.uuýg@ - ý PAGE FOUR ~ ~ -~-a.-- r. - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY i2TH, 19M. T rail Riders Plan Perfect Mountain Holiday POLICEMEN AND NIGHT did police duties and as a rule CONSTABLES - PAST gave generai satisfaction. Of AND PRESENT course the ultra tough specîmens aif.humanity and thase wha did, An article in The Statesman a flot canfarm ta smaller details in1 few weeks aga in reference ta the matter af cleanliness of theïri Night Canstable Walter Hall and prernises always hadi a grouch against the police, as they even his Police dog is the cause of aur l'ave in this more enL.ghtened age.,........... running Our memory aver past but that did flot prevent Thos. and present policemen af aur T. Colman fram doing his dutv. town. He was aiso musical, and at one We believe the Coleman family periaâ ai his lufe played the clar- had to do with law and order in inet and sang in the bass section the early days of Bawmanville. af the Primtive Methodist chair. Peter Coleman was Sheriff of the He certainly cauld give you saime district and his welcome ta out- strange versions of early ie and lying parts af Cartwright and daings in the aid town. He -,as a Manvers was not af the mast fri- brother-in-law ai Steve Chiester- endly nature, having his harse f ield. another aid South Ward shat f rom under him an one oc- timer. casion. But hie was nat easily Af ter the Clemans came Rich-' frightened and Uived ta a gaad aid ard Jarvis who was on the police age. He was praminent in relig- farce in Toronto. This man xas ious matters in the Primitive a very capable and efficient aofficei Methadist Church where hie w8.5 and was up ta the end ai Uts day a pillai- in that body. especially ini here much respected and belaved matters musical. by al ai aur citizens. He wasI Thamas T. Colman was Chief praminent in fraternal circles and Constable here far many years, always for the best in comrnunity' and in the quiet annals ai thle lufe, and likewise a terrai- ta evîl- I neighborhoad lived and raised his daers. Chief Jarvis always had - family an Duke Street. where he an encauraging ward for the down excelled in vegetable gardening, and out ciass. and his passing and that Uine oi bu.siness as wauld away at a camparativeiy eariy age be shawn at the c:>unty and town- was maurned by ail. A great lave:- ship fairs heid every faîl at that oiflaIwers hie aiways had ma ny periad. He would always be an specimens in bloom ini h:s private hand when tUe presiding magîs- office. Jim Jarvis. at one time an1 trate tack his seat in tUe aid the Toronto police force, was a council raam. tawn hall block. ta son. His son is a member ai tUe hear any breaches ai tUe peace. Pravincial police farce. Bpit it was a . very easy situation Oui- guardian ai law and corder campared wîU his day and gen- now isclèhie Sydney Ventan. and eratian. After rnany years the Uts efficiency in this respect dcoes police business became more ard- ntne ab rcamdfa uaus. and the chiei had ta move the hausetops. as it s well known 'HE lt-ail Rileris af the Cana- mera studies af the beautitul, be along to smoath the trip, while Up town where he cauld be easily thraughouîtUe countryside. B e- I dian Rockies have an unusual scenery or the big game which is arrangements are well under way waler anifonm thicrha rea ing a mihittry man he knows: holiday titbît set aside for the end faund in auch large numbers; even nlow for the Trail Riders ta weara unforn whch ws ral.1 ççhat discipline means and lives i f July when they will make a they will enjay campiire sing- find a comiortable camp anda the beg:nning ai tUe policeman in up ta It Fond ai gaad music. the i ive-day- exploratary trip through sangs and a bang-up Pow-wow at wvarm meal waiting at the end of town as you wauld know him. martial strains ai -Col. Bagey- the picturesque section of the the end ai the trip. These outings' each day's ride. Two nights will For many years hie and his sans brings back memaries af Old Lon- RockY Mauntains northeast of have become so popular thatI be spent at one oi the camps - don, as very likely does . Bever:ey Baff many Americans plan thein holl-the one nearest ta the best iishing Baxter" radia nights when "Btg, The saciety, whlch was organ- days at Banffi SpringsHtl and most spectacular scenenr-. ms forthttelmidmahtInterest in tbis yean's outing Bno and rmincenes ingt 1 zed ta open new trails through teau Lake Louise, on any of the is k-'en, aceonding ta J. M.