THE ANAIAN TATSMA~ BOMANVLLE ONTRIOTHURSDAY, JUNE l6TH, 1938 PAGE FOUR11 le becme memers o!o u rminent part in municipal aif airs, m nee, Bowmanville, Lindsay. Rea- hymnflo h eesdo h r Edu tcurh. hiawa !o-oedver:e adbeen manY times a imember; bora, Manvers, and viciniy. ga. rs pithad"anThai buers prefer ta ive their busi- L LJIacrament of the Lards supper. of town council and had ser-ed' ~~~~nýs ta those keenest to have it. Ân eris ogauain a r both reeve and dePutY-reeVe Mrs. s. H. Reynolds. Windsor The pali errleeMs1.J T(sCaopyri!ght) JckRid yuge sno!ReL been a member of the Counties; On Wednesday, June ist, atErvine FostradRssl rih 1ýv rite is a ~~~Eff iciency oniofNrhmeln niido, rsAneRYndsn-nla (Copyriht) wrie is atypical man. EverY- .and Mrs. T. A. Reid. upn takilg Cucl0 otubral n idoMs n aadan thJ h .K rk o d - - eem a ong B r e.ta ilers fam ng W r .R id t ur c m unt . m em ber of the public schOOl 1away. Two weeks ago stie sufer- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r e e m ln g B r o n i t u w f a m d ,r n M . R s W o e " o a d s p e i t o - B a d o man holding a $7500 job is ing ta admit it. He is a!earingilethatm Mrs. Reid ta our comnlunïty.hCh Se di trembling, !earing tla lhe is go- a junior employee in his depart- manufacturers. mfgf llS new barn is rapidly going onl. Trade, and ai the trne o! lis not raily. She leaves to mourn lier K N A ingtaloe t. He is over D50 3ears ment, will dispiace him. outsid- amnoa bankers, among schoo Opt. Visitors: r.Alec deaili was a member of the lai- î. ne'snHrl.o ohel _____________ of ae. Hs psitin i an nvible ýs -atcing BronEfee taht Barclay and daughter, Mr. and ter organ-zatian and of the Har- and seven daughters, Miss Beat-i o!e -g.Hi of stion i e' a b le es wtding r ong feiati eaces m1 iweS m Mrs. Chas. Yule and son, Oshawa, bar Board. A mnember O! the Port rice vvith whom shè lived, Mrs, iRecent Vstr r .fe This man began wth his pi-esent il edv.e. en succeeded diretr.Ta st ayuwl employers ver 25 years ago as!by the junior man. awy n vrWeefm Disney Bldg. Newtanville, ait Mi. and Ms. Wm. a member df us trustee board. Mrs. Florence Pingle. Windsor, a ofiebo.lifdlty iigne JCKu aer sugly onteit, hosae 'p. P.0.) Savery's. . . Miss Beulali Halla- In 1900> Mr. 'Hancack marri.ed Mis. Edward Randal Minnie). ali(lNirs..Wie ElotMs compcbyy andelirtydiench nwBrw eae C K unadvtui o ouse wh ressttosoe (op *O) wel, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Clara I. Irwin of Port Hope, who Bothlwell, Mis. Oliver SandersonAfinnabelleHedvwtlirpens w n h i s w a y f o r w a r d .H e i s kn a b r a w n mH e a e l y wm e ll. w a M a m u e t e nm o fta m o r ea , P h n e 1 5 6 . z . H a l o el . . M . n d r , o w s u v i e s A s o s u v i i n a ea raloTr o t o Mes E vP a tto n.e% -c s t e agrsieato.H. Barrowclough, Wesleyville, Mr. thiee duhesMs lrec e ertude). BOWMnvleMr.3oiavle wdlirarnsM. His present job i.s that of sales very seriousiy. He regards him- type do not grow in strengili or Number 37 an Mrs. Ce.MroOaa iAln ecsladElee n Jter lement E ille Manra manager, but lie is in these pre- self as being railier important. cmeec.Fr a tiue they rmay Nune 7aMrs. o Morton, . Mrs. Roerc as ath o! Tna-dJ . lreme sit ers a ntO la sent difficuit times flot provin., But thase wlio lave deatiwith cb e bency car o iiloui tleir Glare o! len liasiens a persan ta IMrs. Jh nr. m e a nd !.. ra ndl r Ront bfiertsos. Ea th. o Tur a th re M rs a ndLu tafi. N. ad M~.Jh atn r easy ,.ng wth rredgin atlnet n.Morcefuln M rle a dsH rol ,îTro Wir N.hls.Mir. nanf PattoiR. att,. msnaef t be as ery budsl e hi .h ercv e m ta b ee s urmingsbeingat e e