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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jul 1938, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAjLIT,13 suddenly nioved, kept him sient, fretful baby, and would marvel emthm MAR R BERT a th tndrnssinher face. -~An ec yb1 rmcnssngo an h ad tth e d r esi W ritten For il play entite os oe" b I ~~htb~l~~êhI'~v J "Are you stili there, Chrs?" She was stili calm when pre- BULLETINS Th ttsa theMtse AYoungdigsb Ibups l awy eh radit, fo nd w alkr ed etyto from tTheYoungpeople of ithe; duet when you need me, my dear. Is dowfl her long, heavy hair and BR L N îirdE isnig m ~~sn odce ' Ca ytTn w on ?"te elivery room when her time B R L N iird E is ni z n A- "No. That is-Chris, you're fo camne. )ýV .R CHAPER XVHBetween him and me. He thinks glanced at Chrs. See here Ar angry with ue, are you?" I a o a n h it THE KINGBIRD th1e organ 'Mr.RcadolTh k n o w s I'v e "1A n g rytlk . f N ey er. I' e t oa n d d ifficufit.'re sC h risr ? N e e r .r w.nj.o t alt w aaath t.dPrand th edirt be happyhr h dn' ouwa lAndd i ouha detr oersand ewtractthe ear f Tha gescsideo h îha Chris sat back in his chair. The o j nterested inpp iherrownwa. ndwhy donChis tr. . room was silent; the desk under Isee, he said, stîli heavily. get her out of tis mess?"if that didn't happen to be my lvas ping e wiaf th wat. Butsherumpuandte thr loesadminu ttive nect larT-ec dust. He was no nmoralist, con- me ta dori adCrsqîty Adadsa sa rtywt tste aevîl of tongt ask e destdant o get oto F iy-e. Even busy." "A boy?" she said feebly. "I § That was the King- rolled up on each side so as ta l'e thoemenit.i epigt pdw demning Ames for what he had Hssmo e f aid f ,ou thnent erstlera u aîl igt. I :: ad yo'e il g ht" n twneiaby hl alhn o id hsn wyaams uelkfrsc gpr Thsee t u nawys h cnsultîngand saoqet hansefle,"wudntd ' nhO sdesrchmsudnytasews vou, Doctor." Crow from his demain. Wth long, poses, and has a regular brush--_________ tid h ert ftqcnfrom the risk ta her, tfs against rig He put the child down in the hooked beak he made little dives like tip. fesonal. Bu if ths girle was-He agredfiahyjotig ow.mr2hp rootwr ifîk ths girf the con her iap the law." "See here, my darling," he said, crib'. "Theri l'Il keep an eye on at ts head and back, followîng it The wings are short and the FROA right. there w'as more at stake such details as she gave him: henougin ?,er ai atl.nge tsntto ae evry a good job of him, Ursula." was finally satisfied ta retuirn ta large and strong. - This combina- Thrhaneu'bnane- Ther a eels hl uue wudrqie adteapoi-Ctskp i teraper wlth dif- sure of yourself before you go Shiokdhppier after that his "look-out' branch. He vas tin gives the bird an unusual paper pitdtataifedee- "Fi a eeAesan tyta fix mate date of the child's birth. ficulty. l'Il let that go," he said. ahead. Don't mar<e a mistake." She could depend on hlm. She had scolding in that rattling way Of shape, but is necessary for the body. ButteeW eysml hsp"I heta sed eandily. When she had gone however, he "She's going ta have this child, She did nt answer that, and feit weak and alone. Now she was his and the Crow uttering un- quck wing movement. which is unethod bi: ih etr es "Hel f u i," he sid ithsatfor log tme hinkng venAme, an sh As'tdskmga geatonc agan se sementaheawit-flo alne. nd hni, soppig i hapy caws, dckigpisrhedlcmpaabl ta hatoffn an eci paerscanl'e :odcedandtha assurance. 