THURSDAY, JULV l4TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANX-TT11~ <WTA~TO - ~ PAGE FIVE 0F INTEREST TO ~ a Persan the more we ]ove them 'ter. At the bottom of the ga ints' For Homebodies athe s oe hsgetlv n ii.Teewsn cher n sothey were sù- Wrtten for The Statesman the desire te compensate rnakesbcas they wanted to. You by ~ most MOt.hers do tao much and not using if you are flot liai bythe child is more helpless t.ban it Several of the girls ha<l lilacs -Jessie Allen Brown -----ý need be. The mother of a chi]d ter'ad.One 'of them s ForTh Handcaped who is mental- ' theyTgat them from a tree in SehooLs FrTeHnI'-Pe y deficient was gaýrden and they were not [t is a difficuit thing for the a4vised by her 'Jm tte t pick theni. Anot mnother of a handicapped child ta doctor ta send said wth a grin, 'It is the1 see that the child is better in an ertn Minsti a !sho. o om tiltion, ut she t.ake privileges on the lastd institution. The more we do for feit shequiecoanne flot d [0 ias one camn ue-an no one auldasgir] attached herself ta mea couldî, lgraciuslyplayed bostessa love and look g around. A brash li >ftse er, her as gr 0 butfive asked mei sh e here naine and many other questio could do. This The others kept trying to hu was all right her Up as they felt I might ti while ber other erue h sdmewaco -hlden were >e Allen herueSeasdmewt.c child weremy dress was and when I s young, but as Brown 'rink," she took hold af and peï they grew aider their sister be- ed at it]y. The athers sa came an embarrassment ta them. *there is sonie yellow, and so illi's*11AEFor the -take of her ather- children red and blue." and one added she fin.afly consented, very un- has blue buttons." One littleg willingly to send the cbild ta an was carrying a doll and she s, institution. She has been there she had knitted the cap, sweal EV ~some years and the mother onlY, and aittens it wore. The boysa regrets she delayed sa long. The, to be seen playng football a cbild is much happier as her comn- the usual boys' games. Theyi pa,,on are handicapped too and ways seem Io lbe having sudh CENTURY Automatic she is not competing with normal thoroughly good time. It stan children. She is taught by spe- ta reason tbat t.hey could b. ~ I H AT ciafly trained teachers and she is more f un with others similai O IL HEAT able to do many things for her- handicapped than with hl1 C-Io, NYnf.y.F.tgF. dhV self and has learned to do many of normal vision. This is writt ,. . %-" -P 33% n-, -7 i-- things that keep ber pleasantly with the hope that it may give ". t. .hy--de .- » - h '. ,b - oocupied and give ber the satis- new view point ta mome mot: 'a4j". CETURY IMGINERING O C't')AI faction of accomplishment. Rer who is puzzled to know w] DSý YOW&mother goes to see ber and saYs course of action is best forb seal1ways fids ber happy. Un- handicapped child. -esa oher is specially trained. she cannat do wbat tbe teachersTrelip do, and in any case her ernotions A duffel-bag is a great convei interfere. ience wben travelling by ci At he chol fr te Bind There always seem, ta, be ext 1 ate tis cheo othe lirnd tshoes, sweaters. bathing sui O I avewat.hedt.h chiire atbooks and sa on that the suit-ca The Scbool for the Blind playing wIîl neveT hald. It is very bati as 1 passed the school and they ta be able to tuck them in W it always seemied to be so bappy oone bag and it. seems ta fit in ai I thought I would see them at place in the car, much easier tlu LOCAL AGENT close quarters. I strolled in their an extra suit-case. Mosquto ne playground. wbich is a