug X\iglit. Iladaccornplsne.aand versa.tlemusi- h eîî-toîîicd as lie wsainî< ii-evers iav 011 srîîîas.NIas. l5til%%-lieni Trirîits eor , t 'cripture fro,îî'crc)ll-TliIr)~r Mii lkBl r;iîoiaiivîlie Hizi Sciî,î,l aîîrai cian of many instruments for in hacartersppriI'eCn routi ne. t lihe \ ,1r s,,< ~ ~ i ~ ~~ av I. <r.. MaiatlakoBllceortest w iii be lield in thethe hour's prog'am lhe played the bohaeraf ,1"M a.rrinteed iidýSciIý,. .i Xit h lonig explerrerîce inîîa ffai ns rîrîlsicai NI r.s. Ilkii i. ss li t(ia i iedfetIli giî Scîool auditorium ii ~xylophone, coronet. t ru m pet ,:r h see n Ttlini-tuîî ai-.,lieralded il e ic u h..rsc.isaiisversarst c ý T e Saetlt* pcalcii tte D rii \ui 1liisa- tegtocok n h tOfc ar-TuH.tatA.a srstecahretoeatTte DîrhatCstuPreslusin1eîdîrbda Batoiztho'ioc.uaidote.trmboe.b cachhorncoara-hrp hat appned fte tha ca e t D r I - f . \ . F i e k e r f T o , , i î îI î u t r i î c c d b - I r c s i d e r t i l u g h s îN j i F e > t i a l n , s v ii s e s s i o n î i n i B o s s n a n v s i l l e . \ I r s . B e I I' s i r s t a r t i c l e a l î e a r \. I " b ii i fl elii t t o s v i l l - ' m s i l l a w a s a dl l m har v lu p to no ftebds .A o c l soinousç'ldticto)r f tif trle Nleîdel.- - îtr Ls' arted croolli\iî Asii' ae.aî -pbi.e cis orisii thed to tnd, mulskilgl asses rati b elîs w ith P~O!l ercntutdf h f01111 uhoi.iidîîct w, arth roo tif (l ti )ae adaflrrtîîer article cos-eriri" the fe"tival svîîiî the cxceîîtionlî tart right olî limie aiid sisitors are andivas loutily applauded af teî'1ran;WhstHn l o rao ia)% r c), i el t>itat i , N o tic e ho r a re n ts t as ,Barbara Baker. the bride- of the first (la\- siii a tpear next week. W t.'a pît)reciate the privilege of a-kd to be ji r teir scats at 8 ci)ck each s1cto . elo s weestl o f a t hs t a ti r c , er izc d ii l i l)- I P li s l i . F a r le v ; N a r io n i N o o r e . B a r - sIi rrtt h o o f ie .- tî iî ic H e tr e I l ia a 's < - î a v P î ~ l î , - i l îîe s e rti îg N r s . B e ll's s t tr Y o f D tr îa in C ît s r e c o r d I e s t rsa I a in d Ns e',a i .D n i g f l o e h r g a tiret.iatioîî also ifr thee îtneeiice tf Parents ssho have children arcu Aser-.. a s srîîg NI.D-À-Ilaîî kîo uostîr readers wil he glad l b read the cininlts of oni ' ssiiiher homee the M is'. " c el '-îî N I" rris, th e F e sti a l w h o m th e y d e s ire to b e g n sc h o o l 1 E lli cît tt G o r g e W\\ a sl i irît oîî,. eg r ,- o svî rig lit -. i ..f rlv a b le to ad j td ica te a t ruiiîî c festiv als. R O T A R Y C A R N I V A L S n e ll a t th e p ia n o in w h ic h m a n y into p de. Iw u d s e mh t Secrtoathe fascînltasgsmusic -frMr.wappearsit eyuundresse ifandeweDt sîîch a keeuî, lotil riiiterest 'ii t e fail are requesteti to regis- s-rvart-Vcrnoni EIiictîtt. liard s ia dle-%sork f the n etiig. ter at the C entral School on "K idnapping B etty"S H E UD F Oti n r e s ff o n s a ti o e de p a er a d th t - s o de in iul. THEUSU, FORNE d m urse s t oins andr.Brde(rte aiatepe os Beft.rc caîlrîigug ron i Nr. IFeiis'ick Tuesday, May l7th, or Friday, tre,îced liv RS. Eh ni Iie-chRStTw ,JUNE 23OIL ______ a te mHunred wer arsoe- hbuthtrlcedo h ra ,\I.ayshntonwoyed hisveby fstMayosei i notatenodancing.uedI che. rous eeil F rs TayDysandlt a had M Ii l r v s îîc s ad tî i e d an e s - a y 2 t n t e a f t e n o o n s i e D a n F ie d in . o w e r if t iie f a r n rî B w n a t s s n e R o t a r v IC l u b 's a n - P r i z e w i n n e r s d u r i n g t h e e v e n - a n e g t f o o e e t e a a ti v a r s s u c c e s s a nu d e i r t a n s' dydx t w e t t h u l c J o h n S ta r k ;', N a t N e a d o s s, r a te s t i vl c a r r iv a l, t w h ic h it s c u r s n g - w e r e : D a n c e s - -M r s . U L W . ýe Mw l . T e y o ! D n l ,beuefit bv the expeience. , eurr4'" Town f ather--of Betty oaow-urttendsc essav t.