Btiote asteo! ee ct o gla ir hfredenDrigo..MsN. oly n aod oo-Wl ihI.Ms il afce .Pt'îailM. ayMre n a e taietas ln buivs-tweaing the lacsef energof theresueyca ea tuesw hentaneati th asoe subject toa glareNellie Shutka. Newcastle, is home ta. and Melville and ]Beverley. o! r.Fak Aldswoth. Mr. Jack luit ,red to oot ud was to ge. and itwashthenneo! listhe ek s h r i h oesbeit n-for a few holdays . ..Mr. and HP'wasses i i M.Fa during this time tlat the man of assistant. He lias a certain smug- sugosfte ak !the spirit îli:ng tha, wili cause eye fatigue Msoi alweladdul:r b HtoFe; to Bwmaier . .an-d Aseorvice as heltidstlari Nran wbom; I write was made sales iiess - a contentment with things ai &iventure. will be perceJved. ci eyestrain. Qeneral tiredness Elizabeilville. with friends. ..Mrs. Mary Laing a! Orono; and Clapel in Windsor on Thu.rsday. l ted manager of bis compaiiy. Today'astley are. He basntan<- The !act is that ail of us are pe-adey aiueado ourse n- Mr. and Mis. L. Whte and !am- hîree brothers, Marvin Hancock June 2, and tle reniains brought product. are aving their own contentment lias bred in him a ment. and thai if we are short f irst symnPtOms. Mrs. Rasa Halowell. . . Mr. and adW .Hnoko eebr.bigledi rnt nidBI anufatues, dteS m anac u er eîa ofy. W hn ies re d ga n t ficenyN;illliand W .J. -of Dk o Plerorv bin hed i onniySuntd bad ties, t rmtohe-ad teyca bu dgre o!laiss. e d esanot weight. aur de!icinCy iU eOrIn a scienti!ic article of a few Mrs. J. J. Mellor and dauglite- Funeral services. under Mason- Curch on saturday. The Bey. 1Svnîîîatlii.exidltMs.F mnfcuee- auatrr1etly hntmsaegolookers on. but alsa by Our em- let me quote the f oUowiflg:"There .iNs aie esiecSnday ter- rttO iaie bereavewod. adoD. co îin ai afthrMnpasdt wha have made theinselves for- il may nat have been necessaiy ployers. VerY SUrely there 'iýil1 isno surer cause o! fatigue in WN VILLE Pat Hopesincemeteidy.atr ott h eeve.adD.T*lisa iidable competitors o! the ader for him ta exert himsel! greatly. came a day whefl tlse Whoa em- industry than imprper illumina- 1;no.Ilretwsmd tA atig lydfvuierý lt firm. The man o! whomn I write - Orders came along in satisfa.ctory pîoy us - and they may be the tion. The tendency o! every work- COW______________Port___Hope__Union_______________ Ill caîl him Brown - is flot ejual volume. His subordinate salesmen pulcaPela hs la pý ay mn i ta turn thie eYes toward ____ ta îe dmand o!lispresnt id ot requirea verylag us aur îage or salary - will re- any b-itless. sai. f ollows that Itne o aiwe rninCak oe job. He knaws this. yet is unwill- amount o! gingering. But in these cuire mare fram us than we are Iwlen ti-ere is any unusually (neddfrls ek rnlnCak oe _______________________________________ supling raderuns. wa~sre ngdefletion o! %llcause a t e cMi. Braoks aan os a vhealu- Franklin Clarke Foley, a well- r J wJ meet the larg e rdePmad. m~fedo sOf.ti a~ a ae a p]isonou he ar knawn former resident f armer of pretty sure ta be e1a l continuai draw on the muscularmaaeapisnuwed the Manitou district.,<ied at lis >'I oe / ,L tl.. J C K action. In many cases so bad is W. A. met ai the home of MLixs. home in Vancouver, May l94.h. xxI amn thinking a! a man under glare in offices that 25 percent'of B. Cowan. It was decided not ta The remains were transferred ta W a erwhom I warked for six years He a decrease lias been caused in the hld a.