large beau- ting bas a lot o! uses besidesi BILL PHILLIPS tiful garden and lI faund that legitimate one. in summer trave Church Street many of tbem could see vamyng jing. It makes a good wash-ri amounts and were in the sight- as it dries in less tban no ti= saving classes. Just a small per- If you are one af the touring tr] centage axe totally blind. When 1 pers wha cook their awn meÉ went in. one small group of girls this sarne netting makes swe.l S were sitting an a bench and they gant dish-,cloths. I don't meE were singing. Farther along. a the samne piece yau used for yo _______________________number of older girls were sitting waslh-rg. Just another piecei in a teeter and they were singing the sanie cloth. When there a *in rhythm with the swinging tee- children along. it is easy W gi them a quick polish if you ket a wash-cloth. towel and combj a small bag in the pocket of tl * A M~* -- - - . car. TIN C FE IIAYNLUE- TOMS TARN TICLE THROWY FO ISPEAU Prizes isted herein wilI b. awarded for what we judge to be the mnost ac- curate, the neatest and the moat at- tractive solutions mailed or brought t0 us within five days followlng pub- lication of this advertisement. Any. body, except our empicyees, may compete. It is flot necessary t0 make any purchase. Use the form above. or a separate sheet. Write your name and address plainly. PRI $2.00 Free Laits $1.00 Fre !.&un 150e Fiee Laun PRIZE WINNERS PUZZLE No. 14 1. MRS. WM. J. HALLOWELL, Clarke, Ont. 2. MRS. DAVIID R. ALLDREAD, Bowmanville 3. MRS. W. G. CORDEN, Bowmanvllle, Ont. oDA ifÀ A LAuN)RYÇDRYCEÀW Bowmanville Port Hope Serve Cheese ln smmmer Too of ten people tbin.k o! càe* as hearty foaod and only ta, served during the cold nionth. This is a mistake 1 tbink, i cheese pirovtdes In a veu7 aoeeg able forni the necessay protei and fat ta balance the saladc vegetable meals we aIl lik.e in th summer. There is such a variet o! cheeses availiable that ther need be on mionotony. Put a gen erous ses-ving o! chicese on tac: salad plate. A cheese saucei 900d On MosIULtsof Our vegtalBD ________~J1 HaVe YOU ever tied serving ne, potataes in cheese sauce with vegetable dinner? Cheese and Tomato Salad We had supper with a çoup o! bachelor girls in their apas- ment and had the nicest salad.j tOmIata Was skinned and the bl som end cut out. h was eut i 1z E S feighths but not eut down fa adry or Cleaning enougb for the tomato tao fal scry or Cleanmng aPrt. The top> o! the tomato wa mdry or CIea.ning flen thcra icheese mistureamc2 unto witacheese wmixturae. unti vey flffywith salad dres. inand enougb paprika to col« it Pink. This mixture was piied 01 the tomato, topped with s&1l4 le, Ont. dressing. and a half-walnut, ami served on lettuce. It laoked goo and tasted better. This shouid b, a useful salad as it is simpt enough Wo appear at the faxnifl lunch or supper and yet. attr&c. tive enough for Sunday supper S the bridge party. Llver Sandwiches 1cup cooked chopped iver 1 bard caoked egg choped * .1 teaspoon niinced onuon l easpoon saIt Phone 419 2 dash opepper Phon 40 afand spnead between slices S-HRE.DDED WHEAT MADE IN, CANADA O F CANADIAN WHEAT 1 r u veiy many words, Jles, fore ber marniage, "See bere, my__ paragraphs or pages yei the mem- darling. if you're nat sure of ibis ,When you see a STOP sign---Lstopl But don't start aliead ary only retains a few words. marniage. iî's nat îao laie." and again wthout regard for trafflo. Look both ways. pulling Wben we cansider the pencentage trying ta recancile it with bis on to a iha ahead of a fine Of asLtraveRffig cars can