THURSDAY, JUNE 2ND, 1938 irTE'-"" Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn. Mrs. F. M. Tanablyn. wbo bas i been visiting in the city for sev- SOCAL ND ERS NALenal weelks. returned borne vt SOCIL AN PERONAtbem. Mis. W. A. Quibel, Oriole Gar- Phone 663 dens. Toronto, was presented witb an honorary life membersbip in Mrs. E. Ha'wieY visited ber Miss Jesie Ogg and Miss Mar- the National Counicil of Womnf. daughter, Mrs. L. S. Morley, Oak~- jane Tburston. Toronte. visited wbich me, in Vancouver iast ville. M"s. J. West.away. week. Mrs. Quibeli's many friends 1 in Bomanville offer congratula- ___________________ Mrs. Katrina Gaudin, Stetier. tions on this great honor conf er- Alberta, is spending the sunamer red an lber. witb Mis. Aberta Fee. The editor regrets baving miss- Goodyear Recreation Club is ed two distinguisbed callers this holding its annuai pionie. at Ca- week in the persans of Brigadier bourg Fark Saturday. June 25th. and Mrs. W. H. Heif t of Sebring. Mms. Joseph Cvbbledick of the Fia., personal f riends of Colonel Hydr aprtmntshas lef t ta and Mis. Edwy White of Coaa spend the summer in WesternGalsFa.BiderHftc- Canadla. ried a picture of Col. Whites birtbplace. the brick bouse just George and Seiby Spencer, To- east of Vanstone's Bridge on the U1I l1ronto. spen, the weekend witb south side. and inspected the Pro- their parents. Rev. and Mrs. C. R. pert.y. He and Mis. Heift were on I~ ~ ( I~ Spencer. their way Vo Eastern Ontario of Mrs. James Stephens and ber wbîch the Brigadier is a native. niece. Miss Cassie Stepbens. Bal- A letter from Col. White appears carres, Sask., are -%is*iùng Miss oni the editorial page. o Ida Stephens. Mn. C. H. Carter. propiietor ofN Mr. Joe Edgerton. Don and The Carter FanlilY Bakery. bas f jOliver McLennan and miss Max- been accorde<. a unique bonoui' Put new life into you iný Noble. Toronto. visited Mr. in being selected as one of four and Mis. J. Living on Sunday. Canadian bakers wbo wili makeS appearance by wearim--g- Miss Letitia Wigg. Oshawa, M. prcducts for dispiay at -ihe Brit-à the latest whites D. D. Barton and son Clifford, ish Empire Exhibition iat Glas- s Enniskillen. lMr. and Mms. Alex gcw, Scotland. Min. Carter will Dingwell. Toronto, visited Mrs. L. display angel food cake. The- plann White Ties j.Bato.beind tbe disPlay is ta intmoduce" and StraPs InJ an .. ia Great Britain products ofq lateststylm Choir and the A. Y. P. A. at'tend The angel f ood cake is almost un-v AUheights ed the Ascension Day Rally atSt known in Great Britain. It bada oefm'Çoougonits <yigin in the South when int - - sday. tbe making of cor bread manyr ".1 and irs Har BiTUSC RO egg yolks were used. and in find- $2.98 cester, N. Y.. visited ber sistrs, ing a way to dispose of the egg _____________ Mis. G. A. Edmonditone and ILsswites the angel food cake was1 Dingman. over the U. S. Memor- invented. The cakes for displaY AloWhite Sandals ial Day holiday %Neekend. wili be baked in Bowmanville. 1 Tom Dustan. Jr.. wbo bas ccm- We are indebted to Miss Fair- Prcdas low as ~ 4 pleted bis studies at Trinity Col- bairn for sending us a cipn AHl Sîzes. $14 lege. Toronto, for this tenr. bas from a Mexico City paper witht secured a position at BowmVzaf- the f ollowing efeence to lber sis-; ville Foundry for the summer tem, Mrs. Georgie Paterson: "The1 montbs. Canadian composer. Mrs. G. Pat-1 Pasliion-right children. Mxs. R. Dumas. Mis. J. quently bef oie Mexican audiences. Westaway. Mx. Vernon Westaway was on tbe air last night over Whités for and Mis. Knight. Oshawa. visited "Radio Nacionai." Mrs. Paterson (sports. busi- Mm. and Mrs. James Milligan. wvas applauded by the select au- ness and Ncrth Bay. dience that beard ber concert. A casual wear. Theres a lot af readers who wenty