TH AADA TAEX 4 tttn 5VILLE V ' UTA10THRS' ailiedlturchrs.u s bas the niouldin-f theite er on a congzleum mg uzin'Mm1 .bMises Mr aret Sosen th Un t d C u c iso a y G o p l uiklt f groving ho' s and uîrlk. 7géeks tore at Burketon. Mirohes. Mr.artSos. e h aui~~onar a loe f ruth nd H n ,,ters Da% roizram ~a held HAMPTON weekend with Toronto friends. <fI J~J Of Oshawva District Hold Nleetin i in rinZ sore i' k!..»ft!ie jr: ntd Chrher wSuafnateand- Mr.RalPh Tyor shw. CMrla.Lon and Mrs. J. A.yM- U V U I aillit,_Pgoper sl,'îrc re renrt_ itseif. ac of 17. Ni's Reta Swvairr' 'ave spent Sunday at home. McClellan, Bowmanville-. at Mr. __________________ saw.Clla '. noAndnd s.r.vA L, ir lse Love and Friertd.hip ai- a storv on the *Epwortii Fire: ;the The Sally Re~n Tea Rom at Ths. Borakrs. sonnd Serv Encouraging Reports Are Pre. babies attracts voung tuiother..' to the thuuchzlt it niaY talke lis to the Cross. mxis gLroutp saiig a Mothers Day Hampton will open en Saturday. reMrs.Nra'isnadAd setda rsyeilGt- Auxiliarv. een uas Chris'ttvwastakei.' chorts, and Mr. Sheffield. - -Ne M.A.E.A large glass CucMise aror ndIle ering at Newcastle By fil the afternocon MIl.. . E. T. The niext speaker tva,.Ms tpe.trgv ako tsna.te a 4h pcas atondd.heMaonc Couch. Bowmanvile. at Mr. Jack F E tin English. l drssd hegahei.DrC...Ad. rad- Department tif the Girls' Home gave a verv aproprrate semnon o n in tKigtn Baker's. is omrDa f oe fr ot sonp~. She gave a vivid Mary;,, the Mother of jesus. stood Mr.adMs al.rFruo MiMinie, Shortridge. Colum- Dititicta orCmeg e and ha'. niaen ad roto f h oMrare.o nattefoto h Cos"and milyEnWlste d rg nibus;, with her uncle, Mr. Chas. Mum Arrid Vioiaelon stu dv f rhinisad e lechoî.l arîd 'drew v ord picture'. Yourîg People's met Wednesdav and Mrs. W. Wat.chorn. DShortridge.a United Church V.N MS. Eastern1 work of women. having recie the u several chîldren to illustrate the everîinz with ant atteridance of about Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tennant MissDisLchnd aroDe oat em Sectional Rallv, Oshawa Pre'.l2vterialaavard of tIhe King as an ont'tartd- varied per'.olalitie'. with îvhich the 3o. Worship period wa'. in charge *and son Ralph. Oshawa. Mr. and PeisLe aun. . Miss 3 c-5 c39 was 'held i-n Newcastle > nited ling cducationist. Her sublect ivas leader; mu st decal.- of MNiss NMae Leizlhton. 'Miss Marion Mrs. H. Frise, Toronto, spent Mers.Lech. Chumch, «.\ay 5th. îith a splendrd The Wýomen's 1fovement. especiallv Duiringz the dav IMis; Jean Stevens Hill gave a bible reading; Lucille Sunday at F. J. Qroat's. r.Ca.Hw mM yan attendance. MNrs. Geo. Honev. 2nd In thrLa.." t- io dain f NMaple Grove, sang a solo. and Forder sang a solo accornpanied hv Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker, Hon- George, are with friends at Port Bile d FoIw ith the adveons." f th is enve- iss MNary Lane and Mrs. E. L. Mlrs. Saddlor at the piano. Mfiss ald and Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Perry. en ig the deotonalexie. FrlioS. met anthe vlprogessof tisvore Beech <f N'wtonvilie. sang a duiet. Rets Swain, assrstant Christian Fel- Harold Moore and Elsie, Mrs. MrDadr.Al- Bion eassp' McLean heartily welcomed the vis- Jpn.Cin rîAoda D.1, îvi vpageant ivas preserîted bv Icsipconvenor. took charge of Gertrude Clarke, Toronto, spent ipns r. ntd eeken .with47c Dr. WistPiI japn, hin an Inia.Dr.Adtieti..t withionBanMr. andogam:Mrs.DrisHarrrl%%,BalsonithMr.andMrs Heay 'eloWeanneeae ayned foro Rport cstlee Cpresete. Idte f o~n ment. " repreeting ete 11s -.