TuE C \N \DI \N STATESM.\N, BOWMAN\~ILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, JL\F l6TH 1938 I PAGE '1\\LF The Newcastle Independent -- ----Phione Clarke 1114 Golden Rule Mission Band wil meet in U. C. S. S. hall June 18. at 4 p.m. Mrs. Geo. Nicholson andi daugýh- ter, Mrs. Faskemn. Toronto. vîsited Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Allin this wieek. Mrs. Bannerman. Toronto,.lhas been visitingl her- brothers. Mr. Howiard Gleriney andi Mr. J. W. Glenney. Mrs. Lulu Howard spent the w;eekend with lier tiau,,hter, Mis. Wm. Doherty. 'Broadlawn. New- castle- on- thle-Lake. SOMETHIfl TBO[WEUR Ties - - 50c -$1.00 Shirts - - $1.50 up Socks SOC up Il SAVE 1-ERE We have taken a group of Ladies' Tweed and Worsted Suits and Tweed Spring Coats f rom stock and are putting theni on sale at HALF PRICE Or Less Couch, Johoston & Cryderman Ltd. Phone 836 - - Bowmauvle mrs. Clautie McDonald î.s thîs %veek installîng new permanent waving equipment at lier beauty parlors on King St. Dr. and Mrs. Lowýery anti Jim- mie are agaîn summering at New- castle-on-the-Lake in one of Mrs. tDr. I Carveth's cottages. Mr. Beni. Audley. Oshawa. is lhelping %vith the painting anti other work on Dr. W. H. Walton- Balî*s Hadris Lotige estate. M rs. Bellyou. Trenton. vîsiteti lier sister. Mrs. Harry Dudley. Her granti-niece. Mary Margaret Bonathlan. accoînpanieti her home. Resei've Wednestiay. June 29. for the annual Lake Shiore Straw- beri'v Festival at Mr. anti Mrs. Wallace Holmes'. Admission 25,c anti 20c. Mrs. Hudson Stowe. lier aunt. Mrs. McDonald. anti Mrs. (Dr.) Dickson anti taughter. Toronto, spent Tuesday at Newcastle-on- the-Lake. Mi'. anti Mrs. J. H. Jose anti sons attentiet the Holstein Breeti- ers' fieldi day anti picnic at Pet- erboro on June 8th. Donald won a 100 lb. bag o!ftiairy feeti in a judging competition. A large number O! girl frientis were guests o! Mrs. Ai!fredi Garroti whei'e they gave a miscellaneoils showver to Mrs. Lawrence Gaines, bride o! recent date. anti welcom- et lier to Newcastle. Congratulations to M'. W. E. Topliff o! Otiessa anti bide. for- merly Mi's. Wm. Jamieson. on their inarriage June 8th. Th-ey went to Flesherton on a honey- moon to visit his daughter. At the request o! many New- castle customers we will cali anti deliver Newcastle repair work eýach Thurstiay anti T u e s ti a y. Leave your shoe repairs at Lang- man's Stoî'e. We guarantee ab- solute satisfaction. Naylor's Shoe Repair, Bowmanville. 24-1 Municipal Council havî-ng coni- pleted f illing in o! the dieep tiitch west side o! Mill St.. between To- ront-o anti Walton Sts.. anti donc consitierable grading on Church. st. south. put teams anti men at w'ork on Montiay gratiing the î'oadway in front o! Bond Hea.d Cemetery. The sympathies o! the comn- munity are extendeti to MrS. Clarence Allun in the sutiden pass- îng o!flier father. Mr. Geo. T. Hancock, hardware merchant. o! Port Hope. A large number o! relatives anti frientis in Newcastle anti vicinity attendeti the funeral at Port Hope on Sunday. Mrs. Peter Laing, No. 9 S. S.. is a sis- ter o! deceaseti. Mr. anti Mrs. Norman Allun anti Mr. Clarence AllUn attended the Ontario Sheep Breeders f ietti day at J. D. Patterson's Don Headi Farm. Richmondi Hill, Jun.e 4th. when over 800 people were pre- sent. Mrs. Clarence Allin. who hati been in Toronto attending the nurses graduation exereises at Wellesley