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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1938, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE C.\NAD[.\N ST.\TESMAN, BOWMAN\1L[ E, ONTARLO THURSDAY, JULX' i4TH, 1938 tû tako up their residence at 73 He fornierly boarded with Mrs. East Lxuu iiAe . Torouto. John E. C. Hour. eonpleted bis middle sehool ex- Dr. and MIlrs. Horace Walton- aiinattons ut Newcastle High Bull are holidaying at "The Li- T he Newcastle Indepen dent Sclhool Ibis stinîrer v.ith highlasonteHri dgEtt, Phn lre1114 _____________ Miss JneAlln. incompan ona itntrp to Gaspe, Que. Phon Clake vth lier aunit. Mrs. Sidney Ven- Mr. Douglas Turner xisited bis Mrs. Clarence Osborne visited Ruse famiilY pieute on Saturday. ton. and childreu. Boxxmanville. father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. July 9th. fias beeu visiting lier great-aunt. Mark Turner. Oshiawa. on the Oc- Hennings, over the weekend. iR.R.anMr. MotnadIrs. Fligg. at Midland. Mr. and casion of his l8th birtbday on the Mrs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e. R. .GbsnsetheL atnded ,MthnCarkd Mrs. Howard M. 41lin are motor- glorious Twelfth. Il was also weekend with relatives in Orillia.i Church S. S. pienie ut Cream n i n o i0ndt1rigtem M eo ieosan r Miss Ethel Webber, Hilliardton.!Barley Park. Bowmanx-ille. îast homne this xxveek. Lewis Clark's birtbday. is visiting ber sister. Mrs. H. C., Saturday'. Newcastle United Clîureh Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Quinlan and Allin. Mrs. Noruman Wilson. fornierîr day Seliool wvill hold its annual members of their family, Toronto, Mis MvtleBrag, f Emonon.picnie ut the Ontario Forestry visited their aunt, Miss Mary Mr. Muldrew. Winnipeg. Mati. MrieBag o do îPrk. Orono. on Fridav afternoon, Breen, ulso Mr. and Mrs. Wm. visited Mrs. S. Bragg and Mr.'Alla.. visited Mrs. S. Bragg and JL , 5 h hl hrhcn eeikadM.PtadMs Thos. Moffatt last week. Miss Rowena. and Mrs . E. C. Hoar oy1.Ti hl hrhcn eeikadM.PbadMs M lat %vek.gregation and their visitors are Annie Kenefick lust weekend. Friends were pleased to see . l e. cordially invited 10 attend and Mr. Geo. Wise, Toronto, also spent W. H. B. Chaplin out aguin and, Mr ai-id Nirs. Harry Foster anid bring their baskets. the weekend with Mrs. Wise and able to take a short ride in the ehildren and Mr. Caînan. Bloom- Mîiss Ruth Honey was home children ut Miss Breen's. Miss car. field, P. E. Coonty, %vere week- t ,rom the Parliament Buildings. Helen Quinlan is bolidaying with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose andend guests of Miss Mabel Foster. Toronto, for the weekend. Miss bier cousins, Misses Kathleen and sons attended the Cryderman-_Longwvood.- Eleanor Walton-Bull bas a similar Marie Wise ut Miss Breen's, "Pier- Miss Constance Farncomb spent position to Miss Honey's, with the view.