retained, unless we bave the present tone, carefully casual as xha foundation sirongly laid we will il was and wiibout feeling. easily tie UP four or five.of them in a mangled wreck. ThiS nai retain a sirang percentage a! -I bear that yau are going careless driving is dangerous driving-and is to ]»e toppec& tbe knowledge gained and hn abroad io study.'" spite o! the urne spent in reading Bier own voice was breatb.iess, OTRODPRMN FHGW Y during business life will gradual- but be did nai notice it.ONAI E RMNT F fCWY ly slip back raiber than ta. forge "Ves. Very soon." Motor Vehicles B ranch abead. "You'îî like Vienna. Every one (ta be continued) does." MAR RO EY "It's true. They would have put1 ly. Flve had enough. I'm fed up, MARY ROBE/RTIS me out anyhaw, sa I left.- land "more. What is it ta me that 5 j DOC O"( ~H* T She explained, standing among 1Yuve Made a fool o! youref T hat luggage a! his and desperate- 11 haven't adopted you. I'm not l.Y.trying ta be coherent. She hadmardtaouAdbyheLd eO M E N ' oes. yGra'spet mde a mistake in the medicines Harry, if this is same schemne a! C ( r 'sHAPTEoRilluinaou is hoe o y erans retthat day; nothing fatal, but they yours 'ta interfere with my plans, -- ftue s e reard orE rope sty' d envr nwrdý had acted as if she had killed the l'Il leave Yau here. You can get CW Y h d n i l s o n a o t h W h h d e eer an1e e m an . S h e h a d st o d a l sh e co u ld ; a l n g . Y o u 're y o u n g a n d stro n g . __________________________ tat as .Hrepare fa Eroe ta ete ihrs fanysethen she had told the lot a! them Yau can manage. I'm gaing." G~erl' tht fîl Hekne tht eencauld ask him, even now! But she what she thought o! them and "Same scbeme!" she gasped. ýrden wth the prestige af Vienna be- cudntakhineCri as rig a i ind him it woud be a long u p- cud ntakthsn w C s a- had packed bier bag and left. "You can't thnk that, Chris." W E D D I N G S I ill lim b . nta t onlyai and plite and detac bed. H e b e , b w U d tce orsurgery. Ris money wauld Would 'ummd if I sent some1 A momnentgo lie bad been free. ever. There was desperate truth s oWarren--Cooke go sa far and no farther. It wouId fZoersfra the garden? We Now-! Wat on earth ta do with in ber vaice. She bad been thro' inprovide for Lily Walters wlhile bie still have a good many." bher, ht that empty bouse be- a lot, she said; ber mother and sad The parsonage at Hampton was was gone, and with care furnish Ah, but that was a mistake, that bhmd hl and-remnembering Lily Dick, and now bis gaing away. said Hie cene ai a q u iet w ed d in g on a d o w n to w n o ffice o n is re tu rn . m e n tio n of t be g a rd e n . C h r s fi îr u . p a e. S e b d b r d y k o n w a te 'a\urda Julv 2nçj. when Eva Nevertheîess he went about bis ng lber crying there and taking He temporized. was doing that day. He bad ta ut- per-, arlon Cooke. sister of Mrs. Alex preparations blithely, gai b s ber in bis arms. She saw hlm "You've been a silly iittle fool," lieve that. She was na killer. Her thert Alexander of Listowel, became the Steamner ticket,' bougbt a steamer stiffen. lie told bier. "But yau're gaing record was goad. But ta be left 1t bride af Mr. Charles Leslie Warren, trunk. Katie, taking ber two "Thanks. That would be fine." back, of course. Il] caîl up Miss alone like this- day son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Warren weeks' vacation at that time, Then it was aver, and hie was Simpson."