Hospital, ret.urneti home with them. When Mr. anti Mrs. Jno. Hen- dry. Lake Shore, anti their guests from Du.mf ries. Scotianti. Mr. anti Mrs. George Barbour. motoreti to, CLEARANCE SAVE MONEY HERE Havlng made arrangements to secure more of my suple locally, it is unnecessary for me to carry as large a stock of paints and supplies as form- erly. If you are in the market for Paint, Varnish, Enamel, etc., it will pay you to get in toucb with me now. You can save plenty by quick action. We can also supply you with lead and oil hand ndxed painlt. James Abernethy Painter - Phone 431 - Decorator IT'S SALAD TIME These specials wili help you prepare salads that the whole f andly will lilce. American Beauty SHRIMPS Boneless CHICKEN ... . . . . . . . . tin ... . . . . . . . . tin 20c 25c Sliced PINEAPPLE.................. 2 tins 19C BarIhet PEARS...................... 2 tins 23c Prepared MUSTARD, with spoon ......... jar 10C Freh Julcy ORANGES......................doz. 29c lbby's PORK & BEANS, 2 1 -oz...... 2 tins 19e P. & G. NAPTHA SOAP.............. 3 bars 10c Fe W. NELLES Phone 596 GROCER Bowmanv'ille MARRIAGES VANSTONE-HUMvE, - On Wed- nesday, June 8. 1938. at St. Mark's Church, Port Hope, by Rev. W. B. Jennings. Joan Gar- thorne. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hume, Port Hope, to Jabez Charles Vanstone. Kitch- ener. son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone. Bowmanville. DEATHS HANCOCK - At Toronto, while visiting wi th his family, June 93 98, George T. Hancock, Port Hope, beloved husband of Clara L. Irwin. Interment at Port Hope Union Cemetery. WEBSTER-In Oshawa. June 10, 1938, Lizzie Viola Keys. beloved wife of the late William J. Webster, in lier 66th year, for- merly of Bowmanville. Interred at Union Cemetery, Oshawa. WESTNU'T-In Bowmanville on Monday. June 13, 1938. Mar- garet Mary Westnutt. beloved w:ife of Henry Westnutt. age 56 years. Interment St. Gregorys Cemetery, Oshawa. CARD 0F THANKS' The family o! the late Mrs. Annie Reynolds wish to expres.s to their friends and relatives their heartfeit thanks for the tokens of sympathy tendered themn during the4ir recent bereave- ment; spec lilthanks to Rev. S. Davison. Dr. Partridge. and Mrs. Pritchard. Kingston on Satin day week they were entert.ained at the famous dairy farms of Mr. Jas. R. Hen- derson and Mr. W. H. Coverdiale and were overnighit guests of Mrs. A. and Miss Hendry. Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Barbour who hail from Bobbie Burns' country were much impresseci with the scenery of Southern Ontario. particularly the apple orchard.sof Durham County. Recent Vistors: Mis. and Miss Morrison, Miss Grubbe and Miss Boulton. Mrs. Grubbe and Miss Evelyn Grubbe. Toronto. with Mr. anti Mrs. P. F. LeGresley on Thursday, June 9: Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. Aurora, Mr. Howard Creelock andi Miss Mabel Bro,9n, Toronto, with Rev. and Mrs. S. MacLean on June 9: Mr. Allar. Howard, Toronto, with his par- ents. Rev. J. Scott and Mrs. How- ard; Miss Mary Lane. Newton- ville. wvith her uncle' Mr. H. S. Britton: Mr. andi Mrs. Farewell Blackburn, Salem. ivith Misses Catherine andi Estella Blackburn; Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Barrie. New- tonville, at Mr. anti Mrs. Walter Couch*s: Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Os- borne, Shaw's. andi Mrs. Edigar Osborne, Bowmanville. at Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sebys on Sunday. June 1 2th. Bowling Season Opens Mens and Women's Bowling Clubs openeti the season in New- castle on Monday eveninge. June 13, when 20 bowlers playeti jitney I games. The playing was a littie unusual as the 20 members were lineti up in 4 rinks. 