- strawberîy festival this Mailtou, accompanied by lis bra -Y was he advertising directar O! efficiency. Elintnate ail *hl. year but ta canvass aIl members ther,ý Lewis Fley, wliere funera îl' U IN the Harmswarth ewsPapes - a Elmninate light f rom tle direct for a donation. t is ihoped in serv ces were heid f rom. îe Unit- Acmeefee~o oe ' . S * w ater îidnenormae urn ibei. une f vision. The who!e visual this way ta calleci as much is Aed Churdli. Rv. G. F.fDmkerro He wias but 31 yeai5 o! age wlien field should be as uni! ormly il- generally taken in at the festival. ficiatng. Burial was made ai tle trucks make it economical No matter if i's lie was made dîrector o! advei- luminated as Pcssible."' I! the Visilars: Mis. R. Haskill with Manitou Cemetery. t aeKih' oylz rannsoig, etor a! o the-e coPany publishin, tornetrist. teous. . . Miss E. Reid, Toronta, The deceased was born at Bow- long distance h a u i n g. J.s eehn blain ho o b- eto ofth cmpaY -o be continued) witl Mr. and Mis. W. A. Reid. . . anville. Ontario, son a! the late l w zeroa...______'M is m an____no__________n-M . Leslie Reid is also vacation- M . and M rs. John Foley . who E verything w e m ove is 0011- Bc w a V ll 4 isaatuel es- tls -mneslo ad nO ean ad- ing in the vicinity. . . Mr. and came as settlers ta Manitou dis- p letely insured. to have ta work desper- tîings. We need contacts wviih Mrs. Oea. Henderson with Mr. trict in 1880, and le was 62 years lanry o ncesta an- .ntIHis ~ s and and Mis. W. W,trsn,. WeMr.andLe, ared far a numbrter a!Complete, Safe Truckifl evc atf amthyad hI ri t e alvn e n oe hs ve iws amdfra bro er o carry it fliad the Yldtile placent. or by iying ta get alona i car hanbut lie hdan eo- a ftrdy nresided evei since. lHe was neyerH UAG q:fashioned ump. s rno i tit a! nergy. He wasmarne mos taued I isyei be- îBT ARE The surviving immediate rela -_ ______________________ smsta ItPt5 aeinw brthes. LwisFol fore is 20h birhday Smitli ad tvsaetobohrLwsFi A BU 0 avariety o! emplaymnfts. eacl o!f ______________________ WilliamWes, Oshawaey o!Vancouver, Rupert Faley af a STARKVILLEqurig ir t hste Manitou, and one sister, Mis. E. Then lie got a clerical Position I întnded for Jast week) The deaili occurred Friday, J. Moore o! Winnipeg. The laie SY T Mwiil the Harmiswoitlis. Witlfl June 10, o! Lizzie Viola Keys, wife Mrs. John Balfour was anoilier tw easle a ui0nassing A very unique and sacreci ser- of the late William J. Webster. ai sister. yaur f~~~.o avrs emef t cn tiswark v.ce taak place in Shiloli Chuircli 1efanil rsiene. 0 ha.1 will suppy al the waterfo detseet.i lith anyrsdnc,5Cals newed, t h advertisingmage for flow,;ers' w e re baptizeci, o ne was a daughtei a!fithe laieMi Mr..RbrtBl muno act.anw-Bianag oer SadyMuieHloel o fadMs ila eso o Her many !iends weîe slock- home neeaidsta aI theh sdde dat tunle was rntabiysce sU-. TIenMon Snday ls. wen îwal"Utie.Staie sliawa Mis. ebs6terfAne hr elo a In aditio, it ill eQuired. and Wareham Smithi tle ailer Helen Alin Hallowell. yeai. Mis. Webster was bain an 3 a! An e Thereof Be.on A- make possible newsPaPer in ihose day e- as M o r. and Mis . Lewlln alaeli. anuaile 31She8was in ler6tl d ahera!te ude ea m adit siblon, it will hejo. ron h vin, in Ottawa. Altlough .she 1iad to modernize your home ginn~~~iegb was emîinently suc- Hallowel. Follwing te baptismn- vile. and had lived in Okshawa be nfiig e.hfrsm ta moderniz yaur homecess!ul Always lie was experi- aI service was a re7ception service sine sle hr ealiwatuexeced with Enmentiflg.s, Sways le as using w len three pramusing young pe- She was active n te foundifg ise, eBOîl t was a n in BaUydUi necHsaas tgreatly 1sresinentt-. ai01île hospital auxiliarY a.nd was Ms elwsbr nBlyufF necessay thesedays tanew ides. He xals che!.a i!red asaengg in curci work at in 1873. dai:glter o! the lae Mu. helt ndco ar. uinssrsvorth, afterwards La i the Centre