'Ju,-st o u he s i ihstatin ensne e deal. She doesnt see it as black- ing for something, although she miss Neltie's raom on the wvay and swerving ta try ta avoid the Watcl' aHummingbird havo erifo the osewosbcie putcl'forked mtthesitaponrsnteion lk al nnd .Afe ,it's yaur realized thal only laten. oui, tod er a litte of the slory mt arn hsecidit bad a blosom, then back out and dan thntaak anndidli- practicaltoapoito lken been attempting ta steal. sideways ta the nexl. teret insefl tattygt t his, but ta let Beverly go blindlv ch ild." "Look here," l'e said, "you're '-She wanled the child," he TeKnbr steplcra nacui fti glt oelc iat a marniage'with. a man wl'o Sa she says!" tined and nervalis. I'mgoing ta said, 'and now she has it. The fa- Th igidi h oiemn O con fii g lian oie o c al esoa es tnd o-sn o oehntagv oucae. xvl'îîehe smthnthe o ir wn, ness. o T h the ee te-dainK gbir t eris tathrnew.aPe tnsa x Hesigeasced atthis watcb.neIfbitfever.ufte r s adlyt iehstopped the uight's sleep. You'Illtake it, wont thatfs ah ight. But I'd like ta feel job that a number of more timnid bird, lowever large. Its ab - itya acnbrbtbeas had ta be done. better do it soon, car at a curb and lighled a cigan- you?"- tl'at saime one knaws about her bidrhaeaso erbshm eally hurt must l'e known. has%ý.ý l'e l'ougl't, and ,vondered l'ow ta etle. Chis saw that he was white '"Yes,"' she said in a small vie hl r away, in case of trou- can l'eisr neasis.tanifsoe escen m the precg incdties fan i panent OfaItatagodfryu LgoA about il. Since Beverly xvas and twilching. "'You're sure you'ne al nigbt." ble-cnb ueo:sitnei on saefo h rcnt fa bous e s n o ad l'e migLewicach ma do in cincumatafices like "Then good-nigbt, Chis. And- II know. ' e said biefly, and overl'ead. Even poultry yards are will bear no noise fromr the ltile pî'ide sloudterfr.eayu M . G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. .l'im on Ibe and ou i Ibscatl'hdema d . "I'm ta l'e gond-lye.' rtet d y hi .aniagonisi. because he aorn 1 v to encau ra e s e n iSiU in Royal Bank Bldg., Bawmaflville Me igl'led a cigarette and saw uaried in a few weeks, Arden, Me xvas pale but collecled when 'Yu are an incurable senti- The voice of he Kingbird is saund il is capable of making laa à av vIion. f ou hav that l'is l'ands xere unsteady. It and yoti knaw Beverly.Sh'le aedttedrgoean mentalist, Chris,"I she tld l'im. loud and l'anal' ai al l imes, l'ut faint squeak. beeinon a0 si î i o r o W. R. STRIKE wsiedvlofams ale n lrWm ven in a second if she sent ber the promised lablets. But --Wl'ai on eartlbiis this girl ta you? moat evideni when tbere are More ihan once I bave l'ad theifgoon.ounghtrSa- wa tedei o amsst b i.l'o m e look ane l'imself wben tl'ey And l'aven'i yau enougl' on your youflg ones ta l'e fed - especially queer sensation of a Humnming- sure tý ' neete bu l Bannist.Soien. r NoaSolice hestaJe ry orshNotad knw'Y Ee b inîheru ed l'ewh n sayar jJerryf heneor iraheiny feouidg tin knew. he Ba honser.Sl351 ,Noay 'go ta Bevely? If Amh n e t aiyuwol fl't ay Ihe Mntin Bevely maried Jerry Ames Bu h geeadle lefi Neverihelesa, I can put up witl' and as I leaned aven te flower- town ipape.Eeyiteiem f Solicitor for Bank f Monineai wl'at she said l'e was, it migbt girl?" Ienx ainmninabae omre easy in bis min. Laler on me no setheirpa lren forl'ey wd