\ h'.artv vote of thanks ,vas ex- gave a reading about the life of an Holwell. varous organizatrons. These Nvcreiratv, Fascrsm and Commuuiiis..r tenîied to hoth speakers and ta the "Onward" Sundav School parlem: a YungPeople's Union met on Lavant where Allan will preach Nova Fîo sS on the vhole, very encouraging, Democracv tuphoids freedoniaf 'catiledrfrthignru.rain bv r.HtoSorigeFiay eeng with Mrs. A. Rl showîng progrcss in almost evervj speech. thorrght artd action but Ocho.ptatV. rayer closed the meet- andtIhte topic bv 'Miss Reta Swain Blanchard in charge of opening Tablets Vacuumn Bo dcpartment. TIte Circles. Bauds, C. ýmurst icari to inite oîrr otinirons Il 1ng.til and business perid. Worship sr-~ g rie 2 910A. G.I.T. Groups and Auxiliaries show- '.uit Gcef; sptrrpo'.e. Ii CernatThe Urnited and St. Johrî*s Arîgli- vice in charge of Stuart Hogart HRiPaseM td$ .9 .10AS cd increased membershjp and Qiv- !under Hitler, evervthirnz . ni; t erie cari cittrches are depîiv indebted to, opened with the cal] to worship ings. Maniv splendid addre'.ses. slides ed juini-rens iives and iin eiiil Mothe s DaySevc Dr.L. B. Wiliianis. Toronto. for bis gît-en by Miss Doris Cryderman. Out b Adju iao arîdlecure hae bericnnribtedleft tIlt er'.eIf. Tvacln' d Dic- L A yu iao an etre aebencnr.We tN wcasle Chuch ie tnctîrres titat lie shotved in the is Betty Rogers read the Bible JM t nuac in the Section bv Outstarndirrg nils- tors hlav e heeti di..rtnissu.d and the Coriirnîitv Hall on Fridav evetîi*n&! lesson. after which R.ev. W. R.ack- M t nuac sionarv tvorkers. Keeri interc..t IS tnurinher ni îrnverstt%,'t-irnîeýtt..r- Many baskets and vases of There tvere foim reels depicting theha leinrye. roam as(rtnudfmPge1 shown iii the surpiv tvork hv gern- duc t t 10 tper cent. Oie tIltii _-tIlt,ýfloers, beautifully a rr a n ged introduictionioaiClîri'.tiarîitv. Two 'of in charge of Miss Thelma R.ob- talk. extnress.ed bisil.icsîrreic rt Larvex Liq. -83c-$1.29 erous contributions, havebtv i-r. a file hb, laround the choir loft and puIpILIthe re'.l'.certred aroirini Britaliinard bn.A ntrmna a ining ti)Botuant ilie. ohere lie hll d Larvex Comb , --$1.26 Averv interestirîg report l the zan rcnt by Ms J. A. Butler. ttvo arotd Ortario. Dr. Wilia, bv Miss Doreen Perrett. Topicle r Xtnad.ier ri.uai i~i Scitool for Leaders at Whitbv. tva.. Rtr'...tia t..xpernrneîtinn; n tant- adorned the Uni*ted Church. Newv- raittite for Dutrharm Colntv s tao as in the form of a story most jHe beleved titat Mutical Fes.tival Moth Killer-- lb. 39c Presented bv Mrs. A. B. ,ve'. Sm- rt mrniui. .We learnit:, d..tijn- castie. for Mothers