5 to a rink. Dr. J. A. Butler drew the names from his hat. magician fashion. Among the intere-steti spectators were our former citizens anti citi- zens to be, Mr. andi Mrs. J. Scot.t Montgomery, holidaying at "Tie Newcastle Arms.- KENDAL Mr. Jack Bryson spent Sunday with Mr. anti Mrs. Wma. Savery, Starkville. Miss Annabelle Hendry visiteti her parents, Mr. anti Mrs. J. Hendry, Newcastle. Mr. anti Mrs. Milton Robinson visiteti at Mr. anti Mrs. Georgýe Smnith's, Starkville Mrs. T. A. Reid,. Crooketi Creek, visiteti with Mrs. W. Carscatiden. There was a good attendancý.au the dance Fritiay eveming. Mr. anti Mrs. H. Hoy, Oshawa, visîteti Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil Tebble. Cat andDog SALE By Request We are continulng this sale one more week. Save 25'/ to 50% On Sale - Items of Wool Stamped Goods - Stationery School Supplies - Games China and Leather Goods JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bowmanvile ___________ Auction Sale COMING EVENTS ; *iHOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Thie Weri'y Picnic will be helti Saturtiay. June 18-The untier- in Hampton Memorial Park on signeti will sell a large quan;ity July 20. of gooti householti furniture. the Tyroe Woen'sInsttute~ilpxopei'iy o! the laie Mrs. Jas. Gil- f illan, Bowmanville, and thie laie holti a Strawberry Festival Mon- Mr.A. A. Colwill. Newcastle. on day. June 27. Tea serveti ai 5 p.flî. 1the Gilfillan iawn, next house S.T. in the paî'k. !ollowed by alwest o! St. Paul's Manse. Church miixeti programn in the Communu.î:y Is:..1 Bowmanville. at 2 p.m. D.S.T. Hall at 8 oclock. Admission, Ad- Th*e list includes living anti beti- ults 25c. Chiltiren 15c. room suites, dishies, lanîpa. kit- Long Sault Uniteti Church An- chien equipment. stoves, lugs. nivcrsary will be helti Suntiay,! tableclothis. book case and othier June 19. Ser-vices will be preach- 'articles too numerous to mention. eti at 2.30 anti 7.30 S.T. by Rev. Ternis Cash. W. J. Challis. auc- J. R. Trumpour. Cavan. Special tioneer; C. H. Mason, clerk. music by Tyrone Choir at botli services. Tuesday, June 21st,.a Private Sale Strawberry Social at 5 p.m. At 81i p.m. No. 9, Clarke, Home anti PRIVATE SALE -ALL HOUSE- School Association will present holti effects o! Mrs. F. J. Horne, their play 'Wilti Ginger.' Ad-, corner Church anti Ontario, mission: Adults. tea and concert will be solti by private sale. 35c, tea or concert 25c, Chiltiren. May be seen any time tiuring tea anti concert 25c, tea or con- coming week. Thils incluties cent 15c. chume dock, linens. hall dlock. radio. eectric range. eleciric sweeper; ail in excellent condi- Real Estate For Sale tion. 24-1 FOR SALE - 200 ACRE FARM. To Rent stock, implenients anti crop, inl SMALL STORE TO RENT ON Cartwright Townshùp. Lot 21-221 King St. Apply Allan Knigh't. on second concession, 165 acres' phione 448 or 630. 23- under cultivation; a gooti stone1 house. cement welh. bank barn HOUSE TO RENT - 6 ROOMED 130 ft. by 36 ft. in gooti condi- brick on Wellington St., alI con- tion, anti spring creek. Immti- veniences. hiardwood floora anti îate possession. $5.500. M rs. garage. alsa electiic stove anti Robert Bruce. R. R. 3, Burke- refrigerator. Possession July 1. ton, Ont. 24-1 Phone 402. 