hee, xbin sem per ! a locta rpiaa ntr ep Bowmanville, Ontanio fan al, ber poise, wvas in real "Then," Chnis said graveiy, "I'd wl'o, aiong witl' bis ushens, biink- 'him graveiy. a few weeks befone tl'ey are taken w-len it is net sîrange ta i,ave i beiter nEwapian gtifgi _________________________ toube, nd 'e bd pomied a pa uplik a an, Ames. And I'd ed aI te glane wiih eyesslightly "But ibenexiiil'ebcno troublel'ack imb the woods ai moulling Mrs. Hummingbird and ber o)ff-'to tbe ed(o eura ey11 L. C trSoubA.esoand lme. pnin viit ie gadeniogebei' esrtio on aurpart Tl't i do w'at l'e could. At lasi l'e tell Bevely before I manied ber. cneie rm 'socton," she said. "0f aon, il ongbrs .l n h s Thng itthecl'iden t o feqet h owtu a e "keyu t'e awybscgrteadgat She miglt-" l'e besitaiedl-"sl'e the nigbl befone. Beverly xvaa f llyanci. Sa is l'e."hn hechldent*e reue Pubic Et. * up. mlighi l'e more understanding tban wl'ite 't opoe.1er ' w " And yau won'i make anyare the mosi attractive. Thein visits. ofien in a convenieni spot nwppî o' neetfg n BarriSter - Solicitor he wyhscgrteadLbtcmoe.Na ywsadsi e nspe NataryPulc-E. The evening was warmn as l'e you tbink." the place wbere Chnis l'ad found trouble?" _wh'ite underpants are soa ery, very for close obseraion. iyou ae uvtc aaaidig5 Law in ail uts branches. climbed the bihl. Up that hihi, tao. Amnes laughed witbout mini'. l'en l'reaking ber beari a yean l'e- "Wby sbould 19 I1l'ave my wh'ite and fiuffy, ihat wben ll'ey Wl'at is unusuai about the day- îaft once.Duoyursneitm office immediately east of Royal lebdgn aBvny Dnt"o nwhr ' adsaty fore and l'ad caugbt ber in bis ba"' ne up on the gale tl'ey look, aid Herring Guils?iinorl Theatre. l adgoC aBvry-"o' 'e nwhr Ih adsoty ay'poe6 let re o his. Don't ever ici "Do yau thinksewudl'unar.Seddnoioktilo- The next manning l'e saw in theno frtviw ieao o Phones: Office 688; Home 553. nme go." And bis own vaice nepiy- denstafldifig, as you eau il? You even, and l'en vaice was steady pape n thai the Jervis Ameses l'ad snow-bl'als xitl' dank grey beada ing 'Il neyer ici you g. Oniy know damned well she wouldn'î, wl'en she made l'en îkd'ns returned fnam their baneymaon stuck on top. Tl'e beautiful taîla N ER RS DENTAL a yean ago, ahi that, and now the sbe non any ather woman. No, during the cenemony. She lkdand eeal'ad camethomLewiar te alac tippenwil' wifens a- ________________ woldly hope men sel their tl'at'5 fia good, Arden. ll pay up, Jerry. Tl'ey wauid gnow tagether. bouse. Bevei'iy hdcrehm-aebak ipdwt ht c DR. J. C. DEVITT heants upon" l'ad indeed turne d but i natlh Bey. Not now. And she l'ad her ard t dornIbis vil Jerry, of c ourse-la Holmes laps. The toucl' of orange on the (Intendecd for lasi w eekl 4 Asitn:ta ashes, and bis m ouil' was dry Non IIIer."'P ness. She bad ag e d t d h ssiiing ai the door, ta l'en father, sligl'tly-cresiedi hearis cannai pas- Receîut V isior9 s Mis E.P-ttei - c Asit n:Dr. E. W. Sisson wiih tbem. Chnis opened the 'dQor of the tl'ing. Now she was doîng t. l'ral butl' bis nw tapesed on in l 'irs e e rm y dgancehsi n S i n oonoon aturda\- Grdaeof Royal Dental Coliege, M sw ahle made the turn in car and put oui bis long legs; Iben cTe ei onnrin'spaer wedi forme al i't apparen typesred s ib 'es e e ray diace nR%.F iigwt 'Is .No-S Toront. Office: Jury' J u b il1 e e the diveway that l'e lad been l'e urned and