.TPURSD.\N, JUNE 2ND, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN, BOWMIANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SIX BURKETON Recent Visitors - Nies. Hawthorne and daugitier. Ruby have retuened t0 Geleri afie visiiing ber son, Nie. B. Hawthorne.1 Me. Breck, Toronto, ai bis home. Me. James Daei, foemeelv of Bueketon. 15 reported getting alongz f ine. Mes. C. Sanderson with bee sec. Rev. Ni. Sandeeson. Toeonto. Mers. C. Dean and 'Nies. B. Mar- low are impeoving. Nie. Hares' Rahmn is sick, in bcd. Nies. C. Sandeeson bas mueb im- proved ber home wlîb a coat of paint. Nie. and Nies. W. Hoskin and famnilv sitb bis brother. Me. and NIes. James Hoskin Oshiawa. A good many -men try te clîTnb the ladder of succes's ýiiho>Ut fiist taking the trouble ta see if it is set on somnethjng f hm. I SOLiNA Antis esarv Visitors: Miss Ferrn Armstrong. Peterbolro. Miesses Stewart and Chas. Whittii- tout, Springsillc. Me. Burntev Hooev, Nesileton, ai Me. R. C. Scif 's. Me. and Mes. Moore and familv. Union. Mer. and Mes Nelsoni Fice and family. Zion. Me1. and M.\rs. T. M'estlake and baby-. Hamptonit iMe. Frank Xestakes,. Mef. anid Nies. Haeev MWilcox' and Madlyn. Hampton. Me. and Nies. Lassecice Squale. Nie'. F. L. Squale. S;alemn, NMiss Id2i Stepheits. B<,winian- ville, N.Ie. and Mes. Rov NMcGill and Keitb. ies. Chasç. Loiigmaid. En- niskillen. Me. aîtd ies. Arthur Langmaid antd Evelvn, Columbus. ai Me. Rov Langmnaid's. Miss' Doris Cevdeemnu. Hamp)- ton. ai Nie. Harold Pasco('s. ' _Nie. and 'Nies. Ed. Davis. NIe M'alter Davis.,ie.Nesbitt. ,,r_- roi.Nier. andI Nies. Neil Yellowlees. TrHE BIGGEST DAY 0F THE YEAR Everybody WeIcome Sixth Annual Jr. Farmers' Field Day -BETHANY - Saturday - June llth, 1938 Girls' and Boys' Soft Bail Tournamelits - Open to Durhami County - Send applications t. Department of Agriculture, BôwmaIlvilC, fot later than Monday, June 6th. Gaznes commence at 9.30 - Standard Time. Township Tug-of-War. Cbarnplonsbip lard Bail Game - North Durham vs South Durham' GRAND DANCE 7.30 to 11.30 p.m. - - ee 25c ADMISSXON TO GROUNDS: Adiilts 25e - Cildren 12 yrs. and under 10c Ballplayers - 10c You can win $10,000 for !deus like this in the Johns-Manviflê "BETTER HOMES"" CONTEST Can you think of thrce things that would make your home more comfortablc, more attrac- tive, more livable? Your ideas may win irsi Pize Of $10.000 Or one of 109 other cash pri.zes in this contewt sponsored by Johns- janville. Al you do is write a letter on the subject "What the word 'Homne' mean8 to me," in- cîuding 3 ideas for making your home a better place to live in. Enter today I The contest is peto anyoieOver21 whois conl- sdeing the building of a new home or who is now ahome-owitCr. THIS BO0K WILL HELP YOU WIN! The Homre Idea Bo ii 'p o id coepis ""ges of prcia Uggestiofll on home remodelifla ..d home-huildingE- exact1,theinid of informa- tion you wiil want in the J-M Contest. Send uoc for your copy and fuit contet detaila. Oshawa Wood Products Co. Courtice Phone 2130 