THURSDAY, JULY 14TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARLO PAri~ MTMT~ TUE Clarke United Defeats Hampton To Remain In Football Running Clarke stayed in the League by < the skin of its teeth by tieing with JOHN ARMSTrRONG Hampton football teami July 6th- AGAIN IN THE NEW! A win or tie w as necessarv for them to remain in. Miller of Osh- To the Editor of The Globe an ýawa was referee and was kept, Mail: usy as a bee watching the fast I hv edyu eioil " plays. The score %vas 1-1.» icizing most o f President Roosi Time and time again bothivelt's acts. Mr. Herridge's recer tearns nearly scored. only to be speech. and your front page ta frustrated by the brilliant workj expose today. A good many( and quick eye and movement of your readers. like myseif. mu, the goalies. Hampton got the!1 wonder what the answer is to th' first goal and on a penalty shot 'mess we are ail in. Frankly. Stobart tied the score for Clarke dont know. However, I do %vor &,iid the cheers of the onlookers. der if public services and locý 1bhgoals were in the first haif. 1 governments out of debt arei The rest of the game was score-1 progressive as those in debt. less although there were many It s0 happens that the Towr, close calîs on both sides. iship of Clarke (Durham County Stobart is surely the hero of has no debt: the Village of Oror the hour, as his work contributed has no debt; the Orono Par greatly to Clarke teami remaining Board, with a fuliy equipped m< in the League.I demn park, has no debt: the Oror The crowd was enlarged by the Presbyterian Church has no deb, presence of picnickers - St. Sav- the Orono Agrîcultural Sociel iour's Church, Orono. and two has no debt: the Orono Telephor bus-loads from out of town. Co. has no debt. About 60 per cent of the taxe paid in Clarke Township and th PARK ST. SERVICES Village o! Orono go to the Count o! Durham, which owes abou At the morning service of Park sî.ooO,0oo. In order to pay th- St. Church it was decided to close county the lion's share o!ou the evenmng services in July and taxes and keep our local taxe August, excepting for an open air down, the Township of Clarke ha service in the park July 31st, and flot built a mile o! good road fo maybe one in August. years, but so far as taxes are cor The new pastor, Rev. S. Little- cerned they are just as low as Io wood, preached on the text "The cal government can make thenr secret of the Lord is with thern even though you would be just a that fear Hlm." Choosing as the corfortable riding horseback oi topic "The secret o! the Lord," he our township and county roads a intimated that everyone has some in a new automobile. secrets that are only known to Nobody goes to the Townshii those very dear to themn and Council or Orono Police Trustee sornetimes not to them. He eluci- meetings uniess they want sorne dated on the fact that secrets are thing. We buiit a Town Hall fo gralàually imparted as we grow cash; we bought a modemnf ir mort! close in fellowship, and also engine for cash; we built a twc that the word "fear" in the text story brick fire hall for cash: a. meant awe and reverence rather o! the cernent walks in the viIIagý than terror. were paid for as built; the taxeý At this service the choir sang on mny seven-roomed moderi "The Knowledge of the Lord," frarne house are $34.92 a year: 7! with Mrs. A. A. Drumniond taking per cent of the people in the vil the solo part. lage own their homes and live or less than $50 a month: a telephoni At the evening service the min- with 24-hou evc ot 1 ister's topic was "The Voice of year; t-eouresberi cts $1 God." TheemPrespoittsianrChthc God" Te min oins wre hepays S5 a sermon-no sermon. n( different ways in which Godcai $5-the caretaker is the only per ed and the fact that God spoke to son on the regular payroll. everyone through conscience and Buthpon sarweîïii the Bible. The caîl was given to But the pby oit is.e emsin e everyone regardless of race. the samehing by otheingidei speaker intimated, and urged ail and ving allofthe mode im to listen to Hlm. At this service oementacs-fthat theyshavemi the choir rendered "He Careth for thte p' ae?