%unnay Sp ça B a r gai ta ndi n Becn" o te' the mountains and give members sevenal attractive bungalow Gbo.WnsrSain ot NS Coldstreams' aith its great band anurvle onanhldyatcmseeyya ocicd ihGbn.WdorSto, lo- EX CU R I Obring out thaughts ai past time aunvaedmuaihldyatcpsveyertaciieWth-real, the secretany-tneasuren, wha E 0NS daings. the lowest possible cost, has made the officiai Trail Hike or Trail said'that'he expeets thene will be TOALSAIN NO hs ihhmeaený many interesting trips in the past, Ride, titan:. new memnbers In the panty- TO LLSTAIOS 0fthsewit hm e ae ot but few with more-promise (han It la a trip which will attmc leaving the Banff Springs Hotel suficenty cquined a -ay this years firom juy2 o .ugust te novice ier as well as th o h tart of the ride on July 29. Western Canada anything, aniy that they are Up ta 2. They will ride aven high passes experienced horseman. o, h loonpsso cnsfo thenaur aith wrk eqir and down into deep valleys in the hanses used are mild, sure af footte rides f former yeas and Gon Dtsof (hem. shadow af 10,000-foot peaks; they and easy ta handie. Experienced clearly indicate the joys ai the Goig DtesNight watchmen In this topwn 1;vii d time for i isbing, or ca- guides, rýý,wboys, and coaka willIiaountain trails. DAILY MAY 17 TO 28, 1938 goes back to the Colman eme, Return Limît: 45 da.ys. when if a suspiciaus transient TICKETS G000 TO TRAVEL sti-uck town it would be thaught Chantie Thcmpson. asa a mih- u Li .îl let liîni zrow i>,tatoe.s -te-., MN COACHES advisable ta watch him. but ai- tai-y bandsman. a gocd euphone Ro tary Club 1 -ýhaI I eveni lic li iii ilick thn-.c ter a short period this line wauldiplayer, --tationed fcr a number aifJ tâî o-.aind .lap lîiîi on the bac], Excursicn tickets good In Tourist,I soon gel. back ta normalcy. years at Malta with crne ai the anil a \ lId tmatn. von kiiow Parlor and Standard sleeping cars ai- We believe the situation be- brne Reg:ments. When off duty hie CniuefrmPg1)t vn 80 available on Payment of alightl cmI emnn buttetm lydwthteodUprCn higher passage fares, plus price cmeprmnntabu-tetm.-ih U.adCa-thouut li us;be relerrinztig tflte parlor or sleeping car accommodation, the Standard Bank safe was ada Furriiture Band and wth the ,f iîeiîîg lotai tui lte deals 0f cil,- î o.h.i w.4v.luat 1 thinik lie hoîtifil Roî,sTîk-i oolgon vaPotbiown to pJeces and the buiding L-o. &p. (;o. Band. and. xas zeil'1îiî>. MNfo-eotver. the îutarreljin. taie gro-Il.,Nu, Caniada j-. a frce Arthtur. Onît., A\rmstrong, Ont., Chi- badly wrecked, Henry MetcaliIa-ý:l Up in military affairs. iîeiîzlb'mur. wviti hi-s ,our face auj tvadifi st)relii I cagoi. iii., or Sauît Ste. Ma&rie, re- vas watchman at tUat time and î,uckered broîv ;wiîî otlit eli) th- t-vaid f tit"lrnuii turn:.r va sam roue sndlin iep i -.ch I1-.av I <vi liave c, 0let tii tun.v.tnia saotin routngs. e tUe safe-biowers bound him andý Oui- next Night Constable was cause of ctznhp Ii1a-obl*- hw Suon;~-îthn irnt a tike, bthcaried him ta a camparatîvely Joseph iFlet-cher. whose awidow citizet-hi., If I arn1 t >-tîecîî,t -iili w hw goin and returning- at Port Ar- i safe distance down by St, John's -till lives in tUe old timie Fletcher l O' and citt7ctiaihi, Iknw.Ith n-r.t thur, ont., Armstrong, Ont., and, CUurch while they gat in their hause on Church St. Joe Pa-ssed *I aitu expect it wiilI be ail nae i i'i; mv own work anti haviper w*st. aiso at Chicago, Iil., Sault wark. We do flot remembet- hawlý away very suddenly one Sunday Ltogv i vî . lalî' tttîecîi.îrwriiIsail cort:,i--,witi tarif.o1 c- veninIlaisn%;,.