(Tbecniud e; 0 f Haniptori. They were attended watched bis preparatians wit seeing ber out, friendly and smil- "She wauldn't take me back. ___________________ and Ibv Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin of tragie eves. ing. She was smiling, tao. They Anhw 'nogig. and Columbus. The bride ware a pretty " Youîîl neyer camne bac k, Crs even shoak hands, and she wisbed nya,'mntgng' itte gwn f nwde ble ciffn wth Ot O u. ayho.C hrî.hm a good jaurney and a gaod He tried to reason witb ber, stiil Lack af goad roads is said ta be tMe Wnit accoi wer be chiffony a with Not to US. anyhow."th standing in the hall. She cauldn't responsible far a decrease o! 16 my hie acesores Ie creîon ws "Nonsense. ît's onyfrfewine.Sewn akU stay in the bouse, and Miss Bark- per cent in the population o! the ons. pýerfornied bx' the Rev. W.' Rackhani. manths.' ny ra ehil ta bier friends and ber din- er bad gane ta tbe country. He'd Shetland Islands between 1921 iush follawifng which a weddinz Iluncheon ners, ta occasional silent meals leave bier at a hotel far the nigbt and 1931. iink war served ini Oshawa. Uo hi One day he actual]y found Lily witb ber father at the bead of b îhaswn akt edn al n omr thanocasoand arrange for money until sbe The Queen's Rangers, under olor relurn f rom a trip ta Toronto, Lon- bis clathes. nigts he shmla-agae for cofa ersel!. She was Governor Simcoe in 1794, con- aid don. Listowel. Seafarth and Orillia, mgtb na cietn hsIhnselyaae flot iistening, bowever, and at last structed tbe Yonge Street rond er- Mr. and Mrs. \Warren wiIl reside in Yumgîb i nacdn hours listening until Jerry 's car his rydnre aewy rmTrnonrht aeSm ai.Hmtn ver there,' she said, "and I'd came n. For she knew now thai s frayed nev e saave ay. from aot otbt aeSm aid. Hampton.baie vouta be foud w*b bales this astbe îay it aobe , and Lientme"esadavg-ce ime The bride travelled in a pink w'ool in your socks.' that it would not change. glirl suit with white accessorics. SI-e had a terror o! Europe, a She did not go ta the funeral mid trror f anyhingunknown and the next day. For an hour or s 2trunfamiliar. Nevertheless she was Lily was braugbt dawn ta lie in TH T L m . are MaeArthur-Rice more cheerful during thase ]ast state in the front office, a f DI@ T U and ~~~~weeks. and Chris wondered whe- neigbbors gaihered, and in the HY PRIEYU md A pretty wedding was soiemn- ther she had been bearing from back roamn Katie sat beside Chrîs 1al a ized recent]y in the London Gas- Dick. Then one morning, smiling, and listened ta the service, hold- E L nspel Tabernacle by the Rev. Mr. she met him at the foot of tbe ing tight ta bis band. av Dudgeon, wben Vera Madge Rice, stairs and sbowed him a register- "Only tbe îwao! us lefi, Obrîs! veR.N., a! Detrait, daugbter o! the ed ]etter containing five ten-dol- "She's aIl rigbt now, Katte. [ r17y late Mr. and Mrs. Elijab Rice o! lar buis. A"e" eruek, b'sal ih baly bonds a! matrimony wiib boy,' she said. "No matter what gaing away, and VII1 be alane. era William Garfield MacArthur o! Katie says, he daesn't forget me .". "Rush, dear. Listen." ,l yronOt.wsuie nte Iawy nwh a od "u ' ln.Crs o ep bat Mont Fort, Quebec. "That's fine," be said witb all "I am the resurrectian, and the ber The bride was given in mar- tbe conviction he could musier. life, saitb the Lord: lie that be j' niage by bier brather, Charles B. "Spend it on yourseif. You must lievetb in me, tbaugh he were Rice o! London, and ]aoked need a lot af tbings." dead, yet shal e live." cbarming in a graceful floor- She was very happy that day. Lily lying there in ber new dîg -*~ - en- lengtb gown of white marquisette She ran nexi daor ta, tell Miss nity; Katie holding Cbris's