' frr~ THE ANADAN' TATEMANBOWMNX'ILE, N T A RO T 1I R ~ D A V~1TLri1T14.193 back to the bench via the missed LUthird strike routc. and passedUM S AM three. And in passing we migiSPRhtTE A D L V ~menton thaonlyIVMr. Turpin îik- 1 ON flEI' LEGS 1' PREDicTIrONS SThe Royals opened the ru n- Ankies and Feet SWollen wlth We o ra hs su-tr S P O R T Î, N E W S ýmaking ~~~~~in th.- second session when huaimWeyoradts olsi- Colville reached first on the huits ring words the Junior bal club ROYALS TUE GAME would-be base stealers. hadi an off ishortstops faux pas, sto]e second, .Jciiýtsný;n hswmnt may be definitely eliminated from ZAnight. The villagers pilfered f ive jwn ntftidwe ip ea d wt . selngadin h las rif hydfa I N FINAL sTrAN A bases cleanly and three of Glenn si scored while Kent was being, flairrInition. yet these symptoms stil have a chance of gaining a Wate Smon t oîepegs were so bad that the runners tossed out at first. son disappeared, as they alwaN.z place in the post season series. at puze- h dom oes Bow- were able to advance another Tehmses idiwii ld h- h otcuei e-Bthwvrte aeotls thispuzze .. . hy oes ow-base. Two of the three runs were Th oetrtidtupn manile awas paywore aildiectreult o thseerrnttheir haîf without the benefit of io,,ed. This letter tells vou tue nîght, their season performance against Newcastle than against beaves, while the tbird score came1 a hit. Elliott walked, stole second "Ithodshten sed hasrrbl been iappoient n. t t e has any other team? For some mys- after Eddie Hicks had a spot of land third and came home when rhe astpaknilegs.itherriblebeenfquie ape Jntiatsties that terious reason the Royals have trouble with a hard grounder. lPollard heaved badly to third. were ialic pain nmes. hey ndarfew 0f thesexeJuiorsa feelthe always had trouble with their Lefty Phillips pitched his usual Nothing daunted, the Royals te were ad lv nflam ed wll e, anwaednthe exec utive payfavou eastern neighbors and Tuesday fine brand of haill.limitîng the not again 'went into the lead in Uthev ere ipax-o tl c oo th dw en ey urn ouptat a.int was no exception. I atwess oieNwatin ofv i.third when Phlliîps started thsehadlms Toptyfotdw nersesto eette nt In fct hen o dcileNewastiansto ive its toto the ground was agony. After 1 their brain that the executive, if ail is said and done, the Royals striking out thirteen and giving inning off with a line triple t a eni e o 6dysf hywr sslihadsal were probably lucky to get out of up four walks. Walton and Brunt rigbt-centre field and crossed the hdbe nbdfr1 as u hywr sslihadsal Newcastle with a 3 to 3 staiemate. shared four of the five bits, plate on Petre's infield out. fuing agonv al the trne, mv bus. minded as the players, would The game was called in the th. On the other side of the fence, But the pestiferous Tigers re- iand slieti.l e us ntro onuschen l eveague * * * *eiinth inning on account of darkness. Bill Brunt, who used to dress up fused to play dead and they even- inaîets.' H e atuste, an anleanost Glen Plladthecatb4g i a oyl uifom.was scattr ed the count on a walk to Wal- f rom the first I felt benefit. Be-I After the boys trimmed Oshawa mortician, who bas been death to ing eight hits, sent seven men ton. Hick's error and the fîrst hit fore long, 1 vas completely reliev~d two straight and took Cosgraves _____________________________________________by Newcastle, a single to ]eft by in an exhibition tilt, you could see Brunt. Things assumed a very - s welings, inflammation. 'and terhasepnig ti o ________________________________________________blue hue in the fifth as Newcastle uimps ail gone - and I arn up'againbda their ed xabxlity hadn't ex- took the lead for the first and andl doing my houlsewoeýk."-(Mrsj) panded in due proportions. From ..........