iookedaanJerry, ed picures of ber inber wedding hfor flis and fRex. F. iasdi ih M Nr. M S VEM NE H R Bldg., Bawmaflville. Office haurs1rigbl, thataJerry was Ibere. Mis sulk y and defiant. finery, standing aI the end of the wet Se ls an oeeetrpy- figlct. When l'unting lo a faNit wL. ll as ated s icol -M.andat arn.ta 6p.m daiy. ecepdSunicarwaspankd nSufanfr) 1b TThl't fixe thn,"d'etaid.grenIaleysitbthe gunrinn'e-wber. Se wa no unhppy.unscis l'e somlims iok a if rs.L. Aldred ad Vila t thengutopsarangeent bicad l'enpand JeetrfbesidembereJerry ioved l'en, afler bis fashiafi they were fHaringdavendthe lap day. bueanChisepe bte"But l'y beavefla, if yau're netaindhradJry lb Busshbd fa eelngof-'eong f the tlu grass, occasianallyGorl. .HrodHry\i' Phone 790. Hause phone 883. shadow aof the trees and waiied. good ta Beverhy, li ake ife lewssnln nl be ing ta l'im, or indeed ta anybody, banging in the air like a Hum- court, aqimeti ffc.mseal oryu amr.mngid IMr. and i rs. . .\ att lîs. toa scremreo m ule X-Ry qupmntunOfic. He bad nt long ta wait. Tbe dour msrbefryu"cmr.even ta ber father. That smali. mngl'rd. . n and Mrs. j. Mof ai, MIss. A caly te i neesr o FUNERAL DIREC o nd, and Jerry canie oui. As Me walked borne, uhpyand CATRXVI dapper man, cool and ahoof and The final batl'ing lesan is a de- Pa'ro ndBiyLnea t ar slreasoko l'NRA IEC O e left tbc bouse l'elind l'im l'e dissatisfied. Me bad aaved Usl'e CaHas iied tht sm meobsessed wulb bis own afairs, igl't ta watc'. Ail sut an branches Allens, Orono.MN1r and Nrs. paintsanspliSa fr- beantawbste benfhl, ndMatin-so fan as she cauld semd alennw nasudfi-Iat bend aven the water, six ta E. Bradlev at 'MnI. and Mr\Ir. N FUNERAL DIRECTORS l'e was till wbisting wl'en Chis saved-but wl'at about Beveriy? run down l'y the Lewis car. Me une around wl'icl' ta have buili a ten feet above ita surface. One l'y Malîcys. . . 1 \Mr. and Mrs. ~ ry Service, any hour, any day. confronted bim. Me slopped and This neckless, defiant boy xvas nt was romping witb anothen dog in fuiaus loyaty; and iooking ai one the cldren lake a turfi, while leuu and family and r.s. L. Allen it If you r ntemre o F.F M R ISc . stared. 1 t h tsyu r the Jerry Amea l'e lad remrber- the streel, and the car, runnifig him aven the long lengil' of the the mother and father frequently MIr. J. M.\offait's. \I.- rs. R. Cadi ait F.odrnMtoF Eu.flMO-RdenS aO ve n m suc' banda- - went ave taean. Wet on it',îctuandoed i-e n teled hat ihe"phop", jump out l'riskly and then Mr. and Is. J. Ransl'erry and Will PaOU ogti oc bulance and Invalid Car. Cail "Do you mind diving me Wl'ei l'e reacbed bis doon agaun, oui sîopping, ta, îeaving Chia ta knew suddenhy that sl'e' ad nelurfi ta the pend'. Once safely famil'.\Mn. atid M\rs. L. Ranberry with meii oucnsv Phone '80 or 734. Assistant 573. around a l'il? I bave somnetbing ta tbere was a measenger boy on the carry in the faitbful creature Ibat thrawn away the substance f landed, the plumage must l'e died and familv attended i )CIIic tonplenlyl'qicaton ____________________say. h don't *ant ta say il, l'ut slep, and l'e signeci for a Ieiegram. l'ad loved him, and later a give living for Ibis sbadow, arrogant witl' much fiuffing of the feail'- Sundav a si aNa. it'a l'een put up ta me." i was from Hiram Mortim~er, and l'im decent bunial unden a Ince ini in bis dinner cloibes, critical of ens until eacb is again a sof t Congraitulationus to Kathleen Ard Weca alospyyu CONTRACTOR Ames was net wl'isihing naw. il read: theel'ack yard. bis meai, impatient ai the service. snow-bali. on passing, ler xans ai Oron wt ea n olhn H- e eyed Cl'ris witl' suspicion. "Mother sinking. Would like ta Lily did not dare 1a speak ta 'Hurry, up. Holmes e oe-Wl'at is the arnallesi bird nes- Continuation Scboui. w T. E. FAMAN Ilyntsy ci? l' adseyu. 