- Card i s i -elMrs.L.Sha MLhisîn-: wtaudonP t, c . in a s o t n o n al H l.Robinson; Bud Sinpsorr ils uls - tliz co nitîniuts ',e are i , - M r . L .Sh rp, M s i g (contIflued on Page 6) A. M. Thompon, Princial vourîgster w,,orkinîg for Daîî Fieldl-',vtrk for tîhe eiisrinz vear. s',iII bei ing-BrerîtoiiFarro',',-; Betty Nea(l- Tekeis oue toii1tr- îstr tft hoie ota l do Tîisda', Junrrie club (~ .11'sf G lle Fieldirîg. Dtans Surît .rnc, a veiidneids e andR -r ormer or n~~er ie',,'dcingteae-n',-eu'ttrtY use etival, iiow i session at '1riinitv ' United ('lîttr1eli diriec toira" eid e. h man ile ish rm n S rade a7eT H Falls : Joaniîa Fiehdiurlgz. is attt'aetint, large atudienîces to everv' tssO ioof tlii.Festival. ' aotomiîihe.tîîs sen a19 sirul tr o f Darî-Rîîîh Saverv: ('lares 41, Girl 'sý solo, .11 years andud ier hield tht' record ftor' rlet Couvre, Geo. E. Chasei zi United Coun tics Dies at Newcastle -\h.'îa HahitseIh r îi tneealu a14.Grl' ot mitrir ni sîeîtxOthen offials are:Car On L keW hen Bate y uve u Prommnent Apple Grower Was he Supreme Executve, the only WOMAN DENIES ElsewýNlîere Mýrs. 'Marie (Car'k Bell is eonirîenrtinîg on tlire Niîuît eal. Fanik Xiîianîîs ad Htl One Time Reeve of New- sur%"îîîng charter member of New,'- SAR IG I E uasînre tf tire Festival Adjifflioattn's in ttht' high qîmalklits' <tf Rt,,, Strike: Panade Contnîîttee- Ânchored 8 Miles from Shore ereiatrsringaune lo castie -Widely Known eastle Ladge s Bro. A. A. Sim- _____ tti tlertslowmrii tt'ftstva. ppu(edar'tter\[.ts - -a ns..F. Coawr; P.ur- e e r oa is- o Throughout Durham Mons of Intian Head, Sask., who llg aet81ti nti etvl r lersis \.Hreandes.F. . HCar;ker- e Oter ciainh r oeotehosalevt ih was also the recipient of a veter- MN,1r. l'r-,ciii.î Greas-es. of Clark eoinpîlt'te tnp innîjil Wednîesdaý' righit.- chaiîicCtninîirte-Gei E. Ciase Cou.nty an's jewel and tiploma. The late Tî wahi.s -,senît uniforî trial ui i R. R.Sees-V\. lot 'Ià A. A. olwil attened Sureme cargeif arsoni folîwinîgeiîî- Rural Unfson Chorus, 1 room- FmlNealredso ac h .113 Newcastle Correspondent) JLotige meeting at Port Arthur in inîanv heariurg leforne 'Maist rat,.'ilF. 8-S , arkville. Mrs. SRbbw8tile , 85;DBrohys Quinn. R R uan- Kniglit. C. T: Ro!ss aîîd R.R' Hateîy, local fisherman, suffereti of wmigmreta e W- are sorry to report the Augiîst 1934 as a delegate from S. Ebbs iîî courît ligne Moudav aften- Drumm Sehocol, Pontypool, Mrs. Bownmanville, 84: Eleanor John- - tlenî. 'eeal anious hrs ovla er t und et i yrs r h oo e a th f A b e t 'A . C o l a 'jll, N e w - L o tig e N e w c a s t e . T h e tn p s e e m m o- î . S e s',a c lia ng e d %%it "i s e ttîlie 1 R o w 'e 8 7 . s o , B w a v l e 3 e t t e n t t o p e s n x e i n eas '.le. St th e h om e f his son - e t to overtax h is sî:en g tl i as lie ire l'ho a buarn i vw ied bv NM ou tag ue R r l onr v o wner ston. B o m l 1 e 83.nd re c f p n i g i h n a e r p in-law anti taughiter, Mn. andi* ad a breaktown in health after- Itîîîîaî, Clarke Towiîslip,ui .tnBaktock, Mrs. Swtzer. 