- _________________last wxeek t the O.L.C.. Whitby. Department of Education and is SI. George's srawberry festival ussisting in the dintng room ser- eggdi leia okinthangrenaryotercoy viee for thiose attending the Young esae e r, dingand cb enagnd ordn Teary o teve, ol Fr Peoples convention. op examination paper marks and 15. was a gratîfying success. Ideal AeYou Eupe o Miss Hattie Mason bas gone on tabulaîing resoîts. weather favoured the event and lu LIUIPJ~Uthere was a large attendance. S m e acto? a holiday trp to Chicago to visit Plans are being formulated for Besides Newcastle folk of ahl de- and Mrs. Leslie Fallis of London the usa iviecasHodabahtur- nominations many were present Someof he tem neessry ut their somamer bomte ut PortAnaetisNeict astle n Auust from Orono, Bowmanville and Boneofte tesflCs Ry Alrgrditic ayb rpe other points as well as from the to hoida inlud.: yere.sented with teams competing from sommer section ut the lake. Mem- to aholiaY nclue,:Miss Bessie Blackburn bias been Bowmanville and Port Hope. In bers of St. George's were pleased *Beach Bal ill witb pneomonia, but friends the past the toornament bas been to see Rev.anMr.RE.otn Bails are pleased to heur she 's now confined t ecsl ndCak n ande n RttE.ancetand * Suxnmer Rtsmocbimproved. Miss Catherine teams. Tentative plans also in- anyLasee tisopptnityofan Hat~ Black burn bas alsi ben ii o i lude a girls' sofbball tournament making the, acquaintance of the *Parisols Mran r.HP.C frnin the forenoon. new pastor (If the United Chorch and Mrs. H. Pen Cr a w ordpy Mr. and Mrs. Colinwood Daniel, and bis wife and son. Rev. and * Sun lassesing the Buckley House, Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. Edward Warburton Mrs. D. R. Dewdney exbended * otag ~on the Lake, having taken a year's and two friends, Oshawa, visited them a most cordial welcome and CeosetogtheCpiperbj The or- Mr. Alonzo Cowan last weekend. paved the way 10 happy relation- Booksand wcgaznes a returned 10 To*ronto last Mr. Warburton and some of the ships. chok n Mgzns1 audy parby motored down in his fast Horticulturists Will visit *Knitting Wo The W. A. of the United Churcb twin screw outboard motor bout Parkwood Gardens, Oshawa Wolmeels on Tbursday of Ibis week to Newcastle hurbour and during The Newcastle Horbicu lb ur ut 3 p.m. in the S. S. hall. Mrs. the evening Mr. Warburton took Society bas been extended a gra- * Satiner A.W. Glenney's group wllbe bnis father-in-luw, Mr. Cowan, and cious invitation by Mr. R. S. Mc- * apr laescharge of the program and menu. several groups of friends for plea- Luughlin, Oshawa, to visit the ThPoetspaer Pilateesri sure rides around the bay and "Parkwood" gardens some time Pae Harold Gibson. out mbt the lake in the Roby C. Ibis monbb, probably wîthin a *PprKnives & Forks Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Misses Mr. Warburton bas raced the week or two when the gardens *Paper Cp Betty and Mildred Snowden, Mr. Ruby C. ut regattas on Lake Sou- will be ut Iheir best. Transporta- ,usBob Snowden and Mr. Fred gog and was always near the lion will be provided for bhose Paper ýWrigbb, Muple Grove, and their front. not buving cars by local mem- Pape Sevietes guest, Miss Jean Miller, Tilson- Mr. Herman Scbmid. xvh o bers who will be privileged bo in- burg, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. R. bought the former John Allin vite One friend eacb. And dozens of other items.1 Pearce lat Sunday. farm last faîl and moved here LclFsemnsFn ac 1Miss Gladys Cayley, Boston, from near Enfield in the spring, flHILU<TflLIS Mass.. is visiing bier cousin, Mrs. buas had bthe barnis and stubling. A quintette of local hook and 