-oritos to m Thee." have to help pay for somethini we didn't get, and if that's th( case somne of us here are going t( *!CARD 0F THANKS be pretty sore if that day arrives SIt would appear that a lot o! peo pie haven't found out that you ge, We wish to thank ail of our out of this world just what yot kind friends and neighbours for put into it, and that you have tc their many kind expressions of put it in first if you don't wani sympathy during our recent ber- the interest to cost more than thE eavement. principal. However, it is ver' -oscar Scott and Farnily. noticeable here that people shovN 'Business isci heýadach'ia4 01 The lobby of the Bijou Theatre in Essex Centre waa papered with posters in which pretty gu.a ad aid an pink colouring predominated. I "Picture business," declared Olly bitteriy, "is a head- ache." He pointed to the display of posters which had engaged Mr. Picobac's attention. "eeIbc D ~ ' suerpicture which bas lined them up ahi over the ~ country, and ahi 1 gel is a sprinkling in tihe cheap front * ~ seata." HANOY "Ohhy," saîd Mr. Picobac, "thse public was always ficile. SEAL-IGHTf Disappointmnent and frustration is the lot of ia. But POIJCH 1 5c do' let business get you down." "L 4op" TIN "What would you do about il?" aslced Ohiy. MiePce , "I'd f511 up my pipe with Picobac," replied thse phil- alPackh.t in osopher, "and have a miid cool, sweet mnsoke. Wlsen you light up a pipe of PicZiac your troubles fade away. wpan&i. mcco oemp Picobac is a mellow tobacco, Oh y-the Pick of Canada's or CAWMI. uloi Burley crop, nîatured for three years ini the wood." ORONO NEWS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN ' ENRANCEEXAMR soreRelcdPeien «suLrsUN PRINT OboneR SOCAL ND ERSNAL Louis Arbour. James Ard. John Du rham Courny School Trustees Bairstow. James Boyd. Douglas j Dont forget the Union campfire Toronto, ere in tow V. ednes- Case. Robt. Coatham, Mildred Annual meeting o! D u rha m service at Mr. A.H. Keane's to- day. Julv 6th - Cochrane (H). Bernice Colville, County School Trustees and Rate- Snight (Thursday). Miss .BerniceCaes stig (H>, Robt. Cooper (H). Kenneth payers' Association wis held re- ENTERPRISE 1 Caei iiigDavey. Hazel Farrow (H), Ray- centiy in Mîlibrook. Presîdent ________________ Md fr. ilert Scott e ast i is ee aemond Gilmer (H), Joyce Hamlil- Russeli E. Osborne. of Newcastle, 'frd s pednga e d~ îh Mrs. Richard Morton has had ton. Clara Hickey, Winnifred Hin- in his remarks o! welcome, spoke Congratulations to Mr. and his father. O. W. Scott. her home painted and shingled by ton (1I). Pearl Hoy, Audrey Har- Mrs. Gordon Moffatt, McRae's ;eThe session o! Park St. Church S. Thomas. iotaia ness <Aegrotat., Aubrey Jordan, ,, section, on the birth o! a son, met Friday night and discussed The resuit o! the football game Mercedes Mantie (H), AlvnMs business matters. It was arranged at Solîna and the sfbl tNv ters, George Mitchell, Sophie Congratulations to our Entrance of' to have an open air meeting on castie on the l3th wvili be given Mucha, Eleanor Ransberry, Dan- "z urs i !wo eesces Ofthe evening of Juiy 3lst, and also next xveek, also the one to-night