THURSDAY, JULY 14TH, 1038 THE C.\NADi.\N ST.\TESMAN, BOWM.\N\ILLU, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN xývith Mr. andi Mrs. J. C. Cairns at by nations wvarring at the present "Kairphree", View Lake. tîme and we must protect it. n n ~ T IA youing Winnipeg rnan xvas in- W . Frank Rickard. M.P.,an AM Ivited to spend the evening with a Cecil G. Mercer. M.P.P. for Dur- SOCI L AN PER ONALgirl friend ai hcr home. She asic- ham. brought greetings to the cd hîm if he wvouId like to trv ouIt huge gathering ail over the mem- Phone 663 ------- s_________ ~ome of the newer dance sîteps. orial park who listened via the He said he would. so, the rugs amplifying systern. Chairrman ofi Mr. and Mrs. Archie McDonaid. Mr- Donald Gibson s building VJere rolied back and the radio the afternoon %vas Rev. D. R. Milton, visited his ftler over the a large addition to his poultrv turned on. As they were dancing. Dewdney. rector of St. Saviour's weekend. building te acconîmodate hl Y's her father suddenlv appeared. Anglican Church, Orono. Aise on Stuart Morton. R. R. 2,.,o,-, growýin g business. Without a word. Le walked over the platform \,vere Warden T. H. manvulle, ,von $50 in Glets _Mr. and Mrs. Lwrte the young man, took him by the Martin of Victoria Couinty, and Lye popularity 2.> îletL y Cm.'der- coilar 'and ejece i from h Chas. Brown, Orono. County Mas- contest. man are holidaying \with Mu'. and house. The young man was too ter of the Orange Lodge. Mr. Jimmy Cox, Toronto, and Mrss. H. J. Saverv in Wob urn. mze e rtet We-nx Mr. Brown presented the fol- Mr.Jac Adinal. ondn, lsi- Mss thev met, the girl said to the boy. lowing parade prizes: Best Brass, ed their aunt, Mrs. Gus Bounsali. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. MicDoniaid "Dont! mid ftler - you secLe Band - Millbrook: Best Fife and! Miss Shirley Harmer of Osh- and Mrs. John Goodman. Toronto, very deaf and didn't hear the Drum Band - Bowmanville: Best awa is visiting her aunt, Mrs.l visited i a her sister's, Mrs. Don- muisic.' Ladies' Lodge- Blackstock: Best Ouif MacNair. Iaid McDonald. Men's Lodge- Devitîs. C a rt-! Mrs.C. . Sipso, Brmptn.'wright; Best Juvenile Lodge- Mrs.C. . Sipro, Brmptn. rs. NI. J. Eliott has been caîl- Millbrook; Lodge from the great- spent the weekend with Mrs. ed te -Minneapolis. Mvinn., due te ENTRANCE RESULTS est distance - North Ver ula m; p True Power. 'the serious illness of her brother, Oldest Orangeman in parade - Mr. Robert Robinson, Roches- Frank,. Coritinued from page 1) John Henry Devitt, Blackstock. ter, N.Y.. is visiting hîs sister, ir.n r.A W ikr r Judges of Mh parade were J. J. Mr. inieBato.on a motor trip te Niagara Fl S. S. NO. 19, DARLINGTON Mellor. Crooked Creek, Major F. Miss Mary Connors, Hamilton, and Places of interest in Western coîrpr o .~ 9 a-L. Dudley, Ty'rone, and Mrs. is visiting lier sister, Miss Ann Onai.Sh e ortforSfo 9,Dr Rowe, Whitby. Orono ]odges and Connors. Onaue ington. Report o promotions b and were eliminated from win- Mr. J. Creas'er is visiting histescolyaenigJe19: ning prizes as they wcre the hosts. Miss Alnme Northcutt is houi- daughter. Miss Donalda Creass;er. Grade 7 te Grade 8-Jean Fer- Softball tournaments for both %dayung at Glenmor Camp, Laite'at Mr. and Mrs. J. Needham's.