'mIa dy n b li iafo in bere." ing in Canada? Sclbool closed \\Vedntesda"v for the mxdpit "Ww-aseBanker lalere? aven Ibe back "Ycs him that deytandishe toer bossdavo. Buider and Contractor truculently. Letîtia was dying. There w s B r e ae n o e h ac IY s i .I o e t ir."TH RUBY-THROATED or n l'er ry li ar\ irin xa s Levrs'Lan -Bowanv.'e "et ere i yo do'tmind." no parliculart' roule, as Hiram fence tbat l'e was actinig veryl The footman bu r r y ing in, HUMMINGBIRD NisIdr CcanadEli- Phors Lne -318wmall 1e "N t ere, i ." auhenhdmean'isattM st- uerMindldreedhd hCochrane andmasiv. err hnlean.RnserAbae-ernethyin i Me let in the ciutcl' wiih a jerk. tion. Natbing thal any one could lot of the dog. Sl'e was dozing in and drinking taoo rucl' clam- Alhlough ibere are rnany vani- Orono. Jame and Chria igted a cigarette. In find out. It was merely as if abe l'enchair laie iat aflernoon when i pagne, and l'erseif alone in ber euies of Hummingbirds in Naorth A Strawl'erry Tea was lbeld ai _________________________ ie ligl't of the mach' le saw the didn't cane la ive any langer." ', Chni s, laving teen the Lewis car motl'er's place, isoiated f n aOIm Amenica, oniy ne, te Ruby- NcCrca's on Fiday cvening. Supper P5intei' hn 3 oao other man's l'andsome face, set "She misses Father, I guess," on its way l'orne, delil'eratly put il'em ail. tbroated, braves the long fligl't w-as servedi. followcd l'y a bll gaine NTERTE NER and ardanddnew 'e ladngesa-was iram lacnic tatefleft. a bisbat nd santeaundhe bh. I"Tl't's threauni' glss, erry fro Soul' Aenic ta onîl- l'twee Ponvvuol an a pckil cd bis errand. And later on, Chris, having Me was tigl't-lipped as l'e enlered And you l'ad a lot of cocktails." eastenn Canada eacl' summen. The Secure RALPH GORDON, the 'hI find myseif in a situation 1 gane aven ber, was inclined ta the driveway. Me did not go ta ",Dont corne l'orne from a wed- maie takes fia part in the building do' ike, Ames," l'e said. "In a agree witl' Hiramn. It was as if old the bouse, l'ut circled anound it ding trip evcry day, l'oney." of the very beaubiful, Iiny cup of wondcrfully versatile entertaili- w'ay it l'as noîhing ta do wiil' me; Dave, always lavial' witl' vilality, until he carne ta te garage, and Siting Ibere in te candleligl't, a nest that looks like an excres- er, for your next entertain- ini ana uer way il l'as. The Mer- ad imparedt hr oetin hee ofrnbthe ewschuf vithhrarms and e ac- ndcence stuek on a brancl' non doca '/!.W a e ti'- gir waain a se me anig't.wlicb now w'as gone. She lay on feur, a big man, kicking bis tires l'en white dressliigan heaisin'odigteeg.Al- men. llstrte crcuarfre.and h agreed ta sec yau." ber own side f the wide bcd, s0 and smoking a cigarette. ing l'en situation witb ber usual ibis is left ta bis good lile wife. /1// Address 628b Crawford Street, "And wl'at l'ave you gai ta do smaii and ligl't Ihal ber body The man knew trouble wl'en l'onesiy. Bcverly knew ibal if she who iacks the