lel Shutka, Carol Staples (H), fui Tse inoflud e ae sucArd, to put it to a vote où' the congre- (Thursday>. Wesley Sweet. Marie Tamblyn, :, ElCor an ryad ide ga1nast itdain h e- Nx football game is 23rd, Lenora Wood (H), Harry Worrali. Cleoransbad ide n- ening services during the rnonths Clarke United at Hampton. Rudoiph Zubowski. (42 candi- Miss E. Patterson is holidaying 1-o! July and August. ogauain Ms o. dates, 32 passed). . lir home in Richmnond Hill. IThe teachers and staff o! the CnrtliosoMssDris 'Sndyscoi ee o-nrrwWhite who won third prize in the She is engaged as teacher o! our (Frday niht.Oshawa Laundry contest. A B Y A Y. schooi for another year. (Friay)nigt. ili Nex TA BLY FA ILYMrs. John Cochrane has re- n- Mr. Fred Lycett is taking a mi- Nx girls' softball game is the undh tary course at Kingston. Mrs. Ly- l8th when Newtonviile cornes to AT ANNUAL PICNIC tundhme aftem an enjoyable ctand babe are visiting in Mi- Orono. vîsît in th.e city. ________________ mico and Toronto while he is Mr. Bill Brown, Toronto, is on The Tamblvil Famîil' met agaîn at mornAn ait occurre a tua 0-away. vacation. thQ heautîful Orono Park on Satur- îoad o! furnîture tipped over 10 W. J. RiddeillisOli ae1asrtre The girls have returned frorn (as. July 9th. Over 100 cousins had ' s when the driver lost control o! t:1 from a pleasant stay in Toronto. camp and report a wonderfui a very enioyable time wîth soorts - y Well known local Orangernani We understand Mr. J. J. Melior time. They have hadi beach par- and friendlv chats. thoe a.y hrt. y sthe u nur e who was chairman o! the central o! Crooked Creek witi take charge ties, moisVt.endhv e rv liberal prizes were donated was some that.washeifngsidto committee in charge o! the t2th of the morning services at Park ceived calis frorn carloads of Or- I1w the Tamblii Drug Co. Ltd.,of .toei h otgswonee of Juyprd n rogram. His St. Church during August. onoites at various times. and no Toronto Oldest lady iîrescît-Mrs. toe il. otge h nee îe many assistants are aiso to be Next softbai garne is Jul3' 15th doubt this added to the enjoyrnent Mom0row Of Acton; oldest gent pre-____________ *y congratuIated for their successfui (Friday). when Oshawa plays o! the holiday. ..en-Mr. James G. Tamhl'.n of utendeavours. Mrs.SaîySyor M. R. R. Waddelt and Mrs. R. Oroo Sport winncrs were as fol- O D FR N IE e Mr n r.SalySeymour Fairbaimn attended the Conserva- 1ows boy s under six-Ronald Ash- O DFR EGNE irand Mm. and Mrs. Elgin Semortîve convention at Ottawa last to'. Enniskillen; girls ten and uiî- USED IN PICTURE esýDM AND DISTANT and their children are vacationîng week. der -Marie Ash.Xoîa. Enniskillcni; Russell Osborne Sm !tef.eegns tl aA P NIG with their mother, Mrs. George bovsn~ teri and urîder-Junior Tamn oeo tefr ngns tl SeM ur. dMs omnPumr ekd w*h Ms s openr e blvîî, Bowmanville; single girls- Of the fine attendance sayîng it charred from te original Chicago Jun 2ro6,e ro1913 o Bowrnanviiie, Mr. and Mrs. Theo- Miss Ida Stephens. Bowman- Glenn Tamblyn, Orono; pie plate ing his connection with the As- tion picture version o! the catas- Jue 6 11 dore Fishleigh and daughtem, Osh- ville, was guest o! Mrs. W. S. Roy. race-Ella Tamblyn, OrQno, M. W. sociation. The chairman also spoke trophe which provides a climactic s Rev. Mm. Nind o! Bowmanville awa, called at Mm. O. W. Scott's. Several Orono people attended Tamblvri, Bowmanville: Clothes Pin'o h beto h soito o cn n"nOdCiao"Dry )n preached in St. Saviooir's Church Mr. G. F. Rowe, B.A., Ottawa, doings at Btackstock Sunday. race-Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn. Orono, secure equal