two piece orchestra parti- will be interested in» the stcry cipated in tbe concert. The au- Ail Styles in ail Sizes Bert Parker tells on page 3. you ditian wa.s follcwed by' a buffet iidn't know Ber-t was a ston3-- supper given in bonor of -the corn- teller? He isn't. be's a plumber. poser by Mis. A. L. VandePutte. Also Wblat S the difierence. ',ife cf the Belgian vice-Consul. The Boys at Christie St. Hos- a-, ber home in edificla Condesa. Othe Mens Whte- Many pensons weil known in 10- Other Men's White pital. tbe patients in Torono clmscladatcrlswc Sh" R 49 optals and in une Weston San. cpremsent." atcicl- w ýaàca -a encicise thie LIIeeio aI T Y M tertainers. Be sure and see them For Active a, the Opera House. June 9t.h. at 8.15 p.m. 21-2 Mrs. C. Jacobs. Ms Dde K I D E andi Miss K. Dudley visited Mrs. Shos, Luiing S. j. iMartyn. Lakefield, last Camp heRing Thursday. Altbougb Mrs. Martyn Shoes, Sport Wbites and is aimos'yt 97 ber f riends bere wl Sunday Bests. be pleased ta know she is well in ev-ery way a.nd is îremarkabie for Camp Shoes --99C-$1.69 ber age. Runining Shoeos 55c up Here for one week onlY. Ma- dame Melva, noted psychologist- sport mhites -- 98c up gj.ves reliable acivice on business, Sunday Best Wbiites work, changes, investmnemts, pTo- Pricd -- -$1.9-$.45 per-ty, loss, etc. Method different Pried - $129$.45 f rom thers. No f oolishness or guess work. Bowman House. BOW- E R manville. 22-1 Mr. and Mrs. Wreford Soucia expecut erHiaxeSu.nay.fraWin xisiting their parents bere and nipeg. Man., wbere Mr. Soucia bas SHOE STORES been appointed manager of the Canadian Marconi Company. Cowan Block Bownianville Mr. and Mrs. B. S. McMurtrY, ______________________rTcronta, spent Wednesday witb Steal the Show in I Slacks Summer's Smartest .Fash ion! 100 Slacks star for Suni- nier-! Flattex-ing, prac- tical and so comfort- able ta w'ear .-.- see tIes(ý slick slacks today! - $1.00 SPORT BLOUSES Tii Wi'neBrown, Bliie. Greehl. WWhite auid Yel- ]Ow. Sizes 14 ta 20. 100 iz'14 ta 20 79c Bowmanville LIQUOR CONTROL GHASTLY FAULURE <contln ued from Page 1) 1600 outiets we now have more than the 1450 bar-rooms of the ld days.' In thne year ending March 31, 1937. a total of $54 mnillions 'Was spent. for liQuor in Ontaxio. thel govement $9 millions profil. If this m7oneY was puIt in- to other industries there would be no depression. the Provincial Pre- sident. clainied. Tbe liquor trade is a greatèl evil than wax, pestilence tend fa- mine. Mms. Wright quoted Sir Wilfred Grenfeil as saylng. Thae w,,omen cf Ontario must prayer- fully consider thne problem and dc everyth'ng as the servants of God ta nid the rrovince of the liquor problem. Officers Elected mrs. samnuel Fax-mer. Port Per- my. president of tbe District Un- ion. presided for the meetings. The morning session opene.d wrth~ a devotional staged by the Bow- manville Union witb Mrs. H. W. Foley as Leader. Aften the annual re-ports bad been presented the elect:on of officers resulted as fol- lows: President-Mrs. G.' VV Strong. Part HopK Vice Presi- dent-Mis. M. Ferguson. P ort Hope; Corresponding Secretary- Miss Effa Wright, Oshawa; Re- cording secretary-M i ss Lulu Reynolds, Hampton; Treasurer- Miss E. A. Peters. Bowmanville- L.T.L. Secretary-Miss M. Burns, Osbawa. Conamittee conveners were appointed as follows: Plan of Work Conmitee-Mir5. J. R. Bootb, Osbawa; Resolutions-Miss COMING EVENTS Celebrate the King's Birthd June 9tb. by attending the OP( H-ouse, BowmalnviUe, and hear The Cheenlo VarietY Entertain, of Toronto. Two hours of ent tainmnenit. statiiig at 8.15 p Pices: Aduits 25c, students a çhildren 15c. Sponsored by1 Canadian Legion. Z oe ie ti Il r a fi 'I n n '7 a. 21 Salemi S. S. Anniversairy June 5th. Services at 2.30 andi 7.30 