22-3 FOR SALE - BRICK HOUSE. 7 FOR RENT - FIVE ROOMED rooms. 12 acre lanti, small ba.rn. house. Phione 2686. 24-1 fruit ti'ecs, 2 miles norih o! Bowmanville on middtle roati. FOR RENT-BRICK HOUSE ON Appiy B. MoDonalti. Manvers Division Si., four rooni.s anti 3- Rd.. Bowmanville. 23-2' piece bath, newly tiecorateti, _____________________ l buît-in cupboartis. new liard- FARM FOR SALE-126 ACRES Wocdi floors. gooti g a rtien. less rairoati. near school antid Phone 2433. 24-2 churclh. on gooti road, na highway, 4 or 5 acres bush, Lot PASTURE FOR RENT - GOOD 25. Concession 1. Darlîngton. shatie anti running water. Ap- to be solti with or wiihout crop. ply W. T. Perrett. Hampton. Apply J. L. Parsons, R. R. 2, Phone 2553. 24-1 Bowmanville. 24-l' FARM FOR SALE - 100 ACRES.'FrSl wet ia! ! ot24 cncssonFOR SALE - BICYCLES. NEW 6, Township o! Hope, about 50 anti useti modela, pricet f rom acres o! workable landi, balance $10) to $80). Trade-ins accepteti. lzasture, well watered. Will scl Victors. 34 King St. W.. osh- for one-hiaif o! value placeti awa. 23-4' thereon by experienceti valua- tor. Can be bought ai a price A W N I N G S FOR STORE OR thiat wilI 3ield inx'estor net re- residence. Genuine Sunray Ven turn o! over lOYý Farmi is being, Blinds, 48c square foot installeti. solti by mortgagee who has hati Nonîhouti & Smith. Phone 668. to take same over on mortgage. 23-4 For further particulars a pply t o Harris, Harris & Wallace, Bar- DR. HAMMOND'S BRAIN AND risters. 41 Alger Building, Osh- Nerve Pilla. If depresseti. mel- aw~a. 24-2 ancholy. have that tireti feeling, - brain fag, jump ai the least FOR SALE - U~ ACRE LAND, noise, pass sleepless niglits - Caroline St.. Newcastle. Apply you have a breaktiown o! the Annie Kenefick. Newcastle. nervous system. Dr. Hammontis 24-2 nerve treatment feetis the star- _________________________ veti nerves anti you start to FOR SALE-SIX ROOM BRC pick up ai once. Only 50 cents. house. centrally locateti. mod- Recommentiet by McGxregors ern conveniences. garage, bar- Di-ug Stoi'e. 18-7 gain for quick sale. Apply "D. G." Drawer B. Bowmanvihle. FOR SALE-OGOOD SEED BUCK- 24-1 whîeat, 65c bushel. Apply John - Metcalf. Phone 2311. 24-1* Permanent Waving PERMANENT7 WAVES $2.50 TO $6.00; Opening Speciais Thurs- day, June l6th; satisfaction guaranteeti. Mrs. McDonald, King St.. Newcastle. Make your appointment. 24-1V PERMANENT WAVING - JUST to reminti you oui' $2.00 Waves are still on. Aiso reduceti Ma- chineless Waves $6,50 for $5.00. Make your appointiflent early. Telephone 2601 - Iris Beauty Parlor, 1 door east o! Bowman Heuse. 24-1V Trourists Notice ACCOMMODATION FOR TOUR- ists. on Kawartl.a Lakes, f armn house. home cuoking. comfort- able betis; f tshing season opqLs June 20 for muskies; boat.s av aîi1a bl1e. Ap.ply Drawer 6, Bobcaygeon. 23-2* fiats With [PERS ONALITYý White Hats in Feit, [ien. and Leghorn. You couldn't find any sniarter models if you travelled hundrieds of miles. $1 .95 to $3.95 The Evlyn LADIES' SHOP Phone 594 Bowmanville1 FOR SALE - DRESSER, CANED chairs, pic tures. dishes. and other articles. Apply to Miss Peters. Silver St.. Bowmanville. 24-1* FOR SALE - 10 GOOD YOUNG pigs, just weaned. A quantity o! seeti buckwheat. A. E. Bil- lett, Hampton. Phone 2557. 