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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1938, p. 4

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* - a~ 'r - THURSDAY, JUNE 23RD, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BO\VMAN VILLE. ONTARIO RENOVATED Extensive Improvements Being Madej-JSeats Most Modern Desg AutomatieC urtaini W iiiBe a New Feature - Theatre Will Be Completely Redecor- ated This Week When the Royal Theatre opens its doors next Monday a! ter a week in which it lias beenclet for renovations. an entirely new interior will present i tself t? theatre patrons. This wveek, Pint ers, decorators. carpenters. elec- tricians and i oer wvorkers are busily engaged in transforming the interior of the theatre.r The mast inîportant part of the renovation is the installation of new seats at a cast of nea.riy $4000. The new seats will be on a par with the very finest in Can- ada. They will be of heavy spring construction and beautifully uP- holstered. The auditorium will be redecorateti anti new mouldings will add ta the decoratii'e effects. Another very important change will be the installation o! draw curtains on the stage with a pro- jetor roorn contraI. As the first picture is thrown onto the screen the curtains will be automatically opened. This is the same system as is useti in the larger city the- atres. The lighting will be changaed. the accoustics improx'ed, and the air conditioning plant installeti. New carpet will be laid on the aisies, and as we have a.ready said the inteior %,i11 be entirely changeti. For the present Manager C. T. Ross is not cantemplating the re- building o! the theatre front. Plans have however been drawn for this and -as soon as possible an entire].y new front will be buitît to include a hantisome marquee. Mr. Ross lias puasihased the theatre buildinga. andi is deanon- strating lus faith in Bo'wxanvifle by the expenditure o! several thousanti dollars in improvements. The Royal Theatre will re-open on Manday with the picture "Merri'ly We Live," anti this will be folîowed. by Deanna Durbiln's geat picture "100 Men anti a Girl." The following week one o! the greatest motion picture thrills o! all time "Test Pilot" is schedul- eti for a showin. Mr. Rass extentis a warin wel- come, or ta be more correct a cool welcome, ta the whole district ta visit the theatre on its re-opening oi. Monday. Despite the many imprave- ments Mc. Ross is entieavoring ta keep th,- price o! admission at the same level as heretofore. On op- ening night. however, admission wiJî be 25c toa ah. no chldren's tickets being available. A slight change has also been matie in the age iit for chiltiren and this will be rigclly atiheredt t OPENING FEATURE cd in "*Tliree Smnait Girls."- Mis" Bradv, Nliscia Aller nd tugeîîe Pallette al~o regi-terecd in 'Nlv 'Mani Go(ifres-. .Adolphe NMenljruw-C)oil praise :il"Sig. Baby. Siirg." "A Star 1,Pram,""Onc in a Million ' and -Cafe Metropole." l'lie filin w as malle li director Heuirs -N otcr andi aýýociate prodio- ccr lo~piPasternak, %-l,) al1 s girii dcd - 'h cee S inart Grsta neIl- cc-,ý. iiitiioficrine'. w ere limier tlir o îîr f CIharles R. Rogers. t'\eCtitie lîoucr MI scha Alluer, the matîcap inuisi- clan, basalgen ins for torturincmnu- sic,îl ins trumcents. He delares lie i the ontl% pupil o f hi s Iunele Leopohi Aller, able ro play imusic w iich Cali- rot be scored on palier. Mfisclia adds tirai it iniîglit e poFsible îith a squeakv pencil on a sirieky