Day. May 8. rai-e SI000 tfonr the clitirreles, andIt nerigytol y r. . -1 rpetitiori'. tyre thte artît rttcart. Dcioiie- b 3 talks ivere given bv the Secretarie'. girihl-h hetern rirîciple.. andinl titth -Among the dorors were the Rick- tii'enid lie niake.. no cîtarie for bis r.olds. expressing thie thoughit that i, rai'.irî rus-ical stantdards iîntirîtzl- Dclrc b 3 ofDcarmersad. \r tntrnthnd. npt.'lt~ard Fanmiîv ir memoî-y of Mrs. %tunrderfîrl .ervx e> vou receive from life onl i what .,it a colriri-niv. andtI îat ru mtch- Moth Bags --25c-49c Prss0saw Pes eprten %it holecl lsisChis' cas-Jas G___________________C._R.__Car-__ n ru Put into ife. Miss Edith inu of talerttwsteie nto aovarded second place in Bav of t-'. lte as tairlint bv Christh. Ms.Pre ronand Miss i Rackham favored wîth a vocal ,r',izIirnz Oas t.Hee ol2t rtht iSrup Hypphosittes -89 es(;c 2 laser nd n et yofth. solo. A reading was given by Miss Itle festival ..itnirltl le usetl asa Trea..trrr-A gocid start on ve ar..os iare givent equal ràtg ltî. ' -mter and Mrs. J .A. Butlecr. a ______________________ inan.lstCn an cr(d, and tnt as. arn rnt Grape Saits - 50c-$1.00 ciig erred iein cevrset i timentral bse fClaIIe n Hampton W. C. T. U. met at 1 itsilf. He said tîrat the clîild Pablum - - - - 45c Christian Stewardship and Fin- ha. been triade ta redîrce tIre tîitnîen 1ites..apdragons in memory of Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. E. Eve r- ternoo with Mis oKtueson pre- rIîetech 'd er. tr lav'in. ttieet- loe- 5c anc-Get forlo inzservnie anin etn vfecciisadh'- al ters.xsonandfamlyMonnea. M. ad ,sidng Thisbeing the annual n m aîdtitt chaltovthtaerî6t5en mrchsariica gvig inoni a pta eteztate inedicine and ctec- e.S aLa naslni Mrs. Frank Vice and son Douglas,liran htacldwhtletvo branches. lies. sermo etolled the virtues of ail Oshawa, at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. mOee tgbhesie ss. laprgsly de- did tit show virrîproterienît. tva'. a Mission Circles-Tite Circle of tri- T.' kecp aur coîroti frte ail Ili good and wise mothers but re- 1 r adMs.W.Wnd n 'oe t uies.Rpot er t-r at ail tirnes. Addrt'.. utan.l n gretted that ail were rot in this daughter Marion, Mr. and Mrs. g:ven and these officers were el-, ciildrn.rî, lie rrrged thern ta cnteI aieeetoul ii day is the Auxiliart. of ta-nîarrci\%. avaid Communismn our Chtrrch riîli.t cîass. He made reference to cer-GrdDain an so a- ected: President-Miss M. Kater- f- nIfrtl rtdhgve of titrroubletivitît Ever'. Auxiliarv shouîd have a Cir- recitiize ttheocd hing a a la.s tinhait o soearmnlringt rigan-donsVcePrs.MisaLyRynid: nîî far. H( i urnoubed idness i le- hnsOa ls-tihaiso oewmnwbich mond, Mr.Hit DlinOh-sn ic rs-Ms IRenls who assures you coniplete t C.G.I.T.-Great incrta..e iii 1.le.' ittadPrtttm n.pac- prechuded the possibility of their awa, visited with the latter's sis c- Mad]i bin eie ohl)adadpie tce. 0ur leader'. balance buidget.. functioning normally as mothers ter, Mrs. E. Panke. . . . Mrs. Ber- Se.