TEL ROcJ-U THOLY Ch.N LEES ROTU TELKSNAB ANS. ZO No. ou highly recoin- prise& Usiad hereifl wiI be awarded for what w. judge to be tii. mOst accurate PRIZES the neatest and the imost attractive solution rmailed or brought to us wth- $20 reLunirY or. Cleaning in live days foUowing Publication Of $ tercbodyt' ezeeflt. $1.00dYFereepiaundry or Cleaning aecSIAY o mke nypurhais.Use SOe Free Laundry or Cleanini Ibe fovnbve, or k a sepaet. sheet. W rite 7.r na .e anu a d e s l tl WINNERS 0F LAST WEEK'B PRIZES 1. MISS ELSIE FLINT, Wellington St., Bowmanville, Ont. 2. MRS. WILUIS JONES, Newtonville, Ont. 3. MiRS. S. E. SCULTHORP, Port Hope, R. R. 1, Ont. PHONE 410 Mir. Albert A1îi n. Miss Stîsief Thermpson and Mr. Geo. W. Grahiam.c Bowmanville, ai M.\r. Jack Yellow- leef'. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Werry. Mr.c andl Mrs. Jack Brooks and Arlev. Mrs. Sheridan andl daugbter, Velma. antI grandcîaughter Vivian. Oshawa.t misses Doris and Mars- GroomsE and '.\r. Jerdait Sharp, Toeetito. ai Nlr. S. E. Xerry's. Mr. and MIrs. Ernest Larmer and famnilv. Blackswck Miss M!arkn Balson, Zion. at Me. A. J. Balson's. Me. and Mrq. John Challis and Miss Mabel. Bowmanville. ai 'Mr. ,,id Hockadav's and tba Misses Hockadav's. Miss Mary Bray, Osbawva. witb M\iss Betis Smtalcs. Me. James Bradv. Lindsay, Miss Eva Cook, and Mr. Chas. Warren.i Zion. ai M.\r. Cecil Pascoe's. Miss Jessie Yellosvlees. Oshaswa. ai Mr. N. C. Yellowlees'. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Folev. Maple Grove. ai Mr. Chas. Smitb's. Mes. Jas. Gaudin, Stetler. Alla.,1 Me. Leslie and 'Miss Florence Jack- son. Bowmianville. NMiss Rul-v De - el], Oshawa. '.rs. J. W. McM.\aster. Mei. and Mrs. Bert GlaspelI, Zion. Mr. and 'Mrs. Russel Ormiston, En- ni5killen. ac Mr. Jack Bakers. Mr. and IMrs. A. \Vbiincl. June and] Lorraine, Mr. aîîd Mrs. Nelson Revniolds. Toronto. Me. and Mrs. Reg Somerville. Joyce and Marv. Cherrywvood, M.\r. and M.\rs. Jim Revnols, Hampton, ai 'Mr. Jack Revnolds. Mrs. ÇJias. Pascoe. 'Misses Jessie He vs and Alice Robeets. Messes Beri and Bill Heys. Toronto, Mr. and 'Mes. 'M. J. Hobbs and Joan. Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Everet F,lliott and Marsv. Oshawa, Miss Lulu Reynolds. Me. and Mrs. Jim Resynolds, Me. and Mrs. Joe Cbap- man, Hampton, ai Me\Is. R. J. Mc- Kessock's. Me. and Me\Is. Chas. Werry. Osh- aswa. Me. and Me\Is. Kyle Squale. Shaws. Miss Oke. Bowmanville, Mr. Cvril Rundle. M.\aple Geove. ai Me. J. T. Rundle's._ auîd NMr. Bob Siiosden. NMiss Greta Nîuîinda%.,Nie. Fred Wrigbi. Niaple Geas c. NMiss.es Jessie Hogarth and Fdith Rackham atî(]NIe. Bruce Yeo, Hampion. ai N.Ie. Thos. Baker's. NIe. amtd]Nie... Neswtoni Saccv aute iauîilv. Oshaswa, ai NMiss NMiarv Hi,gzarth*s. N.ie. ancl Nies. R. R. Stevemns. Nie. amid Nies. loben Stevenis. Nie. auîd Nies. NMark Niundav. NMiss Ida Siev- uts, Nies. Aliie Woods,. Nie. Law- reence Woods. Niaple Grave, ai Nie. B. G. Stevens'. ,NIe. Haroled Taylor. Toronto. N.Ir. and Nies. A. Williams, NMiss