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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1938, p. 6

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ski -mite1C uTa iilb. i ticui e Il(I titi ,,i Jr tt j ENNUSKILLEN (tilti ,îurtax. 1 COURTICE 1~~ Nie.~ r ,ttind ity z. AXnîiur T.îîiiix ' ______________._ i..datitbrt.xJ.Nit s. 1. iii: J M r.,l.1iii1il-ix1 anti Nies. NI. J. Satiiand ftits.,ltitti ' \;il.s.' x, iI ii theu Ni-itir punau a ttis i îiî Brt C .îmiiii' ate- Nie. amni Nies. Eett,.st X cxanmdSl.'iSitî,. iii' nitIe ia 11 ,x, i'.' i faniixv. Nie. andmNis.LI cd A-ut' i ciarute"ofNiissiîîîts r z. ie-. ~1k it'4 St. (iclt'eut.!- zXîîgliiea anti faniiix. N', . H. 1. X 'ten, ri. . (h its. i. Nii-- 1)' r' th. I iit !C' lleîîtîne idu l > i iitîte 'ilu Sattîrtliaxý anti Nis R. Orui..stî'î ttîlaIl-,it e'î la' - muuie. Nr-.ii î"tuti'sî'xutCni. Ni. Fiolhî- u;iuxe a xi r, itîtent-te , iiîti <at îît at C'i îî,îîcn ut u--t' ii i. ,,iatt lu ti ' Si \tilitts 'da. t xitiditu g Cour-tti ________________________________________ lis 1Nr. ii Nr>. A. E. T,.iiilîsi. h ix n'u ui tut I Iic, i îs tî c- ii et ,dii v'ix NIe. l'h. H t amd. Nir.a d Ile ia el usit( ut s -' ,i 3-t0 ii fîvodte . f tic DEMuNSThM IO ref x-r i un sc Ni. snd Ni r-. lhîhî t .Hopukins. W cod's Electric Feed 'et N 1i i ie.IM h ti.- hie t' h . ililitui tî" Il le bintim 'f as titîsteîi Ni neS. 1H.\t'is, De---ut, l'h is t Franîcis, cenilFridax Grinder and tiù.1 . ,ý JM- ix t. îNiat îu House Pet- Electric Fence nlie- A. B1Cec ixx ith Ne Vhtekiti- .rive 1Fr' tlix XX iait) a;id Nr. i inaSaltt-.T.Hitîîi.. xx ýee taclît r' if N c. MisLuria ,ýrou, iti hulte II hit.i ai Itue sailue timme a at ii inn tdti'the, Nies. 1-' hii iss x t,, autg'. na iltiteir maux tri- e'aî'ies tuIl iîs iut. Nie.Tur es xiii -larc thcie tuee'tîm 14 u m~.P 'x . luth tlle nîîî'tîî anîd halle are MIilon Tambly's Nsltýie'r. il Nie'r. X\.mitrr Rliiut î'Cri i xxiii. Orono, -July 20 fril -tî i. Fi. l'ts, l-ýit N *iiulv, Jti.4111. ser, hai t' ,d;iv fie ' lime aged ec'i Ni-.i. leicaiuuaid FIttiti, . e .Nir.n. Xî. Staci x as ie bad tue Harry ~ ~ ~~ i. h \u isttuldcîltue Biack- ui;- ltit '37si-ii 'e- . NMlihte' lii 'titi ugli SIi-tîtcIte luectiti suet'i'ie car>î'f relatixves, 25 Nestleton. - July 22 1 f' l lu 'h .îî h,ti., f NI n. WCS - l i tul. a»-i imlieul ;i lisi' iii mie t, ien t, Hi-ît'.. huîrîîîîî ii Xe'îu-tix. 'etuîui"t tiî,xhu.e . Nie. Stacis xxiii Day and Evening. NiateR -- Sharpi atîi Nirray !echîhîntîte hii- irtiitav ii' xvek. luit iju ur-' tu are h iî ; 'l.î Nie. 1D. iuî ' 4111i Illa- th, liesit(]ite tîssible Kas -'. T ',, lle ttath l i,.eu as >. -"mime if Itle I lati to rrri 'et sîeBaltîhiLaumhit t-t' es x envc Iiîteti Situes ieî- i..caie tg ftee blis ruertîtacci- 'iniitîîîxtecteîl restit of the isit dent lif i !ki, is seul. sa unt' tcircultsttiloeaux tu lai NMe. tîîlnie s. S. Hamcock. Nifr-. Ni r. Stacs hîa dtiied. Iti a venu 'short Ni a.e e, Rci 't eN.Y., vxitittiticu 'ueculil.. xxe r înîîîg ic L u 'cl e' atux e- erc. t" san' uis hi' nie- regarni the tuîtti wO O L Nie. ,millNiMr- i earnd ait i uiti fliii rît" ert. NIr. Sîsces thîcu iîd itx Iltlte hi -ii Pictiii i un Sai- l i niifflit e 'fiiis frieîîtluu a-s i-on I uis , . !.ili utsestizate hi., tiîîue. He lusa. C learance iTýev îlui, mîceiti , ýf uhe NIs, lu' I î h.illich lfitni "s ceIlle ri.