ýlast time, and again Brunt was E.L. thtpito hyfie o r the villain aided by Rollard D o elz va assagodott rcie ibaydge !Walton cracked a single to centre eelo huai an ohn of regularity, and severai of the and went al the way to third but s;harp-edged uric acid crystals lads thought it was perfectly ai- when the Royal reevrtosd'hich foemi as the result of slug-rihtosaoums ftengh th alpst Amnes. From third gîsh eliminating organs. Kruschen before a game. Or maybe 1e Walton lhad no trouble scoring on' Saîts can alwavs be counted ilpon to preferred to go swimming aiaf Brunt's second hit. clear those painful crvstals f romn ternoon before playing a 6.30 Bill Bagneil decided this base the system. game, and while swimming en- piifering was a good idea, so gage in ail sorts of horse-play orv when he bounced a hit over third maybe play a few innings of soft- 1 in the sixth he very neatîy stole LIONS JUNIORS bail.4 second and third and came home DROP 7TN GAME Ti osnt p oal t when Kent singled to rigbt. Kent, Ti ontapyt l h icidentally, drove in two of the Let us hope that oid poker players however. Max Graham, Bmill scores, which is wbeeze "ýseven come eleven*" the Oshawa lad, is a noticeable sometimes known as coming thro' doesn't hold true mn basebali for exception. Max has attended al- ithe clutch. the Bowmanville Lions dropped most every practice, bas supplied to That concluded the scoring for their seventh straight game on bis own unîform, and for one cthe evening, aitbough botb teams Frîday nîght, iosîng to Cobourg game in Peterboro be drove out tossed in enougb tbreatening ges- by a 4 to 1 count, at the hîgh himself, making the trip in record W tresto eepthecrod o ede.school grounds. time, wben he was unabie to get Bowmarnville: T. Bagneli ss There just doesnt seemn to be away from work in time to go on a Petre lb, Hicks and Ames 2b, Col- any justice. In the two previous With the rest of the team. Cy ville If, B. Bagneil cf, Piper 3b, games the Juniors score nîne runs Siemon also thought enough of -.c lnd rtp ce n rKent rf, Pollard c, Phiiiips p.G.in Peterboro and lose by one run, the team to thumb his wayth Rickard rf, Waiton ss, Moise 2b, times and lose by one run, but Oshawa to play last Wednesday. f r hBrunt p, Graham lb, Eiiiott cf, J. when tbey bold the opposition to Ed. Witberidge bas played some Rickard c, Thackeray If, Brere- four counters the best tbey can do fine bail for the club this year And of the four runs wbîch Co- tion except second and catcher. bourg scored, every one was His bat bas been prominent in GE N ERAu L 0* ]EIr1CTIRIC TEN RUM MARGIN sighty tainted. Neither of our every game. Ralph Ares bas m omlft ISL C L that bail to second base in time to per cent over last season. AIR-FL O Cleaner (WIfftac hm.aits Gathenîng in eleven runs in a nip would-be pilferers, with the**** T HINX 0F IT 1 A complete house cleaning combination whîch cleans faster, and more efficiently, than other cleaners o! the same type seling fram $20 ta $30 morel At this low price ANVONE can affard a G-E Air-Flo Cleaner- and the terms are so easy, you can easily buy it out o! house- keeping money. Bc gsre t see the G-E Air-FIa before yau buy any cleaner I Wq'Ul be glad to demanstrate it right in your own home- or at aur store, Also Trade-in and Rebuit Vacuum Cleaners Upwards from............. $4.95 DON CHRISTIAN IELIECTIRIC Phone 84 Oshawa 38 sirncoe st., N. These Values Effec- tive for July liii 10 16tls 19-oz. 