Kath- letit Cook, Port Ferry, Nie. Gej. Howsani, Rocklauîd, ai Nief. Chas. Hawsam *s. Mef. aitd Nies. Bert Fosîe, Bow- manville, Rev. R. H. Xylie. Col- umbus. Nief. and N.Ies. WilI Siaintout. F.nniskillen. Niss Nora WVeerv. Kedeon, NMiss Irene Pascoe. Nie. F. Pascoe and familsx Zion. ai Nie: r.A. L. Pascoe's. Nie. acd Nies. Jessé Van Nesi, Haniyilion, Nief. Powell ajid Niss Niabel. Oshawa, Nie. John Giffin, Enniskiller. ai Nie. Nors-al XVoi. ten's. Nie. and Nies. Edgar Pascoc, Thornîon's Cg3trneirs, Misses Jessie acd Noreemi Ormisian. Wbiibs. Misses Kathîceut and Niarzaret Tink. Hampton. ai Nief. H. E. Tinks. Nie. and Nies. Norman Leach an Miss. Doris. Taunton,. Niss Vera Kerslake. Hamptonut.aMNi. Jo~hn Kivell's. Nie. Robert Beau-nlev -acd Niss .Niinnie Sîtortelulge. Columbuis. at Nief. Chas. Shoeieidge's. NIe. andel Nie. Harvex- Haedz, Detýen and Russ.el, Oakwood. NI. aîtd Nies. Lorute Milton auîd famiil, Canningtoîî, ai Nie. Isaac Hardi's Nie. and Nies. Frank Brav eut Fîglut. Enfield. Nie. ami Nies. GCc- Blizhi anelBillv. Oshtaswaau NI WValter Parrinder's. Nie-. 1hbiti 'enftntd. Oshbawta. -peitdscc the stummer v.iîh Nîr. an( Nre. . V.T. Baker. CADMUS Mlr.and Nirs. Ed Baiten. Gladvs Doniald a iil Roblie visited ai Russell Browsins. MUiss Helen Fowler visiied 'Miss Hi lda Asherhursi, Goodwood. Mliss Jane Fowler and Miss Lottie Campbell. Lindsav.. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Spencer. Lotus. visited at Gjeorgie Fowler's. AX reception service was beld at Cadmus Chuirch Sundav morning when the followink, were received it full memlbeeship: Mariorie Gal- braith. Guelda Johnston. Gerald Sinistcy, Lewis Stinston and Gor- dlon X![cCalllm. LONG SAULT 1 MNrs. 'Via Smith and Helen, Ty- rone, witb Mr. and Mrs. Herh Bur- gess. Mfiss Ruth Farrell and Mr. Clar- 'niec Bradley witb Mr. and Mrs. P. Bathzate, Bowmanville. .Nîr. and MIrs. John Elton, To- ronto,. sViîh AMr_ and liirs. E. Cook. Mliss Hazel Woodward and Nr. rrvd Smith Jr. wiîb Mr. and Nrs. Fred Smith. MIr and Mrs. William Snmith. To- ronto. ith Mir. an(] Mrs. George Snîîîiliaid Nr. D). B. Farrell. .NIe.. C 04o Viriiie i:m5 ey er 1),ctû,r's carc. Nr. Art Illarvev has purhýed ai ne, au u i acle, eliiap4r iand SALEM Rev. A. W. Mrhdi ,,ourse at the evenirnz mevc, here Sun- day was a pic a for Žynipathy to- ;'.ard ail wrong chers. Y. P. U. nr:awas wth- awnst las*,week ow.ng to ann.- i :*riyý, pl'at ice. Thtu; weeks e' e ý,ing bas al,9 been cancelied fc- saine îeaFcon. M.&. B. Catar wa-, calleel to Torcn'oconSunday c-w:ng te the P1neýs; of her s'ster-in-law, Mrs. J Caticr who lia-, the flu. Glad te, know the Thompsoni id ra Il e. i. (I f amiily aie well on the wvay to ie- covery a! ter an attack o!f flu. Congratulations to Mr. and Mis. L. Coombes on the arrival of a fine baby be. Mis. C. Pollard xnotored to To- ronto on Tuesday with lier bro- ther, Mr. H. Hocken and farnily, Shirley. Miss Elda Getrvais, Toronito, spent -the weekend WAth Mr. and Mis. E. - Silver. HOME AND SCHOOL <Continued from Page 1l