îîmuir. thle Batil su,- l ,titi i Juý,, i.. Ilu.. . ..î t lie" i i w nici i. cîkî eîs u imda ODD DYE LOTS 1)îitis >vpîrîixt. :iiffe. ha u i . tî i'seia xx %ithi 31 ptrstut. h ast tiai .f tuie fture. lîtciîntic BOUCLE DE LAINE i Nie ai1 ie-r. Gen.Niantiti.Nie. iii tue ruteîttufrîîîî sarioi.. iecaliiisa reglar35eTii'". NMartin. Nr'. ](la Logan, B.ub- xxeee : ii brother. Thîlnias antd Nirs. ruar3ccivgeoili Mrs .' Niiîtrc)cToronto, Sîacev. COshaxva his nephexv'.andV visite(] Mn. B. Gones. thsi in uiiiies. NMr. and NIns. Arthur For - - 20C x-Nir. ari Ni\rs. S. Tutrne. Oshawa. Stacev. iUitetd States; Nie. auîd M Nliss Niihdeed Gileoy, Toronto. xithî George Sîscex. Raglan; a great WOOL STRING Mn. Xý;sev Okes. !nephew sud familiv. nsd Nirs. 1RS CAADAMes. Earle Parrott, Helen and XVm. Stacev. Oshawa; niece. Nins. IIUS CAADARonald. Chalk Lake, xihNie. A. John Johns and NMr. Joîhns, Mvrtie. BLOSSOM CREPE XVarn's. A message was siso neceived from a CREPEfflSTMrs. Wm. Grif fin. Courtice, speut Me. Stacev's niece, NMiss Birda Dean,c CREE ~UTthe weekend ai home. Nintreal. Nie. Stacey and another AI] reguar 25eirs. C. Siephens. Hampton, Mn. local nesident. Nie. Harold Scorgie - Ai rgla 2eand Mes. Robi. Stephens, Bowman- wiii celebrate their natal dax on 1 1uC il. Me. and Mes. R. Griffin, Celia july l2th.E F or - - I5 and Ruby. Miss laite Cookman, ogauain are aiso exîended Union, r and Mes. . Peters. T-t h he residents xvho celebrated f ronto. with ~Idrs. D. Buegmaster. tbeir birîhdax's together on July 4th, This is your opportunity to Mr. and Mes. Gordon Whittaker. Mes. Fred Balson. Nies. Thomas make a sweater, purse, Oshawa, at Mes. XVm. Griffin's. Adams aud ber father .\Ie. F retir gloves, etc. at a very smalî Mr. and Mes. A. Wearn had s Courtice.à eost. xery etiçLvable motor trip to Brock- Nies. Gc.îrge Reyneîlîs sud Niaster ville, Cornnwall andi other points. Glîenn suitied the picnic giveut bv East. the O-hawa Dailv Times at thee Creamn of Baelev CarIpnti <'njuuy 8îh. 1 55 E EThe dlean tablecioth catches NMiss Fay Toitlex. Teîonni. i.. home I J.W EN L he eariy grease spot. fie tue_ ,mîtnier bîîlidas 's.e Poe56 Bowmanvifle Therei one thing that can Ni r.. S. Pateenuster -petiex ekctîi Phoneneyer turn into suffering and that xiîh f ienîls iii Oshaxxa. is the good "ce have done.-Mae- Niiic. GatsantI Franîc(,,s Bex terlnick..c ii i-hi îiti eti ixr theu n ta j Nier. Georgte l'iî'Ltîicks.k ix t xIedî Iti'uie f' the c 1lîss H. sita i îL c )lii <(f Itue xveek. fie' rgQ'. i ai'iiMti frîttli i liratiiii e-- You Can't Beat Ice Cream I is euxlhuît- iuae na suditt eiptdieitis. And when it's Silverwood's, you'll find it even more ut flic h(Intueof Nie. uatd Nie... Getorge delightfully cool and appetizing. We have ice creantlhuxîîtsla-i svl, ikxtîh ber nîthen. i bricks and buik - enough for a narty or just for Ni- eri 'iittiî,Thlîeet- .us. one. Try Silverwood's lice Cream to-day. You'll like it. C ies Ni. n.d utPie.rlt