hand ' ar. over satin, made an princess lines Barker. and Chris, coming home and more consciaus o! it than o! tra ý*itb lace baiera. She ware a halo at lunchtime, !ound bis bed still ber mother in tbe next roam; and lis, a! peanis and tuile and carried a unmade and a sketchy meai left Chris loaking back at bis failures c ae shower a! Johanna Hill roses and for im on the table. Re ate it and God knaws what-that was) 7 d.y Mies o! the vaîîey. Pbiiosophicaliy and said nathing Lily Walters' funerai. the Miss Gestha Rice, R.N., ai De- wb en iaier in the day she came When it was aver. he stayed be- 3ny roi, ssterof he ride wa be inwith her arms fui] of bundies. i hind ta put those flowers o! Bey- jar1 cazrungly gowned in a floor- Soon he wauid escape ail tbis, and erly's an the mound and ta gaze 't- iength pink organza, wiib a hala when he came back, be cau]d acrass ta where Annie Lewis lax y it o! pink and blue forget-me-nots, ma ke some other asrangemeïit. in majestic pamp in bier marble52; 7- and carried Briar Cliff roses. Gea. He would continue ta take care a! tamb. Two w-amen. far apari in rag MacArthur o! Montreai, brother ber, but he bîmself wauid get life, and now meeting in this com 0 Me. a!of te groom, was best man.- Miss away. mon resting place. P- Lulu Flint, R.N., a! Detroit, cousin And then suddenly and witbout Katie stayed hame for a day or0 RIS, o! the bride, played the wedding 1ann it was Lily wha went twa, ber exuberant vitality gone. , Ili- marcb, and during tbe signing o! away. taking berseif oui of lufe eating littie and sleeping badly. ýa the regisier Miss Jean Jolliffe a! with a finality 50 unlike ber that For the sake o! propriety Miss Ou: London, the bride's niece, was even Chris, accusiamed ta sucb Barker remnained in the bause ai Of soloist, accompanied by the bride's matters, xvent sick and cold aver night, using Dick's aid roam; but ýr sister Leah. the sheer despais- o! il. One nigbi in the daytime Katie was there EE nte okn ieshe gat a teiegramr saying that alane, a pathetie figure, wander- 11 N alure when you buy your lp Candles, carnations, d e 1 p hbi n Dick had been arresied for burg- ing about the bouse and watching Mj> w eiî range!fasî.c kntpa M iurns, Pink peonies, and fernis were iary in Chicaga and was being Chris's preparatians for departure swthadfs-okn o be used effectively in decorating the held for triai. She read it in the witb desperate, red-rimmed eyes. n vneeet oters churcb. The ushers were Grant bail, read it over and over. Then "Nou can'tgooand leve me ..k ico!LdoanJakRca!she took it in to Cbris's office, laid ibis, Chnis." efcrsutevymal Streetsviî]e, nephews a! the bride, it an the desk for hlm ta find in "Nonsense. Yau'Il be busy, my Admi--nwa edr se and bier braiher-in-law, W. J- the morning, and carried off wiib dean. I'm nat leaving you homne- flfaor et n ee be Shinnamnan, was head usher. bier a botte of sleeping tablets Iess." tbe ihntr' aor hs. The wedding receptian w a s lefi by a sanipie man that day. "A hospital lsn't a home." jics"eldi"...cks as beld at the hame o! bier brother She made nao oier arrange- He was relîeved wben the rîîght pies and biscuits so tenderly t- and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mx's. menti, ieft nro letters. Apparently caâie 'fon hlm ta go. Everything lgtadgle-rw . h iii Charles B. Rice, King St., Lon- she had siniply shaken oui o! the was done. Ted Lawrence was olfaiywlvtetm or don, where a buffet luncheon was batlie enaugb tablets ta be sure iaking over bis practice for the tebs hyee atd ,e served by