Miss Helenl G. Morris. Mss Leta Bragg was at the Piano. Mis. Bowen in a brie! address outlined. the wcrk o! the CouWy organization, and explressed the hope that ail o! Du.rhaznVs twen-ty Home ahM Scehool Clubs would soon affiliate. A' present ten have affillated. Mis. Bowen point-ed out that only by affiliation is a group pernutted to use the title Home and School Club. After cuthining t.he benefits te be de- rived fioni membership in the County and Provincial Federa- tons, Mis. Bowen Presented charters to several o! the clubs represenýted. The main address was given by Rev. Dr. Millson o! Welc&Tie, who spoke on "~Chairaoter Building." D)r. Milison stressed the value o! manneis as the most important thing in chfldien's lives. TIhe fit-st f ive years o! a child's 111e aie the Most Impo>rtant, be sasd, and it was in that period t.hat good ma=ne must be inoulcWt- ed into the chlld's charaocteir. Just as walkizig and tallng weie learned in Ithat çerio)d, so «man- ners were leaîred as a permanent part of living. Dr. Millson added that while the Home and Schdol Clubs can do valuable work for childwten. the unot împortafltfac- toi was still the home life. Good clothes do flot mean good mnan- ners, b>e sald, as he recalled giv- ing two young men a ride in his car. The one, rat her untidy a.nd dishevelled, was a perfect gentle- man, while the 'vell dressed Youtb was ill-mannered - Mi. E. F. R. Osborne and Mies. m. j. Hutchinson expressed the gathering's appreciation to Dr. Milîson and to, ail who, had ap- peared on the prog7rami. Curinga the evening it 'vas an- nounced that the Bowmanvilii Home and School Club had the largest paid Up meinbershiP 01 any to-wn o! ils size in Ontar2o adistinction o! which the towr coulti well be proud, Mis. Bowet- said. Plans 'vere discussed for thold- ing a Regional Confereilce ir Bowmanville in the Fail. Your MiIkmain NE VER FAILS YOU! Well. that îs the visible cvi- dence of the saine charar-teris- tics tliat extenti through oui daim-y organization. Th- quai- ity. purty andi teLability of Bowrnmanville Daim-y Mi:k and Cream ne et- fa Is eîther. BOWMAN VILLE DAIRY -Phones 703 or 446 - Bowmanville %\ýeAY OESY MWARR'S JEWELRY STORE Phone 463 Bowmanville The Black Hawk News[I The village of Kenclal makes isn hid for fame and fortune ibis week th ih he medium of is scbool newspaper "The Black Hassk News." Intcrsiewing NIMiss Caterinev Ni. Stewart, ibe beloved icacîter in this communits. ste leaened that tbe name of thee paper*bas no speciala significaànce coîîceening Indian an-1 cestoev but 'vas cbosen hs one of1 thic pupils qnd voied the hesi of tose submitteç& Regders 'vilI find ibis edition in- îeesiing with a 'vide varev of sub- lect maiter. 