24-1 FOR SALE - 1 GOOD PERCH- eron horse, 4 years olti, well broken; also 1 young Holstein cow. due to freshen June 20, T. B. andi blooti testeti. Apply to S. S. Morton, Maple Grove. Phone 2279. 24-1' FOR SALE - ONE DOUBLE corn souffler, useti very hittie. H. S. Glenney, phione Orono 86r18. 24-1' FOR SALE--lNUMBER 0F JER- sey cows just due bo freshen from accrediteti herds; also sev- eral lighit wagons. T. Wesley Cawker. Phone 382. 24-1 AZZ I SAID SAYS CRESS CORN and Bunion Salves are safe, sure. Remove Calluses, Warts. Ingrown Toenails, too. Solti by Cowling's. Jury & Loveli's and McGregors Dru.- Stores in Bow- manville: Mellow's in Newcas- tle: Tyrrelî's in Orono, and al tirug counters. 24-1 Wanted SALESMEN!-IF YOU ARE NOT earning $3 a day, you cannot afford to miuss this opportunity! Over 800 men make from $18 to $50 weekly according to abil- itY with distribution o! 2M0 guaranteed p r od u cts. Cash sales. Free gifts. Liberal com-' mission! Right now best time to start this business. Free par- ticulars without obli ga ti on- Familex Co., 570 St. Clement, Montreal. 23-3 WANTED - EXPEREENCED looper git'ls. steadty work, trans- portation paîi. L. E. Lavoie Co., Box 282, Bracebritige. 24-2' WANTED - GIRLS SECOND- hanti bicycle. Muriel MacDon- ald, Ontario St., Bowmanville. 24-l* WA.NTED-A GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Apply Mrs. Blake Short, Bowmanville. Phone 2479. 24-1 WANTED)-A SMALL FARM, BY an experienceti farmner. Send price, termis anti full particu- lars ini Tirai bitter. Apply "T.W." Drawer B, Bowmanvlle. 24-3* Milk Sliippers .MILK SHIPPERS AND OTHERS -If interested in a milk cooler. call andi see the McCormick Deering at Bert Joîn.sons. Lot 20, Concession 9, Darlington. 23-2 Roomi and Board RO0O0M AND BOARD - COM- fortable rooms with gooti meals. Apply Mrs. W. J. S. Runtile. Odell Str~eet. Phone 2644. 24-1* Lost LOST-RE0 HUB CAP. REWARU for return to the Bowmanville Dairy. Phone 703. 24-1 LOST--SU M 0F MONEY IN A purse. Lost at Alexander Sale on Wednestiay. Finder please leave at The Statesman office. Reward. 24-1 LOST-IN TYRONE. JUNE 3. ON roati or football f ield. a sum 0of money. Fintier please leave at Blacksmith Shop, Tyrone. Re- ward. 24-1' Mortgage Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTU-E o! the Powers of Sale containe4d in a certain Mortgage. which will be produceti at the time of sale. there will be offereti for sale by Elmer Wilbur. Auctioneer at PUBLIC AUCTION on Tuesday. the 5th day o! July. 1938. at the hour of 1.30 p.m. Standard Time at the farm o! Edmund C. Hooey. R. R. No. 1, Nestleton, Ontario, the followingý property, namely. ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of landi and piremises. situate. lying anti being in the Township of Cartwright, in the County of Durham. being- ccmposed of the nort.h-half of LGt 24, in the 7th Concession, of the said Township, containing 100 acres more or less, subject t.o the reservation of timber in Bar- gain & Sale dateti June 19th, 1912. from James Hooey. et ux. to Edmunti C. Hooey, which Deeti was registereti on June 22nd. 1912. as number 4602, which lands are tiescribeti in mortgage nu.xber 6734 to, the Agricultural Develop- ment Boarti. and SUBJECT to a Lease expiring on December 3lst, 1938. On the saiti fa.rm there is said to be erecteti a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. The landis vill be solti subject to a Reserve Biti. TERMS 0F SALE: Twenty-five per cent of the purchase money to be paiti down at the time o! the sale. the balance to be secur- eti by a mortgage with interest at four per cent per annum. FOR further particulars anti conditions of sale apply to W. EAIC STEWART, K.C., East Block, Parliament Bldgs. TI'oronto, Ontario. Solicitor to the Mortgagee. DATED at Toronto this Tenth day of June, 1938. 