five a! the bride's tbat she would neyer awaken, and periad o! bis absence, and eas-ly in uyornwectirag ty nieces, Misses Jean Jollifi e, June then gane quietiy ta bed. When the evening Chris bad banded hlmonteHDOTrfPl. s-e Shinnaman, o! London, Beryl Chris found ber, sbe was iying his keys and bis lists. Miss And- -- BHoskin, Sarnia, and Belen and quie'tly there, ber untidy roorn rews bad been in, bringing hlm is Jeatierof M Msl.MaAiu littered with claibing she would for some unknown reasan a large r nptaMamirhuan never wear again, and an the bunch o! roses. and be eyed themONTH s. lefi namtrtipt aitn dresser lbe faded picture o! Henry wryly. Re bad seen Ursula, strong HY OTRIT LN 'w the bride weaning a navy suit. o!f ils broken frame. again and proud o! bier baby. "He YR H ITPA a Chevron, witb white accessonies. It was -t00 laie ta do anytblng. looks like you, Docior. And be's 9A3WR AG Tbey wiIl live in Mont Fart, Que- She -was gone, and Chris siood gaining every day." In ChicagoaEVC NTLE be.for soine lime iaoking down at Dick was safely in jail and await- ieaAloncfr MT-s out o! tawn guests were: her, wandering if be could bave ing sentence. Chris bad even ord- lRag )l rs atierson, Mrs. Kirkpatrick s-vntdit ecalling bis own inn- ered a smali headstone for Lily's U otreyast a AnMisJaMaAtursitr patiences, feeling guily-as onb, grave. Now 'the pas-t was behindesras hc mnsal Ao! the groom, and bis two bs-o- those who have faced sucb situa- hlm. and he could look ahead. Be monthly payments. 5thers, Sam and George, al 0! lion, can feel gutht. In ibis rom ad run thai part o! his race, had----- SMont Fort, Quebec; Miss Gertba and this bed had Benr-y died. 'qf reached ibis particular goal, bad ar Rice, Miss Lulu Flint, Mrs. Jmm- 1 g, you'f lIook afier tbem, won't even acbiex-ed a measure a! hope mUme risMr" And he had promlsed. again. Now. in an bour or iess- HIE I YDIRO SI O Sal of!'Detroait, Micb.; Mrs. Roy Mingled wiib ibis was a terrible Be. was iovking at bis watcb Phone 471 BwaflOtn ~Burridge o! Windsor; Mn. Bert anger nt Dick. Bis yaung callaus- wben the doorbeli rang, and he ed RiceTyrone, Ont.; Ms-. and Ms-s. ness, bis cool selfishness. opened h ta find Katie in tbe s- Sheldon Rice, daugbters Helen, Be couid have killed bim witb vestibule, with a suicase at ber Or Jean and ýBarbara, and sans Jack i, sbaire bands -flit morning, witb feet. Be knew before she spoke - - 'M 31 and Bill, Streetsville. Messers. tbat pîtiful wreckage before bim; that bere was -trouble, for she '9111 4 ~Bert and Sheldon Rice are bs-o- killed i for the weakness looked crusbed, defeated, and she ThseLocal Dealiers are co-operatâng in this Range Campeig Id thers o! the bride. wbich unfitted hlm for anytbing wa- wyn lgiy bebut crâne; killed hlm for bis "Wbat's al this?" be demanded. Mao & ae LA Pr r qecruely, for bis slyness, for being 'I've lefi the hospitai, Chris." b i - L.A.Pa*e - T. A. .,ustan Dick 'Walers. There was natbing *'What are you talking about?" Rice & Co. I ll then ta tel him ibat in only a __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ey sgM E u ato ew years be wauld be -fighting ta o _________ Ad s ave, Dicl<s life, carrymng him - E ffiCiency Ktebak-ydaniddazed, 11 By day ta move like a sbadow ibro' C 1HTc the bouse. She seemed incapable ...... C.1ofitbaught or o! action, and Miss op. Banker, bustling about with mar- 'SEye.gî bld activity, finally Put ber ta (@PP.gli .O. tbey ." Wl/AjffuNioe*NUIImuLrWhrna, -. - - . iR a i . M AMiL -nu M S THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE. ONTARIO -