-n. St-. Marie, M'%ich., and west. in ac- c anywsobandwbtaahile at suppei-. 1fîîîd t îcesî5rv to interfere in the ha,,to tarri the vaille of co 'Ian- Stat-s ,ilnes. isatchel wit1- many valuable pap- We believe it a-as then tUe Hall iît-.jmie>s )fi tnt- ijhbonr. If lie Stioti. \\'lieu l'in a mati 1 sluri 1zrs were found in the vicinity ai boys came on the scene. The Hall ;î',îîoid roow notatoes inth iat field 'strive to c'-'.Perate ivjth ail piublic i U- G.T.R. Station. where they iamily vere af tUe pianeer stock t; iere 1 inld z0mw %lîeaît teti ,,tirited niovnectts whilîîhvIl <it Pul pat cmlas fontoît ',g t-:rbab!ly made tUeur -get-away' when th:s town was a busy ham- _________________tebat!zii ,tiî'ro-a Canadian Pacific by this road *as there were no let and are much xespected. TUeur bettur chantîci-in vc happiile-. Here 17-4 autos at this period, mather is Baa-manville's oldestI.Irfrl i;,'ii 'trînt u ____________________________ IOne of aur fi-st watchmen a-as citizen. Dick k his brothers' B snss fc.,ai ua niiiuut; __________________________________________________place during Walters long uîîness. ýifliCi ,of t, .lat. lav e becît ton busy filling tUe positi'on 4n a satisfac- i i"ui t-tîci-pigs, t,,,,bust-e <ai-- :ory manner. LEG-i îuALvrhefeîe. tibs in iUe early days the lot af a ;EALtaîkiitc cr,,î r'otatjo, îtu bus;- di-- policeman was a very easy one j cnssîig the tax bil. Ye-.. ur î,ar- comare aîh t-da, n auos I. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. etît ]lave- bleut lo bit%- tu take ail gaingthrogh oa ~t 0 ai-50 ' Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y intere-t iniilt., the rural oU.(t miles an hour, A bar-room fight Phone 351 f tture farmer, tUe fu.ture backbiiîe aould cause a rush abich wouid Royal Bank Bldg., Bawmanvile i' Iti-u coutitîn;. sonbeqiee dw.A char:- \\'hat j; i tiiat' we have iaekt,îl ....van woutd be another event t taR.STRuEi av fellite fo e c nte r" -,-ç ~~~~~~i,5. ~~~give the boys a chance ta release Britr oiio, oa- itthvIrfrhr ' i, u a lot af energy. and nlesulî in Solicitor for Bank of Montreal cre.attn of the iarrn tnîiîh. H calling an the reserve farces (tUe Money ta Loan. Phone 791. titane rutral c'miitinities todav pro- ward police> ta quiet tUe disturb- Bwavle nai vide lte stt,,rtiîîg faciljtjes t'r ,r htir anc chiliîiî ,uapparenmt ini "tr t-'t;îi There xas one memorable oc- L. C. MASON, B.A. and lejîe.? Httw mai% farmers have casion. tUe Mayor read the Riot Barrister - Solicitor titi-led tueur pa-.turti-enitt a liaseball Act, a-en severai hundred citi- Notai-y Public - Etc. diam',iu'l have e leed to ci-cet ait zens tnied ta tai- and feather a Law in ail ts branches. but utcof a basebail or a iteket somea-hat promninent citizen for Office immediately east ai Royal 'tutti -ur rjîîk."r sni,-crjbel t' the some ,candalous doîngs. But it Theatre. stick a 'i et-I tli ztoneaui'tw - ît failed ashe ta-as hustled outo a Phne: ffc 6a;Hoe 53 t- ada-a ii dt-e, ua eet i taan before tUe mob came down. Poe fie68 oe ~ -tc î' îteciot-gmn i This a-as a great event in tUe an- lite spo0rt ,of %tuti cotniliitliijtt - and nais ai (bis particularly quiet 'DENTAL (tl otu <îttliîae t', ;;'rrî about liii- > neighborhaod. An aid friend, Bob ut riiitiiî ,of f t' te cite.- OHara, and tUe a-riter stood at D...C EITiiii . i t;'< u autat ~, -,' -- '-a resPectful distance and viewedj Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson MCt tUe affaîr. It lasted aIl one aight Gau o oa Dna olg, To ble a c""'lcitizent 1 wiIi take and tUe next forenoan. Aiter the iToronto. Office: Jury J u b i1l e e -r initei-e-t. t i tjtere-,î. iniil'(i Mayor had gvn i sy lBdg.. Boa'manville. Office bours1itîîtP' " teit,,,i lî ci crowd dîspersed. 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily except Sun- iii'. i, T',rî <cn- 1;c-t' MUTMR GERG BOFAE, in those days gaing ta Toronto day, - fateor î%a-, -.içj.ti- teill I t%%ait MEETMR.GEORE BNIFA a- as somne event and peaple work- Phone 790. House phone 883. uecil a efr PRO9RIETOR 0F THE GRAND cd, livedi and died ittaide their -R Equipment in tOtffice.' 