pm. S.T. Rev. R. H. Wylie-, Columibus, speaker for the ai temnoon. andi Rev. A. W. Marcb in the evenlng. M-r". Sam Castie will sing at even- ing service. Mcnday at 6.15 a softball game, Bxown's at Salema. At 8.15 S.T.. Dr. L. B. Williams, Toronto, wlll show motion pictures in color of Duihe2n Cunty includ- ing Durham Old Boys' Reunion parade. views of Niagara, the Great Highland Cattle Show an Melxose Meadow, Scotland - film- ed for Durham f armens. Adnissic'n 25e andI 15c. 22-1 IAUCTON SALES The undersigned bas neceived instructions fnom Mr. Donald Allin. Brown Street South,. Bo- mnanville. to seil by public auction ai lis jresidence. al of liùs bouse- hold effects. including kitchen ftirniture. 1 new kiteinen cabinet'. 1 new ice box, 2 bedroom suites. chesterfield suite. 1 electric wash- eq-, 1 'caok stove. 1 Quebec beater. i baby crib. octd chnairs and tab- les. rilgs and ilciatin, garden tools and many othet- small arti- cles. Tinere will also be sold one Whippet 6 Sedan. Sale on Satur- day. June llth, at 2 p.m. D.S.T., next dean to, South Wand Evapi- orator. Tex-ms cash. Wm. Chahls. auctioneeîr. 22-2 0 d S. rs .-~.x~l'TAV T-l-r\f.xN:. BoWMANVILLE. ONTARIO MADE PRINCIPAL Dr. H. G. Martyn \Vord has lîcen recetved of the official appoiniment of Dr. H. C* Nfartyn as principal of the Stral. ford Normal Schoal. Dr. Nls12rtvr lias bcen acting principal of ti( scbiool silice the death ani Dr.S Silcox and bas fuifilled ail the dut. ies of principal, conducting th( school ini an efficient manner. member of the teaching staff fit some years Dr. Martyn is. full qualified ta carry out the duties in volved in the responsible Post t which he bas just been officiail appointed. Officiai confirmationo the appointment came f romn Depart ment of Education headquartersa Toronto. Dr. Martyn is a Durham Couin Boy. being son of the late Mr. an, M\rs. George Martyn oi Welcolzi He also showed good judgmenti marrying a Durbamn County gir Mabel Rickard. second daughterC the late 'Mr. and Mrs. james Riel ard of Shaws and later Bawmnanvill His hast of relatives and fniendsi this district will F-e delighted ta heo of his popular and well merited Dri motion and aller congratulations. In cammenting on Dr. rt appointment the Stratford Beaci Heraild makes tis editorial con ment: "Congratulations are defiiniteir aorder ta the Stratford Norxî Sehool. as an edîîcational factor, Stratford as a favared commn andl ta Dr. H. G. M.\art\-n as a higbi valiied citizen, Iin officialîr appnil ing 1r. 'Martvn ta the principaish oi the Normai School. the Ontar Deo)artmeit af Education b las pIac, il ' stamp a--i compiete approval, that eminent educationist's work du irlg bis service as acting principl subsequent ta the lamented deatb the late Dr. Silcox. Under the gu. ance and inspiration of Dr. M.\arti the School has maintained top rai and future students are fortunate their prospects ai training for1 teaching pofession under soa ahi, beadnmster. In chalking up i menit marks for Dr. 'Martyn,1 eDepartment bas bonored Stratfan eLulu Reynolds, ia.mpten; Coti esy Cort.ttee-Mrs. T. H. Evx son, Oshawa. Mrs. D. C. Whi Port Hope. condýucted the noo Anv 5ç p3y- ron kir- pa. .nik.r ina thef - a new Ille art- er- ite. ,on- Vthe local Union ait lunch wben greetings were brought frona Rev. W. F. Banister. miistefr Of St. Paul's. Mrs. A. L. Nichoils on be- haîf af tine Bowmanviile Union. Mn. T. H. Lockbart. and tbe On- tario President. Mrs. Jolan Wrighnt. Brantford. In tbe afternoon the Wiitby Union conductetI a memonial ser- vice and the businesscf tine meet- ing cc.ýncluded. Mfrs. Alex Colville sang for tbe convention before Ma-s. Farmer lntroduced the Provincial Presi- dent wbose addiress is ou!:lîned above. 