'veil and neatlv peesent- cd. Kendal is situaied a fcsv miles dieectîv noeib of Nesvions-iIle. XVe have vivid recolleciions of the dis- trict in caeîy speing or laie winte sshen icachers 'vere inteesicwed con- ceeningib ese papers. Recklesslv we îred to eeach scheol bouses os-e snosv blocked roads oîîîv 10 discover the weaknesses of automobiles amtd thue superioriiy of N-,Iother Natur"?. Several times oue car fountd us svav into deep diiebes or discovcred ihat is wbeels bad sunk deep dowuî intthie snow. siuck fast until sote kind-heaeied faemee wiib a sirong teamn passcd alang and offeeed a bclping band. Ves, indecd. h hi 'vonderful counirv arouîtd Kendal, Crooked Creek and tbe other villages n ibat district, bui the buIs are na place for âutomnobile iraf fie in mid-w inter. The nexi edition 'vilI come front Crookcd Creek where Sidney B. Rutherford is the teacher. Nieasi famous sebolar f rom ibis school ai preseni is Raymond Gilmee. champ- ion orator of Ontario. Their paper is called "The Spectator." Anv scbeoiL cubiter in DarlinRion oe Clarke, who have not alr(ads' submiiied ibeir copy are asked to hold iî until nexi faîl. The veesent seeles 'vilI be suspçnded ai the ed of June and tyjîl be resumned i September. ELDAD CHURCH Ideal sseaîher and good crowvrs zreeted Rev. R. H. Wvlie, Columbus,N at Eldad anniversarv services on Sundav. The singing by the sclhool u:îdur tlîe leadership of MNrs. Tohn1 Baker %vith M.\i'< Ileen Balson as pianisi svas much enlovcd, as w as also the ladies ciuartette in thec aiter- nelandl the girls* double q ne rîti>.t n the evening. Services we'-e hld in the large shed v. hich -,%as beauti- fullv decorated for the occasion Nvith biinting, flags, 'cnit flowter and cedars. MNondav evening a league gaine. f footl ail was plaved between. Enni- skillen and Solina with a cote of 1-0 for Solina. At 8 o'clock a verv eni ovable concert was givfn. Rev. Vahtt i P4ackham was chairman. Mý\ises Barbara Leask and Betty Smalcs, silver medaliss at Durham Muical Festival recitcd. Sellicks orchcetra f rom Oshawg provided music while the audience wvas Ratheringz and be- tween acts. Solina Young People presented their three-act farce. For Pete's Sake' whîch 'vas 'veIl re- ceived b,' a large and appreciative audience. ITe casi of characters included MNisses Helen Baker. MIar- garet Scot, Evelvni Tiak, Pearl Leah, Faînv Smdles and Ileen Bal- so. and Nfessrs Jim Smales. Hoîs ard M\ilhon. Allan Taylor, Harold Bal- soi, Roscoe Baker andl \ alit Blackburn %with IRuh McKessock aý director. Each one taking fiir part excedinglv 'vellI Prouaeds abot ORONO NEWS Miss E. Epps ent'ertained f-- ends from Rochester Sunday. A number attended ite bail gaine at Bowmanville Tuesday night when Forestry defeated Fr ovidence. Softball meeting to make ar- rangements for the summer 'viii be held at F. 0. Cooper's barber shop Friday night ai. 8 p.m. All irterested axe urged to attend. The Mantie fa.milY have vaccat- d the north haf of the former Leigh house on Main street. Ix. Thos. McNeil visited bis daughter, Mrs. Gordon Martin. Mr. and Mis. George Laing 'vere on a motor tii over the weekend.e Mr. Charles Miller is having bis propertv renovated. Mr. and Mis. C. Clenience, Osh- awa, attendied anniver&azy ser- vice here Sunday naght. Mr. Harry Davy, Mr. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fralick and daughter Ruby, Toronto, -visited Miss M. Davy and M~-s. L. Firalick. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hammt visit- ed in Peterboro. The f lrst sign of the 12th of July was heard Tuesday night when Bowmanville band came dowýn and provided a shorI pro- grami o! music. Mr. and MeLs. Horace Brown anmd children, Toronto, iîe Miss Sadie Brown and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brown. Young Peoples Pre.sbytery pic- nic will be held Saturday at Hampton. A monstoir p.cmtc of!'Port Hope business men is schedu'ed for July ist in Orono commijnity jzark. Somne of the Reforestry men have Ùeen laid cff. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westlake, Toronto, and Mi. and Mrs. FRank Býgelow. Eehany, vis!ted Mit-s. Ephriam Whie. MAPLE GROVE Ruceut Vsir NIe. amnd Nies. NI illard Illake Iiu ma NIiu dav I -Sarnuia, ivilî Nie. aîîd MIe.. J.1. H N\iiuit.(y Mli',..L.aculta Nîiil. ad t NI e. Vtul Ket, Bae.ric-, 'vi tîtl lit-e: i. .Nis. Ilars ev Brooks. Ni r e. nîd N es A.l fred L ird. gra ndî- 1 mlî , D tonald I 'earson M .NVi .W . L i l atti et-d tue fuute raIlutn Tceaits, 111 Nimudas- of thie forîtîers eule- Nies. Laird. Sympailus is exteiduc' ta Nie. Laird. 1 Ss-mpathy is extended te Rev. C C. Washington, a former pastor. ini th -oso ism ie.Mr. 1.C Mer. Fosoer Ferguson, Ottawa. wiîb Nie. and Nies. Norman NMount- Nie. Arnold Johnston and NMiss Ferga Jobîson. Toronto,.vith ieir parents. Ni. and NIs. A. Jonson. Nie. Henr'c Graham. Toronta sviih lier paremnts, NIe. and N.ies. H. Nýfidîitiov. miss NIabel Bech,.Trota, syili 1 lier siser Nis . Austint Larmer. Ni. and N\is. W aion ' Larmner. t Toronto. wih is paeents. NI. and Nies ,James Larmer.s N.I. and Nis. Norton \ail Camp. Audrev apld Swaiui. Elmnira. wtu N\Ie. andl NIs. A-\. W. V\,an Camp. NIe. and Nis. rnesiT aniesn. t Hiîcl, s.lt NIe. and Nies. D. Beacock. Ni. a ptî Nis. E a l' D orecl and famils' witb .Ir. and Nis. Normtanut Ni. and Nis. Leslie Graham and RaN. \NillFrook, witb I. and Nis. 0. Grahîam. Nis. Newton Taylor wiib f iends in Winnipeg. Man. Nie. Wm. Crawford, Trenton, wiih1 fricnds and relatives. Nis. Florence Nontgomcerv El- drd. Detroit. Nis. Lamna Baldwin.1 Nisses Fankie and Bessie Sorewel.q Oshawa, siiwieh .r-Fred Taylor. Nies. John Englisb wiib Nies. 1. Lar mer. Nîjr. andl Nie. \V . Forder andi Joyce, Egypi, witb Nies. W,\m. Bar- NOiesss ales and Stewart Wltit- 1îiîîgîouîanîd Niiss Feen Armnstronig, Peterbora. with Niefs. Jolie Hoocv. Nie, and Nis. Ed Cain andI NI. Normlait Cain, Pont\.poo. NI. acd NIe. Fretl Hall autlnie'Mr.a11(1Nîrs. NI. Css bred, Keenl- w iîb NIr.J F& ree. Caitîuttîu1itts sa, sbockcd tn liai of tîhe sîmeîcîtdatît of NIe..R-obert Bell whlo passed asvav on Midav ai lier son's htonte iii Ottaswa. 