0.W. Rolph, ut the Rolph cottage, entirely remodelled and modemn- lne enthusiasts are indebted 10 Newcasle-on-lhe-Luke, and ac- ized. The barns have beeti joined Mr. MeClennan, relieving manager BOO ST RE companied Mrs. Rolph to the rate- and pot on a concrete foondation ut bhe Bank of Commerce, for BOOK STORE pavers' meeting ut "Harris Lodge- wbile the old stables 10 the wesb potting themn on to somne good Phone 651 Bowmantville ýon Saturduy evening. have been taken down. Contrue- fishîîng lasI Toesday week. Reeve Mr. and Mrs. John Allen and tor Joe Martinell. Kendal, buas C. R. Carveth, Fred Fligg, Geo. C. son John are leaving the village been in charge of the job. Mr. Wright, Douglas Wright an d _______________________________________________Robt. Dock, whose farm across Charlie Thackray wunted to go the road Mr. Schmid and bis bro- fishing but didn't know where. Iher are working in conjonction Mr. MeClennan suggested some xitb their own, lias been assisting lakes in P. E. County for which in the reconstruction xork. they steered their car ut 7 o'clock Congratulations 10 Mr. David in the morning. They reacbed the Gray, youngest son of Mrs. Geo. place in three hours and were Marjorie Adams, Newcastle, on erel, 10 pike, 2 black bass and a their marriage in Boxvmanville on îîombî±r of ptsrcb. lb was Fred F OR MISSES AND WOME~N Saturduy, July 9, by Rev. W. F Figg's party andI a highly success- Banister of St. Paul's Cburch. fui one. The next party of the 1.-Dresses in lystav linen, plain and printed Mr. and Mrs. Gray will reside on kind will be for H. S. Britton, patterns, 14 to 44, regular $6.95 for _. -------.--------54.95 the Gray farmn just oubside the manager of bbe local Hydro sys- 2.-lIs Spun Shan Crepe, 14 to 42, reg. $4.95 for -------- $2.95 village limits. Mrs. Robt. Gray's tem. daugbber, Mrs. Marjerrison, who 3.-2-Piece Suits, Tahiti Linen, 14 - 18, reg. $7.75 for -----54.95 in turn wilb Mrs. Pingle, bias been NEWCASTLE GIRLS WIN 4.-House Coats is floral patterns, 14 - 40, for -----------51.95 coming down from Bowmanville 5.-oloCoas, ope an pik, eg.$1195 or --------to ussisb their mother. bas now Newcastle Girls' softbaîl teamn 5.-oloCoas, ope an pik, eg.51195_or$8.95 gone ouI to Nortbern Quebec to won their third straight victory 6.-Bathing Suits - ail reduced 20%. spend six weeks witb Mr. Mur- lat Friduy evening wben they jerrison ut the mines. Her two outscored Newtonville by il to 6. 7.-Navy and Brown Flannel Slaeks ---------------------2.95 daugbters uccompanied ber. Tbere was a large attendance of 8.-One-Piece Play Suits. nice patterns, reg. $1.25 for --- 98e Dr. and Mrs. Gilroy are aguin fans wbo ail tbougbt it was a summering ut "Tintagle.'" good game and appreciabed the 9.-Beach Coats, smnart patterns, reg. $1.95 for 5 --- --- 1.49 Rex'. and Mrs. W. P. Rogers nice friendly but keen spirit of 10.-Mis Simplicity Corsets - A clearing line of visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Be- rivalry between the teams. Geo. difeen syls ndsies$.0 fr , -- ------ - 3.5 man last week. Kimbaîl officîated as plate ompire diffren stles nd ize, re. t S700 fr 5.95a nd Ray Brown scrutinized the 11.