'Mrs. F. v. Ott, provided a vocal number dunrig thae af te- noon whicb was concluded witb a questionaixe conducted by Mrs. G. Jackson. Port Perry. The convention was one of tine best attendied in some aime, and the delegates sbo'wved a lively in- terest in thne entire pcc-ceedingýs. Votes of appreciation wNeme ex- tended ta, the Board of St. Pauls Chu.roh and to ýthe local ladies fojr theix bosPita.litY. ~1 These facts about WILLIAMS' ICE! 10011,,Pure yWiliams5' Ibe î matIe cf c le an, sparkini, teste d water. Economical SWilliamis' Ice is sold at lowest possible pices. Dependable ,Oui driver travels bis booroute every day. rain or shine. Convenient SWe have a large si.:- pix of ice c h .-,nd fer your conaxenienot.% For Dehivery Phone 439 WILLIAMS' ROYAL THEATRE (Ccntinued from Page 1) largeix tbrough bis efforts that a road ta tibe West Beach ivili be made availalile this summer. He is a former president ai the Rotary Club. former president of the Intermediates Basehaîl Club and the Lakeshore League. H-e was the Charter Pre- sident ai Allied Exhibitors ai On- tario, a dîrector ai the Independent Theante Owners, and a diikctor ai Associated Theatre Ltd. Wed., June Bth at 10 a.xn. Durham County Breeders are j o i n i n g with Peternborough County this year. Your execu- tive are anxieus that a large number of breeders and their familes attend froi t hi s county. NEIL MUTTON. President. -H. C. MUIR.. etry PAGE SEVEN I I 793an ct o Palia nt prehistoflO tracks made by per C7anAtofeaseament tio-s-of-trafflc were theneman JUDGE RAPS MRS. FRED BAKER (Cofltiflued from Page 1) (Continiued fromn Page 1) ment. No woman of norm'al in-: and good fellowship which the teiligence. and 1 think she has. members flad alwAaYs so willingly would make such a sta:ement.* given ber. said Judge Colemani. 1Spiencbd reports of fthe year's The staement referred to re-'wcrk were given by the ecetarY late Mr. Grave baddrop~dtreasurer. Mrs. W. P. Hall,.n a. cigarette in socme hay in a barn th iaca tteetw.scr owned by M. J. Hoiman of New- tified correct by t.he auditors, tonnle bcaue sh wa sor atMrs. A. L. Nichoiis and Miss Editb havingý to leave the fax-m." Weekes. Why ddnt ou lave he dor was dec:ded to change t.he 'Wh din«tyouleae te d0rmeeting day to the last TbursdaY f the room open wben ou andI of eacb month. the next meeting Provincial Constabe Morris ques- to b hel at Mrs. W. SPencer's tcned this wornan. You did t he an June 30th. s a ine so rt o f t in g th e la s *, tîm e T a s o t t o a r n e you had a case before me. You 1 rnprain W5arne certainiy bavent learned mucb foi. wishiflg to attend the since ten.' sat1dWbestonurtaaonDistrict Annual at sinsecthecr Çrate bsg.D t Nt t nJun,ý 7th, and Mrs. IrisPetcr raig.Fred Baoker. Mrs. W. Spencer. -This is a pre'ty amnazing state- Mrs. W. P. Hall. Mrs. A. L. Nich- nment frcm one to, whomn no sug- ails and Mrs. W. B. Polard were gestions had been made. as YOU appoined officiai delegates. daim." contined Judge Cleman. It a so decided ta sponsor "T he circu m sýtan ces surroundin g s e k r s r i e f r n xt y a ' ethe of this so-cailed sekrsriefrnx er. ;confess'on are such that it would programn. be extremely dangercus toa admit Committee in charge of the Rest ,n ii as evidence. I don't tbink anN'Rom eprd donatonse wr beinî e jury wculd ocrivict her. 1 don't satdaddntoswr en S believe InspEct.or Craig when he eived fr this project. 