--He guson A.gilan bosoloe th ad %icoV as accompanîed by Ms E. Grade 6 Io Grade. 7-M u r i le i dresses. ivith the xinners beîng Miss Margaret McCreadv is houi- Creasser and Mr. G. Creasser. Smith A, Bruce TaylIor A. Mar- Newcastle girls who in the last daying at the Girl Guide Camp M ' Bl garet HuIs B. gm eetdNwovle2-1 on Balsm Lake.and Wini Lancaster. Miss Grace Grd t rte6Je and Kirbv boys who finally took is No rm a n M' Brighton. a-id ~M Hu-is C.the Forestry into camp 8-6. vistin M. ad rs. A. . Eci- Cryderman. Oshawa, are holiday- Grade 4 te Gradie 5-Doroth:. Cidesrcswr Iepo a, Bobcaygeon. r~ . vided fer the entertainment of the Miss Geraldine Robinson, Ro- Grade 3 te Grade 4-E ve i n kiddies, but accurate results were chester. N.Y.. is helidaying with Presi dent R. R. Stevens. Mr. Taylor A. Ruth Ashton A, Dore- net available. Most of the prizes ber cousin. Mrs. Muriel L. Dunn1 and Mrs. Chas. H. ',ason and Mn\I. thy Fenguson B. were won by the Fletcher chul- and Mr. Jack Dunn. and Mrs. F. F. Morris attende-I Grade 1 te Grade 2 - J a c k dren fnom Bowmanville. Several Congratulations te is are'the Rotarv Davýs ai Cha.iîauq.çia. Smith A. Milly Hills*. games were aise in full progress on passing her Grade 8 Piano ex- .Yti ~ekUngraded-Joban Pollok. Beja aibohs d.ining the afternoon, in- aminations. She is a pupil et Mvrs. MnI. and Ml/rs. WX. Prowen Mc- Ontral cluding a couple of the omnipre- Harold Clemens. Murtrv and twe children. Chi-ran cen ee. sent weight guessers. _____________________cage. ýIIi. have been visiinJang hia, eahe. Mveals were senved during the parents. M.\r. and Mrs. W. B]akc i HAMPTON day at the Kum Rite Inn and Park McMurtry.Jn PrmtoSS.N. Street Church and at the bootb Jun Prmoton S.S. o. 1.between the Armouries and the Y Miss Yvonne Tighe. w:%ho is at- Darlington, Hampton. Names ai- Town Hall by the L.O.B.A. tendung the Summer S ch oo I pbabeti;caliy arranged: In the evening. entertainment COMMUNITY ~~Cou rse at the Toronto Normal JuirRon \,spvde theowhaln Schol, sent he eeked wih Le form of a play "'Look Me in her parents.GrdIVtGaeVJyc th Eye**, presented by a New- MissC.' hery, DnbaronAlun. Robert Craig. Ethel Gilbert. castle cast. It was a comedy with PLATE1 Mis . ig shwMr n Donald Kellogg, Audrey Kersey , a few scattered tense moments fer iMrs. Frank Bear and Betty. Cleve-HrvMryCifd ls.aie.Thsty hinges around GROSV!ENBR PATTERN land, Ohio, and Miss M. Miii -n Phyllis Niddery, Shirley Ping]e, a man and weman who have beeru Orono, were guests of Mrs. L. J. Isabel Vivian. enemies ever since he rfsdt HA FO FBarton. Grade III te Grade IV-Lloyd accede te her wishes and give up Coucilor nd rs.Joh Gun.Aluin, Orville Hindmnan, Andy tobacco, and she huffiy refused Service for 6 - 26 pieces Cuelo n Ms onGnHest, Bruce Vivian, William Wid- te marry him. From then on the daughter Helen, and Miss Dorothy decombe. l d t S Only $19.75 Jones have just returned from a Grade II te Grade III Eliza- story bcornes complicaedwit Sal ~odony ro ~ nine day trip through Gaspe Pen- beth Budicky, Carol Craig, Mar- nuc hi marridculswonia thou- SalegoodonlyfromJuly insula, Quebec and Northern On- ion Kersey. onetirmrag wthu l4th to 23rd tarie.GrdIte raeI-yiA- being disinherited, a hypnetisl Grae Ito rae I-Cyil I-who