advantages for the F. Zanuck's astoundmng produc- s on Sunday aftemnoon îast, ex- spent the weekend with his par- Master Donald Goode is visit- Ivso TambI nOr :Lky chiidren o! urban schoois and the tion at the Royal Theatre on Mon- changing with Rev. Mm. Fenning. ents, Mm. and Mrs. H. R. Rowe. n tMr. and Mrs. Wannan's, Spot-H. J. Staintoii, Enniskillen; need o! medical inspection for the day, Tuesday and Wednesday. A ip Pte. Hockins o! the 48th High- Mm. Jack Stapleton was kicked Kirby. Kicking Shoe - Myrtle Tamblyn, school o! the county, "which we complete reproduction of th e 2s ianders, Toronto, a former Orono by a horse tast Friday. cnitv." bulî o akngfo nnteand detoydCyhireao ob- i by, ef yetedaywît te Bs- Ern Dents service station is A section of sidewalk has been Orono: Time Race, lades-Mrs. R'.anhae f e ep n skgfo inteantd etre y Chicago was r ley team for England. He and an- now open for business. It was bltotietedu tr. Deisn otHp:Tm ae The financial report showed a tain the remnarkable reproduction. 7e other crack shot are the onîy two officially opened Saturday mnorn- Mm. and Mrs. Ralph Ellis, South nen-Milton Stainton. Ennskill en; nice balance on hand. the figures, While the flames oared sky- representatives frorn Toronto on ing at the unearthiy hour o! 15 to Porcupine, are vîsiting hem father. Cuat race-Mm. and Mrs. James T.i prepared by the secretamy-treas- ward on the 110-acre 20th Cen- ithe team. 6. Motto: The early bird gets the Mm. J. F. Lorrimnan. Brown. Bowmanville. Mm. Carlos urer, S. E. Werry o! Hampton, in- tumy-Fox studio lot, modemn Los Ye Ms ieadMs ih sn trade. Miss Mae Gienny has purchasedTmln ro, aiesfndd cluding receipts o! $61.79; expen- Angeles city fire apparatus and ýsMrs. .S o n srae a port leader in absence of Mrs. C. ditures o! $30.27; and balance o! the studio's own completely equip- ' teachers o! the Con t i n uation h . W. S rndfo ad Magaret Ma*car. Sso i oea . Stainton. Oshawa. $31.52. The counties counicil grant ped fire laddies "supervised" the -n ISchool, have been re-engaged for have retumnedsated!roternea- pleasforn937Mm. nFredn rSisson toisevhome acagaînpet- 5 aothr ermtbteasucesorniist ibTutota a!eractpe0sCbat. hie al eresetedatthebeT-r!o25tor193ahd nt eenme tlzeto reentanacbaalett. Mr. John Staples, principal o! the Miss Annie Yeo is taking a Miss E. Tamblyn is the possess- il', laden supper tables the following'i ceived, and Messrs. A. L. Pascoe tion o! the old-timer. This was npublic school, will have 10 be course in education at Toronto. or o! a new car. officer'. were elecîed: President-land G. F. Annis were appointed necessary because more than 1000 ie chosen, hie having decided 10 at- Mm. and Mrs. Fred Klenk and Visitors wvith Mm. and Mrs. W . XV . Tamblyn. Bowmanville; to look mbt the malter. persons and hundiéds o! head o! aitn nvriy Florence. Jackie and Biily, O! J. Cowan were: Mm. and Mrs.Xice-President- A. E. Tamblvin. Nominating cornmittee o! Mrs. cattie were practically "on their h Mm. Chas. T. Miller o! Toronto Buffalo, visited at Mm. and Mrs. Ernest Stephens and Jackie, Port -indsav: e.Tes-r.RselF .Bwn r.CalsWye w"aogtebaigbid o' is home spending his holidays. A. H. Keane's. Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner OmmistQîn. Hampton; Familv Tree Herb Scott, L. H. Winsiow and ings. The tense, dramatic love r- Mrs. Wm. Thompson, Toronto, Miss Bertha Cain is taking a and Helen, Newcastle; Mm. and Convenor - Miss Mar, Tamblyni, IMm. Werry. brought in thc follow- story o! the rnid-West o! a by- visited friends here over the course in music at Toronto. Mrs. A. Dunn and chiidren o! Toronto; Spîomts Com.