gargeaus colouring . Toronto. with il?" bhardhy raised the l'cdding, with l'e saw it commng. He îhrew aw&Y did nai lov.e Jerry, she was fond af bis. Ibroat. Meanwbilc l'e is off .a e "Notl'ing, personally. its not, batl lhow space beside l'en, and the cigarette. of l'im. Me was cheenful. Me sang enjoying l'imseif - in youn gar- > my business. But abe gave me îwo witl' len mmnd quite dlean and l'Yeu kiiied my dog today." said in bis l'ail', whistled whihe dresa- den, if you keep flowera ibat arce -_ __________________alternatives, neither of tl'em plea- fearleas. Chris. ing. I i ueaudn iaiYbt rgtt h y n we sant: and here 1 arn. I can induce 'hItl'ink Dave needa me, Cl'nis." "Yeal'? Wl'y didn'I Yeu keep bhad iired ber ai urnes, ihere were ta the taste. Nasturtiums suit hirnriigmnwfg yau ta sec reason. or abe willi go 1"IDon'i you ihink you're needed it oui of the street?" others wl'en abe was grateful for well. 'baighto "etWe Frget" la Beverly. TbaI's the way she bene. too" "Kilied il and xenl an," said il. And l'e was proud f l'en. On Mumringbirds are like flowers A. H. BOU SALL putit, and hItl'ink she meant it." "That's different. The boys are Chris inexoraly. thal trp of Ibeirs l'e lad found ibemacives. and are quile unique "i boueyncs ".H O N A L pure akah' a er' married and bave Ibeir own. "Yeu and your damn dog! If fnienda in the masi unlikely plac- in birdland. The brilliani lustre "Pfuiurelcmmnl "Tha' ys a lTl'ev'll'e sonry, but ihats the you're laoking for trouble, you've es, N\oulid mrediaîeîy plan alf ie feathers gives te plumage --ec.Builifa Monuments, Tablets. Markers. etc. s. Sbe lbrew berseif ai me, and wyof ife. Dave awyd1 am Ioierg' lac. parly suvy1eca ,.aplogrncsrya ________________________now sl'e's blackmailing me." Me'e looked afier.' "Tl'ai's precisely what h'm look- afler she bad dressed for it. some metal. i was Ibat nigl't, boweven, wiib ing for," said Cl'nis, and bauied "You're looking very lovely. Tbey are the srnallest birds in '.cryi rr h i the "boys" sitting solcrnnly down- off witb a siraighi ighl whicl' sw'eell'cart." America. Tl'ough lesa than il'rec staira in the aid bouse and the landed on the cbauffeun's jaw. Me would kisber passiofiaiciy, and tl'ree-quarter inches long.,-«-> M:dcaugl'ter-in-iaw l'ustling about un Five minutes later l'e picked up and abe would do ber l'est ta ne- one-baifincl' is taken up l'y bill. te kitchen, ibat abe reislly open- bis bat and depantedi. Me was spond. But it xvas acting, and l'e This length is necesaary in onden D R I du 'e bat a hisaspol-considerably baitercd, but l'e feit knew it. Me l'ad nAerrellyw ably abe l'ad neyer done ta any better iban l'e lad for days. The ber. Me wauld release ber and anc in her long life. faci Ibai l'e l'ad lef t bis opparnent go away, drinking a cocktail or or, she ihougl't, sl'e ever w'ould PUMPING queerI ISRE COSLTs Dave siiting on the cement floor, groggy îwo ta restore bis self-respect and know'. S T ant in love wiil' me wbcn l'e and l'loody, was comforbing. Saime lessen bis sense of failure. Even Wl'en she bad finisbed ber finsi Y TEý nfiirried mie. There xvas a girl l'e of th'e accumuiaied fury of days afier tbree montbs of marriage l'e layette, abe look it ta the bospital, will supply ail the w'ater w'anted, but she wcnt aw'ay." and weeka had expladed during was alili courting ber, she knew'; substituiing good deeda