1 'mfre% lr%(i) X-R y lt81.lt "liote ii'-t iiifiîîu-tiaî CENTRAL HOTEL, ESSEX CENTRE. own uitile cii-cie. To-day it is an ciiîa.,,-r. 1)mtIt., bu attiintienuit m entîirely diff erent world. A cincus FUNERAL DIRECTOR inter, -to la;,- aitlttiierstaîdiui< bîlled ta strike town would bei_________of___________ the i-sue-.of te day.v. iii-cal Lo dviewed with preparations accord- UEA IETR oeta h ut, ire nIl «Tî21 ngiy, especially by tUe hotels and FUERALDIRCTORlmtilitait1 ltlUiter îtirkct iiit,, l o d lo veu sq says LJeo 'qe fodvendons.- A munstrel sho.w, Service, any hour, any day. i tal th I v La ti- l 110 listitt lm qw IIIIMW IIIOM U j(býat thftheyare inflexibly open and "Lest We Forgetr i-, .... t-tuladlegal. As soon as a'lv ond aItef DOSAT GO N PP " goivernimenî departs from that A. H. BOUNSALL IciliiuIhaive soiîîie ande t p , Î* un, olhr 07aro standard it ceases ta be anytbing tit-igni r muilIt i n wonderi- îerîîali, t"ilsae, a-ait an(] -n--1 ore (han tUie gang in po-sses- 'MnmetTablets, Mai-kers, etc. sec.lat it iail sitîccritv I ask vînt Yaveyoutrid Pcobg SlcedPlu -vetpokettin15c sion,' and its days are number- M rnntGranite and Marbie. - are lucre uut %vays to imprave ed.'-H. G. Wells. aur standard, of citizetîship) - arei ~m ~ -> Here And There And Everywherer JWHAT TO EAT TO BE HEALTHY Minerais No less (han taeive minerai: are required far an adequate d:et, but from a practical standpýoîn we need only be c.oncerned a:tl- a supp]y af îhree ai tbem. beý- cause if aur diet is at ail a i-ea- sonable one. it wîll coniain ade- quate amaunts ai tUe ather nine. The three minerais tUa:, we must a-atch are: Calcium, the lack af which causes defectîve banes and teeth. Iran. the iack aifa-hich causes anaemnia. lodine, the lack aifa-lich causes goitre. There is a constant storage and use ai calcium mn tUe bones, and a persan may appeai- in the best oi healtUh. yet lais bones may not 2antain as much calcium as they should * In time, tbis deficiency a-ili interfere aitb the healtla. Fat- example, a pr-egnant a-aman is likely ta sufer from toatb de- cay because there is a tremendous dra:n on Uer calciurn resaurces. If sUe daes not hav'e an adequate amaunt in her diet. nature takes :t out ai her banes and teeth. Oui- greatest sources of calcium are milk and miilk products. Ta ,et an adequate supply. adults should consume each day. close t-a a plat af milk, a-hile tUe grow- :ng claild who la forming new bornes should take a pînt and a1 hlaf ai miîk. Cheese is an excel- !Ent source ai calcium. too. . Iran is obtaîned largely fnomi vegetables and fruits. O tlae r( sources are eggs. lîver and kidney.1 there tiot wav . of makinz mv c oni- munitv a better Place in which to liive Then if . ?lis be so I must do mnv small part. must. I w iii be a izood Canadian citizen. \Visitors of the club included E. A. Lovel. W\ilbert Charlton and ýtevart Storie of the Oshawa R,,- tarv Club, snd W. B. Redierti, Presideîîî of thee , aRotarClub. #L WCALTN sE[RVICE 0 rbNE CANADIAN WE09CAL ASSOCIATION AND LI@E *UoRACg COMPANgesI IN C&NADA Wlarn tUhe raîlway question %-as unden debate in tUe Senate. Sen- atar Murdoch. a former railroad s man. made a vîgonous Protest -against amalgamatIon ai tUe twa railwas. In a brilLant peroratio.l'i.e: l.sted twenty-six ari-u men-s aga:nst unificat:on. Tieywxere '1' amalgamatton lias airead:. been fully consîdered and nejeci- ed: (2) the graup advocatîn., anaalgamationa are moivated by Self-iîaterest: t31 the real prabo- hem is -ria- ai national finance. flot railaays: 14) tUe problem aof fîxied chartes wvouîd flot be solvedil by amalgamation: (5 efficiency! aould be lessened by tUe removal af campetýtion; 16j possible ec-ý onomles are greatly exaggerated - by the amalgamationists: 7, es- tîmates made se; eral years aga no longer apply: >8) hypotlietica'. figures ai saving at-e mislead;ng:i ,i ten years would b>' tequîredý for physical aînaigamnatiaia. and by that