slatc. The storv theme stresses tire (ira- na and coniedy. of humnan living. Deanlna Durbin as a mnusician 's tîatighter. strives to save the careers or 100l nisîcrans f .aeing a crisis. FLASH GORDON SERIAL TO OPEN AT ROYAL THEATRE First Serial ini Many Years Feat- ure Famous NewsPaper StriP - St.arts Net Thursday Tbe first episode of Universal's serial, "Flash Gardons Trip ta Mars," based on the famious news- paper strip, "Flash Gardon," opens at the Royal Theatre next Thurs- day', bringing with it a whirlwind of excitement. The story revolves around Flash Gardon, an earthmnan who with bis f riends, goes ta Mars iin a racket ship ta desiroy a giganiic lamp which is sucking nitragen f romn the cartb's aimosphere. causing terrible sandstorms and fires. Once on Mars. Flash cuirs a gt-itlet of adventures, Icluding capture is' fierce dlay people and batties wiîh ni"wba cati walk thraugl f ire unharmed. The raies of Flash Gordon and Iis sweeîlreart. Dale Arden. are enacted hy Buster Crabbe aînd Jean Rogers. Thiev îlayed tire saine nules iin the Flash Gardon serial which was releascd ini 1936. Neis' surprises an ait tîrase w ha ,sec 'Flaslh Gordair's Trip ta Mars.' Thiere are ligit heamis an which people valk and vacuumitube suh- wavs. TIre iicture was protîuced hy Barriey Sarecky and ca-directed bv Ford Beelie and Robert Hill. i HAYDON AT ROYAL THEATRE jeea 1. edeilngSîl anniversary services Sunciay. MERRILY WE LÈVE 1Congratulations ýta Miss Viola iBradley. Toronto, on passing lier Uproarious Comedy WiII Mark,:lst year Iàfe Insuraxuze Intitute Re-opening o! Royal Theatre examination. Monday - Constance Bennett Visitors: and Bian Aherne Mr. and Mrs. H. Gay andi fam- "Merrilv \'e Le"tire Rai, ily, Oshaa at Mc.' C. Garrard's. Roacbi-M-G-M ulîroariouos suiccessor Mr. and Mrs. H-. MeConib and to Tolper" ne f lstseaolis amily. Miss Lorma Kent, Toronto, tafs "Tapp e an e fas easami Mr. andi Mcs. W. M. fHenry andi diat e edipes. illlete etr fanùly Lidsay, at Mrs. E. Mount- at uereopcin Mnday ai the os' ,Royal Theatre wiîh Constancee Ben- Mr. J. Grahiam,. Mr. anti Mrs. nett of the forrmer it once again N. Hall. Earî and Clinton, Mc. C. cast in a comiedy portrayal, this'le Taniblyn, Oshawa, at Mrs. D. co-starre(I sitlh Brian Ahierne wha Gzlahaxns. recentlv scoret iniithe tille raie of Miss Rutht McNeil, Toronto, at "The G;reat Garrick." home. The nies i iire, based on a sereen Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Ashton anti play îbv FuEddie Morami andi jack family at Mc. R. Ormiston's, En- Jevne, svas direeteti hy Nanman Z. nisldUen. McLeod. director of 'Toîiîer" anti (Intendeti for ast wcek) other filin suceesses, andi ils stip Rcn Vstr porting cast i catis lke a "XX'io'à Rc. nd Msirs.JGram Osaa Who" of Huollywood celehrities. 'ti.a rs. . raeuenantiOsLor- Promiîîeîîly cast are Bille Burke, Is .H.eRtbnadLr Alan Masvrav, Patsy KellyAmn enzo, Orono, at MMrs. D. Grahan's. Dvork, ainBruwn, onia Gan- Mrs. R. Ashtomn, Leaside, Nr. and ville, 'Marjtîrie Rambeau, Pî .i. ip rs. J. NIeGiIi, Mr. and Mca. H. Reeti, Clarence KoIb), %Marjorrie Kanie. \cGilh and fam-ly.' Enniskilcn. PaulEvetonairl WilieBes. \rs. W. Murray, Nir. and Mca. P. Thueton ain"Meriles- W'Lie Turner, Miss E. M. Werry, Toronto, Teovsa)n he ant Mri\e f ie Mc. and Nîfrs. M. Werry, Oshawa, Kilburn faily asnia, fntaticai Mc. L. Asbtîîn's. Kilbîmmn fail>' a~mati faîtasie iss Fretia Bradiley withî lier sis- and carefrece a grauîi as were everte.MsF.AhoTrn. asscmnbleti umîter aile