-Carlos Tamn- ing slate o! officers which was gone era was directed by Henry (g weekend. Mm. Geo. Brown was ini town 'Osaca. bl'.ii. Orotio. Milton Stainton, Enni- unanirnously adopted: King, with H. Bruce Humber- )t Ms .S asyi navstthis weekend. Mm. and Mrs. C. Evans and son. skillen: Table Com.-Mm-,. Ernest President, E. F. Russel Osborne, stone scoring an assist on the fire M-thr sonW. S. Gasb3' is onapvisit Miss Gloria Richardson spent Janetviile. were visitors here on Wrv Enniskillen. Mirs. 1loyd .Ash- Newcastle; Vice Presidents, W. J. sequences. "In Old Chicago" co- rit.e o lnon ICaseu the weekend at home. the 121h. ton. Enniskillen. S. Rîckard, Bowmanville, and A. stars Tyrone Power, Alice Faye ie Miss Oma Caldwell or Bowman- Mm. John Keane, Toronto, spent Friends weme pleased 10 see Rev. Dr. Morrow of Acton. madej Coulter. Millbrook; Se c r e t a r y- and Don Ameche. Il was adapt- Il ville visited hem uncle. Mm. Wes. the weekend with his parents. Mm. Peter Bowers. an old Oonoite, aî short speech and spoke of how hie Treasurer, Mms. W. R. Cooper, Or- ed for the screen by Sonya Levien ýg Thornton. and Mms. A. H. Keane. here on July 121h. enlio',ed meeting bis cousins eacb ono. 'Directors: Dartinglon, Mrs. and Lamnar Trotti from an orig- e Mm. Lathangue and sister o! Mm. and Mrs. W. K. Sloane and Mrs. D. Found, Toronto, is visit- vear. Rev. Littlewood, Orotîo. Park C. Whyte, C. Smnith; Hope, Alex inal stomy by Nîven Busch. ýo Lifford were visitors last week at Mrs. Fitzgerald o! Petembomo, and n e ahr r .E ae.S.Uiesi i a ypesd Carmuthers, Mrs. W. E. Lewis; _______________ . Mm. H. Hamm's. Miss J. Sloane, Toronto, visited igmrsfahr, Mm. W.J.Dvey. hS t. Un iiited saidhewsvery iasd p-Clarke, Mrs. F. W. Bowen, and H. Mm. . H Red 1atod1the Mrs. Sloane's father, Mm. O. W. Mms. oh neGiboun, Jr., e this 10be î ofe 1 se ice a n hop-Scott; Cartwright, Earl Dorrell, Mee. forH.w!oundlandwhereMed.t W. of sericeCtoaagod inans'ENFIELD 't city Satumday afternoon, eturning Scott. she wili visit relatives for sevemal of the Tamblyns in tise future. MS. SalW , . MriW;avno, Ms u1 Sunday evening. Mm. Geo. Rowe spent the week- months. Miss Mary Tamblyn theri gave îier ves rC Stapes, . . inlw Me- 0~ Mm. and Mrs. Anderson o! Na- end in Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. xviîî Keats, Water- report of the Famniîy Tree Conimittee vr r.C tpeCaleM- Mr. and Mrs. Robson Bowman Mrs G.H. intn, omotoi5 own an Mm EdonKeas, ren wbcb as ean a ot f wrk orNeil; Bowranville, Mms. J. W. and Lenore, Port 1A~hur. have been t paneear viiare tevigrad-ing.G.theirto, grand- s twJewndMriso KetsF. Purdy;hbasmePortlotoHopeforJvislDtingPrdatPotMHpe, Thos. atMBowman''s ,e daughter, Mrs. Geo. W. Waddell. visiting hiem son, Mm. G. ton, were guests o! Mm. and Mms. bier. Cousins were there LroMn Seneca H. Jordon, C. Buchanan; Mili- Mr and Mms. Howe and family, Y Mm. and Mms. C. M. Horswell of Mm. and Mms. Ern Bywomth and Jas. E. Richards. Falls, NY., Acton. Ont.. Lindsay, brook, Dr. J. W. Wight, Miss Pearl Detroit, visited at Mrs. J, Stinson's VToronto spent Saturday with Mrs. Dorothy and Mm. and Mms. Harley Miss Freeda Wilson spent the Toronto. Oshawa, Buffalo. N.Y., Burnhamn. -S. Cuttell and other !riends in Johnston and Bud o! Toronto, weekend in Toronto. Hem nephew Kingston and other places. It wvas Mrs. W. E. Lewis of Welcorne recently. town. Whta spent the weekend with Mm. and Jack Graham returned with hiem. decided to hold our picnic at Hansp- was highly complimented on hiem Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray and Billy, Mrs. hta and daughter Mms. Geo. Morton. Mm. and Mms. Wm. Barnett