time tlie financial situa- t'on ai the country mgu:be totally different: t110) thie C.P.R. aould gain far mare than thae country: i '11contemplated ecrn- amies aouid cause drastie tnjury ta aonkers and private investons: g<12) track abandonmient :s nat feasible: >13< econamic dîstuîb- ance thnaugh labor displacement aauîd Uc slaockino: >14> mon- opohy aould be in tUie saddle: i'1-' bureauci-acy of tUe Board oi Rail- wxay Camm:ssianers wauld be en- couraged: 1'16> athe:- fartasai tr-ans-or*atian do no, canst:tute effective campetitian: '17' labar troubles a-auld bE :;nevitable: '18' "COVETOUSNESS" -Il mýneY be nat thy servant, Will Le thy master. The covel- cis nman cannat sa properly be, ,said ta possess wealth. as tila- may be saic Iotapsýe:s him.- Bacon. ,SeHf-:gnorance. self-will, self- r:ghteousness iust, covetousnes. envy. revenge, are foes ta grace. peace. and progress: they nus' be met manfully and overcome, jr :hey wiil uproot ail happiness.1 Mary Baker Eddy. "Refrain from coveto us ne s s. a-id thy estate shall prasper.". Plat a. "The ccvetous man pines in pienty. like Tantalus UP to the ch.n :n water, and ye, thirsty."- T. Adanis. Dentists recomrnend WrigIey's Gum as an aid to strong, healthy teeth, cleanses them of food par- ticles, massages the gums. Aida di- gestion, relieves stuffy feeling af týr meals. Helps keep you heaIthý! Take some home for the childreà too - they will love it! CS-35 THE PDWUER 0F RDn ENTH HERE ARE THE PERFORMANCE FACTS: The exclusive Chevrolet Six Valve-m-. Head engine developa its full 85 horse. power--without extra, gasoline-hungr cyliuîders! Recent road tests have again demionst raîed luis Vlve.in-Head super- irity. In these tests,* the 1938 Chev. rolet out-perfou-med the other cars in ils class wiîiî faster hill-climhing- and faster acceleation through ever- speed range. AND HERE ARE THE ECONOMY FACTS: Owners report getting as high as 25 and 27 mîiles to the gallon of gas, consisîently. They're unanimaus in saying that the new Clievrolet saves them noney on ail. And, as miany point Out, Cievrolet cosîs less titan any ather car for.upkeep. BUT JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. Conte ta our slowroolus, take the wheel, and let your own driving reactions tell -ou, "Iî's wise to choose tihe Chevrolet SIX for power plus ecoioniy," *Your deaier scili giadly show you the actual restilus of the tests. Ajk 1dm. MER MODEfaje De Lux PRICED $(2-Passenger Master FROM 8 0 Busmness Coupe) MASTER DE LUXE MODELS PROMS92eliyered at f&o- tory, Osha a, n aemmn a ht andtceseta, Convicuet ternis on th, Gene ai Molors Instalinet Piao 26 ARGUMENTS AGAINST RAILWAY AMALGAMATION lui Phone 25 10 Roy NIchois Courtice .EE L YB X E ,M P r n al ni r u c s r mL n o ,E g a d . "MUR S. e ý ýmQ I odine is obt.ained largeiy in bureaucraCY of railway ufil.L ,sea foods. People who live remote wauld be encouraged; (19)efi- ýfrom the sea have ta depend lent administration oi the p. aiargely upon iadized sait as their posed mammoth manopoly WO.,, source af this minerai food. be daubtfUi; (20) manopoly wo.uyj *The falwing food.g:e a induce administrative stagnatîa' minerals: -Milk and cheese, eggas. 12l) the C.P.R. wou'd pay diy_ liver and kidney. leafy vegetables dends at the expen--e af the coun- such as celery, lettuce and cab- try; <22) camparisons Of C.N.R, bage. alsa fruits and iodized sait. and C.P.R. earnings during tl,:, Remeber nulk ad chesepast ten years are flot a fair tes,, Remeber- nik ad chese23j prospective earning caPaciýv far calcium; eggs. liver. kidney. of the C.N.R. has not been fair,' vegetables and' fruits for iran; stated; <24) amalgamation wau:i" and iadized sait for jodifle. drag railways inta politics warst. Quest:ons cancerning Health, than ever; <25) the present is ro addressed ta the Canadian Medi- time for lavish-scale arnalgarna. cal Asscciatiafl. 184 ColUege St.. ::On experiments; and 126) amnal- Toronto. will be answered persan- gamna.ian would be virtually ir- ally by letter. revc-able. ïw 7