rof. lach isNater. Mcs.F. Ashton Toranoia a ruggc initividulaist, hut tugetiir err Ronald. A. B on s oleiday- the prsen a nitd fonttha is Mc. and Mrs. Louis Aslion. To- bewildcriiig ta their sedate anti con-ranto, ai Mc. H. Asbton's. servative sulimrlian nighlrouirs. Mcrs. F. Thompson, Taunîtoni. Mc. The new ;icturc marks the first Davidi Hall. Birclhcliffe, ai Nir. C. co-starrnrg apîhîararîce of NI i,ý ci'- (rossnîan's. nett and Alîcrn. \V. A. met Tbtir5day afternori ai McarF. H. Asions with Mca. E. Bratdley in charge. Bible rcadimîg was LOVELY DEANNA read 1), M,,r. R. Richards aird de- DURBIN COMING votiuunal lîy Mca. X. Ritige. Pro- TO OY L HE TR . ram was .iii charge of Mrs. W. TO R YALTHE TRE Bridgeti anti consisted of a reatiing Leoold Stokowski in Charge of i)v Miss Annie MouitioY; vocal duet Muil forPictre a Royl lî Misses Blanchie and Mets Dageer Commencing Next amu edmg yMa .Cosa Thursday ant ivltrs. H.Ashtion. Lunch was The Motiomn hîinre i, i i rrs, _______________________ spotlight is '100 Muil i !l a (il.'. The fact tuai Deanlia I)îrlrrîr lia, STARKVILLE achievedthte leiglits iio mr sc tar- ______________________ dam in lier seconîd hitirv. r u-- attaches iiew imteresit-rt tir. Mc. anti Mcs. Herb. Gilmer, Mr. ductiami. The litile siligiuî r.îýj - anti Mrs. L. Totit attendeti the the acclaim. and( symniatiis (fr- funeral o! George Hancock in and screen audiences. lit t,, Port Hope. leaingmuica fgur ii .iiiiî W. A. spent an enjoyable time Leiopold Stokowski. bas (clu ii, Iau it Ms. A. Dunn'js quilting. new methoti for cnrichirs Large ccowds attendeti our an- mnusic anti giviiig il csîuîir n.versary services on Suntiay. soud.maks he il imer',uir~< WoI'k on Mr. Ross HaUoewell'S soun, mkes he ilmbarn is rapidly being done. significant. Visitons: Misses Alice anti Hel- This Universal conedy draina w r . t-na Hallowell, Toronto, with Mr. music, 1"100 Mcei anti a Girl." wv liIanid Mrs. Richard Hallowell.... opens at the Royal Theatre f-r1,;1, Mr. anid Mca. Geo. Morton, Orono, three-day rtnnemxt Tlîursday, ic'I' c W. E. Gilbank, Bowmanviile, turcs nany playens who have layetiInpca A. A. Martin anti wffe. in notable bits. Deanna Dubii.BIigliton. at Mis. John McKay's. Alice Brady and Mischa Auer cn--., . Mr. L. Savery. wife andi !am- ROYAL THEATRE ily, Newtonville, withi Mr. and Mrs. W. Savery... Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patterson. Orono, at Mrs. Silver's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell with Mr. and Mrs. E. White. Elizabet.hville. . . Mr. and mrs. In-in Farrow and son Arthur at Mr. andi Mrs. Percy Farrow's. ..Miss Anna Sowden and f riend wth Miss Gwen Gilmer. . . Mrs. R. Bougen and daughter wit.h her mother, Mrs. J. McKay. . . Miss Beulah Hallowell. Toronto. Mr. Will Henry, Newcastle, at Mr. S. G. Hallowes.. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ruthven, Zion. with Miss Norma Halowell. .. Mr. Harold The welcome showers on Sun- day helped t.he croPs cons4derably. Mrs. M. Shtuka has returned ta Hamrpton. Sorry to report Mrs. J. J. Mel- lor in the hospital in Toronto. Miss Hazel Falls was rushed to the hospital in Toronto a week ago. but an operation may not be performed. She is home, but stiUl under the doctor's care. Miss Myrtie Farrow, Port Hope. ,Miss Edna Farrow, Millbrook. spent Fat.her's day wit.h their fa- ther. Mr. Victor Farrow. celebrat- ing his birthday. Mr. Garnet Hallowell. Toronto, called on his father. Mr. Wm. Hallowell. Miss Beulah Hallowell. Toronto, visiteti