-rs. J. Chapman: Treas. criecoirage coruld net'but inîspire clii- gi vîngs. andl nezlecî birmans. \\"e nynni Onc and greatly lesscned the chances- tha Bailey. Town. Mr. and Mrs Mrs. C. J. Kersiake; Supt.s. offdeiceniith, .ourig crîte.tarnts. Phonel IlIAI Mission Bands-Netv stanidard of leader but that cite mo eirce f their raising healthy cbildren. Ernest Malton and son ArthurDps -Eaglitc1rs .G Nyrriitd. tliaîigh vai runake miiis-69 r.i UIL recagnition to replace the Bartrer'.. Jc'.us Christ. Dont let irï part froni He took his text from Prov. 31:28, Toronto. visited Miss Chri.ssie .Ms atrRchm takes.' lie said. I ni accti..tlrtte( ilt9 giting each chiid added interest. the greatc..t beritage there i;, the Her children risc up a.nd cali bier Freeman at her brother's, H. G. Law Enforcement and Legislation. tîtat*«'atrrelt art excee:dirtaît -Inîrrîiti y________________ praiseth bier. and rcad for the Cator and son Ralph, Toronto.tnation. Mrs. B. Ferguson: Medial lin-,,e ter.orralitv tnvli tntnbahli _______________________________________________________ lesson. Prov. 31:10-31. Solomon's spent Sunday tith Mr. and Mrs.Cane ss and rsoiniFic rit -andt p * Ili i ,Iltiek Irînîltuete lslannfn tl,, EU10gY of a virtuou.%.woman. Mr. W. J. Snowden. . . . Miss Evelyr n IooMrss M rs .Bon: itti ,ratn e tia.. ittrt'ittit\Ir.. MaLen orbi srmnet 0t Evans. Toronto. visitcd her mo- Wht ibnr.Ms.Rcbm,. .Iba , nr ut.tnnai. NEW SUMMER DRESSES r Mis. Wtexc. Honourctethte iather and tonon T]r1îmble.scPorti HopI-, ii1hilhii thy mo*th-er. Ex. 20:12. parents on Sunday. Ms .Rcbm.onutdteiftel'ertiels t1a aiselianlCit. 1 a11 nntt. nrînacîont n.n Here's a group we are realîy proud of. Spun Cords, Empire Thre choir t.4der ,he leadership Rer. W. C. Smith mill bold a cletvtional perical. h tvas decJded antI .tnertenl vlîl l ..e'.44 4.ian tlact'.1 Ie.nllnnîi. cf c.W.J.S.R:ckard with Mrs. FatherssrienxtSna. 'discontinue cur meetings uintil ianîl4.Spait nialtt.eca.. CrePe, Spun Shan, and Sun Tex, ail crease reit'4 fab- lo MrWM .rS. hserititi ick t.(s.Mr.rtiarketi. *If tIti.. Thte iark.. ni t la..- 49 .n~ I~~~~~ E. C. Fisher at the organ sang as Mother's Day program was'held i October. o. ..iit' nfthe' orr(Itînt' laiiin e M'...'t er 'a rît S ries. They corne in sizes 14 to 46, and in printed patt.erns an anrbem. "L'ke as a Father an Sunday. witb a good attend-. I ) î Iti mît t Cntt t.I \w i>l.i t teven ria rks: .Seconil. Starkiilienn. and plain colors. Here are the extremely 10w prices: pit.etb b.s children.* and a mixed ance. Miss Greta Munday tond Ieo t-1ae i enrcl ý,b ih8;adTid quartette, Mrs. C. R.. arveth. the story: a sang by the litti PROVIDENCE c ri', f i far lie tcmîîarkenl i BlIcifiîn 55: arîhod ThIrI.i Spun C rds... ....ea h $495Miss Jean Clemence. Stanley folks oas given: special music by -n 1'ahalilisaîarlf mrin:ij t"it i ttt 4. SpnC rs.... ah $ .5R:ckard and Ross Allun. rcndered the choir: Rer. W. C. Smith gave IPoieneCuchaet ave Inai rîilt aittiiatcti heatria i..îrcliî The mark. itn CIa-.. 