124-3 The fickleness of fortune is generally erjual to the faithfulness of misfortune, but t.he wise miai hustles for himiself. Notic Dr. NOTICE Notic Dr.Birks' office wlll be closed -. from June 21 to Ji.ly 1, inclive. PAINTING. PAPER HANGING. 24-3* and Decorating. Estimiates giv- i_______________ en free. First class workman- ship guaranteed. Pre.ston Bro. Phone 2493. 234-2* SAVE ON TEA CUF READING -C1HEST- NUT Park Tea Room. Newcastle Beach. Opens June 18th. Ice Wr k 24-1' Position Wanted ii oots YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES position in Protestant home. Several years experience. Can supply references. Good home preferred. Gooti with chiltiien.' Apply '*E.E.' Drawer B. Bow-1 manville. 24-1' Miscellaneous WEST END GARAGE AND MA-, chine Shop - We specialize in machinery repairs, general gar-i age repaîrs. welding, towing service. J. L. Demerlîng, Pro- prietor, Bolmanville. P h o n e 781. 23-tf MATTRESSES & COMFORTERS: - R epr ese ntative heî'e now.: Specializing rebuilding Mat-' tresses. Your Mattresses rebuilt absolutely new agaîn. Some spring filleti half the cost of a new one. Feather beds washed. strippeti, made into com!orters and feather mattres.ses. Eider- downs recovereti. Phone 362. 20-6 Special low prices on work boots this w.eekend. Strong-j ly made of good quality leather. - Also - Men's Fine Shoes At Lowest Prices A special purchase enables us to off er these shoes at extra low prices. JOHN LENZ Harness 'Maker - Shoe Repa.irs 7men's Work and Fine Shoes in the former Cowling Store Bowman ville 'p For A Heaith fui Invigorating Vacation Drink a Quart GLEN RAE Milk a Day Everyone needs the added health & nourishment Laboratory researchi has proved definitely that Glen Rae Dairy milk contaixis more energy-giving qualities per unit than any other type of food. It 1.s rich in vitamins, abundant with body-building minerais it is the drinkc for sunier! Glen Rae Dairy Phone 2665 Bowmanville Beauty At Real Balance 0f This Week 20 PERDis count -On AU - ELIZABETH ARDEN Preparatons .%jmedat4 D R ENI FOR DRY MUIR - fdZ«0p 99C 59C le Sale The New Listerine Tooth Paste 2 Big 25e Tubes 50Oc Value For 26c Saving EHPECTIfl HAY FEV ER0 A lew tiny tablets a day off DOVReHELP th. mîineral'rich SEA FOOD, wull h.lp build R ESIS TAN CE TO HAY FEVERI Your money back if flot tuUly satisfied! Aiso Corrects, pro. vents, arn. and many nervous, glandular. troubles. Start today! Tabletu .79 Tableta 1.39 Ta.Iît 2.79 SPECIAL New Fashionable Tat Ant 29 Wlth every film you bring to DBandlana Traps 29 us for developlng and prlnting we will glve re One 25c Choice of Four Golors New Styles - Fresh Stock Enlargement with BATHING CAPS For gCream Only ILC0 Hinds 50 19e - 29c - 39e Nujol New Low Prices 8 oz. 16 oz. 3 2 oz. -- -- - -------- Jury& Lovel 9Çer xSfw 29e 49c 83e Phone 778 Bowmanville I \ýJ ý«mý 1 --- m -- -- - - 1 WOM60.4 111V CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNF 16TH, 1938