i 'ufcr. Na tiCr-,iEric atndi ari. \Vcst ut. vi ni suîtit gîe-i- x it Ni r. tîa hn i M r-. - Corbett's Bread is a Silumer or Winter Treat - fi p , uî.itl Our wagon ih on your streetevryd Mrlii,.i-ind ' ue ie v eîtuL su thui- uii. i-shîlti atilI-, CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Bowmanville ANOTHER WALKER STORE TRIUMPH Lovely Summer Sheer DRESSES with Matching Slips SIZES 14 to 20 Price 2.98 At $5.95 they would be good value. We boetght them at a iow prîce beeause the manufac- tuner was able to purchase thousands of yards of Navy and Black Sheer Fabric at prices sharply below the mareket. We pass on this saving to our customers. Seven Smart Newvs Styles shown for the firsit tme. Ail are copies of High Priced New York Modeis. These Dresses are aIl ;snartly ae- cented v:thi touches of white. I LE R SEfIIED Bowmanville 1Phone 451 I)i iu'l 1Iri eHgt-h ..e ' i tIetttri Par'.thutut t it a gîdt u ntetut fe' iii' i.îtiîsh u'i âtiuia \xur% ciiio'. aseuit imutsIent. lu -tuitc 'f tht iiieul-eheat. hlai1 )( auîind at s ti ne iîiîlîiin b hextI, %oi tîtutncs nbler.., x il i lu e 'hie n i! 1es \visitl iii inlme 'stis'. XX't ere tlet-itl t' lîtîsMirNie, ala-. R'lriil.t an(] s-tesN ewcastle. xx th ils. X largec cîl " f relatives. frientîs sud uitiuthhoîiui' i gtm ntî itht cota- miîxit hall anti gave NMr. atîti Nis. Theoiltîe Siepfluens ( ftinmeriy i s Dîmîreaîiî Farrtîwh a miscelIanceiti su. 5,r. The\- recei s'il maux.%-îbatu- tutul gifts. Mnr. T. A. Reid wa- cha-irmnaui.fon a.shoetînuîuram.Nis Xiuv Hentiersî(n reatj il atm titne r' ini tueCliseku' XX...and tîresenîs 'I Nie-. Seu;ht uu.. xith 1 itixelv ica sutt f'il-itM.NIs. Suttu (ls extuessi t te sitînît ittiîui ini a fexx xxiii hîîstîî Mrsîi- i..X\ R. 'eidIihemi eail ;int .uitres.. rnii tui t hît frietuti..comm-j gt,mifflIinmutNir n.dutiNins. Stepîtîn-. suitui ig iigii of îhemn as cunuzens. amni i Ntiessittg tleasuire ai ihein t tîniuticsilucî uin te cu.mntu i- ilt\t. Thtetitre muatdetu fiiuing, reti uIftllihî,îîîk-tiiilis imîxiilimutal] to sisit thîîi. Lituiclu xvu. imien .serxve(] tftee s hie lai-ii Wa- umiu 'ed. The rainilmu ' nis, nighit anti tht' ieiîgt Satînîlaa ilfîrnu îuîtcainas i t- in tîte nick I i mie fon crouIs anti 1t-menihie "teFiI cii luuu, luil 2(h. Onu hitestiax utnnu t.1It11x îhi. ilui- . i 5o'f thet.Unitedi Clîurcît iiiteîtan tuttit h e tiIiitherns a gîl abie.. of ic iw c'îgîg.î iin. Tiiere \xa- , auttînti uuuîînîulncc ii o iîtnsaitl]tht s sxiru exceîtionaliv wsx'eni iuttain,. i. Niss 1I. l.ainz. ' ris . ' t'î i tlu.illtitiig andMrNie. l'. Brucute îuîkchaurgtetuf tue 'eut oLratut xxhidi xxa- gîxen b. Iiiir t a.e.ndtt \vas shotn iiccotntiof t te, hîttîits. , hileI llthe tliiesl x'e b(itiî et tutitutiaies uttthercîl in 'ut-fin t,*cht andujti tutualtpar- îi'.k "f tu itîs titea. Ni r. i1 ast Ni tilde, w fruit Nani- t'o'la tuginu cailetl ti NMr. Sam Jounes aitl ttiitlt a uîîeeînî tf the New- tîtîsîileI (t .lit- ws ittitiateti in tIti- itîtgi (i2? etues tugo.. He also s'îsittd Siarkvilie where he tau9fit at nle tinte andl mett thrtc old piipili.. wliw'ar. ail oxer 70 i car-, of age. SALEM ,NI-. -d îrs. .lines Pavnie. Tu- i*,ii.w ithiMr. ;,nl Irs. XW. Snliîtlîh x...X.Nacic'intî i Fi e: d>artc' ît teseNMr. Sniît: t.e W. ing se xiee ien l lund aani ut ýf du. rs a ii Sidý l Rtid-i cus t lix cretli î,iv cietre M lr'. D. Bt il. Ltkard. 