'Tin Sic.d 18-oz. Tin C"b wiid and wooily first inning, the Bowmanville Girls coasted to an easy 25 10 15 victory over the Port Hope Alerts here on Fniday nigbt. For those fans wbo ike to see lots of bits and lots of runs, thîs game furnisbed a real treat. Forty runs in six and a bal! inn- ings and we couldn't even keep traek o! Use number o! bits that ratied off the opposing bats with aimost monotonous regu 1 a r i I y. Likewise we wouid bale to bazard a guess as to the number o! mis- plays that occurred during the hour and a bai! of play. But it was a lot o! fun and as the local girls were neyer in dan- ger o! iosing it was a great game. Fourteen batters went to Use plate in the Bowmanville bal! o! the first inning and bow Usey teed off on the southpaw siants o! Use starting Port Hope heaver. Tbe first nmne bitters for Bowmanvilie ail reacbed base. In the meanlime, while ber teammates were piiing up the runs, Dot White, wbo bas been doing al the burling since Saliy fKiipatrick was injured down i Cobourg, was taking things nice and easy. The Hopers scored tbree times in the first frame and pkept easing the odd run over the piale finisbing up witb a six-run splurge in the last stanza. 3 Tns 25 1-lb ~ Pkg. .71 ALL BRAND __ 2oz, 101/2-0z. Tici 3Tins.1 TOMATO ue_3_Ti..2514 FANCY PACK< 'sRT orJlln 8 .25 SHRtimps - - -~.1 7 puAEWx f'o..J2 CHASE AND SANBORN 3 HEINZ INFANT F0005 2 41 PURITAN ORIGINAL OVEN BAKED 9 DEANS 29 PURITANOPI9GINAI. BROWN 1-z DiEAD WITH RAISINS Tin lz C OOKbLI ali O DOMINO 5-1b. Pkg. SOAP FLAKES --.43 SOAKS CLOTHES WHITER RINSO - Lge. Pkg. .23 SUNLIGHT SOAP - . -.04 LIFEBUOY SOAP - Coke .0 7 FR Y'S COCOA . -12-b. Tin . CLA SSIC CLEANSER - Tin .05 MANY F10WERS SWAP -6 Cokes .25 SCOrI TISSUE 2 Rols M2 result that every single might just as weil be a double. Campbell opened the second frame for Cobourg witb a single, stole second, went to third on an infieid out and then scored wben Ed. Hooper took bis time about picking up a littie pop fiy and then threw wildly to the plate. An error and a hit enabied King to make the entire trip aiso. Their other two runs came in the fourth wben with one out Ronnie Hooper kicked in with an error, Blastorab siipped a double 10 ighî and then after two were out Payne hit to centre. Bowmanviile got no resuls from a walk and a bit in the first innings and got exactiy Use same resuIts fromn a bit and a wa]k in the second. In Use third they ai- tered proceedings and got two bits but the answer was just tbe same. Tbey went ouI in order in the fourtb wbich was aimost bet- ter than seeing runners lefI stranded. but in the fiftb tbey went on a scoring spree, McFeet- ers slamming a nice uine triple to left centre and scoring wbile Ames was being thrown out at first. In the sixtb tbey again went out in order and in the seventb Ibey put Iwo men on tbrougb a walk and an error but as usual that meant tbe next man went ouI. Ed. Hooper pitcbed fine baIl in Ibis game and deserved a better fate but bis support bogged down aI limes althougb bis teammates did corne Ibrougb witb a pair of double piays wben daring base- runners became a litlto0 bold. On the other band. Cobourg gave Bateman excellent support. Payne in left field puiiing a Jesse James on Ames and Witberidge. Line-up: McFeeters If, Ames 2b. Mcivýeenand Nichols c, Witb- eridge, lb, Gabam rf, Colville cf, E. Hooper P, Rice 3b, R. Hooper and K. Slemon ss. COUNTY TOWNE RS TrAKE HOMEBREWS1, But the Junior bail team is not the only one to bave trouble al- Ibough il is the one whicb bas done the least and was expected to do the most. Ernie Hunt bard- ly ever knows who he will bave in bis line-up untii just before game time. AI the start o! the season, Sally ipatrick was bis oniy pitcber. When she was :n- jured Dot White took up Use art and bas been doing very well. In an attempt to boister the squad, Ernie bled bimseif to Mapie Grove and brougbt back Mildred Snow- den who knows a few Ihings about pitcbing, and Jean Stevens who is an outfieider deluxe. This pair