places the cook under his Solid wood chest, brown Mrs. H. Diiiing, Mr. and Mrs. F. lin, Rudoif Budicky, Eva Milîs, spell and cannot bring ber eut ef walut caacty 4 iecs.Dilling, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Michael Sherba, Margaret Tink, the trance, and a host of other walnt, cpacty 7 P'eeS«Dilling visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Donald White.copiaon cldgtwner See this service in our wmndow. Aluin at Oakville on Sunday. Grade I-Herbert Crag, Aud- complanti wos including tw ngr Also the new Bulova right The Trinity Young People'S rey Prescoti, Hellen Prescott, Eil- Ail of the parts were well played angle Watch. You will be Mission Circle held its annual pic een Redman, Helen Rogers. and were it net for lack of space delighted and amnazed at the nlic on Tuesday, June 28, on theG.L akrtecr w wolpesnamuh oe good values. lawn of Mrs. Cecil Siemon, Ty- ZION cemplete acceunt. rone. A bountiful supper was For those whe danced, two or- served and everyene reported a Report of promotion examina- chestras were in full swing at the lW & R Sgood time. tiens at S. S. No. 12, Darlingten. Armouries and at tLe Town Hall Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Turner, Jean (H) Honors, 75 or over; (P) Pass afier the play cencluded. Botlh i EWELRY STORE and George. of Fort Francis and 60: (R> Recommended. places were crowded as wel] as a Toronto, Miss Mary Turner, Port Entrance-Steve Sobil, Camer- private dance hall at the nortl Phone 463 Bownianville Credit. and Mr. Carol Lord of on Stainton, Velma Balson, Lilian end of the village. Toronto, were weekend visitors Bowins. The cellebration closed ear]y in _______To Grade VIII-Doreen Balson the morning with many tired Or. (H),ShileyMartin (H), Dora angemen and womnen heading for (H-,, .s(Hrley are () home after one of the mest suc- Y L:son HIAlvi Waren Ptcessful days in hîstory. Margaret Killen (P) Committee members who must Grade VIl-Kathleen Cameron be given credit for the erganiza- BREA4ýD IS YOUR B3EST FOOD (H), Gordon Pascoe (H), Helen tien, include W. J. Riddel), C. A. Cameon (), DrisGlover (Pt, Brown, N. F. Porter. R. R. Wad- The Durham Dainty Loaf is the best bread Douglas Shackeîîon () Nick dell, E. J. Hamm, J. C. Gamev. Smuùth (P), Harold Snudden (R). A. E. Morton, H. Lewery, L. Dent. Eat lots of It! Grade VI-Betty Balson (H). O. W. Relph, E. Woodyard. L. Adam Lyson (H), Jean Morgan Lowery, A. E. West, C. T. Miller, (Pt, Hans Geisberger (Pt, Leon- W. E. Armstrong, H. M. Mercer, The C rter amilyard Giover (P). Keith Stainton F. O. Cooper. C. Shaw, J. H. Meor Th C rerF miy(P), Reuben Stewart (P). ris, M. H. Staples, J. A.Clre The ago is n yur sree evey dy.adne V-Elsie Lyson (Ht. W. J. Watson, C.B. Tvrell, R.A. 0 Th wagn ison sreetever day LawenceMartin (Ht, Ruth Rob- Forrester and C.H. Froste. bins (Ht, Mary Geisberger (Pt.),ID C M R Phone 855 Bowmanville Roy Snudden (Rt. A D C M R ________________________________________r Grade IV-Winnie Glover (Ht, (otne Io ae1 _____________________________________________________Rose Snudden (H), Paul Sobil (Cnnedfo paet (P).