'Mr. 111i1titat M rs. F. L. Squair lias reurtiit d1 .NI r. L.F). Bell and Ciarece ai honme. aiter liavinz ,, sliccesfill Nirs. Ge( 'rLtý Thenipso n andti ei.'teration p>erix'riiecd (,'n lier ce . ii Ktndal. with Ni'.\I.Tlios. Stapletoli.Itlt Xvstern Helslpîtail. Torutii. Ni rs. .Nir.. Frank Giliiier. Laxwrenice andL Sqttar accompaniet iber and ait- Bliilip xvth friend.. at Niagara. ttttt lier xvbice there. NIa 'tecr P.nd 'I nt s xitb hi s grand- Miss I. Stelcti'. Towxxn, was in parentsNiMr. anld Mrs. D. 'Merrili. echargie of the Squair ilîî'ie w hie \Varkxvortlh. lit r sisttiJanid tîice twtre awax. Mir. . E., mi'ai]litez,. Nlor- Nirs. ,A. Th'iipson j-siii x erx il risi. xiiiNiMr. anid _'1r S. R. T. i in B' xMaivsilie Hospital. IX'i'e. NIr. andi'M . E. Silver. Nia'lter Mrs. T. Aliiiîi witii lier tiauliter. Bi. Li'ckhart. Mr. and N.Irs. 1'. C atm Nrs. F. Cî'nch. Newcastle. and Nirs. XV. Canti. andtiMr. anti r . N ormian Sanlis xii frietîti Ni rs. \V~. Hetiterson attetîictlIltle iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H Tott im1igrs uîer-.NcFecters îîicnic at Crono Ni . aîtiNir...-X Bari. Nidiiit. arkiiionFritiax. Jih 8tb anti reP rt w tlii'Mr. anti Nirs. J. A. Barrie,. îeaatretîieno of 1110>t ail the Mir- Iliii Bîîckiex retnîrned hlmt, 1 -fam 1lies Conniecteti.. A beîîîmti fnl rt - fronîiîOshiawa Hospitai. Tlimrstlsx t'ýa-t of gol'itiig' w ere st rxt-Ci ai aftr s sîtcessfitil <Ptrat ion. il(e inclîc'ýn withIllte adtdition f Nirs. Gioii, n.T nnto, xith lNir,. teceîîîîei.t x FraîîkLay.J. . .X. cFcett rs of Toronto. On Fritiax veingi a largze a..t tb- HAYDON Ilx <of neighht.nirs anti friend. katht- ereti at tlle iomie of Nir. anti Ni n. _Nirs. R. .\.htm'n. Leasitie. x-isiteîî C - iîtteriîim t' o)ffer contgratultitins *at fr. Astonîî ai gord xishes te NMr. anti Nirs. R. MtrN r L.Aslît ens. &îfr R%.'o lacoitt i nec M i -sChatte rt on)tei Nir rc .-Xlîtiinat t . oy itht occasion "f their rtcent îîîsrr- Thke t1. ir lilta ii tLî sgt . RBey A. XX,.Mardli called ltre NuVXertîs Trcwiti lias accevted igstlieriîîgci t ertratîti caileti(,r 'Mr. a t' iî ii Oshiawsa. F.L. Stîtair wliu reat a 'liirt ati- Nir. anti NMr- . l is Aslht 'î, Tu- rs anti Nessrs C. CîllacrItt antd rn, 'tii.xisitetl at Mr. H. A~st,i*\. k Ci. gnbhe5. on behiaif onIltle c(oiii Nir. sttand Irs. O. Houper and Soli, tanx îî rest tîtetithe ibride aii grîm Nfr.. F. Lx le. Nrs. XV. Tî'rtiff, Mr. wi"tii txs )oiccasînnai chairs âan' atmi jaint Grant. Pxîîn i.M.aîîd c,,d table. The e cninmatie a slh.rt .Ni rs.H. NicConit anti faililv. Tù. repix <v'f tliaîîks antise,. rai xvert r ' l i t o , x i s j cd a t N I r ý . E . N i n i n o . e s l e t i e t i x h c î m a d e h ( , r t ' tie e c l ie ' ý ' t a i l t i ' s a t t o d x i ' i ' -Nir. atnti Nr.. Lix t >i -shîîandl The re't of the evein ,xsf sptîil] faîîiix %attrenltithe Tanbixtii Picnic soncilîîincîudiîîg au abuntatie< ;it On iii' intî Sat tirdax'. - uiho n liiz