o! ton park îsext y'ear. Let ail be there fine report as delegate 10 the o. Toronto, are hoiidaying at the house Miss Whattam, have returnej Oshawa and district Progressive Toronto visited hiem sister, t EA.cnnio.fMrA.Ndry home afler a few weeks' visit Co-operative Ltd. held their sec- Crane, also Mm. William Barrett.M. and inae t he bityet E A cnvnton.ofMnhA Nddny with friends at Oshawa. ond annual picnic here on Satur- Mm. and Mrs. Archie McDonald, . The principal speaker, Mr. J. m. y ad Mrs. Hoakn Sth and Mm. and Mms. Normanî Rickard, day, about 400 being present. 20 Milton, visited Mms. Neil Smith. i W. Tmusslem, o! Toronto, was in-aiie ety ave mo e Ofi 1 the hae accmpaie byMis Rtldge0fprizes were drawn for, with Miss Miss Betty Clough spent the STARKVILLE troduced by M. A. Campbell, gen-hercti te Canton, were guests at "]Linton- Bouckley in charge, assisted by weekend with hiem friend, Eli î -a seetary, who gave an in- saeo h aeM.Atu r Mr. . A Gasbyof ron wh Mconad, eskrd.structive address with a view o! mistoil. hurst" on Sunday last..O . n Gae terns o! potwhoMr. nd, LeskaF.d. Wyead Mm. Dav urw o! Manitoba, having the burden o! taxation The bamn raising at Mr. Godfry caMr.lns and M .Chs. WalPai, h- weme enjoyed and efreshrnents Doris spent Sunday in Pontypool. who was aI one lime teacher in lifted from the atepayers. Bowman's on Monday, july 4tb., was tegs. Tolino, anr.iiln C insheesevd1sa..Pieswme Ms R mthi vstngi Oour schoot, has been visitmng in The thanks o! the association a very successful affair. here.Trot, rcontigfredswributred by assocPitestores rt. R mt svstn nT-this section and calied on Mm. S. was expressed to S. E. Wemmy. the The members of the W. A. front Mm. and Mrs. J. A. Jerome and in Oshawa and Whitby. A change Miss Ethel Rutherford is holi- G. Hallowelt. Mm. Muldrew is 82 retiring secretamy-treasumem. Enniskillen visited the mendsers of Miss Florence Stinson are attend- o! quarters 10 a larger store in daying in Muskoka. years o! age. Il was decided 10 subrnit a me- W. A. of Enfieid on Wednesday, ing the funemai today o! hiem niece, Oshawa was proposed. The pic- Mm. and Mms. Frank Baehm and Our Shiloh W. A. which was 10 solution to the Deparîment at To- Juiy 6th at the home of Mrs. Fred Mms. G. W. French, at Coîbomne. nic was enjoyed by all present and Betty Jane o! South Euclid, Ohio, have been heid last week was ronto, asking for medical inspec- Smith. The pogramn consisted of The public school closes for all were delighted with the su r- are spending their vacation with postponed until a later date. lion in the schools. readings bv Mrs. W. Stainton, Mrs. summer holidays this week. oundings o! the park and with Mm. and Mrs. Harry Milison. Mm. Delbert Hallowell and lady It was lefI in the hands o! the J. A. Werry, Mrs. W. Ashton, Mrs. Died: Foster - In Pontypool on the courtesy extended. home iei in the park include, P, friend o! Toronto visited his mo- executive 10 decide when and M. Hobbs and Mms. C. Siemon and Tueda, Jne24,ThmasFo- MssMae Ransbermy was PicnicA.Ohaa adA...A r ther, Mrs. Jacob Halloweli. wheme the fail meeting will be Mrs. Lloyd Ashton sang two solos, tesady.8Juea24r Toms os- Miss MA ron otral ýo o, nte6h oprfml n Mm. Lavern Farrow was in held. accompanied bv Mms. Russell Ormis- De:Pwr-InOoo e- Miss Annie Yeo has been e- lihe 81h; Tamblyn farnily. Orono, Miiibrook on Tuesday. ton. A bountiful lunch was semved. nesday, June 25, Mary E. Powers, engaged as teacher aI Anliocis Co-opemative, Oshawa, and Saiva- Mm. Lew Hailowell and wife A v'ote of thanks was îendered 10 aged 65 years. Funemal Friday at school. ltion Arrny. Bowmanville, the 