'Thte e ,nituîitv ehetend thc-mr deepesi svmnpatltv ta Nie. Bell antI faîttils-. WN..of Unted Cliuurclt met ai Nirs. Jas. Nîaelowsssiîth a gt>ed attendamice. Bible Stidv svas takeut 1)v Nies. ..Johision ; Nies. Bell rua(I a NMessage front Chiina.' w-rit- tee bs the- sife of the Gecralissiutto andf also gave a spîcuîditl retort cf Presbsterial 1neetiuîg. Peograni 'vas iii charge of Nies. .1. Fordîer; 'lInto a Teutt" 'as stitig .bv NMiss Visiaut Sade; Nies. Harcourt spoke verv r kindly of ibeir happy associationt w-iîh "the people of Blackstock. bath su intheir osse cîtuecît(Si. John's An- glicaît) and alsa iin Uxitcof Cburcb. YStuc lefi as ber paeting message ta 1 'd thv .M.S a splendid addrtss on ii a l1esing to the townshirp i, Cliri>ti.-ii Fellowshiip. Evervonù J'u- etIli a1ot their own parislh and have senit expres'ed dqep regret ai t 1t-(t a >îandard to which it wvill be departure cf Rev. and Mrs.C C. litard ijr i:1w next rector to measure Harcourt. The ver'- besti sIiCs f Et>l!)tl. the W.NI.S. for thieir future hiealthi A rutclpti,)n service seas hield in the and hiappînes s vîll follow thiern t i.' V i4Chuirch on Stindav evening thecir new charge in England and w iejjnne ncw eiers were receiv- mnav evejv j ov 1-e theirs in the con- 1 cd iinto thie chutrchi. Thev included: tiniied service of Him., whoin thev 1sia Sadier. bv certificate; new follosved so Laithfully in Blaclkstock. muelbers were: Peari Wright, Kath- Friday evening a meeting ofOf-0 leen Wrighit Mac Leighton, Reta ficers of Oshawa Presbvterv %vas Swain. Marion Hill, Morris Samneils. held at home of Mrs. John Forder. Johin \errv, Milton Bell and Grqnt bv the president Miss Eva Brown Écrguison. who, served refresbments at the Suindav morning at the close of close. tlie Sindav School iMrs. C. C. Har- S t. John's Anglican Church seas court's class of voung boys and girls filled to overflowinz on Suinday on gave lier a delightful surprise when the occasion of the farewell service Master MNerle Bailey read an ad- conducted by a dearlv loved recior. ilress an(] little MNiss Doris, Hamiltoul, Rqv. C. C. 1jarcourt. His s(j-mon p)resenîted lier with a f ive-year dairy. svas 1bged on "Hitherto hath flic e. Harcourt wlin has always Lord hclped uls." After the service Ii n(leeplv interested in the Sun- the congzregatiQn composcd of a dIay Scjhiol îhanked the children for large representation of the United ýtheir zfft and lovinz :hougzhtfulness Chuirch rnmexbers as svell as Angli- and in tumm presented each with a cans. waited outside to sav godeeu if inl remembrance of ber- lfr. andI rs. C. C.Harcout lae -,f. BE SUMMER SMART In These Brand New EvIyn Shop Summer Togs Flannel Slacks, navy and brown, zipper style Sizes 14 to 20 $2.95 Flannel Jackets, swing back, navy and red. Sizes 14 to 20 $2.95 White Bags, washable patent and kid $1.49 to $2.50 2-Pc. Linen Suits, navy, parisan, white, pink and blue. Sizes 14 to 20 $6.95 Martha Washington Dresses, in bouse, afternoon and street styles. Guaranteed to, give excellent service. 