-Surnmer Gloves, ail kinds and colors 39e pr. Mr. Percy Hure %Vas in Brighton base running. Tbe line-up: New- on July 3 weekend, attending the castle - Put Pearce p, M ar g, Brighton Old Boys' Reonion. Pearce c, Jean Bonathan lb, Ethel Mr. Hopwood, Niagara Falls, Spencer 2b, Betty VanDusen 3b, T HE EVLYN SHOP N. Y., visitedbhis sisters, Mrs. Fred Ediîb Hendry ss, Jean Holmes rf, Trelavenand rs.Morîson ut Norma VanDusen cf, Dolly Purdy Phone 594 Bowmanville "Trelwood."' If, Geo. Crowtber, manager. New- Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ragen and tonville - Ev. Bellamy p, Lena daogbters, Toronto, were week- Kimbaîl c, Gladys Pearce lb, Reta __________________________________________________end goests of bier mother, Mrs. Brown 2b, Betty Stapleton 3b, Jno. Douglas. Audrey Brown ss, Lena Farrow Rev. J. Scott Howard bias beeti rf, Wunda McKay cf. Marguerite qoite poorly with astbmutic trou- McKay and Meda Hallowell f, ble. Everyone missed bîm from Earl Walkey. manager. The next ~ G I F I cr fcj St. Georges strawberry festival game in Newcastle will be on Fni- ast week. day, Joly 22nd when Orono visits A G I T Fo Y ou Among friends calling on Miss the local team. Mary Breen labely were Mr . and __________ When you purchase 38c worth of the tam- Mrs. Watson, Toronto, wbo were "CANADA'S STARS ousColate Toietreqisies,>~visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wal- 0F TOýMORROW" rescive Fee a packaeuof tey ton and Mr. Ralph Gibson, Osh- Revue Coming to 'Marks Theatre, Crowds from near and fur xisit- Oshawa, Thursday Beauty Bubbles. ed Newcastle beach lat weekend Canadas Stars of Tomorrow- and the bwo booths did a bhriving a smart and novel musical revue Colgate's Tooth Faste - - - - 19C - 2 for 38c business in ahl kinds of refresh- opmed theear Teaement PamlieShv Cem --23 2fr 5 ments. wbile the radios iii eacb iie he dyeggmn Palolie SaveCrem -- -- 2c 2for45c provided niusical eutertuînmenî. sturbtig Thursduy. This unit con- Colgate 's Taicun m 19C - 2 for 38C Many of bier old friends were bais some of the best of Amateur pîeased 10 see Mrs. Chas. Gomme talent obtuinuble, wbo are aI this Colgate 's Giant ize Tooth Faste---- 33c from Toronto, in twn îasb xeek. lime niaking their f irsit profes- Palmoltve Bap - qn-n.n 4fo 2c he wus visiing Mr. and Mrs. sionul engagement. Thie show is Waf- rwte adabede e under bbe direction of Mr. G. - - ~~~~~~~Training School, Bowmanville, o(-n I 1 îgigmu iu e Both for- 39e Ail for- 40c Monday evening and arrunged to t i îîîs"I11auî n aîtsiy.tter I ___________________________________________ hold the Rickard Family picnic ut -___________and_______ y the Memonial Park, Orono, on _______________ Tbursday, August 41b.01L Congratulations 10 Mr. George FARM MANAGER r~~' & lo v e Il Weinberg and bride wbo were EprecdI Ju y ov lumrried in Trenton last week and FOR 85 ACRES ~De~.2L'D~Strein rooms inmMr. Milligan's house general farming. Capable of R- e, ---K OD-ýàw-siet'norbh of the C.P.R. sobwuy. Mr. taklng complete charge. Apply Bownanvlle Weinberg is an employee of a ".E.M.' c o Statesman Office. Phono 778 Bwavle illocal factory wbich is running 28-1* [night and day wilh Ihnee shifts. BIRTHS PIC K RD - In Bownmaux îllkHos- pital, on Sunday. Juîlv lth. 