87; S.S.I-ArnenerNrthcutan opeanvboat. RIT day mc'ni g. May 9t, fll w'iig He is surviveti by h s son Irwin H t.înanî od th c court two banis Switzer. 8t: Archer's S hool. Bur- Ruth H utchinon, Bowm anvlle, A T John Sem ple, Brighton, lef t Bow- it w s s r rii g teiu b r o a :ong periot of illness anti semi-1 rosv livine on anti operating thee îîad - beentna * daîîd lhîiss s %%, keton, Mrs. Switzer, 85.r 82. AI TRINITY UN"ITE manvîlle harbor at 7 o'clock Sat- posibiiisetrt h lidso ins'aliim. - farm anti orchards anti who is a abutntV,otX.zeHe cannigîl sunîle $700 Rual Schoo Part Song, 2 roon Paotlo1 'asaniutrIurtay morning te spenti the tiay thos onenei cultuî'ist. stock breeder anti apple of Education; anti three tiaugh- Evidenîce ssas giveni thtat acccrsed Mrs. Robb. 82; Hampton, Miss E.! Boy's Solo, unchangeti voices- s'acnamnîîn of Ho!', Baptnsm at anu lever catch there was. Their des- wr ai ooti narln Nesseasle anti ex-Warten of tht. site," Newcastle. Mrs. J. Law-' witîî a tenranit at I. Hoirtanis fannti. Rural Scliool Part Son-, 1 room1 Jim Watson, Port Hope. 84; Cecii Chirnchi ont Suida,' ntontinig. Te Newcastle anti Newtonviile. TheDeesefeaySuty CounnUes of Northumberlanti anc rence Cn'yden'man, Newcastle. andti 'iîre tlîe bani-, werc situateti. Slic -Starkvîlle. Mrs. Robb, 88: Cow- Wit. otHoe'2 service suas ini change of te iastor, At 12 o'clock noon their boatmrin ati ihntw hus Durham, a member f the session Mrs. Ewart G. Clemence. Oshaa liai! lu oduedot, aîid il suas uni anî'ille, Mrs. Robb. 87?; Drumm - PubL:c Schiool Duet - M a ry Res'. Sidntev Davisoni who preacheti sas seen by another f isherman. had dsoeeitemsigba Uni theohucliantiboasrclerktoeandti GrtonHnan nthi n, enthe das shie cot ont ttiatthieftire oc-School, Mrs. Rose, 87. Wight, Irene Wight, Providence, a sernioni aplropniate to Ibis sp)ecial 'Chanlie Depew, bu, when they dit antiistoocpnsidot theiesshuion unw asbr ke oheand orydnma n d A n rne re. IUrban School Part Song-Bow- 8:Gog Rbra amsSu tcarn.He iasbassisî;ed itire! not return to Bowmanville in the condiincp o et o casdhim resign tlhe office. Mrs. Colivil, fornierly Miss Xillianîî Strinîgen. det)unt'- fine ian- navheCnrlSho F Sut- they. Bowmni'lle. 83. wittsîa seionisb e' X.p.atron sepc etboth tor btey He ssas a charter member of Hultiali Morris, sister f Mn. F. F. shial. ad 1). Cnail ilîseetor. gave 'on 8; Port Hope School, T.W. 5 h- : 'T iî ni t h ottgse antize wre: .. X' rn ed r. dC l ie ant f r i mFr Deew stoi M . ael saet te h Newscastle Lotige SO.E.B.S.. lias'- Morris. Bowmanvilie. pretieceas- eienc. CrtBidotfiy sae st Chousepe 78. Vhnr '%ez. o wmo r n - M oannle. 8. l'ios ait ized s oe n of N ','and to r look for him. fea rinthati a the b a erc-n o ognzdby Distrct Deputy M. Colwill w'as a member of anti bat aften thie fine, saviritî sIte hiall left a Caesarea, Mrs. Switze:', 82: Orono, ey. Bos',manville. 82; Ruth's. G-eorgze Richards; Clifford 'he liati expenienceti other trouble. been nyafwmlsfo t A. James anti the niembers o! heiti nany important offices in Inni uî cigarette inthe Ihas r t ice t-ell o ot op ef sîîorîîv irb80,antihCour- Res',man ',i lîe ft8 0.H le . ote, 1nnîosrea ; Hi o r. ilTougli hey earc et rom he a tieeso k tiacoh i Lotige Welliîngon. Bowmanville. -Cowans'ille Loyal Orange Lotige. le fore the fine s'as discovened. IPro u- b'ic . 