48 ut - r>.. MyMothers. Bible." Mothers. speciai mother's day sermon. A j the p:easure of the Saivation c-lîcnît tnerfnrrîîarîcc-. It 1'. a celilitt Bt, ýnîanîilie Puiblic Sdn'l.,l I rî. Empire Crepes... each $3.95 ahr and their chtidren 'wcre christenine tva' also held x-hen Army Band a their church set- latI<lai, n tcoirmaztrîemtIta feci that Spun Tex .......... each $2.95 Ijag nmes ter of Mr.arnd Mrs. Howard Cry- t p.m. D.S.T. Everyne welcome. i, te ctîi."~eYwnk1.bii int each $395 derman. and Raymond Chariesi Fr:ends of Mrs. M. Swancott î'erii-)" te vnrk gierali.. S nShnBLACKSTOCK Panke. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. l asembled at lier home and sur- Ihn nr.tu t ine ijalt. diction, il- __________________________ Panke. we:'e baptized. iprised ber by walkrng in on her terrtionret rnit. thtt.i,ntatTAiE OUnW TH E EVLYN SH O .\nnnî. 1" a h'errî . o ~NI r... ' o'tIî baskets and presents. it be- .î .' Bcct I.tct M..Claram nîti ng lier birthdlay. Mcs. Strancott ' hll uldspone THSALEMHPAii. '-r ilinIs ..1who is nearly blind. could rot un- , i a i'.ntt..iaOURifelWd.0 n Phone 594 . Stnnt. . . . andi Nit-.. Vi i .__________________M derstand what it wa.s ail about iiertm Poe54Bowmanvxlle anti famiil' . Nîr. andnIlrM.t-. armi but oas soon put at case. Af ter r uen t ie.- SuricI _________________________________________________NId .atiIiiii anti Lawrtence. Ni..le Rev. A. W. March gave a very Rer. A. W. Marcc had a word of ir tthrî t fthSae etit a.%a aiY' E ______________________________________________________ton. Ir. andtl Mm..Sirti Samde!r'. '. f n Mother*s Day sermon Sunday iprayer. baskets ocre unloaded and '.atesatnfttef.i NI . - elmiSainet'.n annd Mm. H. aftcrncon. The puipit oas sur- presents unorapped and everyonàe ertlit n icirsadret s pr;t.lthOdLadeoe Sanntlet'.tn andnI Mn'..1,e Santter..rnî rounded o'îth beautiful floo'crs. imade things bright for those di m 1 iitriin fot ai iith Nir. ,nînNrt..Herberi tetsomte fromt Mr. adMs L 5 .eysaUa er oful of tan- ] ohi'n.e îmînna rr rt'. aji nnilies itcittt..- a M AD~~ TI4FATPF ~ ~. ~» 7ri cMlati.Iliti. To,- Toronto. b1autiful plant fulness. Mrs. 'Swinfoi rd lthak l inn nen mttam.tnhavin ~ P e's Bsuts Tefora n IriCaec r. D. ilr.Toronto' her class 0f young girls oho gave Ti CIas,'.44. tIt'etvinitiiClilit io hv tste bfoe M A KS TH ATt atiu Nr. andti Nît. CciIi)nviiex in remembrance 0of hec mother. severaI selections of sacrcd hymns frnnît aearua. ( Nîts. Stvitzeriln ir a Our tore hswe-n anrd so.em eant, iitItr. amni tbe late Mrs. R. Coliacutt, and o'hich ocre mucb cnjoyed. Some 1 rîars . seartl pacetva.ore.e OS AWîr. TJlii.n lc. Rit... Nîr-. others 'from local members. twenty-fivc people assemnbled ',, Starn-kyllie i Nrs. Rcnb i sil Vi c Pranlhnri t iii Item l anrgh-enr. Sunday School beld a vcry in- thrs occasion ta make this loncly "-'7 niark,.. andti îirn Il\i-trinini NI r,.. Nb' \ FW. 'nler Eî.itt. . ' In' teresting Motbcr*s Day pragrant, Soul feci she had some friendsil>(-)'cn îith 817. tBePll andnl\Ir. h'retl Rcitrni...foiloîv:ng the outline 0f the Mo- wtho liad not forgotten. Thi Dttaa.o ii. i tl. nîi Nîr.. Bbt. thers Day leaflets. Rev. A. W. what oc termi "God's ittle bis "J In t'la... 47. tiee ta'.ritarl't'i Bll. 1ais)I.. nId utIrNb.'