a]i uTd le 1 ir. andtlNîrs. T. Graimani, Oshawas. ice creatti strved bx the ladlits, i.. Visited al Nins. D. Graham's. t"g.etlhen iiaking a v,.rx tlessaniit tx .NIr,. H. XVennV spent a fexv days elitrlg sisiting in Onono. Nin. aîd IMrs. '. G. WXerrv atîti NMn. an(]MnIs. T. Mountjoy visited Miss Thelma, Mnr. ant i rs. XW. .NIr. atîti NIrs. XVm. Challis at Bewd_ Henderson motoredti t Oshaxwa on ]eV. Ssmdav and spent the day xvîtb Mr. Mr. ani Mrs. Louis Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. G. Dnew. an(d Mes. H. Ashton visited at Mr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stroýng meîored CVrus Ashton's, Burlketyn. to Peterboro with Oshawa friends Mers. R. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. L. anti aîîended the l2th JulY celebra- Ashton and famiiy visited at Mn. tions and Me. D. Webben celebrated H-. Tait*s. Centreville, and at Me. B. at Toron~to. Riiev's. Bethanv. Little Miss Marv Alldread, Town, A mnisceilaneous showee was held is hoiidaving with ber aunt and for the beîde-to-be. -Miss Mabel tmncie, Mr. and Mrs. H. Strong. Beech. on Satuedax eveiming at Mr. A. Beech's when the bride was the i recipkint of a large numben of NESTLETON loveix' LUIS. _____________________ Mr. Russelli Aunger seemns to be ein t for vasi imperovemnents these The Nesîletoti Xoman's Institute lasi fexx monilîs. Last mail he had met XVediiesdav, july Oui. ai the tilectricit%- instalieti in houîse ant l hme of Nies. Cecil ilison with a barni. ant i n"w he bas water beought good attendance. Programn on Heslîh titi feîm tue creel, to stable aiso lIx and Chiid XVeifare intier convtliur- elct cricit\-. sit> tfo Ni rs. Geo. Joîhns xvas xveii liîaîdled. The folit.wimgpaters xvere Mre. and 'Mes. Bernard Mitchell et.ati Mrs. I'ercx Piip, . Accidleits': and daughter Nancy Ann, of St. NiMrs. CeciilXWilson,. -Att1lItliati Catharines. are visîting her par- Brse: in (e". lî'htt.. Infantile ents. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gibson. Pni Mi Nrs -. Le"iarti jhinî, and other friends. *'Heaith'"li Fdgar Gn.t ir'. (G Fergus News-Record r e p or t s Thîiiinl*\\*baît 10Eat t"ll the death on June 2lst of James HeaIthx-: NIrs. Fîî Hiitîttr fav- A. Martin, aged 61 years, who wS "itret w itî a dtlight filtjian i, born in Darlington .Township. His Tie rollcail xva' alsi and t'anid parents were the late Thomas and reccites andtijîtgeti1), Nirs. li'u Margaret Martin. Hîttiter of Po'rt Ptrr. . Saisd Itnizi s Ni r'. Hugli Tav'ýIor anmd e' lîtt2>t 1trize t" Nrs. I'ercx I'hiIt'. Ir. andI Nrs. i. .1J. efft-rx x ARE YOU ON YOUR have lîten x Mi.iîand Nir Ni,iiandtiti tur rtIiixcs i iii mî FEET A AIN ?dis.trict. leUt Sattîrdaxiî\ h iii, 't' r n r NETAAI hir..hoe i XXîiîurtitîe i'îî Have vour shoes w orn so NIî'iitiCxil r'nî ,iic der-- thin it seems as though t.Nlia-ii r'. C i ifusi iitiuliex i--. You are walkinz barefoot? ter. r.LifýI1le7 John Lenziz j the mantui ton i see if 'our silies are in \..t tI i ai. i iilr that condition. H-e xvlli re - i .-ia liiiri-iîe tthit'iii pair those old x,.orn out tir lt\ittt.Nrý.NrinNi't shoes and make them good ' il ,iiîîîr4îiî 1 for mati' months of xx alk-- ut titx 55< r , î l i,,Ltt tt ing. And it xvon't cost a lailit-. Nir-. 