80 othOpen s Hbbe andllc-o CubCh8r-ofI.\l nd ecN'r.Iviinirie danghte' Boarno ie toPotpeeforhe paolewaediaruta cn June 17. 1887. Witli the tieatb No. 265, under whose auspices the v"irui, Ofn'icerNlMorris corrubitrat- Blaekstock, Mrs. Switzer. 83: Bc%%smanv-ille, 80. < Miss Helen lîtannie Niani,', datnghtcr of Mnr. andi mi55ing pair or the boat antimntsdu hehz niga- of Bro. Colwill wlio was granteti funeral was helti on Wetinesday cd the instI)Cton's esidenice.I Starks'ille. Mes. Robb. 86: BOW- Morris, conducto-i. IMns. Bert Nluttonr; Jactinelinie Antner. iafxiety began ho rear its uglymi a seeran's.jew,,et anti tiplon-na for afternoon from tlîe Unitet Church \ccur'd derieti shie hallbeeii tilti nieF.Suto.8.Mi ut :vF sondauzlbten of Mn. and Iti rs. Chiart,lead.There were three possibil-(CtiudnPae7 50 years' goodi standing in the w ith R es'. S. M acLean, B A ., con- s',I;aFît o , 5 al u t - ,%i 'e O b r eK n e h %htwsinr thte statenîenrt before Boy's Solo. 9 years anti unter- Howardi Wighît. Bowmans'ilhe. 78. Hilden!', :Donîald Knîh.sont of S O. E. Society last sumrmer bi' tucting the service. isIre iaj( bigied it. andt deniedth îat mit Grant Brooks, Bowmans'ille, 82; Harmonic.a Banti - Westmount -\Ir. at] Nrs. Hannu jacknti; Dean e set fîîrtîî tIe trîne facs. SIte deniet A. Hollingswortlî. r no 81; Ro sS Sehool, Oshawa, 75: Boys' Train- Cuhares, stonu f Nr. anid Nfs V i O~iaro ha pio B O sie 11had dliberatelv set the fine. Metcalfe. R. R. Bowrnans'ille, 80. .\lliut \Iaril%,t Laînreent and nu Good Drivers in Good Girl's Solo, Il years anti unter (CoftlIued on Page 7) Lileeti. daîrhtens tif \Ir. M aandbl flo t f ccde t Of a i h m in B y O a o sArthurnnStîleen: I)iuglas FrederUc ,.1 ARTHUR CULLY IS si t ir îdNr.>an eh J~AJ Héard in Winning Sp eech at Rotary WINNER OF BEsT Nestleton's PostmasterResigns- Raymond Gilnier, Winner atA T R' -- OEA. Convention flelivered nîn eiruanîucl uacih t ttKeineibers W he No R. M~. D. His Adres',',Lnîrnîî 1 l'lit nuighîîhi;v e hteeuu givvt'ur Arthur Cully, son of Mn. anti His ddres atLunceon i nîv olien ietaker., sitliîint Mrs. William J. Cuiîy, Wellington on Friday - Address Street, Bowmianville, was award- 1 iak-itg lîe -,allie favonabhe initint- et the trophy for the best male (BY Nestieton Correspondent) sveryiînteresting and informative is Published i i01 liut, s',htcnî Raviiîîun(l tuaIt actor in the Deanery o! Northîum- Mr. Robert Dickey bias resîgnet ireading. These reco tis show that 1, lxSte-et.. î f (fleur ','itlh bis ttie. ever',- ntan rnlil, berlandi anti Durhiam Drama Fes- as Postmaster at Nestleton, l'us William Beacock. Clerk o! Cart- - airil îîîîîliar îieand 1)ls()111 andicxinessiiiî andî i- tival in Port Hope last week. resignation taking effect May lst. sviiglit Township, sent t-le first Bs~~~~~ Ilir, Ivruaîsiit. m saî ,aiîhti Iiniseîr \'îotinhî l rat Arthur bat the part of a priest Mn. anti Mrs. Dickey nave lbelt i registereti letter througlî the post int adppla aie )l t1la -vlketliat." in St. Johîn's A.Y.P.A. entry in thie this position for neariy 24 years, 1 office under Mr. Dickey's manage- î'tîîttr', lie os-. iîîtuîhîrccîl liv t. J. Nid- ontest "Gr'andiEvening," whicbhihaving taken over the office onment. This was sent on October îî<-'ilvrl < il',uîtuî'iiî r. ils ifCniikei Ceck sviîwas tirecteti by Mrs. F. A. Dilling. October 15. 