piayed a major part in trouncing Port Hope, but it seems tbat tbe rural league in whicb Maple Grove piays bas a ruiing which said nay nay to Iheir play- ers playing elsewbere and so tbat was Usat. But Saily is about ready to return to the wars, in fact she played third in Cobourg Monday nigbt and was a bit of airigbt, so maybe Ernie wili be able to relax for a bit. Incidentai- ]y Cobourg wiii pay the local las- sies a caîl on Monday night and everyone is invited and don't try so bard to miss the collection Iak- er thal you miss part of the bal game. The Intermediates may bave a bit o! startlîng news to announce in a day or so concerning a pair o! Osbornes. Il seems that botb Dave and Dutch bave signed their John Henrys to certificates and may be in uniform shortly. The addition o! this pair, plus a couple or tbree o! the Juniors and the Royals sbould be ready to resume Useir place as undisputed leaders o! this Lakeshore league. And now folks, let us outline your week's sport activities. To- nigbî Providence and Countice wii] provide a bit o! fast softball at the Cream o! Barley. commenc-1 ing at 7.30. Monday nigbt Cobourg girls do battie witb our prides and Bowmanville are going 'o Ernie Hunt took bis Bowman- first reverse. ville Girls to Cobourg on Monday**** night, and wbile tbey made a Bwavle ocrsudwl greatly improved sbowi ng OverBpI ay Clareonton the udll their previous visit, Ibey agaîn plrouamndsturdnyte7lp.m. Iook il on the chin, this time by grud hsStdaa 7pm an Il to 7 score. The boys are going great guns Only for one inning did the this year and would appreciale a Bowmanvilhites enjoy the iead litîle better support. Tbey recent- but tbeV gave a good accounit o! ly defeated Hampton 3-2. themselves througbout. Tbey oui-*** bit Cobourg 13 10 Il but tbey also Cobourg Inlermediates w i 1l commiîted four errors to Co- meet the Royals at the sebool bourg's one. The main trouble gstounds on July 191b înstead of witb the Hunters is to gel the July 20th, as the Rotary Carnival third man out. Only once in Ibis is being beld thal day. Don't for- game did Cobourg score before get the date - July 119 - Cobourg two were dlown. vs Bowmanville. Woodward and Wbite started the game off witb bits and both LAKESHORE LOOP scored 10 give Bowmanville a UM RES RO send-off in tbe rigbt direction. M IE R I Cobourg came back witb one run TEAMI AFFILIATION and added tbree more in Use sec- ond on a double, single and home Sid Little of llownianville of- run. Isobel Bickell, wbo bit safe- fcaî confrmed his retîremrint ly on eacb o! ber four appear- f rom 1uiriniring in the Lakeshore ances at the plate, bounced one Intermediate Basebal croup ai a off the rooif of the bouse in left meeting of that hodv beld ai the fiedbora orne in tbe third. Queen's Hoiel, Port Hope, Friday Cbgsof h hrd nei their baievening, Rov Dodge of Cobourg, o! he hir ad pshe oer four President. occnpied the chair. mrore in the fourth 10 give îbem ersjttvs rm alcus a 9 t0 3 margin. ersttvsfotalcu, Dol Wbite wa]ked in Use fifth, with the exceklion of Sunderland, 1. Bicke]l doubled 10 centre and were prescrnt ai the meeting and Kilpatnick bit 10 lefI bo add two a general discussion on leaguie af- more runs 10 the Bowmanviile fai es took place. The question oif total, and tbeir final two runs two of the league's umpires being came wiîb two out in the ninth connected with basebaîl clubs ini on bits by Bickell, Kilpatrick, Gil- the group was brotght before the booley and Clark. meeting. The two involved were Bowmanville: W o o d w a r d c,' Kencfick ansd Moise, hoîh of New- Wbite p, Sleep ss, 1. Bickell If, castle. Kenefick lias iîeen acting as Kilpatrick 3b, Gilbooley lb, Clark coachi of the Newcastle club and cf, J. Large 2b, D. tickeli