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. J D0. Piekard, laple Grove. a son. MARRIAGES GRAY- ADANIS - At St. Pals liitite( lCitirclit Marnse.Saturday. Jul tix UhMarjorie Eieen, daughiter of NIr. arid Mrs. J. H. Mains, to R. Alexander Grav. Newcastle. Rex. \V. F. Banister c.)Iudutcted the C ý_e.l e moy. SIMITH -WOODW.\RD - At St. Paul'., United Chutrcli, on Sattur- ilax', Jul 9th. Re'. \W. F. Banister 0fficiating, Hazel, dautiglter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Woodward, Bowmian- ville, to Frederick Oscar, son o Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smîith, Bow- DEATHS BROOKS - In Bownanivjllc, on Monday, July Ilth, 1938, Florence H. Swales, wife qf late Johin Wes- lexv Brooks. In lier 66th year. In- termnent Ebenezer Cemetery. CARPENTER InluBowmianville, on1 Friday, July 8th. 1938, Henry Carpenter. aged 69 years. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemietery. DEVER - Suddenly, as result of . n accident, on Tvesday, Julx 12. 1938, Orr R. Dexer, in Iiis 47thi 'vear. Service at his late residence. Cartwrighit Township, Lot 15, Concession 3, on Thupsday. Jul% 14, at 2:30 p.m. ST.J Interment ut Union Cenetery Cadmius. I I ~Summer Resort FrSl Engagment FOR RE-NT-SUMMER RESORT FOR SALE OR RENT - TENT oni beaiti u Salmn Trotît Lake, it gond conditioni, suitable for -Mr. snd Mrs, W. H. Bell ait- furnislhed lot. cottage;t beds foîr caîitinu or for uise ut fairs. Elmen niliuce the enîgagement of thieir otsly sexvets \ailable front A.\gost 14. pihtr ulone Bexx'naîville 2428. d1aîîglter, Lerena -Marjerie, to Mr. C. A. Bartleti, tphone 202,2. 28-2 28-1 Lester Cîtîver Higîs field, oîIlv ,sol iof _________________________ Mr. aînd Mrs. J. H. Higbfield. Tro Rent F-OR S.\LE-SEALED TENDERS take place aI XX'litbx ,Saturdav, FOR RENT - EmGHT' ROiED 1938. eeic frth a a Bcunsx'IIOn.Thtthrrae Enfield l ntil JuIy -3OtIîh 98.A, .\oti't iti, ouse on the corner of Elgin and iIre-s. Itrs te L. C. Pascoe,I Mr. nd Ms. iltot Gv, Cur- Odeil Streets. double garage l3tîrketoii.28w Mr. ud Ms. ihtos Gy, Cur- suitable for transport truck and tice, Ont., anntolitce the enigagemient car. Apply Mrs. J. E. AllUn, FOR)I SALE - FOR A GOOD oi tîteir dauiglîter. Margaret Lexvella Bowmanville. Phone 2595. Spîririg Toii take Kiîsp's Herb tii Mr. Cecil Henry Robinsson, sou 25tf i 1aIles,. Sold bx Mct;reger's Drug cf Nîr.. Robinison andth( ie late 28-1* Tisoias H. Robinsons of Jaîsetx'iîîe. FOR RENT - BRICK HOUSE stirç. The isarriage to take place at Ebets- o Dixisions St.. four rooîns attd 3- FO R SALE - DOMINION OR- ezer Uniited Clitîrcli, Atigust Obli. iece baîtht, îsexv decorated. hîîilt- gais, hall trees, wardrobes, diffe- ii cilseards. nexv iardxvnod fluors. eut size tables.,xriting desk. Al~ zood gardets. Phione A. H. CIe- furuititre aud urgaits repaircd. H. isns.24,33. 27-tf 1B. Creetier. l-lrsev St .,Bowiaii- COMING EVENTrS " *TO RENT - PA\STURE FOR A xille. Pli110iw 028. 27-4 fexx bellicf cattle. geoi sîsade B.\RGAINS GALORE IN SUM- WVerry~ Pienie wilI be lield ut andî riine xxgater . Apply WV. T. tier cottage furititure: bcds 98c; Hanipteit Park on Xednesdax, jitly Perrett. Hampsîton, or ponile 2553. ires.,ers $3; dinittg ricin suites 20ti. 2- $12; cliester-fieldl suites $11 ; kit- Amateur Coutest ut Kendal oni TO RENT - STORAGE ROOMS chli tcainetst $5;t tables, rocking W\cdulesdlav. July 27tii at 8 Pi...,x Ivt îrivate entraîsce uQilTei e- csairs 9'.c; tindreils of otîer bar-, tîtîder tise auspices of tise Harvey atîce St. Ap NJ. A. Cox. ens- gatis. Xilsons Fitriiture Com- Jacksîtn Memorial Park., open t0 the perance St.. Box 116. 