1,t wa. it- says that no suggestion was made pecvted that the Rest Roon io her as to what she shouid saY.1 wouid be com.pieted by June 2th. ATa my mind be has deliberately M.C .Rs fteRy toid a f aisehocd. He bas brough*t Theatre bas kindly given tbe thtknor vdne eoem members tickets to seli on the pic- a n a previaus occasion. I depiore ture -Thoroughbreds Don't CrY" n- sieao *kigasatnei for June 6-7-8. and this wiil a.dd tr n a private room. with the pub- considerably towa.rds the funds. [lic iocked out, and no judge could Miss Ariene Northcut.t, gold r-be expected to accept it. Any- medast at the recent Musca. Stbing w\ich cannot stand the7 Festival. deiighted al witlt two at light of public attention is not vocal numbers, accoTnpaaied by worth whiie." Mrs. Edwin Wood. Mrs. W. Spen- tv The fixe occurred iast April on cer gave a fine papeT on "Thi id thie day when the accused left Beauties of Friendship" which e. the farm owned by Holman and was much enjoyed. in rented ta Richard Ellis where she Tea, sa.ndwches and cake werE n, a.nd her husband had been stay- served by Mrs. Spencer and M-n, r-f ing. On the witness stand Mrs. E. J. Woo.d and the members cl k-Greaves stated thait Mrs. Ells. their group. The meeting wa. l.hEr brctkber-in-law and hélrseif largeiy attended over 50 membeil in had been in te barn that moin- and visitars being present. Vote4 ar ing. The brother-in-law and ber- of tbanks were passed Vo Mrs a- self had been smoking in the Pollard for opening her home anc barn. she said. The others teszti- to those assisting on the progran ns fiedthat this was nt correct. n- Inspector Craig testified that m-he and Provincial Ccnstabie P. Moi-ris cf Bowýmanville obtained the s:atement fxcm the accused.1 afCraig was, positive that apart from HOLSTEIN BREEDERS .~ toame and esidence.he had. r IEO AY AN Greaves per:aining ta thef ire. liTa this Judge Coiýeman expiessed P 11115 i s d is b e lie f. tpr h ro4y 1-I- wearing white flaniVels and wvhite serge troiTsers this sum- nier. For almost any occasion they 're iii perfect style. Flannels, from $500O TAILORED WHITE SERGE made to your own ineasurements \ $7OO Siumner Clothing for men in lateet styles and finest qui.lity. Summer Toggery' FOR THE LADIES Whether it be a Dresk, Coat, Suit, Hat or some accessory, it will pay you to see our stock. Here you have variety, style, choice and the right prîce. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman i -a-..-- 31~ - il Let Us Overbaul and REPAIRYouR, CAMERA Cleaning and Minor Adjustments Without Charge being laid away for months. Don't Let us clean, overhaul and adjust are being brought out after take chances. them for you. If you have a camera which you have put aside on account of some minor defect bring it to us and we will repair it for you. camera. Photo Finishing f~ilms Complete Fresh Stock Agfa, Kodak and Selochrome Cameras Umivex Box - - 690 Umivex Folding - $2.50 Brownies $1.25 to $425 Kodaks $5.00 to $20-00 Bathing Caps Complete Stock of New and Attractive Designs 15c to 75c Clinton Golf Balis - - - 25e Developing -Prlnttng FnIarglng -Copying colouring Paer best results and speed- iest ser'ice bing youx photo work to us. Filmis t-aken in up Vo 10 amn. will be finish- ed the saine day at 6 p.m. CASHMERE ITI1S SU E 1000 Sheeb to the Roll '~"~ for25t Stops Perspiration .uBres lstantly NO fbuing «uor culs NO. wang god&Y I'totectayou ILb S 8das PICNIC SUPPLIES Thormos Botties- 89c-$2.75 Pionie Jug - gal.-- $1.95 Paper Plates - doz. --10e Paper Cups - doz. 10 lc Paper Serviettes - - - 15c NOVA - KELP TABLETS Nature'$ tonic and body bulider, con- aistlng of heaith- givIng minerais and vita- mina aupplied by Atlantic deep sea. keip. For~ practi. caiiy every kInd of aliment. Uncondit- alonaiiy guaranteed. 150 79c, 300 $1.39, '750 $2.79 BsoDoi PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex Phone 792 Mcý regor lice % EopmEE11; l .î ~ i i SHORTS Naoi Dill. Phone 451 IiLKR TOES fIMTE LIMITED nnntnnm_-_ I. -'--~' . roîl a r thee d ays on Ulthge rad st fia umoeum Ogen- roads. gineeTrg was emiplioed. White Is Smart BowmanvMe Phone 836 and we will call for your PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY DRUCS