r!. Moise has been plaving <n the team. ____________________Moise's case wvas deali witb first Amnong the great roads in the and the resîmît of the voie gave bistory o! the world ranking wiîh -M.Qse permission t0 continume play- Ihose o! the Romans, the Egypt- me for tlîe casteen village and per- ians and tbe Carîbaginians, were mission to iimpire. The league de- the Inca Roads o! Peru. cided to allow Kenefick to continue 1Both Uperý and Lower Canada began an active policy" 0f road building after the War of 1812 and over $2.000.000 was voted in the next thirty years. Ancient Peruvians are credited with "one of the great engineer- ing wonders of the world*" in a 4,000 mile paved route through the Andes mountains. IWARDEN'S EXCURSIONI COBOURG To iin mîriing but lie imu st gi ve 1n1) n association as c 'ach of the teail. The k azur axcd a l)aseballj toIrflalcnt betwecn P,û>Wnmanx îýlkc. Newcastle .New tonville anid 7, et Hope. whiclh will be playeil, Alî"Ignq 1, at Newcastle. Permission for the tournev w il lhe sought froni the O. B.A.A. in v iewv of the fact hhat ai outside team, Newtonville, vîll le piart icipati ng. Sid Little of the Bowmnanx ivi club asked permission for the posq iPonement of a fixture between Ca)- bourg and Bowrnanville, at PBow- manville, Iuly 20. MeI. Little pointed out that on this date the Bowinan- ville Rotarv Club holds its animal street fair and it was felt that ilis would interfere with gaie recempîs of the baIl club. The league grant- ed Bowmanville its reeuest and b,-tî teamns invclved will arrange a -suit- able date on which to play ilhe matcb. Bill Corden of Bowmanville, stat- e(l that umpires in the league sbould use the authoeitv geanîed them in keeping fflayers an(l spectators alilke under control. He stated tha t to mutcb feeling was shown by inmpires towards clubs.1 $2eOO Going- Lv. Cobourg ---- 7.00 a.m. Ar. Oswego, N.Y.. .1.00 p.m. Returnlng- Lv. Oswego Ar. Cobourg 6.00 P.M. ---12.00 P.m. - Music by Red 's Serenaders - for round and square dancing. Bring your basket and meet your friends from neighboring Counties. Extension Trip to Syracuse, N.Y. VIA. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RR. CO. Lv. Oswego, N.Y. - 1.30 p.m. Lv. Syracuse, N.Y. 4.45 p.m. Ar. Syracuse, N.Y. 2.20 p.m. Ar. Oswego, N.Y. - 5.40 p.m. Tickets may bc purchased on Steamer. Low Prices for Meals on Steamer. RPoyal Theatre 1 BOWMAN VILLE THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Robert Young, James Stuart, Lionel Barrymore and Billy Burke in NavyOBlue and GoId' The love story of Annapolis packed with a humnan interest story and plenty of good comnedy. QUEN 0F MAOIC EPISODE 3 wdL LARRY"BOUSTFR" (CRABBE SELECTED SHORTS and NEWS REEL Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY - JULY 18 -19 - 20 TRNE ALIRK DON POWUR.FAYE *AMECHE ACI AND? DBRUN BRADY- DEVINE DONLEVY PIlà UOKSTom]BROWN, Sidlney LACEMfl Berton CHURCHILL, lune STOREY, Paul HURS? and caat of thousanda Dftrctd by' HENY KING AsoitProducer Kewseth mecgowen. Scr.en P&? J y Lamer TroMtiand Souy. Levisa. Lied on 4 tory by Niven Busch. Municeand Lyrics bGordon and Direct from it.9 Revel, Pollack mnd MtchJL senaafional '$2.00 two-a -day runsI >1 Technieolour Comedy - "The Tears 0f An Onilon- Matinees: Monday and Wednesday 2.30 p.m. PAGE EIGHT j' I B AYLMER CHOICE CORN GOLDENBANTAM WHITI 3 TIS25 STANDARD NO. 4SIEVE Tins 5 PINEAPPLE BROWN LABEL BLACK BALADA TEA e' .36 -O INO 'IX5T tXI '.);S J CHILDREN 5 YEARS AND UNDER 12 - $1.00 With optional extension via De]. Lack. & W. KY- To Syracuse, N.Y. - $3.00 Chü&den - $1.50 WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 SCHEDULE - Standard Time THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 14TI-1, 1938 JULY 14-15-16 .041*10.11