St. Christian Churcli. and Mis. William Lathangue af Buies .ilectory u ir!rt neeî ee Lifford. Sle was married ta o EmoBahornFxursad itig remdrnt) Norli i ise. Ye lie wso 1 I e in lier lame and ! Scebeut Bell 36 years ago. Le! t ta I tredY e y :nSis.rahemnouin lier îass are 1er husbanci; the minute, mechanically perfect and fineiy finished. Thev a owr y~ ci5 ale EA s surviviDd by one son George; a wil gve afsaisacor srvcean geaiyjm tan lv jumps. ALbiother. John W. Keys. a! Aiga one son Alvin, o! Ottawa; one yeaiS ~~~I wsMy good fortune to have nac, Midi.; and four sisterS, Mis.duhe er ihm;fu prave the appearance and comforl of your home. close association wth Warehani M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. G. A. GTraber, Chicago, Mis. O. E sisters. Mis. Arciuie Staples (Min- The four pieces iiiustraled - Buili-nBtShwr mtl.Iwnt m ne, t o Baurister, Solicitor, Nti Woods, Winnipeg, Mis. E. F' nie), a! Fleetwood, Mis. W. Pal- - n B t , S o e , s mi'ta UI wet tPuanhimewoer, £otary ' A ier i n e y Oa), o o o !n et-H w si plMt s a le. 1 lii hd a eouli'-~Weekes, Ottawa. and is A. W. tesn(hna>Ho oatMs Toilet and Lavator - with ail Trimmings, readv for ta do. He said ta me thai lie RylBaBBdgrBWm~lewsthfer l le ood, andi Miss Emmo. Lathngue obetarudoi installation, cast only............................... 14-50 wne- des ideas calculated ef rsne was! ethny acithre rouhis space. moe rI W. B. STRIKE Obadiali a! Las Angeles, Ed. and $8385 ,endil 'J.thi V.d hMceelo! K.i Uth ýi William o!Bethany. Anathiei F.. Other camplete Bathroom equipment as low as $8.5 was able, haPpily. ta stiply n Barrister, Solicitor, Natary Jit.eci duci ongc r set o witl oo ideas.Sandcitowrsfor Bank a! Montreai <lî sister. Mi"s. John Hendeison (Ehi- ghoodSeca upngS ieistnei ptadkp vice, and intermetit was made in The uraSpecal umpig Sstem, complete with mein1.ifa r. Whîc pt Ieanci kept Lan Plane 791. tle Union CemeterY. * zabeii). predeceased heu by only --~~ tbuhso aesl 30-gai. Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 cycle Motor, has a . . -l was Weham Siniths Bowmaiivile, Ontaria Mi.Anew.H Brad moTh agl atnei uea ~tm aahr-eri capacity of 250 gais. per hour and casis only.... $89.00 attitude î.oward men wloL .îookB.. taAns d hrltersdec 1dim gooci idea. Itîîwas an atti- L .MSN ..Bowmianville wMedfa irli eiece ~ ~wasl iihwt udofreceptivity. Unlike mast Baîrister - Salicitor "iela rte ironei on June lst, wit.l inteument at e Iigglathtmesfrtuewodok tude a! te hr wneP-Riverside Cemeteiy. insa. le . or ai look lke nw Crne nfr REclo ad men, Sntl did not put uP is Noary Public - Etc. 1Lnsy h defeies. Raller wvouid e sit Law in al is branches. tapli by hieu exemplarry Christiani service was cnducted by ey, W. fomO oklk e oai iself down in an easy chair Office immediately east o! Royal 1f e. and er woks wili live on I. V. Walker a! Janetville who hwntewnt-v na.r and invite you ta state yatii pro- Theatre. a! 1er lai." In these wards Rev. wvas assisteci by Bey. C. E. Cragg pour choice. poal His owfl attitude was .iýu- Phanes: Office 688; Home 553 W. Franklin Banister o! St. Paul's of Toronta. During the service diciai. If le likeci your idea. lie United ClurcI paid tribute ta Mr. Percy Preston sang sacieci ____________of___________He____ suggstMss. Agnes H. H. Borland ai the music, accornFanied by lis sister. , Tak avanag afths Gven- wauld use i. H ùh ug DENTAL funeral services hld far lier ai Mis. H. Neals. A numnber o! close al . metPlan ta modernize your changes, but lits will was ta tain tehoeo!1r rtler, J. H. H. !riends andi relatives were f lower metycur good ides into mafley. A- D.the.DEIT hr.oms