. Vi.atlt-IMarcli gave the main feature, ings". 1 -;set inerice .n)f te îvorîdtrfîinllnî inlYOUR WEEKEI a s h e a saianrle. En ffoi. . .. Nîr-. i. Hnnn et namely a splendid talk on the , ____________________ iiliflinence nfl Mrs.. Sîeitzür. Apleauc anid AIr... BllIa Bctrd.,î S. life 0f the mother of John Wes- \* i tatd t'iiton Sin, Lck.ncl..NI " AYpERAuc E S. .. ivithIlNr-. Ilerniant Sainnîcli... . Nît. Iley. Miss J. Newman rcad tien SOLINA n tcnîthu nnn" itht 87. 86 av 1mi- Thursday - Friday - Saturday andI Nrs'A. Keani aid Nîcivint a'în story and there was a teen-agemîa'. DiecusaknItntt Aord D e n nIDrbr s.. tbnatm in. and lNil...1 girls' chorus and a readiflg bNy The Sally Rer Tea Room at IiiaîtIest turmît'.(ifthe tcciîtrut , goBe..sie Futî,tnt Nîr. ,ndIi Nr, ...iMaster R. Lockbart. aitogether Hampton will open on Satura.'temaîlmiehhtt i'i ln FRUIT TARTS D a n u b la.\m'clîn n. . . \Ir. Bîtteîii onav iîrî making a fine program. May 14th. Specials. ti's nf i ts. Svit7er.tlthia fritmnnî.in t'itn, . b.amnd NI r- Y. P. U. meeting ovasopened onl About fifîy frieds of Mc. andn'.rsn rînleni .n wrihît ) t,' ltmc tt iii Yu I Fvrt WN. C..hegî-nt.B,î iat l.;tii Wedneday e\'nn. a'4b b Mrs. Allan Baison gatbered at the j iarrnlinîcL anîd au ti'.tic treaitirtî LEMON PIE......... N\Ir. ant i N-.. 1, c F tan nice President L. Squaic. Mr. G. home of bis parents, Mc. andMrs. The .\nhjtu(iti-ir nn triideni vr, ~~' A D o lit ~ ~~NI n. andI Nb'.. \aIl ndtl Iui.Barrie looked aftcc the secretary's A. J. Baisoit. on Monday eveninni , nîccs'.an' miiînmît, lirnt:. nUI Nt. tidNî...Viil nîn dtie. roganioa inchrge0fto extend congratulations and best "f Iusttiietioitrelative to hnie Nir inîtlNIr..Fn niIlatttt't... IMca S Btttey.ohorea ti oiîes to Mc. and Mrs. Allan Bal- s aînnarîttotf'ii aiiwminta m ~ Nlc...r.. hn-,îii antutINnrra, bible refErences and ther con- son on their marriage. Mr. John' tr%' ehimnis Inn the co'ritnetimta l'a c'-.ln.. i'hî h:,tn , . ît.. Cicted a group conference oullne Kieil called the company to o- î, iici. inn lii..etniii. plut thi tTH E CA RT EI ii\'r ýIna . hNl... rNua 1-,r- of the tvonkîngs of the Y. P. U-'s der and Miss Ruth McKessock nintatte,îl.nrgs tu ianIil t a Pl,%i.ui îî un NIr. mmnd,1 1general. Those taking part ccad an addcess. Messrs. Weslcy j achange ii in ilnni tecîniti Bakers for T*c Nîr. V mt h"nl~. h.atnl.. Nî. vere Mrs. L.. Squait. Mrs. S. But- Yciloo'lecs and Tom Baker pre- n \aetiilg turi]tnre entreet nîneas Pon 5 With Herbert Marshall, Arthur Treacher and amui AIr-. .î,ormuanîn'n mu ,-tey isM. Coîaut, Mc. E.sentcd the bride and groom %oîthlIv. antd liapedti iatitexrt \car iviuin Phne85 Gail Patrick ,uinî. Kil% I,.Nr. innîîn-\Ir,. .'[ 'toge' c L qui.-4 .a lovely Kenwood bianket. a iinen I'-te thiti'.nir.ii anlcntndtunl. Gal arikIllkiii annnl 1,,ami. Obism i.. Bacre and Mn'. E. Doîdgc. Other luncheon set. anîd a cake plate.!LIa's 46 tva'. an-thler ver\v el!t I mel ioni.j, . m. rie, , Nî. umbets on the ProgamMvrM. and Mrs. Bal.ýon respondcd itn n. xliitîuiil nu -îscctt-iiain i i Natinees daily at 2.15 p.m. - Evenings 7 and 9 p.m. awil Nf'.'rtiihnnn'uM. Violin selection. Mnr. W. Taylor: thank'ng eîeryone for the gifta. lie trinit Il,bu a retcininr o ni ___________________ anl NîIl-.I".. BPcers. I r'.. \\uît nntîhi ocai solo. Mr. H. Barrie: short Short congrat.ulatory s p ceecces iîe'.c' t.'hiîit-.' the Itl* Air.NînttatBt m'.t l ir.anl jreading.sCby Miss J. Netîm;an and o'ceemade by scierai present woacii r.'i> rîni t Ii,'t-t. Special .\Ir'. Tmuue n'ianMg KC . n Attendance 27. wished the bride and groom ievery ir lte \%vîrti ld tnnldtitthitvo b.I. Mi". and Mrs. J. Cator and sonscca.Termndr fte attntk-nnrt'îtkîn T a'. i \ .intniandl Mr. and Airs.H. Hobbs and c,' oas agent in a sa2iaî îvay r ifo(,liui îît n 'i thendi'trict.- ~ 5A M atanee Nîr . SinIruvTrctinn. iitnii-kiieni. s-on.Toronto. 0cr'--Sundas' riait- qand lunch ossrc. iiiattin ' ar l -%MP /f'ýTioRa - Adde Hit I nI~ ' n -' n' <ni ot: .nrnnantntni" IMauntjoy's ... . Mc. and Murs. E. innrLlcntt".'xln't.Nnk. nîlu nn' i 'nnne nnt iItV, ti .n .Bee<'b and fainily. Coltitubtis. "Partners innIrn n ntittrimei nn Il tMi' A. BeKa'b'. . i.; r.C. Xrt àii !tiîk r'n'i~ lfli '.nnnmnnninu',n ., I i'nn I n't Mcntonie' . T aouî', ta î't'ing (.Ni~, i t-iN , .. Rn, n s, It S : id I a e n d ed a M c. E . B n acllo in'S em r , A t 14 llli I I NI E H W ~ .~;': n i ','ai init mni li 'i deatil cf lier intîtlîec.Mm. I.EtI- n . ma iittn" tm'.rl'n Every Sunday at 12.05 j t nivlnt'1)' Xtrînittt Connîatulations ic 'is Jan n.. n' nî'tnmcbeing a mong the prize innei' n. ln Ctii'n4 ril 4) 4 m innnna nnn lî i' &nan a d Clfoti T'îsîPnORTînel tiui'. h tefHOPmEiî' P R OP i 'irn minimt lt. tn Nl". i"tîlthe solo class at Hainptan last ()a'? THF, c tue txcnî'nîîi en<nn. 'i 1111rq tarter ar alet h ue lnîekv iiii- Wednesday niglît. c"ratle snnrlair' m 1 ne 3O~lNJ.- ELIS THE BEST es You WeII ; Tmber it 1lb. >l Jealth SaIts. AI for 39cL Dew Non Perspirant 25c - 47c' ecials 3Paste - 17e [Is - - - 27e lotton lb. 29c yrup - 89e otties --29C tabs. - - 19e Odorono Ioe 35c 79 - 1.39 1 0 Cakes Castile Soap 25c Comb. Fittings NOW! AMAqZ/NG NEW SH.AMPOO FDRECIL ROLA RN DREEFR FRNRA iour Experienced Optometrist satisfaction, including quality ING Drggst 'Ous NGDrgg Sutti ) SI1nmarks :Second, Port Mr. tanlv) Nith~ Rvewil1Lz tle nrst dax 's worký a7e a>srtud that it can be re- aslittie short of a tr iumph n nr;andi teachcers alikec. Not o ,ts the mnusical standard t i n rl lt l sn r l a l l v h g h , b u t , a c - c.'dî.rt.) the Aiudicator. it wvas of a -s '(.l silperior to bhis ex- iucttit. .nn and i aso to the zenleral I ecntme Ile\t ck) RD FRIl Sswear by MeVittie and ce difierent to anything Just try a package from d - we know you'Il be M M M ND SPECIALS ......each 30c for 10c - each 5c ......each 25c 4R FAMJLY 'Generations Bowmanville SETNEONLY Ont WORD 70 gag" ili lER MES sO- WEKSPRIZES ewtonville, Ont. lamPton, Ont. ~Neea-'stleOnt. - - PHONE 404 PHONE 419 -, J PAGE SIX s .'n..,~ - -T-'.--- -. -' - . 'n-n.... n.. I.-. - Y "T'V,." THE CANADIAN STATESMAX o,,7-rivin ý1317DQn.iv NfAv 1,>,rlj ini.