'i.ittt's ttitl great deal eiher. Sec hint ititl l.tiid xi e utu tn:dItihu tt to-day. ailie' xx li 't ' t' the t îi:i tt Mr. Leniz is also expert ti's I[i Mt.N ,tî ieuli at repairing ail types of redtt Nu-NrNiti. Ti harness and making more HcatirI a Nu'. Vrîî to meet the farmers& needs. NiGinit . ,uire. Wk Or if Your binder canvas fi hx'V. i XVlkr Nfrý. Fl. l..iîtt tears or in sonne %ay needs ston andtiNie'. Norman McGiill ng; repair. John Lenz is again a dunet acci.t,nitl lx Iiss Nerita the man to see for %i1 Nic(;i1l INie'. Fitze ca sreadîin ,w'ork. r e asona bliy and ai the clos(- if îeîîrt. Nlr'. 1-1, Q u iekly done. h iio h t'tti ttIl >a (lit (t. a C, ii - i'.guie of<'iîcittrt- xiii \lx Ni rs. IF. M Nalcmmi suer xxheiai'î.ngre- JOwH N LENZ wr eý( )-hqs Second store east of tatt t<'iiniittte. C'ouch, Johnston & Cryderman Niss Lotuise I)a\iîl'ntî Toroto . 1withliuer tparets, Nr. anîti Ifrs. Da)s siuiso mi Nir. snd Nir'. B Dal" ak nrillia. with Nlr. anti Nirs. Frank Nisichm ~ ilr. si N iMr-. (ieaîî i i't ",t atetirletli tie(Gardli , lartu lt sf'.tîl MARKS Xun ta xntt.'xtnI lun O SHAWA Stîttlax" it. ' i District )rstîlg To-day - Fn. - Sat. evemimmu. Nir.NMe rie Ti !mu"i i llt t, ON THE STAGE take ai 'ntt1iîic . r.itnIatî't Canada's Stars of Tomorrov INu-s st llia R".. lia îttrilt featuring O..Iîawa. afier s i-itl1 Us. (Charlie Sullivan, outstanding Nl~ i.ireee Fair x i'ititt Nier. ('anadian baritone. aî"i Nr... lic i.'rder. NMr. antd \Irs. l_\xi NeGiin iril- ON THE SCREEN saV ('n Thtinsîiay,. "I Cover The ~~~~ fut Ni ..ile-t,,tX' îatsIîtiî "I ove Th Wa'y arceimoidinuta eake atdti iterami Wîth John Wayne and social animî rorain'mi thv lawit "f Gwen Gaze. Nirs. Rbtiert llsk.' 'î 'utTitirilax Ni r. an(ti ilns. -l'e F. 'nier, Nir. ammd Ir'. Levi N.Ic(,ili. NMr. sudNIlrs. H. SUNDAY MIDNITE Ta Vlor. Nir. su;in]Irs. Rob'lert hicktyv. Nir. anti Nrs. lt'bîî iicktt. Ilr. K. M on. - Tues. - WVed. [Burtonm. Mr. Hairvey sund Donmald Th irutsonmiattendte(]ti le IDi strict Oih'a de Haviland and Orange service i iakt'ck Sn George Brent in îiaV exrniîîg. ~ * ~ NiMn. an(]tI Nis. Lî.nîîe Laib and< I'old Is Wnere YOU sus Dnad.Rfl'hi anti Howard,. FindItIlFrniiskiliie. -xx'ith Nir. ansi Ins. G with Margaret Lindsay, _______________ Claude Rains. Produced entîrely in multi- i TYRONE plane technlcolor. Aiso XX. M.S. met in the S.S, rot ni <ii Jutîy 7tli XV eshîp uaid btusintess ii Seiected Short Subjeets. change o.f the 1'resideîit, Mns. S. Hoan. Devotionai ant itnayen taken *'ýby MIrs. Hughîson and Mes. Annisti iafit t. Racial Bn titiiriîol.resu bx .Ni r. .Skimiiîrr,N n.Dtilfiitv.Nîrs. \tîîi. Ne- ihicim'ii :solo. Nir'.s TIi' lJIi,'xx t' Stîd v Boîok t iatuten, Ni ýs FuiîuîC atietrii, N'. irmultgit'(Iîîi t ilt c i, Ir-. S. 1 'ar atil i dMr'. lx. stimuula. sei i tuand cniiiitiiimiitv, tiic t ic Elebcttiti at thle îsrk ail Xit nIlleclse if tu'e sers mcc îme\t S titiilaxtîinrit g anmeetiigxxii le lîtiî to i 'itake ar ran gemtttis f 'r the trx e't liiitne. AX l iîiterested pist attendt. NIrs...WX. Cliitcît. visitecl lien -ister. Nirs. DeRecme. Belleville; Nir'. IDelecme netuirmi itînoe xvith 1lier f 'r a ',îsît. Nir. an(d NI rs. Ix er' on. Lîtcilie andi NMax. iDetrot, are visitngxvithi RBcx anti N.irs.Nirc. Niaster Bav Dumdley, Bixx nmaîlvilt,, is Imolitiax utc ailN'Mr. Floxty îd is. Mr. aîd Nîns. Ortotn Bonti, M.