13 to, 44 $2,95 to $6.95 A THE EVLYN SHOP ANNIVERSARY Big 3 Day Sale to Mark Red & White's lSth Birthday Beehive PLI AMUbby's CORN SYRUP PU A PORK & BEANS 2 M. can - - - 16ec 32 oz. jar - - - l 21 clz. can ---Se Soap............3 cakes Waxo BrWc SBrnsincs Sred&ie lOc 25e 2 tins 9c Matches.........3 boxes Corn Flakes - 2 for 15c1 2Lb.a asr Flour..........24-b. 7-lb. bag . sal 9 b g. 23 bag55 Ta ... .. .. . .. . bk . 28e 1Toilet -Tissue .. .. 3 roils 25e Recleaned Maglc RAISINS. BAKING POWDER 2 Ibs. - --2c Ib. tin-----28c 1lb. Fred W. Nelles loc PORT HOPE 3OWMAN VILLE the asnci.hlt. otn, als to 'th. menîbers of the f amilv. Sundav School will meet atIllie usuial hour on Sundav 'ith anniver- sary practice afterwards. There 'vilI bc no cbuech service on accolut of conference. Mirs. Bertha Bailev. Town. 'M. and Me. Len Bigwood, 'Miss Mable Bigwood, Oshawa, visied Mliss C. Freemnan. at er botbr's. M. IL. G. Freeman. Mr. and Mirs. Leslie Collacitt. Pearl and Lenore attnded Solila anniversarv and visied er parents. Mer. and Me\Is. Weslake. Several aiended Eldad anniver- sarv. Cloing meeting of Young Pco- ple's Union took the form of a ban- giuet hqld in the hall on Fridav ev- enng. The supper sas served bv mnembers Of N.Mý\.-S. Toasts 'ere proposed to The King bv Betty Snowdeii; to the Church bv Iva Folev. replied to bv Reýv. W. C. Smith: to the Young People. H. '-. Freeman. eeplied to by Greta Mun- dav. S12ecial speaker 'as Rev. NV. F. aîister, Town, sho gave a verv interesiing îalk. Other items on the programi consisied of commu'hity singing led by va FoIes; vocal solos bv 'Miss Ruth James; piano Sol. l'Y Miss Helen Williams-, reading. 'Miss Rutb Hutchinson. al of Town; and the latest edition of the "Tatier" rad bv Mer. Clifford Swallow. Mliss Edna Swallow moved a hearty vote of tanks t0 al. The hall 'as i- tractivelv deco.rated wiîh green, vel- ow and oruhid crepe paper sitb tulips to matchý by Mrs. W. Stewart, Misses Margaret Stewart. Nellie and Marion Snowden. BLACKSTOCK RaPld Mo Filter Disks 1, IU 300 for $1.20 FÉ NOE 100 A.B.S.&C. Tabs -9e , e r hUFE ISLS Dodd' Fils - -- 2e alkaliltt5 antiseptie salts, are guar. »r. West's aste - 17c need ta relieve ired, acing feet Feiow' SyuP - 87 -conîrol persprationl and banish Art Border Prints coslt no. more than ordinary pic- tures. Let Us d-y0 l Developiflg and Printing. When you visit our ExperieflCed OPtOietrist you are assured complete satisfaction including quality and price. In response, to mnify requests A NEW Ct ar SEPVICEIce Cream Aiso Ice Cold Soft Drinks. PDhonWehfl flu. Rnk uso 695 P.R O LNG rg it 559 COWLING SEILS THEBS And Serves You WeII We invite You to nsPect Our low Picefs and observe the high qualitY. Nova Kelp Tablets CASHMERE79e - si.39 - S2.79 1 Lb. Engllsh Health Salts TISSUE - with Free Glass ------390 CopL-tely wrapped Exax - - - 5c -33c Suf Pý WàteChocolax- - - - 25e 700 theETîl S HM Chase's Nerve Food - 49o ta te rll .ý,HFruitatives - - 23e - 39e OUR FRLESH STOCK F BATHING CAPS innew styles and best quality, are Priced from .... 15c to 75C mwuýý Bowmanvüle Phone 594 noir .......... lb tin 21c Cromm Tea .......... 1/2 1 b. Phone 596 Bowmanville EXTRA SAVINGS BUY NOW] TAPIOCA