28-1* p iv 20 Clitirchi St,, Oshsaxxa, Coucty cf Durham. AIl enîries te __________________27-4* be sent to the Secretary, Catheritne Real Estate For SaleN tc 1 W.Stewart, on or hefore I,,ly l6ttî. N tc iaî prîzes. Watch for bills. 27-2 Iris Beauty Parlor SPECIALIZING IN ALL BRAN- cites of Beaut., Culture, at reasîîî- able prices. 1 door east of te Boxx'nats House. PlIette 2601. 28 _lxv* 1 Auction Sale Sattsrdav, Jîlx' 16, Katîer%,fsvcli wiIl sell .NcDOUGAL-L - Mary Jatte Artiot, ittion n N. -1ttgiv onutslav, Juilv 11, 19.38, at lier of Newvcastle, liis 1 Itim-ie, 474 St. Clair Axente, East, lietttts titsciiiI Toot.Mary Jatte Artiot, hlv acres oats. 9 acres cil wife ifJlaines McDougall. In- i ard TusS es teritietît ini Maple Leaf Cemeterx, (adTii.Tri Chtamî, uts Xednesday a iter- Cîsalis. Auictiotteer. PHI LIPS - Sîîddenlv ut IisU late resideîîce. 1520 Parker St.. Nex., York Citv. etn Suîtdav. Jutlv lOtlI, 1938, James A. Phillilis, beloved lisîsbaît< of E. Soîthia James. STAFF7ORD - Suddenlv. on Xed- isesday, JuIy l3tb, 1938, Gladys Mavruard Stafford, beîoved wife of Morlev D. Staf ford, sud inoîher cf Davidi Stafford. ut Lakewood, Ohio. Funeral service fromn North-~ cutt & Smitb's Funerai Chapel, Fridav. at 2:00 p.m. Ititermient Bowrnatsville Centetery. CARD 0F THANKS Nîr 1-enrv Latîtrope, uîpoîs bis re- tirement frîinthnbe citaI busintess, xxisbes to express lus aplîreciation lii Cliâtoiers wxvhîîiaxe faxored titii xitls businîess diring past xcars. i1938 - Mr. .N. I hy public a ic- iay, 2 miles cast farmn stock, imi- Id furniture, 15 of Timotlx ha.,, Lt 1 o'clock Stanl- sCash. Win. J. 27-2 TE.\ CUP READING - CHEST- miît Park Tea Roomn, Newcatîe Beach. Sansdwichecs, Ice Cream. Soft Dritks. 27-2* WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - We specialize in miachinery repairs, general gar- age repairs, welding, towlng service. J. L. Demerling, Pro- prletor, Bowmanville. Ph on e 781. 23-tf MýATTRESSES & COMFORTERS -R ep r e sentative hene now. Specializing rebuilding Mat- tresses. Your Mattresses rebuilt absohutely ncw again. Some spning filled baîf bbc cost of a new one. Feather beds washed. stnipped. made into comforters and feather mattresses. Eider- downs recovered,. Phone 362. 25-4 FARM FOR SALE - 85 ACRES, sandy loam. goodi buildings, on good county road, flot far from highway. close to school andi church. Will seil as going con- cern or otherwise. Good pro- position for little cash. Worth investigating. Apply "M.J." Drawer B, Bowmanville. 17 -t FOR SALE - BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms. acre land, snall harn, fruit trees, 2 miles nortît of lox.,- maniville on iddle road. .\pplv B3. MacDonaldl, Mauver. Rd. Boxvmauvillc. _6_2* FOR SA\LE - FOR 30> D.\S. Farîn. 90 acrr., more or les, $36Mt. Particulars on enTquirv. Pa, son,, R.R. 2, 3oxx miaux îile or Iphone 2315. 28-1* Livestock For Sale F~OR SALE - BAY C LY DlE Geldiug, 3 years old, welI broken, xlite face.,3 whiite legts; aIs jersey cow. L. C. Todd, Lot 2, Con. 5. Clarke. Phione 15r-2t Clarke. 