\r Dtîîmaiti Buîd. Ni ns. A. XXxboiit G randtiRatuids, Niich..xvitl Nir. jamiti Nirs. T. Doxvn, anti'.Mr. anîd Nis. Rîîssei Xintîie. N\Iiss Sîn'ie Thoiiîp'eni lias rettînti- eti. te'lber tiîies at 1Boxyiianv-iiie Hospital aften hlidiîivmg xvthliemtr tparntsMrs.n.anti Ninrs. L. Tmmîs. Nirs. A. Hemîdriclîs anti Joy ce xvitiî Nîr. aildNirs. B. F. Gariner. Niaster Reiti Xirtiic, Broxymîîaîm ville. xeihl'i is graidiareiitt' Nir. atîiNi] rS. XX ii. Vintue. Mir'..Rutherfortd. Be'vîniiile 'tleit .a îexvdat xvwiti Nr. andtiNîrs. R. B3. Scott. Nir. andmîtrNe. B. F. Garîlter, Nir. andî Ni r'. T. mîtPBrr stîtiDitigia '. Ni r'. XV. Htmgiisnanid NMiss.FIýr- elice Gariîer. Oshaxwa, ai NiMr. bec huti hsli-.BrnîRiver. Nie.. Latîra XVirtîîc accoîîîîî)aiil NMr. anît Nfr. .Stsmt Beckeîtîtind r XW. Co le.,lotymiatîiilet"Graveti- btist r tuexx eemnîil. Niss KatiiücîtX,î'< tToroînto, ai Nir.J.Kiicait'. NMr. anti Nrs. Peter Fisier. Nu'.. Essi.Nie. D4 ' îgias NMacdotnald, Tc- rnt ii'i.N Mi-s N-I inîmie NMacdonald, Co- b.o'urg, x iîlm Nie. snd Nirs. XVm.i Miacdonald. .Nins. Chas. Brizgs anti soit, Toi- ront. st Mnr. Cecii Siemon's. Niiss Nisrv Aiidrcad. Bowmanviiic, at Nie. Jas. AlIdead's. Nie. and Nirs. XVesLçv Pacey. Mes. Thackee-s'. Mes. Braithwaite, Rose- ncath. with NIe. and Mrs. XViliis Stewart.* NIe. W. H. Taxion is on a business trip t0 Hamilton. Mn. and Mes. S. J. Courtice, Leamington. ai Me. A. H. Brent's snd other relatives. Nies. A. W. Ciemens, Nies. De Roche. Bowmanviiic with frends in Toreonto. Nirs. XW. H. Taylor sud famiiv arc visiîing withih rjeîds ai Suutton atîti Heswick. .Nies. L. XVnodiev andt Miss Jack- son. Peteehorn. xvith Nie. XV. J .Nins. C. Bvanii, B 'xmaivie. xxiti ber îiaîglmter N\i rs. L. Hootîer. Nir. antiNis R. Bturgess spemu SuimtisvxxitiM rNis. E. Stexens., of Hamîîî'î.1ii. The XV.I. xvilii mmet St Nies. Eti. Nir... Biake P'i.ianti. hîx'iixl xxiii tîeite paker. Sce eai feî'n bere sattided the H. "t',r-MNcFttee. îî icîîic tii Oromît F r i diy. f SOLINA îîîg xva ii charge o f Ni r-. R ix Lang- niatîl xxii" gax t iclîsîten frîîîîîthe 'tîttx i' k iiue ic of IDavitd i'iî u. \ ýeriia Ni i Nir. Tii- Baketr andmilNi'.. \ ns. Nie, Mii ir-ý. iacl Ilak e xxent niin i..keptî'tla-t \t iit',, iitdimut1 tutL tît "a f Nie- N;i cx sltaxx. N.\Ir. lanid-.Franik \Vu -'lake h ranîk , and lt rex ttti il] te 1t. in- i iimr - ii'iox i \iîiid ' it tîtiihs 'f nue laie NI rs.\Xie ih~.k..xxi.. a--t,îîs a. n '1-1 Nir. (îeî.K' 'uarîhi. Nisi.s Nisex H. 'uarîli..XIrs. R. l'sc<'eandtiNie. A. L. Pascue aîtemtddits filniierài -f teir c(ilitii .XMr. XXilI Dax i., wt ( Tînestiax. l'her iii X. :îi'r Xifr. XXihl l)îîîutsi, St. Nlar, 's, ail N\Ie. Th.s.Ba r. NI i... Bt .S-ie Sî.xdm, Ketîr" x i t h Ni i... Huli ci Lanig itaini. NIr'. R. h. NIcKessî.ck sud Nu-.. R tth uthmt a fisc ils s t Nir.X lan N\i i-s NIarutaret S. 