- ' terestung persenality, this unac- Grade III-Jean Cameron (H\. countable man bas allowed the Arthun Bshop (Pt. Jackie Cam- y oung pbotognapber te make eron(R).sîcidies of Lim tbrough ail the Grade I - Bert Beckel. Ruth stages of ber career. frem the W E D LIVE THE GON SBaison, Gienna M\organî, Jimmy!lime she began at eigbteen. Stainlon, Delmer Killen, Ronald, Smali. dark, vital, site is taker YOU WIL LKETH PRCE ATPoole.i for Russian, Chunese, or Japanese, YOU WIL UKETHE PRCE ATEva 'M. Cooke, teacher. i IN MI guess was Russiant. One ad- ________________ munung Japanese peet bold bei HARRY ALINS that she -,as the reincarnatuon e: _______________________ OVER 4000 PRESENT -at oefecoure"s. îLhe max' OCS=Z=ý(Continued from page 1) be ex-pnincess, 'is a lot of blah.- WG 1 ýÇBut I tbink she likes the idea. JI A IC C F E we may lose il as they have done "My life is exotic and fascinat- MA IC CO FE in Germany and other ceuntries, ing ail day long," she said, "'and stated Mr. Banister. when my day is finished 1 want Great Britain is our example. peace and quiet. People tel] me Po~u nd a a a t29 Le closed. Let us have respect 1 do net spend enough lime ou -for our government and our in- money on my appearance. No.1 _________________________________ stitutions as they have in Great look at beautiful people and spend ___________________________ Bntain. my meney on books." Mn. Froste emphasized that ne- "I have studied psycbology in Floveérdale, Orange Pekoe ligieus a;nd civil liberty, fr whicb order te understand the person I Aristocrat Fancy Quallty 1/ Au.pc oodZh1i 9,eaîg. gaphed the laIe Sir Harry Pres- PEAS ..................... 2 tins 25e .Olves quick,..i t on. He was the famous sperting 24 friend of the Duke of Windsor. He Fres Veetabes, ket crsp n ou colercame for a sitting and I suggested Fres Veetales ket crp i ou coler£ *that Le migbt like te brush bis bain, before going into the studio. 'That is the greatest compliment i ii11V ',,, "IIMP E 99M" 1 have ever received!' he said, and HARRY ALLIN - - IifU 1FF511 removed bis bat.Hewscm pletely Laid.' I remember Le sent Poe37-38Bowmnanviile me a gift of silk stockings for my Phone367 368compliment." _______________________________________________"Yo sa you photograph more ICanadians. Au.stralians and South Afnicans than any other photogna- cpher iun London. Tell me.Lo' do you fund tbem'? Howv do thev ecompi1ne xilh one anoîber' -Tht Ausînalians seem chanac- etenustu allu wanInand fruendly. IfiThe SeuL Afnucans toe. Some et tLe 'xomen fnom JohannesbUrg are the smartest I have even seen. nywc Canada is net se easy te type. I Lave met Nova Scotians with ItLe impulsive fruendlîness of îLel Australians. People from British Columbia. tee. And Winnipeg. But fnom the east. Toronto. 01- ,tawa. M.ontreal. you are quieter. Émore - aloof. shall I say? Self -suffirient. Oh yes. tbene us a dif- ference. You people fnom easten -Canada are duffenent frnom ail le others. I Lave found you se."' And that is what one London ,phetographen thinks of us. Hen naine? Pearl Freeman. ZMON I!iuu .speuit Satiirdaxl. a-i xitîu te tLe bereaved wife and famiiy: len, Mn. and Mrs. Percy Peters, Mr. '111(1Mn-Iý il. Mîînjuxin their sad loss. 1Toronto, visiteci at Mn. R. Gnif- N-. . ELijikiinaiffl Iiss Pî:rnul , The sympathy of tbis commun- fin's on Sunday. Misses Ruby and uxul fuc'i- i: Tûuuî is extended te Mn. Harvcy Celia Gniffin returned home with Brooks in tLe