for hap- "M lve yu ilib rsiofib bite.ah1 nyngtawi br pinesa. She wes stariied ta finci your haine needs, at ihe bis life, my dean." As a malter of tact Cl'nis, bav- Sitting ibene playing wiil' len Katie Waitens ibere, xery neat turn of a faucet. May'c Ineer idknwing accepied Beverlys mnigfdae once juat wbab and competeni, and she xvaa Chris. Me wasn't rnucb for talk- did bis l'est ta forget her that ibene was ta hold the il'ree of aaeta h a en ujc- I diin tx-l ung.But 'e nedcdme, nd Isumrmen. Alone on l'ai nigl'ts l'e îl'cm togeiber, ber father, Jerry,lecd ta close inspection frorn lead mk lp5i)efrxo made hlm a good wifc." was quietly pncparnfg for Europe and berseif. For ycans l'en mother ta foot. mk tpsil o o Shew'oid rowe, w'aenandsiuy o LTitafive ilu A-,n st w'lere abe was sitting.! 'hIl'rougbt some clothes," abe la modernize y-aur home A u o o il m er a L dIefl v ene pouuuuua i. M i' jx: ot u t p1a1uiing fi t nigbi of tbeir, tat in ever. "15s it a by" Auo oie i pra d, l'y the Mayor and the CitYlwih bis left hand. Neibhen man an upa wrding ih bspitm "rbo," aidUrala ui ffor Acesre Council. Thon anc day he saw ýsaid anytl'ing, and Scott put bis Jerry's son was lin n ism- lips. "Mayl'e you'd better ae\ iefrIc o t rsc TheSeric Mechanic ihat Bex-aly's wedding dres asltd paper aside nd showcd bim bis tber's arm.s, and tbai she was hlm naw, Miss Watcna. h îbink Acc esries 1 ine cd Paris. and l'e waa, fil' ibte antenoam. Laialy l'e holding hlmi almoat savagcly to I go ta sîccp."D o t Pk e Sttin ha AdExpert Repairs standing once more wlth bis an h ad taken up the raising of amallber breas. Bevely felt nebuffeci. She mov- es Rato iln Makesndanound ber, gazing dowfi ai an tropical fial' as e hobby. They ne- Bax'erly sa\w' l'otb Usula end cd on, miserable and bcwiidered, SERVCE asolne0f Cars He l'ad nai been asked ta the1 Chris surmised thai l'y filling bis bospitai. Sl'e bcd taken up l'en was ta remember ibai look on Un- SERIC Gaolnewedding: be bcd nat expecced ta 1 leisune ibey beiped l'im. mnothcn'a w'onk of mnaking layettes sula Matnia face and to under- Phone 26841n t bce. Tben, ata an the nigl't befone lUnstila Martin'a boy w'as bornforfanthe babies in the obatetiic stand it wibb a ihi of puty. She, it w-as la 'taRe place, the lelephaie! early in the fall. Chnia attended ward. sitting in th'e gandan iaking and Katie, and thai girl in the bcd rang. and l'a beard ber voide, ne- ber bimseif. She bcd insisied an ber flin' stiiebes of cutting flannel -ah btogether for anc static mo- anhe breaibleas. going ia the wand. Now and ia absurcily iiny garmenis. She ment. and Iben going on, seperat- Durg.Special lbChris" ithan hl'aw here ibae. n ocking dî'eamcd no dreama sitting ibere ing, ignorant that ecd would in- EMPIRE BRASMG OLD G ý P TNSiquietly among the aibens and anongbi autumn days. Rether fluence the other for better or Also suppled for Gasoline London Hamto Too0 Subr Phoe 266 us ervce t'sBevrly"ewaiting the miracle of bintb. At she lulad henseif ino acceptance wonse, for the remnainder of ibeir 23 Engine operatianWi Service Station Poe26 u evc That aid tigbtening of the limes, wl',en the nurses wane busy, withl lern naccle. This was ber life, lives. 3 inpe acue 1 bot a nliht aspa lenh 'uid find ber holding some the only life shehabd lever known, (To l'e coptinued) - MW

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