27--)* FOR SALE- FOUR-YEAR-OLD cow. duial puirpose Durhiam cow,1 iuist renewed. T.B. tested. Six- vear-old general purpose hiorse. weighit 1450, xvell broken. A. E. Billett. Hampton, phone 2557. 28-1 FOR SALE - FAT CATTLE suitable for beef ring; also milk' cows and others due to reniew. Apply H. B. Foster. Phione 745. 28-31 LOST - ONE BLACK YEAR- I;lng leifer witlh wlite liead froni Fislher's pasture. third liue east of, Newcastle. Finder pflease 11otify Robert HendrY, Telep)hone Clarkeý 19r22. 28-1w Dr. Slemnon's Office will he clos- ed from July llth to July 31st, inclusive. D)r. BQtnvýcastles office xvill be closetl front mJilv l8tlhto Auigust lst. 28-2w 1 xill not l)e responsible for any leht., contracted in nmx naine.-Harold L. King. 28-l* Agents Wanted AGE NTS! - Il YOU ARE AM- hlitimis, active andin( ,teresto in estaltlisltilug vour oxyn profitable husinîess vth sale of over 200 iltaTanteed l h uiehlld products, Act Now !Safe and1( solid plans for alert pro.Quick Sles-steady caslh No obligation iii sending for fîtîl dtails oif offer. Fainilex Co,5;70 St. Clemnent, Montreal. 26-3 Wanted W\VANTEI) - \VORK ON FARM hx' xear.. hxperienced good with horses, dirx baud nsilker. Phione 2242. 28-l* WANTED - TO REPRESENT an aIl Canadian Insurance Com- panly. I.ife, Fire and Casualty d., limiited tirritory. Apply G.r Draxxer B. 2~ \VANTED - HIGH CLASS Salesman uised to deaahing direct xxith farmrers to sell High Quality MineraI Feeds . Apply 'CPM.', Statesiiian office. 28-2w Lost CAMNERA LOST - SMALL folding Kodak. Fiinder leave at Statesmnan office. .28-1 w .<h..e .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FOR THE HOME Hot Weather Specials GRASS RUGS - New designs - limited quantities - 2 sizes only 412x81/ ......5..... 1.45 6 x9 ..........................5$1.95 COMFORTERS- Cotton filled with satin centre, aize 66 x 72. Price ..........................5$2.95 BLANKETS - Bpecial purchase for cottage and camp use. 1-4 te 1-2 off INDIAN BLANKETS - Assorted patterxu size 56 x 76. Price.................... each BLUE BIRD BLANKETS - Guaranteed pure grey wool, 6 lb. Price.................... pair MOSBFIELD BLANKETS - $3.95 Pure wool, dark brown camp blankets, whipped, singly, 7 Ibs per pair, liniited quantity. Price..................... pair $7.95 m CAMP FOLDING CAMP COTS - Strong wood frames and heavy canvas top. Price ..........................5$2.75 Metal folding cot and niattress. Price.........................5$4.95 SUMMER FURNITURE - F!resh stocks of deck, lawn and verandali chairs, while they last. Price .................... 79e to $3.95 SATURDAY MORNING SPECIALS 3 Pce. BED OUTFITB - All sizes - Save $8.00 on these. Price.....................5$13.95 ROUND VENETIAN MIRRORS, 20" size. Price......................5$1.35 FOOTSTOOLS - Assorted sizes. Price......................5$1.19 WINDOW BRADES - Fibre shades 3 x 6, green or white, without rollers. Special ................ 2 for 25e LINEN BHADEB - white or cream, reg. 95c. Special............59C CARPET 1BWEEPERB-. ......52.69 Fe F. MORRIS C O. Phone 480 limerai Director - Furiture Dealer Bownianville I I 1 1 -COTTAGE IRE,&. Di ÏWUSE WA THURSDAY, JULY i4TH, 1938 'l'HF' CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL.F. ONTARIO PAGE TEN miscenaneous

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