her father. Mr. S. G. Hal- lowell. Mr. Laverni Farrow visiteti fri- ends in Port Hope on Sunday. CADMUS (Intended for last week) Tliere was a record attendance at the anniversgrv services of Cadmnus United Church on Sunday. Rev. W. C. Smith, Courtice. conducted the morning service and spoke on the value of the church in the commun- ity. The musical part of the service was excelldnt wliich included, be- sides a chorus by the Sabbath School scholars; a duet hy, Anne and Raliph Robinson talcnted childreii of Mr. and Mrs. Robýinson. janetville; solo by Colette Ferguson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ferguson. of Bowmanville, and a duet by Leah and Beth McQuade, Cadmus. At the eveninz service Rev. Sidney Davison, Bowmanille, preacbed on sweetenifLg the bitter waters of Mara and the Osborne Quartette of Bow- m4nville, consisting of Russell, Or- R o y Fi A Moni s Morton, Mr. '-Viii Hamhlv. Bow- ville and EarI Osborne and Howard -For Pete's Sake" at Leskard on i.tgave several excellent selec. jlYi 4tlî. tians which were mnuchi appreciated. MNr. T. A. Garton. Bowmian'.ille, Recent Visitors: MNr. and Mrs. C. hias delivered a new Studebaker. Fallis and famnily at their cottage. . piirchased from Iirn by Mr. W. J. M Nr. and Mi\rs. Muckle and Doris. Nfiller. Bethanv. withi friends. . . . Rev. and _Nîrs. Sidniev Davison. Mrs. H. Fos- ter, Mrs. T. G. Mason and Mfrs. F. iZMON \Vason with MNr. and 'Mrs. J. E. Elliott. . . . Mfrs. Gadd.. 'Mr. and MNrs. Turner. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Gillis ( ntended for last week) and famnilv. Toronto. with MNr . and Tlhe play "Bashifil NIr. Bobbs" put NIrs. Ralpb Cooke. ...Mr. and Mfrs. nl h Ebenezer Young People. xvas Robinson, Ralph and Ann witîh Mr, -ry imuni enjoy'ed by a good crowvt and Mrs. C. H. Fallis . . . Miss N. I IWednîesday night. Master Nick NîcQuado. Courtice. at home. ..Miss S"ntlî laved his mnouth organ and Crsa alsat home. Mlaster Lawrence Martin sang a solo Crysal Fllishtween acîs. Ziom defeated Solina in football SOLINA j _mne by 4-0. MIr. and Mrs. J. Cruickshanks. Isabel andI Douglas attended the Hol- ( Intended for last c ek ýtein Breeders' Picnic at PeterDoro IR"ceîît Visitors: n Wednesdas. Mr. nd rs.Jin Mithel, M. W. A. met at Mirs. Anson BaIsons and 'Mrs. Arthur Mitchell. Mrs. T.« on Thursdav with a good attendance.1 .inan, Pickering, ait Mr. J. Smale's. Tlîev decided to hold a strawberry1 .Nr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe at Mr. social so watch the Comîing Events1 WatrBray's. Pickering. for the date. There was a good XXaterprogramn and the group served a very '.\r. and Mrs. Walter Outrain and h ,îit fil lunch. Jimmny. Peterboro. MIr. and Mrs. Mr. -Gerrv Glaspel lias hiad a l)ad Fred Hardy. New Toronto. M.\rs. jas. -or thaat Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Glas- rs. ha. Naorbs etrd psaac a d f iy , hrdg , t ir. fron O shawa H ospital ta bier par- I(acHadvs.cts' home accomiianieJl by bier .Misses Doris and Miary Grooms. êmre. rs. Dunni. R.N. Mlr. Jordon Sharpe. Mr. A. Willani Mrs. J. Cruickshanks. Isabel and and friend. Toronto. at '.