1914. At that time 17?, 1914, f0 thie Department of Su ie. N's',iiiecir'.wîr'. UN, .. alcr i rotelousskce. t This Deaiiery Drama Festival lias theî'e was no Rural Mail Delivery Agriculture at Toronto. Tlîrough- stric. ow ivetor arc1. ! .%(.ci-dit oi-tli la*ý,reacheti a very higli tegree of f roni the office, ail mail being 'Oui Mn. Dickey's long terni as spitt, I -rtshe au,.tw ht-tl,,t'r. liefiic td tapabes, unt!ipi'oficiency anti distinguislied adi- esiletifor ah thie post office, a fact IPostimaster, lie bas neyer liat an t lit-t-.iv. NIlemît.gsz\aui-.tltii.-, FnîtI I. I-tn îîî Cia'. f. 't.îsii Thr.î:liai! rt-ciivedi iiiincliht pnlicitv andc juticators have highîly praisedt hie whicb necessitateti a great miany eî'oî' in any o!flie registereti mail IîTie.r randeuChas. 1 I'ý. ieil-î;y: a n tiltit lbatHitt cure li h'.young actom's producet in Dur- mor'e boxes in the office fhian un- 1nor dit be have one registeret d i i t c s ý 1 1 l T 1 i i 1 c j i l y 1 ' t l e x t h a n a d N o t h u b e r a n d . T h e d e r t h e p r e s e n t s y s t e m n o f i ' a l l e t t e r g o a s t r a y . T h e r e i s a m p l e fr,'niîit o tîtlie d'.cli.oI )itra r, Rs - w hen 'J' l:Adr cMnss wI~ inning o! this lhonor tberefoî'e is miail elis'ery. proof thai Mn. anti Mrs. Dickey f,ý*"1jo> pulicschol ratr, av- "Whn 1Am Ma 1 Vil Be quite an achievement. Commandi- However, rural tielivery wa be- 1 have been careful anti efficient in lutîlîuh Giltnîcr. Crooketi Creck, wiîo A Good Canadian Citizen" er A. B. Mainwaning of Newcastle, guti soon after. Thie first rurali this responsible position. ripcatedIli'. truc siîiinîg itldress 'lie future selfare tiftdie coîrntîrv whose wsite expeî'ience bias quali- i routes were establisheti in Febru- The reiing Postmaster anti W' tire Ontarioi Ftiic;îîitnah .Xs'.,cîa- t lîvi', ti' ctunîtr','foin- 1 i ie Ihe fiet hlm as an atjutiicator, stateti ary o! the following year, there bis wife wish f0 convey ho the hi.I 'httive-utioni ii"tnî1tîtand suitct- an rtl ,k. )it.î<.nicrecalibîre if that Cully carniedthle Bownian- being two routes from this office. publie'whom they have biat the %%011 s toilvlItearît'. andî ahutinil citicir.11 ville play on lus own menit. The The first rural mail box recordeci pleasure ho serve these many .,if thie intîeiiihters andîîl giiests. If, tieii, I suri to lie a svîrtlîv cit-Play. lolàes'en, dit not win the at the office was tliat o! the late years, their tbanks for tbe pat- \]cri. ciniiîîisu-î antI slf <iîî'î tf lte )oininion of Canada, Herbent Winfielti Tropby for the Sam McLaughiin. Soon almost ronage anti loyalty which ibey li-. 13-s car-oitI ladsuhto lits on5litti tl;tinîîst 1 do? To nt t tîIai,l,. best play. This was won for tbe everyone along the two routes have enjoyed andti 1 bespeak for îuîaîls hîotînotîns tliînttrrgitînt tui r'o-nî- - 'lîat are tlire qualificatis tif -L tlird successive time by St. Mark's were being serveti, but strange to their successors in this office the s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ei' tr<iint th uihe lhl utlCmîîhaN re'v'nî , Players'of Port Hope, who for a say it was not until about 1936 conttnueti support o! ibis district. rîýt otf a cattahile and lciterlainiiig so f .1tishi siivs-tiat living , amali organization have a group that rural mail telivery reachet The Post Office bas been moveti fiter uintrer sp)eaker befîni' a grtîrr utnuitîs fe is thie 011Vntî'- ne sVas, of brillant young players. Artbur everyone in the township. Ito thie General Store where it wiîî t flîsirîess andti înifc,,sioîîah men - securet permanent possession of Mn. Dickey bas kepi ali the1 be in charge of Mr. anti Mrs. Ilis address suhicîr sue pubhli,,Ii i (Continued on Page 4) the trophy for bis acting. Post Office records wblch make 1 Grant Tbompson. beool Man Who la Perfect Gentle- Enters Newspaper in man at Home Becomes Bully Statesman Contoat on Highway, Howard Moore Tels Lions Entîn','No. 3 ' linThie Statesuttaii Club Monday Pinîtie Sehîttl Ne',',stuaierntîest attteasn tîPages 9 andi 10 of Iis, rssie nd'ar is tuie suîrk tof tuie nîînpiîs Statisties res'eal that those ne- îtf Enterprise Schîî>îîîin Clarke sponsible for the major portion o! Ttt'wrsiuii. Nu5 essie Patternti automobile accidents are goot s teaclirno<f Ibis little sehiotîl suhilil drivers, tiiing goot cars, How.ý- huass <inlil îîîerîî, ie i1-.'trelle-art Moore, General Manager o! ces on tie~ ' nitrm nie 'I sh ' s al' the Toronto A utom obile Trade ý exteutes-nusuu ffrigeu Iite Association, tolti members o! the thie ',uhole fieldi frun-i sporîts toii iîts Lions Club on Monday niglît. forn liotrses',ives ant frîtîru edittuniztI Contrary to an accepteti belief oit cîtrinienît u niatumre stimd',',Next sie cars are responsible for compara- tîulils of Lake Shtore Sciiotîl itively fes', accidents, Mr. Moore Clarke To'."msliip ',',ili edit tIr tlie n sait.ý slhict sill ie aîtei "ue I Sptakng on the subjeci "Going Places Sitting Down" the speak- er gave an intensely interesting Times must be better or mfaybe attiress on the automobile ant iIts Mn. T. H. Knight is working bard- importance in present day a! - er. But whatéver the reason ve f airs, The growtb of the automo- congratulate Mr. Knight on being bile business, the speaker sait, awartied fins i place in a group of bat resulteti from the desire o! 4 18 agents in svnting the most in- civilizet people to go places sit-1 surance for the Great West Life ting down anti in a burry. Some-1 Assurance Company turing tbe one bas saidt tlat thîe automobile1 month of Apnil. Jusi anoilier in- has become so important a fac-1 stance of Durham Boys at norne tor in life thaï; it will not be long anti abroati leating the parade. before we will be tiniving our autos nigbt bibt te house. The automobile is one o! the marvels o! ail ages anti is a tri- bute to * man's ingenulty. Fýew people realize that since the Auto- mobile came into being there have been between 500 anti 600 tiiferent types manufacturei. It is a near miracle when one reai- izes what the motor car dan do. Un.!ortunately we take it to-day much in the samne way as other marvels, Our waterworks system, electi ligbts, radios anti tele- phones. Ail are miracles, but ail are commonplace to-day. Mn. Moore descrîbeti whai hap- Pens in a motor to produce the Power to drive a car. Few realize that the mecbanlsmn turns ai a speet o! 3600 revolutions per min- ute or 44 per second. The parts o! a car are matie In factonieiaih over the country, anti are broughi [together anti assembleti witb lightning speeti in the motor plant. It is a tnibute, be sait, to Precision manufacturig thai this can be so. anti the resuli be a car that dan run trouble free for thousantis of miles. The saine tbing is true o! the tire, wbich wlll run over 25,000 miles o! road <dontinnjed on Page 8) __ -. . -'i -, - - ---- -- -. -s-- XrTTMRP»R. 1Q y AMAIES AIDJUDICATOR FENWICK a FESTIVAL m 1 ý à