deatb of Lis mother .tbem le Toronto for a xvýeek's houi- i-.I. XW. t..lwill NI:- . Kat- who passed away on Monday in day. W . . X. Wiltni". IrS. H.1 Bowmanviile Hospital. Miss Eunice Knapp spent tLe un a -~lvi A J . Manul Mns. c-:week îvilh Miss 1Myn-tIe Page, En- niskiilen. Nu- ttuu nu!iîiu ililaving.: Union, Darlington Mrs. Frank Moore attended ber x~ ii iienu.. n l'in-x ic. *aunt:s (tneral, Mrs. McGee of .XIr. and îrs R. aru (Isd hitu Mn. and Mrs. William and eir>. T'n!tu.scre cut-.'tfNr.îBlanche visited at Mr. Dan Wet- anul %Ir-. fi. Ficnti n u Satuirdlav. ten's, Toronto, on Sunday. KuI n. nt.avenuly i. Dtuwi Mrs. C. Burgmaster, Enniskil-ý la,. an(] Bruce with Lx r larcnts. N. sud( Nr.,C. \V. Souch. NI n. ani Nir,. R.B t'-. Tx riw.ý wit li tr it n uni der, NI r-. E. St tu Nij-. Pt-t Si i un, wil i c ar-1 t -!) r lit...iviic Ni r.. l er i C lui BhuwNu îIlr . \ .S lcnlua uN.. .,d N . C .N. F. Wra j-cni tî t ýo îus ý h)u(I \x th i ciii nv Mn. aî frsM. Chia-. jttr.s al]I 1/l iiilut - n Suuuî il. i s'-utlu inituitî In il, "' >vt, rnr %Ir.& ;1 X r X'.Wl. n, Irn. Nnr...E. W s anid clildnen. Genaiii..- u-t-N an ,uuîBownmans flIc, vsuu iehr pareitý, -jean h pj,... u .uuuilu( r bT t kluaNa NI r. aud NI r. .. XVlluains. Tin1i jh x 1c'ic ai t. nt,,un'À1 NI u-es . IrnGilbert aid Eliiu Paru ,ný S.utunln..\ ixiauui u ntuuunuttl fn, a ,tIca- Ninuuî N r. u-euý ant wtuk-1's sqav au Stone,; Lake, andu î u'~NI-. l a'. Stinton ai- nW.t -a- xný uut xt ~t ai' Euu-l_àv. wpr_ ocamp tht nee. NI'--IiuuaW:rî îlava t MAPLE GROVE Nîr,,:l I--Ru-&lPuriu - ci Mn. Vernon Tnumble, Pont Hope, Xir '..i randusand 1- 'pent Sunday at home. The many Nant. utc Fu ncit, ifriends of Vernon are glad te >tr îî' -I: . .,t-n know Le Las started up for him- .\Ir. ;,ril Nir'.. Han-(%- Hazernman. ýself. W'e ail!xxish him every stuc- ýNitC ,uun i. tla'.a t i. I cess. W. 'a,,~ Mn. and iMrs. John Hopps and Mn.I -lu Vrx um. cnnu-two childnen, Toronto, recentlv dier t1, t 'Ccr . Het s able xisited Mn. and Mrs. Fred Stex'ens. tu 1- 'ut oaiu u1 Misses Nellie Snowden and Su- Xi 2lit 250H(trntia(it(Ih Mnf. anud Nîn-. sic Laird. Toronto, spent the xteek- LUn Pull .:i"t uuuuuht la-t wtek. !end at home with their parents. MnI. a:.ul NIr-. W.'lt Gla5pel. Mni. Mrs. Ray Snowden and threc antiNî- Truac\,(ilasuti anuci fails. -,daugbters, Toronto, visited ber .Nîn. and NIr-. F. 13. Glaspel anud1 parents a few days last week and familv utdî a îicnic atiX\'iIiam's: attended tLe Snowden and the Ptuint. Catsanc-a. Courtice-Everson picnics. Ray was MnI. an(u<i Nîs. Wnî. \'insouu and aIse down for tke picnics. famjlv%, lenczer, at Mn\I. Rav Cam- Mrs. Lou Pov,,Lr, Oshawa, spent eron ~ . .te weekend with her sister, Mrs. Mn. aud i.Nîns. J. XW. Raison and Fre Stevens. Jean at Nîr. Piake Oke's. Courtice. Miss Jean Miller, Ingersel, is Mr. and Ms J. Sis and Gordonu. visiting Miss Miidred Snowden. Beshaw. Alberta, were caiiing on Misses Freda, Betty and Mamie several friends arouind Zion. MnrMunday, Mn. Graden Munday, SuIs 1'. a fermer teacher of S.S. No. Sarnia, spent a few days with re- 12. Drlinton.latives. 12. Dnuinton.Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens and ____________________CMr. and Mrs. Arthur Foley spent a few days witb their brother HAMPTONFred and wife in St. Catharines. Mn ani M'. reean peî r Mr. Pbilip Everson, Montreal, visited at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's .Mr.andI\Is. recnanSPecerlast week. anti sonru Fanfrncm Buffalo, at'Mn. Miss Jean Stevens visited rela- an(I Nirs A. Clemens,'. 'Nîrs;. Wt. J. tives and friends in Oshawa ibis Clinîtuu. ntuinning with them for a week. ftw sutk' isit. Congratulations te Mn. and ýNIi>- ;itssie Knox i.' alirug short Mrs. J. D. Pickard on the arriva] exurc n-tiiTortonto. of a fine boy. .Ni-. Elintur SYkes is takinig a1 The relativ'es of Mrs. James A. ttuucliun.. >Ieciali short course in PLillips of New York were serry iiu-iic, in Tncixto. Ite bear of the passing of ber bus- Rt.ant Irsn'. W. C. Pearce, ci band. 0cr sympathy is extendcd I~t PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM The OLIVE OlLinthis unique shave cream soothes end conditions iritotd shin. LARGE TUN 3 lm NOW23 SUANT TUN 9 200»Y 3901ON Parke-Davis Euthymol ~ paste Cleanse. Polishea u Deodorimes A'80 PtteY .0 OBO-RtO-NO Stops Perspiration Bries In.tantly No fnmlng or m.m1,eus No wing i.ladry Pwoa.osayou 1 to 3 dqa .LV ti e, onV tJII ct ay Several from this community attended the Orange parade at Orone on Tuesday. Ladies' Swim Suits the latest styles and colora. .25 Many Bises 3.95 Children 's Bathing Suits Reg. 51.25 Reg. 98c .. . . . .. . . . . For .. . . . . .:For 90C soc Summer Dress Sale Continues This Weekend Beautiful Sheer Gowns Upwards from ..................5$1.95 Men's Summer Suits Priced to Clear As low as.....................5$12.50 Zipper Front Sport Shirts In Blue and White Price ...........................51I.55 Men *s Slacks- - - - $19 ocks Men' andBoys PuloverWindbreak" Men'sand Bys' Pilove Sweaters - - - 69c to $1.00 shot AU qaliy grmens tat ustand Ail ualty grmets tat ust dozens of other be items reduced. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 836 LIrMTED Bowmanville FRE 20e SIZE OF COLGATE'S DEAUTY RUBRLES The Newest Bath Creation -----With each 38c purchase of Colgate-Palmolive ýillm 1Products COLGATE PRODUCTS Tooth Paste- 19c-33c Tooth Powder- 19c-33c Shaving Cream- 19c-33c Shaving Stick Refiils 19e Cashmere Bouquet Soap - - 2 for lic PALMOLIVE PRODUCTS Shave Cream - 23c-39c Shampoo- - - 25c Soap - 6c - 3 for 17o Lge. lOc - 3 for 25e Be sure to take advantage of this special - Phone 792 Now. - off er. WASH CLOTHS ......... 4c POWDER PUFFS ........ 4cl TOOTH BRUSHES ........... DODD'S PULLS ............. lie 27e~ FILMS DEVELOPING AND Complete. fresh stock PRINTING of ail sizes. Prompt Service CAMERAS Films left in at 10 a.m. 69e to 520.00 ready at 6 p.m. PROTECT YOURSELF'AGAINST MAY FEVER Build resistance by taklng i. Nova-KeIp Tablets the mineral-rlch sea food. An excellent tonie for other disorders. Money back guarantee. 15b -79C -300- $1.39 750 -$2.79 MEUL~ATE~ hriqlilunywunllu/ 1otiI~ ~ NE~W PRLIIE Pinaud's Set-up - 60e WHITE SHOE CLEANERS 15c - 25c BATHING CAPS lSc to 49e BATHING SHOES 49e - 98e F E- Prescriptions a Specialty Al'ex Phone 792 McGreýor Druge We Deliveri IIL ............................ MODESS Softerl Salfer! 12 inbX1 2 Iboxes 414 50 in bx69e Modess Beits 9 e e s e k h e ýt , n n h ýr d n 0 p d e h ý-t ;t s 0 i. d ,e 'e e il h a h n or . . . . . . . . . . . ..................