\r. S. E. Do<uglas sp"nt the weekend with bier \Verry's. parents. M r. and Mrs. Hansen. Mir. and Mrs. Johin Kivehl witlb Trenton. Peterboro friends. Mrs. Russell Robîsins is liaving a ' MNr. and Mrs. Elgin Wight, Miss wek's liolidavs at Port Hope. Her Maud Elliott. Bowmnanville. at Mr. iiotlier- Mrs. H. Allini. Bowmnanville- i Thios. Bakers. is staying with Mr. Robbins and Mrs. S. E. Werrv at Mr. Jack Ruith. Short's, Courtice. Mir. and Mrs. Jas. Gibson. Toron- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hawsam and ta, at Mr. Jas. Camerons. They also famnily and Mrs. Geo. Howsam at- called at Mr. Rav Camerons. tended Decoration services at IJtica Mfr. and Mrs. j. W. Balson and Sunday and visited Port Perry f i- jean at Mr. R. C. Pearces, Eben- ends. ezer. Congratulations to, Mr. Wesley Mir. Gerald Balson at Mr. J. Wil- W'erry on winning the model cow kins., Courtice. and Mr. Howard Milîson a bag of M. 1r. and Mrs. Jesse Arnott at Mrs. feed at the judging competition at Jane Osborne's. Ebenezer. the Holstein picnic at Peterboro. Mrs. Harshaw and Nancy. Mr. Several f rom here attended the pic- ami Mrs. R. J. DodL Toronto, Mrs. nie. Bryson. Kential, at Mr. Harold Mr. Walter Blackburn bias been Savery's. . . Mr. Les. Reid, To- re-engaged as teaclier here for the, at Mr. Bert Reid's. .. Mrs. caming vear. J. Bawks, Bowmanville. with her Our Young People have received sister. Mrs. Albert Wragg. an invitation to present their pIs:- Ms A. Morton. Miss Amber na sh H it R )pening of the Renovated ' Theatre A Nednesday - June 27- 28,, - 29L îesday and Wednesday 2.30 p.m.1L [ERRIEST LOVE-ANMD-LAUGR! RIT INCE "TOPPER" CAMIE TO TOWN! You thought "Topper'l was tops! But they've topped it now by 100 hilarious howls The love story of a society beat and a "tramp". .. madly, merrily yous 9 fun stars! 90 minutes of 'irt - - -- - ONl] mum a U MONDAI ROYAL THEATRE Thur., Fri., Sat.- - June 30 - iuly 1-2 ~~s D EAN4 ~f +' GIRL WHO HAD A DAt 15 Thrilling Episodes The Screeu's Greateat Serial Starting Thur. - Fri. - Sat.-June 30. iuly 12 Matin... - Thurs. - Fr!,.- Sat. at 2.30 p.m. w RER OPE ASi 1or the Re-( Iay-Tuesday-V Matinees Tu i mnanville, at Mir. Ray Camneron's. MNrs. Wesley Cam;gron at MNr. S. Covericy's, Ebenezer. M\r. anýj Mrs. Norman Leach at M\r. John Colwell's, Tyrone. MNrs. j. Shackleton enttýrLained the W. A. ladies to a uuilting Thursday afternoon. Jackson. Baby Point. Toronto, at MNr. J. W. McMdNaster's, Mlr. and iMrs. A. T. Staiiton at MNr. \Villjs Gladwcll's, Toronto. Ž.liss Emmna Killen. Oshawa, at .Nir. Robt. Killen's. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jardine and Ronald, Queenston. visited at Mr. Fred Gilbert's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Adams and baby. Mrs. F. Marks, Mrs. Fred Wrightly, Havelock, Mr. and Mrs. Scully and Billy. Mount Den- nis, visited at Mrs. W. J. Ormnis- ton's. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Norris a.nd Mrs. Aunger, Mount Forest, at Mýr. T. Bow- ma.n's. 1r OBITUARY Mrs. D. M. Somerville, Chicago Mrs. Frances Agar Sômerville. a former resident of Bowmanville, passed away at the Jefferson Park Hospital of Chicago on May 31&t. Mrs. Somerville was a promin- ent clubwoxnan of Chicago and was frecauently heard on the radio, once in a weekly sertes of talks on American Poets andi later on -Sae- ty Programs. Silie was on the ex- ecutive boaird of the Bethesda, Day Nursery, the Ch:icago Graded Un- ion andi the West En~d Woman's Club. For many years Mrs. Somn- erville was active in church work ti the First Congregational. Church of Chicago. Her husband, Dr. David M. Soinerville of 4258 West Adais Stireet, Chicago, survives. The tine t-o be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way ta be happy is tarniake other people happy. PAC.F. FOUR il

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