'nierviiie. CI,îcrx- x' Ni r. JackReiod.' [h In r iii lrý1e 1 FI t illen. Mss l-elcen l'-oti'së .hisliiin, Kaiamazo, "MN itl., xxiîhî Xlis. Mary Hîîganth anti Mes, l'h l'asci 't. What bas become of the old- fashioned young man who used to nake good by marryhng bis em- ployer's daughter and succeeding )the business? f eo TIit~BSD XY, IULY I4TH, 1938 COWLING SELLS FOR LES And Serves You Weil Our Optical Service assures you COmplete satisfaction in fit, quality and price. Special 2 Tubes 25e Listerine Tooth Faste Price - 26c -White Shoe Cleaners Nyal Creant or Liq.- 25e Shu - Milk- 15e Palm Beach ... 25e Special Prices FelIow*s Syrup - - - 87e Dr. Wests Faste --17e Dodd«s Pills - - - 27e Vacuum Botties --29c 100 A.S.A. Tabs. --19e A Free glass Tumbier with 1 lb. English Health Saîts Price - 39c m.,Y Sethappy wîth NU- FEET NOLES H:ghty medi- cated ith alkaiiflC antiseptic s a 1.coniroi perspiration. s.Othe tender, achi ng, burnung ofoot odor. Prîce ipe25 teel an,1 25cat r We deliver City Daîry Ice Cream in Bricks, BuIk, Mel-o-roi or (ream Pies Fly-Tox - 29c-49c Sun Goggles- 15c to 39c Flit - - 19c-33c-55c Bathing Caps 15c to 69( Fly Fume - 29c-49c-89c Sun Tax i 1 - - - - 39c Sprayers - - - - 19c Joncolia for Sunburn - 25c Art Border Prints cost no more than ordinary pictures. Try us vvith your Developing and Printing. Phonel f' fr.~.rri~We Fit 695 Pa R. UUVVLIIGY Dru ggU tTrsse An o]d bachelor may flot be-1 The cynîc is one who neyer sees lieve that lîfe is fuil of contradie- a good quality in a man, and tions but a married man alwaysi neyer fails to see a bad one.- does. 'Wsrd Beecher. Serve a Crisp Sommer Salad 0 ~FOR A Cool Delightful Meal Summer-time is the time for Salads, and 'your Red & Whhite Store is the place for, salad ingredients and salad dressings. Look over these specials carefully and save money. On sale Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, July 14, 15, 16, Pink SALMON.................tali tUn 10c Golden Spray CHEESE .............. 1/2 -1b. pkg. PIum JAM ................... large jar 15C 21c Red and White SALT, plain or iodized...... 2 pkgs. ,13c Special Sale of Sweet Juicy PRUNES, medium size...... 3 lbs. Sure Jeul CERTO................... bottie Gold M.Nedal Choice No. 4 PEAS........................ tin Quick Gold Medal TAPIOCA .................. Pkg. Perfect for Picnic Sandwi~ches SANDWICH MEAT SPREAD .... tin 25e 25c loc lOc loc Rose BAKINO POWDER............. tin 15c National MATCHES ............... 3 boxes 23e Fe W. NELLES Phone 596 Bownxanville OSHAWA CI VIe COMMUNITY DAY Mondlay, -August lst Lakeview Park 12 Hours of Entertainment Free ATHLETICS, BEAUTY CONTEST, ART DISPLAY, NATIONAL DANCING, INTERNATIONALLY FAMOUS SWIbMNG DISPLAY, OLD TYME DANCING, ROAD AND BICYCLE RACES, FUN AND FROLIC 1 st Prize............... Chevrolet Car 2nd Prize General Electric Refrigerators 3rd Prize ..... Stromberg-Carlson Radio 4th Prize............. $50 Credit Note And Approximately 100 Other Prizes THE C XN.DI;XN ST.XTESNI.XN, BOXVNANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SIX c. ----'i il ~ t v-i jULY 14TH, 1938

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