91h.tipd1 ool eetyadG A T LO E the hostesýs for opening hem home for 3 p.m. 10 Orono cemeîery. . Park St. Church evening ser- 1Mns. J. E. Richards spent the caîîed on hem brother, Mm. Stan G T A L W Dtie occasion. vices have been withdmawn dur- ' weekend in St. Cathariners and Falls. O W S CE I M.G.Oritnhso be ing July and August, but an openi attended tise marriage o! hiem cou- Sorry 10 report our old neigh- TOaIOS CE I s Mr eo Ormi;sua ton bas ofrt been very lilîle interest in GovernmentI air service will be held July 3 1s, sin, Stanton Hicks to Emma bor, Mm. Wm. Todd in Oshawa, (Held over frorn last week) orpubleî eie institutions out, in te ark. . jees'es in First United Church. rmraîns ina seious state o! Two grants were allowed at a in 500, Mrs. Wrn. Walters; Bridge, o! debt. It is surpmising isow Master Bill Found, Toronto, is Mr,. R. Wisyle o! Pontypool is health.metnofheCakTwsipM .JhnA srngM.Ca. quickly they start 10 go hack spending this month with M.vstnM.adMrs.F!. hye Mm. Arthur Falls o! Bowman-meueigote ia rke Townsip Milrs;JonT rmlit rz ngbidChas when they get a cash surplus. and Mrs. W. E. Davey. M.AtSih saa pn ville spent a few days aI his fa- uC l ouciTesy, rooHotcu-Milr;Tavling p1.0,anize L . eauhin bridge, Pemhaps you know the answer. Miss K. Fosten is taking a ýsum- h ekn ihIr n r.te's r o al.tise Durham Plowmen's Associa- Tea cup reading was enjoyed OooJ.EArsrn. mrcourse inmna riig Rowland Smnith. 'Mn. and Mrs. Walter Simpson lion $15,00. (seiîyb ess hre 1. Dr. and Mms. Ledger. Ren!nevv.I1 Glad 10 see Ihal nearîy every o! Quays Crossing called on hir(seilyb ess hre are visiting in the viciniîy. mothen, Mrs. H. L. Trin. e Sheep damages were quite high, Miller and John Armstrong), the IMiss Tiselma Myles lefI Friday house and business place was Mis' eiGle iie e damages being awarded 10 R. fortunes being bold by lwo charrn- COWANVI LIE I fr Trono wenesheisa prs- for the glor - jMs we imrvie e Moffatt $10.00; Max Stapleton ingîy costumed gypsies in the per- I y Trntheesh aspos olstîs' hthe final one in Or-!friend, Miss Ruth Savery. A1 iclanossowrwspeets o! a position, ono for exactly 30 yeans. The tast Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Hoît o! To- $,50 m Ha $10 00; and Irsea sonsHo!Mrso. .TFint oifad Mrs A micellneos shwer aslMiss Viola Noden is enjoying alime the day was ceiebrated herelronto visited hem parents, Mm. and Thomon $100 In aeach cas iqe .H aMnatactiprovetha iseld in honor o! Mm. and Mrs.1 visit fnom hem cousin. Barbara was in 1908. , Mms. Frank Stone. flee !$5 scagd yteuiu n ttatv ato h ThodreSevns(neDunwreath Nixon. Milton. mse eadRanyhs - Mm. and Mrs. Bert Trirn visited value thsia constt afternoon's program. Farrow) on Fiday evening ati! Mrs. Jas. Eagleson was slung by trîuned from a pleasant visiî 'ithj at Ambrose Roisns le 3.0 hsilat reens al uests were present !rom Osh- 'Newlonville community hl a i1i.l a hornet on tise ankie and is suf- 1his Aunt Zella.Ms. Silver has eturned home aiie $350, wich epreentshal awa, Newcastle, Syracuse and To- - --- glt,<ocr rGeealAu.2-Orono vs Kirby. Congratulations 10 Miss Hae1 H .MDonad asf"ollox"s: Eu se _o! titme-t-eated -prescription It is seldom God sends sui A tore Lage laofs o omence Farrow and Mr. Danny Sisutka c ire, Mrs. D. NobleM.R.ZIDL CHADE' calamiies upn man s men ring fI WmuNn.'pA August 5th. For future' details u'pot% passmg their entrance ex- Hall; 500 - Mms. C. Wood, Mm. IKd Y LvP i upon tisemselves.-Jeremy Taylor. M RE Co.HA #ILOO. watci tise paper. aminations. Thomas Cowan; Travelling prize t z,.. . THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PACIR MrNF.