e dof e daoy afiernoofi. bearers. and île pal beareis were tomawme Eurne.upmetI seia s DTRotc . OffiC . e: Jury JJuryl tjst WedI!nII' Wriî forfieebooket a see wpîsented tas readyfrowilut Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Mus. Borland died June 6tli at Messrs. W. Pat.teison, A. Finney, I reca11Wareham Stmitl5 SY- Graduate o! Royal Dental Colleg er oe nChJ .iSret n .Wc.l.W ayoJ e.La ing t a ne tm ,-I h vBnooo to fic : J r J ban e 1t e r T elt M s orlhn ue a d I.A g e = a K r brais. I lire brains. Il This was Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours land, vi lu as lived in Ontario 68 Many frientis at.tended !rom Phone 556 not frue - that Smitli lacked 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily except Sun- y ýears. wvas boni in Englanti on Toronto, Ottawa, Peterboro, Orne- B e t P r t r brains; yet it was true ihat lis day. Febria.ry 28, 1848, and was a___________________________________________ -blte ee lirînited. Noi- Phone 790. House plane 883. daugliter o! Mu. and Mis. John olaWn te wijury. Mus. Borland's lusband _________________________________________ Phone 2684 King st. witlstanding ilis faot. Wa.rehamn X-Ray Equipenet in Office. <ied n 1888, and site is suriîved BOWMANVILLE Snmih became the targesl f iguire inBiihadvertisitig. and lielci FUNERAL 1IECTOR anfyby lairbileJ. H.H ur Duro-Specisi in ri tsfoi many years. 1His ___________a________o Bwmtiile thsrmakbe ucsswsdue FNRLDRCOS Mis. Borland w. ad3- very rn ral ures wsFNRLDRC S Christiani persanality wha was EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. ta lis set puipose of making h""- Service, any liaur, any day. keenly nteresteci even until îe- Engine operation Wnnipeg Vancouver genius and zeal and euieigy o! F. F. MORRIS CO. ocenitias. mn her olicl and ut 238 ai~~oheis. He deleg .e ul !i~Madern Matai Equipmient, Arn- The fanerai. which was Pru- wark He multiplied iisel! by bulance andi Invalid Car. Caîl vate. was aitendeci only by close J c K ceaseci. Mu. Banistei paid a glaw-IN Asfusul an tpyraig soin CONTRACTOR îng tribale ta tle decease.d's fine articulai The essece o! myphilosaphy o! life. Pallbearers N SNI o!aiirs Lt Buleran onrctr cre. J.R. yu- . A Joh-v uie adwill are adveiituiotis. ndPap ppls uao Hancock was in lis 63rd Yeai.ning officiai tests . over measured courses, witb qiPe.Hdsn2Sadr op n t veyhn, be n s ,=d. Before long he He was a member o! H o P e accurately nieasured gasoline. Came in and see .cîdivrdpe.d e- topen a ge ehing bleri1us. 8 painfui imaring stops Lodge, Na. 114, A. F. & A. M.. andi how much yau can save an gas and ail an a Hudson adlcss e.AtaIvl a T R SIf 'we wani to graw mentally, was a Pasi District Deputy Granfd 112 ... how much mare yau get in roam, comfort i.pyelemawhnw culturally. spiril.ually, we mnusi be ' Master. He was a mnembeu o! Vic- and safety. continusllY taking into oui life £-taria Chapier. RAM. No. 37, andI experiences, was a ~~~~~pst Ex-Comp.of the lodge. Ie *. * CA .TOHS O TERPAE HD NS new tliauglis. new epuecs He was alsa a membei o! Dur- Wneemoionta reiboostichlatiL ebra leSn !E puWeast ito raur bons. Wheh il 6 KNneedJü&.. hmL eNo 8 ..0Fad ~~ new ~~pt eat ins, u nesciors PAIN" a mbo the so7,IO.f., ngi c e v r 4 S m D EA N 13O D G SO N~A ta meet new experien(ces whicl land ' lad lielc île office o! secre- M K e e m omnile wil disiarb us and prlas tary o! ilai soclety fou many i White Rose service Station Bwavle stretch us. We need t ea-years. Phono 641 Temparan-cPhone,641wmanviîîo tempting new tlings, even difileult Mi acc adtknapo THE CANADIAN STATESNIA'*,,, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO